[Q] hardware or software proximity, rotation etc. porblem? - Nokia Lumia 920

hey guys, i got this problem and it is annoying. Everything work for few hours but it stopped and after some thime it starts again. I tried hard and soft reset and after it, phone works fine for half a day and again start to work bad. Here is list of problem and it comes all together and disapear together.
1. the phone compass does not work any more
2. gyro doesnt work (so no more racing games)
3. auto screen rotation does not work
4. cannnot set the screen brightness to auto mode
5. on call screen doesn't go off when u bring the phone closer to your ear.(due to this the calls get disconnected when the screen touchs your face)
6. the lights in the windows key, back key & the search key does not light anymore.
7. cannot run the Here lens app (says your device does not support motion sensor)
But every thing else works perfect. is there any body else who faced the same issue or is it only me?
And this phone was originaly on swedish firmware but my brother instaled UK, but it was normal for some time.

did you use screen protector?
you can try hard reset or reflash, but if problem continue maybe is hardware problem

no i dont have screen protector.
My brother said that he was found one ROM on wich the phone work normally, but it is pre-Amber ROM, and after upda is started to screw again.

sasa90 said:
no i dont have screen protector.
My brother said that he was found one ROM on wich the phone work normally, but it is pre-Amber ROM, and after upda is started to screw again.
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try flashing any black ROM...
if you want, try retail Adriatic version 059R7Z0: 3051.40000.1349.0003

Is there any step by step tutorial for flashing?
Already i have UK black ROM.


sasa90 said:
Is there any step by step tutorial for flashing?
Already i have UK black ROM.
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Hey, did flashing a new rom fix your issue?

I didnt try to flash another ROM, so dont know is there fix, but i know there is somre of firsts roms that helps, but if you update phone it will no work again.

Hi there,
I got the same errors as stated below for my black lumia 920 (CV DE):
sasa90 said:
1. the phone compass does not work any more
2. gyro doesnt work (so no more racing games)
3. auto screen rotation does not work
4. cannnot set the screen brightness to auto mode
5. on call screen doesn't go off when u bring the phone closer to your ear.(due to this the calls get disconnected when the screen touchs your face)
6. the lights in the windows key, back key & the search key does not light anymore.
7. cannot run the Here lens app (says your device does not support motion sensor)
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For me it all started when updating my Lumia OTA. After the update was installed my Lumia was stuck in a boot loop only showing the Nokia logo on a black background and rebooting afterwards without even getting to the blue WP logo screen.
To get rid of the boot loop I flashed different types of firmwares I got via NaviFirm 3.2 with the Nokia Care Suit onto my 920. Some of them solved the boot loop problem but unfortunately the above mentioned errors occured. Some of them got me stuck in a boot loop again. But I haven't found a single rom for which the gyroscope, accelerometer, proximity sensor work yet...
Before the OTA update I could use the nokia lense app without any hick ups now it says that it is not able to install the app due to missing sensors.
So it seems to me that these are software related issues rather than hardware failure but I have no idea what happened during the failed OTA update that might cause these errors.
Here is a list of the roms I flashed onto my 920, maybe I will try some more. Unfortunately I do not know that firmware version installed before trying to update OTA.
3051.400000.1349.0001 - Problems above occured
1232.2109.1242.1000 Global black swap - very slow+Problems above occured
1232.2109.1242.1000_RETAIL_EU - very slow+Problems above occured
1232.5951.1249.1001 - RM-821 VAR EURO2 DE Black - Problems above occured+no manual brightness
1232.5951.1249.1001 - CV DE - very slow+Problems above occured
1232.5957.1308.0001 DE- Boot loop
1232.5957.1308.0001 IT_COSTA - Boot loop
3047.0000.1326.2001_RETAIL_eu - Problems above occured
3049.0000.1330.0009_RETAIL_eu - Problems above occured+no manual brightness
3051.400000.1351.2005 - Problems above occured

Ok, so I have installed the 8.1 preview for developer firmware. After installation finished all of a sudden the lights of the capacitive buttons lit up. After turning on and off my phone several times rotation started working. Then I installed the facebook app. It crashed and told me some sensors weren't working properly. Rotation stopped working and the lights on the buttons went out. I uninstalled facebook and restarted several times also doing soft resets until the lights came back on.
Now after 1 day of using my phone I realized that even the proximity sensor is working fine when answering calls...I am confused but happy...Maybe I will try to reinstall the FB apps the next days...However I would recommend trying the 8.1 preview for those experiencing the issues above!

