Successful Root. Did not trip KNOX. On MJ4. Do I OTA Update to 4.4.2? Lose Root? - Sprint Samsung Galaxy Note 3

Hi Everyone!
I was waiting to root my Note 3 for the longest time because I did not want to trip KNOX. Well today I got a notice to update my phone to 4.4.2 so I check the internet for the latest gossip on the update. Most people said they did not care for it. Anyhow; I decided to root my phone because I didn’t care anymore and already kind of board of my phone.
So I rooted my phone and I did not trip KNOX.
My question is do I disable this Update Notification to 4.4.2 because it is not really needed via tricks laced in these forums or do I need to update to this to get better security and or features?
If I do update to 4.4.2 will I lose my root?
And if I lose my root; is it impossible to root on 4.4.2 because I believe it is impossible at this time.

Astrongtower said:
Hi Everyone!
I was waiting to root my Note 3 for the longest time because I did not want to trip KNOX. Well today I got a notice to update my phone to 4.4.2 so I check the internet for the latest gossip on the update. Most people said they did not care for it. Anyhow; I decided to root my phone because I didn’t care anymore and already kind of board of my phone.
So I rooted my phone and I did not trip KNOX.
My question is do I disable this Update Notification to 4.4.2 because it is not really needed via tricks laced in these forums or do I need to update to this to get better security and or features?
If I do update to 4.4.2 will I lose my root?
And if I lose my root; is it impossible to root on 4.4.2 because I believe it is impossible at this time.
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Unless you want a few undesirable tradeoffs in your hands, either live without KitKat and no update, or take it and remain stock until a proven, trouble free method is available.
Sent from my SM-N900P using Xparent BlueTapatalk 2

Astrongtower said:
Hi Everyone!
I was waiting to root my Note 3 for the longest time because I did not want to trip KNOX. Well today I got a notice to update my phone to 4.4.2 so I check the internet for the latest gossip on the update. Most people said they did not care for it. Anyhow; I decided to root my phone because I didn’t care anymore and already kind of board of my phone.
So I rooted my phone and I did not trip KNOX.
My question is do I disable this Update Notification to 4.4.2 because it is not really needed via tricks laced in these forums or do I need to update to this to get better security and or features?
If I do update to 4.4.2 will I lose my root?
And if I lose my root; is it impossible to root on 4.4.2 because I believe it is impossible at this time.
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Yeah if you take the update you will no longer be rooted, and the only way to root Kitkat will trip Knox. So if Knox is a worry for you I would stay where you are at. Personally for me Kitkat fixed alot of small issues for me, so the update was much worth it, but I could careless about tripping knox personally anyway. I will never be sending my phone to Samsung.

MrWicked1 said:
Yeah if you take the update you will no longer be rooted, and the only way to root Kitkat will trip Knox. So if Knox is a worry for you I would stay where you are at. Personally for me Kitkat fixed alot of small issues for me, so the update was much worth it, but I could careless about tripping knox personally anyway. I will never be sending my phone to Samsung.
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Do you mind listing some of the few things it fixed for you?
I am reading a lot of threads saying that the new battery life is horrible.
I did manage to disable the update notification. Deleted the update file and renamed certain apk's. So if I never upgrade I guess I will be permanently on this os.
Is there a security risk or any other problems that arise from staying on an older os? Like cell reception or better working updates?
Thanks for answering my prior question about the root.
Sent from my SM-N900P using xda app-developers app

Astrongtower said:
Do you mind listing some of the few things it fixed for you?
I am reading a lot of threads saying that the new battery life is horrible.
I did manage to disable the update notification. Deleted the update file and renamed certain apk's. So if I never upgrade I guess I will be permanently on this os.
Is there a security risk or any other problems that arise from staying on an older os? Like cell reception or better working updates?
Thanks for answering my prior question about the root.
Sent from my SM-N900P using xda app-developers app
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Well maybe someone else can chime in on some things they noticed also, but for me I was on Mj4 maybe 3 or 4 days till I updated. For me bluetooth got wayyyyy better on Mj4 when i would get in my vehicle bluetooth media wouldn't stream without skipping every ten to fifteen seconds. Nab modem I get faster speeds and stronger signal(but this will vary on location of the end user) I get great battery life(this depends on what rom you are using. I use Sacs Kitkat rom and I get great battery life) I stream audio probably 2 hours out of a day.....Wifi always on...bluetooth always on.....constantly searching etc I would say I'm probably a semi heavy user and at the end of the day I don't think I've ever been under 50% battery left at the end of the night. And that's my phone unplugging say 8am till 11pm or so.

Astrongtower said:
Do you mind listing some of the few things it fixed for you?
I am reading a lot of threads saying that the new battery life is horrible.
I did manage to disable the update notification. Deleted the update file and renamed certain apk's. So if I never upgrade I guess I will be permanently on this os.
Is there a security risk or any other problems that arise from staying on an older os? Like cell reception or better working updates?
Thanks for answering my prior question about the root.
Sent from my SM-N900P using xda app-developers app
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You are using a Custom ROM. That probably explains why you enjoy it so much.
I think it is the stock 4.4.2 Kik Kat that has the horrible batttery life.
So far I am enjoying stock 4.3 with basic root and disable notifocatons on the update.
Do I get the same cell phone reception when I stay on 4.3 or do I need to upgrade to 4.4.2 to get better reception and security?
You know, is it like updating windows and you get security updates and stuff or is it strickly that they just want to limit people from rooting by making it harder.
Sent from my SM-N900P using xda app-developers app

Astrongtower said:
You are using a Custom ROM. That probably explains why you enjoy it so much.
I think it is the stock 4.4.2 Kik Kat that has the horrible batttery life.
So far I am enjoying stock 4.3 with basic root and disable notifocatons on the update.
Do I get the same cell phone reception when I stay on 4.3 or do I need to upgrade to 4.4.2 to get better reception and security?
You know, is it like updating windows and you get security updates and stuff or is it strickly that they just want to limit people from rooting by making it harder.
Sent from my SM-N900P using xda app-developers app
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Of course I'm running a custom ROM, that's the main purpose of rooting for me. I don't ever stay stock, I've never had good battery life on stock with any phone.
Sent from my SM-N900P using Tapatalk

