CIFS Module for MOJO Kernel 3.4.35 - M.O.J.O. Android Development

Alright, finally we have CIFS support on MJO.
Cross compiled on ArchLinux from the sources posted by Rich, config pulled from /proc/config.gz and just compiled the CIFS+md4 module.
Works great here:
// 3.6T 2.9T 709.1G 81% /mnt/shell/emulated/0/vault
Make sure you have root, insmod md4.ko, insmod cifs.ko and enjoy! I'm using this to access my MP3s for aMPD so that my Mojo can act as my stereo too.
*edit* also make sure you have busybox installed in order to mount, and pass a username option. ie:
busybox mount -ousername=guest // /sdcard/share

vostok4 said:
Alright, finally we have CIFS support on MJO.
Cross compiled on ArchLinux from the sources posted by Rich, config pulled from /proc/config.gz and just compiled the CIFS+md4 module.
Works great here:
// 3.6T 2.9T 709.1G 81% /mnt/shell/emulated/0/vault
Make sure you have root, insmod md4.ko, insmod cifs.ko and enjoy! I'm using this to access my MP3s for aMPD so that my Mojo can act as my stereo too.
*edit* also make sure you have busybox installed in order to mount, and pass a username option. ie:
busybox mount -ousername=guest // /sdcard/share
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That's a good idea.. just updating the modules rather then the actual kernel.
By any chance, would you know how to approach updating the kernel on the mojo?

Thank you! These modules worked for me. However I was getting an "invalid parameter" error message. Finally I had to work around it as:
busybox mount -o unc=\\\\\\share name,username=myself,password=password1 -t cifs none /mnt/point
It may depend on the version of busybox..

@gwaldo if you wanted to flash a custom kernel this is what I would do:
[email protected]:/ # ls -al /dev/block/platform/sdhci-tegra.3/by-name
ls -al /dev/block/platform/sdhci-tegra.3/by-name
lrwxrwxrwx root root 2014-04-13 18:31 APP -> /dev/block/mmcblk0p4
lrwxrwxrwx root root 2014-04-13 18:31 CAC -> /dev/block/mmcblk0p5
lrwxrwxrwx root root 2014-04-13 18:31 DTB -> /dev/block/mmcblk0p2
lrwxrwxrwx root root 2014-04-13 18:31 LNX -> /dev/block/mmcblk0p3
lrwxrwxrwx root root 2014-04-13 18:31 MDA -> /dev/block/mmcblk0p8
lrwxrwxrwx root root 2014-04-13 18:31 MSC -> /dev/block/mmcblk0p6
lrwxrwxrwx root root 2014-04-13 18:31 SOS -> /dev/block/mmcblk0p1
lrwxrwxrwx root root 2014-04-13 18:31 TMP -> /dev/block/mmcblk0p9
lrwxrwxrwx root root 2014-04-13 18:31 UDA -> /dev/block/mmcblk0p10
lrwxrwxrwx root root 2014-04-13 18:31 USP -> /dev/block/mmcblk0p7
[email protected]:/ #
key line:
lrwxrwxrwx root root 2014-04-13 18:31 LNX -> /dev/block/mmcblk0p3
grab the boot image:
cat /dev/block/mmcblk0p3 > /sdcard/boot.img
load it in archikitchen:
create a barebones project, put the boot.img in the project folder, unpack. gives us:
with a new built kernel, repack the boot image, and you can try to boot it with fastboot without killing anything:
fastboot boot newboot.img
Should work. I will experiment in a few days when I get more time, perhaps.

vostok4 said:
@gwaldo if you wanted to flash a custom kernel this is what I would do:
Should work. I will experiment in a few days when I get more time, perhaps.
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Hi vostok4, thanks for the reply.
I used the zip config from the mojo and use my kernel with the extracted initramfs from the boot.img in firmware update.
./fastboot-linux -i 0x0738 boot zImage.gwald initramfs.cpio.gz
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It boots fine and can confirm it booted the kernel via google's setting.
I add more FS (NTSF/exfat write) support in the kernel but I'm not familiar with androids permissions.
Just cautious with it.
It would be nice if there was a system recovery image so if we made a mistake we can reset it to factory.
I kinda left it there for a while.. not sure what else to add

From a recovery standpoint with the kernel, you already have the boot.img from the update, so you can always boot that... And the device auto goes into fastboot for you, so I think a recovery from every brick should be possible.
Words are cheap though

vostok4 said:
From a recovery standpoint with the kernel, you already have the boot.img from the update, so you can always boot that... And the device auto goes into fastboot for you, so I think a recovery from every brick should be possible.
Words are cheap though
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Oh I meant doing something wrong on the filesystem, there's no rom/image for it , NAND I think it's called, the Android OS partition.
Like the guy that changed his permissions and made his entire MOJO readonly.. I think the only fix is the reflashing.
I did post about a guy who found the recovery menu on the MOJO
So, that could work, haven't tried..

gwaldo said:
Oh I meant doing something wrong on the filesystem, there's no rom/image for it , NAND I think it's called, the Android OS partition.
Like the guy that changed his permissions and made his entire MOJO readonly.. I think the only fix is the reflashing.
I did post about a guy who found the recovery menu on the MOJO
So, that could work, haven't tried..
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I think working with similar key combinations to enable nvidia recovery mode is more important. That way with nvflash we can make a copy of a clean install, and always be able to flash it back. My mojo always goes to this mode when I try the fastboot method, but it might be a special unit

Can I ask you which toolchain you used / which guide you followed? I'm following the guide at http but I'm having some problem (the compiled modules wind up being armv5 instead of armv7) and I'm noob at cross compiling.

paulatz said:
Can I ask you which toolchain you used / which guide you followed? I'm following the guide at http but I'm having some problem (the compiled modules wind up being armv5 instead of armv7) and I'm noob at cross compiling.
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Looks like how I did it, I use mint linux
i don't have much of a cheap sheet, but I'll post it when I get on my PC.

gwaldo said:
Looks like how I did it, I use mint linux
i don't have much of a cheap sheet, but I'll post it when I get on my PC.
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Don't worry, I have managed to do it using the official ndk from google (I'll post the details if someone ask for them when I can find the time).
I have compiled uvcvideo.ko, but it still is not working (uvcvideo: Unknown symbol _GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_ (err 0)), but I do not want to hijack you thread. I'll open a specific one if I can find the time to work on the issue for real.