I know that it's an old post, but I'm having this issue and this is the only post I found on the internet where the symptoms are the same as mine. After lots of tries I found out in part what's the culprit of the issue: anytime my phone is loaded with backgroud operations (mostly when involving data communication), the sensors stop working correctly and I have to either restart the phone or wait until all the background jobs are done.
To avoid this issue from happening 8/10 times a day, I had to deny background operations to almost every app (only Cortana had background execution) so that happens only once or twice a day and always next to operations like app store updates, intense internet usage, intense facebook/whatsapp usage (since latest updates you can see arrows next to cellular/wi-fi icons when data is being exchanged, and during this issue the arrows, uploading or downloading, are always working intensely).
Microsoft support doesn't help and says that must be an HW issue, but I reproduced it on 2 different Lumia using my account, so it's not HW related, but still they don't take into consideration that and, obviously, I don't have a way to debug the OS runtime to find out what happens in such moments.

I too have the same problem on lumia 920 for the past years. Very irritating. Please let me know if you have solutions.
email: [email protected]
Thanks !!


[Q] Auto screen rotation not working after game freeze

Hello guys,
Its my first post here, and my first android phone, and already i have a annoying problem.
I have searched these forums and many others but didnt find any similar problem or solution for it so here it is:
I bought Samsung Galaxy S2 15 days ago, from the local mobile service provider with contract. It runs OS Gingerbread 2.3.3 (adjusted to my mobile service provider settings), not rooted, under warranty.
Ive downloaded and installed many apps. Among them some free games from android market - demos, lite, free.
Sometimes, while i play, not often, game freezes. When it does only thing that is lest working is sound, and home button. Than i go to home screen, kill the game via android task manager, and than i see that screen auto rotation isnt working. Its stuck in landscape mode mostly, or portrait, even the auto rotation option is on. If it is in landscape mode, when i uncheck auto rotation then it goes to portrait mode. If i try some other game that supports sensor controls, like driving (accelerometer?).... u know...... when u tilt the phone to turn right or left......... and its not working.
Ive discovered 2 possible temporary solutions for the problem:
1. Turn off and on the phone, and its back to normal;
2. Wait for a 10 min or so, and its back to normal by itself;
I have one year warranty and i took the phone to service where they assumed that it is a software problem and flashed OS (ive recorded the behaviour of the phone with camera and showed to the service guy).
Ive got the phone back after a day with flashed OS. On a fresh instal of OS ive installed just one app, one game that it tends to freeze and cause problem - "Cordy" free trial. After just 20 sec of playing problem occurred again. It happened just that one time in last two days.
Any opinion on this matter is most welcome.
Tnx in advance.
If the phone is stuck then Restarting it is the option, not a temporary one. Now what's causing the freeze? I don't know.
Tnx for answering. Im a bit disappointed with lack of answers because it just saying that my problem is not something common and with easy solution.
Im saying that restarting the phone is a temporary solution because i want find one that will prevent the problem for happening at all. Game freeze and accelerometer not working r connected in this case
It happened just now.
After that I checked in the app called sensor test that i instaled ffrom android market, and also that testing menu typing *#0*#.
in both cases it shows that acceleration sensor is not working. It came to normal by itself after 5 min or so.
What do u think? Software or hardware problem?
OK, update.
Its not caused just by the games, it happens even when not using any apps.
Accelerometer, orientation sensor and magnetic field sensor just stop working for a 5-10 min. Dont know whats causing this.
Tommorow is going back to service and im afraid that guys there r clueless.
Anyone have some suggestion pls.
Update on a problem.
My friend bought same phone from same service provider 3 days after i did and he is having exactly same problem.
He didnt had time before to test it but we did it yesterday, and after a hour of so trying to reproduce problem we succeded.
My phone is at service and i called today and the service guy said that the work on my phone is completed, they replaced sensors part (which apparanty comes with touch screen).
Im picking it up tommorow and i will test it and see if the problem is solved. But, im pesimistic.
How likely is that me and my friend have same hardware problem?
Here it is on video. Pls watch it and give any kind of oppinion, im getting desperate.

