[Q] Unknown number on second line issue - Nokia Lumia 920

Hi guys,
I have been using the Lumia 920 for about 2 months now and I am pretty much satisfied, but I have a problem. I would be happy if you can help me out.
While I am in a call and somebody calls me on the second line, many times I get a call from an unknown number. For example today, I was talking to a friend and in the mean time my wife called. I see that someone is calling me but it says that the number is "Unknown". And it happens for many callers I get, not just my wife. Then when I look at the call log, it still says that it is a missed call from an Unknown number. Any idea is there a fix for that or I just need to wait for the next version of WP and hope it will be fixed.

ThE_mASk said:
Hi guys,
I have been using the Lumia 920 for about 2 months now and I am pretty much satisfied, but I have a problem. I would be happy if you can help me out.
While I am in a call and somebody calls me on the second line, many times I get a call from an unknown number. For example today, I was talking to a friend and in the mean time my wife called. I see that someone is calling me but it says that the number is "Unknown". And it happens for many callers I get, not just my wife. Then when I look at the call log, it still says that it is a missed call from an Unknown number. Any idea is there a fix for that or I just need to wait for the next version of WP and hope it will be fixed.
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I have the same issue. I think it's related to a call divert, when my phone is not reachable - do you have any call diverts configured ?

The issue could also be that your second line does not support or is not configure by your provider for caller ID.

The issue could also be that your second line does not support or is not configure by your provider for caller ID.
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No, that is not the case, since by last phone that I used on that SIM card was an iPhone 4S and I am still using it with another SIM card on the same mobile provider. On the iPhone I don't have that problem.
I have the same issue. I think it's related to a call divert, when my phone is not reachable - do you have any call diverts configured ?
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Yes, I have a call divert. The same one that you mentioned. When my phone is not reachable it gets redirected to my other phone.
I guess that might be the problem. But how do I fix it? Remove the forwarding? I don't want to do that.


[SOLVED]Incoming diverted call notification

I'd like to bring again into attention this lack of functionality of both Android and WinMo devices.
As far as I know, with the exception of Nokia and some Sony-Ericson devices, no others notify about receiving a call made on a diverted phone.
That is, if I have 2 numbers (A and B) and A is diverted to B, if I receive a call on A I don't see a "diverted" icon (or sign of any kind) on the phone with number B.
Still no solution or software for this?
P.S. Also when you call somebody and you are waiting on line (the other party has "call waiting" activated), there is no "waiting" sign to notify you.
This call waiting issue is also present on iPhone. I don't understand why these two functions are not present in smartphones (except Nokia Symbian) and at the same time the cheapest dumb phones have them
Actually, call waiting works for me. Whenever I am on a call and someone else calls, I hear a beep and I can see on the screen that I have another call. If I don't answer, the other call stays in my call history as an unanswered call.
About the first issue, I wondered about that too. I had a really dumb Sony Ericsson phone which supported this feature.
P.S. I misread your call waiting issue... Whenever I call someone who has call waiting I get a beep that tells me I am waiting... However, as far as I know this is an operator feature. On another operator a voice actually tells you to wait because the other party is talking.
sveon said:
However, as far as I know this is an operator feature.
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I didn't switch to another operator, I just switched from Nokia E66 to iPhone and later to Legend when I lost that feature.
i get another issu too !!
and am sure you all get it ..
in (smart) dumb phones when i call my manager (and my manager is already talking in a call with his wife for example) it gives me different call sound tone, to notify me he is in a call so i stop calling and wait to call again later ...
in (stupid) smart phones, Windows Mobile and Legend !
if i call my manager and he is already in a call, i never hear anything to notify me! so i dont stop my call , and it really seems so stupid and disturbing from me sometimes !
the reason is what ?
i dont really know ....
is it that much hard to put these simple options ?
... suggests that the functionality is within the stock Android dialler, but not in the HTC dialler. Use a ROM that allows you to install the standard dialler and use that by default?
sveon said:
Actually, call waiting works for me. Whenever I am on a call and someone else calls, I hear a beep and I can see on the screen that I have another call. If I don't answer, the other call stays in my call history as an unanswered call...
