[Q] IMAP Email Gone? - HTC One Max

Greets all,
Was wondering if anyone might have this issue. I setup my phone to grab my emails, I set it up as an IMAP so that this way I could get the emails but keep it on the server, so this way I can download it on my computer into outlook later on. Up until the One max, I never had an issue and always set it up the same way, I recently just noticed that after I read a email and if I delete it from the phone it seems to delete it off the server as well. I tested this out by sending myself an email and then deleting it, then going into outlook to receive the email but it wasnt there. If I got into the server its in the deleted folder and not in the inbox as it should be.
Anyone else notice this?

Well I just tried something else, I just set it up as a POP account, and it works as IMAP, Hmmm I wonder if they messed up and named them wrong, where Imap is suppose to be pop and pop is suppose to be IMAP.
Still curious to see others responses.

When i click Add account, it shows Other(POP/IMAP)
Screen shot attached for your reference, what do you get?

Same thing except I dont have Gmail or Yahoo in the list, just the other three, but thats not where the problem is, its after you pick Other/pop3. Long story short: I have my own email, I set it up through aol a long time ago when they were giving away domain names for free, then they dropped it and I had to get it registered through another place to keep it, but I still can use aol's mail settings in outlook to get me mail. The problem is I can see the email on aol's site, and download it to my outlook, but the first way I set it up on the phone I would see it on the phone and then delete it, when I go into outlook it would say no mail, but if I went to aol's site and looked in the trash it was in there where its not suppose to be, its suppose to be in the inbox to be downloaded to my outlook. But when I changed the setting to pop setting, it is working as Imap should.

AngelDeath said:
Same thing except I dont have Gmail or Yahoo in the list, just the other three, but thats not where the problem is, its after you pick Other/pop3. Long story short: I have my own email, I set it up through aol a long time ago when they were giving away domain names for free, then they dropped it and I had to get it registered through another place to keep it, but I still can use aol's mail settings in outlook to get me mail. The problem is I can see the email on aol's site, and download it to my outlook, but the first way I set it up on the phone I would see it on the phone and then delete it, when I go into outlook it would say no mail, but if I went to aol's site and looked in the trash it was in there where its not suppose to be, its suppose to be in the inbox to be downloaded to my outlook. But when I changed the setting to pop setting, it is working as Imap should.
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Ah okay, i got your problem... i don't know why imagined that you PC was missing IMAP, but was that not the IMAP was supposed to work..., 2 way communication = IMAP
If you're trying to decide between using POP and IMAP, we encourage you to use IMAP.
Unlike POP, IMAP offers two-way communication between your web Gmail and your email client. This means when you log in to Gmail using a web browser, actions you perform on email clients and mobile devices (ex: putting mail in a 'work' folder) will instantly and automatically appear in Gmail (ex: it will already have a 'work' label on that email the next time you sign in).
IMAP also provides a better method to access your mail from multiple devices. If you check your email at work, on your mobile phone, and again at home, IMAP ensures that new mail is accessible from any device at any given time.
Finally, IMAP offers a more stable experience overall. Whereas POP is prone to losing messages or downloading the same messages multiple times, IMAP avoids this through two-way syncing capabilities between your mail clients and your web Gmail.
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pradeepvizz said:
Ah okay, i got your problem... i don't know why imagined that you PC was missing IMAP, but was that not the IMAP was supposed to work..., 2 way communication = IMAP
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Okay you missed the whole point here. When I chose IMAP with my email on my phone, and then delete it from the inbox (select and hit trash can) its suppose to delete from the phone inbox, but should show up as new in my outlook 2010 on my pc as new. It doesnt show up at all. If I go to a web browser and login into my email, its in my trash folder and not in my inbox as it should be.
Now if I change the setting on the phone FROM IMAP to POP, THEN is works correctly as IMAP.

they way i have always thought of imap to work is , as the other poster mentioned: 2 way communication.
if i delete mail on the phone (imap), then on my web based email, that same email will be deleted there.
if i move an email from , say, inbox to some other folder on my phone, then on the server it too will get moved there.
this is how imap is supposed to work? at least that is how it has worked for me over the years...
i have 4 email accounts on my own email server. i use gmail to fetch that mail and i also use my web based interface to access it. the mail is synced everywhere its supposed to be.
i have the all set to imap, not pop.

marctronixx said:
they way i have always thought of imap to work is , as the other poster mentioned: 2 way communication.
if i delete mail on the phone (imap), then on my web based email, that same email will be deleted there.
if i move an email from , say, inbox to some other folder on my phone, then on the server it too will get moved there.
this is how imap is supposed to work? at least that is how it has worked for me over the years...
i have 4 email accounts on my own email server. i use gmail to fetch that mail and i also use my web based interface to access it. the mail is synced everywhere its supposed to be.
i have the all set to imap, not pop.
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me too... yes that's how IMAP works, i am guessing OP has some little confusion on it..

