Internet not working after flashing RR Rom - Galaxy S II Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

i have flashed the latest version of RR 5.0.8 rom but for some reason my internet is not working though wifi is connecting properly ..i have tried factory reset and re installing the rom but the problem still persists ..can someone please help me out ?

try full wipe

A longer friendly answer
tr!ckst3r said:
i have flashed the latest version of RR 5.0.8 rom but for some reason my internet is not working though wifi is connecting properly ..i have tried factory reset and re installing the rom but the problem still persists ..can someone please help me out ?
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ROMs are tricky things in my experience.
I've tried most of them and most of the ones I tried have really bad flaws - for my phone.
When one doesn't go so well for you - like the RR ROM, it's time to move on and try another.
After following the instructions of course, like full wipe, cache, blah blah blah. Try it twice, the second time following instructions really closely.
I found the PA and offspring to work really well - for my phone.
In the end, play and learn. It's fun and really difficult to completely wreck your phone.

Might be a longer friendlier answer but the answer is essentially nonsense. The OP has a specific problem. Posting waffle like you just did smacks of wanting to get your post count up because it doesn't help the OP one bit.
OP - You haven't given us anywhere near enough info to help you. Connectivity normally just doesn't go away all of a sudden unless you've made changes to your setup, or there's a carrier-side issue causing the problem.
What have you done with the phone recently setup-wise, have you been messing around with RIL's or modems ? If it's the latter, then you need to try more modems. If it's neither, I'd be going back to stock (a rom for your carrier, so you get a modem that should work), then reinstall the rom you're using. If that doesn't work, flash the 3 part firmware in Hopper8's 'Odin troubleshooting' thread stickied in General (this will wipe your phone, backup first), then flash stock for your carrier, then reinstall custom rom.
If the problem persists after all that, then you're looking at carrier-side issues or perhaps even a hardware issue. WiFi working & data not have no bearing on each other as WiFi drivers are in the kernel & separate to data connectivity.

We would need more information as to how did you flash the new ROM? Are you using a separate Kernel? Which GAPPS version did you flash?
I am also on the RR 5.0.8 with Dorimanx kernel. Also, I used the light version of GAPPS for flashing. Try using the light version if you have not used it.


Resurrection Remix 3.1.3 seems to cause lockups on my S2

Not sure where to report this kind of thing but I seem to be getting frequent lockups on my S2 with the Resurrection Remix 3.1.3 that I wasn't getting with the previous 3.1.2.
abc.mikey said:
Not sure where to report this kind of thing but I seem to be getting frequent lockups on my S2 with the Resurrection Remix 3.1.3 that I wasn't getting with the previous 3.1.2.
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You mean freezes and/or fc's? You actually have to ask in the RR-thread, but I understand you only have posted 8 posts for now.
Remember RR 3.1.3 is still very new and under development, and isn't as stable as 3.1.2 is. If you want more stability, flash the 3.1.2-version.
And did you flash it with a full wipe? It's a must.
Sent from the Matrix
abc.mikey said:
Not sure where to report this kind of thing but I seem to be getting frequent lockups on my S2 with the Resurrection Remix 3.1.3 that I wasn't getting with the previous 3.1.2.
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The normal procedure would be to first read through the posts on the roms dev thread and see if others have had same issue and what (if any) solution is. if you dont see any comments then make one of your own explaining issue (You wont be able to do this until you have 10 posts).
Before leaving any replies on topic you should try doing a wipe/factory reset in recovery then boot to system see if you have same issues. Its advised to wipe recovery before each rom flash (Unless you have stock kernel, If you have stock rom/kernel you need to flash custom kernel before wiping. You can mostly ignore wiping if you are updating to new version of same rom however its still advised as somtimes can lead to issues.
You dont need to worry about apps/appdata and sms etc as you can easily backup them with Titanimum Backup Pro and SMS Backup etc. Get pro version of TB as you can batch backup/restore app/appdata in one go.
Donnie Sins said:
You mean freezes and/or fc's? You actually have to ask in the RR-thread, but I understand you only have posted 8 posts for now.
Remember RR 3.1.3 is still very new and under development, and isn't as stable as 3.1.2 is. If you want more stability, flash the 3.1.2-version.
And did you flash it with a full wipe? It's a must.
Sent from the Matrix
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Thanks for the replies!
It freezes as in apps start becoming more and more unresponsive, sound if playing starts to stutter more and more until it ceases playing at all and phone us completely unresponsive except to a long hold if the power button. Sorry but I don't know what FC is.
I upgraded because the notifier informed me that there was a new ROM; I see now that it's a good idea to wait a bit now. I've downgraded to 3.1.2 which I've been very impressed with the responsiveness and stability of.
My first attempt at installing 3.1.3 was an attempt at an upgrade but didn't work very well as I think I followed the wrong procedure. But the issues I was having were with a wipe and reinstall following all the steps in the manual plus an undocumented one to install the keyboard patch for the S2 to make the keyboard work at all.
TheATHEiST ok will try reporting there next time, hopefully my post count will allow it by that time
TheATHEiST said:
The normal procedure would be to first read through the posts on the roms dev thread and see if others have had same issue and what (if any) solution is. if you dont see any comments then make one of your own explaining issue (You wont be able to do this until you have 10 posts).
Before leaving any replies on topic you should try doing a wipe/factory reset in recovery then boot to system see if you have same issues. Its advised to wipe recovery before each rom flash (Unless you have stock kernel, If you have stock rom/kernel you need to flash custom kernel before wiping. You can mostly ignore wiping if you are updating to new version of same rom however its still advised as somtimes can lead to issues.
You dont need to worry about apps/appdata and sms etc as you can easily backup them with Titanimum Backup Pro and SMS Backup etc. Get pro version of TB as you can batch backup/restore app/appdata in one go.
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I can confirm that I have followed all the procedures (flashed at least 20 differet roms by now) and can also confirm that I have been facing a laggard and slow responsiveness throught out the rom, with couple of FCs and lockups as well. At least thrice I had to force reboot. Also I have done an extensive search and the only thread I could see on the similar issue was this.
I am posting here because of same reason as OP as I have a low post count but I have been following xda for over 2 years now.
I know the obvious answer is to downgrade to 3.1.2 or not install RR at all. This is "just reporting", you know!
Hey, I am also experiencing the same thing as the OP and 7mojo. My S2 would randomly freeze and the only way to get it working is a hard reboot. It happens randomly but quite often, I would say atleast 3 times a day. I have done a full wipe and re-install but no luck. Like 7mojo said, I too have searched the web and the only thing relating to this issue is this thread. Anyone else having this problem? any solutions? I hope there is an update soon.
Nevethen5 said:
Hey, I am also experiencing the same thing as the OP and 7mojo. My S2 would randomly freeze and the only way to get it working is a hard reboot. It happens randomly but quite often, I would say atleast 3 times a day. I have done a full wipe and re-install but no luck. Like 7mojo said, I too have searched the web and the only thing relating to this issue is this thread. Anyone else having this problem? any solutions? I hope there is an update soon.
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I've had similar problems.. am guessing its due to bugs in the unstable rom. Will have to wait for the dev to release an update. For the time being, better stick with 3.1.2.
As for me, I switched to JellyBAM. And then to CM10.1. And then to Omega.
"To err is human, to forgive is divine"
Sent from my SGS II

