many drop calls after 4.4 kk - Sprint Samsung Galaxy Note 3

Tons of drop calls after flashing to NAB. Then i tried Carbon Nightlies but did not use long enough to know if it has the same problem. Then have been on SACS kk ever since. It happens consistently with the Official NAB and SACS.
I do want to add that after deciding that I wanted to go back to 4.3, I attempted to flash back, several attempts, and several methods. I don't remember exactly what I flashed (months ago). I am beginning to second guess whether I might have flashed the wrong thing, maybe wrong radio or something.
If I post shots of my aboutPhone details, is it possible to identify what might be potentially causing this?

From my understanding you can not go back to 4.3 after flashing to NAB. It is odd that you are having these issues because I am running sacs and s5 port and I'm not having any issues what so ever. Post your about phone. Maybe someone can see from that. Gotta start somewhere.
Sent from my SM-G900P using Tapatalk

Yeah, shortly after I found out that it was irreversible. Here is AboutDevice.

Does anything look out of place?

my phone is also dropping calls now that im on NC5 kitkat. What gives? I know sprint is notorious for this kind of spotty service but c'mon, really?

Not saying sprint is the greatest, but maybe it's service upgrades in your area?

thats what they want you to think.. but really the "network vision upgrades" are already done in my area.
Im on the debloaded NC5 stockish rom. The problem started on stock

j00manji said:
thats what they want you to think.. but really the "network vision upgrades" are already done in my area.
Im on the debloaded NC5 stockish rom. The problem started on stock
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For comparison purposes try odining back to stock NC5 if problems persist try wipping data/factory reset in stock recovery and see if that helps? I am on NAB and I have no issues?

sorry, i should have mentioned that I was originally on stock NC5 (rooted) when the issue started. since then I began to care less. The droped calls started happening 3 days ago. I started flashing roms on to my phone yesterday lol

j00manji said:
sorry, i should have mentioned that I was originally on stock NC5 (rooted) when the issue started. since then I began to care less. The droped calls started happening 3 days ago. I started flashing roms on to my phone yesterday lol
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You can always try to use older Basebands/Modems. Some users have reported that the MJ4 or NAB basebands work better in their area than the NC5 ones.
You need to first install the Engineering Bootloader. Then you can use ODIN to flash the desired Baseband.

I'm o KitKat Killer 4 NC5 and only get about 2 dropped calls a day.. I'm willing to bet this is a tower issue, rather than a software issue..

topherk said:
You can always try to use older Basebands/Modems. Some users have reported that the MJ4 or NAB basebands work better in their area than the NC5 ones.
You need to first install the Engineering Bootloader. Then you can use ODIN to flash the desired Baseband.
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Thanks for the tip. Is it ok to use the MJ4 baseband while on NC5? I do want to try it since thats what the phone was shipped with and it worked fine out of the box for 2 days lol.

It's funny, I used to drop calls all the time in the same area. After the update I don't drop calls in that area, but now in 2 other areas every time, it's like clockwork. Usually when 4g signal is really low, amybe it's when it tries to switch to 3g it looses the call. IDK, my S4 never dropped calls and I travel the same routes to and from work.

j00manji said:
Thanks for the tip. Is it ok to use the MJ4 baseband while on NC5? I do want to try it since thats what the phone was shipped with and it worked fine out of the box for 2 days lol.
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As long as you flash the engineering boot loader as was mentioned, then yes.
Sent from my SM-N900P using Tapatalk


3G always switching to 1x when it shouldn't be..