Do you know anything about cell phone reception and security updates vs sticking with older roms or custom roms vs staying with latest factory update ROM OTA?
Just wondering if there is truly a benefit of sticking with pure stock and latest updates OTA even if you decided to deal with the negatives.
Sent from my SM-N900P using xda app-developers app

Astrongtower said:
Do you know anything about cell phone reception and security updates vs sticking with older roms or custom roms vs staying with latest factory update ROM OTA?
Just wondering if there is truly a benefit of sticking with pure stock and latest updates OTA even if you decided to deal with the negatives.
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Well...alot of the times custom roms you are going to have all the latest security updates etc just as same as the stock ota. They are built from the base of the ota and then modified. Data speeds usually have a bit of increase because of different tweaks and such. The biggest problem with stock is all the Carrier stuff it adds in....same with knox added in.....all that stuff running in the background adds to battery drain. If I were you I would try flash a custom rom like Sacs.....then try it for a couple can always go back to a stock rom.
Nvm forgot you didn't want to trip knox, so custom rom is pretty much out the question for you.

MrWicked1 said:
Well maybe someone else can chime in on some things they noticed also, but for me I was on Mj4 maybe 3 or 4 days till I updated. For me bluetooth got wayyyyy better on Mj4 when i would get in my vehicle bluetooth media wouldn't stream without skipping every ten to fifteen seconds. Nab modem I get faster speeds and stronger signal(but this will vary on location of the end user) I get great battery life(this depends on what rom you are using. I use Sacs Kitkat rom and I get great battery life) I stream audio probably 2 hours out of a day.....Wifi always on...bluetooth always on.....constantly searching etc I would say I'm probably a semi heavy user and at the end of the day I don't think I've ever been under 50% battery left at the end of the night. And that's my phone unplugging say 8am till 11pm or so.
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Can you tell us what modem you are using that gives you faster speeds and stronger signal? I was on both stock and multiple custom ROMs of MJ4 and I got way better signal strength and speeds than I do with NAB, and I'm running Sacs NAB ROM. I haven't flashed any other mod either, it's just Sacs. I was thinking of doing Carbon's AOSP ROM and seeing if I can get stock samsung apps (like camera, TW, just the basics, no bloatware) to work. I just personally like TW and like the features that the camera has (even though I've never, even out of the box, been able to get drama to work). I love the speed of AOSP and the minimal disk footprint, I just prefer some, SOME, of the samsung apps. But my main pain point right now with any NAB (4.4.2) ROM, stock or custom, is my signal got worse. Yes, I work on the Sprint campus so of course my nation wide clear coverage is non-existent (I'm lucky to get two bars of 3G, much less the LTE speed that Verizon or AT&T users ON THE SPRINT CAMPUS get to enjoy, sprint fail, I digress). Anywho, at home when I was on MJ4, I was getting download speeds of 15 Mb and upload speeds of around 6 Mb. Now with NAB I'm getting 5 Mb download speeds and 7.5 Mb upload speeds! Tell me how that works??? Maybe that's why battery life is so good for me, because I'm not connecting to the network so it's not using battery to communicate. I doubt it, but it sounded good at the time. So if you have a modem that you can point me to so I can flash it to get the better signal and speed, I'd be really appreciative.

droidcruzer said:
Can you tell us what modem you are using that gives you faster speeds and stronger signal? I was on both stock and multiple custom ROMs of MJ4 and I got way better signal strength and speeds than I do with NAB, and I'm running Sacs NAB ROM. I haven't flashed any other mod either, it's just Sacs. I was thinking of doing Carbon's AOSP ROM and seeing if I can get stock samsung apps (like camera, TW, just the basics, no bloatware) to work. I just personally like TW and like the features that the camera has (even though I've never, even out of the box, been able to get drama to work). I love the speed of AOSP and the minimal disk footprint, I just prefer some, SOME, of the samsung apps. But my main pain point right now with any NAB (4.4.2) ROM, stock or custom, is my signal got worse. Yes, I work on the Sprint campus so of course my nation wide clear coverage is non-existent (I'm lucky to get two bars of 3G, much less the LTE speed that Verizon or AT&T users ON THE SPRINT CAMPUS get to enjoy, sprint fail, I digress). Anywho, at home when I was on MJ4, I was getting download speeds of 15 Mb and upload speeds of around 6 Mb. Now with NAB I'm getting 5 Mb download speeds and 7.5 Mb upload speeds! Tell me how that works??? Maybe that's why battery life is so good for me, because I'm not connecting to the network so it's not using battery to communicate. I doubt it, but it sounded good at the time. So if you have a modem that you can point me to so I can flash it to get the better signal and speed, I'd be really appreciative.
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Unfortunately I don't have a answer for you I'm on the NAB modem also, one thing I just wanted to throw out there is modems always vary on location. And for some reason we don't have any modem options like previous phones I had the S4...Epic 4g touch....all had different modems with different releases so we were always able to flash different ones to find out works best for each individual. The only thing I would say to try is check make sure you have the latest prl.

MrWicked1 said:
Unfortunately I don't have a answer for you I'm on the NAB modem also, one thing I just wanted to throw out there is modems always vary on location. And for some reason we don't have any modem options like previous phones I had the S4...Epic 4g touch....all had different modems with different releases so we were always able to flash different ones to find out works best for each individual. The only thing I would say to try is check make sure you have the latest prl.
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I do agree that different locations cause different results. My thought though is that my phone would be hitting the same radio towers as before. I don't think there has been an update to the tower radios, meaning LTE is LTE. What leads me to think it's not the towers is when I was on MJ4, I got great signal and then right after I flashed I immediately saw the degradation, I'm pretty confident that no hardware changes happened within that 10 minutes. Updating the PRL would just wipe out my phone's "favorite" towers. So it would force my phone to "re-authenticate" to the same towers that I already hit while on MJ4. That's my thoughts though, I could be totally wrong as I don't fully understand what all goes in to the phone radio communicating with the towers, I only know what hardware changes are or are not happening with the network.

droidcruzer said:
I do agree that different locations cause different results. My thought though is that my phone would be hitting the same radio towers as before. I don't think there has been an update to the tower radios, meaning LTE is LTE. What leads me to think it's not the towers is when I was on MJ4, I got great signal and then right after I flashed I immediately saw the degradation, I'm pretty confident that no hardware changes happened within that 10 minutes. Updating the PRL would just wipe out my phone's "favorite" towers. So it would force my phone to "re-authenticate" to the same towers that I already hit while on MJ4. That's my thoughts though, I could be totally wrong as I don't fully understand what all goes in to the phone radio communicating with the towers, I only know what hardware changes are or are not happening with the network.
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You are probably right, sounds logical I don't personally know either. All I could do is give you what my next option would be I don't really know what else to say. But I definitely agree with you.

