Help needed big time - Verizon Samsung Galaxy S 4

I lost the actual phone on this Rooted S4 mdk bootloader with philz latest. I'm honestly kinda tired of this phone. Maybe I'm not used to Sammy n It's backwards way who knows. I'm on a family share plan and this month was killer I used 2.5 gb off a 3 plan. I believe Rouge app or a new router I'd to blame.
Brief history on latest Baja now n was when issue was noticed. I got a voice mail (well 3 umm girlfriend jail call to me lol a story for another time) Flashed Slim bean (slimkat 4.4.2) real quick the other night, but couldn't figure out how to get it to see ext sdcard, made backup. Went back to Baja. Issue started so I tried flashing to hyperdrive no luck, Bonestock same results. Did a full odin bts with full wipe with no luck. I have data and wifi n my speakers work, just no calls on or out at all. I've tried different modems with no success. My stupid sister said maybe it's my Sim card. Help! Thanx y'all
Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk

This should probably be in the Q&A section - but nonetheless are you sure your modem and apnhlos match? Had some weird crap happen to me and flashing the MDK modem/apnhlos solved it. Just a thought. Not sure your sim card is bad if you can get data/wifi........anybody?


[Q] Stock Vibrant rebooting and dropping signal

Hey fellow xda members,
I have to check out my sisters vibrant this weekend.... (she is so not tech friendly)
Its her 3rd vibrant and all had same issues... Rebooting, dropping signal and data and the whole not sending sms and mms messages.... She talked to tmobile and they had no clue and essentially gave up on her....
What are my options to trying to get this working for her. And/or what can/should say to T-mobile about resolving this issue... They offered her an exchange at one time but it was a very low end phone... Not a good deal if u ask me..
1. Tried rooting on her first phone-wasnt successful...(i didnt root it so not sure)
2. Possible bad kernel or radio causing these issues... Hard to believe that 3 phones .
3. Still running stock software as tmobile told her not to update phone to latest software . (she did that with her 2nd phone and same result)
4. Could rooting and a finished rom resolve some or most of her issues?
(I have had several android phones and all were rooted so i know)
5.... CLUELESS....
Well if your trying to update your phone to froyo id recomend you to flash a custom rom from the vibrant developement if you dont know how to root your fone download the vibrant toolbox on your pc and it has like 10 steps (all of them are in order so you wont get confused and since your phone its not rooted theres and option that says ROOT YOUR PHONE start from that step.. click on that box and it tells you the steps and what you should do but you must have usb debbugin ebabled
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA Premium App
Naw its all good I know how to root just not too sure if a custom rom would correct the issues she is having.
Sent from my LG-P999 using XDA App
Try it if its still the same go to SETTINGS, WIRELESS AND NETWORKS, MOBILE NETWORKS make sure that the USE PACKET DATA box is checked and if motbtry to contact one of the devs one of them could be WHITEHAWKS or somethin lik that... they are gona tell you what to do
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA Premium App
Odin to 2.1 then d/l rom manager then root then get Biwinning or Trigger or ZenDroid all are Froyo roms all will resolve you problems
The problem you are having is a result of human action......... the chances of 3 phones all having the same problem is like winning the Lotto.......
Human action I love it!!!! Lol will show my sister that. . Lol
Sent from my LG-P999 using XDA App