I do understand this, but coming from a samsung galaxy note, this wasnt the case. On computers it did work this way, but every phone I've had and including the Note did not work this way, this is the first time its functioning this way, which I thought was odd.


non-pop Gmail auto-setup with wm6.1

Has anyone figured a way around this yet?
I'm trying to setup my accounts with gmail via IMAP, but when setting up a new account (not through outlook), and I punch in the gmail address, it auto-detects settings for pop and won't let me change it.
And before anyone says anything, the checkbox to "don't auto get settings" doesn't exist in the WMv6.1.
The only way I have of setting it up currently, is to give it an email of [email protected], then going in and setting it up manually, but this prevents me from sending email out, only receiving it.
Currently using DCD v3.0.4 if that makes a difference.
Anyone found a way around this or how to set it up yet?
just set it up ac [email protected][COLOR="Red"]gg[/COLOR]mail.com and then change later to "gmail"
Zxurian said:
but this prevents me from sending email out, only receiving it.
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make sure you select outgoing server requires authentication (or something like that) and SSL for both incoming and outgoing
what is advantage of IMAP over pop mail?
AstronusX said:
what is advantage of IMAP over pop mail?
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In short IMAP uses a client/server model. Where all your email is kept on the server and cached on whatever IMAP client you're using. When you delete something on the client, it's deleted on the server too on next resynch. IMAP also supports organized e-mail sub folders (for organizing).
With POP mail, once you download an email(s), then those emails are unavailable to you from other clients you may want to connect with (such as a desktop email client or a different computer), since with POP the email is usually removed from the server on download (unless you have a POP setting to keep e-mail around x amount of days). But POP will have no idea of emails you may have moved/deleted on another client since with POP all that information is stored locally on the client, not on the server as it is with IMAP.
Also, some IMAP servers support something called IMAP idle, which is like a poor mans push mail.
NotLutzik said:
just set it up ac [email protected][COLOR="Red"]gg[/COLOR]mail.com and then change later to "gmail"
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Thank you. thought I tried this before but maybe they changed the "edit" screen.

Remote Tracker opens Outlook instead of sending email silently

Newbie here having trouble with Remote Tracker 0.4.2-0 on my TMOUS HD2 and haven't found an answer yet. When I send email commands to RT, such as rt2#egp, my phone just sits there in standby and when I unlock it Outlook is open with the email message ready to send. Anyone have an idea why and what I need to do? When I go to Outlook Contacts>Menu>Options I get an error report, "A problem has occurred with poutlook.exe," then comes up with List view settings, that's it, I don't know if there is supposed to be more and not sure if this has anything to do with the message not being sent. Everything is stock except for a few added apps and I just did a hard reset before reinstalling my apps after some experimentation. I don't use Outlook or even set up an email account on phone and haven't made any tweaks I can think of that would effect Outlook.
I also noticed that the CELLID shows me to be in New Jersey when I'm actually in Texas, this doesn't seem to be of much use at all but I haven't tried changing CELLID settings from default.
Any insight would be greatly appreciated.
Pop45398 said:
I don't use Outlook or even set up an email account on phone and haven't made any tweaks I can think of that would effect Outlook.
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ummm,,, if you have no email set up, how do you expect it to send you an email?
samsamuel said:
ummm,,, if you have no email set up, how do you expect it to send you an email?
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I thought commands where you supply an email address (like, rt2#egp#[email protected]#password) would, if so configured, silently without intervention send to the supplied email addy without even having email setup in RT; however, I do have the email account in RT configured; I do not have Outlook, AOL, Yahoo, etc accounts set up in the HD2s mail app (I use Opera to go to my Hotmail account).
In RT's email setup I have only one option under Account, Activesync, is this correct?
Pop45398 said:
I thought commands where you supply an email address (like, rt2#egp#[email protected]#password) would, if so configured, silently without intervention send to the supplied email addy without even having email setup in RT; however, I do have the email account in RT configured; I do not have Outlook, AOL, Yahoo, etc accounts set up in the HD2s mail app (I use Opera to go to my Hotmail account).
In RT's email setup I have only one option under Account, Activesync, is this correct?
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no, you need an actual account set up that the phone can use to connect to an outgoing email server with. Just feeding it the email address you want to use is no good, as it has no m,eans to send to that address. Its a bit like giving a man with no telephone your phone number ad asking him to call you.
Choosing the activesync account wouldnt help either, as it would only send when the phone was copnnected and synced to outlook on a pc. (activesync isnt a real account, just an extension of teh outlook account on eth pc)