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I was talking about "call waiting" notification when you are calling someone that has call waiting function, not when you are the one that is called and you're notified about a second incoming call. biomy explained better the idea that I was talking about.
And no, there is not about the operator. You can have a nokia on any carrier, it'll work the same. It's just the way the phone or it's software decodes the incoming call signal. As this is received by all phones the same, I presume any phone/software can decode it in the same way nokia is doing if it has this implemented. As far as I know though, there is no application on the market (paid or free) that does this simple thing. I'm sure most of us will even pay for it.
Same here.. All calls from my boss diverted to my number if he didn`t pick up phone in 10 seconds.. My old Nokia 6233 show green arrow for diverted calls, but no any notification about it with my Samsug Galaxy Spica and Samsung Galaxy S.
new_bember said:
Same here.. All calls from my boss diverted to my number if he didn`t pick up phone in 10 seconds.. My old Nokia 6233 show green arrow for diverted calls, but no any notification about it with my Samsug Galaxy Spica and Samsung Galaxy S.
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Any updates on this please?
I have the same issue. No diverted call icon when an incoming call which has been diverted comes through
No update...seems like nobody has found a solution to it. Still waiting, pity we don't have such thing
Maybe we're not so many that needs this, in order for someone to start looking and develop something. My hope is that a developer will need this feature at some time and he'll start doing it. (or we should find a Nokia with Android )
If some android phones have the diverted call notification (galaxy s on 2.1) can the code be ported to other devices?
I divert calls from my work phone to my personal mobile, and really need to be able to tell when I'm receiving a diverted call from my work number
Samsung is the second phone brand that includes this in all or most of their phones. Doesn't matter if it's Android or not, Nokia and Samsung has this feature (and as I know they're the only ones to do it).
Maybe there is hope if an Samsung Android phone (Galaxy S) has it...maybe there will be a developer that will try to find a way or reverse engineer the ROM to find the code for it. I am willing to pay for it for sure and I'm sure some other will as well.
Diverted Call Display app for Android
After the issue bothered me enough, I have made an attempt at detecting incoming diverted calls.
The app is using the device log to find out if an incoming call is diverted, and thus needs READ_LOGS permission. READ_PHONE_STATE is needed to get notified about incoming calls.
So far the app has been tested on CyanogenMod 5 and 7 on GSM/UMTS phones. It probably won't work at all on CDMA devices and neither on devices which already implement any type of diverted call notification.
Please test if it works for you and tell me your Android firmware version (and if it's an AOSP-based community firmware).
Nexus S 3G i9023, CM7.1.0-NS - works well )) Thank you.
Xperia Arc 2.3.4 original rom OK.
I would like to be saved in the call log.
It works perfect in HD2, HyperDroid-CM7-v5.3.0 [CyanogenMod7 LEO 2.3.7][seader_R9].
That's a great thing, you've made...alot of people happy.
Unfortunately, I've changed my Legend and replaced it with a Desire S. Playing with other ROMs, I've finally installed a MIUI ROM and it seems this "diverted notification" IS integrated in MIUI. So for me the problem was solved by having a MIUI ROM. Though I'll ask my friend who's now the owner of my ex Legend to test this...he's still using CM 7.1 on it.
Works fine on Motorola Defy with MIUI 2.3.5.
Thank You very much Ge0rG for such a beautiful solution of that problem.
Can you please add to your application notification for "call waiting" and "on hold"?
Because Motorola's and HTC's doesnt have this features.
P.S. I was talking about "call waiting" notification, when you are calling someone that has call waiting function & you call him on the second line.
Brilliant... Works a treat for me...
HTC Desire HD - Stock (Orange UK) ROM.
Android 2.3.3
Thanks - brilliant idea and well implemented - congratulations.
Works on Nexus One with actual cyanogenmod nightly (cm_passion_full-253, 7.2.0-RC0(?)). Perfekt!
It will be great, if this could be included in cyanogenmod directly.