I went over to my families house the other day and my sister said, "look its doing it again". When I looked over the phone was shutting down and rebooting. I asked her if it did that alot and she said it had just started in the past few days. She did not mention dropping data connection or having problems with sms or mms. A while back I rooted her phone and added MobileAP but that is all. Everything else is still stock and no official updates were applied either.
My plan is to backup all her stuff this weekend and flash something onto it. I told her we would find a good stable ROM for her and some theme options she would like and just do it all on sat or sun. I'm not sure if that is gonna fix her problem as I wanna believe its a hardware defect but she doesn't wanna exchange it just yet and I'm done arguing with her. If that doesn't werk I told her we would have to put it back to stock and call T-mobile. That's our plan, hope it helps on ur decision. Good luck!
@kawika thanks it didnt help lol
Im going to root her phone and install Iunno looking at a 2.2 rom maybe...Trigger rom.
I cant believe that three phones later she has same issues.. Specially since her hubby and daughter have a Cliq xt and have better reception then hers...
? do i need to install a new modem/radio as well as flashing rom? And how do I know which is the right one?
twiztidnutzzzzz said:
@kawika thanks it didnt help lol
Im going to root her phone and install Iunno looking at a 2.2 rom maybe...Trigger rom.
I cant believe that three phones later she has same issues.. Specially since her hubby and daughter have a Cliq xt and have better reception then hers...
? do i need to install a new modem/radio as well as flashing rom? And how do I know which is the right one?
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And you stated in the OP, she is on stock software. For sure? The rebooting when signal dropped low was a bug in the services.jar of our initial i9000, android 2.2.1 ports. This was of course patched by Eugene373 with further work by birgertime (and some fumbling by myself) in the official ports of 2.2.1 for the Vibrant. If she is definitely on stock software with no mods though, then that doesn't apply, but was my first instinct.
Most roms we have out now, with the exception of GingerCloneR3, come bundled with modems. They are most likely the modem that the rom chef/dev likes the best, but you can always flash a new modem on top of a custom rom. Different users in different areas have different results with different modems. Gotta test them to see what works the best for her.
Flashable modems are all here, courtesy of scrizz:
Those can be flashed over any rom, just make sure you grab a 2.2 modem for froyo, or 2.1 for eclair respectively.
You might want to start with running Odin to flash her back to stock software, and then go from there. If you are going to do that, I recommend a modded Odin package by Eugene, available here: . Its stock-ish JK2 Froyo for the Vibrant, already rooted, with superuser and busybox, and modded 2e recovery so you can easily flash and install Clockwork Recovery if you choose to do so. That file is my go to, when all else fails and I need to get back to stock.
Good luck with your endeavors, hope some of this helps.
she is def on stock 2.1 for sure.!.
thanx... will keep yaz informed heading on the road now.. b there in 5plus hours
This sounds very familiar to problems my Vibrant was having. It turned out to be a flakey SIM card. I went to my local T-Mobile store and they swapped it for a new one at no charge. That fixed all of my SMS & connectivity issues. It might be worth a try, it definitely wouldn't hurt anything to get a new SIM card put in.
Lol she had one replaced as well and same issue..
Sent from my LG-P999 using XDA App