[Q] Galaxy S3 lockscreen hang and also unresponsive blackscreen

Hey guys,
I know there has been a couple of posts like this that I have found through searching but none have actually found a solution, so instead of resurrecting a old thread I thought I would start a new one.
Basically I am having some issues with my new pebble blue (yey) S3 . I have found that sometimes when the phone is sleeping when I press the power button to bring it out of sleep the lock screen begins to hang. This is followed by a number of different things, the screen either glitches for a bit and then begins to work or it stays locked and needs a battery pull. As well as this I've found that randomly either when charging or not and the phone is sleeping it simply becomes unresponsive, staying on a black screen and needing a battery pull to fix (this has only occured a few times, the hanging lock screen occurs quite often).
I have done some searching and found little in the way of a solution or what the problem is, however I have found that when the lock screen hangs -if it begins to work again after glitching out the 'WIFI connected to ****' appears at the bottom of the screen. Anyway if anyone has any ideas or also recieves this problem I would really appreciate some help as it's driving me crazy and I'm unsure if it is a common S3 bug or a faulty handset, in which case I have limited time to RMA.
Cheers in advance
Hmm, sounds like a faulty phone to me. Try taking it back to get it exchanged for onother one. S3 was built to fly not crawl.
You'll want to go through a process of elimination to figure out when might be causing it.
Something you can try and test with (one at a time)
-turn on airplane mode
-turn off live wallpaper
-shut down all running tasks
-change your lock screen security method
-limit the number of widgets running on all the screens
-reduce the number of active screens
Probably other things you can try to pull out of the equation, but thats a good start
After looking up dial-a-phones returns policy it would seem that I have 28 days to return if the handset is faulty, so this atleast gives me some breathing room to try out any suggestions for fixes. I will begin to eliminate each of the suggested items above however as the lock screen problem is intermittent it make take a day so actually see if it has had an effect, which is annoying at the least.
On another note a numberupted of people are stating high battery life on their devices however mine doesn't seem to be as good and I do have power saving on as well as nfc etc. turned off. This makes me believe my handset could have a fault, but tbf I haven't allowed for a discharge to 5% and the recharging to 100% which I heare allows for optimisation of the battery.
EDIT**** I have changed the lock screen previously and found it had no effect on the problem and I do not have a live wallpaper in use.
Phone Freezing after reboot and auto wifi signal found on.
Same here, been happening the last few days after I installed Avast. Also, turning off and on the auto on wifi seemed to replicate the problem.
The phone will boot to the lock screen and freeze a bit, and sometimes the news ticker freezes, and then after unlocked, I try to turn off wifi signal has been found on the notification dropdown and then tries to auto connect to wifi, the phone will freeze up if I dont turn it off in time.
Once the auto wifi connect is off and reboots, then the phone will keep glitching up until it catches up processing alot of processes it was trying to do for about 1/2 hr. Also, if phone freezes up for too long, like after trying too many time of unlocking the screen while freezing up, the phone gets stuck at the lock screen and the phone almost overheated, in an area right below the battery. I had to pull the battery out to cool it off.
It seems to be a glitch in the auto wifi, especially if alot of resources are being used. Once Avast was on my phone about 1.5GB RAM is being used sometimes and since has really slowed the phone down. Going uninstall alot of apps.
JCrinage said:
Hey guys,
I know there has been a couple of posts like this that I have found through searching but none have actually found a solution, so instead of resurrecting a old thread I thought I would start a new one.
Basically I am having some issues with my new pebble blue (yey) S3 . I have found that sometimes when the phone is sleeping when I press the power button to bring it out of sleep the lock screen begins to hang. This is followed by a number of different things, the screen either glitches for a bit and then begins to work or it stays locked and needs a battery pull. As well as this I've found that randomly either when charging or not and the phone is sleeping it simply becomes unresponsive, staying on a black screen and needing a battery pull to fix (this has only occured a few times, the hanging lock screen occurs quite often).
I have done some searching and found little in the way of a solution or what the problem is, however I have found that when the lock screen hangs -if it begins to work again after glitching out the 'WIFI connected to ****' appears at the bottom of the screen. Anyway if anyone has any ideas or also recieves this problem I would really appreciate some help as it's driving me crazy and I'm unsure if it is a common S3 bug or a faulty handset, in which case I have limited time to RMA.
Cheers in advance
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Same problem.
No problem if Wifi is switched off prior to sleep.
No problem if Wifi connection is still available.
Problem to lockscreen if Wifi connection is broken (move away from connected router).
Any suggestion?
sassorock said:
Same problem.
No problem if Wifi is switched off prior to sleep.
No problem if Wifi connection is still available.
Problem to lockscreen if Wifi connection is broken (move away from connected router).
Any suggestion?
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Exactly the same here. Driving me crazy. I did root the phone using the Samsung Galaxy S3 Toolkit. I don't know if the problem also exists on non rooted devices.
S3 black screen after unlocking
Has there anyone experience S3's screen went on black? I have pebble blue S3 - GT-I9300. Cases when unlocking, answering an incoming call or attempting to turn off an
alarm? Mine happens when after unlocking the screen then it goes black and screen becomes unresponsive. It happens intermittently and even after 3 times of
reprogramming. I am now going to have it replaced. I am having a lot of troubles -- it exits on its own when im reading or composing an SMS; files were deleted after
restarting the unit, and an app opens up even not touching the scree. This is expensive and I am paying a lot just to experience this king of inconvenience.
DavidNieuwpoort said:
Exactly the same here. Driving me crazy. I did root the phone using the Samsung Galaxy S3 Toolkit. I don't know if the problem also exists on non rooted devices.
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I also rooted my S3 a few days ago (with the S3 toolkit), and have had lots of problems with unresponsive lockscreens (I use PIN, because of exchange connection). It takes a few seconds or maybe up to as long a minute before I'm able to punch in the PIN-numbers. Before this the screen lights up but does not respond to input.
