[Q] Recover original Rom to fix issue that phone will not make/receive Calls/txts - Galaxy S II Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Firstly Sorry to sound incompetent, I have realized i am out of my depth, just need some help to get my Samsung Galaxy s2 back to original condition.
A while ago i installed a different Kernel 3.12.0-rc6-Dorimanx-V8.43-JB-SGII-PWR-CORE
Something has gone wrong and I can't make or receive calls or texts, Still have data though!
Can someone please help me and find me a kernel that will work or get my phone back to original factory state PLEASE??

lord1984 said:
Firstly Sorry to sound incompetent, I have realized i am out of my depth, just need some help to get my Samsung Galaxy s2 back to orignal condition.
A while ago i installed a different Kernel 3.12.0-rc6-Dorimanx-V8.43-JB-SGII-PWR-CORE
Something has gone wrong and I can't make or receive calls or txts, Still have data though!
Can someone please help me and find me a kernel that will work or get my phone back to original factory state PLEASE??
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flash stock rom download it from sammobile

Back to 'original condition' ? Get a stock rom for country/carrier from Samfirmware, flash with Odin following instructions in thread stickied near top of Q&A titled 'Flash Stock firmware'. Problems with getting a successful flash ? Hopper8's 'Odin troubleshooting' thread stickied in General has all the info you need in order to get a successful flash if you do get stuck.

I did admit I dont really know what i am doing, I am sorry for that!
Im looking on sammobile, but cant find a matching pda?
My Baseband version is I9100XXMS2

Forget basebands & forget 'matching' anything; irrelevant/unnecessary. Download any stock rom for your carrier (not 4.0.4 if you intend to root your phone again at any stage though), flash it as per my PP.

MistahBungle said:
Forget basebands & forget 'matching' anything; irrelevant/unnecessary. Download any stock rom for your carrier (not 4.0.4 if you intend to root your phone again at any stage though), flash it as per my PP.
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Thank you! managed to flash a stock ROM no problem
But I'm still having the same issue which made me want to go back to a stock ROM. Problem is I can't make or receive calls or send or receive texts, but i can still use the internet which is really odd, I've tried everything, had my Sim card replaced with a new 1, factory reset, gone through all the settings but cant figure this out, any ideas please?

If you mean you've gone back to stock & are still having connectivity issues - try flashing different modems ? Plenty can be found by searching, maybe specifically look for threads where people using the same carrier as you have mentioned particular modems which have given them good connectivity. You're going to find this easiest if your phone is rooted given most of the easily found modems are CWM flashable, so if you haven't re-rooted your phone already, you should do that first to make life easy for yourself (I hope you didn't flash a 4.0.4 stock rom as per my warning ?).
You could also try flashing other stock roms for your carrier/country which will have different modems bundled which may give you better connectivity. If after trying a bunch (and I mean a bunch - 20 or more, not 5 or 6) of modems, I'd then try flashing the 3 part stock firmware in Hopper8's 'Odin troubleshooting' thread stickied in General (which will wipe your phone), then reflashing a stock rom for your carrier again after & see if that helps. If you're still having problems after all that, it's either a hardware problem or a carrier-side issue.
If you mean you went back to stock, had no problems, then re-flashed whatever rom/kernel you were using & the problems persisted, I'd be asking in the rom/kernel thread given it's obviously a rom/kernel issue.

MistahBungle said:
If you mean you've gone back to stock & are still having connectivity issues - try flashing different modems ? Plenty can be found by searching, maybe specifically look for threads where people using the same carrier as you have mentioned particular modems which have given them good connectivity. You're going to find this easiest if your phone is rooted given most of the easily found modems are CWM flashable, so if you haven't re-rooted your phone already, you should do that first to make life easy for yourself (I hope you didn't flash a 4.0.4 stock rom as per my warning ?).
You could also try flashing other stock roms for your carrier/country which will have different modems bundled which may give you better connectivity. If after trying a bunch (and I mean a bunch - 20 or more, not 5 or 6) of modems, I'd then try flashing the 3 part stock firmware in Hopper8's 'Odin troubleshooting' thread stickied in General (which will wipe your phone), then reflashing a stock rom for your carrier again after & see if that helps. If you're still having problems after all that, it's either a hardware problem or a carrier-side issue.
If you mean you went back to stock, had no problems, then re-flashed whatever rom/kernel you were using & the problems persisted, I'd be asking in the rom/kernel thread given it's obviously a rom/kernel issue.
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Well thanks for all your help, will continue to READ threads and try a bunch! of modems etc... and let you know how i get on, Sorry for startin a new thread about this issue.
The issue started one day out of the blue, after having flashed a dorimanx kernel all was well untill 1 day just couldnt make or recieve calls or texts, decided to go back to stock rom to see if it would fix problem but hasn't, so am on the case to find a solution