MrWicked1 said:
You are probably right, sounds logical I don't personally know either. All I could do is give you what my next option would be I don't really know what else to say. But I definitely agree with you.
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Oh I appreciate any and all help. Even in stating what you did you may have said something that triggered a thought process that I haven't explored yet. So never be afraid to "state the obvious" (for lack of a better term) to me. I'll never take it as a negative. Hell, there will also be times that I haven't tried the obvious just because my brain is searching for a more complex solution when it could be as easy as "did you turn on WiFi?" lol

droidcruzer said:
Oh I appreciate any and all help. Even in stating what you did you may have said something that triggered a thought process that I haven't explored yet. So never be afraid to "state the obvious" (for lack of a better term) to me. I'll never take it as a negative. Hell, there will also be times that I haven't tried the obvious just because my brain is searching for a more complex solution when it could be as easy as "did you turn on WiFi?" lol
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I've been there done that lol


New radio... Worth the effort?

So those of you who received the OTA update...
Have you noticed any improvements related to the radio? Things like battery life and signal strength/holding.
I am wondering if I should take the time to re-lock and RUU for the radio update.
It would be so much easier if we had a way to flash the radio. Even a round about way would be nice.
I will try to keep up with this, and keep this post updated with the general consensus. It will be easier than reading through all the different threads.
Most are reporting that the new radio is a significant improvement. At worst, a few say that they see no improvement, but that it isn't hurting anything either.
I was wondering this myself. Also won't thus update your main version making it a pain to flash a different kernel
sent from my newly unlocked Rezound
Anyone Worried About mainver Issues, Just Extract The boot.img From The ROM And Flash It In Fastboot. Doesn't Matter What mainver You Have.
Flash The boot.img First So If The ROM Automatically Goes To The Bootloader You Can Select Reboot And Not hboot.
Stocked and updated. Last night my battery was very impressive. I probably average 6.5 hours on my battery since I got the phone and last night I hit 8.5 with 45% left. I did use it less than normal since I was busy but I've never come close to that even with the extended battery. I'll be out again today and will be away from a charger for a good 12 hours so we'll see. Oh
I did shut down 4G, but I do work outside of the 4G network so my battery life comparison still holds water. Other than the 4G being turned off, my phone is set on Auto brightness. Everything else is running at the highest level.
KORM via the beast known as the Rezound.
Marine6680 said:
So those of you who received the OTA update...
Have you noticed any improvements related to the radio? Things like battery life and signal strength/holding.
I am wondering if I should take the time to re-lock and RUU for the radio update.
It would be so much easier if we had a way to flash the radio. Even a round about way would be nice.
I will try to keep up with this, and keep this post updated with the general consensus. It will be easier than reading through all the different threads.
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Honestly, I am in a 3G only area and haven't noticed any difference with my signal strength. I live rural and at home only get 1-2 signal bars with db about -83 to -91 which is about what I had before.
In the nearest city, I get 5 full bars and db is about -53 , but never really looked at it before. I always had 4 full bars in the city though so that is the same. Haven't noticed a big diff with 3G either, I never lose it anyway so can't tell. Maybe when I travel more when the Weather warms up I will notice on my trips farther into the rural areas.
Wasn't really that big of a deal to go through the process and I just looked at it as practice if I ever have to RUU again.
I relocked and flashed the Firmware update and the first thing I noticed was how much louder it was speaking to someone on the phone. I actually had to turn the volume down a bit. I'm hoping this sound also translates to the speaker.
It's honestly a fairly easy process..took me like 20 minutes to do.
As For The Signal Strength Difference YES It Is Much Better. I Used To Have -75 -80dBm And Now It's Up To -65 -70dBm.
Marine6680 said:
So those of you who received the OTA update...
Have you noticed any improvements related to the radio? Things like battery life and signal strength/holding.
I am wondering if I should take the time to re-lock and RUU for the radio update.
It would be so much easier if we had a way to flash the radio. Even a round about way would be nice.
I will try to keep up with this, and keep this post updated with the general consensus. It will be easier than reading through all the different threads.[/QUOT
The new radio gives me a stronger signal at home and my calls sound a lot better now with the new radio.
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I'm definitely seeing better signal strength. It was prety good before but I'm getting strong 4g in some places where it had been spotty, so the radio is an improvement.
Not sure about the battery life yet. It seems about the same. I'm sitting at about 40% after 12hrs 40mins right now, but that's with 4g turned off most of the time and using juice defender. Not heavy usage at all-couple of phone calls, bunch of texts, some web stuff, words with friends and streamed a few songs (again, 4g off most of the time cuz none of that stuff needs it).
The five signal bars looks nice, but really doesn't affect anything important.
Overall happy with the update. Haven't unlocked/rooted yet so there weren't any hoops to jump through. Was waiting for S-Off but will probably go ahead and root soon because the bloatware is bugging me!
Sent from my ADR6425LVW using XDA App
Plus it has fixed the audio hissing/whining!
Sent from my ADR6425LVW using XDA App
Am I the only one who updated the OTA on an unlocked bootloader? I didn't lock, update, unlock and I haven't noticed any issues.
At home I always had poor reception with my HTC inc only getting 1-2 bars at most and I returned a Galaxy Nexus since I was only getting 1 bar of 3g/4g. The Rezound however is 3 out of 5 and about -86 dBm. I know VZ likes to change the signal bars over time but at least its not flip flopping like the GN was doing.
So I have had the updated ota (hboot, radio, etc) since yesterday.
Fiancee drug me to the mall like usual today. Before the update I was unhappy with the Rezound for it did not get signal where my old HTC Incredible did. I spent many a shopping trip with no signal at all, and resorting to watching a movie while she did the changing room shuffle.
Well now after the OTA, I had signal throughout the entire mall, including 4g, in the exact same places as the Incredible did. This mall plays hell on signal (like im sure alot of big malls do.)
Just my .02
So it seems the radio is better at holding signal.
The real question... do I want to get the new hboot or not... New hboot means that s=off is even less likely.
Not too much of an issue with Dev unlock, but still prefered.
joblabbo said:
Am I the only one who updated the OTA on an unlocked bootloader? I didn't lock, update, unlock and I haven't noticed any issues.
At home I always had poor reception with my HTC inc only getting 1-2 bars at most and I returned a Galaxy Nexus since I was only getting 1 bar of 3g/4g. The Rezound however is 3 out of 5 and about -86 dBm. I know VZ likes to change the signal bars over time but at least its not flip flopping like the GN was doing.
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That's how I did it as well. It downloaded and everything. Unless it just didn't apply.
Nah, I had an unlocked bootloader as well. OTA went through just fine. It didn't care. Only issue I had was the frozen apps had to be restored before it would install.
joblabbo said:
Am I the only one who updated the OTA on an unlocked bootloader? I didn't lock, update, unlock and I haven't noticed any issues.
At home I always had poor reception with my HTC inc only getting 1-2 bars at most and I returned a Galaxy Nexus since I was only getting 1 bar of 3g/4g. The Rezound however is 3 out of 5 and about -86 dBm. I know VZ likes to change the signal bars over time but at least its not flip flopping like the GN was doing.
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Same here with the galaxy nexus, had to take it back because of the ridiculous signal flip flopping. After the radio update, I haven't noticed a difference yet, and I haven't placed any phone calls either to check the clarity. I live in a pretty strong signal area, but my signal is weak at work, going from 4g to 3g a lot. It'll get the real test tomorrow at work. Hope it's better.
joblabbo said:
Am I the only one who updated the OTA on an unlocked bootloader? I didn't lock, update, unlock and I haven't noticed any issues.
At home I always had poor reception with my HTC inc only getting 1-2 bars at most and I returned a Galaxy Nexus since I was only getting 1 bar of 3g/4g. The Rezound however is 3 out of 5 and about -86 dBm. I know VZ likes to change the signal bars over time but at least its not flip flopping like the GN was doing.
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No sir! I was unlocked, bone stock perma rooted and I flashed the stock recovery and accepted the update. I lost root but remained unlocked. I pushed Amon back on and flashed su in recovery and I'm good.
I did try to flash Tachi's ICS and I got the mainversion issue. I got back to my stock gb. What's the best way to go about fixing that so I can flash other roms?
Sent from my ADR6425LVW using Tapatalk
majorhunadadun said:
No sir! I was unlocked, bone stock perma rooted and I flashed the stock recovery and accepted the update. I lost root but remained unlocked. I pushed Amon back on and flashed su in recovery and I'm good.
I did try to flash Tachi's ICS and I got the mainversion issue. I got back to my stock gb. What's the best way to go about fixing that so I can flash other roms?
Sent from my ADR6425LVW using Tapatalk
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There are ways around the updated MainVer... Scotts cleanROM is updated with the new MainVer so it will flash fine.
tynman11 said:
Plus it has fixed the audio hissing/whining!
Sent from my ADR6425LVW using XDA App
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What hissing/whining?
---------- Post added at 09:03 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:55 AM ----------
I did try to flash Tachi's ICS and I got the mainversion issue. I got back to my stock gb. What's the best way to go about fixing that so I can flash other roms?
Sent from my ADR6425LVW using Tapatalk[/QUOTE]
You can download the android-info.txt file in the developer section and place that in the file of the ROM you want to install (/kernel directory)... or you can take the boot.img from that zip file in the /kernel/ directory of that ROM and flash it in fastboot.. via:
ensure usb debugging mode is enabled/and have the boot.img/fastboot.exe in the same directory... open cmd prompt. cd to that directory. then type:
adb reboot bootloader
fastboot flash boot boot.img
then flash the rom in recovery.
a few more steps... or you could read the guide on hex-editing some file to change the version back to the old one ( i haven't tried this. others have and they've been successful)
Good luck.
The one from this thread:

[Info] Radio problems - FIX

.... will not be anything that is resolved here. It is a problem with the firmware for ICS.
I was talking to somebody at sprint today while I was there and showing them my device and asking if there will be any issues caused by having a virgin mobile ROM on the device. The lady explained to me that they are exactly the same, get the same reception, same update packages, and work on the same network, etc., etc.... All of this was known to me to some extent, but wanted to hear it from somebody at the company... and told me that the only problem they are having is with ICS in general is that there have been data/radio issues with the Galaxy Nexus line as well ever since it released on their network a few weeks ago.
Furthermore, she explained that this was a known bug/issue and that she knew for a fact that an update would be coming with a fix and that it was being worked on right now.
The reason I wanted to share this was because I have seen a lot of misinformation floating around about 1.) having a virgin mobile ROM on your device and 2.) virgin mobile ROM causing data issues - which is not the cause of the issue as I mentioned just now.
Just want you all to be aware of this in case you were thinking having this software and firmware on your device would cause any issues with your billing, your contract, etc. Simply put - it will not. Virgin mobile is owned by sprint, they run on the same towers, same network, and info of accounts is stored in the same place. You could literally walk into a sprint store to pay your bill for your virgin mobile account.
All is well. All is safe. An update will come to fix the data issues, keep your eyes peeled for it folks. We are not given source code for radios, etc., so unfortunately that needs to be fixed on the carrier/manufacturer end - and as I said, it will be fixed and they are working on it. Sit tight.
Hope this cleared up any misconception floating around.
So, you don't really know how to fix it then? Forgive me for being a little confused, but your title is slightly misleading.
Oh man, you have no idea how much I was freaking out about the billing. Thanks man. (Y)
xHausx said:
So, you're don't really know how to fix it then? Forgive me for being a little confused, but you say there is a problem with the firmware and then say that there is nothing wrong with it?
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yeah, i can see the confusion there....
re-worded, i would say it appeared to me that people thought there were data issues because of being on a virgin mobile ROM. The point I am trying to express is that the problem is the firmware, not because the ROM is for the virgin mobile 3D - if this same firmware was released for "official sprint RUU" where your banner said "sprint" they would still be having the same issues. Ex.: the lady at sprint said the galaxy nexus was having the same issue.
If that makes sense.
If not, not sure how else I can explain it.
It seemed people were crediting the problem to the fact that there device is attached to virgin mobile - this is not the case.
EDIT*** lol, nice ninja edit haus - you gotta be quicker than that roffle
xHausx said:
So, you don't really know how to fix it then? Forgive me for being a little confused, but your title is slightly misleading.
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I thought it was the ROM side that is giving the PRL/Data roaming and all the other network problems. Not the firmware. I say this because people have posted that they flashed the firmware, flashed the VM ICS ROM. Then went back to a GB ROM (MeanROM, MIUI, etc) and they had everything working, even though they were on the leaked firmware. But if you flashed that firmware, chad and another dev found a fix, they are going to release it sometime soon.
Punk9 said:
I thought it was the ROM side that is giving the PRL/Data roaming and all the other network problems. Not the firmware. I say this because people have posted that they flashed the firmware, flashed the VM ICS ROM. Then went back to a GB ROM (MeanROM, MIUI, etc) and they had everything working, even though they were on the leaked firmware. But if you flashed that firmware, chad and another dev found a fix, they are going to release it sometime soon.
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after half a day of having flashing back they determined the problem to be gone??
the issues being caused by the firmware are not constant, and apparently are rather random from what I have read. a perfect example is my own device... no issues with new firmware until today (day 3) of having it, even tho many people reported issues after just a couple of hours.
I'll talk with chad and see what he is cooking up... I havent talked to him a whole lot this weekend.
sent from ICEvo
I've been saying that the roaming problem (if it truly exists outside of people's self affirming observations) only exists on this ROM due to ICS and the lack of roaming options on the rom itself. The radios do nothing to mess up roaming. This is all due to it being a TEST rom that we flashed. It's absurd to think that there is a perfectly functional rom sitting around with no bugs if the only leak we can get is a Virgin Mobile version. We have a beta rom and beta radios, and we should realize that's what we signed up for when we flashed it in the first place.
retnuh730 said:
I've been saying that the roaming problem (if it truly exists outside of people's self affirming observations) only exists on this ROM due to ICS and the lack of roaming options on the rom itself. The radios do nothing to mess up roaming. This is all due to it being a TEST rom that we flashed. It's absurd to think that there is a perfectly functional rom sitting around with no bugs if the only leak we can get is a Virgin Mobile version. We have a beta rom and beta radios, and we should realize that's what we signed up for when we flashed it in the first place.
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this is true... but again, what is your explanation of the galaxy nexus having the same issue, and the fact that a sprint rep was entirely aware of the issue and that is was being worked on and would come in an update?
and surprise, but any new technology is "beta" ..... whether it is an official release or not. it is the price you pay for cutting edge technology.
sent from ICEvo
So in essence this means that the firmware in the new radio update, which is necessary/part of ics to run on phones is the heart of the data, sms, etc. issues people are having?
There are some differences between how the ROM interacts with the both radios but so far it looks like everything can still be made to work.