[Q] Caller ID Issue - displays as PayPhone (Rogers/Fido/International users beware)

I'm running an unlocked and rooted Atrix on Fido in Canada and have noticed a peculiar problem. Whenever a call is made to me from my landline at home, the Caller ID displays "Pay Phone" instead of the contact associated with that number. This does not happen with my wifes iPhone or my old HTC Desire HD. Other landline numbers show up properly, but this (and one other number) keep showing up as "Pay Phone". I've tried removing the number from the associated contact, but it keeps showing up as "Pay Phone".
Anyone else seen this with their Atrix? Any helpful suggestions?
Cause Determined: See this post for more details:
Installed TrueCaller on my Atrix - this does report the number correctly but the font is pretty small and not too readable.
It seems like the number is being transmitted, but the stock caller ID app has a bug that causes it to display "Pay Phone". Looking around on the web shows it may be a Rogers/Fido network - Stock caller ID app issue that may be the root of the problem.
If anyone is on the Fido/Rogers network, are you seeing this sort of behaviour on your Atrix?
I'll be able to let you know later in the week. I should have mine on Rogers by mid-week.
rajeshr said:
Installed TrueCaller on my Atrix - this does report the number correctly but the font is pretty small and not too readable.
It seems like the number is being transmitted, but the stock caller ID app has a bug that causes it to display "Pay Phone". Looking around on the web shows it may be a Rogers/Fido network - Stock caller ID app issue that may be the root of the problem.
If anyone is on the Fido/Rogers network, are you seeing this sort of behaviour on your Atrix?
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Thanks for using TrueCaller!
/Team TC
This happened to me earlier today. I'm on Rogers.
Caller called from north on Mississauga road - a business (I was expecting it). Big office, many trunks in the building. I've never had it display as PAY PHONE before though today it did.
This isn't happening from all calls, just this one so far.
I think the Motorola support folks have found the root of the problem. It looks like there is a bug in the Atrix Dialer app that makes it behave incorrectly and display "Pay Phone" without the number if you have Caller ID with Name Display enabled with your carrier.
Rogers(and Fido) is the only North American carrier (I think) that has the option to give you the Name Display along with Caller ID. The fix for now is to get Rogers/Fido to enable Basic Caller ID (without Name Display) and then the numbers will start showing up. It sucks to lose Name Display and I hope the Motorola development team will have a fix for it at some point.
BTW, this will affect any carrier worldwide that has the Name Display option with Caller ID.
FYI - here's a thread I've had going on the Motorola Support forums.
mister_al said:
This happened to me earlier today. I'm on Rogers.
Caller called from north on Mississauga road - a business (I was expecting it). Big office, many trunks in the building. I've never had it display as PAY PHONE before though today it did.
This isn't happening from all calls, just this one so far.
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Yes, I found it happened only on certain numbers, not on all.
How did you get True Caller - did you sideload it? I can't get it from the market
mister_al said:
How did you get True Caller - did you sideload it? I can't get it from the market
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TrueCaller is available from the market. The only issue with it is that the Caller ID number is displayed only for 1-2 rings. Unless I am waiting for it, I'm not fast enough to see the number with TrueCaller until the call ends.
If the caller ID problem really annoys you (like it did me), you should ask Rogers to remove the Name Display option from your Caller ID.
i got the same problem, grrrrrrr
any way of getting the dialer from another build of android?
this sucks, i hate that all calls are as Pay Phone
rajeshr said:
TrueCaller is available from the market. The only issue with it is that the Caller ID number is displayed only for 1-2 rings. Unless I am waiting for it, I'm not fast enough to see the number with TrueCaller until the call ends.
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So it's not the best solution :/
If the caller ID problem really annoys you (like it did me), you should ask Rogers to remove the Name Display option from your Caller ID.
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But won't this remove ALL name display? I only get the caller ID issue for some numbers but not all.
-Roze- said:
But won't this remove ALL name display? I only get the caller ID issue for some numbers but not all.
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name display is a feature that you can add or remove from the basic caller id, it shows up the names of people calling who are not on your contact list. if you ask for it remove and someone that is not on your contacts calls you then you will only see the number. just make sure that you still have caller id without name display.
neotekz said:
name display is a feature that you can add or remove from the basic caller id, it shows up the names of people calling who are not on your contact list. if you ask for it remove and someone that is not on your contacts calls you then you will only see the number. just make sure that you still have caller id without name display.