Could use help from someone only using exchange for email mail on home screen wrong

I only have one email account set up to sync email. It is my MS Exchange account. I have it set for push.
Yet for some reason the icon on my home screen is almost always showing an incorrect number of new messages. If I open up outlook - then it seems to sync - not always synced even during key work hours - 8-8 (when I have it set for push).
I'm not sure if this is a glitch with the 3D or android something I'm doing wrong or if there is a work around. I know 3 other people with the 3D and they all have the same issue.
I'm new to android so I'll give you what info I think might be important.
I have both background and autosync checked.
I have mail, contacts, calendar, update when opened checked. I have update schedule set for push between 8-8 every day.
I tried making both peak and off hours push - unfortunately that doesn't help either.
Weird, I've been using my gmail account on exchange (I like the HTC Mail application better than the gmail one) and have yet to have any issues. Hope you get it resolved since my gmail is working fine though I'm thinking it might be something on the ms exchange server's end.
lchupacabras said:
Weird, I've been using my gmail account on exchange (
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You use your gmail account on exchange? You forward your gmail email to microsoft exchange? Then have your business exchange server forwad to the 3D instead of just going direct from gmail to your 3D mail app?
I have multiple email accounts, most are gmail. I chose to access them through exchange because that allows me to use HTC mail, which has a unified mail box.
Regarding your initial problem, how many aspects of your email account are you syncing. For example, is it Inbox only or do you also sync outbox, sent, trash, deleted, etc. If you do the latter, I have noticed that the new mail count is off, because the app, after initial set up at least, will count mail synced in other folders that have at, some point be marked unread.
Going through the various folders and marking everything as read fixed the problem for me.
Hope this helps.
Sent from my PG86100 using xda premium
I am confused by those saying you are using exchange - I'm talking about using an MS Exchange SERVER. Are you sending your gmail to a microsoft exchange SERVER? I'm not talking about a gmail server or hotmail server but an actual server set up for a company that runs Microsoft Exchange. A server that when you access it from the web it says Microsoft Outlook Web Access or Microsoft Web App- Connected to Microsoft Exchange
I have only one email account I'm syncing which is on an MS exchange server. The only folders I sync are inbox and sent items. The only unread mail items I'll ever have on the server are items in my inbox. I'd like to have the icont on the home screen for mail messages show me the number of unread messages I have which are on an MS exchange email server (not forwarded from gmail or hotmail). I know other people using exchange servers that also have the incorrect number of items showing on their EVO 3D. My guess is people using gmail (direct from gmail servers) won't have this issue so I'm asking people who use MS Exchange servers. WM devices, WP7 devices and iphones from the same exchange servers show the correct number of messages.
i think it has something to do with the number of days you sync.
in outlook, mark all of your email as read (if you can do this).
hit refresh on your phone. it should say 0 unread for both.
from here you can figure out what is going on.
Thanks, I should be clear. It can be temporarily correct. FOr example if I open email on the phone and it syncs, and I open emails etc and go back to the home page and it shows no new messages which is correct.
But if I get a new email, then I open it on my computer and delete it. Hours later it will still show 1 new message on my home screen on the phone. I'd expect that sort of half assed issue if I was using pop but this appears to be something not implemented with sense or android.
That is normal for Android. Your phone notification will still show that you haven't read the e-mail from Exchange until you open e-mail on the phone and it refreshes. Annoying, I know, but it's like the notification function just isn't integrated as well as it should be.
boe said:
I'm not sure if this is a glitch with the 3D or android something I'm doing wrong or if there is a work around. I know 3 other people with the 3D and they all have the same issue.
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Ok, first off, I don't have a 3D. I've got a Sensation on Tmo but I think they're pretty much the same phone.
I also had a few glitches when I tried out the Android Exchange client. But mainly I didn't like the draconian way it implemented my company's security policies and I said "screw it". I found a different client called Touchdown and gave it a whirl. I liked it so eventually I bought it. I'm not used to paying quite that much for an app when most of the others I use are cheap or free. But I use it a *lot* and it works very well. It's *much* better than the Android client imho.
Jye75 said:
That is normal for Android. Your phone notification will still show that you haven't read the e-mail from Exchange until you open e-mail on the phone and it refreshes. Annoying, I know, but it's like the notification function just isn't integrated as well as it should be.
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Thanks for letting me know this is normal for Android. I hope they fix it as it is one of my ONLY major issue with Android. This is my first Android phone and I like Android a lot. The phone as a phone sucks but that isn't Android's fault.