[Q] [HELP]Urgent Network problems!

Hey there!
Before anyone asks, I have done the following.
Searched on google/XDA for solutions
Flashed different ROM's
Changed Kernels
Wiped all cache
Did factory Reset
I am currently having bad network problems with my phone.
I am running JellyBam 6.7.0 with default kernel.
Baseband: XXLQ6
I constently get No Service or "Emergency Calls only" in areas that I've never had emergency calls in. I am not aware of my old modem or RIL, and so am completely lost of what to go from here as I haven't found posts that could help my issue.
When I reboot my phone, turn airplane mode on, or just randomly it will go into the stage above, to where it will stay without signal for 10 minutes up to days (I've had it go for 2 days with no signal). When I try to search for networks (In places where there is 100% a network) it will say "error searching for network".
I have no idea what to do, and am rather scared. There have been 2 emergency situations to where I needed a phone, and yet mine had no signal.
My second question, is if I manage to get it back to stock ICS (4.0.4) and do all the updates through KIES, will I get the original modem + RIL back as well as the ROM? Or will I still need to flash that myself.
TLDR: If I reset it back completely to stock ICS, will everything that I have done (root, flash modems, flash kernels etc...) be erased.
Thanks so much for reading, I've got so much stress rigt now.
Are you getting no service all the time or only intermittently ? Also, check your IMEI in settings/about phone to see if it's the generic one (0049.....), whatever you do tho don't post your actual IMEI here. Just a yes/know answer to the 'is it the generic one' question will do.
If it's a constant thing, call your carrier to check if it's been IMEI blocked. If it's intermittent, flash a stock ICS rom as you'd suggested. You'll end up with whatever modem/baseband is attached to the rom you flash, and yes, you'll lose root & the kernel you're currently running will be replaced by the stock kernel in the rom you flash.
MistahBungle said:
Are you getting no service all the time or only intermittently ? Also, check your IMEI in settings/about phone to see if it's the generic one (0049.....), whatever you do tho don't post your actual IMEI here. Just a yes/know answer to the 'is it the generic one' question will do.
If it's a constant thing, call your carrier to check if it's been IMEI blocked. If it's intermittent, flash a stock ICS rom as you'd suggested. You'll end up with whatever modem/baseband is attached to the rom you flash, and yes, you'll lose root & the kernel you're currently running will be replaced by the stock kernel in the rom you flash.
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Yes it's only intermittent, so not a problem with the IMEI.
So if I find, and download stock ICS to bring it to factory it should be fine? If I were to, let's say, flash the ICS onto the phone, is there any way to keep the RIL+ Baseband and flash back JB? Or when flashing JB, will it replace whatever RIL+Baseband is attached with the ROM.
Also, thanks for the quick reply. I was expecting days for a response.
Forget about JB/custom roms/anything else until or unless you get your phone working normally again. Flash an ICS stock rom for your region.
And forget about the current RIL/baseband. It sounds like it may well be the cause of the problems you're having; quite possible if you've been mucking around with different RIL's in particular. Pretty sure I said in my PP that you'll end up with whatever baseband is lumped in with the stock rom you flash.
Actually, you might want to stick with a stock rom specific to your carrier if there is one, at least that way you know the modem/baseband will more than likely have been tested by your carrier & is likely to work well with it unless there are other issues (carrier side connectivity issues or other problems with your phone).
As to whether doing this will fix your issues, no idea. At the moment, and in the absence of any clue as to what's causing your issues, it's the best option you've got. If it doesn't fix the problems, then it's probably a carrier-side issue (possible given it only happens at certain times/in certain locations) or a physical problem with the phone (less likely).
xxshabsxx said:
Yes it's only intermittent, so not a problem with the IMEI.
So if I find, and download stock ICS to bring it to factory it should be fine? If I were to, let's say, flash the ICS onto the phone, is there any way to keep the RIL+ Baseband and flash back JB? Or when flashing JB, will it replace whatever RIL+Baseband is attached with the ROM.
Also, thanks for the quick reply. I was expecting days for a response.
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MistahBungle said:
Forget about JB/custom roms/anything else until or unless you get your phone working normally again. Flash an ICS stock rom for your region.
And forget about the current RIL/baseband. It sounds like it may well be the cause of the problems you're having; quite possible if you've been mucking around with different RIL's in particular. Pretty sure I said in my PP that you'll end up with whatever baseband is lumped in with the stock rom you flash.
Actually, you might want to stick with a stock rom specific to your carrier if there is one, at least that way you know the modem/baseband will more than likely have been tested by your carrier & is likely to work well with it unless there are other issues (carrier side connectivity issues or other problems with your phone).
As to whether doing this will fix your issues, no idea. At the moment, and in the absence of any clue as to what's causing your issues, it's the best option you've got. If it doesn't fix the problems, then it's probably a carrier-side issue (possible given it only happens at certain times/in certain locations) or a physical problem with the phone (less likely).
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I'm having problems to what official ROM to use from the list.
The only one on the list is Optus, but my phone is with virgin (on the optus network) should that be fine?
The rom is I9100XWLP8
Once again many thanks! I'll update you with the progress.
Yep. Flash the Optus rom given you're effectively using their network & see what happens.
MistahBungle said:
Yep. Flash the Optus rom given you're effectively using their network & see what happens.
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Thanks mate, you're a champion!
No probs Post here again if you have any dramas.
MistahBungle said:
No probs Post here again if you have any dramas.
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Just downloaded it (Hotfile takes forever) and flashed through odin.
Worked fine after a factory reset. However, Kies won't update my phone.
Network seems to running smooth, so we'll see how it goes. The more things I do, I guess the more things I can rule out.
I updated the phone, and I get the message "Unfortunately, Application installer has stopped". What am I supposed to do?
Factory reset
Sent from the little guy
gastonw said:
Factory reset
Sent from the little guy
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That didn't work.
Anyhow, I managed to track down a 4.0.4 variant of the ROM I was using, and made sure the CSC, PDA and Baseband all matched up with what Kies wanted, and flashed it. I think the error occured I was trying to update a ROM with the wrong CSC and Baseband to one with the correct ones and Kies didn't like that.