If you're having issues with roaming try opening up the build.prop and change '' to '', and then use setprop to reset it. I haven't been able to test it yet but I'm fairly certain that will bring back roaming.
raptoro07 said:
So in essence this means that the firmware in the new radio update, which is necessary/part of ics to run on phones is the heart of the data, sms, etc. issues people are having?
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from what the lady explained to me, yes it is... intermittent data loss is a bug within the new firmware for ICS
my point here is that it has nothing to do with your ROM being intended for a virgin mobile 3D. it is because of a bug within the firmware for the radios.
as i said, sprint rep explained this to me, and seemed very confident in the way she explained it - confirming it as a known issue, and also knowing that it would be fixed soon because it was being worked on and said it would be serviced as a firmware update.
sent from ICEvo
You think a sprint tech in the store is an authority !!
For one thing, many may not care, you lose VPN capabilities. Which I need and want and has nothing to do with ICS. Flashed back to GingerBread an it's still gone.
You may also lose the ability to properly update the PRI when new ones come out with official ICS.
It is not just a banner issue.
I'm not in a roaming area to confirm roaming issues but I believe folks when they say they can no longer roam on th 3G. I never touched my default roaming settings and it always worked fine. You may be right that roaming is only ICS issue. But it smells like it's way more than that by folks reports. And quite believable given the phone half believes it's on Virgin Mobile.
It is the PRI which manages routing that is not correct. And different folks will get different issues depending on their location.
I don't think chad and friends would be working so hard to fix it if it was such minor issue and I trust them more than some sprint sales person.
Like was stated above. There are two kinds of people. Those with issues and those with no issues, YET !!
And please FIX the broken subject.
This all reeks of a panic due to us not understanding the new tech in the build we have. These issues may be a side effect of the ICS ROM or could just be issues with the way ICS interacts with the radios. The only information we have is hearsay, and people tend to overestimate effects of things when they don't know what they're looking for.
We get what we deserve for flashing beta radios and a beta rom, tbh. We accepted any possible problems by flashing these and we have nobody to blame but ourselves for not researching first.
"issues" is a vague word. whats to say a person's issue is due to ICS, the radios, or anything else in particular?
The new radios made me gain 20 pounds. There's no information showing that the radios did or didn't cause this. Yet here we are proverbially attributing all these issues to one thing or the other, when in reality WE DO NOT KNOW what is causing these problems.
retnuh730 said:
This all reeks of a panic due to us not understanding the new tech in the build we have. These issues may be a side effect of the ICS ROM or could just be issues with the way ICS interacts with the radios. The only information we have is hearsay, and people tend to overestimate effects of things when they don't know what they're looking for.
We get what we deserve for flashing beta radios and a beta rom, tbh. We accepted any possible problems by flashing these and we have nobody to blame but ourselves for not researching first.
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People here are not stupid. Most do backups before they try something.
I restored a backup and lost capabilities I had.
I reflashed every every sprint RUU, Reflash Hboot 1.40, restored back up and things are not the same.
If you flashed that freeza patch your phone has it's feet in both Sprint and Virgin Mobile and it's not good.
Yes, we know we screwed up. And some of us would like it fixed before we get more surprises of what does not work correctly.
xHausx said:
There are some differences between how the ROM interacts with the both radios but so far it looks like everything can still be made to work.
If you're having issues with roaming try opening up the build.prop and change '' to '', and then use setprop to reset it. I haven't been able to test it yet but I'm fairly certain that will bring back roaming.
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What is the "setprop" an ADB command? Do you have to use it. I edited the build.prop how you said reset the phone and nothing changed. I am roaming and cannot connect to data. My phone's data works fine when in a coverage area, but obviously not when roaming. I never did any kind of firmware update. Hope that helps.
retnuh730 said:
I've been saying that the roaming problem (if it truly exists outside of people's self affirming observations) only exists on this ROM due to ICS and the lack of roaming options on the rom itself. The radios do nothing to mess up roaming. This is all due to it being a TEST rom that we flashed. It's absurd to think that there is a perfectly functional rom sitting around with no bugs if the only leak we can get is a Virgin Mobile version. We have a beta rom and beta radios, and we should realize that's what we signed up for when we flashed it in the first place.
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This leak isn't a beta, its release keys...
sent from my nocturnaled ics 3vo
powduh09 said:
This leak isn't a beta, its release keys...
sent from my nocturnaled ics 3vo
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+1 this is a direct pull of the ruu for the upcoming vm evo 3d
Sent from my PG86100 using Tapatalk 2
to anyone that hasn't seen it already, if you flashed this firmware, chad is working on a fix over that this thread
xHausx said:
There are some differences between how the ROM interacts with the both radios but so far it looks like everything can still be made to work.
If you're having issues with roaming try opening up the build.prop and change '' to '', and then use setprop to reset it. I haven't been able to test it yet but I'm fairly certain that will bring back roaming.
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successfully implemented this. Hope this solves the no roaming issue. Thanks
Visionikz03 said:
successfully implemented this. Hope this solves the no roaming issue. Thanks
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How were you able to do this? I'm trying to research a little on setprop.....but still not fully understanding it
Sent from my PG86100 using xda premium