problem with emails loading (MSN)

My emails from my msn account sync fine when I first add the account to the touchpad email client. After I close the program and go back to it though it stops syncing new emails. The refresh icon constantly is revolving as well. I tried setting up the account through the auto setup and also through the microsoft exchange and the same thing happens either way. New msn emails show up on my iphone and then I wait and check the touchpad. They never show up. Any ideas?
I googled the problem and found one instance of someone having the same problem as me. Follow the link http://forums.precentral.net/hp-touchpad/295126-proper-hotmail-settings-touchpad-help.html
No one there seemed to be able to answer the question. Anyone here have any ideas?
My MSN mail syncs just fine along with my Yahoo Mail. WebOS set up a POP folder in my MSN account the first time it linked. Not sure why some are having issues. I just thought I would let you know that, at least for some of us, the MSN mail works fine.
rockethead26 said:
My MSN mail syncs just fine along with my Yahoo Mail. WebOS set up a POP folder in my MSN account the first time it linked. Not sure why some are having issues. I just thought I would let you know that, at least for some of us, the MSN mail works fine.
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Is your account an @msn.com or @hotmail.com. Mine is @msn.com. Not sure if it makes a difference or not.
jetguy35 said:
Is your account an @msn.com or @hotmail.com. Mine is @msn.com. Not sure if it makes a difference or not.
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Mine is a MSN account.
problem solved
If anyone else is having this problem, it is solved. A user from the HP forums gave me the correct settings on how to set it up. For the server name, make sure you leave the https:// before the m.hotmail.com. These settings worked perfectly and I have not had a problem receiving MSN emails since.
"Is this a hotmail.com or live.com account? If so you need to set the account up as an exchange account with theses settings:
Account Type: Exchange
Server Name: m.hotmail.com
User Name: your entire email address
Password: your password
Under accounts you need to choose the items you want to sync: Mail, Calendar, Contacts, GAL (address lookup). I would delete out the account and re-create it fresh."
jetguy35 said:
If anyone else is having this problem, it is solved. A user from the HP forums gave me the correct settings on how to set it up. For the server name, make sure you leave the https:// before the m.hotmail.com. These settings worked perfectly and I have not had a problem receiving MSN emails since.
"Is this a hotmail.com or live.com account? If so you need to set the account up as an exchange account with theses settings:
Account Type: Exchange
Server Name: m.hotmail.com
User Name: your entire email address
Password: your password
Under accounts you need to choose the items you want to sync: Mail, Calendar, Contacts, GAL (address lookup). I would delete out the account and re-create it fresh."
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I read that if you set it up as an exchange account your emails will be shown only in text and not in html (with images, etc.), which sucks.
slingster said:
I read that if you set it up as an exchange account your emails will be shown only in text and not in html (with images, etc.), which sucks.
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Yeah that is the one downfall but if you read the initial post I couldn't receive any emails at all. So I guess this is the next best solution until something else surfaces. Let me know if you find a better way to get msn to receive emails on the touchpad.