[Q] Samsung Galaxy S2 stuck on 'turning WI-FI on'

Hi Team,
I have a GT-19100T which had the carriers firmware (Vodafail AU) 4.1.3 (rooted) running with no problems until recently (2 wks ago), prior to the fault I have had this phone for years no glitches great phone for its age.
I had let the battery drain, upon re-energizing the phone and attempting to turn on the wireless i noticed it just reported "Turning WI-FI on" and the toggle switch was greyed out. this would last all day. switching the phone off and on would not stop the process of the phone attempting to turn wi-fi on.
I immediately went searching forums and people suggested hardware fault or perform factory wipe through CWM.
Troubleshooting I have performed so far is:
- factory wipe and cache cleanup (not resolved)
- flashed to CM 10.1.3 (not resolved) (multiple times)
OS: 4.2.2
Baseband: 1900TDULP4
kernal version: 3.0.64-cm-g9c2e2bc
I have found from research that the Bluetooth and wi-fi are the same module (I maybe wrong) and Bluetooth is working fine.
So this leads me to suspect a software/firmware fault.
I'm currently downloading from (sam mobile) the latest release for this phone from the carrier to see if firmware will resolve the problem.
In the mean time any suggestion, advice, help or solutions would be greatly appreciated.
Maybe if someone knows of a file i can flash specifically for wi-fi module that I could try.
Thanks in advance
monolithcog said:
Hi Team,
I have a GT-19100T which had the carriers firmware (Vodafail AU) 4.1.3 (rooted) running with no problems until recently (2 wks ago), prior to the fault I have had this phone for years no glitches great phone for its age.
I had let the battery drain, upon re-energizing the phone and attempting to turn on the wireless i noticed it just reported "Turning WI-FI on" and the toggle switch was greyed out. this would last all day. switching the phone off and on would not stop the process of the phone attempting to turn wi-fi on.
I immediately went searching forums and people suggested hardware fault or perform factory wipe through CWM.
Troubleshooting I have performed so far is:
- factory wipe and cache cleanup (not resolved)
- flashed to CM 10.1.3 (not resolved) (multiple times)
OS: 4.2.2
Baseband: 1900TDULP4
kernal version: 3.0.64-cm-g9c2e2bc
I have found from research that the Bluetooth and wi-fi are the same module (I maybe wrong) and Bluetooth is working fine.
So this leads me to suspect a software/firmware fault.
I'm currently downloading from (sam mobile) the latest release for this phone from the carrier to see if firmware will resolve the problem.
In the mean time any suggestion, advice, help or solutions would be greatly appreciated.
Maybe if someone knows of a file i can flash specifically for wi-fi module that I could try.
Thanks in advance
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I have same problem few weeks ago when my galaxy on Stock Rom 4.1.2.
Later, I try to reflash again through Odin, then install CWM and I flash CM 10.2 4.3 through CWM and it solved.
I think you should try to flash Newer Rom version, example CM10.2 or SlimKat.
Good luck
huytrandinh said:
I have same problem few weeks ago when my galaxy on Stock Rom 4.1.2.
Later, I try to reflash again through Odin, then install CWM and I flash CM 10.2 4.3 through CWM and it solved.
I think you should try to flash Newer Rom version, example CM10.2 or SlimKat.
Good luck
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Thanks mate for your reply,
I installed cm 11, this did not resolve it.
need the file for the radio/modem, i'm hoping this will fix it but not sure exactly what I am looking for.
Just finished installing I9100TDVLSM_I9100TVAULSF_VAU (latest release from Sam Mobile) 4.1.2
Still wi-fi not working.
will try and install cm 10.2 on your recommendation huytrandinh
Okay latest nightly of CM is installed cm-10.2-20131216-NIGHTLY-i9100.
Still has not resolved the wi-fi issue.
anyone have a potential solution?
there is this post for S4, but obviously only viable for S4
There is also this video tutorial which is for S4
Try to flash a modem using odin,
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda app-developers app
Modem won't solve the issue as WiFi/BT drivers are in the kernel on the S2. OP was on the right track, but for whatever reason a clean install of stock didn't fix the problem.
Maybe try the 3 part firmware in Hopper8's Odin Troubleshooting thread, then a clean install of the Voda stock rom after that ?