Just for more information here, I compile on ArchLinux and use the following make line:
$ CROSS_COMPILE=arm-linux-gnueabi- ARCH=arm make
With the following packages from the AUR (kernel headers package was modified to get the correct version):
arm-linux-gnueabi-binutils 2.24-1
arm-linux-gnueabi-eglibc 2.18-1
arm-linux-gnueabi-gcc 4.8.2-1
arm-linux-gnueabi-linux-api-headers 3.4.35-1

paulatz said:
Don't worry, I have managed to do it using the official ndk from google (I'll post the details if someone ask for them when I can find the time).
I have compiled uvcvideo.ko, but it still is not working (uvcvideo: Unknown symbol _GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_ (err 0)), but I do not want to hijack you thread. I'll open a specific one if I can find the time to work on the issue for real.
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It's not my thread, but here's what I do:
Mint Linux 14 (i know its old)
I downloaded the build chains:
Install extra utils:
sudo apt-get install -y build-essential kernel-package libncurses5-dev bzip2
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Export env vars:
export CROSS_COMPILE=/home/-USER-/-DIR-/android_prebuilt_toolchains-master/arm-eabi-linaro-4.6.2/bin/arm-eabi-
export ARCH=arm
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Prepare the kernel
make clean && make mrproper
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extract the kernel from your MOJO and place in the kernel folder.
make your changes:
make menuconfig
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Compile it:
make -j5
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how to install cifs module
vostok4 said:
Alright, finally we have CIFS support on MJO.
Cross compiled on ArchLinux from the sources posted by Rich, config pulled from /proc/config.gz and just compiled the CIFS+md4 module.
Works great here:
// 3.6T 2.9T 709.1G 81% /mnt/shell/emulated/0/vault
Make sure you have root, insmod md4.ko, insmod cifs.ko and enjoy! I'm using this to access my MP3s for aMPD so that my Mojo can act as my stereo too.
*edit* also make sure you have busybox installed in order to mount, and pass a username option. ie:
busybox mount -ousername=guest // /sdcard/share
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sorry, bui I don't understand how install the cifs module
Could anyone support me, please

darkodarko said:
sorry, bui I don't understand how install the cifs module
Could anyone support me, please
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What are you doing exactly? Which result do you expect? Which result do you get instead?

paulatz said:
What are you doing exactly? Which result do you expect? Which result do you get instead?
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I want connect my mojo with my nas through cifs and mount a specific folder.
I rooted mojo whit MMM MoDaCo Mod.
but I dont have any idea how use the file
Thanks in advance

You need to put the archive somewhere on your MOJO, and run the following as root:
insmod md4.ko
insmod cifs.ko
Then you can mount using either mine or gwaldo's mount line.
I can write up how I got it to automount later, in order for the mount to be accessible to every application it has to be outside of /sdcard, I did mine in /mnt/share, and have it mounting on boot (in an ugly method).

darkodarko said:
I want connect my mojo with my nas through cifs and mount a specific folder.
I rooted mojo whit MMM MoDaCo Mod.
but I dont have any idea how use the file
Thanks in advance
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You need to extract the content of the zip file onto a usb drive/MICROSD and copy the files to the MOJO.
Then follow vostok4's instructions
in busybox (with root permission)
cd to-where-you-put your .ko files (you need to know linux command line)
then run
insmod md4.ko
insmod insmod cifs.ko
Then you need to mount it as below:
vostok4 said:
Alright, finally we have CIFS support on MJO.
Make sure you have root, insmod md4.ko, insmod cifs.ko and enjoy! I'm using this to access my MP3s for aMPD so that my Mojo can act as my stereo too.
*edit* also make sure you have busybox installed in order to mount, and pass a username option. ie:
busybox mount -ousername=guest // /sdcard/share
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PS: you'll need to do this EVERYTIME you reboot/restart MOJO.
PS2: I haven't done this my self but that's my understanding.

OK, in order to not do it everytime manually, I have something like this (note the sleep 30 is ugly but I didn't bother writing a method to trigger on network connectivity). This requires busybox installed (I use this one:
If you aren't comfortable with manually mucking around, then I'm not sure what to tell you to This is assuming you have root and busybox installed.
In order to create files under /system and /etc you need to mount /system as read-write:
$ su
# mount -orw,remount /system
# cp /sdcard/ /etc/
# chmod 777 /etc/
# mount -oro,remount /system
That would copy from the sdcard (we need to do this because we have a secure boot and can't adb push to /etc). It also sets the file as executable (we want that). SO, these are the files you need:
/etc/ (needs chmod 777)
# fake init.d support
/system/bin/sysinit (needs chmod 777)
# fake init.d support
# the script below is what i use to mount my cifs share
/system/bin/sh '/system/etc/init.d/99vault'
# these are commented out, but run-parts would be the proper way to use the init.d folder
# however I couldn't get it to work on my mojo, so i just call the script directly
#export PATH=/sbin:/system/sbin:/system/bin:/system/xbin
#run-parts /system/etc/init.d
/etc/init.d/99vault (or /system/etc/init.d/99vault if you expand the symlink) (needs chmod 777)
/system/xbin/busybox mount -orw,remount /
# sometimes disappears on reboot, lets just create the mount folder to be safe
/system/xbin/busybox mkdir /mnt/vault
/system/xbin/busybox mount -oro,remount /
# mount our cifs module
/system/xbin/busybox insmod /system/etc/cifs/md4.ko
/system/xbin/busybox insmod /system/etc/cifs/cifs.ko
# wait for network to come online
sleep 30
# mount the actual share
/system/xbin/busybox mount -ousername=guest // /mnt/vault
That will get you mounted after each reboot without fail, at least in my experience.

did someone managed to make it work on cm 12.1?