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So just to confirm, if you're in my contact list, your name is still displayed?
-Roze- said:
So just to confirm, if you're in my contact list, your name is still displayed?
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yup you still see their names
neotekz said:
yup you still see their names
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Thanks Tested and it works!
Anyone tested to see if the new firmware fixes the issue?
Sent from my MB860 using XDA App
the update wont fix this as its not a problem with bell and at&t atrix. doubt they are ever going to do anything about this unless the phone comes to a carrier with name display.
Maybe, but it would be nice to get a confirmation from a rogers customer
Sent from my MB860 using XDA App
neotekz said:
the update wont fix this as its not a problem with bell and at&t atrix. doubt they are ever going to do anything about this unless the phone comes to a carrier with name display.
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Well the Atrix will be released in Europe soon, so maybe that version will have the name display option like us What do you think? lol

Why does it always say "Conditional call forwarding active" when I make any call?

Why does it always say "Conditional call forwarding active" when I make any call?
Hi there, basically I bought a new and sealed T-Mobile branded Samsung Galaxy SII phone from eBay and am using my 3 mobile sim in it.... I assume it wasn't originally locked when I bought it, as I went through the root and unlock method (ChainFire app), and the code was 00000000, and never at any point asked me to enter that code into the system, so hey, my 3 sim seems to work in it.... apart from the fact that for every call I make the message "Conditional call forwarding active" always crops up with a beep to go with it, then after a couple of seconds the call is made. It isn't a major problem as such I don't think, but hell it definitely isn't normal and is quite annoying after spending £400 on this otherwise amazing phone.
I have tried to fiddle with the settings but for some reason I cannot disable any of the call forwarding settings, some sort of error message crops up. I have phoned up the 3 network who I am with three times today and they asked me to enter a few # codes to sort the problem out, but I had no luck, and then they had me factory reset the phone using the option in the settings. I did that, and I still have this problem. I also get the message "Connection problem or invalid MMI" when entering most # codes, this seems to have happened after rooting, though I am not 100% sure if that is the case.
My phone is the Samsung Galaxy S II I900, just to confirm that.
I look forward to hearing from you guys
I am on Three and I get the same message although my S2 was purchased from O2 then rooted. I have not seen any other reports about this but the message has not bothered me.
I have the same message. Ave tried several hings without success, however since it really does nothing, I am starting to get use to it. But if someone knows how to solve it please let us know
voice mail
Hi guys i have this to but it only started when i activated my voicemail so i think its down to the voicemail
e.g if your on the phone and someone else calls they are placed forward to your voice mail ???
hope this helps
Hey there guys, thanks for the replies so far, glad to hear others are experiencing this annoying problem. I seem to have had this since rooting it, originally T-Mobile though I am 99% it was never "locked" to the network for some reason as I mentioned as I have never had to enter the 00000000 code, which the free ChainFire sim app gave me (seems like it means it is unlocked already???). The guys on the 3 helpline were giving me loads of codes which weren't of any help, and telling me about what options I could fiddle around with, but I had tried all of these to no avail.
Are people also getting the MMI message I mentioned in my original post, whenever they enter # codes in the dialer? It seems to me that both of these problems started at the same time (this error message and the forwarding issue - I am sure they are linked). It means, for example, I probably won't be able to set up a speed dial because of it, nor will I be able to use the "secret codes" as mentioned in the dedicated thread of the same name on this site.
Why is it a problem for some and not for the majority of people, we must have something in common which we have done with our phones which has caused this?
I really hope someone can sort this annoying problem out.
It's normal. "Call Forwarding Active" is displayed when all calls are forwarded. "Conditional Call Forwarding Active" shows when forward when busy, forward when unanswered, or forward when unreachable is selected. To make the message go away you'd have to disable the three forwarding options in their settings. The pre-populated number is always your carrier voicemail (read from the SIM) or Google Voice.
BarryH_GEG said:
It's normal. "Call Forwarding Active" is displayed when all calls are forwarded. "Conditional Call Forwarding Active" shows when forward when busy, forward when unanswered, or forward when unreachable is selected. To make the message go away you'd have to disable the three forwarding options in their settings. The pre-populated number is always your carrier voicemail (read from the SIM) or Google Voice.