Mail App vs. GMail App

I got this phone a few days ago. Setup the standard Mail app with a Gmail account. Everything worked just fine until I went to the Market. The phone asked me to login to my Google account, which is the same as my Gmail login, BTW.
After doing that, unbeknownst to me, apparently the GMail app was also configured by that action. All of a sudden, my Mail app generated failed authorization, etc. errors. But, the GMail app was fine.
I like the Mail app better because I have other POP accounts, so having my Gmail account in the Mail app is more convenient. I tried everything, including try to delete the Gmail account itself in the Mail app, but I would get yet another error.
Tried deleting the Gmail account from the Gmail Mail app, and of course that can't be done either, without wiping the phone. Called VZW, spent 2 hours on the phone with them. We tried everything. They gave up and issued an RMA for immediate replacement of the phone.
This morning I saw an update notification for the Gmail app, so I let it run. Lo and behold, this Gmail Mail update somehow allowed me to remove the account from my Mail app. I guess both apps are inter-related in some way. I was able to add the account back into the Mail app, but it appears the Gmail app is now Alpha-Dog. Whenever I get any Gmail mail it goes into the Gmail App. The only way I can get Gmail mail into the Mail app is to do a Refresh. And, yes, the Mail app's Gmail account is set to Push.
Does anyone know if there's a way to uninstall/disable the Gmail app so that the Mail app can get my Gmail mail via push again, the way it orginally worked?
Know that I have been struggling with this since last night. Wouldn't you know it, that right when I give up and asked for all your help, I figure it out.
Apparently, as usual with this OS, things are not organized sensibly. The new GMail update removes the most important options for managing how mail is to be handled under Settings. For some reason, you know have to go to Accounts and Sync and select Google Account. From there I told it not to sync mail. Go figure!
I was going to tell you to go to settings/accounts/(your Gmail account)/ and tap "sync Gmail".
And also, don't call verizon. Everyone here knows that they are idiots. If you ever have a problem, come here.
I think you can turn off sync for it, then just type your emails into the mail app... I think you have to have a Gmail account on your phone now but I'm not totally sure.
GrayTheWolf said:
I was going to tell you to go to settings/accounts/(your Gmail account)/ and tap "sync Gmail".
And also, don't call verizon. Everyone here knows that they are idiots. If you ever have a problem, come here.
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I didn't want to bug everyone here for what should have been simple tech support.
You know what, though? While the Gmail app pushes immediately, the Mail app's Push seems to not be reliable, and can take FOREVER to Push when it does work, like anywhere between 10 minutes and an hour (yes, I have it set to Push for both Peak and Off-Peak times). One test message I sent from another account never even came, even when I Refreshed the account in the Mail app. I then went into the Gmail app, and refreshed the account there, and the message came into the Gmail app. I went back to the Mail app and Refreshed again, and the message showed up! ???
Any further thoughts? Anybody on an ICS leak see that all this stuff is fixed? I sure hope so.
Why don't you use gmail as your client for all your mail including pop3? Then just use the gmail app for all your mail.....
Sent from my ADR6425LVW using Tapatalk 2
Oldsteel68 said:
Why don't you use gmail as your client for all your mail including pop3? Then just use the gmail app for all your mail.....
Sent from my ADR6425LVW using Tapatalk 2
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As far as I can tell, you can only use the GMail app for GMail accounts.
xv-6800 said:
You know what, though? While the Gmail app pushes immediately, the Mail app's Push seems to not be reliable, and can take FOREVER to Push when it does work, like anywhere between 10 minutes and an hour (yes, I have it set to Push for both Peak and Off-Peak times). One test message I sent from another account never even came, even when I Refreshed the account in the Mail app....
Any further thoughts? Anybody on an ICS leak see that all this stuff is fixed? I sure hope so.
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This is due to the built-in task-killer. Use K-9 mail, and you'll get your emails reliably pushed.
Sent from my ADR6425LVW using Tapatalk 2
xv-6800 said:
As far as I can tell, you can only use the GMail app for GMail accounts.
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Nope. Can use it for everything. Set everything up in gmail account from your pc browser and everything will reflect within the gmail app.
My gmail app is configured for my gmail and 5 of my business pop3 accounts. Works flawlessly.
Sent from my ADR6425LVW using Tapatalk 2
Are you saying to setup my GMail account itself to pop my POP addresses, then just add the one GMail account to the GMail app on my phone? (I already have some being popped by that GMail account, so I already know how to do that.) Or, are you saying that the GMail app on my phone can be configured to pop my POP addresses, as well as my GMail account?