But the WiFi-connection issue might be what is the triggering factor, because after a boot it wotks just fine for several hours, if I'm not moving out of my current WiFi zone. First I thought it was either Secure Settings or Tasker that made my device lock up in this matter, but now as they are both uninstalled, the problem still occurs.
Are you running some kind of custom rom, or just the latest stock ROM, but rooted?
Flodas said:
I also rooted my S3 a few days ago (with the S3 toolkit), and have had lots of problems with unresponsive lockscreens (I use PIN, because of exchange connection). It takes a few seconds or maybe up to as long a minute before I'm able to punch in the PIN-numbers. Before this the screen lights up but does not respond to input.
But the WiFi-connection issue might be what is the triggering factor, because after a boot it wotks just fine for several hours, if I'm not moving out of my current WiFi zone. First I thought it was either Secure Settings or Tasker that made my device lock up in this matter, but now as they are both uninstalled, the problem still occurs.
Are you running some kind of custom rom, or just the latest stock ROM, but rooted?
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Just the latest stock ROM but rooted. I've found out that turning off the wifi power safe mode fixes the problem for me. To do this:
- In the dailer enter *#0011#
- Press the menu key
- Select wifi
- Press the on/off button.
The wifi power safe mode will however be turned on during boot. So rebooting will set it back on.
*#0011# seems does the trick. But is annoying had to do this every time after power off (change battery, change Sim, flying).... Anyway to keep the setting?
I am also on stock Rom and rooted. Interested to know any non-rooted phone got this problem?
BTW. I found a quick (at least quicker than pull the battery) way to get out of the forzen lock screen (sometimes forgot to do the 0011 trick): press the power button (screen will Dim instead of OFF), then hold the home button for few seconds, as soon as you see the "menu" and "back" button lit up, the lock is un-freeze...
A permanent solution is appreciated for such an advance phone....
sassorock said:
*#0011# seems does the trick. But is annoying had to do this every time after power off (change battery, change Sim, flying).... Anyway to keep the setting?
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Not that I know of.
Problem solved. For me anyway. Hope works for all of you having the same trouble.
My trouble begin with recent upgrade to LH3. My S3 was rooted by S3 toolkit v2.0. CWM installed was v4 something.
I un-rooted the phone. Uninstalled S3 toolkit v2.0. Re-installed the S3 Toolkit v5.0. Rooted the phone again (CWM become v6....).
I do not know it was CWM version caused the trouble or not. But my S3 is ok now.
I got it on my non-rooted phone, any additional solutions/suggestions? or service?
I found solution for problem . And my phone is working well. I downloaded rom file android 4.1.2 and flash my phone
JB 4.1.1 caused these WiFi issues on my phone
Jodatnia said:
I found solution for problem . And my phone is working well. I downloaded rom file android 4.1.2 and flash my phone
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Exact opposite for me...never had the problem then since loading stock JB 4.1.1 with root I get lockups or freezes whenever WiFi is turned off or I leave my router's range. As soon as I disconnect from WiFi the whole phone freezes.
The *#0010# also locks up the phone when I turn off the WiFi power saving feature.
None of this happened before JB...and I replaced my phone with week via warranty due to this and the new phone does the exact same thing as soon as I upgraded to JB with root.
Any ideas?
Black screen / random reboot solution
Hi All,
I've had the black screen / random reboot issue for a few days. The only way to restore functionality on black screen lockup was to remove the battery.
I tried changing to Chrome browser and stopping the stock browser as suggested in some threads but it kept crashing.
I searched everywhere and most threads suggest a dodgy motherboard.
For me the issue was related to either a single PDF download via the stock browser or the fact I had quite alot of saved PDF files on my phone (S3 Stock firmware I9300XXELLA)
After deleting all the files listed in Internet downloads (look for Downloads with a green arrow Icon in apps) my trusty S3 has returned to normal. No black screen lockups, no hanging, runs like a dream!
I appreciate this may not solve everyones black sceeen issues but I haven't found any other thread with this solution. Hope it works for you.
giz_zard said:
Hi All,
I've had the black screen / random reboot issue for a few days. The only way to restore functionality on black screen lockup was to remove the battery.
I tried changing to Chrome browser and stopping the stock browser as suggested in some threads but it kept crashing.
I searched everywhere and most threads suggest a dodgy motherboard.
For me the issue was related to either a single PDF download via the stock browser or the fact I had quite alot of saved PDF files on my phone (S3 Stock firmware I9300XXELLA)
After deleting all the files listed in Internet downloads (look for Downloads with a green arrow Icon in apps) my trusty S3 has returned to normal. No black screen lockups, no hanging, runs like a dream!
I appreciate this may not solve everyones black sceeen issues but I haven't found any other thread with this solution. Hope it works for you.
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Thanks for the tip...
Was this happening on JB for you? You mention stock firmware (not familiar with I9300)...so I am guessing it was ICS.
For me the issues are with JB and I had no files at all in the Downloads folder after a certain point when I wiped / formatted the SDCard...so I do not think my lockups were related to PDFs. But I did (and still do) have a ton of music and a lot of movies on the External MicroSD Card....and quite a few custom notification and ringtone MP3s on the Internal SDCard. Next time I load JB I will run it a few days with none of this media loaded....
Jodatnia said:
I found solution for problem . And my phone is working well. I downloaded rom file android 4.1.2 and flash my phone
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For me this also worked. Resolved everything. (on i9300 int)
Boomer6345 said:
Thanks for the tip...
Was this happening on JB for you? You mention stock firmware (not familiar with I9300)...so I am guessing it was ICS.
For me the issues are with JB and I had no files at all in the Downloads folder after a certain point when I wiped / formatted the SDCard...so I do not think my lockups were related to PDFs. But I did (and still do) have a ton of music and a lot of movies on the External MicroSD Card....and quite a few custom notification and ringtone MP3s on the Internal SDCard. Next time I load JB I will run it a few days with none of this media loaded....
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This is on JB 4.1.2, Phone had been updated to 4.1.2 for about a month. The issues started after a pdf download. Once all pdf's were deleted the handset works perfectly.