There's 'WiFi fixes' (which are actually the LTE modem) for the I9505 as it actually has two separate modems, and the LTE modem also controls WiFi (which isn't the case with the S2 as per my comment above).
jedzkiiii said:
Try to flash a modem using odin,
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda app-developers app
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Have been trying that, still no success.
have spent all day trying to find a solution
I tried the modems from here:
##hxxtp:// (unable to post links ffs)
and few other random links from the forums
MistahBungle said:
Modem won't solve the issue as WiFi/BT drivers are in the kernel on the S2. OP was on the right track, but for whatever reason a clean install of stock didn't fix the problem.
Maybe try the 3 part firmware in Hopper8's Odin Troubleshooting thread, then a clean install of the Voda stock rom after that ?
There's 'WiFi fixes' (which are actually the LTE modem) for the I9505 as it actually has two separate modems, and the LTE modem also controls WiFi (which isn't the case with the S2 as per my comment above).
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Thanks Mistahbungle,
I checked out that thread
Nothing i could really use.
But I did try a few other kernels:
Unfortunately as soon as flashing with other kernels the screen would go black after the initial boot logo.
Only way to resolve it not booting into the OS was to roll back to:
1. GT-I9100_JB_ClockworkMod-Recovery_6.0.2.9 (flashed with odin)
2. flash CWM-SuperSU-v0.97 with CWMRecovery
3. install cm-10.2-20131216-NIGHTLY-i9100
4. then your general cleaup through cwmrecovery
I'm not sure if I'm doing something wrong when trying to apply another kernel.
anyone able to offer assistance please with right kernel?
Just found a post in that thread -
Will try the 3 part rom XXLSJ for GT-I9100.
Fingers crossed
Yeah, that's what I suggested in my PP. Sorry, seems the 3 part was on HotFile & Hopper didn't have his own copy up somewhere.
The rationale was - there's possibly something from a previous installation causing your issues, and flashing the 3 part would wipe your phone. I realise you've done this manually, but at this stage you're fast running out of ideas before you declare it a possible hardware issue, and it was worth a shot.
So...What I'd try is - while you have a rooted phone, go into CWRecovery and format everything/ (not EFS though obviously, or your external card if you have one), then try re-flashing whatever stock firmware you have with Odin in download mode.
Edit - Also, maybe do a Google search for that 3 part firmware (details are still on Samfirmware, just that the files are gone), you never know, you might find it somewhere.
MistahBungle said:
Yeah, that's what I suggested in my PP. Sorry, seems the 3 part was on HotFile & Hopper didn't have his own copy up somewhere.
The rationale was - there's possibly something from a previous installation causing your issues, and flashing the 3 part would wipe your phone. I realise you've done this manually, but at this stage you're fast running out of ideas before you declare it a possible hardware issue, and it was worth a shot.
So...What I'd try is - while you have a rooted phone, go into CWRecovery and format everything/ (not EFS though obviously, or your external card if you have one), then try re-flashing whatever stock firmware you have with Odin in download mode.
Edit - Also, maybe do a Google search for that 3 part firmware (details are still on Samfirmware, just that the files are gone), you never know, you might find it somewhere.
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Okay just finished testing the rom by installing it via odin (3 part)
still has not yielded any favorable results .
Little disapointed as this was a great backup phone and served for the past 12 months as a mp3 player
Guess as they say; It is all planned obsolescent which is fracked ...
Thanks for the suggestion/help anyway.
I know this is an old thread but my gs2 had this problem and I was able to fix it. Using es file explorer made my way to /data/misc/wifi pulled up the properties to wpa_supplicant.conf and changed group to wifi...then wifi finished initializing...hope this helps somebody
Sent from my SM-T310 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
for consideration.
I have this phone. the GT-i9100. Had this issue also. I took it apart. The little onboard battery had blown and corrosion got all over all it.
and guess where WiFi hard is. Right Next door. I cleaned it up real good. Put it back together and WiFi came back to life.
So give it some thought guys.