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Cheers for the reply Barry, yeah I expect it is normal but the thing is I cannot change these settings, my phone won't let me as an error comes up. I know it's not a major problem, just a bit annoying I can't get it to go away. I can't disable those three things, I tried a few times already.
Plus, I constantly get the MMI error message, which I mentioned before, seems a bit of a coincidence how these problems started the same time. I can't enter the majority of "#" codes into the dialer, it always says "USSD Running" or something along those lines and then produces the message like 2 seconds later.
Any ideas? Thanks so far for the advice
I have this problem but unlike all others I cannot make any calls on account of it. When I try to disable call forwarding I get an error msg saying it's not supported by the operator.
There HAS to be a way to fix this. I cannot make any calls or use 3G.
Try this
menu-call-additional setting-select network default...
It work with my sgs2.
On the Galaxy S2 if you go to: settings-call-call settings-call forwarding-voice call forwarding -- You will most likely see that for unanswered or unreachable calls it's not disabled because it forwards it to your voicemail, that's why it says conditional call forwarding is active. If you disable all options you won't get the message but then unanswered calls won't go to voicemail.Hope that helps.
dynamicbot said:
Hi there, basically I bought a new and sealed T-Mobile branded Samsung Galaxy SII phone from eBay and am using my 3 mobile sim in it.... I assume it wasn't originally locked when I bought it, as I went through the root and unlock method (ChainFire app), and the code was 00000000, and never at any point asked me to enter that code into the system, so hey, my 3 sim seems to work in it.... apart from the fact that for every call I make the message "Conditional call forwarding active" always crops up with a beep to go with it, then after a couple of seconds the call is made. It isn't a major problem as such I don't think, but hell it definitely isn't normal and is quite annoying after spending £400 on this otherwise amazing phone.
I have tried to fiddle with the settings but for some reason I cannot disable any of the call forwarding settings, some sort of error message crops up. I have phoned up the 3 network who I am with three times today and they asked me to enter a few # codes to sort the problem out, but I had no luck, and then they had me factory reset the phone using the option in the settings. I did that, and I still have this problem. I also get the message "Connection problem or invalid MMI" when entering most # codes, this seems to have happened after rooting, though I am not 100% sure if that is the case.
My phone is the Samsung Galaxy S II I900, just to confirm that.
I look forward to hearing from you guys
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Its just simple, Just take out ur sim card put it will some other mobile and cancle all diverts....and then put it back to ur mobile again and then check out wat happned....
---------- Post added at 01:41 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:36 PM ----------
dynamicbot said:
Hi there, basically I bought a new and sealed T-Mobile branded Samsung Galaxy SII phone from eBay and am using my 3 mobile sim in it.... I assume it wasn't originally locked when I bought it, as I went through the root and unlock method (ChainFire app), and the code was 00000000, and never at any point asked me to enter that code into the system, so hey, my 3 sim seems to work in it.... apart from the fact that for every call I make the message "Conditional call forwarding active" always crops up with a beep to go with it, then after a couple of seconds the call is made. It isn't a major problem as such I don't think, but hell it definitely isn't normal and is quite annoying after spending £400 on this otherwise amazing phone.
I have tried to fiddle with the settings but for some reason I cannot disable any of the call forwarding settings, some sort of error message crops up. I have phoned up the 3 network who I am with three times today and they asked me to enter a few # codes to sort the problem out, but I had no luck, and then they had me factory reset the phone using the option in the settings. I did that, and I still have this problem. I also get the message "Connection problem or invalid MMI" when entering most # codes, this seems to have happened after rooting, though I am not 100% sure if that is the case.
My phone is the Samsung Galaxy S II I900, just to confirm that.
I look forward to hearing from you guys
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Just simple take out your sim card and put in some other mobile and cancel all divert and then put it back to ur mobile and check out wat happened ....
s_rajkotia said:
Its just simple, Just take out ur sim card put it will some other mobile and cancle all diverts....and then put it back to ur mobile again and then check out wat happned....