[Q] accelerometers, gyroscopes and proximity sensors

Perhaps this forum could help.
I received a used Xperia Mini [ST15i] as a xmas present from my bro-in-law.
It has Android 2.3.4 – Kernel is
Build is 4.0.2.A.0.62
It had a lot of his apps on and foolishly I went into application manager and deleted a whole lot of stuff when suddenly the phone went into what I originally thought was a Haptic Feedback loop.
I was unable to power off so I had to remove Battery and restart from there. The loop starts slowly with one or two vibrates every 10 seconds then it becomes rapid and settles into an almost clock like rythm, two vibration per second.
I tried to get into settings to turn off the haptic feedback indicator but it seems like for each vibration [or tick] , an invisible ‘enter’ has been pressed somewhere on the screen so the only way to get into settings is to press the ‘back’ button and at the same time press the ‘settings’ button to interrupt the loop and after 5 vibrations or so I am able get into the ‘settings’ menu and un-tick the Haptic indicator. The phone goes quiet but the ‘clock’ or what ever process is looping continues. It completely blocks me out from doing anything unless I can interrupt it via pressing the back button.
To try get over this, I have reloaded the complete 150mb software via sony update. Afterward the problem still persisted. I have done both factory resets and still the loop process continues.
Have I screwed the Kernel? Any help or advice would be great. The phone is locked .
Sorry for you but it's an hardware problem (related to touchscreen). You have to send you mobile back to Sony.
Mine had the same issue out of the box and I had it replaced. The guy in the store told me it affects some batches (don't know which ones).
Soda_47 said:
Sorry for you but it's an hardware problem (related to touchscreen). You have to send you mobile back to Sony.
Mine had the same issue out of the box and I had it replaced. The guy in the store told me it affects some batches (don't know which ones).
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Thanks Soda. Just chatted with Sony. Luckily phone is still under warranty. Cheers
I'm happy to help

[SOLVED] Z2 Touch Screen Sensitivity (Hidden Glove Mode)