[Q] loading cifs module

Vegan ginger - loaded the standard with pershoot kernel but it has no cifs support. Replaced with clemsyn and cifs was great but after rebooting my screen hung and eventually I had to revert to my original without cuts. I think there is a way to instruct the pershoot kernel to load cifs support even thought it isn't compiled into the kernel. I'm looking for some step by step instructions to learn how to do that. Anyone know how?
How about reading the instructions posted by pershoots on the very same page from which you downloaded the kernel ?!?
To use one of the kernel modules:
Pull the one you want from lib-2632.39.tar.gz (winrar can open this),
adb remount
adb push MODULE.ko /system/lib/modules/
adb shell chmod 644 /system/lib/modules/
adb shell insmod /system/lib/modules/
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- if you don't use adb then just use "terminal emulator" (from the market or preloaded with the some ROMs).
- replace "MODULE" with "cifs"
- use the lib file appropriate to your ROM and bootloader.
Best of luck,
Yeah - that was helpful !
"How about reading the instructions posted by pershoots on THE VERY SAME PAGE FROM WHICH YOU DOWNLOADED THE KERNEL?!?"
Having a bad day were we???
The kernel came with the rom so I never downloaded a kernel and had no idea where the page was - your link was helpful in that it took me to that page (not on xda forum) so I was able to download the library anyway. Sadly, I am not using cyanogen so the paths listed in the instructions don't apply I don't think. I'm also not using adb yet although I'm working up to it. I can use terminal emulator so that shouldn't be a problem assuming I find where to put the module. Possibly it can go anywhere in the system/lib/modules directory as long as I can point to it? I guess we'll have to try it and see.
The real question that you have raised is "use the lib file appropriate to your ROM and bootloader." How do you determine what is "appropriate"?
So perhaps someone would be willing to share a tad more knowledge and perhaps we will have a thread that other g-tab owners can use to learn from.
Pushing modules in the kernel is the same no matter the rom and vegan ginger is built from cm source anyway
thebadfrog said:
Pushing modules in the kernel is the same no matter the rom and vegan ginger is built from cm source anyway
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So I downloaded lib-2632.39.tar.gz and unpacked it, searched around and found the cifs.ko file. I'm guessing that I can put that anywhere logical in /system/library and point to it. My app (CIFS Manager) has an option to load via insmod and asks for a path to it. I'm assuming that insmod is available and my app will call it to load the module? I'd also like to know how I would know without someone telling me that the module was in lib-2632.39.tar.gz? Is there some rationale that would tell me how this library and the kernel are related or are these libraries just generic in some way? Thanks for the helping hand.
enigma0456 said:
I would know without someone telling me that the module was in lib-2632.39.tar.gz?
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The kernel developers who provide the kernels and the extra optional modules provide information on their blogs when they post the availability of the kernel. For example, pershoot's blog has this info, as well as install instructions.
or you ask here.
enigma0456 said:
The kernel came with the rom so I never downloaded a kernel and had no idea where the page was.
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Sorry I mistakenly assumed since you mentioned pershoot that you have been to his thread (the most active in the development section).
enigma0456 said:
Possibly it can go anywhere in the system/lib/modules directory as long as I can point to it?
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Yes you certainly can.
enigma0456 said:
How do you determine what is "appropriate"?
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If you have a gingerbread based ROM download the the lib file with "gb" in its file name.
If you have a the new bootloader on the your gtab use the ones with "newbl" in the file name.
enigma0456 said:
So I downloaded lib-2632.39.tar.gz and unpacked it, searched around and found the cifs.ko file.
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Thats the wrong file (this is the one for Froyo ROMs).
enigma0456 said:
I'm assuming that insmod is available and my app will call it to load the module?
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enigma0456 said:
I'd also like to know how I would know without someone telling me that the module was in lib-2632.39.tar.gz?
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You wouldn't.
enigma0456 said:
Is there some rationale that would tell me how this library and the kernel are related or are these libraries just generic in some way?
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There isn't any, just the developers choice.
^^^^ Good job lol
Thanks - that was really helpful. I like direct answers to questions. So I went and got the right library (looked for gb in name as directed). Moved the module onto my tab into a download directory via usb. Went to /System/Lib via terminal and there was no modules directory. I tried to make one and got an error that the file system is mounted read only. Arghhh I remember fighting with this when I was trying to install another keyboard. I never was able to resolve it. Theoretically "remount" should work but I searched and tried all different examples and I was never able to get it to work for me. I tested my cifs manager and it errors out - providing a base that cifs doesn't work without the module. I'm going to try pointing it at my download folder for now to see if the module would work. That is pretty messy so I would still like to put it in the proper place - if you feel up to it would you instruct me on how to overcome the deadly "mounted read only" file system problem?
Update - put the cifs.ko file in /sdcard/download. Went into cifs manager and told it to load via insmod. Made path to cifs.ko = /sdcard/download (also tried /sdcard/download/cifs.ko) In all cases I get the message "... failed no such device". If I turn off the insmod feature I get the same message which leads me to believe that the cifs.ko isn't loading. As a test, I am using the exact same path to share, mount point, etc. on my other tab running Clemsyn/Calkulin that has cifs built into the kernel and it connects almost instantly. It is likely therefor that my problem revolves around this kernel loading cifs. Not sure what I'm doing wrong but suggestions are welcome.
enigma0456 said:
I'm guessing that I can put that anywhere logical in /system/library and point to it.
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It's better if you put it in the standard place. What's the standard place? The paths in the kernel zip file and the module tar file should give you a clue:
$ tar -tzvf /mnt/sdcard/kernel/lib-2632.39_gb.tar.gz
drwxr-xr-x root/root 0 2011-04-30 20:14:37 lib/
drwxr-xr-x root/root 0 2011-04-30 20:14:37 lib/modules/
drwxr-xr-x root/root 0 2011-04-30 20:14:37 lib/modules/
-rw-r--r-- root/root 73 2011-04-30 20:14:37 lib/modules/
-rw-r--r-- root/root 10709 2011-04-30 20:14:37 lib/modules/
-rw-r--r-- root/root 271 2011-04-30 20:14:37 lib/modules/
drwxr-xr-x root/root 0 2011-04-30 20:14:37 lib/modules/
drwxr-xr-x root/root 0 2011-04-30 20:14:37 lib/modules/
drwxr-xr-x root/root 0 2011-04-30 20:14:37 lib/modules/
drwxr-xr-x root/root 0 2011-04-30 20:14:37 lib/modules/
-rw-r--r-- root/root 408035 2011-04-30 20:14:37 lib/modules/
-rw-r--r-- root/root 532157 2011-04-30 20:14:37 lib/modules/
-rw-r--r-- root/root 3424305 2011-04-30 20:14:37 lib/modules/
Looks like the kernel modules need to be in a lib/modules/KERNEL-VERSION/ directory. That looks very Linux-ish. Can we just untar it to / as we do in Linux? Better check:
$ ls -l / | /system/xbin/fgrep lib