Yeah it's a pain in the arse when all of a sudden you get connectivity issues for no apparent reason. Used to happen to me when I used CM (not recently mind you, I'm talking CM9). Unfortunately, given what you've already tried, you're stuck with mucking around with modems & hopefully you hit upon one that gives you decent connectivity back.
Even though they'll probably tell you everything's fine, I'd be contacting my carrier (assuming I had a spare hour to sit on hold) as well & just check there's nothing carrier-side that may be causing it, which is probably unlikely, but still possible given the way this issue popped up 'all of a sudden'.
Re: starting a new thread, all good. You described exactly what problem you had from the get go & mentioned that you were using a custom kernel, which is a damn sight better than having to ask 20 questions to extract the info one needs out of people in order to start helping them

MistahBungle said:
Yeah it's a pain in the arse when all of a sudden you get connectivity issues for no apparent reason. Used to happen to me when I used CM (not recently mind you, I'm talking CM9). Unfortunately, given what you've already tried, you're stuck with mucking around with modems & hopefully you hit upon one that gives you decent connectivity back.
Even though they'll probably tell you everything's fine, I'd be contacting my carrier (assuming I had a spare hour to sit on hold) as well & just check there's nothing carrier-side that may be causing it, which is probably unlikely, but still possible given the way this issue popped up 'all of a sudden'.
Re: starting a new thread, all good. You described exactly what problem you had from the get go & mentioned that you were using a custom kernel, which is a damn sight better than having to ask 20 questions to extract the info one needs out of people in order to start helping them
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Well i have been trying different modems... but just the same issue, I get Data but cant make calls or texts or receive. The phone basically isn't recognizing my telephone number when i look in phone status says unknown.... Is there anything else that may be causing this?

Worked out the issue with the phone number not showing, thats sorted and not in relation to the issue. on 4.1.2 btw. Still no calls or txts coming through just beeps when trying to make a call and cust out. It dosnt seem as though anyone has any idea atall? I have been flashing different modems over and over (all different ones) all they seem to do is altar data connection soem are good some not so good ill post my opinions about modems later.
Just this connectivity issue I've basically just got a small samsung tablet! Not a phone....


[Q] [HELP]Urgent Network problems!