It's a hardware issue. If you have this problem, ask Sony for a screen replacement.
Sony replaced a new Z2 for me, now I got no more touch issues.
Manufacturing Date:
My previous Z2: 14W20 (with bug), @gamer649 with 14W28 has bug too
My new Z2: 14W33 (without bug)
However, @mariosraptor with earlier batch 14W17 reported no bug.
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Firmware: Xperia Z2 running 17.1.1.A.0.402 and latest 17.1.2.A.314 firmware (previous firmware I'm not sure)
Bug: Glove mode randomly turns on, but in display setting it shows off.
This happens all the time. Screen sensitivity increases as if glove mode was turned on. But glove mode is actually showed as off in display settings.
Findings: After several days of testing. I found some interesting things that may be helpful:
- 100% bug appears upon launching a game call tower of saviors (by madhead)
- 50% bug appears upon launching keyboard in messaging apps (wechat, whatsapp, fb messenger)
- 50% bug appears after redirecting to messaging apps from notifications drop-down.
- Sometimes it got resolved by pressing the app drawer icon from home screen.
- Not caused by root because bug appears after reflashing firmware.
Temporary workaround: Turn the display off and on. Usually last no more than 1 minute before this bug reappears.
Failed solutions:
Not working steps:
1. Turn glove mode on and off.
2. Turn off tap to wake up.
3. Reduce and increase screen time out.
4. Apply and remove screen protector and tempered glass.
5. Turn x-reality on and off.
6. Turn auto-rotation on and off.
7. Turn smart backlight control on and off.
I also tried all these:
1. Use PC companion to do a phone repair. (bug remains)
2. Using the phone, I did factory reset + erase internal storage (bug remains)
3. Using the phone, I did a factory reset (bug remains)​
If you need any info from me I'm happy to provide. This bug is really annoying, it causes unwanted touches and keyboard typos.
zhuhang said:
Firmware: Xperia Z2 running 17.1.1.A.0.402 and latest 17.1.2.A.314 firmware (previous firmware I'm not sure)
Bug: Glove mode randomly turns on, but in display setting it shows off.
This happens all the time. Screen sensitivity increases as if glove mode was turned on. But glove mode is actually showed as off in display settings.
Findings: After several days of testing. I found some interesting things that may be helpful:
- 100% bug appears upon launching a game call tower of saviors (by madhead)
- 50% bug appears upon launching keyboard in messaging apps (wechat, whatsapp, fb messenger)
- 50% bug appears after redirecting to messaging apps from notifications drop-down.
- Sometimes it got resolved by pressing the app drawer icon from home screen.
- Not caused by root because bug appears after reflashing firmware.
Temporary workaround: Turn the display off and on. Usually last no more than 1 minute before this bug reappears.
Failed solutions:
Not working steps:
1. Turn glove mode on and off.
2. Turn off tap to wake up.
3. Reduce and increase screen time out.
4. Apply and remove screen protector and tempered glass.
5. Turn x-reality on and off.
6. Turn auto-rotation on and off.
7. Turn smart backlight control on and off.
I also tried all these:
1. Use PC companion to do a phone repair. (bug remains)
2. Using the phone, I did factory reset + erase internal storage (bug remains)
3. Using the phone, I did a factory reset (bug remains)​
If you need any info from me I'm happy to provide. This bug is really annoying, it causes unwanted touches and keyboard typos.
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- i had ghost touch issues most on 402 firmware most
-tried 55 which i had this prob, 69, 438 and 402 i had
-CM11 didnt seem to have this issue
try flashing CM11 or something non stock based, if it still happens then we can conform its a Stock Rom issue
(i dont have a Z2 atm so cant test for you)
Envious_Data said:
- i had ghost touch issues most on 402 firmware most
-tried 55 which i had this prob, 69, 438 and 402 i had
-CM11 didnt seem to have this issue
try flashing CM11 or something non stock based, if it still happens then we can conform its a Stock Rom issue
(i dont have a Z2 atm so cant test for you)
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I will only go as far as root. To flash CM11 i need unlock BL right.
I got an idea to disable glove mode and see if it helps.
zhuhang said:
I will only go as far as root. To flash CM11 i need unlock BL right.
I got an idea to disable glove mode and see if it helps.
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yes you need unlocked bootloader
i think ill test this my self when i get my Z2 back, ill be trying alot of things, aka disabling glove mode from the kernel n stuff
my freind had the same issue ans she came up with this info below, she didnt test any other but these Roms below
no ghost touches
The new 4.4.4 firmware still has this bug! Looks like we need to bring this up to Sony's notice.
I am facing this problem, too.
Got this problem shortly after i bought my Z2 from time to time, mostly while playing Ingress. Than I dropped my phone and had to replace my screen (cracked). The replacement display went totally mad after a few days, I had ghost touches everytime even while the device was lying untouched on the table, the device was practically unuseable. (See video HERE). The repair shop replaced the display again, and it went back to "normal" with ghost touches as described in the first post.
Here's another thread about this issue.
AlanDS said:
The new 4.4.4 firmware still has this bug! Looks like we need to bring this up to Sony's notice.
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Furchendackel said:
I am facing this problem, too.
Got this problem shortly after i bought my Z2 from time to time, mostly while playing Ingress. Than I dropped my phone and had to replace my screen (cracked). The replacement display went totally mad after a few days, I had ghost touches everytime even while the device was lying untouched on the table, the device was practically unuseable. (See video HERE). The repair shop replaced the display again, and it went back to "normal" with ghost touches as described in the first post.
Here's another thread about this issue.
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Yup, after update the bug still there. Now I reverted back to 4.4.2 (at least root is possible)