WTF? My Fascinate sort of "deprovisioned itself"

Although I'm interested in explanations or theories as to what happened and why, this is more of a story than a question...
Like most of us, I've had this phone for over 2 years, and I've been running / testing / messing with a variety ROMs for a long time... My "daily driver" recently has been from the cm10.1 nightlies (updated every week or so).
I saw the March 16 availability of BAKED blackbean, and thought I would give it a try... Being lazy, my initial flash was "dirty" after clearing only the cache partition and dalvik. All looked good on boot, but I soon noticed the infamous "phantom key presses" that usually only occur in very low signal areas... This was happening even though I could see 3-4 bars of signal. 3G data was working to some extent.
I dialed *228+ to reactivate (not technically sure when it's a good idea to do this - I once heard it should be done whenever a new kernel is installed, but it rarely seems necessary). But, the call failed to connect... I rebooted to recovery, full wipe, reflashed, same issue. Reflashed back to "stock" cm10.1 (3/15 build - why does this feel like "stock" these days . Still no outgoing call capability and some phantom key presses. Couldn't send SMS messages either.
ODIN time - back to (truly) stock GB EH03. Still couldn't call to activate. My wife's fascinate, from the same room, could make calls and send texts, etc. so I mostly ruled out coincidental VZW network issues.
I went to to "deactivate" my fascinate temporarily to a new phantom device and reactivate (an old trick), but VZW wanted me to choose a new data plan first and said I wouldn't be able to go back... So I called VZW tech support and got them to re-provision the phone from their end, and we finally got things working again only after using the EH03 stock function to factory reset (Settings --> Privacy --> Factory Reset), which kicks off an activation wizard on the next boot.
The VZW 2nd-level tech guy then called me, traded SMSes and verified I could call out to one of their test numbers... At this point, I seriously thought about staying on stock GB (or perhaps GeeWiz 2.9 - which is good stuff .
Anyway, now I'm back on cm10.1 with my usual data partition all nicely restored and everything is hunky-dorry. For a minute there I thought this old device may have been showing signs of old age and was about to die. But it seems good-as-new (better than new actually - given CM10.1 .
So, any ideas of what happened to my phone in what seemed to be the normal life of a flash-junky? I don't blame BAKED blackbean (no similar tales in that thread), although my dirty flash of that ROM coming from CM10.1 was where the problem started for me.
When should one really reactivate their phone via *228? How often is it necessary to update "roaming" capabilities?
When will the Galaxy SIII refurbs start showing up on (I was contemplating my best replacement option there for a few minutes - why spend $200 on something new when you've got a perfectly good Fascinate)?
Very interesting story. Since I too am a Flash Junky. Hope nothing like this happens to me
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I haven't dialed *228 in 2 years lol I don't really see why you should have to
Sent from my SCH-I500 using Tapatalk 2

S4 Will not come out of roaming

Today for whatever reason my phone decided it didnt lke verizon anymore and decided to jump to USCC. Seriously though. I flashed the latest test build of CM 11. played with it. then wiped data and flashed CM 10.2 and booted. next thing i know it is trying to activate on USCC. So i odined to stock MDK and attempted to get it fixed. There was no help given there. Lady was really nice but still no help. I a trying to figure out what is wrong and get it fixed. Im not sure how in the world this even happened. I do this all the time and never have issues. I am open to all suggestions. Right now i am on stock rooted MJ7 using wifi as i cant even activate the new sim she issued (I keep new ones at home) to activate as it dials USCC for some reason. Any ideas. I did enable the hidden menu if that helps
scarmon25 said:
Today for whatever reason my phone decided it didnt lke verizon anymore and decided to jump to USCC. Seriously though. I flashed the latest test build of CM 11. played with it. then wiped data and flashed CM 10.2 and booted. next thing i know it is trying to activate on USCC. So i odined to stock MDK and attempted to get it fixed. There was no help given there. Lady was really nice but still no help. I a trying to figure out what is wrong and get it fixed. Im not sure how in the world this even happened. I do this all the time and never have issues. I am open to all suggestions. Right now i am on stock rooted MJ7 using wifi as i cant even activate the new sim she issued (I keep new ones at home) to activate as it dials USCC for some reason. Any ideas. I did enable the hidden menu if that helps
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I did the same thing and now I am stuck in roaming as well. I'm trying to restore a nandroid backup right now to see if that fixes it.
Edit: I restored from a nandroid backup and it still is stuck roaming. Even though it is roaming I have no cellular connection even though I have bars.
Same thing. I am trying to find a fix or a way to wipe the current carrier info. Or manually push the right info
Sent from my SCH-I545 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
Fixed it. Flashed cm10.2. Set the CDMA subscription to ruin/sim and rebooted. Fixed it.
Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk
scarmon25 said:
Fixed it. Flashed cm10.2. Set the CDMA subscription to ruin/sim and rebooted. Fixed it.
Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk
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This worked for me as well. Thanks scarmon25.