Hey there!
Before anyone asks, I have done the following.
Searched on google/XDA for solutions
Flashed different ROM's
Changed Kernels
Wiped all cache
Did factory Reset
I am currently having bad network problems with my phone.
I am running JellyBam 6.7.0 with default kernel.
Baseband: XXLQ6
I constently get No Service or "Emergency Calls only" in areas that I've never had emergency calls in. I am not aware of my old modem or RIL, and so am completely lost of what to go from here as I haven't found posts that could help my issue.
When I reboot my phone, turn airplane mode on, or just randomly it will go into the stage above, to where it will stay without signal for 10 minutes up to days (I've had it go for 2 days with no signal). When I try to search for networks (In places where there is 100% a network) it will say "error searching for network".
I have no idea what to do, and am rather scared. There have been 2 emergency situations to where I needed a phone, and yet mine had no signal.
My second question, is if I manage to get it back to stock ICS (4.0.4) and do all the updates through KIES, will I get the original modem + RIL back as well as the ROM? Or will I still need to flash that myself.
TLDR: If I reset it back completely to stock ICS, will everything that I have done (root, flash modems, flash kernels etc...) be erased.
Thanks so much for reading, I've got so much stress rigt now.
Are you getting no service all the time or only intermittently ? Also, check your IMEI in settings/about phone to see if it's the generic one (0049.....), whatever you do tho don't post your actual IMEI here. Just a yes/know answer to the 'is it the generic one' question will do.
If it's a constant thing, call your carrier to check if it's been IMEI blocked. If it's intermittent, flash a stock ICS rom as you'd suggested. You'll end up with whatever modem/baseband is attached to the rom you flash, and yes, you'll lose root & the kernel you're currently running will be replaced by the stock kernel in the rom you flash.
MistahBungle said:
Are you getting no service all the time or only intermittently ? Also, check your IMEI in settings/about phone to see if it's the generic one (0049.....), whatever you do tho don't post your actual IMEI here. Just a yes/know answer to the 'is it the generic one' question will do.
If it's a constant thing, call your carrier to check if it's been IMEI blocked. If it's intermittent, flash a stock ICS rom as you'd suggested. You'll end up with whatever modem/baseband is attached to the rom you flash, and yes, you'll lose root & the kernel you're currently running will be replaced by the stock kernel in the rom you flash.
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Yes it's only intermittent, so not a problem with the IMEI.
So if I find, and download stock ICS to bring it to factory it should be fine? If I were to, let's say, flash the ICS onto the phone, is there any way to keep the RIL+ Baseband and flash back JB? Or when flashing JB, will it replace whatever RIL+Baseband is attached with the ROM.
Also, thanks for the quick reply. I was expecting days for a response.
Forget about JB/custom roms/anything else until or unless you get your phone working normally again. Flash an ICS stock rom for your region.
And forget about the current RIL/baseband. It sounds like it may well be the cause of the problems you're having; quite possible if you've been mucking around with different RIL's in particular. Pretty sure I said in my PP that you'll end up with whatever baseband is lumped in with the stock rom you flash.
Actually, you might want to stick with a stock rom specific to your carrier if there is one, at least that way you know the modem/baseband will more than likely have been tested by your carrier & is likely to work well with it unless there are other issues (carrier side connectivity issues or other problems with your phone).
As to whether doing this will fix your issues, no idea. At the moment, and in the absence of any clue as to what's causing your issues, it's the best option you've got. If it doesn't fix the problems, then it's probably a carrier-side issue (possible given it only happens at certain times/in certain locations) or a physical problem with the phone (less likely).
xxshabsxx said:
Yes it's only intermittent, so not a problem with the IMEI.
So if I find, and download stock ICS to bring it to factory it should be fine? If I were to, let's say, flash the ICS onto the phone, is there any way to keep the RIL+ Baseband and flash back JB? Or when flashing JB, will it replace whatever RIL+Baseband is attached with the ROM.
Also, thanks for the quick reply. I was expecting days for a response.
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MistahBungle said:
Forget about JB/custom roms/anything else until or unless you get your phone working normally again. Flash an ICS stock rom for your region.
And forget about the current RIL/baseband. It sounds like it may well be the cause of the problems you're having; quite possible if you've been mucking around with different RIL's in particular. Pretty sure I said in my PP that you'll end up with whatever baseband is lumped in with the stock rom you flash.
Actually, you might want to stick with a stock rom specific to your carrier if there is one, at least that way you know the modem/baseband will more than likely have been tested by your carrier & is likely to work well with it unless there are other issues (carrier side connectivity issues or other problems with your phone).
As to whether doing this will fix your issues, no idea. At the moment, and in the absence of any clue as to what's causing your issues, it's the best option you've got. If it doesn't fix the problems, then it's probably a carrier-side issue (possible given it only happens at certain times/in certain locations) or a physical problem with the phone (less likely).
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I'm having problems to what official ROM to use from the list.
The only one on the list is Optus, but my phone is with virgin (on the optus network) should that be fine?
The rom is I9100XWLP8
Once again many thanks! I'll update you with the progress.
Yep. Flash the Optus rom given you're effectively using their network & see what happens.
MistahBungle said:
Yep. Flash the Optus rom given you're effectively using their network & see what happens.
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Thanks mate, you're a champion!
No probs Post here again if you have any dramas.
MistahBungle said:
No probs Post here again if you have any dramas.
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Just downloaded it (Hotfile takes forever) and flashed through odin.
Worked fine after a factory reset. However, Kies won't update my phone.
Network seems to running smooth, so we'll see how it goes. The more things I do, I guess the more things I can rule out.
I updated the phone, and I get the message "Unfortunately, Application installer has stopped". What am I supposed to do?
Factory reset
Sent from the little guy
gastonw said:
Factory reset
Sent from the little guy
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That didn't work.
Anyhow, I managed to track down a 4.0.4 variant of the ROM I was using, and made sure the CSC, PDA and Baseband all matched up with what Kies wanted, and flashed it. I think the error occured I was trying to update a ROM with the wrong CSC and Baseband to one with the correct ones and Kies didn't like that.