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you realise thats almost a year old? Check the dates on threads before you post
ADMIN EDIT: True, but it is a current issue for some people so it's still valid to answer the question.
Doesn't work
My phone drops every call, even with SIM cards from different countries and in all conditions. Thinking this call forwarding might have something to do with it, I tried to deactivate it, first through the settings -- no luck -- than by reformatting the phone. Nothing, cannot get rid of it because it says it is set by the 2 different phone companies I use.
I don't mind the message but when I call someone, I can hear that the call is being sent somewhere, there is a 1st ring, then it rings the other phone. Does this have to do with call forwarding? Can it be interrupting the phone signal and causing the call to drop ?
I have also removed both the Turkcell and Telefonica SIM cards, put them into another unlocked phone and tried to cancel but as soon as I put them back, the message returns and my calls drop.
Im also getting this error when I updated to 4.1.2 and used galaxy s2 sim unlock
Has nothing to do with call forwarding !!!
The Message worked on all AT&T cell phones, since i can remember,. i been using go phones since 06..... and they all had this message when right after the number was just dialed, right after pushing the green phone icon button to dial it , right after entering the number to be dialed on the keypad.
I have found this message on LG Cell Phone 500 CU series... and all my other phones as well...
IT is NOT a CALL FORWARDING ISSUE>.. because i had worked on that for awhile myself...
IT is a Carrier Issue I believe.
and it doesnt happen ever single time , just on certain days . not sure, why... but perhaps, call your carrier and ask them what type of phone they have your phone listed as.
Then tell them the model and make u have. that might change things... Cell phone carriers know how to mess with your phone and break it too...
so if ur having issues with messaging, call forwarding, it just may be the settings the carrier has you listed or down for.
anyways. yes it is annoying, i just got a new phone, samsung galaxy express. it is starting to happen too on this one. but had it for a few days and it never showed up till about 2 days later.
I thing it is perfectly normal for your device to display this message, I'm central america and mine also says the same thing anytime i make a call "Conditional Call Forwarding Active. However since I have a prepaid or pay as you go plan with my carrier and whenever I have no more credits to make calls i get the message "Calling Barring Enabled". I guess it has something to do with your carriers settings, it doesn't bother me at all though since I'm already used to it so hope that helps.
Enabling call forwarding for real and then disabling it seems to work
I got the same error also on every version of the stock rom (it used to appear occasionally, though) on my Samsung Galaxy S2 (i9100, without g), in that case going into forwarding settings was enough, because the mobile used to read the current configuration from the network and recognized that there was no forwarding active!
I moved to Cyanogen Mod 10.1.3 / Stable and going into forwarding settings was useless... He was updating with the data from the newtwork, all the forwarding options were disabled but the notification message was still there...
I decided to enable it for real by putting a friend number from the same carrier and then disabling it immediately after, and it solved my problem! Hope it helps!
PS: I'm not sure that enabling the call forwarding is free of charge, just double check with your carrier first!
dynamicbot said:
Hi there, basically I bought a new and sealed T-Mobile branded Samsung Galaxy SII phone from eBay and am using my 3 mobile sim in it.... I assume it wasn't originally locked when I bought it, as I went through the root and unlock method (ChainFire app), and the code was 00000000, and never at any point asked me to enter that code into the system, so hey, my 3 sim seems to work in it.... apart from the fact that for every call I make the message "Conditional call forwarding active" always crops up with a beep to go with it, then after a couple of seconds the call is made. It isn't a major problem as such I don't think, but hell it definitely isn't normal and is quite annoying after spending £400 on this otherwise amazing phone.
I have tried to fiddle with the settings but for some reason I cannot disable any of the call forwarding settings, some sort of error message crops up. I have phoned up the 3 network who I am with three times today and they asked me to enter a few # codes to sort the problem out, but I had no luck, and then they had me factory reset the phone using the option in the settings. I did that, and I still have this problem. I also get the message "Connection problem or invalid MMI" when entering most # codes, this seems to have happened after rooting, though I am not 100% sure if that is the case.
My phone is the Samsung Galaxy S II I900, just to confirm that.