Please helpppp.. ICS is ruining my Note experience. I hate my phone right now.

Alright so I've never rooted my phone or done anything fancy with it as far as that goes. Recently the ICS update was released and I didn't update right away, wasn't sure how bad it would mess up my current settings etc. After reading that it retained all my settings and functionality I decided to upgrade. Ok so first off I can't Tether anymore and my portable wifi hotspot does not work either, I'm on Rogers and in Canada, never heard of 'tethering plans' such as other people refer to with AT&T. I have my 4g enabled, can retrieve internet access, and as soon as I turn on my portable hotspot my phone is unable to access the 4g anymore, It enables a wifi hotspot but anything that connects to it gets limited connectivity and can't access the internet either. It's like the phone just shuts it off automatically. I used to use this all the time and was one of my favorite features about my phone.. If I'm unable to use this I don't even want the data plan that I currently have, the data plan I decided on DUE to this feature.. So I'm gonna be pretty pissed off if this amazing little update is trying to force me to pay for something that I already pay extra to utilize properly.
I could be wrong here but I'm pretty damn sure that the battery life has dropped by close to 20% I can watch the percentage go down while I'm doing stuff and it seems to be losing life a lot quicker now, and I noticed that after the first day of using ICS. The resolution on the unlock screen seems to be botched, It's very squished... My old version never did this, and it's kind of annoying for my background images and having the clock looking out of whack.
I'm not sure what to do, there doesn't seem to be an update and as far as I know the update has been out for awhile now, why hasn't this stuff been fixed, who can I make official complaints to as far as Samsung or Rogers goes? I've checked these forums a bit and people seem to be having a lot of issues, some similar to mine some not, some I may have just had the luck to avoid so far. Is factory reset the only real option to fix things, and will that even help my tethering issues?
Also things like browsing through Facebook can eat up 5% of my battery in five or ten minutes... I know for sure that it never used to do that. I don't get why the battery life would be effected so drastically, but even when It's just sitting around while I sleep I lose a higher % of battery life than I did before... I've browsed through various threads but there doesn't seem to be many options, is anyone able to respond to the issues I'm having?
Flash a custom ROM. It's easy, and the experience is much better. There are guides in the stickies on everything you need to do.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I717 using Tapatalk 2
Like he said above me, flashing a custom rom would fix your problems. I'd recommend CM9 ICS. It's pretty stable and my favorite so far. Downside is you lose S-Pen functionality.
Hysterics said:
Alright so I've never rooted my phone or done anything fancy with it as far as that goes. Recently the ICS update was released and I didn't update right away, wasn't sure how bad it would mess up my current settings etc. After reading that it retained all my settings and functionality I decided to upgrade. Ok so first off I can't Tether anymore and my portable wifi hotspot does not work either, I'm on Rogers and in Canada, never heard of 'tethering plans' such as other people refer to with AT&T. I have my 4g enabled, can retrieve internet access, and as soon as I turn on my portable hotspot my phone is unable to access the 4g anymore, It enables a wifi hotspot but anything that connects to it gets limited connectivity and can't access the internet either. It's like the phone just shuts it off automatically. I used to use this all the time and was one of my favorite features about my phone.. If I'm unable to use this I don't even want the data plan that I currently have, the data plan I decided on DUE to this feature.. So I'm gonna be pretty pissed off if this amazing little update is trying to force me to pay for something that I already pay extra to utilize properly.
I could be wrong here but I'm pretty damn sure that the battery life has dropped by close to 20% I can watch the percentage go down while I'm doing stuff and it seems to be losing life a lot quicker now, and I noticed that after the first day of using ICS. The resolution on the unlock screen seems to be botched, It's very squished... My old version never did this, and it's kind of annoying for my background images and having the clock looking out of whack.
I'm not sure what to do, there doesn't seem to be an update and as far as I know the update has been out for awhile now, why hasn't this stuff been fixed, who can I make official complaints to as far as Samsung or Rogers goes? I've checked these forums a bit and people seem to be having a lot of issues, some similar to mine some not, some I may have just had the luck to avoid so far. Is factory reset the only real option to fix things, and will that even help my tethering issues?
Also things like browsing through Facebook can eat up 5% of my battery in five or ten minutes... I know for sure that it never used to do that. I don't get why the battery life would be effected so drastically, but even when It's just sitting around while I sleep I lose a higher % of battery life than I did before... I've browsed through various threads but there doesn't seem to be many options, is anyone able to respond to the issues I'm having?
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I had the same problem and found two possible solutions:
1- I installed foxfi and i was able to use the wifi hotspot. I still wasn't able to access the native wifi hotspot functionality on the phone, but foxfi did the same thing so no big deal.
2- factory reset. this option is a little radical, but as has been explained elsewhere on this forum, the upgrade doesn't clear some configurations that remain from the GB ROM and those conflict with things like wifi hotspot and cardock and several other things.
I had to eventually do the factory reset. It was a nuisance because i had to reinstall everything, but now my phone works great and I can access all the native functionality.
You could also flash a custom ROM, but I have done it and while they are faster and sexier than the STOK ROM you always have to give up some functionality and they always have some bugs, and once you start flashing custom ROMs you can get OFD and we may lose you forever... (I had it from my windows mobile days and I would flash a new ROM sometimes more than once per day)..
Root (flash cwm with Odin), do a factory reset, and then flash the rooted/deodexed version of the UCLF6 stock rom. You won't lose ANY functionality, and your phone will be quick as hell again -- or even faster.
Like paleh0rse state...
Here is the thread with all the listing for stock LF6; tools that may be required. Along with all the ROMs.
If you gonna flash a rooted/deodexed version of the UCLF6 stock ROM, no need to root before hand, just put CWM on and flash away.
Foxfi worked for me. But it doesn't connect right away to the Internet, had to inniate a browser then it connected.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I717 using xda premium
XDA is no longer worth my time.
Factory reset fixed it for me.
TimOster; I did not use Klies, I am with Rogers so I assume it was one of their Roms, It was a wireless download but through my homes Wifi I believe. And I don't really think I did it manually, I got an update message on my phone one day didn't even realize it was ICS at first, but of course it gave me lots of warnings and obviously realized what it was before doing it, but I wasn't expecting this lol, I wish I had checked it out online first I would have seen all the complaints and just stuck with the old version.
I'm thinking about trying a factory reset first, and if that doesn't fix things, mainly the battery issues, then I'll try a stock rom.
No one seems to mention anything about the battery usage though, am I the only one noticing this effect? :\
XDA is no longer worth my time.
paleh0rse said:
Root (flash cwm with Odin), do a factory reset, and then flash the rooted/deodexed version of the UCLF6 stock rom. You won't lose ANY functionality, and your phone will be quick as hell again -- or even faster.
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I'm the unofficial self-appointed president of the palehorse fan club, and I approve this message ....LOL
Got my vote!
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I717 using xda premium