I wonder if this is a bug of Sony or bug of game. But since many are facing it too, I think it is Sony.
In my Z2, I can recreate this bug by running a game call Tower of Saviors.
Immediately after opening this app, the bug will be there.
But after some time being outside the game (display remains ON) the bug went off but easily recreated.
This problem causes me to type wrongly almost all the time.
zhuhang said:
Yup, after update the bug still there. Now I reverted back to 4.4.2 (at least root is possible)
I wonder if this is a bug of Sony or bug of game. But since many are facing it too, I think it is Sony.
In my Z2, I can recreate this bug by running a game call Tower of Saviors.
Immediately after opening this app, the bug will be there.
But after some time being outside the game (display remains ON) the bug went off but easily recreated.
This problem causes me to type wrongly almost all the time.
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Some devices have more sensitive touchscreens which cause ghost touches, its a manufacturing defect
I found mine does this after being staticly charged by something, clothing or anything else that would cause static, i just touch my phone on a live and it just removes of that odd buzzy feel and also my ghost touches ???
As for 4.4.4, its not rootable but pre-rootable or even rootable via flashing if you know how
Envious_Data said:
Some devices have more sensitive touchscreens which cause ghost touches, its a manufacturing defect
I found mine does this after being staticly charged by something, clothing or anything else that would cause static, i just touch my phone on a live and it just removes of that odd buzzy feel and also my ghost touches ???
As for 4.4.4, its not rootable but pre-rootable or even rootable via flashing if you know how
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You have no idea regarding the problem we are talking right now.
It's not sensitivity issue, its not a touch issue after all, its glove mode being activated somehow all the time.
zhuhang said:
You have no idea regarding the problem we are talking right now.
It's not sensitivity issue, its not a touch issue after all, its glove mode being activated somehow all the time.
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even if turned off?
i had a simular issue but since i went and Reset my phone via flashtool i havent had it. it only happpend on 402 firmware
Does it show where it is touching? Because glove mode shows with a dot. If doesn't than it is ghost touch. If it does then yes glove mode automatically gets enabled.
Envious_Data said:
even if turned off?
i had a simular issue but since i went and Reset my phone via flashtool i havent had it. it only happpend on 402 firmware
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Glove mode is turned off.
mariosraptor said:
Does it show where it is touching? Because glove mode shows with a dot. If doesn't than it is ghost touch. If it does then yes glove mode automatically gets enabled.
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It doesn't show the dot but I can tell its glove mode, the sensitivity is same as if glove mode is turned on.
I think that dot will only appear if you turn the glove mode ON in settings.
For this problem, I suspect the device is using glove mode sensitivity values instead of normal sensitivity.
I guess there's a touch profile for glove mode in the system, and some apps somehow tricked the system to use that.
Therefore, there's no dots/rings when we hover our fingers.
I got one game (Tower of Saviors) which 100% triggers this situation.
Mind trying on your devices?
I will try it lAter on.
I can recreate this bug most of the time by opening Facebook app or opening keyboard to type on whatsapp message box..
As said earlier, Glove mode is off.. But still the touch has been registered just like we are on glove mode by hovering the fingertip just above the screen... It doesn't shows the boxes when we touch.
I tried to bring this to Sony's notice by posting on their support forum. But nobody supported it or acknowledged it.. So obviously they have ignored. I request all of you who are having this problem to post on Sony's support forum so that we can bring it to their notice. Or else this will never be fixed.
AlanDS said:
I can recreate this bug most of the time by opening Facebook app or opening keyboard to type on whatsapp message box..
As said earlier, Glove mode is off.. But still the touch has been registered just like we are on glove mode by hovering the fingertip just above the screen... It doesn't shows the boxes when we touch.
I tried to bring this to Sony's notice by posting on their support forum. But nobody supported it or acknowledged it.. So obviously they have ignored. I request all of you who are having this problem to post on Sony's support forum so that we can bring it to their notice. Or else this will never be fixed.
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I posted this issue long time ago, no help too.
I even emailed Sony about this but they say it should not be happening on fully working Z2, and ask me to go to repair centre.
LMAO, what can repair centre do? Deploy an software update on the spot? Idiots.
Anyway, I don't expect 5.0 update to fix it too. Unless someone can get their attention.
I'm wondering why many users don't have this problem. My unit is one of the 1st batches.
Mine is from 14W20... Looks like only few handsets are having this hypersensitive problem(Or people are not noticing it).
Anyways, one of my friend will be buying a new Z2 in coming days. I will check in his device.
I downloaded the game and it worked fine for as long as I played it. I even made a screen record to see while I changed to glove mode. Uploading it to YouTube. Will share link.
Screen record: http://youtu.be/Z0YhsIMaqvE
mariosraptor said:
I downloaded the game and it worked fine for as long as I played it. I even made a screen record to see while I changed to glove mode. Uploading it to YouTube. Will share link.
Screen record: http://youtu.be/Z0YhsIMaqvE
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Which game, why do you have to change to glove mode?
I just changed to show that glove mode gets enabled only when I want to
mariosraptor said:
I just changed to show that glove mode gets enabled only when I want to
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Are you trying to prove that the bug doesnt exist?