[Q] Recover original Rom to fix issue that phone will not make/receive Calls/txts

Firstly Sorry to sound incompetent, I have realized i am out of my depth, just need some help to get my Samsung Galaxy s2 back to original condition.
A while ago i installed a different Kernel 3.12.0-rc6-Dorimanx-V8.43-JB-SGII-PWR-CORE
Something has gone wrong and I can't make or receive calls or texts, Still have data though!
Can someone please help me and find me a kernel that will work or get my phone back to original factory state PLEASE??
lord1984 said:
Firstly Sorry to sound incompetent, I have realized i am out of my depth, just need some help to get my Samsung Galaxy s2 back to orignal condition.
A while ago i installed a different Kernel 3.12.0-rc6-Dorimanx-V8.43-JB-SGII-PWR-CORE
Something has gone wrong and I can't make or receive calls or txts, Still have data though!
Can someone please help me and find me a kernel that will work or get my phone back to original factory state PLEASE??
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flash stock rom download it from sammobile
Back to 'original condition' ? Get a stock rom for country/carrier from Samfirmware, flash with Odin following instructions in thread stickied near top of Q&A titled 'Flash Stock firmware'. Problems with getting a successful flash ? Hopper8's 'Odin troubleshooting' thread stickied in General has all the info you need in order to get a successful flash if you do get stuck.
I did admit I dont really know what i am doing, I am sorry for that!
Im looking on sammobile, but cant find a matching pda?
My Baseband version is I9100XXMS2
Forget basebands & forget 'matching' anything; irrelevant/unnecessary. Download any stock rom for your carrier (not 4.0.4 if you intend to root your phone again at any stage though), flash it as per my PP.
MistahBungle said:
Forget basebands & forget 'matching' anything; irrelevant/unnecessary. Download any stock rom for your carrier (not 4.0.4 if you intend to root your phone again at any stage though), flash it as per my PP.
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Thank you! managed to flash a stock ROM no problem
But I'm still having the same issue which made me want to go back to a stock ROM. Problem is I can't make or receive calls or send or receive texts, but i can still use the internet which is really odd, I've tried everything, had my Sim card replaced with a new 1, factory reset, gone through all the settings but cant figure this out, any ideas please?
If you mean you've gone back to stock & are still having connectivity issues - try flashing different modems ? Plenty can be found by searching, maybe specifically look for threads where people using the same carrier as you have mentioned particular modems which have given them good connectivity. You're going to find this easiest if your phone is rooted given most of the easily found modems are CWM flashable, so if you haven't re-rooted your phone already, you should do that first to make life easy for yourself (I hope you didn't flash a 4.0.4 stock rom as per my warning ?).
You could also try flashing other stock roms for your carrier/country which will have different modems bundled which may give you better connectivity. If after trying a bunch (and I mean a bunch - 20 or more, not 5 or 6) of modems, I'd then try flashing the 3 part stock firmware in Hopper8's 'Odin troubleshooting' thread stickied in General (which will wipe your phone), then reflashing a stock rom for your carrier again after & see if that helps. If you're still having problems after all that, it's either a hardware problem or a carrier-side issue.
If you mean you went back to stock, had no problems, then re-flashed whatever rom/kernel you were using & the problems persisted, I'd be asking in the rom/kernel thread given it's obviously a rom/kernel issue.
MistahBungle said:
If you mean you've gone back to stock & are still having connectivity issues - try flashing different modems ? Plenty can be found by searching, maybe specifically look for threads where people using the same carrier as you have mentioned particular modems which have given them good connectivity. You're going to find this easiest if your phone is rooted given most of the easily found modems are CWM flashable, so if you haven't re-rooted your phone already, you should do that first to make life easy for yourself (I hope you didn't flash a 4.0.4 stock rom as per my warning ?).
You could also try flashing other stock roms for your carrier/country which will have different modems bundled which may give you better connectivity. If after trying a bunch (and I mean a bunch - 20 or more, not 5 or 6) of modems, I'd then try flashing the 3 part stock firmware in Hopper8's 'Odin troubleshooting' thread stickied in General (which will wipe your phone), then reflashing a stock rom for your carrier again after & see if that helps. If you're still having problems after all that, it's either a hardware problem or a carrier-side issue.
If you mean you went back to stock, had no problems, then re-flashed whatever rom/kernel you were using & the problems persisted, I'd be asking in the rom/kernel thread given it's obviously a rom/kernel issue.
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Well thanks for all your help, will continue to READ threads and try a bunch! of modems etc... and let you know how i get on, Sorry for startin a new thread about this issue.
The issue started one day out of the blue, after having flashed a dorimanx kernel all was well untill 1 day just couldnt make or recieve calls or texts, decided to go back to stock rom to see if it would fix problem but hasn't, so am on the case to find a solution
Yeah it's a pain in the arse when all of a sudden you get connectivity issues for no apparent reason. Used to happen to me when I used CM (not recently mind you, I'm talking CM9). Unfortunately, given what you've already tried, you're stuck with mucking around with modems & hopefully you hit upon one that gives you decent connectivity back.
Even though they'll probably tell you everything's fine, I'd be contacting my carrier (assuming I had a spare hour to sit on hold) as well & just check there's nothing carrier-side that may be causing it, which is probably unlikely, but still possible given the way this issue popped up 'all of a sudden'.
Re: starting a new thread, all good. You described exactly what problem you had from the get go & mentioned that you were using a custom kernel, which is a damn sight better than having to ask 20 questions to extract the info one needs out of people in order to start helping them
MistahBungle said:
Yeah it's a pain in the arse when all of a sudden you get connectivity issues for no apparent reason. Used to happen to me when I used CM (not recently mind you, I'm talking CM9). Unfortunately, given what you've already tried, you're stuck with mucking around with modems & hopefully you hit upon one that gives you decent connectivity back.
Even though they'll probably tell you everything's fine, I'd be contacting my carrier (assuming I had a spare hour to sit on hold) as well & just check there's nothing carrier-side that may be causing it, which is probably unlikely, but still possible given the way this issue popped up 'all of a sudden'.
Re: starting a new thread, all good. You described exactly what problem you had from the get go & mentioned that you were using a custom kernel, which is a damn sight better than having to ask 20 questions to extract the info one needs out of people in order to start helping them
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Well i have been trying different modems... but just the same issue, I get Data but cant make calls or texts or receive. The phone basically isn't recognizing my telephone number when i look in phone status says unknown.... Is there anything else that may be causing this?
Worked out the issue with the phone number not showing, thats sorted and not in relation to the issue. on 4.1.2 btw. Still no calls or txts coming through just beeps when trying to make a call and cust out. It dosnt seem as though anyone has any idea atall? I have been flashing different modems over and over (all different ones) all they seem to do is altar data connection soem are good some not so good ill post my opinions about modems later.
Just this connectivity issue I've basically just got a small samsung tablet! Not a phone....