[Q] Radio problems (Vodafone NZ)

I run CM 10.1 on my phone, which had original specs: PDA:KG3 / PHONE:KE7 / CSC:KG1 (VNZ). I've been running those CM nightlies since about November 2012 with few problems, updating to new nightlies every few weeks to a month. I'd never flashed new radios - just the CM rom.
Starting a couple of months ago, I began to see a problem where my phone would drop cell service (no bars + empty triangle in the cell signal indicator) and rebooting was the only way to bring the cell signal back. This happened every couple of days, so was bearable. I figured something in the nightlies had caused a weird problem and that the CM devs/community would find and fix this.
After flashing a nightly last week, my phone wouldn't hold cell signal for more than an hour - sometimes not even that. Reboots fixed this but never permanently. I started to read about radios, modems, and RILs. hawkerpaul's post here was a great help. I found that my phone had the original KE7 radio but had a RIL of I9100XXLS8(2) - I presume from the CM rom? I flashed some new radios and have now gone through a series of the (matched) modem + RIL files in hawkerpaul's post above. In most cases I see the following behaviour:
Phone successfully finds network (Vodafone NZ) on boot
Trying to manually select a mobile operator fails (error when searching for networks)
Unable to successfully call out! Dialling stalls, and I can't hang up - only fixed by a reboot
How do I fix this immediate problem of not being able to call/receive calls? Seems like maybe I'm using a radio that doesn't work with Vodafone NZ - but I haven't seen any posts on what DOES work well with that network. I have the modem file to flash the original KE7 back again, but what should I do about the RIL file then? Not sure I have found an RIL for KE7 yet in my travels. Any help would be appreciated - and thanks!
To help me figure out where I went wrong, do the CM builds include the RIL, or is that something that could only get updated somewhere else? I know the rom doesn't change the modem but I suspect that XXLS8(2) RIL had to come from CM.
1) Don't mess with RIL's (You'll make it 'worse').
2) Check stock roms released by your telco. Find out which modems were bundled with those stock roms. Try those modems. If they don't help, look for stock roms released by other carriers which sold the the I9100T world-wide (check Samfirmware). Try the modems bundled with these roms. If they don't help, try any & every modem you can get your hands on.
If you've already flashed RIL's, you may well have created a bigger problem for yourself. You might want to do a clean install of stock as well for good measure if that's the case. The reason I stopped using CM9 (and never bothered with CM10) was similar issues that seem to have gotten introduced with a particular nightly & never went away (a fix was tried which benefited a very few problems who were having RIL problems but created problems for even more people who previously had no problems).
MistahBungle said:
2) Check stock roms released by your telco. Find out which modems were bundled with those stock roms. Try those modems. If they don't help, look for stock roms released by other carriers which sold the the I9100T world-wide (check Samfirmware). Try the modems bundled with these roms. If they don't help, try any & every modem you can get your hands on.
...You might want to do a clean install of stock as well for good measure...
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I'm just about at this point. If I reinstall stock, will that reset my modem as well?
Thanks for the help - looks like I did definitely make things worse.
You'll end up with whatever modem is bundled with the stock rom, so probably use the most recent released by your carrier, then you can try other modems released by your carrier as per my PP. The rationale with that is you'd hope your carrier has tested the modems they bundle with their stock roms so they work in most places/at most times with their network. Doing a clean install of stock should fix anything funky messing around with RIL's may have done as well.
If you get no joy from those, proceed as per my PP (You might get other suggestions from other people as well).
Thanks for the help. I was able to flash the latest stock rom, which included baseband I9100XXLS8. This worked fine for making and receiving calls. I lasted a couple of hours with that stock Samsung firmware before I started to get itchy for Android 4.2 again, so I've now rooted and am going to try CM10 again, but at least this time I know not to touch the modem - and I'm confident I can get back to stock again if I have any problems! Many thanks!
Glad you've got connectivity back You can flash modems as much as you want, I'd just be wary of messing with RIL's unless it's as an absolute last resort (I.E you have no connectivity & you've tried every single modem. Too many people try them when their connectivity is fine in the mistaken belief they're going to get 8Mbps instead of 7.8Mbps downloads, I.E it wasn't broke in the first place), even then a clean install of stock & choosing the right modem will often fix the problems.
You're welcome Any dramas post to this thread again & I'm sure someone will help.
Similar problems with modem or radio
MistahBungle said:
Glad you've got connectivity back You can flash modems as much as you want, I'd just be wary of messing with RIL's unless it's as an absolute last resort (I.E you have no connectivity & you've tried every single modem. Too many people try them when their connectivity is fine in the mistaken belief they're going to get 8Mbps instead of 7.8Mbps downloads, I.E it wasn't broke in the first place), even then a clean install of stock & choosing the right modem will often fix the problems.
You're welcome Any dramas post to this thread again & I'm sure someone will help.
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Hi and thanks in advance. I have a galaxy i9100 which shows the following information: PDA: i9100xwlsd - Phone i9100xxls8 - Csc i9100vnzls9. I installed via odin Android version 4.1.2 which made the phone work really well except that it kept dropping network service and signal strength. I replaced the sim which did seem to help but did not fix the problem totally. I also notice that the GPS will not find any satellites and just keeps searching for as long as I would let it. I have read various threads and it appears that this may be a modem problem? I have found that Vodafone NZ has released a modem which is i9100xxls9? Should I flash the modem file only in Odin and do you really think this would fix the problem. How would I flash the modem file. Would I do this through odin? Any help gratefully received.
Yes, first step is definitely to flash the modem which was released by your carrier for your region. If you can find a file which is Odin flashable then yes, try it. However most of the files are for flashing via CWM. Are you rooted? If not they won't work for you, in which case you'll have to search around for an Odin flashable version of LS9.
Just to check, you do have an i9100? Not an i9100t etc? Some variants require different modems.
Sent from a galaxy far, far away
Thanks again
Hopper8 said:
Yes, first step is definitely to flash the modem which was released by your carrier for your region. If you can find a file which is Odin flashable then yes, try it. However most of the files are for flashing via CWM. Are you rooted? If not they won't work for you, in which case you'll have to search around for an Odin flashable version of LS9.
Just to check, you do have an i9100? Not an i9100t etc? Some variants require different modems.
Sent from a galaxy far, far away
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Thanks for the response. How do I know if a file is odin flashable? How do you flash via cwm (whatever that is). You can see I am a little bit or a lot of a novice on this. The unfortunate thing is I enjoy it. I think the phone is rooted and it says the phone is: Model GT- i9100. The phone was purchased in UAE and I have flashed the android 4.1.2 which was a vodafone NZ system. Everything works fine except the GPS and the phone signal drops out all the time showing no service when there is service? Thanks again for your help on this. I have just found that the phone may not be rooted? I tried to install root manager but it indicated phone was not rooted?
Ok so no offence, you need to do a lot of reading for yourself. Reading is the key to successful (ie without bricking) modification of your phone.
For a start, if you've flashed stock then of course you will not have root. You don't need to have root to flash a modem. Have a look here:
I'm not saying to flash that modem file. But that's how you do it, now you just need to find your file and flash it.
Sent from a galaxy far, far away

