[Q] APX Mode only and Locked Bootloader - Solution? - Galaxy Tab 10.1 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I do know this subject has been discussed more than a few times, and was simply wondering if a solution had been found.
I am the proud owner of a Galaxy Tab 10.1. It registers only as an APX Device, and I have tried all the known solutions that I have been able to find including disconnecting the battery for a while.
It will not respond to NVFlash, giving me the error code that suggests the bootloader is locked.
My question is ... Has anyone developed a solution to this problem yet?
Secondly, if I have to replace the motherboard, which one is compatible? I ask this because there seems to be confusion among suppliers, with some appearing to suggest that the motherboards for the original Tab, and the Tab 2 might be the same. That sounds suspiciously wrong to me, but you might know better
Thanks for taking the time with a noob question about well-trodden ground.


[Q] Problematic Screen Issue?!

Please read the OP (below). I am in serious need of assistance. I am attaching an updated Logcat to this Edited OP. Please read through the Log if you do not mind, and let me know what all you think may be going on here. I am getting a little frustrated to be honest. There is rarely that time when I have run across a problem that I could not fix with a bunch of reading, and study. But, this quite frankly is a bear that won't go away. I will not leave this problem unresolved. And I hope that with the friendly folks here at XDA that together we can resolve one more issue. I know there are others that are suffering from a similar issue. People just get too intimidated to ask questions sometimes. I can say that after almost 3 weeks of reading, I am far from afraid of asking for an assist. So, again, Thank You to anybody willing to help. I will attach the Logcat to this Edited post.
Briefly: I had the honor of meeting a fellow XDA Member in person by total accident. Together we have been attempting to troubleshoot her DNA. She has been working to resolve the following issue for a couple of months, and I have been reading endlessly & searching endlessly for a solution to the following problem. Please give any advice that you are capable of giving. Thank you.
The issue we are having is that once we get the ROM completely loaded (Venom v. 2.01) & the device boots up completely, as soon as the screen is touched the phone flashes back to the white HTC screen and begins to bootloop! I had the wise idea to check inside the phone thinking it may be a grounding issue. Sure enough there were 3 screws missing. Still this did not solve the problem.
Is there a step we are missing? Is there another issue that others may have had that is similar or that you have resolved prior?
We have even reflashed the stock RUU by relocking the bootloader, then unlcoking, reloading the recovery, and again the ROM. Still have the same issue. Anybody have any input? I know this is kind of a brief explanation, but I tend to get long winded. Below is the information for what is currently running.
Unlocked,MONARUDO PVT SHIP S-OFF, CID=22222222, H-Boot - 1.33.0001, Radio -, OpenDSP - v4.120.240.0920 eMMC-booT, Oct 23, 2012, 21:34:05, Running TWRP Recovery v 2.06 ROM - ViperDNA 2.01 Sense5
P.S. I have a similar issue with an HTC Sensation that I have been working on for a while. However, the issue with the Sensation is something to do with the aftermarket digitizer and the firmware loaded on the chip on the digitizer and something to do with the diagnostic software. I am stuck there too as I am unable to get the pyramid.nbh file to load correctly.
Did you have this problem with stock rom?
Please you should get a logcat from this phone. I am guessing a problem with the touch screen or battery.
WellTrainedVC said:
Briefly: I had the honor of meeting a fellow XDA Member in person by total accident. Together we have been attempting to troubleshoot her DNA. She has been working to resolve the following issue for a couple of months, and I have been reading endlessly & searching endlessly for a solution to the following problem. Please give any advice that you are capable of giving. Thank you.
The issue we are having is that once we get the ROM completely loaded (Venom v. 2.01) & the device boots up completely, as soon as the screen is touched the phone flashes back to the white HTC screen and begins to bootloop! I had the wise idea to check inside the phone thinking it may be a grounding issue. Sure enough there were 3 screws missing. Still this did not solve the problem.
Is there a step we are missing? Is there another issue that others may have had that is similar or that you have resolved prior?
We have even reflashed the stock RUU by relocking the bootloader, then unlcoking, reloading the recovery, and again the ROM. Still have the same issue. Anybody have any input? I know this is kind of a brief explanation, but I tend to get long winded. Below is the information for what is currently running.
Unlocked,MONARUDO PVT SHIP S-OFF, CID=22222222, H-Boot - 1.33.0001, Radio -, OpenDSP - v4.120.240.0920 eMMC-booT, Oct 23, 2012, 21:34:05, Running TWRP Recovery v 2.06 ROM - ViperDNA 2.01 Sense5
P.S. I have a similar issue with an HTC Sensation that I have been working on for a while. However, the issue with the Sensation is something to do with the aftermarket digitizer and the firmware loaded on the chip on the digitizer and something to do with the diagnostic software. I am stuck there too as I am unable to get the pyramid.nbh file to load correctly.
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Logcat from DNA
Still having this issue. Even with the Stock Rom. I am also unable to upgrade via OTA to the newer firmware releases as I am unable to keep the phone on long enough to use it, plus the touch screen/digitizer I believe is the main problem.
I read another article online about how HTC utilizes a digitizer which uses resistive (sp sorry) feedback on their touchscreens. It really has me thinking that this issue can be similar to the issue I am having with my Sensation. That issue is digitizer related, and happens with aftermarket digitizers. There is a way to fix the issue with the sensation however. I can post another logcat if any member is willing to lend me their eyes & knowledge? Or you can just use the logcat above.
Thinking about joining another discussion in the mean time. I am slightly concerned for this thread is a developer thread, and I don't quite have the chops to hang with the dev's. Although I do understand a majority of what they are saying, and can even put into practice the things they are doing. Ability to read & comprehend is a wonderful gift.
Still Having Issue
Still having this issue. Even with the Stock Rom. I am also unable to upgrade via OTA to the newer firmware releases as I am unable to keep the phone on long enough to use it, plus the touch screen/digitizer I believe is the main problem.
I read another article online about how HTC utilizes a digitizer which uses resistive (sp sorry) feedback on their touchscreens. It really has me thinking that this issue can be similar to the issue I am having with my Sensation. That issue is digitizer related, and happens with aftermarket digitizers. There is a way to fix the issue with the sensation however. I can post another logcat if any member is willing to lend me their eyes & knowledge? Or you can just use the logcat above.
Thinking about joining another discussion in the mean time. I am slightly concerned for this thread is a developer thread, and I don't quite have the chops to hang with the dev's. Although I do understand a majority of what they are saying, and can even put into practice the things they are doing. Ability to read & comprehend is a wonderful gift.

