[Q] Long list of apps want full access to me google account? - Verizon Samsung Galaxy S 4

So i didn't use to get this popup before and now this is the second time i have seen it. i used Vroot to root a few days ago and now i have gotten this popup for the last day or so. why the hell do all these apps need full access to my google account?
sorry not sure why my pic isn't showing up here is a link to twitter with the image

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Maybe because Google automatically backs up your settings and Wi-Fi passwords and such? Not 100% just throwing sine ideas out.
Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk

klabit87 said:
Maybe because Google automatically backs up your settings and Wi-Fi passwords and such? Not 100% just throwing sine ideas out.
Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk
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yeah i'm not sure, i just hit allow and it hasn't showed back up. i'm hoping i didn't just give out a bunch of my personal info LOL


[Q] Stock ICS Email Links?

I just spent 20 minutes searching the threads and can't find my answer, so I thought I would take a chance and make a thread about this. If there is a thread about this, I apoligize in advance and I will go and crawl under a rock and hide! I'm just curious Why are all links in our emails not clickable they are just text format, I found something about this in a different site but I think the expertise in XDA is far superior, IMO so I don't trust anybody else...Thanks in advance.
Sent from my HTC_Amaze_4G using Tapatalk 2
I just sent myself a link to google and it came through as clickable... Are you using gmail app or email app?
Sent from my HTC_Amaze_4G using xda premium
I think he means the stock email app, gonna check it now.
Sent from an Amaaaaaazing place, you jelly?
No go on the stock app. It's just not clickable.
Sent from an Amaaaaaazing place, you jelly?
glacierguy said:
I just sent myself a link to google and it came through as clickable... Are you using gmail app or email app?
Sent from my HTC_Amaze_4G using xda premium
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GG its the stock email app
Sent from my HTC_Amaze_4G using Tapatalk 2
Just to elaborate on my original post, what I found on the other site was that someone said that the legal team at Apple is what caused us to lose the ability to click on links in our email, which sounds stupid....
Sent from my HTC_Amaze_4G using Tapatalk 2
Yeah I don't use stock email app since gmail is my only email :/
That's weird... Google has been slipping lately
But to elaborate on your elaboration, if the legal issue was true, why does Gmail allow it? Is HTC in the meat grinder deeper than Google maybe?
Sent from my HTC_Amaze_4G using xda premium
glacierguy said:
Yeah I don't use stock email app since gmail is my only email :/
That's weird... Google has been slipping lately
But to elaborate on your elaboration, if the legal issue was true, why does Gmail allow it? Is HTC in the meat grinder deeper than Google maybe?
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Yeah I'm not sure, gmail is an alternative.
HTC is having issues now!!!!!!
Thanks for looking in to it for me.....
Sent from my HTC_Amaze_4G using Tapatalk 2
With all the bs apple is doing to keep their competition on lockdown just so they won't get out sold, you can't really blame htc, best option would be to find an alternative email app as you previously said, though to be honest, I only use the default because I'm too lazy to configure my school account on the hotmail app.
I have the same issue.
Rooted and Flashed my Amaze 4g Telus yesterday and now on ICS.
Can't click on any links in emails and that's very anoying since i have 3 email account link to the phone and have plenty of links in them.
Anything that could help to bring back that feature ?
It's a no go, thank apple for that.
I don't think that's the case cause i had ICS on my Desire HD just before that phone and the links where still there.
I figured it out you have to go into settings, then send & receive, and change the mail size limit. The default is at 5kb, which is only text. If you change it to maximum size it will even show pictures. You have to reset app after you change the size limit so it takes effect though.
Sent from my HTC_Amaze_4G using XDA
Tanks a lot... !!
Did the trick here also.
rojo_red1 said:
I figured it out you have to go into settings, then send & receive, and change the mail size limit. The default is at 5kb, which is only text. If you change it to maximum size it will even show pictures. You have to reset app after you change the size limit so it takes effect though.
Sent from my HTC_Amaze_4G using XDA
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Seems legit, can't test it though, for some reason all the mail in my school folder just disappeared, wtf?