[Q] Problematic s4 (4.4.2)

Hi. I've got a challenge for the experts
I have a galaxy s4 (i9505) and currently on cyanogenmod 11-20140414-nightly so its running on 4.4.2
The minute i got my phone, i put foxhound rom and was on4.2.2 that time and everything was fine. It was about june last year. A couple of weeks ago, i decided to have a go at other roms or update to 4.4.2 so i tried foxhound rom that ran on4.4.2. This is when the problems started. The first problem was the signal was greatly affected that i could not get any signal indoors. So i tried several other roms like omega rom, cyanogenmod, wanamlite, wicked, virgin rom and several others but none of them perfectly worked. I always cleared cache and restore factory settings but still there were problems. On some roms the camera wont work as if there is another app using it. On others, i cant get any signal even though im in an area where i used to get strong signals. Another big problem is that i cant make a call! The screen goes black and can't do anything until the call gets disconnected. I can't use voice services like skype, ym, everything that uses the mic as if there is an app or service using it. When i put the jack to use the headset, i dont get the notification that im on headset unlike before.
So i decided to use stock rom on 4.3. Now i have even bigger problems. In addition to the previous problems stated, the wifi won't turn on but i can get a signal outside. Even though i have already removed the microsd card and wiped cache and restore to factory settings, the phone still says that the device was modified so i can't really return it even though it is still under warranty.
So now i decided to root it again and temporarily use cyanogenmod since the wifi works, texts and the internet works.
Btw, youtube doesnt work also. It doesnt play.
Sorry for the vrry long post but i just want to give much info as possible..
Thanks so much
Noypi14 said:
Hi. I've got a challenge for the experts
I have a galaxy s4 (i9505) and currently on cyanogenmod 11-20140414-nightly so its running on 4.4.2
The minute i got my phone, i put foxhound rom and was on4.2.2 that time and everything was fine. It was about june last year. A couple of weeks ago, i decided to have a go at other roms or update to 4.4.2 so i tried foxhound rom that ran on4.4.2. This is when the problems started. The first problem was the signal was greatly affected that i could not get any signal indoors. So i tried several other roms like omega rom, cyanogenmod, wanamlite, wicked, virgin rom and several others but none of them perfectly worked. I always cleared cache and restore factory settings but still there were problems. On some roms the camera wont work as if there is another app using it. On others, i cant get any signal even though im in an area where i used to get strong signals. Another big problem is that i cant make a call! The screen goes black and can't do anything until the call gets disconnected. I can't use voice services like skype, ym, everything that uses the mic as if there is an app or service using it. When i put the jack to use the headset, i dont get the notification that im on headset unlike before.
So i decided to use stock rom on 4.3. Now i have even bigger problems. In addition to the previous problems stated, the wifi won't turn on but i can get a signal outside. Even though i have already removed the microsd card and wiped cache and restore to factory settings, the phone still says that the device was modified so i can't really return it even though it is still under warranty.
So now i decided to root it again and temporarily use cyanogenmod since the wifi works, texts and the internet works.
Btw, youtube doesnt work also. It doesnt play.
Sorry for the vrry long post but i just want to give much info as possible..
Thanks so much
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So, which type of rom do you want to be on, assuming most of the things work properly? I don't want to try to address all those issues because there are different ones for the different setups and would take forever. Most likely signal issues are from not using a matched modem with the firmware / rom you are running. Do you know the original carrier / region the phone is from so we can make sure you get the right stuff installed?
Please provide details on the the currently installed baseband version. Also, what is the last official version of Samsung's software that you installed via Odin or OTA (not via custom rom)?
es0tericcha0s said:
So, which type of rom do you want to be on, assuming most of the things work properly? I don't want to try to address all those issues because there are different ones for the different setups and would take forever. Most likely signal issues are from not using a matched modem with the firmware / rom you are running. Do you know the original carrier / region the phone is from so we can make sure you get the right stuff installed?
Please provide details on the the currently installed baseband version. Also, what is the last official version of Samsung's software that you installed via Odin or OTA (not via custom rom)?
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Thanks for your reply.
The current cyanogenmod is fine although i prefer the virgin rom. but i can go back to virgin once the problems have been rectified.
I agree that the signal issue has something to do with the modem so i tried different modems using odin but the XXUBMEA wouldnt change despite trying several modems and several times.
The phone is on three network (uk) with its current baseband 19505XXUBMEA.
The official rom i tried was on 4.3 and kies said it was the latest
Thanks again
Alright, I'm with ya so far. I'll look into the rom situation when I get back in front of the PC, but the trick with updating the modem is you gotta flash it twice in a row before you reboot unless you flash official firmware.
es0tericcha0s said:
Alright, I'm with ya so far. I'll look into the rom situation when I get back in front of the PC, but the trick with updating the modem is you gotta flash it twice in a row before you reboot unless you flash official firmware.
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Thanks again for replying.
What i havent actually tried (which i'm reading at the moment) is the formatting of data under the advanced options on twrp. I dunno if it will make a difference say i try a new rom. I don't mind trying and starting from scratch. Like format data then install a new rom. Do u think this will make a difference? (will this be similar to formatting a dard drive on a pc before installing windows?)
What i suspect is there is nothing wrong with the roms i've tried but something in the installation got messed up and remains there even after wiping the data.
