[Q] Flash Video: is there a usable solution? - Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

My apologies if (A. this is a question that gets asked constantly) or (B. this is the wrong place to ask), first of all. I googled around, and did a forum search, but the results were flooded with questions about flashing roms, and I didn't find much recent relevant information. If this is the wrong place, my bad, but I didnt think this was a device-specific question, so I thought this might be the place.
Anyway, I'm on a Galaxy Note 10.1 (2014 Edition). I'm wondering if there is any semi-reliable way of viewing flash video online. I watch stuff on sides like vidxden, gorillavid, etc fairly often. When I try to watch them in, for example, Dolphin Browser (I have flash installed, for what it's worth), they will start to play, then the video eventually catches up to the buffer point. The video pauses, buffers a little, starts again, catches up, stops again, etc. To make matters worse, if the video is kept paused, it will buffer to a certain point, then seemingly stop buffering completely. Finally, seemingly at random the video playback bar will fill up (as if the video is completely buffered), but the video will act as though it is still buffering, except that it won't start playing again. In this state, the video continues to "buffer" even if you drag the scrubber back, forward, anywhere.
My question is: Is this par for the course, or is there a usable way of watching flash videos without it being unbearably choppy, stop and start, etc?
Thanks all, in advance!


Flash video support - anyone annoyed by it ?

I mean in the web browser - if you want to use the slidebar in the video to move forward / backward. Is it just me or does it really suck badly ? Like in a youtube video (but basically in any other flash video you can find online):
1.) the slidebar is very thin and requires a hell of a motoric coordination to use and avoid miss-clicks etc. Sometime you change its position and it will slide back.
2.) then finally even if you succeed in rewinding the video it often just "hangs" (especially when you try rewinding subsequently couple of times) and all you can do is just reload the page. This happens in close proximity to router when speedtest app shows 32/4 Mbit and < 10ms pings. While on on the desktop (and on the wire) you can rewind as many times as you wish easily and without problems.
Try to compare 1.) for example with stock video player - any way how to make online videos slide as easily without first downloading them ? The whole thing to me looks like they put flash into the new gen of phones as a marketing trick. Like the hardware capabilities are all there but the software still lags behind and it is not optimized for handheld devices - is this correct ?

youtube show different things :eek:

Hello guys
Every time I want to watch something in YouTube and we I click on the video that I want it show different one. I do factory reset and still the same
Anyone can help
I know this is an old topic, but I recently got a tab and I'm finding the same issue. I've searched this here internet, but I can't find an answer anywhere.
It doesn't happen on every video - sometimes I can go 5 or 6 vids without a problem.
When it does happen, it's basically like this - I select a video, and Youtube shows me some other video. The most common ones are:
a grainy boxing video
a clip from a Rob Schneider movie
some guy loading a machine gun
a group of women doing aerobics;
Others include
a baby watching TV
2 hot girls dancing
2 hot girls kissing
I can get rid of them by hitting the 'back' arrow and then re-clicking the video I wanted. It works the 2nd time.
Additional info:
There's no repeatable pattern. I can select the same video on different occasions - sometimes the problem happens and sometimes it doesn't.
Just in the last couple of weeks, I was seeing the same with the Youtube app on my android phone (a flashed Captivate). I uninstalled Youtube (which didn't remove it completely - just reverted to an earlier version) and the problem disappeared.
As there's no option to uninstall Youtube on the tab, I tried flashing a ROM to see if that would help (Starburst). It didn't make any difference - I'm still getting the problem.
It only happens within the Youtube app. If I watch a Youtube video via the browser, the problem doesn't happen.
Anybody have any ideas?
Thanks everyone

[Q] HELP!! Android 4.0 video streaming capability

Hi all,
I have a bit of a complicated, advanced question which i think would also require an advanced complex solution (hope im wrong and there is a quick fix). Basically the problem i am experiencing is with my 7" android 4.0.4 tablet phone and video streaming, whenever i use a video streaming app e.g youtube, hubi etc etc the video wont load in a proper fashion. What i mean by this is even though you have a very fast internet connection e.g wifi, the video wont load properly and i will experience pauses before the video needs to pre-load again but for some reason wont continue to pre-load as it should, it would stop pre-loading after a few seconds then when the play marker reaches the pre-load marker it would stop before it starts to pre-load again which causes video pauses while playing. The video will take unusually long to start up, once started it will play for a short while before it pauses again to load up again. Let me make this clear to all who may attempt to answer this question, it is not a problem of the wifi reception becuase full reception is received and my download rate is 38 MBPs. It's something to do with how the movies are pre-loaded it seems the apps i am having problems with afore mentioned have a technical fault in pre-loading the video streams. Further to help you understand ive realised flash tehcnology movies pre-load beautifully and smoothly e.g the video stream pre-loads quickly in seconds and the whole movie would take a couple of minutes to pre-load as is expected with a 38 Mbps DL rate. The same problem is experienced via 3G high speed connection. I personally think the problem lies within the android OS and NOT with the connection methods e.g wifi and 3G. Any help would be much appreciated.
To help you help me, here is some information about my tablet phone:
The latest 7" dual sim tablet phone
OS: Android 4.0.4
Kernel version: 3.0.13

Clone and netflix issue

I have a new 1.5g dual sim clone s4. It is running Jellybean 4.2.1. Everything works well except for Netflix. Youtube runs great, video capture is good. I read the forums and did a search, most of the info is before this type of chip is used. I need help fixing the phone. netflix will only do audio, and it will show the captions. We can use the tool bar to fast froward the movie and it will show the movie clips, yet when it buffers to that point in the movie it will buffer and the screen goes dark (video won't play at all) but my question is this, WHY? what had occurred in the chinese making these knockoffs that this would happen? I have tried older versions of Netflix, called netflix, troubleshot the phone with them and no luck.
I have rooted my kindle, I have rooted my HP pad, but this seems to be a minor issue with the phone and 4.2?
Simply reloading a new rom or "here's a new download" doesn't answer the question of why is this happening???? Is it a simple fix I am not seeing? These phones are unlocked and supposedly rooted already, what am I missing? Thanks from a father who wants to learn............

Android limitations?

I 'converted' to Android just about 2 years ago now. I love it, but there are a couple of things things that I initially didn't like but I assumed would be fixed over time. They have not.
The first thing has to do with Video files transfered to the device. I am meticulous about tagging my *.mp4 shows and inserting the "cover art" picture. In iOS these images would show up as thumb nails in video viewers. This looked good. Android, however, insists on using a random still from the first minute or so of any given show (video file). Is there a way to force android to use the image in the tag? It is kind of annoying that they can't do such a simple thing.
Which leads me to the second thing. In both video and audio files... when playing either in their respective players in iOS the scrubber at the bottom would show the current time on the left of the scrubber and the time left on the right. In android it shows the current time on the left, but the right stays static. It merely shows the show's total time. I have tried several different players for both video and audio but none seem to be able to tackle this.
I know, both things are minor, and over all, i love android, just wondering why we have not been given the choice. After all, i thought that was what android was all about.
Any way, thanks for listening.