[Q] Very Slow Mobile Network, Kinda Strange.

Hello everyone, first of all I should post this to Android Development section but since system tells me I do not have 10 posts, I thought I can post this here.
Well basically I was using Disaster ROM for my SGS2 (International) (I'm in Turkey), and I wanted to use Biftor Rom which was actually KitKat and I didn't know that I should install CM 10.2 or newer first to install other KitKat Roms. So I actually softbricked my phone I was only able to go into download mode. So I flashed my phone with stock 4.0.3 using Odin. But I realised that my mobile network was actually slow as hell. Sometime it can't even connect. But I was like "Oh anyways, it will go away if I flash custom rom". But it didn't. I checked my IMEI and it was there, valid. I flashed my phone 4 or 5 times more with different ROMs. But no luck.
Then I heard an app called GetRIL, because someone told me that my baseband/modem thing might be corrupted. When I opened the app I saw that it says "Unknown RIL". So what should I do? I tried setting APN manually, then automatically by my Vodafone Service. Nothing happened, still same. I do NOT want to send this phone to Samsung Service, what should I do about this situation?
Some Details : My WiFi works very well, I can call other phones, I can send messages, I can recieve calls and messages, Only thing is Mobile Data So Slow and sometimes when I turned data on it says no signal for a while. Help Please !
EDIT: Stock 4.0.3 was only PDA file. It wasn't like 3-4 files to set into Phone section, Pit section... It was only PDA. At the moment I am using BeantStalk Rom 4.4.2 KitKat XXLPS Baseband.
Thanks in advance.
If you'd posted this in a development thread, you likely would have copped a slap (and quite rightly). Dev threads are for development stuff, not for n00bs having
problems with connectivity.
It may not even be a phone side issue, it could easily be carrier-side. Having said that, you need to try different modems. Plenty of CWM flashable modem packages on XDA you can try. Start with the modems bundled with stock roms released by your carrier (you can check these at Samfirmware, if you click to download a stock rom, it will tell you the baseband, you can then find CWM versions of these modems on XDA), test, if no better--->>> then try modems bundled with stock roms released by other carriers in your country, test, if no better--->>>then try other modems bundled with stock roms released by other carrier in other countries.
Thanks for the suggestion, today something strange happened and the signal "thing" started working somehow and i can use mobile network, but after phone calls it just disconnects for a while then reconnects again. It doesn't look so annoying so I will deal with it for a while. If it gets so annoying or goes into some crashes and other stuff I can apply what you have suggested.
I read some articles that saying XXLPS Basebands are actually not that well, If I try any other modem/baseband "thing", will it brick or something ? Or can i use 4.1.2 or 4.2.2 modem on KitKat ?