[Q] Trouble with a phone not listed!

Hi there! Apologies if this is the wrong forum for this - I am currently having some issues with a phone that isn't listed in your database.
The model is a "Sonim A8" I believe, it is branded as Land Rover.
A friend of mine suggested that I might be able to get some help with the problem on this forum, so I thought it might be worth asking!
My GPS chip (originally functional) has suddenly started getting stuck in to a loop of searching for GPS servers. I have tried a factory reset, which did nothing.
Any ideas on how I might go about fixing this, or even if it is a problem that can be fixed?
Thanks for any help you might be able to give me and apologies again if this is the wrong forum!

asus zenfone 2 laser z00ld completely dead.

hi friends..
one day i rooted my asus z00ld android phone (asus zenfone 2 laser). and flashed wrong custom rom on it. from very same moment my phone stopped working. when im charging it, it doesnt giving red notification light. its not starting at all. no vibration. no recovery. no fastboot. no no no no.. no sign of life at all. whenever i connect it to pc, its drivers get installed. i tried to run asus flash tool, but aft is not recognising it. means im unable to do anything with that phone... its actual brick for me. how can i solve it. im very much frustated after spending lot of time on internet googling answer for that. but got nothing. what can i do now..
please help me. what happens my phone? what is it called? how can i get my phone back???
I'm in similar situation. Your phone seems "hard bricked" while mine seems "soft bricked". Did you find any solution?
Anyone willing to help us to unbrick our phones? I'm posting in several treads in this forum but nobody seems willing to give me a feedback... I did expected to get some expert support here but it seems to me this forum is dead... bah...

galaxy alpha issues

Hi everybody i am asking for advice on trying to repair a phone for a family member the phone is a galaxy alpha F variant UK stock rom, factory unlocked and unrooted the problem started after finishing a call the handset was left un attended and when it was later picked up the screen was black but does not appear broken aywhere and does not appear to respond to touch
i have tried un successfully to get it into recovery or download modes the handset turns on and the blue lights come on and you can hear the start up tone but see nothing on screen, it also charges and i have tried a new battery, odin does recognise a device but as i cant get it into download i cant flash a stock rom which i have already downloaded.
So my question is, is there any software that i can download to diagnose whether or not the screen is dead or whether it is a f/w issue or is there a way around this where i can use a different tool to get into the handset and flash a new stock rom in case the current f/w is corrupted
Thanks in advance for any useful help and advice
Please understand that i am a newb to this so if i have made some mistakes or my questions have been answered elsewhere previously i do apologise
I think it seems pretty obvious that the problem is the display itself
Hi BigHands,
I faced a problem having the exact same symptoms as yours twice in the last few month: screen was staying black but phone reacted to some "external" actions (ON/OFF), blue light.
Not sure what happened exactly, but removing the battery and trying to restart the phone finally brought the device back to life after trying more than than 10 times!!!
So in my case, the display was probably not the (only) root cause.
Really weird however that I needed to reboot the phone >10times to make it work: usually when software is screwed either one single power cycle will bring the device back to life or it will never power up again!
Anyways, a FW issue is still a possibility considering the number of bug this phone has (for the price it was sold, that phone is definitely the worse gadget I ever owned!)... But it seems there is a bunch of FW updates on going on this model accross the world, so there is still a little hope things might improve... Samsumg may have woken up; who knows...