Hi! I was wondering if anyone is experiencing this problem. I should be having full 3G all the time where I am right now, but my phone will sometimes switch to "1X" and then once i load something data it switches back to 3G, but just gets kind of annoying to see. It has loaded the 1X also, it doesn't always switch back to the 3G immediately.
This has been going on for a while, and I have done a ESN swap with another smartphone but it still does it.
Any ideas/suggestions?
Oh, and I am not sure if this has anything to do with anything, but sometimes when i reboot my phone my 3G icon just DOESN'T APPEAR AT ALL, so i have to power down and back up. Is this normal? I am on MIUI 1.7.29, and it has done it on other previous roms before. Just GETS ANNOYING.
Try to Turn Off The Phone. Then Leave It Off For 5minutes.
If That Doesn't Work Try To Do A Factory Reset Or Re-install Your Rom (If your using one)
Hate to say it, but I've had my phone since last November and it has always done this. The radio in our phones doesn't do such a good job of grabbing signal. I can have full bars 3G one second and no bars 1x the next. No combination of Roms/Kernels/Radios or ESN swaps have ever fixed this for me. I have just learned to accept it and deal with it. You can try to bring this up with Verizon and they might send you a new one, but it will likely have more problems. Sorry to be a downer but that's just how it is.
Zacisblack said:
Hate to say it, but I've had my phone since last November and it has always done this. The radio in our phones doesn't do such a good job of grabbing signal. I can have full bars 3G one second and no bars 1x the next. No combination of Roms/Kernels/Radios or ESN swaps have ever fixed this for me. I have just learned to accept it and deal with it. You can try to bring this up with Verizon and they might send you a new one, but it will likely have more problems. Sorry to be a downer but that's just how it is.
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This isn't the answer I wanted to hear, but it is a realistic one and I appreciate the honesty. I had a feeling that this is just something that is on our phones end.
Yeah these phones definitely aren't "perfect", i mean how could they be if they make a new one every 2 seconds,
Elluzion said:
This isn't the answer I wanted to hear, but it is a realistic one and I appreciate the honesty. I had a feeling that this is just something that is on our phones end.
Yeah these phones definitely aren't "perfect", i mean how could they be if they make a new one every 2 seconds,
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my recomendation is:
- flash the ec09 modem via odin( the ec09 modem is NOT the problem for borked sd cards)
- boot phone
-*228 option 2
Im currently running the powerwashed v1 rom, pbj novoodoo kernal, ec09 modem and I have not missed a call or had my data switch to 1x in almost 2 weeks now.
Zacisblack said:
Hate to say it, but I've had my phone since last November and it has always done this. The radio in our phones doesn't do such a good job of grabbing signal. I can have full bars 3G one second and no bars 1x the next. No combination of Roms/Kernels/Radios or ESN swaps have ever fixed this for me. I have just learned to accept it and deal with it. You can try to bring this up with Verizon and they might send you a new one, but it will likely have more problems. Sorry to be a downer but that's just how it is.
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Have you tried a ed05 rom, kernal, ec09 radio?
droidstyle said:
my recomendation is:
- flash the ec09 modem via odin( the ec09 modem is NOT the problem for borked sd cards)
- boot phone
-*228 option 2
Im currently running the powerwashed v1 rom, pbj novoodoo kernal, ec09 modem and I have not missed a call or had my data switch to 1x in almost 2 weeks now.
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I'm on miui with ed01 currently, would i just be able to flash the ec09 radio over that?
Sent from my I500 using XDA App
Elluzion said:
I'm on miui with ed01 currently, would i just be able to flash the ec09 radio over that?
Sent from my I500 using XDA App
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Thats what I did on powerWash, just flashed the ec09 over ed05 radio via odin.
droidstyle said:
Thats what I did on powerWash, just flashed the ec09 over ed05 radio via odin.
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So I flashed the EC09 radio that you recommended and did the *228 option 2 and it said successful, then I did a power down, power up, and my 3G disappeared;/ , so i powered down, powered up again and the 3G was back, so far it has been decent, but in my house I had the 1x locked for a good 30 seconds before switching back to 3G, on the ED01 radio it would normally switch back faster than that. so I don't think it worked :/,
any other options?? (or should I try to get Verizon to send me a new phone?)

LTE on TW ROM's extremely slow?

I've noticed that with every TW based ROM I flash, the LTE connection is horrible, not even reaching over 1MB download. However WiFi is fine, and so is call reception. I've used Internet Speed Master (App found on Google Play) but that seems to do it no justice.
When it comes to any AOSP based ROM the LTE acts completely normal in my area (20Mbps-30 for the Albany area usually).
I have done some searching but haven't found much of an answer and didn't want to bother any Devs with this.
Any help is appreciated
Sent from my Galaxy S4 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
Springy_Minaj said:
I've noticed that with every TW based ROM I flash, the LTE connection is horrible, not even reaching over 1MB download. However WiFi is fine, and so is call reception. I've used Internet Speed Master (App found on Google Play) but that seems to do it no justice.
When it comes to any AOSP based ROM the LTE acts completely normal in my area (20Mbps-30 for the Albany area usually).
I have done some searching but haven't found much of an answer and didn't want to bother any Devs with this.
Any help is appreciated
Sent from my Galaxy S4 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
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I noticed mine really crawling today. I thought maybe it was a Verizon issue but just for the heck of it I flashed back from the new me7 modem back to mdk. My speeds were right back to normal after reboot. Not sure if it was coincidence or the new modem was causing issues.
JBeXX said:
I noticed mine really crawling today. I thought maybe it was a Verizon issue but just for the heck of it I flashed back from the new me7 modem back to mdk. My speeds were right back to normal after reboot. Not sure if it was coincidence or the new modem was causing issues.
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Ah I just noticed in my build number the ME7 at the end. I never remembered flashing or ODINing to that modem in the first place. So your saying flashing back to MDK might help out? Sorry I'm bad with the whole Radio/Modem thing.
Sent from my Galaxy S4 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
It's worth a shot. You can always flash back and forth if you need to to test which runs better on your phone.
Your phone must have installed it when you didnt notice. Unfortunately once your phone takes the ota you cant go back to mdk. If you were planning on modifying it all me7 has at the moment is root, no custom recovery. Just a heads up.
Or did you flash an me7 based rom?
Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk 2
I was referring to just the me7 modem, not the full ota.
---------- Post added at 08:11 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:10 PM ----------
I'm assuming you haven't taken the ota if you're running custom roms
hexitnow said:
Your phone must have installed it when you didnt notice. Unfortunately once your phone takes the ota you cant go back to mdk. If you were planning on modifying it all me7 has at the moment is root, no custom recovery. Just a heads up.
Or did you flash an me7 based rom?
Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk 2
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Yeah I think I had MDK and flashed one of the newer ROMs that had ME7 and didn't notice. I just got everything all set up on RLS8 and would prefer not to have to re-do everything again, so is there a way to find the MDK and either flash it or put through ODIN?