[Q] [Help] Gmail stopped syncing after a couple of weeks

Hello guys. I'm currently using a stock rooted 4.2 Galaxy S4. I used to own a china made android phone before this and the same issue happened as well so I'm pretty sure it's not due to the ROM.
My emails from gmail suddenly stopped syncing after a couple of weeks after adding my Google account. This has happened 4 times already and after Googling the problem I couldn't find any solutions. Neither restarting my phone nor clearing the Gmail app data from Application Manager helped. In the account manager it says that everything but email was able to sync successfully (according to the update date). The only solution I have found so far is to completely remove my Google account from the phone and add it again.
I have 2 step verification on my Google account and at first I thought that was the issue; that my authentication token had expired, so I generated an application specific password and used it, however the problem still came back. Really hope someone can help me as it's really frustrating to have to remove and add my account every couple of weeks. Thank you.
Hope someone can help me out..
Is sync turned on?
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knightandroid said:
Is sync turned on?
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As far as I know yeah as seen in my attachment
thoraine said:
As far as I know yeah as seen in my attachment
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I don't see any attachment. Did you try a factory data reset?
Sent from my SGH-T989 using xda app-developers app
Sorry yeah this is the attachment.
Have yet to try a factory reset...
Factory reset is what comes to mind for me. Just remember to back up your data first. Good luck
Sent from my SGH-T989 using xda app-developers app

Why? Tell me just Why!