Internet not working after flashing RR Rom

i have flashed the latest version of RR 5.0.8 rom but for some reason my internet is not working though wifi is connecting properly ..i have tried factory reset and re installing the rom but the problem still persists ..can someone please help me out ?
try full wipe
A longer friendly answer
tr!ckst3r said:
i have flashed the latest version of RR 5.0.8 rom but for some reason my internet is not working though wifi is connecting properly ..i have tried factory reset and re installing the rom but the problem still persists ..can someone please help me out ?
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ROMs are tricky things in my experience.
I've tried most of them and most of the ones I tried have really bad flaws - for my phone.
When one doesn't go so well for you - like the RR ROM, it's time to move on and try another.
After following the instructions of course, like full wipe, cache, blah blah blah. Try it twice, the second time following instructions really closely.
I found the PA and offspring to work really well - for my phone.
In the end, play and learn. It's fun and really difficult to completely wreck your phone.
Might be a longer friendlier answer but the answer is essentially nonsense. The OP has a specific problem. Posting waffle like you just did smacks of wanting to get your post count up because it doesn't help the OP one bit.
OP - You haven't given us anywhere near enough info to help you. Connectivity normally just doesn't go away all of a sudden unless you've made changes to your setup, or there's a carrier-side issue causing the problem.
What have you done with the phone recently setup-wise, have you been messing around with RIL's or modems ? If it's the latter, then you need to try more modems. If it's neither, I'd be going back to stock (a rom for your carrier, so you get a modem that should work), then reinstall the rom you're using. If that doesn't work, flash the 3 part firmware in Hopper8's 'Odin troubleshooting' thread stickied in General (this will wipe your phone, backup first), then flash stock for your carrier, then reinstall custom rom.
If the problem persists after all that, then you're looking at carrier-side issues or perhaps even a hardware issue. WiFi working & data not have no bearing on each other as WiFi drivers are in the kernel & separate to data connectivity.
We would need more information as to how did you flash the new ROM? Are you using a separate Kernel? Which GAPPS version did you flash?
I am also on the RR 5.0.8 with Dorimanx kernel. Also, I used the light version of GAPPS for flashing. Try using the light version if you have not used it.

[Q] No network after flashing stock rom, Android genius required Please!