Wifi Calling with Revolution HD?

Hi guys,
I have a T-Mobile HTC One and last night I unlocked, rooted, and flashed ARHD 30.0. I used to have the capability of Wifi calling, which T-Mobile offers for free. For those of you unfamiliar who may be familiar with a substitute, this feature allows users to call and text over Wifi, which is especially useful when service is unavailable.
Ever since I flashed the ROM, this feature doesn't show up in my settings. Does anyone know of a substitute that has the same or similar features? Also, does anyone know of the newest Revolution ROM that includes this capability? I'd like the newest possible ROM.
I believe when T mobile release 4.3 for the One the devs will be able to include wifi calling in their ROMs. I don't know of any alternatives. 4.3 is supposed to go out on Monday so it shouldn't too much longer...
Sent from my HTC One using xda app-developers app
OK great. So you think it should be available in the next couple of weeks? Does Mike make these ROMs specifically for different carriers or is it a one ROM fits all kind of thing?
Also, if I flash a newer ROM, do I lose all my data on my phone? And if so, is there a way to backup and restore everything including my apps and settings?
I'm pretty new to this. Thanks for your help.
If you're on 4.1.2 right on you're going to get some annoying problems when first updating.
You'll most likely just want to do a complete wipe of your entire phone. (backup what you need)
There is a adb command you can run, check the trickdroid website there's a tutorial.
If we get an update Monday, Wi-Fi calling should be added relatively quickly to the existing ROMs. Like a day or two.
Sent from my HTC One using Tapatalk
xxquicksh0txx said:
If you're on 4.1.2 right on you're going to get some annoying problems when first updating.
You'll most likely just want to do a complete wipe of your entire phone. (backup what you need)
There is a adb command you can run, check the trickdroid website there's a tutorial.
If we get an update Monday, Wi-Fi calling should be added relatively quickly to the existing ROMs. Like a day or two.
Sent from my HTC One using Tapatalk
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Ok great. Will the new Revolution HD ROM have a different version number? I just want to make sure I don't miss it. And when it is released, where will be the first place it will be announced? I'm very anxious to get my W-Fi calling back, since I have poor reception at school and work, but Wi-Fi is more readily available.
ez53436 said:
Ok great. Will the new Revolution HD ROM have a different version number? I just want to make sure I don't miss it. And when it is released, where will be the first place it will be announced? I'm very anxious to get my W-Fi calling back, since I have poor reception at school and work, but Wi-Fi is more readily available.
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FYI, Insertcoin 5.0-5 incorporated the latest T-Mo update, and now has working Wi-fi calling on T-Mobile. ARHD will likely upgrade soon too, but these roms are somewhat similar and Insertcoin runs great. Here's a link:
Hmm. I may have to try InsertCoin if Mike doesn't update his ROM. He just released a new version of ARHD (31.0) and it doesn't say anywhere that he's added WiFi calling. So I'm not sure if he is planning on doing it in the next couple of weeks or if he's just going to forget about it.
ez53436 said:
Hmm. I may have to try InsertCoin if Mike doesn't update his ROM. He just released a new version of ARHD (31.0) and it doesn't say anywhere that he's added WiFi calling. So I'm not sure if he is planning on doing it in the next couple of weeks or if he's just going to forget about it.
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I bit the bullet and tried insert coin, not too impressed compared to trickdroid although it's probably just due to my ignorance.
No back4menu baked in
Seems a bit sluggish compared to trickdroid, which was already noticibly slower than when I first flashed it months ago
Didn't remove all the bloat I asked it to
Didn't allow my play store apps to auto d/l (weird one - tried two flashes and no dice, tried a different 4.3 rom and all my apps came right back)
That said, it is 4.3 with wifi calling but I'm still rolling back to 4.1.2 for now and sending trickdroids guy 10$ on paypal with a note about wifi calling
BableMan said:
I bit the bullet and tried insert coin, not too impressed compared to trickdroid although it's probably just due to my ignorance.
No back4menu baked in
Seems a bit sluggish compared to trickdroid, which was already noticibly slower than when I first flashed it months ago
Didn't remove all the bloat I asked it to
Didn't allow my play store apps to auto d/l (weird one - tried two flashes and no dice, tried a different 4.3 rom and all my apps came right back)
That said, it is 4.3 with wifi calling but I'm still rolling back to 4.1.2 for now and sending trickdroids guy 10$ on paypal with a note about wifi calling
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There's a 4.3 Rom by beholdthis, I think, that has Wi-Fi calling and works perfectly well. And it's customizable with add-ons.
Sent from my HTC One using Tapatalk
BableMan said:
I bit the bullet and tried insert coin, not too impressed compared to trickdroid although it's probably just due to my ignorance.
No back4menu baked in
Seems a bit sluggish compared to trickdroid, which was already noticibly slower than when I first flashed it months ago
Didn't remove all the bloat I asked it to
Didn't allow my play store apps to auto d/l (weird one - tried two flashes and no dice, tried a different 4.3 rom and all my apps came right back)
That said, it is 4.3 with wifi calling but I'm still rolling back to 4.1.2 for now and sending trickdroids guy 10$ on paypal with a note about wifi calling
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Hmmm I came from Trickdroid, then ARHD and have stayed on Insertcoin; zero lag here and no problems auto downloading apps at all. Also Xposed mods work too. But, everyone has their rom preferences, so good luck!
Thanks for the suggestions everyone. behold_this's ROM looks promising, but I messaged mike and he said wifi calling "will come" so I think I'm going to hold off for a few more weeks and hopefully he'll have made the ROM by then.
:laugh: Good to know im actually looking for a rom with wifi calling since i dont have great coverage where i live. ill check the mentioned roms out, although was really interested on pacman rom
I will be keeping an eye out for this as well. I sent a PM to the developer for AR HD a day or so ago asking, but no response yet.
I'm no developer, but this seems like it would be pretty simple and quick to implement the WiFi calling feature from the stock T-Mobile ROM which came out almost three weeks ago. I'm really surprised it isn't out yet, especially as he seems to know that people are waiting for it. Then again, most of us aren't paying him for his work. I just don't know how much longer to wait... I seem to have terrible service and WiFi all the time.
mrDmola said:
I will be keeping an eye out for this as well. I sent a PM to the developer for AR HD a day or so ago asking, but no response yet.
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It's not as easy as you might think. To implement Wi-Fi calling into a rom the base HAS to be the tmobile base. It's not as easy as ripping an apk out.
Sent from my HTC One using xda app-developers app
blackangst said:
It's not as easy as you might think. To implement Wi-Fi calling into a rom the base HAS to be the tmobile base. It's not as easy as ripping an apk out.
Sent from my HTC One using xda app-developers app
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Um, is that exactly what we have now that the 4.3 update has been pushing HTC One Roms?
mrDmola said:
Um, is that exactly what we have now that the 4.3 update has been pushing HTC One Roms?
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Just because the 4.3 update has pushed out doesnt mean a dev is using it as the base. Some are, some arent.