The one thing I like about the Mail app is that you can have multiple e-mail accounts of ANY type configured, and when you reply to a message, you can choose to have the reply sent from ANY accounts, regardless of which account it was sent to. To elaborate, the only reason I have a GMail account is for the push aspect. I have 3 businesses, some of which I have multiple e-mail addresses for, as well as have several personal e-mail accounts. I have the important business accounts and the personal accounts set to send copies of received mail sent to the GMail account so they get pushed to the phone, which saves a LOT of battery juice. So, when I receive an important message on, say Business A E-Mail Account 1, I receive it in the GMail account set up in the Mail app on my phone. With the Mail app, I can easily choose to have the reply sent from, say Business B E-Mail Account 3 that I also have setup on my Mail app (I don't even have to actually pop Business B E-Mail Account 3, either, I just have to have it setup, so the receive setting is set to manual, so that account never has to pop the account, thereby, preserving battery juice).
So, the recipient sees my reply coming from Business A E-Mail Account 1, as he/she should.
Can the GMail app handle that type of function as easily as the Mail app on the phone?
FWIW, it would be a lot easier if GMail itself would offer that functionality, but it doesn't. Even if I reply via GMail using my PC, replies take on the "default" account's info, so if I reply to a message that comes into Business B E-Mail Account 3, the From and Reply To on that reply shows Business A E-Mail Account 1, if in fact Business A E-Mail Account 1 is the default account in my GMail account. I hope that makes sense.
Oldsteel68 said:
Nope. Can use it for everything. Set everything up in gmail account from your pc browser and everything will reflect within the gmail app.
My gmail app is configured for my gmail and 5 of my business pop3 accounts.
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Same here.
WookieFan said:
This is due to the built-in task-killer. Use K-9 mail, and you'll get your emails reliably pushed.
Sent from my ADR6425LVW using Tapatalk 2
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Beat me to it. Love k9 mail.
Sent from my ADR6425LVW using XDA
merlin66676 said:
Beat me to it. Love k9 mail.
Sent from my ADR6425LVW using XDA
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^^^ +3 this
jmorton10 said:
Same here.
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I just wanted to clarify for anyone else that might stumble across this thread that the GMail app on the phone only works with Google or GMail accounts. You can NOT setup any other type of e-mail address accounts in the GMail app. While you can go into your real GMail account, by going to GMail.com, and set your GMail account to POP other e-mail addresses, this does not offer the same benefits as having different accounts setup in a mail app, and depending upon your needs, may even give you undesirable results when you reply to messages received this way.
To add my 2 cents on this, if you are in need of any email accounts added to the mail app, if at all possible make sure they can be an exchange account, for the sake of battery life.
A huge battery killer is when your mail app is set to pull for new e-mail every 10-15 minutes. And on exchange it pushes your mail to your device when you have new mail, and only when you have something new, saving battery.
jazzyjames said:
To add my 2 cents on this, if you are in need of any email accounts added to the mail app, if at all possible make sure they can be an exchange account, for the sake of battery life.
A huge battery killer is when your mail app is set to pull for new e-mail every 10-15 minutes. And on exchange it pushes your mail to your device when you have new mail, and only when you have something new, saving battery.
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Good tip, but, not everyone has access to exhange server-based e-mail accounts. Not to fret, because below is how you can accommodate for e-mail accounts on servers that that don't have Push capabilities. (Please read all steps first before implementing, because your use could dictate in which order you'll want to add accounts in Step 2.)
1) Set up a GMail account to POP all other accounts.
2) In the Mail app, (not the GMail app), add all accounts (both GMail and non-GMail accounts).
3) For each of the non-GMail accounts, go to Settings and do the following:
In General settings, un-check Refresh on open.
In Send & Receive settings, click Update schedule, and under Frequency choose Manual for both Peak times and Off-peak times.
4) For the GMail account, go to Settings, select Receive settings, and under Update schedule choose Push Mail for both Peak times and Off-peak times.
Since the GMail account POPs the non-GMail accounts, any messages from the non-GMail accounts are pushed to the phone. Normally with G-Mail, both on the web and in the GMail app, if you reply to a message, the reply shows a that the reply is coming fron the GMail account, which you might not want, especially with work e-mails. But, in the Mail app you can actually reply reply from the account the message was originally sent to, even though it was pushed to your phone via your GMail account. Simply click Reply, then click From: at the top of your reply and choose the account you want the reply sent from. VOILA!
Tip: Note that accounts in the Accounts List are displayed in the order in which you add them; you CANNOT sort this list! Thus, if your use of this implementation is like mine, in which I always want to reply to messages via the same non-GMail address the message was originally sent to, add the non-Gmail accounts first, in order of your anticipated frequency of use. This way, when you click From: on your replies, your accounts are displayed in a sensible order. Over time it can be quite annoying to have to scroll down past a bunch of accounts to select an address you frequently use on replies. Ask me how I know.
