[Q] Trouble with a phone not listed! - Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hi there! Apologies if this is the wrong forum for this - I am currently having some issues with a phone that isn't listed in your database.
The model is a "Sonim A8" I believe, it is branded as Land Rover.
A friend of mine suggested that I might be able to get some help with the problem on this forum, so I thought it might be worth asking!
My GPS chip (originally functional) has suddenly started getting stuck in to a loop of searching for GPS servers. I have tried a factory reset, which did nothing.
Any ideas on how I might go about fixing this, or even if it is a problem that can be fixed?
Thanks for any help you might be able to give me and apologies again if this is the wrong forum!


[Q] Microphone not working

Hi, I'm a bit of a newbie to XDA, but I came across a problem which I browsed the forums and the internet for a few hours to solve to no avail. A few days ago I made a call to one of my friends who apparently couldn't hear anything from my side. I checked this over and restarted my phone a few times to see if that would fix it. Unfortunately the problem persisted, and when I tried to record any audio, all I would hear from the playback is noise. I assumed that it was a faulty flash of Trigger v2.8, but ODIN'ing back to stock didn't seem to fix the problem. I use the phone in Canada, and won't be visiting the US anytime soon, so I can't go to a T-Mobile booth to get it checked out. Is there anything I can do? Any help is greatly appreciated.
check settings and make sure you do not have anything off, that could happen, But if you can't resolve find a compatible kernel for your ROM and try flashing that. That usually will fix most problems.
Good luck
Thanks for the help, but I was unable to fix the problem using these methods. I'm starting to believe it is indeed a hardware problem, but I would want to receive some more input and where I should take it to be fixed if that's the case.

[Q] "Insert sim card" error :(

Recently my S2 just stopped reading my SIM when I was going to call someone. Since then it has refused to read my SIM, or any other SIM for that matter.
To fix this problem I've tried resetting the phone to factory settings (in 3 different ways ( hard-reset.com/samsung-i9100-galaxy-s2-hard-reset.html )) with no luck.
I've also tried installing alternative ROM's, but with the same result.
The phone was already rooted with an insecure kernel when this happened, so warranty is long gone.
Though, one thing I did realize was that even though I did hard-reset the phone several times, some of the settings on the phone remained untouched, like my locking pattern and a few other settings. Does this mean that hard-resetting the phone isn't really an actual hard-reset? If that's so, is there any way to properly 100% reset the phone?
In short; I'm running out of options on how to fix this. I refuse to believe it's hardware related, just because I'm stubborn like that.
Any help would be greatly appreciated (really).
Habitats said:
Recently my S2 just stopped reading my SIM when I was going to call someone. Since then it has refused to read my SIM, or any other SIM for that matter.
To fix this problem I've tried resetting the phone to factory settings (in 3 different ways ( hard-reset.com/samsung-i9100-galaxy-s2-hard-reset.html )) with no luck.
I've also tried installing alternative ROM's, but with the same result.
The phone was already rooted with an insecure kernel when this happened, so warranty is long gone.
Though, one thing I did realize was that even though I did hard-reset the phone several times, some of the settings on the phone remained untouched, like my locking pattern and a few other settings. Does this mean that hard-resetting the phone isn't really an actual hard-reset? If that's so, is there any way to properly 100% reset the phone?
In short; I'm running out of options on how to fix this. I refuse to believe it's hardware related, just because I'm stubborn like that.
Any help would be greatly appreciated (really).
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You can refuse to believe in gravity too, but falling from high distances will still hurt.
If you tried more than one SIM in the phone and none work, but those same SIMs work in other phones, than more than likely, it is hardware related.
Did you check you imei?
078gregory brings up a good point. So if it's not missing IMEI info, THEN it's likely hardware.
Isn't it funny how everything suddenly works itself out once you cry out for help?
Today I've been trying around 10 different ROM's on the phone. Custom and stock. As one last attempt I gave a random ICS 4.0.3 march ROM a last try, and guess what. I got the SIM prompt. I can not believe it. So yeah, it's working now. I have no idea what caused it, but I believe the phone was stuck in flight mode somehow, and just needed an extra push to get out.
Either way, it's working like a charm now. Thanks for the replies though.
Habitats said:
Isn't it funny how everything suddenly works itself out once you cry out for help?
Today I've been trying around 10 different ROM's on the phone. Custom and stock. As one last attempt I gave a random ICS 4.0.3 march ROM a last try, and guess what. I got the SIM prompt. I can not believe it. So yeah, it's working now. I have no idea what caused it, but I believe the phone was stuck in flight mode somehow, and just needed an extra push to get out.
Either way, it's working like a charm now. Thanks for the replies though.
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Don,t forget to press THANKS button on ctomgee
Hi people. I have the same problem Habitats decribes. Mi s2 is stuck in flightmode and cant get out! i have reset the phone in every kind of way but no succes. Now i read here on this forum that flashing my phone to ICS 4.0.3 can help solve the problem. I'm on 2.3.6 now. This flightmode thing happened al over sudden. I have done nothing strange with the phone. Its not rooted either. I was planning to go to a samsung servicepoint and let them check whats wrong. But now i read this thread and see that i can relate to this problem of Habitats. I think a also will try to flash ICS 4.0.3 and watch what happens. But theres another problem. KIES don't recognize my phone anymore so what can i do? Can someone please help me out? Thanks in advance
I'm having the exact same problem, could you please tell me which rom worked for you Habitats? Thanks in advance!
Update:Last tuesday i went to the vodafone store were they have a samsung service department also. I explained my problem to them but they don't seem to recognize the problem. Although i read that many people here at xda's and over the internet have similar issues with this phone.Strange! So they sent it to the repair centre. Yesterday i could see in the track and trace menu of the repair centre that my fone was ready and send back to the vodafone store. Status: Boardswap. So they swapped the whole board! Didn't know that the problem was that serious! So i hope i can pickup my galaxy s2 soon this coming week!! I can't wait!I'm on my old HTC Touch HD now. Its ok with the windows but on Android....Arggghh!! Whatsapp is a pain and more. Its so laggy!. I will give an update soon again!