Hello all,
My partner bought a Galaxy S3 (GT-i1900) International (I live in the UK) off a friend .
We noticed that the network connection periodically failed. I noticed that the software was some of the earliest on this phone, and so i thought I'd better update it, as it was suggested that sometimes if the phone is running some of it's earliest software it can cause problems with the network connection, and as it works 95% of the time, surely it can't be the antenna? I went to software update and tried to update it there, it's then I realised the phone had been rooted, and even Kies would not update it. I came to the conclusion that perhaps my friend had tried to mess with the phone some how, and may have caused this network problem, or perhaps was trying to cure it? Who knows
I decided to flash the latest stock rom (i9300XXUGMK6_I9300OXAGMK6_I9300XXUGMK6_HOME.tar.md5) I found on Sammobile. Everything went well, the phone booted up perfectly, the only minor worry being that the first screen was in Polish, quickly remedied by changing the language to English UK. All seemed fine, until we tried to make a call. it was then we realised that there was no network connection whatsoever. I tried other sim cards with other networks - still no connection. It only shows the signal bars.
I read the forums for a couple of days and tried:
Going in Network Settings and searching for my network, 3, which it found amongst all others. it said 'Registered on Network' but then immediately flashed up '3 network not connected' or similar. fail.
Installing CWM recovery, then flashing the 2 modem zips (DDEMG2 & XXDME4) all went fine, but the phone still says 'disconnected' under Device settings Mobile network state
Using the Ariza patch. I tried this, but on the last step where it says 'just click patch' mine gets stuck on a downloading state, possibly as I'm using a stock rom I read some kernel has to be changed first? - Beyond me.
It was then I decided to scrutinize every difference between my working S3, exactly same phone on same network, and my partners.
The IMEI number was correct, something I see people have problems with. The signal strength reading are the same, suggesting the antenna at least is fine.
The serial number - Now this is the ONLY thing I can see that seems to have been changed, from the correct format, to one starting with 4df1 ...... Is this the problem, that has made the phone not register with network? In the UK phones are not locked into a specific phone number /contract and so I don't see how the network would decline a differing serial number?
Anyway that's where I'm at a phone that has no network connection, with a differing serial number.
Any help would be GREATLY appreciated.
Screenshots of the device status in case that helps . SCREENSHOTS REMOVED DUE TO PRIVATE INFO
I've noticed after Googling the baseband version, it says 'New modem DDEMG2 (16/07/13) India,Sri Lanka,Bangladesh'
I live in the UK and have a network free unlocked unbranded International S3!
Surely the steps I followed to flash the modems as stated above are incorrect?!
Do I need to flash the UK one?
Anyone know which one for 4.3?
How do I do it and where would I find it?
Any help greatly appreciated!
ricrea said:
Screenshots of the device status in case that helps .
I've noticed after Googling the baseband version, it says 'New modem DDEMG2 (16/07/13) India,Sri Lanka,Bangladesh'
I live in the UK and have a network free unlocked unbranded International S3!
Surely the steps I followed to flash the modems as stated above are incorrect?!
Do I need to flash the UK one?
Anyone know which one for 4.3?
How do I do it and where would I find it?
Any help greatly appreciated!
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Go to Samsungmobile and download 4.3 BTU ( it's for Uk,simfree phones.) Flash via Odin,maybe that will help
Sent from my GT-I9300 using XDA Free mobile app
thanks so much for the response!
Im sure that romwas the btu one? Does it not seem correct? I will check again.
ricrea said:
thanks so much for the response!
Im sure that romwas the btu one? Does it not seem correct? I will check again.
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I don't think so since setup started in Polish
Sent from my GT-I9300 using XDA Free mobile app
Attached is the screenshot the latest 4.3 btu. It wants me to download. Ive just looked on the phone, and it is the same
name exactly, and this is where I got it from. What could have gone wrong?
many thanks
ricrea said:
Attached is the screenshot the latest 4.3 btu. It wants me to download. Ive just looked on the phone, and it is the same
name exactly, and this is where I got it from. What could have gone wrong?
many thanks
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You mean Pda,Csc and Modem are the same? Or md5 is the same?
Sent from my GT-I9300 using XDA Free mobile app
YOU ARE CORRRECT. Im downloading and the file name is different. No idea what i did.
Thanks for your help.
ricrea said:
YOU ARE CORRRECT. Im downloading and the file name is different. No idea what i did.
Thanks for your help.
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Report back if you get your network back:thumbup:
Sent from my GT-I9300 using XDA Free mobile app
ricrea said:
YOU ARE CORRRECT. Im downloading and the file name is different. No idea what i did.
Thanks for your help.
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Hi couple of things first you have posted screen shots with your mobile no and Imei no on I would delete them
I am pretty sure flashing another rom won't fix your issue you can easily use roms from a different region and still have full network connection but you can give it a try as suggested above.
First thing first because you have upgraded your phone your efs as changed from efs v1 to efs v2 (which you probably already know) flashing the (DDEMG2 & XXDME4) modems would not work because you need a modem later than mg4 for 4.3 roms.
What you need to try is flash a patched mk6 modem and kernel from here >> https://drive.google.com/folderview...sharing&tid=0B6MIUd7HJudAbU5YaGkzOUowMG8#list << flash then reboot if you get stuck in a bootloop factory reset and wipe cache in recovery.You could also try this >> http://forum.xda-developers.com/gal...ii-network-problem-update-sn-t1918601/page199 << look at post 1984 this is basically the same thing with a rom included and as had some success.
If the patched modems do not work and you don't have a efs backup then I would suggest you need to send for repair.
tallman43 said:
Hi couple of things first you have posted screen shots with your mobile no and Imei no on I would delete them
I am pretty sure flashing another rom won't fix your issue you can easily use roms from a different region and still have full network connection but you can give it a try as suggested above.
First thing first because you have upgraded your phone your efs as changed from efs v1 to efs v2 (which you probably already know) flashing the (DDEMG2 & XXDME4) modems would not work because you need a modem later than mg4 for 4.3 roms.
What you need to try is flash a patched mk6 modem and kernel from here >> https://drive.google.com/folderview...sharing&tid=0B6MIUd7HJudAbU5YaGkzOUowMG8#list << flash then reboot if you get stuck in a bootloop factory reset and wipe cache in recovery.You could also try this >> http://forum.xda-developers.com/gal...ii-network-problem-update-sn-t1918601/page199 << look at post 1984 this is basically the same thing with a rom included and as had some success.
If the patched modems do not work and you don't have a efs backup then I would suggest you need to send for repair.
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Thanks. I have absolutely no idea what EFS is or how to back up. I would never have usually played with a phone like this it's just my partner was getting fed up of the connection disapearing every now and again, forcing her to reset. I have about 12 hours worth of knowledge on root access, flashing and modifying phones. I am worried I'm going to completely brick the phone. Is there anyway I can make a back of the phone as it is so that if I mess things up I can some how reset it, as at the moment I have Nothing as such. I am going to read up on EFS, I suspect due to the fact the phone was already rooted when I bought it, yet still stuck on the original software and and not updated in anyway, with a pre-exsisting network connection issue, that the phone was already un fixable. I hope not.
I will try all the steps suggested and post results.
Thanks a lot people
ps i hardly have any experience of using forums so sorry if i'm making a mess of this
ricrea said:
Thanks. I have absolutely no idea what EFS is or how to back up. I would never have usually played with a phone like this it's just my partner was getting fed up of the connection disapearing every now and again, forcing her to reset. I have about 12 hours worth of knowledge on root access, flashing and modifying phones. I am worried I'm going to completely brick the phone. Is there anyway I can make a back of the phone as it is so that if I mess things up I can some how reset it, as at the moment I have Nothing as such. I am going to read up on EFS, I suspect due to the fact the phone was already rooted when I bought it, yet still stuck on the original software and and not updated in anyway, with a pre-exsisting network connection issue, that the phone was already un fixable. I hope not.
I will try all the steps suggested and post results.
Thanks a lot people
ps i hardly have any experience of using forums so sorry if i'm making a mess of this
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Don't worry just take your time and read all the guides if you install a custom recovery you can do a nandroid backup which is basically a full backup of everything on your phone and will restore your phone to how it was before (if you do it right) I recommend using PhilZ recovery and flash it with Odin.
tallman43 said:
Don't worry just take your time and read all the guides if you install a custom recovery you can do a nandroid backup which is basically a full backup of everything on your phone and will restore your phone to how it was before (if you do it right) I recommend using PhilZ recovery and flash it with Odin.
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I have cwm recovery will this suffice?
I'm using Samsungtool as we speak to back up the EFS folder.
ricrea said:
I have cwm recovery will this suffice?
I'm using Samsungtool as we speak to back up the EFS folder.
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Yep that will do fine although you are backing up a partially corrupt efs that's the reason you are not getting a signal because the efs v2 can't read the modern correctly that's why you may need a patched modem & kernel to help read it.But back it up anyway in case the efs gets any worse and gets totally corrupt.
tallman43 said:
Yep that will do fine although you are backing up a partially corrupt efs that's the reason you are not getting a signal because the efs v2 can't read the modern correctly that's why you may need a patched modem & kernel to help read it.But back it up anyway in case the efs gets any worse and gets totally corrupt.
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That was my thinking, the IMEI isn't corrupt yet so I thought best to back up what I have. Ive also backed up using CWM.
Im now trying to flash the proper version of 4.3 for my unlocked uK S3, so im at least using the correct os.
Im flashin zip from cwm, but when i select it on my sd card, it says the following:
Finding update package...
Opening update package...
Installing update...
Installation aborted.
Any ideas why it won't install? Iv'e been Googling it
for 2 hours.
update - I spent ten hours downloading the proper rom 4.3 btu uk unlocked one, finally flashed it using mobile odin.....
started in Polish again - with no network. I think that this is standard.
Next, I am going to try to flash the patched modem.
tallman43 - do you think my strange serial number needs to be corrected? Is this possible or necessary?
Many thanks - one very tired migraine creating finger-nail biter.
I finally got the phone to work by following the instructions on the page below;
The patched kernel didn't work on it's own, but the kernel I installed from this thread, along with the other two files, seemed to work, and though the phone is now registered using a much better Android 4.3, it still disconnects every now and again forcing a restart. I really wish I could work out why it does this, I'm starting to believe it may be a hardware issue now.
Is there a program that I could use to test the part of the phone that malfunctions and loses signal completely, to try and work out what is happening when the phone suddenly loses all signal and shows only a circle with a line on it (no sign)
Many thanks to all the people who helped me with this I really appreciate it.
I want to close this thread now as what I require now is off topic from the original post so many thanks for your help people.