Yikes! No /lib directory at all on Android. Where the heck do the kernel modules go? Let's look at the kernel zip file to see if there is a clue--the unzip on the gTablet doesn't understand this zip file format, so check on a Linux system:
$ unzip -l
Length Date Time Name
--------- ---------- ----- ----
1123 2008-02-28 21:33 META-INF/MANIFEST.MF
1176 2008-02-28 21:33 META-INF/CERT.SF
1714 2008-02-28 21:33 META-INF/CERT.RSA
252000 2008-02-28 19:33 META-INF/com/google/android/update-binary
1015 2098-06-15 19:23 META-INF/com/google/android/updater-script
88544 2098-01-27 05:41 kernel/dump_image
76132 2098-01-27 05:54 kernel/mkbootimg
303 2098-03-22 09:35 kernel/
70992 2098-01-27 05:53 kernel/unpackbootimg
56 2098-01-27 06:09 kernel/
2219848 2098-06-22 03:05 kernel/zImage
12234 2098-03-04 12:32 system/lib/hw/wlan/LICENSE.TXT
258778 2011-04-30 16:14 system/lib/hw/wlan/bcm4329.ko
249144 2011-04-11 01:13 system/lib/hw/wlan/fw_bcm4329.bin
249467 2011-04-11 01:13 system/lib/hw/wlan/fw_bcm4329_apsta.bin
0 2011-01-07 02:11 system/lib/modules/
--------- -------
3482526 16 files
Hmm, there is a placeholder file in system/lib/modules/KERNEL-VERSION/, so /system's where the modules are supposed to go.
$ su
# /system/xbin/mount -w -o remount /system
# cd /system
# /system/xbin/tar -xzvf /mnt/sdcard/kernel/lib-2632.39_gb.tar.gz
# /system/xbin/mount -r -o remount /system
My app (CIFS Manager) has an option to load via insmod and asks for a path to it. I'm assuming that insmod is available and my app will call it to load the module?
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Asks a path to what? Insmod or the kernel module?
I'd also like to know how I would know without someone telling me that the module was in lib-2632.39.tar.gz?
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Kernel functionality, like filesystems, are either built into the kernel or added using kernel modules. (You can also have filesystems implemented in userspace, but, we'll skip that complexity for now). So, the guy who gave you the kernel would either have compiled the filesystem in or must supply the module file for it. First, check if the filesystem is built-in:
$ cat /proc/filesystems
nodev sysfs
nodev rootfs
nodev bdev
nodev proc
nodev tmpfs
nodev debugfs
nodev sockfs
nodev usbfs
nodev pipefs
nodev anon_inodefs
nodev inotifyfs
nodev configfs
nodev devpts
nodev ramfs
No CIFS, so it's not compiled in; we'll have to load the module:
$ su
# insmod /system/lib/modules/
# cat /proc/filesystems
nodev sysfs
nodev rootfs
nodev bdev
nodev proc
nodev tmpfs
nodev debugfs
nodev sockfs
nodev usbfs
nodev pipefs
nodev anon_inodefs
nodev inotifyfs
nodev configfs
nodev devpts
nodev ramfs
nodev cifs
Yup, CIFS is there now. But, this sort of thing gets tedious. You can use a shell script to make things easier. Here's what I use to mount my external USB HDD:
lsmod | fgrep -q nls_utf8 || insmod /system/lib/modules/`uname -r`/kernel/fs/nls/nls_utf8.ko
lsmod | fgrep -q ntfs || insmod /system/lib/modules/`uname -r`/kernel/fs/ntfs/ntfs.ko
exec mount -r -t ntfs -o fmask=0111,dmask=0022,nls=utf8 /dev/block/sda1 /mnt/usbdisk
Just save the file somewhere and make it executable and run the script as superuser to mount the USB HDD.
Is there some rationale that would tell me how this library and the kernel are related or are these libraries just generic in some way?
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Since these are kernel modules, they are by definition related, no?
Note that you need a Terminal Emulator and the Superuser app (both from Market) and busybox (also from Market) for the above commands to work. Also, do not type in the prompts (the '$' and '#' characters) at the beginning of the commands. They are there as a reference to show you when you're in superuser mode and when you're a normal user.
enigma0456 said:
I tried to make one and got an error that the file system is mounted read only.
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remount is specific to "adb", the equivalent in terminal emulator is:
su root
mount -o remount,rw /system
cp /sdcard/download/cifs.ko /system/lib/modules/cifs.ko
chmod 644 /system/lib/modules/cifs.ko
mount -o remount,ro /system
Then just use "Mount Manager" to load the copied CIFS module, might want to reboot if mount manager failed to do the insmod.
I have been using the above procedure with all pershoot's kernels without a problem.
This should solve your problem,
Best of luck,
I coludn't make it work either. It was in the right folder, suposedly "loaded" but it wasn't working.
I am on the Caulkin/Clemsyn ver 5 (the 1.5GHz) now - exactly because of this inability to load that module. I don't know why pershoot doesn't make it part of the kernel, maybe he doesn't have a PC in the house
Sure, the whole typing thingie in linux/android looks easy if that is what you do 24/7. But for less accustomed with that, all this is likely a turn-off.
SoNic67 said:
I coludn't make it work either. It was in the right folder, suposedly "loaded" but it wasn't working.
I am on the Caulkin/Clemsyn ver 5 (the 1.5GHz) now - exactly because of this inability to load that module. I don't know why pershoot doesn't make it part of the kernel, maybe he doesn't have a PC in the house
Sure, the whole typing thingie in linux/android looks easy if that is what you do 24/7. But for less accustomed with that, all this is likely a turn-off.
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GScript lite can automate the "whole typing thingie" - just put the insmod command there.
The nice thing about it being a module for the functions you rarely use is, for the 99.999% of the time that you don't need the functionality, it's not taking up memory since its not loaded.
I was just shutting down to get some zzzzs but I fired my PC back up to have a go at this. I worked through part of it - did get the remount working and was able to copy things to the directory and then remount ro. It didn't work yet but I was tired and I may have made a typo. I REALLY appreciate the detailed explanation and examples. This is a page I will refer back to over and over until it becomes second nature. Thanks. Questions:
1. I follow how you arrived at the location (although I don't have a kernel zip file) - is "placeholder" a standard or was that just experience and intuition that informed you?
2. The whole section about un-tarring lib-2632.39_gb.tar.gz - Linux is not my primary language so how did you know that it would un-tar to the proper kernel module directory? Did I miss something?
3. I have to go back and retrace my steps but I tried using both cifs manager and mount manager and they both fail claiming "there is no such device" I tried the manual steps for loading insmod and the cifs.ko as the example described and I get "failed (Exec format error)
Please dispense more wisdom as needed.
enigma0456 said:
1. I follow how you arrived at the location (although I don't have a kernel zip file) - is "placeholder" a standard or was that just experience and intuition that informed you?
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Experience and intuition.
The `placeholder' file is not a standard. On Linux, kernel modules are placed in /lib/modules/KERNEL-VERSION/, and the standard utility (or, program) which we use to load modules, modprobe, looks there for kernel modules. In fact, it's normally unnecessary to manually load modules like we have done. Usually on Linux, because of the standardized module locations, the appropriate modules are automatically loaded when needed.
Things are irritatingly (and unnecessarily) different on Android. There is no modprobe supplied with the system and the busybox modprobe still attempts to use the /lib/modules/... path as on Linux. Which is why you have to resort to insmod and the long-winded path to the kernel module.
I am new to Android myself, and the steps I outlined above are what I used to determine where things should go on the gTablet.