many drop calls after 4.4 kk

Tons of drop calls after flashing to NAB. Then i tried Carbon Nightlies but did not use long enough to know if it has the same problem. Then have been on SACS kk ever since. It happens consistently with the Official NAB and SACS.
I do want to add that after deciding that I wanted to go back to 4.3, I attempted to flash back, several attempts, and several methods. I don't remember exactly what I flashed (months ago). I am beginning to second guess whether I might have flashed the wrong thing, maybe wrong radio or something.
If I post shots of my aboutPhone details, is it possible to identify what might be potentially causing this?
From my understanding you can not go back to 4.3 after flashing to NAB. It is odd that you are having these issues because I am running sacs and s5 port and I'm not having any issues what so ever. Post your about phone. Maybe someone can see from that. Gotta start somewhere.
Sent from my SM-G900P using Tapatalk
Yeah, shortly after I found out that it was irreversible. Here is AboutDevice.
Does anything look out of place?
my phone is also dropping calls now that im on NC5 kitkat. What gives? I know sprint is notorious for this kind of spotty service but c'mon, really?
Not saying sprint is the greatest, but maybe it's service upgrades in your area?
thats what they want you to think.. but really the "network vision upgrades" are already done in my area.
Im on the debloaded NC5 stockish rom. The problem started on stock
j00manji said:
thats what they want you to think.. but really the "network vision upgrades" are already done in my area.
Im on the debloaded NC5 stockish rom. The problem started on stock
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For comparison purposes try odining back to stock NC5 if problems persist try wipping data/factory reset in stock recovery and see if that helps? I am on NAB and I have no issues?
sorry, i should have mentioned that I was originally on stock NC5 (rooted) when the issue started. since then I began to care less. The droped calls started happening 3 days ago. I started flashing roms on to my phone yesterday lol
j00manji said:
sorry, i should have mentioned that I was originally on stock NC5 (rooted) when the issue started. since then I began to care less. The droped calls started happening 3 days ago. I started flashing roms on to my phone yesterday lol
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You can always try to use older Basebands/Modems. Some users have reported that the MJ4 or NAB basebands work better in their area than the NC5 ones.
You need to first install the Engineering Bootloader. Then you can use ODIN to flash the desired Baseband.
I'm o KitKat Killer 4 NC5 and only get about 2 dropped calls a day.. I'm willing to bet this is a tower issue, rather than a software issue..
topherk said:
You can always try to use older Basebands/Modems. Some users have reported that the MJ4 or NAB basebands work better in their area than the NC5 ones.
You need to first install the Engineering Bootloader. Then you can use ODIN to flash the desired Baseband.
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Thanks for the tip. Is it ok to use the MJ4 baseband while on NC5? I do want to try it since thats what the phone was shipped with and it worked fine out of the box for 2 days lol.
It's funny, I used to drop calls all the time in the same area. After the update I don't drop calls in that area, but now in 2 other areas every time, it's like clockwork. Usually when 4g signal is really low, amybe it's when it tries to switch to 3g it looses the call. IDK, my S4 never dropped calls and I travel the same routes to and from work.
j00manji said:
Thanks for the tip. Is it ok to use the MJ4 baseband while on NC5? I do want to try it since thats what the phone was shipped with and it worked fine out of the box for 2 days lol.
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As long as you flash the engineering boot loader as was mentioned, then yes.
Sent from my SM-N900P using Tapatalk