I think i have tried doing it twice only to find out that it didnt change the modem despite odin saying pass.
Should i format data then install a fresh rom?
but challeng refused
Ok, so there is something odd here. If you had flashed the official 4.3 via Odin, your modem would have changed to a newer one. The one you have is still a 4.2.2 one. Or were you referring to the last stock rom that you loaded with a custom recovery? Also, which recovery are you using?
Try this modem via Odin:
Install Guide:
Use Odin v3.04
Untick Autoreboot
Flash modem
Reboot once again into Download Mode using (Vol Down plus Home button combi)
Flash Modem once more
Once done,unplug then reboot device manually.
If this doesn't work, try repeating the flash process again while rebooting manually and with auto-reboot option turned off.
Reference thread:
Let's see if that doesn't help anything and go from there.
If you have issues with wifi, there is a wifi fix to be had in the reference thread. Remember to flash that through the Phone slot if needed.
thanks again.
i can't exactly remember what modem i had when i flashed it with the official 4.3 using odin. but my guess would be the XXUBMEA. most of the custom roms i've tried had this modem anyway. some had no problems with 3g signal.
i am using twrp.
i don't want to play around with the modem yet as the 3g and wifi signals are working fine on cyanogenmod. its the call and video that's not working that i want to sort out.
do u think if i reflash by formatting data would clear out the problems i specified earlier? i don't mind trying this if u think it will make a difference.. tthanks.
es0tericcha0s said:
Ok, so there is something odd here. If you had flashed the official 4.3 via Odin, your modem would have changed to a newer one. The one you have is still a 4.2.2 one. Or were you referring to the last stock rom that you loaded with a custom recovery? Also, which recovery are you using?
Try this modem via Odin:
Install Guide:
Use Odin v3.04
Untick Autoreboot
Flash modem
Reboot once again into Download Mode using (Vol Down plus Home button combi)
Flash Modem once more
Once done,unplug then reboot device manually.
If this doesn't work, try repeating the flash process again while rebooting manually and with auto-reboot option turned off.
Reference thread:
Let's see if that doesn't help anything and go from there.
If you have issues with wifi, there is a wifi fix to be had in the reference thread. Remember to flash that through the Phone slot if needed.
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Noypi14 said:
thanks again.
i can't exactly remember what modem i had when i flashed it with the official 4.3 using odin. but my guess would be the XXUBMEA. most of the custom roms i've tried had this modem anyway. some had no problems with 3g signal.
i am using twrp.
i don't want to play around with the modem yet as the 3g and wifi signals are working fine on cyanogenmod. its the call and video that's not working that i want to sort out.
do u think if i reflash by formatting data would clear out the problems i specified earlier? i don't mind trying this if u think it will make a difference.. tthanks.
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The custom roms you've been using don't install a modem with them, so that would be why you've been on the same one for a bit. Often times the stock rom is a little more picky about which modem it likes best, though this varies by phone and update. What call issues are you having? There were so many issues listed for various things on the first post that I had trouble sorting which problem for which rom (not criticizing, just making sure we're on the same page). And as far as videos go, is it just YouTube that isn't working right or any type of video playback? If it is just YouTube - is it force closing, not loading searches or videos, or some other problem?
es0tericcha0s said:
The custom roms you've been using don't install a modem with them, so that would be why you've been on the same one for a bit. Often times the stock rom is a little more picky about which modem it likes best, though this varies by phone and update. What call issues are you having? There were so many issues listed for various things on the first post that I had trouble sorting which problem for which rom (not criticizing, just making sure we're on the same page). And as far as videos go, is it just YouTube that isn't working right or any type of video playback? If it is just YouTube - is it force closing, not loading searches or videos, or some other problem?
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thanks again for your interest.
the issue about the modem is somehow clear. thanks for clearing that up.
i think it is better to tackle the problems i have in my current setup rather than the previous problems. so, as previously mentioned, i am on cyanogenmod 11 (on 4.4.2). here are some of the problems i am aware of or rather, those that i have experienced:
1. calls - whenever i dial a number, the screen goes black as if the phone is next to my ear (could there be something wrong with the proximity sensor? i haven't done anything to rectify this yet though. when this happens, i can't do anything as the seems to hang although i could see the call timer working. during that call however, i can't hear a sound nor the person i just rang. same thing happens when someone calls me. my phone vibrates (because there is another problem with the sound which i will discuss next) and when i answer it, i hear no sound and the screen goes black and i couldn't do anything with the phone. i have to wait till the caller disconnects before the phone becomes useable again.
i tried calling using viber and the same thing happens.
2. sound - phone is muted even though all the volume controls are midway or almost 100%. i tried changing the ringing tone but i don't hear any sound at all. normally, when i switch to a different ringtone, it should give me a preview of what the chosen sound is like.
3. videos - it doesn't work. when i go to youtube, it opens up the site, opens the selected youtube clip, tries to play it but pauses then tries to play again then pauses until i get a message saying "there was a problem while playing. touch to retry."
so far these are the problems i have faced.
sorry for the long post again.