2. The whole section about un-tarring lib-2632.39_gb.tar.gz - Linux is not my primary language so how did you know that it would un-tar to the proper kernel module directory? Did I miss something?
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You didn't notice the 'cd /system' command before the tar command extracting the kernel modules.
You move to the directory where things should be placed before untar'ing; and when you untar, tar will re-create the directory structure you see in the tar file in the directory you're currently in. Some versions of tar have a `-C' flag which you can use to change the current directory; sort-of like the 'Extract to directory' option you have in GUIs. If you had one of those tar commands you'd do this:
# /system/xbin/tar -C /system -xzvf /mnt/sdcard/kernel/lib-2632.39_gb.tar.gz
instead of this:
# cd /system
# /system/xbin/tar -xzvf /mnt/sdcard/kernel/lib-2632.39_gb.tar.gz
3. I have to go back and retrace my steps but I tried using both cifs manager and mount manager and they both fail claiming "there is no such device" I tried the manual steps for loading insmod and the cifs.ko as the example described and I get "failed (Exec format error)
Please dispense more wisdom as needed.
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The error messages are helpful clues.
The "Exec format error" probably means that you've downloaded the wrong version of the kernel and/or modules. Pershoot supplies 4 versions: for Froyo-ROMs, for Gingerbread-ROMs, for tablets with the new Bootloader and Froyo-ROMs, and tablets with the new Bootloader and Gingerbread-ROMs. Use the correct version for your hardware and ROM.
The "no such device" error message is also a clue. The output of 'cat /proc/filesystems', above, after the cifs module was loaded has a line like:
nodev cifs
which means that the cifs filesystem is not associated with an actual device file. The "no such device" means that you're (or the program you use is) incorrectly supplying a /dev/... parameter to the mount command, or have screwed up or incorrect options somewhere.
Here's how I mounted a Win 7 share on the gTablet just now. In a Terminal Emulator window:
$ su
# insmod /system/lib/modules/
# mkdir /mnt/cifs
# mount -t cifs //SERVER-IP-ADDRESS/SHARE-NAME /mnt/cifs -o domain=DOMAIN,username=USERNAME,password=PASSWORD
This method is slightly insecure, though. It's better to create a file with
and then pass the `credentials=filename' option instead of the `domain=...' above:
mount -t cifs //SERVER-IP-ADDRESS/SHARE-NAME /mnt/cifs -o credentials=/SOME/PATH/cifs-cred.txt
I know typing all this is a chore, but my goal is to help you troubleshoot things on your own in the future. Linux, and by extension, Android, is good in this regard. It's transparent and very inspectable--if something goes wrong, you can look around, and usually fix things up.
OK - well I tried the manual insmod as in your example and I get the "failed (Exec format error) so I'm going to assume that I still have the wrong module. I'm trying to avoid getting into the changing my kernel project right now so I'll go back and check again on Pershoots page to try and find the version of the kernel that is currently running in my g-tab and the appropriate library that goes with it. The problem must lie there. I was sure I had the right library to go with my [email protected] #1 but then again, the labeling on his site doesn't reflect a name like that. The best I can find is and the associated lib-2632.36_gb.tar.gz (kernel modules). Is this really the kernel in my g-pad? Don't know how to tell but sems to be the only gingerbread one with that numbering series.
If you use some kernel version X.Y.Z, you have to use the modules that were compiled with that kernel. It's not just the version numbers that have to match--the compilation options might matter too.
I.e., Make sure, you are running the kernel first, then install the modules. Just pick the latest GB (you mentioned you were running VEGAn-gingerbread) kernel from pershoot's page.
1. Download this kernel zip file:
2. Download the associated kernel module file: lib-2632.39_gb.tar.gz
3. Boot into ClockworkMod recovery to install the kernel. At the main menu, choose, "install zip from sdcard". Then select, "choose zip from sdcard", navigate to where you put the kernel zip file, then choose the zip file and apply it.
4. Reboot back into the normal system.
5. Now, follow the steps outlined above to untar the modules in /system. Do *not* use `chmod -R 644' to change permissions recursively. This command *removes* the execute permission from directories which *must* be present. The module tar file should, generally, have the correct permissions already.
6. Try the manual method first: insmod /SOME/PATH/cifs.ko must work, then try the mount command.
7. Unmount using `umount /MOUNT/POINT'.
You can troubleshoot the CIFS manager later.
This investigation lead me to the kernel naming investigation and the discovery that the module library must be compiled with the kernel that you are using. Obvious now but ... Anyway, in the process of learning about kernels I stumbled upon cyanogenmod so I loaded that onto my tab. I liked the way it works so I took another run at the cifs - and it did not work. I went back and followed these steps and made sure that I found the lib module that matched the kernel that came with my release of cyanogen. I extracted cifs.ko and copied it to the /system/lib/modules directory (I had to make the modules directory) and then I used cifsmanager to try and mount the share and it worked. Next I deleted the modules directory with the module in it and tried to mount the share and it failed. I put it all back and it worked again. So - the instructions preceding this post are sound and, if followed carefully, will work. The key seems to be making sure the lib module is the one that goes with your kernel. Thanks again to all those that contributed to my education!
swan song
enigma0456 said:
I went back and followed these steps and made sure that I found the lib module that matched the kernel that came with my release of cyanogen...
The key seems to be making sure the lib module is the one that goes with your kernel.
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That may only have worked because CyanogenMod uses pershoot's kernel as its default kernel. Had it used Clemsyn's kernel instead, you may very well have ended up back at square one.
The golden rule is: Get the kernel and the kernel modules from the same guy, because he can (and probably does) build both at the same time. And because of this you can be sure that:
a) The modules were compiled with the correct kernel sources, header files and configuration options.
b) The same compiler was used to compile both the kernel and the modules.
c) The same compiler flags, like optimizations, were used for the compilations. In rare cases, I've seen mismatches here causing problems.
In most cases however, esp. on an architecture like the x86 which is very forgiving, slightly mismatched kernels and modules won't cause problems, but, this is not the sort of thing you should be futzing around with--unless you're a wizard.
I have 4 different versions of GCC (2 each for x86 and x86-64--stable and latest), the Intel C compiler v11, and 3 different compilers for the ARM (Android NDK, the prebuilt one from the Aboriginal Linux project and the latest GCC cross-compiled for the ARM). I use different version for different things and stick to each consistently.
OK, so kernels and modules have to be compiled together, but, what about userspace? Do normal programs have to be recompiled if you change the kernel?
No, not (generally) required. The Linux kernel developers have gone to great lengths to make sure that the kernel interface to userspace stay the same--in fact, it would only be a mild exaggeration to say that the kernel guys would rather give away their first-borns than break the userspace API.
This is the reason why you can run Clemsyn kernels on TnT-Lite, or pershoot kernels on VEGAn-Gingerbread, or whatever other combo you prefer.