[Q] Can only get 3g/4g on kitkat now lmao

Well I have been trying lots of different roms and finally decided to go back to hyper drive and use it for a while. Well I couldn't get data. So I Odin the original mdk that came with my phone and I still couldn't. So I take the phone up to Verizon have them program me a new SIM and it still doesn't do it. He said he could send it off if I had the warranty which I don't but I took it home and played some more.
The only time I can get Verizon signals is on kitkat roms now that I have tried them. I am being completely retarded and missing something easy. Like I'm supposed to flash something special when coming back from kitkat that I'm not doing or am I seriously ****ed until all the bugs get ironed out?
The kit Kat roms are starting to kick some ass though. I noticed tonight the verizon signal I do get though is much weaker than on my dad's stock rom. So I'm really looking for a clue or a future fix.
Maybe a radio flash or kernel I could flash on 4.4.2 it is the cyanogen nightly but I can switch roms if necessary also.

many drop calls after 4.4 kk

Tons of drop calls after flashing to NAB. Then i tried Carbon Nightlies but did not use long enough to know if it has the same problem. Then have been on SACS kk ever since. It happens consistently with the Official NAB and SACS.
I do want to add that after deciding that I wanted to go back to 4.3, I attempted to flash back, several attempts, and several methods. I don't remember exactly what I flashed (months ago). I am beginning to second guess whether I might have flashed the wrong thing, maybe wrong radio or something.
If I post shots of my aboutPhone details, is it possible to identify what might be potentially causing this?
From my understanding you can not go back to 4.3 after flashing to NAB. It is odd that you are having these issues because I am running sacs and s5 port and I'm not having any issues what so ever. Post your about phone. Maybe someone can see from that. Gotta start somewhere.
Sent from my SM-G900P using Tapatalk
Yeah, shortly after I found out that it was irreversible. Here is AboutDevice.
Does anything look out of place?
my phone is also dropping calls now that im on NC5 kitkat. What gives? I know sprint is notorious for this kind of spotty service but c'mon, really?
Not saying sprint is the greatest, but maybe it's service upgrades in your area?
thats what they want you to think.. but really the "network vision upgrades" are already done in my area.
Im on the debloaded NC5 stockish rom. The problem started on stock
j00manji said:
thats what they want you to think.. but really the "network vision upgrades" are already done in my area.
Im on the debloaded NC5 stockish rom. The problem started on stock
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For comparison purposes try odining back to stock NC5 if problems persist try wipping data/factory reset in stock recovery and see if that helps? I am on NAB and I have no issues?
sorry, i should have mentioned that I was originally on stock NC5 (rooted) when the issue started. since then I began to care less. The droped calls started happening 3 days ago. I started flashing roms on to my phone yesterday lol
j00manji said:
sorry, i should have mentioned that I was originally on stock NC5 (rooted) when the issue started. since then I began to care less. The droped calls started happening 3 days ago. I started flashing roms on to my phone yesterday lol
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You can always try to use older Basebands/Modems. Some users have reported that the MJ4 or NAB basebands work better in their area than the NC5 ones.
You need to first install the Engineering Bootloader. Then you can use ODIN to flash the desired Baseband.
I'm o KitKat Killer 4 NC5 and only get about 2 dropped calls a day.. I'm willing to bet this is a tower issue, rather than a software issue..
topherk said:
You can always try to use older Basebands/Modems. Some users have reported that the MJ4 or NAB basebands work better in their area than the NC5 ones.
You need to first install the Engineering Bootloader. Then you can use ODIN to flash the desired Baseband.
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Thanks for the tip. Is it ok to use the MJ4 baseband while on NC5? I do want to try it since thats what the phone was shipped with and it worked fine out of the box for 2 days lol.
It's funny, I used to drop calls all the time in the same area. After the update I don't drop calls in that area, but now in 2 other areas every time, it's like clockwork. Usually when 4g signal is really low, amybe it's when it tries to switch to 3g it looses the call. IDK, my S4 never dropped calls and I travel the same routes to and from work.
j00manji said:
Thanks for the tip. Is it ok to use the MJ4 baseband while on NC5? I do want to try it since thats what the phone was shipped with and it worked fine out of the box for 2 days lol.
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As long as you flash the engineering boot loader as was mentioned, then yes.
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