Variation: Alternatively, in Step 1, instead of setting the GMail account to POP the other accounts, you could set all other accounts to forward to the GMail account. This would result in faster receipt of messages sent to those addresses because messages sent to GMail are pushed right away. On the other hand, GMail POPs accounts on an hourly basis which cannot be changed by the user. That said, having GMail set to POP the other accounts can be safer, especially when GMail has server problems (which they do). By checking Leave a copy of retrieved message on the server when setting up the POPping in your GMail account, the messages being POPped by your GMail account will remain in your other accounts.
I think these instructions should be a sticky. :good:
xv-6800 said:
I think these instructions should be a sticky.
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I agree 100%.
I didn't have time to type out all this, but this is great info.
Personally, I have always used your 2nd variation & that works perfectly for me.
xv-6800 said:
Good tip, but, not everyone has access to exhange server-based e-mail accounts. Not to fret, because below is how you can accommodate for e-mail accounts on servers that that don't have Push capabilities. (Please read all steps first before implementing, because your use could dictate in which order you'll want to add accounts in Step 2.)
1) Set up a GMail account to POP all other accounts.
2) In the Mail app, (not the GMail app), add all accounts (both GMail and non-GMail accounts).
3) For each of the non-GMail accounts, go to Settings and do the following:
In General settings, un-check Refresh on open.
In Send & Receive settings, click Update schedule, and under Frequency choose Manual for both Peak times and Off-peak times.
4) For the GMail account, go to Settings, select Receive settings, and under Update schedule choose Push Mail for both Peak times and Off-peak times.
Since the GMail account POPs the non-GMail accounts, any messages from the non-GMail accounts are pushed to the phone. Normally with G-Mail, both on the web and in the GMail app, if you reply to a message, the reply shows a that the reply is coming fron the GMail account, which you might not want, especially with work e-mails. But, in the Mail app you can actually reply reply from the account the message was originally sent to, even though it was pushed to your phone via your GMail account. Simply click Reply, then click From: at the top of your reply and choose the account you want the reply sent from. VOILA!
Tip: Note that accounts in the Accounts List are displayed in the order in which you add them; you CANNOT sort this list! Thus, if your use of this implementation is like mine, in which I always want to reply to messages via the same non-GMail address the message was originally sent to, add the non-Gmail accounts first, in order of your anticipated frequency of use. This way, when you click From: on your replies, your accounts are displayed in a sensible order. Over time it can be quite annoying to have to scroll down past a bunch of accounts to select an address you frequently use on replies. Ask me how I know.
Variation: Alternatively, in Step 1, instead of setting the GMail account to POP the other accounts, you could set all other accounts to forward to the GMail account. This would result in faster receipt of messages sent to those addresses because messages sent to GMail are pushed right away. On the other hand, GMail POPs accounts on an hourly basis which cannot be changed by the user. That said, having GMail set to POP the other accounts can be safer, especially when GMail has server problems (which they do). By checking Leave a copy of retrieved message on the server when setting up the POPping in your GMail account, the messages being POPped by your GMail account will remain in your other accounts.
I think these instructions should be a sticky. :good:
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Now I agree with those settings that you have are good, at my job before we switched from Novell Groupwise to Gmail based, I used to do that to my Gmail account, the main problem I found was the pulling from Gmail can take 5 minutes to a hour to get any e-mail on those accounts, which can be okay for some, just was rendered useless for me.
jazzyjames said:
Now I agree with those settings that you have are good, at my job before we switched from Novell Groupwise to Gmail based, I used to do that to my Gmail account, the main problem I found was the pulling from Gmail can take 5 minutes to a hour to get any e-mail on those accounts, which can be okay for some, just was rendered useless for me.
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Yes, I listed that variation at the bottom of the instructions, specifically to let people know that this might be a good option for time-sensitive communication.
As a matter of fact, I have all work-related e-mail accounts set to send a copy (not a forward) of all messages to my GMail address. So, as soon as they hit my work accounts they get sent to my GMail account, which immediately pushes to my phone. By copying to GMail instead of forwarding, the messages stay in those accounts for safety reasons. I didn't include that info, because not all work e-mail accounts allow users to customize settings to that degree for security reasons, as you often have to have server admin rights to do things of that nature.
On personal accounts that I use for communications that are not time-sensitve, I simply have my GMail account POP those accounts.