Successful Root. Did not trip KNOX. On MJ4. Do I OTA Update to 4.4.2? Lose Root?

Hi Everyone!
I was waiting to root my Note 3 for the longest time because I did not want to trip KNOX. Well today I got a notice to update my phone to 4.4.2 so I check the internet for the latest gossip on the update. Most people said they did not care for it. Anyhow; I decided to root my phone because I didn’t care anymore and already kind of board of my phone.
So I rooted my phone and I did not trip KNOX.
My question is do I disable this Update Notification to 4.4.2 because it is not really needed via tricks laced in these forums or do I need to update to this to get better security and or features?
If I do update to 4.4.2 will I lose my root?
And if I lose my root; is it impossible to root on 4.4.2 because I believe it is impossible at this time.
Astrongtower said:
Hi Everyone!
I was waiting to root my Note 3 for the longest time because I did not want to trip KNOX. Well today I got a notice to update my phone to 4.4.2 so I check the internet for the latest gossip on the update. Most people said they did not care for it. Anyhow; I decided to root my phone because I didn’t care anymore and already kind of board of my phone.
So I rooted my phone and I did not trip KNOX.
My question is do I disable this Update Notification to 4.4.2 because it is not really needed via tricks laced in these forums or do I need to update to this to get better security and or features?
If I do update to 4.4.2 will I lose my root?
And if I lose my root; is it impossible to root on 4.4.2 because I believe it is impossible at this time.
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Unless you want a few undesirable tradeoffs in your hands, either live without KitKat and no update, or take it and remain stock until a proven, trouble free method is available.
Sent from my SM-N900P using Xparent BlueTapatalk 2
Astrongtower said:
Hi Everyone!
I was waiting to root my Note 3 for the longest time because I did not want to trip KNOX. Well today I got a notice to update my phone to 4.4.2 so I check the internet for the latest gossip on the update. Most people said they did not care for it. Anyhow; I decided to root my phone because I didn’t care anymore and already kind of board of my phone.
So I rooted my phone and I did not trip KNOX.
My question is do I disable this Update Notification to 4.4.2 because it is not really needed via tricks laced in these forums or do I need to update to this to get better security and or features?
If I do update to 4.4.2 will I lose my root?
And if I lose my root; is it impossible to root on 4.4.2 because I believe it is impossible at this time.
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Yeah if you take the update you will no longer be rooted, and the only way to root Kitkat will trip Knox. So if Knox is a worry for you I would stay where you are at. Personally for me Kitkat fixed alot of small issues for me, so the update was much worth it, but I could careless about tripping knox personally anyway. I will never be sending my phone to Samsung.
MrWicked1 said:
Yeah if you take the update you will no longer be rooted, and the only way to root Kitkat will trip Knox. So if Knox is a worry for you I would stay where you are at. Personally for me Kitkat fixed alot of small issues for me, so the update was much worth it, but I could careless about tripping knox personally anyway. I will never be sending my phone to Samsung.
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Do you mind listing some of the few things it fixed for you?
I am reading a lot of threads saying that the new battery life is horrible.
I did manage to disable the update notification. Deleted the update file and renamed certain apk's. So if I never upgrade I guess I will be permanently on this os.
Is there a security risk or any other problems that arise from staying on an older os? Like cell reception or better working updates?
Thanks for answering my prior question about the root.
Sent from my SM-N900P using xda app-developers app
Astrongtower said:
Do you mind listing some of the few things it fixed for you?
I am reading a lot of threads saying that the new battery life is horrible.
I did manage to disable the update notification. Deleted the update file and renamed certain apk's. So if I never upgrade I guess I will be permanently on this os.
Is there a security risk or any other problems that arise from staying on an older os? Like cell reception or better working updates?
Thanks for answering my prior question about the root.
Sent from my SM-N900P using xda app-developers app
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Well maybe someone else can chime in on some things they noticed also, but for me I was on Mj4 maybe 3 or 4 days till I updated. For me bluetooth got wayyyyy better on Mj4 when i would get in my vehicle bluetooth media wouldn't stream without skipping every ten to fifteen seconds. Nab modem I get faster speeds and stronger signal(but this will vary on location of the end user) I get great battery life(this depends on what rom you are using. I use Sacs Kitkat rom and I get great battery life) I stream audio probably 2 hours out of a day.....Wifi always on...bluetooth always on.....constantly searching etc I would say I'm probably a semi heavy user and at the end of the day I don't think I've ever been under 50% battery left at the end of the night. And that's my phone unplugging say 8am till 11pm or so.
Astrongtower said:
Do you mind listing some of the few things it fixed for you?
I am reading a lot of threads saying that the new battery life is horrible.