[Q] After ICS update, TW keeps restarting

Hi all,
I got so excited today to get the new ICS update. But as soon as it was done, I got this weird looping restart. I have no idea what is causing it. I tried to update and I tried the emergency update like it's mentioned in this post: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1731654
Can anyone help me? What am I doing wrong?
To make things worse, now I can't even connect to Kies!
Help me obi-wan kenobi, you're my only hope
I'm having the exact same issue on my non-rooted Note with the official AT&T update. Spent hours Googling this and can't seem to find an answer anywhere. Guess it's back to the iPhone 4s for a while.
Perhaps a factory reset will help you guys out? :/ Sorry I can not assist further.
XDA is no longer worth my time.

Bunch of Issues.

First of all,since this is my first post please excuse any noobish things that I might say.
And I have done a reasonable amount of research but was unable to find a solution and would really like to apologise if this has been asked before.
I bought a sgs2 about an year ago and since the very first day I had problems with receiving calls and even making them.
If I'm sitting at one place everything's good but as soon as I move something goes very wrong and the call drops.well if I'm moving I'll be glad to even get or make a call although the signal in the notification shows full.
Now on the stock ROM,the signal strength is about -61dbm 19-20asu but on any other ROMs that I've tried it never goes beyond -89dbm 11-12 asu.
Next I read a lot about flashing different modems that might solve the problem but no.its like nothing seems to work.(BTW I tried a lot of modems for my country and others as well and used getril also to match the ril's as I read about that in forums.)
So im really very pissed with my phone and yesterday I was researching for a solution for the above mentioned problem and came across someone having a problem about losing the baseband and imei after flashing and thanking heavens that at least I don't have that problem.
But WHAM.The same problem hit me right in the face ASA flashed a modem.
So NOW I have a ****ty network problem(please excuse my language but you have no idea what its really like)and now no imei and no baseband.
Luckily I had a backup of the stock ROM and when I restored my phone at least I got the imei and baseband but when I rebooted my phone for something,the problem came back.
This phone is otherwise very nice but I'm really having a hard hard time getting through with this and unfortunately my father won't buy me a new phone for another one year as I promised him I'd use this phone for at least two years since this was way above the budget he gave me.
BTW I'm currently using revolt jb ROM by johnhany.
I'd be really very greatful if one of you millions of geniuses could help me.
If you need any further details in finding a solution I would provide it ASA I see what it is that you might want to know.
Thank you in advance.
Moving to Q&A - Read this - http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1763193
Hello sir.
Well sorry for posting it in the wrong place but were you trying to give me the solution to my problem or just telling me to post a question in the q and a forum?
Sorry for being so dumb.
Oh.My bad.just read it clearly. Sorry for posting at a wrong place.

[Q] APX Mode only and Locked Bootloader - Solution?

I do know this subject has been discussed more than a few times, and was simply wondering if a solution had been found.
I am the proud owner of a Galaxy Tab 10.1. It registers only as an APX Device, and I have tried all the known solutions that I have been able to find including disconnecting the battery for a while.
It will not respond to NVFlash, giving me the error code that suggests the bootloader is locked.
My question is ... Has anyone developed a solution to this problem yet?
Secondly, if I have to replace the motherboard, which one is compatible? I ask this because there seems to be confusion among suppliers, with some appearing to suggest that the motherboards for the original Tab, and the Tab 2 might be the same. That sounds suspiciously wrong to me, but you might know better
Thanks for taking the time with a noob question about well-trodden ground.