I look forward to hearing from you guys
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I had the problem. Just solved it. select any one sim. Select settings-call settings-call forwarding-make sure all the options listed therein are disabled. Do this selecting all your sims one by one. The problem will have solved.
anilcsimon said:
I had the problem. Just solved it. select any one sim. Select settings-call settings-call forwarding-make sure all the options listed therein are disabled. Do this selecting all your sims one by one. The problem will have solved.
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I can't disable the last option (please check the pics)
Sent from my Micromax Canvas 4 A210
I also got the similar problem I can't call anyone since 2 days whenever i try to call someone the call drops out and shows the pop up message "Conditional Call Forwarding Active".
I tried to disable call forwarding in call settings but i cant disable the fourth option " Forward Call When Unreachable "
When i try to disable it another pop up message shows up " Unable to deactivate call diverting when phone is Unreachable. Unsupported by operator. "
Please help it is really annoying i can't call anyone.
I use Samsung Galaxy Note 3 Neo

Call waiting when 3rd party is on the call.

I'm not being notified if I call someone and they're on the phone. I should be receiving a call waiting notice, anyone know how to turn this on please
I have a Galaxy SII
Thank You
Go into the dialer and depending on the rom it will be somewhere in the settings. Mine's in dialer/settings/settings/incoming call status/call waiting.
And frankly, this is pretty basic. You should be able to find something like this by going thru every setting on your phone. I know that's the first thing I do when I get a new phone :-/
NTOP said:
I'm not being notified if I call someone and they're on the phone. I should be receiving a call waiting notice, anyone know how to turn this on please
I have a Galaxy SII
Thank You
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i have done the setting which you have mention but still when i call someone on there cell phone, it should come up with " Call waiting" meaning that the person is already on the phone who i am calling
Hepe i explained it right
Thank you
Hang on. If you call someone who's already on a call, you should get an engaged signal and probably number busy or similar on the screen. That has nothing to do with call waiting, call waiting happens when you're on a call and a 2nd person tries to call you. You should get a beep or similar to tell you there's a 2nd call for you.
If you call someone who's already on a call, you should get an engaged signal and probably number busy or go to there voice message if there don't have call waiting setup.
If there have call waiting setup then you should see on your screen "waiting"
I think this is a service provider thing. It works on Vodafone but i am T-mobile
Anyone has any thing before i call t-mobile
Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA App

Question Pixel 6 Contacts Bug

Hi good people of XDA, Iam facing a serious issue in the Contacts app of my new Google Pixel 6.
When I call somebody and they answer their phone, the call shows as "Private number" in the Recents tab.
If they do not answer, then the contact name is shown normally, as it should.
Take a look at the screenshot here: https://postimg.cc/jL1yT1NX
All items shown as "Private" are calls that I made and they answered.
I've searched online, but i didn't find anything related to this issue. Am i he only one who is facing it?
Any insights could help a lot.
Gonik said:
Hi good people of XDA, Iam facing a serious issue in the Contacts app of my new Google Pixel 6.
When I call somebody and they answer their phone, the call shows as "Private number" in the Recents tab.
If they do not answer, then the contact name is shown normally, as it should.
Take a look at the screenshot here: https://postimg.cc/jL1yT1NX
All items shown as "Private" are calls that I made and they answered.
I've searched online, but i didn't find anything related to this issue. Am i he only one who is facing it?
Any insights could help a lot.
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Looks like your carrier is blocking caller ID on outgoing calls or you somehow enabled it on your own. I know with Verizon I can block my number on all calls or on a case by case basis.
bobby janow said:
Looks like your carrier is blocking caller ID on outgoing calls or you somehow enabled it on your own. I know with Verizon I can block my number on all calls or on a case by case basis.
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Hi bobby, thanks for the reply.
Caller ID is not blocked. The person that receives the call is seeing my number.
Gonik said:
Hi bobby, thanks for the reply.
Caller ID is not blocked. The person that receives the call is seeing my number.
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Oh I get it now. That's an odd one, I can't seem to find a setting where that would change things.
Maybe an app you have is messing things up. Have you tried making a call while in safe mode?
chaimav said:
Maybe an app you have is messing things up. Have you tried making a call while in safe mode?