[Q] tun/tap driver on gsb 3.7

since i only have 1 post, can anyone tell me how to get the tuntap driver to load on gsb 3.7? im trying to use the cisco anyconnect for rooted devices, but it appears that cm7 doesn't have the tun/tap driver installed correctly. i was able to download a tun.ko and put it in /system/lib/modules, but it won't execute with insmod (Exec format error).
Can you post the exact steps you followed, adb commands used, and any reference materials you used?
The first question I had after reading your post was I wondered if you changed permissions after loading the new file to /system.
Good Luck,
i was trying to get the cicso anyconnect for rooted devices to work, so i followed the following thread:
i got it copied by remounting the /system mount to rw, then copied the tun.ko file to /system/lib/modules
after that, i did chmod 644 to match the other module in there (wlan.ko) and they are both owned by root.
drwxr-xr-x 1 root root 2048 Jul 10 16:38 .
drwxr-xr-x 1 root root 2048 Jul 10 16:38 ..
drwxr-xr-x 1 root root 2048 Jul 10 16:38 2.6.29-DecaFuctCFS-dirty-9ff84b92
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 213388 Jul 14 08:28 tun.ko
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 620128 Aug 1 2008 wlan.ko
insmod /system/lib/modules/tun.ko
insmod: init_module '/system/lib/modules/tun.ko' failed (Exec format error)
mount -o rw,remount -t yaffs2 /dev/block/mtdblock1 /system
once done
mount -o ro,remount -t yaffs2 /dev/block/mtdblock1 /system
will mount the /system partition back to read only.
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did this to mount /system as read/write.
What tun.ko module are you trying to use? Try the tun.ko from inside the attached zip which was compiled for Conap's kernel.
Edit: removed attached zip as it doesn't work either
from the app description:
This release supports rooted Android 2.1+ devices. A compatiable tun.ko module is required, which should be placed in /data/local/kernel_modules/ if the tun module is not built into the kernel. The iptables binary is also required.
For those without root access, a fully supported production AnyConnect for a set of Samsung platforms is available as a separate download from the Android Market.
We cannot guarantee compatibility, but look forward to your feedback.
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i'll try this too. i suppose it would have helped to read the entire app description.
\EDIT: nevermind, that folder doesn't even exist on gsb 3.7
sirblacknite said:
from the app description:
This release supports rooted Android 2.1+ devices. A compatiable tun.ko module is required, which should be placed in /data/local/kernel_modules/ if the tun module is not built into the kernel. The iptables binary is also required.
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i'll try this too. i suppose it would have helped to read the entire app description.
\EDIT: nevermind, that folder doesn't even exist on gsb 3.7
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Not sure if it will help but you could create the /data/local/kernel_modules directory and either place tun.ko there or symlink /system/lib/modules that contains tun.ko to the kernel_modules directory. Using adb shell or terminal emulator:
mkdir /data/local/kernel_modules
ln -s /system/lib/modules /data/local/kernel_modules
iptables support is included in the ROM but if you want to try providing the binary in the directory they specify, you can copy it from /system/bin
didnt' seem to make a difference. i copied the tun.ko from the zip you posted (for conaps kernel) to /system/lib/modules and it still gives the error.
# ls -al /system/lib/modules
ls -al /system/lib/modules
drwxr-xr-x 1 root root 2048 Jul 18 09:09 .
drwxr-xr-x 1 root root 2048 Jul 10 16:38 ..
drwxr-xr-x 1 root root 2048 Jul 10 16:38 2.6.29-DecaFuctCFS-dirty-9ff84b92
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 160908 Jul 18 09:09 tun.ko
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 620128 Aug 1 2008 wlan.ko
# insmod /system/lib/modules/tun.ko
insmod /system/lib/modules/tun.ko
insmod: init_module '/system/lib/modules/tun.ko' failed (Exec format error)
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I get the same error when trying to insert it on my Eris running Evervolv Build 4. Or do I need a different tun.ko for that? Thanks.
sirblacknite said:
didnt' seem to make a difference. i copied the tun.ko from the zip you posted (for conaps kernel) to /system/lib/modules and it still gives the error.
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snortman said:
I get the same error when trying to insert it on my Eris running Evervolv Build 4. Or do I need a different tun.ko for that? Thanks.
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I've tried three different tun.ko modules but none seem to work. I pulled one from GSB 2.3 when workshed included a version to see if it would work, I also tried the one I posted that was from Conap's DecafuctCFSv9 kernel, and another that is in Evervolv(I assume it's a HeroC version).
Not sure if anyone ever found/compiled a tun.ko that worked for the gingerbread roms. It could be that one hasn't been built for the unreleased version of Conap's kernel that is used on all of these roms. I might try to figure out how to compile conap's kernel from his source with the tun.ko module getting built as well.
MongooseHelix said:
I've tried three different tun.ko modules but none seem to work. I pulled one from GSB 2.3 when workshed included a version to see if it would work, I also tried the one I posted that was from Conap's DecafuctCFSv9 kernel, and another that is in Evervolv(I assume it's a HeroC version).
Not sure if anyone ever found/compiled a tun.ko that worked for the gingerbread roms. It could be that one hasn't been built for the unreleased version of Conap's kernel that is used on all of these roms. I might try to figure out how to compile conap's kernel from his source with the tun.ko module getting built as well.
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That would be cool. Thank you for your help so far on this.
That would be awesome if you got the time and were able to do that. I suppose I could give it a stab myself, but I would have to get my dev environment setup first. Or if Cisco would just release a version that didn't require tun.ko, that would be great too (and would be something we could actually use in the company, without suggesting to some of these people who can barely use computers that they need to root their phone).
any update on this?
I've not forgotten about it but haven't had the time to look into it any and learn about kernel stuff. I did ask workshed if anyone found or compiled a working tun.ko module for CM7/GSB and he said no. Like I had suspected, he said someone would need to compile the kernel with it included. I'm not sure how difficult it is to figure out so we'll see if one of us can give it a go at some point.
I compiled and attached a new version of tun.ko that should work for ROMs using kernel version 2.6.29-DecaFuctCFS-dirty-9ff84b92. It's attached below. If the ROM devs would like to include a version of Conap's kernel with built-in tun.ko support, that could probably be done as well.
I haven't actually tested out any VPN stuff so you all will have to report back if it is in fact working. Hope it does!
* Download and extract tun.ko
adb remount
adb push tun.ko /system/lib/modules/
adb shell
cd /system/lib/modules
chmod 644 tun.ko
insmod tun.ko
* check that it was inserted by typing the command "lsmod" which should output something like "tun 11252 0 - Live 0xbf000000"
that totally worked!
too bad i didnt catch it until the day my new phone was out for delivery, but at least i have something to show my employer that anyconnect actually does work on android.

RW and RO mount shortcuts.