I did manage to disable the update notification. Deleted the update file and renamed certain apk's. So if I never upgrade I guess I will be permanently on this os.
Is there a security risk or any other problems that arise from staying on an older os? Like cell reception or better working updates?
Thanks for answering my prior question about the root.
Sent from my SM-N900P using xda app-developers app
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You are using a Custom ROM. That probably explains why you enjoy it so much.
I think it is the stock 4.4.2 Kik Kat that has the horrible batttery life.
So far I am enjoying stock 4.3 with basic root and disable notifocatons on the update.
Do I get the same cell phone reception when I stay on 4.3 or do I need to upgrade to 4.4.2 to get better reception and security?
You know, is it like updating windows and you get security updates and stuff or is it strickly that they just want to limit people from rooting by making it harder.
Sent from my SM-N900P using xda app-developers app
Astrongtower said:
You are using a Custom ROM. That probably explains why you enjoy it so much.
I think it is the stock 4.4.2 Kik Kat that has the horrible batttery life.
So far I am enjoying stock 4.3 with basic root and disable notifocatons on the update.
Do I get the same cell phone reception when I stay on 4.3 or do I need to upgrade to 4.4.2 to get better reception and security?
You know, is it like updating windows and you get security updates and stuff or is it strickly that they just want to limit people from rooting by making it harder.
Sent from my SM-N900P using xda app-developers app
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Of course I'm running a custom ROM, that's the main purpose of rooting for me. I don't ever stay stock, I've never had good battery life on stock with any phone.
Sent from my SM-N900P using Tapatalk
Do you know anything about cell phone reception and security updates vs sticking with older roms or custom roms vs staying with latest factory update ROM OTA?
Just wondering if there is truly a benefit of sticking with pure stock and latest updates OTA even if you decided to deal with the negatives.
Sent from my SM-N900P using xda app-developers app
Astrongtower said:
Do you know anything about cell phone reception and security updates vs sticking with older roms or custom roms vs staying with latest factory update ROM OTA?
Just wondering if there is truly a benefit of sticking with pure stock and latest updates OTA even if you decided to deal with the negatives.
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Well...alot of the times custom roms you are going to have all the latest security updates etc just as same as the stock ota. They are built from the base of the ota and then modified. Data speeds usually have a bit of increase because of different tweaks and such. The biggest problem with stock is all the Carrier stuff it adds in....same with knox added in.....all that stuff running in the background adds to battery drain. If I were you I would try flash a custom rom like Sacs.....then try it for a couple can always go back to a stock rom.
Nvm forgot you didn't want to trip knox, so custom rom is pretty much out the question for you.
MrWicked1 said:
Well maybe someone else can chime in on some things they noticed also, but for me I was on Mj4 maybe 3 or 4 days till I updated. For me bluetooth got wayyyyy better on Mj4 when i would get in my vehicle bluetooth media wouldn't stream without skipping every ten to fifteen seconds. Nab modem I get faster speeds and stronger signal(but this will vary on location of the end user) I get great battery life(this depends on what rom you are using. I use Sacs Kitkat rom and I get great battery life) I stream audio probably 2 hours out of a day.....Wifi always on...bluetooth always on.....constantly searching etc I would say I'm probably a semi heavy user and at the end of the day I don't think I've ever been under 50% battery left at the end of the night. And that's my phone unplugging say 8am till 11pm or so.
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Can you tell us what modem you are using that gives you faster speeds and stronger signal? I was on both stock and multiple custom ROMs of MJ4 and I got way better signal strength and speeds than I do with NAB, and I'm running Sacs NAB ROM. I haven't flashed any other mod either, it's just Sacs. I was thinking of doing Carbon's AOSP ROM and seeing if I can get stock samsung apps (like camera, TW, just the basics, no bloatware) to work. I just personally like TW and like the features that the camera has (even though I've never, even out of the box, been able to get drama to work). I love the speed of AOSP and the minimal disk footprint, I just prefer some, SOME, of the samsung apps. But my main pain point right now with any NAB (4.4.2) ROM, stock or custom, is my signal got worse. Yes, I work on the Sprint campus so of course my nation wide clear coverage is non-existent (I'm lucky to get two bars of 3G, much less the LTE speed that Verizon or AT&T users ON THE SPRINT CAMPUS get to enjoy, sprint fail, I digress). Anywho, at home when I was on MJ4, I was getting download speeds of 15 Mb and upload speeds of around 6 Mb. Now with NAB I'm getting 5 Mb download speeds and 7.5 Mb upload speeds! Tell me how that works??? Maybe that's why battery life is so good for me, because I'm not connecting to the network so it's not using battery to communicate. I doubt it, but it sounded good at the time. So if you have a modem that you can point me to so I can flash it to get the better signal and speed, I'd be really appreciative.
droidcruzer said:
Can you tell us what modem you are using that gives you faster speeds and stronger signal? I was on both stock and multiple custom ROMs of MJ4 and I got way better signal strength and speeds than I do with NAB, and I'm running Sacs NAB ROM. I haven't flashed any other mod either, it's just Sacs. I was thinking of doing Carbon's AOSP ROM and seeing if I can get stock samsung apps (like camera, TW, just the basics, no bloatware) to work. I just personally like TW and like the features that the camera has (even though I've never, even out of the box, been able to get drama to work). I love the speed of AOSP and the minimal disk footprint, I just prefer some, SOME, of the samsung apps. But my main pain point right now with any NAB (4.4.2) ROM, stock or custom, is my signal got worse. Yes, I work on the Sprint campus so of course my nation wide clear coverage is non-existent (I'm lucky to get two bars of 3G, much less the LTE speed that Verizon or AT&T users ON THE SPRINT CAMPUS get to enjoy, sprint fail, I digress). Anywho, at home when I was on MJ4, I was getting download speeds of 15 Mb and upload speeds of around 6 Mb. Now with NAB I'm getting 5 Mb download speeds and 7.5 Mb upload speeds! Tell me how that works??? Maybe that's why battery life is so good for me, because I'm not connecting to the network so it's not using battery to communicate. I doubt it, but it sounded good at the time. So if you have a modem that you can point me to so I can flash it to get the better signal and speed, I'd be really appreciative.
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Unfortunately I don't have a answer for you I'm on the NAB modem also, one thing I just wanted to throw out there is modems always vary on location. And for some reason we don't have any modem options like previous phones I had the S4...Epic 4g touch....all had different modems with different releases so we were always able to flash different ones to find out works best for each individual. The only thing I would say to try is check make sure you have the latest prl.
MrWicked1 said:
Unfortunately I don't have a answer for you I'm on the NAB modem also, one thing I just wanted to throw out there is modems always vary on location. And for some reason we don't have any modem options like previous phones I had the S4...Epic 4g touch....all had different modems with different releases so we were always able to flash different ones to find out works best for each individual. The only thing I would say to try is check make sure you have the latest prl.
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I do agree that different locations cause different results. My thought though is that my phone would be hitting the same radio towers as before. I don't think there has been an update to the tower radios, meaning LTE is LTE. What leads me to think it's not the towers is when I was on MJ4, I got great signal and then right after I flashed I immediately saw the degradation, I'm pretty confident that no hardware changes happened within that 10 minutes. Updating the PRL would just wipe out my phone's "favorite" towers. So it would force my phone to "re-authenticate" to the same towers that I already hit while on MJ4. That's my thoughts though, I could be totally wrong as I don't fully understand what all goes in to the phone radio communicating with the towers, I only know what hardware changes are or are not happening with the network.
droidcruzer said:
I do agree that different locations cause different results. My thought though is that my phone would be hitting the same radio towers as before. I don't think there has been an update to the tower radios, meaning LTE is LTE. What leads me to think it's not the towers is when I was on MJ4, I got great signal and then right after I flashed I immediately saw the degradation, I'm pretty confident that no hardware changes happened within that 10 minutes. Updating the PRL would just wipe out my phone's "favorite" towers. So it would force my phone to "re-authenticate" to the same towers that I already hit while on MJ4. That's my thoughts though, I could be totally wrong as I don't fully understand what all goes in to the phone radio communicating with the towers, I only know what hardware changes are or are not happening with the network.
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You are probably right, sounds logical I don't personally know either. All I could do is give you what my next option would be I don't really know what else to say. But I definitely agree with you.
MrWicked1 said:
You are probably right, sounds logical I don't personally know either. All I could do is give you what my next option would be I don't really know what else to say. But I definitely agree with you.
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Oh I appreciate any and all help. Even in stating what you did you may have said something that triggered a thought process that I haven't explored yet. So never be afraid to "state the obvious" (for lack of a better term) to me. I'll never take it as a negative. Hell, there will also be times that I haven't tried the obvious just because my brain is searching for a more complex solution when it could be as easy as "did you turn on WiFi?" lol
droidcruzer said:
Oh I appreciate any and all help. Even in stating what you did you may have said something that triggered a thought process that I haven't explored yet. So never be afraid to "state the obvious" (for lack of a better term) to me. I'll never take it as a negative. Hell, there will also be times that I haven't tried the obvious just because my brain is searching for a more complex solution when it could be as easy as "did you turn on WiFi?" lol
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I've been there done that lol