Hmm. Seems weird that you are having so many issues that most others aren't having, at least not since some of the earlier builds. During the install of CM, did you wipe /system? If not, I definitely would just start fresh. Install the most up to date modem. Wipe everything (system, data, cache, dalvik). Use the most up to date CWM (I like TWRP most of the time, but since CM says you should try CWM before reporting issues, it's one of those things...) Some Samsung proximity sensors aren't that accurate and really don't work well with CM. Other users reported that issue i the main CM thread for your phone, but was definitely not prevalent. I had a Samsung phone that I couldn't use a tempered glass screen protector with as they had an app to install to test to see how sensitive it was and mine didn't pass the test, though it worked for everything else.
As far as the video bug. It affected some earlier builds and other roms based off of CM but I hadn't seen anyone commenting about it for a bit so can't imagine it still being a common issue as that's a deal breaker for most. It might just be easier at this stage to either go back to stable CM 10.2 or try another rom altogether, such as Slim.
es0tericcha0s said:
Hmm. Seems weird that you are having so many issues that most others aren't having, at least not since some of the earlier builds. During the install of CM, did you wipe /system? If not, I definitely would just start fresh. Install the most up to date modem. Wipe everything (system, data, cache, dalvik). Use the most up to date CWM (I like TWRP most of the time, but since CM says you should try CWM before reporting issues, it's one of those things...) Some Samsung proximity sensors aren't that accurate and really don't work well with CM. Other users reported that issue i the main CM thread for your phone, but was definitely not prevalent. I had a Samsung phone that I couldn't use a tempered glass screen protector with as they had an app to install to test to see how sensitive it was and mine didn't pass the test, though it worked for everything else.
As far as the video bug. It affected some earlier builds and other roms based off of CM but I hadn't seen anyone commenting about it for a bit so can't imagine it still being a common issue as that's a deal breaker for most. It might just be easier at this stage to either go back to stable CM 10.2 or try another rom altogether, such as Slim.
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i know. i don't really want to blame these issues i've mentioned to the rom i am using or have tried. perhaps there was something i did not do or overdid that messed it all up. the cynagenmod 10 (the stable version for my s4 model) had similar issues as the cm11. so i suspect the problem i've created still lingers within my phone that messes up a lot of things.
during installation, i did wipe the system, data, cache and dalvik which i found in the advanced menu.
the thing is, everything else worked fine when i was on 4.2.2 (like the proximity sensors, videos, sounds, etc) so as i said earlier, i don't want to blame it on the roms.
i might have another go on the slim rom tonight but use CWM instead of TWRP.
thanks again for your interest and help
Noypi14 said:
i know. i don't really want to blame these issues i've mentioned to the rom i am using or have tried. perhaps there was something i did not do or overdid that messed it all up. the cynagenmod 10 (the stable version for my s4 model) had similar issues as the cm11. so i suspect the problem i've created still lingers within my phone that messes up a lot of things.
during installation, i did wipe the system, data, cache and dalvik which i found in the advanced menu.
the thing is, everything else worked fine when i was on 4.2.2 (like the proximity sensors, videos, sounds, etc) so as i said earlier, i don't want to blame it on the roms.
i might have another go on the slim rom tonight but use CWM instead of TWRP.
thanks again for your interest and help
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Do you have a screen protector or anything like that? Sometimes if it isn't laying on the screen right or dirt gets around it, it can cause issues. There's also a way to pop out the actual proximity sensor and clean between the part and the little piece of clear glass on the back of the front piece of glass that can help too if it ends up being hardware related.
es0tericcha0s said:
Do you have a screen protector or anything like that? Sometimes if it isn't laying on the screen right or dirt gets around it, it can cause issues. There's also a way to pop out the actual proximity sensor and clean between the part and the little piece of clear glass on the back of the front piece of glass that can help too if it ends up being hardware related.
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I put the screen protector when i got the phone and i don't see any visible dirt so i wouldn't want to blame it either. Although i did read about the screen protectors causing problems. But the thing is, even youtube or any videos do not play. Even any sound.
I've tried the slimkat rom by following the developers' instructions and still no youtube, no sound, can't make a call as i can't hear the person i'm calling nor can that person hear me.
Any other suggestions on what to do? I don't mind going back to stock as long as i get all the features back. I went to official 4.3 before but had more severe issues. Or perhaps i did it wrong?
Videos are another issue, but I still think the call problems and such are modem related. What I would do would be to wipe everything, then use Odin to install official Kit Kat, then test this stuff out and see if it works. If so, then you can do a nandroid and redo recovery and try the roms again, then if they still have that issue then your phone just doesn't cooperate with CM roms or something weird like that. If it doesn't work even after official 4.4.2, then there's probably something else going on, possibly hardware related.
es0tericcha0s said:
Videos are another issue, but I still think the call problems and such are modem related. What I would do would be to wipe everything, then use Odin to install official Kit Kat, then test this stuff out and see if it works. If so, then you can do a nandroid and redo recovery and try the roms again, then if they still have that issue then your phone just doesn't cooperate with CM roms or something weird like that. If it doesn't work even after official 4.4.2, then there's probably something else going on, possibly hardware related.
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Got hold of the official 4.4.2 and flashed it via odin. Failed. But tried again and now working fine. Sound is back, video is back as well as calls. Just the annoying google search failing all the time.
The baseband it has is I9505XXUFNC9. i didn't install any modem in odin though. Just flashed in the pda section the tar file
Now i don't know whether to root this again and try custom roms or leave it as it is. I saw knox by the way but haven't installed it. Or is it pre installed? I have little knowledge about knox