Okay, I got sick of typing
mount -o remount,rw /dev/block/mmcblk0p12 /system
busybox mount -o remount,rw /system
to mount the /system partition in RW mode so I created two very simple scripts that you can run through Script Manager to Mount RW and Mount RO.
I do quite a bit from ADB and I just found it more convenient to tap a shortcut on my home screen to mount the /system partition.
With the help of imchairmanm, I have fixed the scripts to be available globally, so all you have to do is type "mountrw" (without the quotation marks) to mount the /system partition in Read/Write mode, and type "mountro" (again, without the quotation marks) to mount the /system partition in Read Only mode.
So, now it can be run both ways!
1. You must be rooted. (See my HowTo: Root your Motorola Droid X2 tutorial.)
2. You must have Busybox installed. If you are rooted, you have busybox installed. I've tested the scripts on BB 1.18.2, 1.19.2 and 1.19.3.
3. Download the file and extract it to a folder on your SDCard (internal or external, it doesn't matter). I use /mnt/sdcard/Scripts/Mounts/.
3. Download Script Manager from the market.
4. Open the Script Manager app and navigate to the folder you put the mount scripts in.
5. Tap the first mount script (mountro).
6. Tap the star and the Android superuser icon next to it. This configures the script as a favorite and to run the script as root.
7. Tap SAVE.
8. Repeat steps 5 through 7 for the second mount script (mountrw)
9. Now you can run each script from within Script Manager, or create shortcuts to them on your home screen.
To create the shortcuts, do the following:
1. Long press a blank area on your home screen and select Widget.
2. In the Choose Widget popup, scroll down to Script Manager Ads (if you have the free version) and tap it.
3. In the list, tap the mountro script. This will place the shortcut on your home screen.
4. Repeat steps 1-3 for the mountrw script.
Now, when you need to mount /system as RW all you need to do is tap the mountrw script, then when you are done, either reboot, or tap the mountro script.
The following is the code for each of the scripts:
# This mounts the /system file system as Read Only which is the default when
# Android is booted.
echo "Mounting /system in Read Only mode!"
busybox mount -o remount,ro / 2>/dev/null
busybox mount -o remount,ro rootfs 2>/dev/null
busybox mount -o remount,ro /system 2>/dev/null
echo "Done!"
# This mounts the /system file system as Read Write in order to modify or add
# files to the /system file system.
echo "Mounting /system in Write mode!"
busybox mount -o remount,rw / 2>/dev/null
busybox mount -o remount,rw rootfs 2>/dev/null
busybox mount -o remount,rw /system 2>/dev/null
echo "Done!"
It's simple and no frills... The way I like it.
Alternative install:
I didn't realize it, but, I had already made a flashable zip. Just download and boot into the BSR and flash it from there.
If anyone has any suggestions, I'm open to them! Let me know!
Hm, I was curious since you said you couldn't get your scripts to run globally, so I tried them out by putting them in /system/xbin. After adjusting permissions and making sure owner and group were root, they ran fine and globally as-is. I wonder if the simpler version you started with would have worked or not?
imchairmanm said:
Hm, I was curious since you said you couldn't get your scripts to run globally, so I tried them out by putting them in /system/xbin. After adjusting permissions and making sure owner and group were root, they ran fine and globally as-is. I wonder if the simpler version you started with would have worked or not?
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did you run them from /system/xbin? I put them in /system/xbin and then cd / to get back to root and tried to run them. They are not found.
# cd /system/xbin
cd /system/xbin
# pwd
# ls -l mount*
ls -l mount*
lrwxrwxrwx root root 2011-12-05 13:08 mount -> /system/xbin/busybox
lrwxrwxrwx root root 2011-12-05 13:08 mountpoint -> /system/xbin/busybox
-rwxrwxrwx root root 316 2011-11-06 19:04 mountro
-rwxrwxrwx root root 328 2011-11-06 19:04 mountrw
# cd /
cd /
# pwd
# mountro
mountro: not found
# sh mountro
sh mountro
sh: Can't open mountro
That was the problem I was running into. I even tried sh mountro. The error "Can't open mountro" essentially means it can't find it.
If this is what you did, and you had different results, I would love to find out why. Thanks!
Yeah, that's what I meant by they are available globally. I can run them from anywhere in the filesystem. I'm not sure what the difference is. Mine have owner and group set to root and the applicable permissions set as well.
It runs through the script correctly, I get all of the echo messages, and if I cd to system afterwards, everything is rw or ro as it should be. I don't know what other information would be helpful for you, but I'll answer whatever other questions you might have. I don't quite understand why it'd ever have a problem with your scripts in the first place. It seems like a strange thing to happen.
Edit: I just ran through and ran the same commands as you did and they were all successful. It sounds like maybe something isn't right in your $PATH? That's the only thing I can think of. What does it say when you type "echo $PATH"? Either that or something with your terminal emulator or rom? Have you tried a different terminal? It shouldn't matter but you never know.
imchairmanm said:
Yeah, that's what I meant by they are available globally. I can run them from anywhere in the filesystem. I'm not sure what the difference is. Mine have owner and group set to root and the applicable permissions set as well.
It runs through the script correctly, I get all of the echo messages, and if I cd to system afterwards, everything is rw or ro as it should be. I don't know what other information would be helpful for you, but I'll answer whatever other questions you might have. I don't quite understand why it'd ever have a problem with your scripts in the first place. It seems like a strange thing to happen.
Edit: I just ran through and ran the same commands as you did and they were all successful. It sounds like maybe something isn't right in your $PATH? That's the only thing I can think of. What does it say when you type "echo $PATH"? Either that or something with your terminal emulator or rom? Have you tried a different terminal? It shouldn't matter but you never know.
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I dunno what is going on. My path shows /system/xbin. Oh, I'm on Eclipse 1.3 (but that shouldn't matter)... Oh well.
# echo $PATH
echo $PATH
It happens from the adb shell and from the terminal program on my DX2.
Hm. My $PATH is the same except it also includes /data/local/bin. That shouldn't matter. I'm on eclipse too and running the commands from the terminal in eclipse parts. I don't know why something in the path wouldn't execute. Does "which mountrw" find it? I had a problem earlier where I thought it wasn't finding a script I wrote, but it actually was failing at the first line because I had the wrong path to sh listed. If which finds your scripts I'd say it's more likely something with the script rather than the system. I'd also try writing a little hello world script and seeing if you can get that to execute globally too.
imchairmanm said:
Hm. My $PATH is the same except it also includes /data/local/bin. That shouldn't matter. I'm on eclipse too and running the commands from the terminal in eclipse parts. I don't know why something in the path wouldn't execute. Does "which mountrw" find it? I had a problem earlier where I thought it wasn't finding a script I wrote, but it actually was failing at the first line because I had the wrong path to sh listed. If which finds your scripts I'd say it's more likely something with the script rather than the system. I'd also try writing a little hello world script and seeing if you can get that to execute globally too.
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Aw, CRAP! I've run into this problem when I develop on a Windows machine and try to run it on a linux box... ARGH! Thank GOD I use gvim. I was able to change the file format from DOS to UNIX, then save it and push it back out to /system/xbin. chmod'd it to 777 and ran mountrw/mountro and they work now... How can I be so friggin' dense... I know better than that...
Oh, to answer your question on the which command, yes, which finds them both.
What clued me in was you saying that the problem might be with the script. Thanks! It FINALLY works! I've updated the OP with the corrected files.
Also, does anyone want me to make this a flashable zip? Let me know.