Asus Zenfone Selfie bootlooping, plus general bootlooping question.

Okay, a dual question here. One specific and one general but they are both related and one will help the other. Hopefully if anyone provides good answers others will find this post useful. I have a Asus Zenfone Selfie which has begun boot-looping. The phone is rooted and has TWRP installed. Once in a while it boots up as far as the home screen, then sometimes only up to the Asus logo. I have flashed several different ROMs (stock and custom) and again, it boots up to the setup screen then only up to the Asus logo so I was assuming this must mean it's hardware related. However, I can boot into TWRP and stay there for hours with no bootlooping. If it were hardware then it should bootloop for TWRP too so it must be software related, right? One more thing: I usually flash in TWRP but many times it crashes during the flash process. Sometimes it does succeed with no issues though. On my PC I might be running some disk or RAM checking tools to see if there was a bad sector or track on my hard drive or a bad module... Yeah, I'm confused. Why is it bootlooping and what, if anything, can I do to fix it?
This leads to my general question. Over the past 20 years I have had several phones, many of which ended up bootlooping. I know the LG G4 & G5 had a hardware flaw that cased them to bootloop and I know screwy flashes can cause bootlooping. But what about all my phones? Some were new, well, only a year or two old, some were 6 or 7 years old. Some were Android, some were Windows Phone. Some were rooted, some were unrooted, some were stock, some were custom ROMs. Some had updated or recently got new apps installed, others hadn't had anything new in ages. Some were in use when they started bootlooping, some were just sitting there. Some had a full charge on the battery, some were close to empty. What can be done to prevent this? What can be done once it has started, especially with one of these newer phones that they STUPIDLY like to make with sealed in batteries. And the given button combination just reboots the phone - again. Depending on who I talk to (or where I read) they say one thing or the other. It's software related. Okay, how? Why? I know on my PC Windows will sometime crash and reboot just for the hell of it, but that's usually just MS fixing an issue with a PC that runs too smoothly. And when that happens, it can be fixed. As an aside to any software developers reading this, I know you may not want to take the time to rewrite everything to work on Linux but you could take a little bit and make your software work with WINE, just a thought guys.
Anyway, so if it's software related, what can really be done to fix it? I can understand the big companies may like it if your phone bootloops so you'll need to buy a new one, but there are tons of developers out there making great custom ROMs. I know they don't have the resources to really fix all the bugs but I assume they would do a better job than certain big companies right? And why would the software suddenly crash like that? Sometimes literally NOTHING is happening, so why the sudden desire to bootloop? What about hardware? Can't we design software to work around the flaw? I would think manufacturers would want to fix problems to make their products as good as they can be but from what we have seen, I guess not. If you read my list above, many of those phones have nothing in common except the bootlooping. So where is the error coming from? Is there really nothing that we can do?
Any ideas and explanations would be appreciated, as would any help on my more recent bootloop device the Asus Zenfone Selfie Z00UD/z00T. Just to mention, that is a newer phone. It may not be now but it bootlooped probably a little over a year ago. It takes me a while to get around to things sometimes, like writing a letter to post on a forum. I had in mind to take it to this one repair shop (they had to replace the USB charging port maybe 3 months before the bootlooping so I assumed there might be a connection) but when I finally got there they told me it was software related and wouldn't look at it. Also, I don't want to make it sound like all my phones bootloop. I have had many many phones that died due to other issues and many more that are still in use, even old ones. I just want to try to understand and grasp any common factors that cause some phones to bootloop, and to maybe use that knowledge to prevent future phones from bootlooping even if I can't repair the ones that already do.
Thanks for your time in reading this and in advance for your answers. If you googled your way here, I hope there is info here that can help you too.