Help needed big time

I lost the actual phone on this Rooted S4 mdk bootloader with philz latest. I'm honestly kinda tired of this phone. Maybe I'm not used to Sammy n It's backwards way who knows. I'm on a family share plan and this month was killer I used 2.5 gb off a 3 plan. I believe Rouge app or a new router I'd to blame.
Brief history on latest Baja now n was when issue was noticed. I got a voice mail (well 3 umm girlfriend jail call to me lol a story for another time) Flashed Slim bean (slimkat 4.4.2) real quick the other night, but couldn't figure out how to get it to see ext sdcard, made backup. Went back to Baja. Issue started so I tried flashing to hyperdrive no luck, Bonestock same results. Did a full odin bts with full wipe with no luck. I have data and wifi n my speakers work, just no calls on or out at all. I've tried different modems with no success. My stupid sister said maybe it's my Sim card. Help! Thanx y'all
Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk
This should probably be in the Q&A section - but nonetheless are you sure your modem and apnhlos match? Had some weird crap happen to me and flashing the MDK modem/apnhlos solved it. Just a thought. Not sure your sim card is bad if you can get data/wifi........anybody?

Cannot make or receive calls

Here is my situation. I cannot make any calls. It sits on dialing then eventually just "hangs up". If someone calls me it goes straight to voice mail like it would do if it was turned off. I often get no network errors also. Data and sms work like normal.
Here is what I have done.
Called Verizon. Got a new sim. No change.
Reflashed back to stock 4.1.1 in Odin. No change.
flashed mj9 radio in Odin. No change.
Rooted and unlocked usually casual. No change.
Flashed alliance 26. No change.
I have cleared data in the phone app in settings.
Mobile network shows as cdma/lte. Access Point is vzwinternet. I have pulled the sim and let it sit for a few minutes. I have pulled the sim and powered on, then powered off and put the sim back in. That is what I have found from searching Google and it doesn't work.
I'm going to call Verizon again. I want them to reset everything associated with my number.
In the meantine, does anyone have any suggestions?
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Unlocked bootloader and VRUEMJ9
I am in nearly the same position. I currently have a Service State of "Out of Service" and Mobile network state of "Disconnected". Occasionally it will show connected and I will receive emails. I cannot make or receive calls, I cannot send or receive texts. My phone shows connected to Verizon and LTE, imei showing correctly, as is the serial number. Currently on baseband i605 VRUEMJ9 and recovery is TWRP I have flashed many roms to the phone, but this problem occurred when flashing slimrom 4.4.2. I backed up with Nandroid prior to flashing and when the problem surfaced I tried to restore in TWRP, but it won't correct the problem. I was on CM 10.1.3 prior to trying to move to 4.4.2 and that is what my backup is of(CM10.1.3). Currently I have gone down to Slim rom 4.3 build 2.1 as it seems to be the most stable and results in the most things working. My first question to the community is, I thought i605 VRUEMJ9 baseband had a LOCKED bootloader? How is it that I have custom recovery, have installed at least 3 different roms, etc? I bought the phone 2nd hand and this is the way it came to me. The level of complexity on Note 2 is far and away worse than S3. If anyone has any ideas on what is corrupted(EFS or what) and what my best course of action should be to preserve my unlocked bootloader and root and ability to flash custom roms. Is it possible since my bootloader "appears" to be unlocked that I could flash a different radio(baseband) replacing the problematic VRUEMJ9? Every tutorial on repairing situations like these seem to point you in the direction of going back to 100% stock which isn't something I'm willing to try at this point given I currently have an unlocked bootloader.
I have changed out the sim, spoken to Verizon who have reset everything on the account. I think it's time to replace the phone and sell this one to someone who wants to take it to a MVNO.
michigan66 said:
Here is my situation. I cannot make any calls. It sits on dialing then eventually just "hangs up". If someone calls me it goes straight to voice mail like it would do if it was turned off. I often get no network errors also. Data and sms work like normal.
Here is what I have done.
Called Verizon. Got a new sim. No change.
Reflashed back to stock 4.1.1 in Odin. No change.
flashed mj9 radio in Odin. No change.
Rooted and unlocked usually casual. No change.
Flashed alliance 26. No change.
I have cleared data in the phone app in settings.
Mobile network shows as cdma/lte. Access Point is vzwinternet. I have pulled the sim and let it sit for a few minutes. I have pulled the sim and powered on, then powered off and put the sim back in. That is what I have found from searching Google and it doesn't work.