[Q] Hosts file ressetting on reboot

Does anybody know why my hosts file gets reset after a reboot no matter whether I change with adaway or adblock or if I manually replace the hosts file myself and set to read only. Have searched about and only solution I read about was get a custom kernel. Although I am already on a custom kitkat ROM and using dorimanx kernel for galaxy s2. Also never had problems with hosts resetting on jb or ICS. Even creating a symlink to data/data/hosts doesn't work. On reboot the symlink just gets replaced with the original useless hosts file.
Sorry to bump but it is irritating and can't find a solution.
just some hints,
hosts file is located on /system partition which should be read only mounted during runtime.
# mount | grep /system
/dev/block/mmcblk0p9 /system ext4 ro,seclabel,relatime,user_xattr,barrier=1,data=ordered 0 0
ro is ok. If so, the file can be changed only during boot (some init script) or later by app with root permission.
check if some init script is not involved:
# grep hosts /init*
#grep hosts /system/etc/init.d/*
Is there any output of the commands? I'm on i9100/CM10.2 and there is no output.
Then would be good to revoke root permissions to all apps (not unroot) and see if the issue is still there.
and also check the time of last change of the file:
ls -l /system/etc/hosts
is it realy during boot?
After spending entirely too much time on this I finally have a working solution. Save the contents of this script to your internal SD card. Ensure the last line is a blank carriage return.
sleep 10
mount -o rw,remount /system
cp /storage/emulated/0/Download/working/hosts /system/etc
Install Script Manager (SManager), and set this script as: on boot, executable, as root. This will then copy your custom "hosts" file under your SDcard to /system/etc after 10 seconds.
Using this script through init.d didn't work for me, which I guess means whatever was over-writing my "hosts" file was doing after the init.d process.
Definitely remount system partition to read only again. Append following line to your script:
mount -o ro,remount /system
d0gd3v said:
Definitely remount system partition to read only again. Append following line to your script:
mount -o ro,remount /system
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good call, thanks

Can't edited build prop

I can't edit build prop ,i have rooted my device android 10 , i try to edit my build prop and it doesn't save any change , tried to change premission to rw using root explorer and terminal doesn't change
I tried build prop apk ,it says can't saving !!
What is the problem and how can i slove it!?
build.prop is in /system which is always read-only, probably protected by vbmeta, maybe FEC, possibly packed in super.
So, the question is, what do you actually want to do?
Do you want to change the file just for the fun of it or change a property for some reason?
How did you root your device? With Magisk or without?
Renate said:
build.prop is in /system which is always read-only, probably protected by vbmeta, maybe FEC, possibly packed in super.
So, the question is, what do you actually want to do?
Do you want to change the file just for the fun of it or change a property for some reason?
How did you root your device? With Magisk or without?
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I want to add line(persist.sys.clipboard.max_items=10)
I have rooted it by Magisk
You can just setprop persist.sys.clipboard.max_items 10
Can't you? One time should do it?
Renate said:
Renate said:
You can just setprop persist.sys.clipboard.max_items 10
Can't you? One time should do it?
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Thank you for your replay
Itjust to increasing the capacity of clipboard of gboard
No i can't add any thing to build prop
It does not save changes
Or doesn't accept to change the permission to read-write
Or even in. Build prop editor it shows error saving build prop
I don't know how to edit or what should i do or where is the problem
C:\>adb shell
$ su
# setprop persist.sys.clipboard.max_items 10
# getprop persist.sys.clipboard.max_items
Renate said:
C:\>adb shell
$ su
# setprop persist.sys.clipboard.max_items 10
# getprop persist.sys.clipboard.max_items
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Thank you very much I will try it
But there is any way to edit it on my android
Or What is the problem that prevents me from modifying it
rab33h said:
Or what is the problem that prevents me from modifying it?
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I wouldn't know. You don't actually say anything about what it prints out.
build.prop is a file. You shouldn't care what's in there.
In any case, you haven't demonstrated that persist.sys.clipboard.max_items is actually in there.
Renate said:
I wouldn't know. You don't actually say anything about what it prints out.
build.prop is a file. You shouldn't care what's in there.
In any case, you haven't demonstrated that persist.sys.clipboard.max_items is actually in there.
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Thank you and orry for the inconvenience
That's what show for me when I try to change the permission using root explorer :
Warning Permissions change was not successful . Please note that some file systems ( e.g. SD card ) do not allow permission changes .
When i try to add code and exit with save then reopen it doesn't change in build prop
And when i edit the file using buildprop editor :
Error Saving build prop
This is in terminal:
:/ $ su
:/ # mount -o rw,remount /system
mount: '/system' not in /proc/mounts
1|:/ #
I don't believe that I advised you to do anything with mounts.
Why don't you just try what I actually did advise?
@rab33h Magisk is a systemless root method. Renate has explained the reason(s) in post #2 already. any questions left?
Renate said:
alecxs said:
@rab33h Magisk is a systemless root method. Renate has explained the reason(s) in post #2 already. any questions left?
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No thank you
for systemless method to change build.prop entries you may interested in Magisk resetprop or more advanced MagiskHidePropsConf module.
the easiest way is to create a startup script yourself and place it in service.d
resetprop dandelion
you can also control the behavior with -n and -p flags (refer to documentation)
alecxs said:
for systemless method to change build.prop entries you may interested in Magisk resetprop or more advanced MagiskHidePropsConf module.
the easiest way is to create a startup script yourself and place it in service.d
resetprop dandelion
you can also control the behavior with -n and -p flags (refer to documentation)
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Thank you very much
But sorry for this stupid question
In this situation of magisk
Can i change the permission by terminal or termux?
Using this command
mount -o rw,remount /system
first you need to understand /system is a directory inside system partition. the partition is mounted read-only, that has nothing to do with permissions. if you want to remount the partition read-write do it with it's proper mount point / (rootdir) and not with containing directory.
second, android doesn't allow modifications of system files, avb/dm-verity prevents that. you need to disable it in vbmeta partition first.
and third, the file system itself has deduplicated blocks + ro flag to prevent any rw mount attempts. if it is ext4 file system, you can unshare blocks (will expand memory) and remove the ro flag. for other file systems (erofs/f2fs) it needs recreation of the whole partition as ext4.
the usual method for modifying dynamic partitions is offline, means you create your own super.img with lpmake and flash it into device. there exist various helper scripts here to automate this.
it's absolutely possible to do this so you can remount rw afterwards.
but it will break OTA and is not worth the hassle. Magisk is a systemless root solution, system partition is not modified and remain completely stock.
if you want to add/delete/replace files in /system go with the time and use the proper Magisk systemless solution.
alecxs said:
first you need to understand /system is a directory inside system partition. the partition is mounted read-only, that has nothing to do with permissions. if you want to remount the partition read-write do it with it's proper mount point / (rootdir) and not with containing directory.
second, android doesn't allow modifications of system files, avb/dm-verity prevents that. you need to disable it in vbmeta partition first.
and third, the file system itself has deduplicated blocks + ro flag to prevent any rw mount attempts. if it is ext4 file system, you can unshare blocks (will expand memory) and remove the ro flag. for other file systems (erofs/f2fs) it needs recreation of the whole partition as ext4.
the usual method for modifying dynamic partitions is offline, means you create your own super.img with lpmake and flash it into device. there exist various helper scripts here to automate this.
it's absolutely possible to do this so you can remount rw afterwards.
but it will break OTA and is not worth the hassle. Magisk is a systemless root solution, system partition is not modified and remain completely stock.
if you want to add/delete/replace files in /system go with the time and use the proper Magisk systemless solution.
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