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Explain safe mode please.
When you are on the the Emergency, Lockdown, Power Off... Etc screen, long press on Power Off. It will give you an option to reboot into Safe Mode.
Safe mode disables all of the apps you installed so you can see if it's an app causing the issue.
Just reboot again to get out of safe mode.
Go to settings > apps > all apps, tap on the 3 dots (upper right) and 'Show system' apps. Then try clearing cache and data for:
- dialer (phone app)
- phone storage
- contacts app
- contacts storage
Then reboot.
Not sure if that will help, but does not do any harm, it will resync all your contacs.
Hi all,
Thank you for your replies. I tried both suggestions.
I rebooted in safe mode and tried calling my wife.
The problem persisted.
I tried clearing data and cache for the apps suggested and rebooting the phone.
The problem persisted.
The strange thing while I am calling the phone of the contact is shown in the dialer. As soon as the person I am calling answers the phone their name is replaced and the dialer app shows "Private number" instead.
I am really confused!
Gonik said:
Hi all,
Thank you for your replies. I tried both suggestions.
I rebooted in safe mode and tried calling my wife.
The problem persisted.
I tried clearing data and cache for the apps suggested and rebooting the phone.
The problem persisted.
The strange thing while I am calling the phone of the contact is shown in the dialer. As soon as the person I am calling answers the phone their name is replaced and the dialer app shows "Private number" instead.
I am really confused!
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Post it on Reddit r/GooglePixel sub. This can't be unique. I'm thinking carrier related but just a shot in the dark at this point.
bobby janow said:
Post it on Reddit r/GooglePixel sub. This can't be unique. I'm thinking carrier related but just a shot in the dark at this point.
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Hi bobby!
Already did, almost 3 weeks ago (link). Unfortunately no reply.
Gonik said:
Hi bobby!
Already did, almost 3 weeks ago (link). Unfortunately no reply.
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I'm intrigued. Which carrier? Do you have wifi calling you can try out?
Maybe something in permissions manager?
Hello! We have the same problem. On my wife's phone (Pixel 6), the phone writes private number for outgoing calls. There is no problem with incoming calls. Like Gonik, I tried everything, but nothing helped.
We live in Hungary and our mobile service provider is Telekom.
Carrier: Cablenet
Wifi calling: not supported
My next step is to try a sim card from a different carrier.
ChrYslerHUN said:
Hello! We have the same problem. On my wife's phone (Pixel 6), the phone writes private number for outgoing calls. There is no problem with incoming calls. Like Gonik, I tried everything, but nothing helped.
We live in Hungary and our mobile service provider is Telekom.
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I am relieved that I am not alone! At the same time, I am sorry your wife is going through the same problem.
Hopefully Google will acknowledge it soon.
Gonik said:
I am relieved that I am not alone! At the same time, I am sorry your wife is going through the same problem.
Hopefully Google will acknowledge it soon.
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Thank you!
Yes, it would be nice to fix it because the error is pretty frustrating. And on top of that, she got the phone from me as a gift.
Omg, I am not alone. So I bought unlocked phone in USA, and I am using it in Serbia (Europe) on mts network. ChrYslerHUN is in neighboring Hungary, so it could be related to usa/europe differences and European carriers.
But still, I have never seen anything like that, and it is quite frustrating. What does outgoing calls have to do with carriers. Your phone. should know which numbers you dialed, right.
Gonik said:
Carrier: Cablenet
Wifi calling: not supported
My next step is to try a sim card from a different carrier.
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Or place your sim in a different device.
I'm having the exact same issue. Not only me, my wife also has a Pixel 6 and is experiencing the same problem. I've searched in Google but only found a couple of posts in Reddit and this one. Has anyone found a solution for this? It's kind of annoying. I'm from Spain.
Happy New Year to Everyone!
In the meantime, I installed another dialer application that can also record calls, so the problem is partially resolved, as it shows the called party properly during recordings. Regardless, it would even be nice to have an official fix for the bug.
The dialer application name is: ACR Phone
ACR Phone - Apps on Google Play
Privacy respecting phone dialer app with SIP and call recording support