I'm going to call Verizon again. I want them to reset everything associated with my number.
In the meantine, does anyone have any suggestions?
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For ****s and giggles this weird method fixed texting for several of us that was broke even a Odin the trying everything under the sun. Let me know if some whack chance it works.
SuperSU 1.93:
1.) Wipe everything raw
2.) Flash 4.4.2 TW Wip Build 1 and flash SuperSU 1.93
3.) Boot up and try to send a few texts. They will fail everytime as texting is broke in this build (but this is how the magic happens)
4.) Reboot, maybe try and send a few more texts again (again they will fail)
5.) Reboot into recovery and wipe everything raw
6.) Flash latest CM11 or any other AOSP rom
7.) Reboot and Profit!
Credits to lacoursiere18 for this early kitkat build.
natgasguy said:
I am in nearly the same position. I currently have a Service State of "Out of Service" and Mobile network state of "Disconnected". Occasionally it will show connected and I will receive emails. I cannot make or receive calls, I cannot send or receive texts. My phone shows connected to Verizon and LTE, imei showing correctly, as is the serial number. Currently on baseband i605 VRUEMJ9 and recovery is TWRP I have flashed many roms to the phone, but this problem occurred when flashing slimrom 4.4.2. I backed up with Nandroid prior to flashing and when the problem surfaced I tried to restore in TWRP, but it won't correct the problem. I was on CM 10.1.3 prior to trying to move to 4.4.2 and that is what my backup is of(CM10.1.3). Currently I have gone down to Slim rom 4.3 build 2.1 as it seems to be the most stable and results in the most things working. My first question to the community is, I thought i605 VRUEMJ9 baseband had a LOCKED bootloader? How is it that I have custom recovery, have installed at least 3 different roms, etc? I bought the phone 2nd hand and this is the way it came to me. The level of complexity on Note 2 is far and away worse than S3. If anyone has any ideas on what is corrupted(EFS or what) and what my best course of action should be to preserve my unlocked bootloader and root and ability to flash custom roms. Is it possible since my bootloader "appears" to be unlocked that I could flash a different radio(baseband) replacing the problematic VRUEMJ9? Every tutorial on repairing situations like these seem to point you in the direction of going back to 100% stock which isn't something I'm willing to try at this point given I currently have an unlocked bootloader.
I have changed out the sim, spoken to Verizon who have reset everything on the account. I think it's time to replace the phone and sell this one to someone who wants to take it to a MVNO.
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If your flashing roms your fully unlocked.
Sent from my SCH-I605 using Tapatalk
DreamFX said:
For ****s and giggles this weird method fixed texting for several of us that was broke even a Odin the trying everything under the sun. Let me know if some whack chance it works.
SuperSU 1.93:
1.) Wipe everything raw
2.) Flash 4.4.2 TW Wip Build 1 and flash SuperSU 1.93
3.) Boot up and try to send a few texts. They will fail everytime as texting is broke in this build (but this is how the magic happens)
4.) Reboot, maybe try and send a few more texts again (again they will fail)
5.) Reboot into recovery and wipe everything raw
6.) Flash latest CM11 or any other AOSP rom
7.) Reboot and Profit!
Credits to lacoursiere18 for this early kitkat build.
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Are you using TWRP or philz?
Sent from my SCH-I605 using Tapatalk
Fully unlocked...
michigan66 said:
If your flashing roms your fully unlocked.
Sent from my SCH-I605 using Tapatalk
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Ok, if I'm fully unlocked can I replace the radio/baseband? Which one should I switch to? I am not digging having i605 VRUEMJ9 on the phone and I think it would be safer to have one of the better basebands....
natgasguy said:
Ok, if I'm fully unlocked can I replace the radio/baseband? Which one should I switch to? I am not digging having i605 VRUEMJ9 on the phone and I think it would be safer to have one of the better basebands....
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There are flash able zips in the touch wiz 4.4.2 threads.
Sent from my SCH-I605 using Tapatalk
michigan66 said:
Are you using TWRP or philz?
Sent from my SCH-I605 using Tapatalk
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DreamFX said:
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Didn't work. Mobile network not available error. I really don't understand why it make calls. If data and sms didn't work it would make more sense.
michigan66 said:
Didn't work. Mobile network not available error. I really don't understand why it make calls. If data and sms didn't work it would make more sense.
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so weird
---------- Post added at 06:42 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:41 PM ----------
DreamFX said:
so weird
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Did you try a different phone to see if it works?
DreamFX said:
so weird
---------- Post added at 06:42 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:41 PM ----------
Did you try a different phone to see if it works?
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No. Verizon said it's a network error. They are sending out a technician to check things in the area. I don't have a lot of faith in that one though. If I put the sim in my wife's phone......I can just swap them back and everything will be normal again right? I don't need to call verizon or anything to do it?
Sent from my SCH-I605 using Tapatalk
michigan66 said:
No. Verizon said it's a network error. They are sending out a technician to check things in the area. I don't have a lot of faith in that one though. If I put the sim in my wife's phone......I can just swap them back and everything will be normal again right? I don't need to call verizon or anything to do it?
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You have to call or setup online it's a pain in the ass. It never worked for me by just swapping.
DreamFX said:
You have to call or setup online it's a pain in the ass. It never worked for me by just swapping.
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I thought I would give you an update since you are heavy aosp user. I was thinking about how this happened. I installed slim ROM and suddenly I couldn't make calls.
So today I thought I would try an aosp ROM just to give it a shot. I installed slim and magically I could make calls. I have no idea why it worked.
I wonder if slim uses some sort of different coding? I am gonna backup and try a TW ROM to see it that works now too.
Sent from my SCH-I605 using Tapatalk
michigan66 said:
I thought I would give you an update since you are heavy aosp user. I was thinking about how this happened. I installed slim ROM and suddenly I couldn't make calls.
So today I thought I would try an aosp ROM just to give it a shot. I installed slim and magically I could make calls. I have no idea why it worked.
I wonder if slim uses some sort of different coding? I am gonna backup and try a TW ROM to see it that works now too.
Sent from my SCH-I605 using Tapatalk
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So so weird. But can't say I'm surprised. I could text for months on just tw roms and never on aosp. You can make calls on aosp but not tw. Just laughing to myself. It's not funny but I I'm laughing because I know the frustration your going through. Let me know if tw now works and good luck buddy.
DreamFX said:
So so weird. But can't say I'm surprised. I could text for months on just tw roms and never on aosp. You can make calls on aosp but not tw. Just laughing to myself. It's not funny but I I'm laughing because I know the frustration your going through. Let me know if tw now works and good luck buddy.
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Works perfect. It's really bizarre. Either flashing slim reset something or Verizon fixed the network problem. Just glad it's fixed. Thanks for all the help!!
Sent from my SCH-I605 using Tapatalk
Which rom exactly
michigan66 said:
I thought I would give you an update since you are heavy aosp user. I was thinking about how this happened. I installed slim ROM and suddenly I couldn't make calls.
So today I thought I would try an aosp ROM just to give it a shot. I installed slim and magically I could make calls. I have no idea why it worked.
I wonder if slim uses some sort of different coding? I am gonna backup and try a TW ROM to see it that works now too.
Sent from my SCH-I605 using Tapatalk
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Which aosp ROM did you try to get it to work? I'm still having the same problem.
natgasguy said:
Which aosp ROM did you try to get it to work? I'm still having the same problem.
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Slim is what I flashed. Verizon did say there was a network problem. . Not sure which one it was that fixed it.
Sent from my SCH-I605 using Tapatalk
I'm having a same issue here.
I got a locked MJ9, and it has terrible signal with all three major carriers (AT&T, VERIZON, TMOBILE).
I upgraded to ND7, and have the same problem.
When the phone goes to sleep, it looks like the antennae goes to sleep as well.
So the phone doesn't even receive the phone calls.
Only when I initiate a phone call once, it starts receiving the call.
Has anyone have success with any particular rom? As you can see, my only options are stock roms since I have locked bootloader.