Hi mates,
Today,I got my code for ThemerApp.
Wanna try it...
I choose a theme, I press Apply and then....
It requests an access to my Facebook account with full access to my personal information and friends list!!!
Why? Can someone tell me why a "THEMER" App requires my friends list?
I uninstall right now!
dont know why they do this. you can also use your google account but this as bad as using the fb-account.
although i really like this app this is really a nuisance !
The only reason I made this workaround so people can use themes without logging in to any accounts. Although it seems to be a trusted app, but it doesn't take long for any database to be hacked. Hope more themers use this.
handasoft said:
Hi mates,
Today,I got my code for ThemerApp.
Wanna try it...
I choose a theme, I press Apply and then....
It requests an access to my Facebook account with full access to my personal information and friends list!!!
Why? Can someone tell me why a "THEMER" App requires my friends list?
I uninstall right now!
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because it's not just a simple theme app, it's a launcher with widgets of every kind (social networks included), rss feeds, etc.. and to display notifications correctly it needs full access.
Tabtoub said:
because it's not just a simple theme app, it's a launcher with widgets of every kind (social networks included), rss feeds, etc.. and to display notifications correctly it needs full access.
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I can understand a launcher with social network integration requesting access to social networks but I can't understand why it's mandatory.
I do NOT use social networks but I want to try this launcher out. It doesn't let you proceed without adding an account.
dehaani said:
I can understand a launcher with social network integration requesting access to social networks but I can't understand why it's mandatory.
I do NOT use social networks but I want to try this launcher out. It doesn't let you proceed without adding an account.
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Then use your Google account.
Sent from my HTC One using Tapatalk 4
Also uninstalled right after installing... Why does it want access to my facebook or google account to work properly? like seeing all your friends and stuff ? Ehhhm sorry but noo thanks!
Also why does a themer app need to collect "anonymous" location data of my phone?
This app was a big promise but they ****ed it up.
Its for the weather widgets, and unlike you privacy is the least of my concerns
Sent from my SPH-D710 using Tapatalk now Free
Yeah I have no reason to care cause group "XYZ" already has my information. Nothing to worry about.
Sent from my EVO 4G LTE using Tapatalk now Free
BBs19 said:
Also uninstalled right after installing... Why does it want access to my facebook or google account to work properly? like seeing all your friends and stuff ? Ehhhm sorry but noo thanks!
Also why does a themer app need to collect "anonymous" location data of my phone?
This app was a big promise but they ****ed it up.
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So do you use your Google account to set up your phone? To use the Play Store? What's the difference?
Sent from my HTCONE using Tapatalk
That is very unfortunate to hear. There is no reason this app should require that information.
I'm starting to question if I want to use it now.
sSynyster said:
That is very unfortunate to hear. There is no reason this app should require that information.
I'm starting to question if I want to use it now.
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Like I said, we use our Google accounts for the Play Store. What's the difference? Besides, couldn't you make a dummy Google account? That's not too difficult to do.
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pandacookie said:
Like I said, we use our Google accounts for the Play Store. What's the difference? Besides, couldn't you make a dummy Google account? That's not too difficult to do.
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Isn't it a bit too much that I have to make a fake account just to use one app?
EatHeat said:
Isn't it a bit too much that I have to make a fake account just to use one app?
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Isn't it a bit much to be all paranoid that MyColorScreen is gonna go spying on you? :eyeroll:
Just calm down and relax. I'm sure they don't care about your personal info.
Sent from my HTCONE using Tapatalk
---------- Post added at 08:19 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:44 PM ----------
Besides, if you really wanna use the app and are THAT worried about your personal info, making a dummy account won't be a big deal. It's not a "bit much" at all. You're talking as if it's an ordeal to do, or a huge inconvenience.
And speaking of dummies, the people freaking out about Themer are the same people that feel perfectly fine with using Google for their Wallet service, or for their email, or even for Google Play. It's the same thing as logging into an account to use Themer. Besides, only a total idiot would turn over crucial data to the internet these days.
Jeez. People....
Sent from my HTCONE using Tapatalk
Correct me if I am wrong, but don't MOST "Widgets" in Launchers require those kind of permissions? Look at Zooper Widget's Permissions:
They access those Apps to run them, so.. someone enlighten me on the difference please?
Ohmergod! This app is spying on us, wahhhhhhhh. Half the damn apps on our phone require access to our personal info and you're going to get your panties in a bunch over Themer using it? Not sure if serious.
Sent from my LG-D801 using xda app-developers app
Rado_vr6 said:
Ohmergod! This app is spying on us, wahhhhhhhh. Half the damn apps on our phone require access to our personal info and you're going to get your panties in a bunch over Themer using it? Not sure if serious.
Sent from my LG-D801 using xda app-developers app
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I swear, people love to have something to complain about. :thumbup:
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pandacookie said:
I swear, people love to have something to complain about. :thumbup:
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Its not Themer spying on us that people are worried about. Its what happens "if" their database gets hacked into the same way WhatsApp and TrueCaller got hacked recently.
But the Gmail permission is certainly understandable since it needs it to show the Unread Count in Everything Widget and having a bit of experience developing apps, I'm pretty sure there's no other way to get the counts.
EatHeat said:
Its not Themer spying on us that people are worried about. Its what happens "if" their database gets hacked into the same way WhatsApp and TrueCaller got hacked recently.
But the Gmail permission is certainly understandable since it needs it to show the Unread Count in Everything Widget and having a bit of experience developing apps, I'm pretty sure there's no other way to get the counts.
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Very true. But like I said, if people are really that worked up, they can use a dummy account.
Sent from my HTCONE using Tapatalk
data. so that they can promote it further. or maybe just get info on who all are downloading their app, so that they can improve it further