Samsung S6 Edge Touchscreen is slow to the touch

Hello Everyone. I have my new Samsung S6 Edge about 3 weeks now. It worked flawlessly the first week and a half but lately I've been getting an intermittent problem with the sensitivity of the touchscreen and it is very annoying. I have to swipe, touch a letter (if texting), or touch an icon, multiple times before it will execute the touch. Sometimes it seems as if it is in slow motion where the execution responds 4 to 5 seconds after the touch. There has not been any new software added and I always close out of any running programs.
I have tried all of the following to which none had any effect:
a) Restarting the phone by using the on/off key dialog box
b) Shutting it down for a couple of minutes and starting it again
c) Using Samsung's method to restart the phone by holding the on/off key and down volume key simultaneously
After a day and a half of frustration I was ready to take it back to my mobile supplier when it all of a sudden starting working properly after checking to see if my phone volume was at the maximum volume by hitting the up volume button. It worked well for about 3 days and then started to do the same thing. So again, I played with the volume down and up buttons until the touchscreen sensitivity worked.
I'm currently having the same issue again which prompted me to post this message. Playing with the up and down volume keys seem to help it at a ratio of about 7 out of 10 times. I've searched the web but haven't found anyone else with the same issues. A look at the Applications Manager under Running apps, System is taking up 1.1 GB, Apps taking up 530 Mb, leaving 0.99 GB of free memory.
Any suggestions? Maybe I should be taking it back for a hardware replacement?
Thanks for listening.
OK, so now I've come to the conclusion that hitting the volume up key was just a fluke although It seemed to help sometimes. S6 touchscreen returned to normal again yesterday afternoon. It just comes and goes which makes it rather difficult to show a mobile technician. I'll have to wait until it malfunctions again before taking it in to a Samsung Repair shop.
Me too....
I have subscribed to this thread, in hopes of finding some clues, because I too, have noticed the same exact behavior that OP described and was searching for a remedy/explanation. Also, had the volume up and seemed to somewhat fix it, but like OP said it is sporadic. I, by accident in trying to clear the cache, completely blew away my phone and had to rebuild my phone as I had before and even after a complete reset, I still have the same behavior.
Hi Chris, I stumbled across another interesting behaviour. While the phone is acting up, if you press and hold the UP Volume key (keeping it depressed) you will be able to scroll and press icons as normal. As soon as you let go of the volume key, the issue continues.
This is a link to a video I uploaded today to You Tube that shows exactly the issue I am having.
w w w .youtube.com/watch?v=vkfaxILs4VQ&feature=youtu.be
Just saw your vid, looks like yours is more pronounced than mine (non-Edge btw) and happens once in a while and then it goes away - I am hoping it isn't progressive. I can't seem to identify what triggers the sluggish behavior. I typically clear all apps from the recent apps as a matter of my normal operation in all my previous smartphones. When I notice it the most is when pulling down the notification center and either nothing happens or I have to pull down the shade all the way down for it to stick, otherwise it slides back up.
disable briefing app
Alex-V said:
disable briefing app
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Thanks Alex, I tried your suggestion and disabled Briefing, cleared the cache & data, then restarted the phone. It did not fix the problem.
DreamMaker888 said:
Thanks Alex, I tried your suggestion and disabled Briefing, cleared the cache & data, then restarted the phone. It did not fix the problem.
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for me it's much better..still think it's also the memory problem..as around a half day all is fine..than the lag starts..
Took the phone to a Samsung Repair Shop today. Turns out the LCD display was malfunctioning. It took them 1.5 hours to repair and replace under warranty. Hopefully I won't have anymore issues with it
DreamMaker888 said:
Took the phone to a Samsung Repair Shop today. Turns out the LCD display was malfunctioning. It took them 1.5 hours to repair and replace under warranty. Hopefully I won't have anymore issues with it
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Wait what? They told you the LCD screen is broken....?
Alex-V said:
disable briefing app
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Briefing app? Can you provide more details please?
I'm having the same issue
To send a text I have to hit almost all the buttons 3 times! This just started. I may have to root this phone now. This pisses me of
He hair s trying appear.. This is what it looks like trying to use my phone now. I originally wrote "the issue is getting worse" but the lag is unbearable now
Alex-V said:
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lol....my Rom will come. massive. later..must sent phone into warranty repair..touchscreen digitizer is not. working fine
For touch screen problem try this:
-in dialer type *#2663#
-TSP firmware update (general)
You should see "PASS"
That have solve my touch screen problem...
-JFK- said:
For touch screen problem try this:
-in dialer type *#2663#
-TSP firmware update (general)
You should see "PASS"
That have solve my touch screen problem...
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This solve my unresponsive touchscreen issue!!! Thanks very much
-JFK- said:
For touch screen problem try this:
-in dialer type *#2663#
-TSP firmware update (general)
You should see "PASS"
That have solve my touch screen problem...
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actually it really helped a lot
thx bro
Yes, I did that same thing, and it did help a LOT.. however after the latest update (I have the Edge+) the issue returned.. did it again, and it "fixed" it, but for how long?
And why is this happening??