[Q] Trying to add another Gmail account

Back when my doodle was rooted, i enjoyed the full power of adding and removing google accounts. Now on .22 of course i cant do that, though the accounts i had before are still there (huzzah).
Is there some way to add additional accounts in my situation? Perhaps via another gapp that would ask for signin (and be loadable without play services)?
Thanks in advance.
Dunno but i want a rooted doodle!
Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk
Spec-Chum said:
Dunno but i want a rooted doodle!
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I had my doodle rooted in college once...
rootcid said:
Back when my doodle was rooted, i enjoyed the full power of adding and removing google accounts. Now on .22 of course i cant do that, though the accounts i had before are still there (huzzah).
Is there some way to add additional accounts in my situation? Perhaps via another gapp that would ask for signin (and be loadable without play services)?
Thanks in advance.
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I managed to add another account through using the G+ app, I can't exactly remember how I did it but it is possible by using another google app and signing in.
If only... g+ won't run without services framework. Looking for summat that does...
Sent from my KFAPWI using Tapatalk

[Q] Lost all purchased app on play store.

HI all,
I can not download any app and lost all purchased app on play store.
and I sign in another google ac on my nexus 5, I can download all app normally.
but I log in my account to another device, I still cant see the purchased app back!
What's going on with my original account????? Any one know how to fix it??plz!
anyone know how to fix it?
nth0814 said:
HI all,
I can not download any app and lost all purchased app on play store.
and I sign in another google ac on my nexus 5, I can download all app normally.
but I log in my account to another device, I still cant see the purchased app back!
What's going on with my original account????? Any one know how to fix it??plz!
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Clear data for the app store and then sign into your original account. Also make sure that the account you're trying to use for the paid apps is the on you bought them with originally.
It might also help if you remove your Google account from your phone and try setting it up again.
Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk
SeraphSephiroth said:
Clear data for the app store and then sign into your original account. Also make sure that the account you're trying to use for the paid apps is the on you bought them with originally.
It might also help if you remove your Google account from your phone and try setting it up again.
Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk
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i have try this before, its not works for me.
i still can see the paid app in my google wallet, but nothing in play store.
nth0814 said:
i have try this before, its not works for me.
i still can see the paid app in my google wallet, but nothing in play store.
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Sooo let me get this straight. Just so I can get my head around it. When you go to the page for the purchased app, it won't let you download it?
Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk
SeraphSephiroth said:
Sooo let me get this straight. Just so I can get my head around it. When you go to the page for the purchased app, it won't let you download it?
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if you brought the app and have not download to your phone, they will show "Purchased" on play store.
but now, my play store is showing the price. just like I have not buy this app, but i can see what I buy in google wallet page.
nth0814 said:
if you brought the app and have not download to your phone, they will show "Purchased" on play store.
but now, my play store is showing the price. just like I have not buy this app, but i can see what I buy in google wallet page.
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And you are sure you are on the same Google account with the same Gmail address you used to first buy the apps? (Remember you can tie more than one Gmail address to the same account)
Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk
SeraphSephiroth said:
And you are sure you are on the same Google account with the same Gmail address you used to first buy the apps? (Remember you can tie more than one Gmail address to the same account)
Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk
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yes, im really sure.
nth0814 said:
yes, im really sure.
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Out of curiosity, have you tried to re purchase an app?
Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk
SeraphSephiroth said:
Out of curiosity, have you tried to re purchase an app?
Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk
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-Error retrieving information from server. [BM-PPH-01]
nth0814 said:
-Error retrieving information from server. [BM-PPH-01]
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Aaaah okay. Now we are getting somewhere. How long has it been this way? I.e how long has it been showing you that you have to re buy the apps?
Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk
SeraphSephiroth said:
Aaaah okay. Now we are getting somewhere. How long has it been this way? I.e how long has it been showing you that you have to re buy the apps?
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I think this start at yesterday morning.
nth0814 said:
I think this start at yesterday morning.
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Okay. Clear the cache for the Google play store and give it 24 hours. It seems to be an issue with Google servers syncing between your device and google~
Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk
SeraphSephiroth said:
Okay. Clear the cache for the Google play store and give it 24 hours. It seems to be an issue with Google servers syncing between your device and google~
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okay, dont try to download anymore?
nth0814 said:
okay, dont try to download anymore?
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Once every couple of hours. It SHOULD come right by itself. Keep trying till it works.
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