3G always switching to 1x when it shouldn't be.. - Fascinate Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hi! I was wondering if anyone is experiencing this problem. I should be having full 3G all the time where I am right now, but my phone will sometimes switch to "1X" and then once i load something data it switches back to 3G, but just gets kind of annoying to see. It has loaded the 1X also, it doesn't always switch back to the 3G immediately.
This has been going on for a while, and I have done a ESN swap with another smartphone but it still does it.
Any ideas/suggestions?
Oh, and I am not sure if this has anything to do with anything, but sometimes when i reboot my phone my 3G icon just DOESN'T APPEAR AT ALL, so i have to power down and back up. Is this normal? I am on MIUI 1.7.29, and it has done it on other previous roms before. Just GETS ANNOYING.

Try to Turn Off The Phone. Then Leave It Off For 5minutes.
If That Doesn't Work Try To Do A Factory Reset Or Re-install Your Rom (If your using one)

Hate to say it, but I've had my phone since last November and it has always done this. The radio in our phones doesn't do such a good job of grabbing signal. I can have full bars 3G one second and no bars 1x the next. No combination of Roms/Kernels/Radios or ESN swaps have ever fixed this for me. I have just learned to accept it and deal with it. You can try to bring this up with Verizon and they might send you a new one, but it will likely have more problems. Sorry to be a downer but that's just how it is.

Zacisblack said:
Hate to say it, but I've had my phone since last November and it has always done this. The radio in our phones doesn't do such a good job of grabbing signal. I can have full bars 3G one second and no bars 1x the next. No combination of Roms/Kernels/Radios or ESN swaps have ever fixed this for me. I have just learned to accept it and deal with it. You can try to bring this up with Verizon and they might send you a new one, but it will likely have more problems. Sorry to be a downer but that's just how it is.
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This isn't the answer I wanted to hear, but it is a realistic one and I appreciate the honesty. I had a feeling that this is just something that is on our phones end.
Yeah these phones definitely aren't "perfect", i mean how could they be if they make a new one every 2 seconds,

Elluzion said:
This isn't the answer I wanted to hear, but it is a realistic one and I appreciate the honesty. I had a feeling that this is just something that is on our phones end.
Yeah these phones definitely aren't "perfect", i mean how could they be if they make a new one every 2 seconds,
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my recomendation is:
- flash the ec09 modem via odin( the ec09 modem is NOT the problem for borked sd cards)
- boot phone
-*228 option 2
Im currently running the powerwashed v1 rom, pbj novoodoo kernal, ec09 modem and I have not missed a call or had my data switch to 1x in almost 2 weeks now.

Zacisblack said:
Hate to say it, but I've had my phone since last November and it has always done this. The radio in our phones doesn't do such a good job of grabbing signal. I can have full bars 3G one second and no bars 1x the next. No combination of Roms/Kernels/Radios or ESN swaps have ever fixed this for me. I have just learned to accept it and deal with it. You can try to bring this up with Verizon and they might send you a new one, but it will likely have more problems. Sorry to be a downer but that's just how it is.
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Have you tried a ed05 rom, kernal, ec09 radio?

droidstyle said:
my recomendation is:
- flash the ec09 modem via odin( the ec09 modem is NOT the problem for borked sd cards)
- boot phone
-*228 option 2
Im currently running the powerwashed v1 rom, pbj novoodoo kernal, ec09 modem and I have not missed a call or had my data switch to 1x in almost 2 weeks now.
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I'm on miui with ed01 currently, would i just be able to flash the ec09 radio over that?
Sent from my I500 using XDA App

Elluzion said:
I'm on miui with ed01 currently, would i just be able to flash the ec09 radio over that?
Sent from my I500 using XDA App
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Thats what I did on powerWash, just flashed the ec09 over ed05 radio via odin.

droidstyle said:
Thats what I did on powerWash, just flashed the ec09 over ed05 radio via odin.
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So I flashed the EC09 radio that you recommended and did the *228 option 2 and it said successful, then I did a power down, power up, and my 3G disappeared;/ , so i powered down, powered up again and the 3G was back, so far it has been decent, but in my house I had the 1x locked for a good 30 seconds before switching back to 3G, on the ED01 radio it would normally switch back faster than that. so I don't think it worked :/,
any other options?? (or should I try to get Verizon to send me a new phone?)


Service problems

I posted this on the froshedyo page too.
For about a week now my fiance and I have noticed that our service has been getting really bad. We have verizon and usually have great service anywhere we go and where we live we have usually full service but lately its been going to no service and then back to kinda full and then full.
EWhat I was wondering is is it a rom thing or could it be that the baseband version we have is sprint so maybe that is causing the bad service or just verizon taking time switching over the towers to 4g.
We really love this rom and dont want to switch if we dont have to. What can we do to go back to the way our service was before? Thank you for any help
Sent from my FroShedYo V10-ERIS using Tapatalk
Have you noticed any difference in 3G speeds, call quality, or sending texts? It could be that the phone is doing it. Which radio did you put on? You can flash xtrSense and put what changes on the phone you need to on there. Just make a NAND backup in Amon_RA and you can go back to the way you want.
Sent from my Eris using XDA App
The speed seems fine it just drops the calls and picks them right back up once it gets service again. The radio we have is the one that came with the froshedyo v10 rom
Is flashing xtr sense the only way to fix it or can I fix it on the rom we have? Also would flashing a verizon radio make a difference. Thanks for the help so far.
labnjab said:
The speed seems fine it just drops the calls and picks them right back up once it gets service again. The radio we have is the one that came with the froshedyo v10 rom
Is flashing xtr sense the only way to fix it or can I fix it on the rom we have? Also would flashing a verizon radio make a difference. Thanks for the help so far.
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The dropped call issue is a 2.2 issue. It's not the rom or the radio. It's a known issue with all 2.2 Eris roms. Unfortunately no fix has been found for it yet.
Right I knew the dropped call issue is a froyo thing but the phone also goes in and out of service while just sitting there not even doing anything to the phone and it never did that with our stock 2.1. Maybe it is just verizon. I dunno.
labnjab said:
The speed seems fine it just drops the calls and picks them right back up once it gets service again. The radio we have is the one that came with the froshedyo v10 rom
Is flashing xtr sense the only way to fix it or can I fix it on the rom we have? Also would flashing a verizon radio make a difference. Thanks for the help so far.
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I just wanted to make sure you know that rooted ROMs usually don't include radios, and FroShedYo definitely doesn't. The reason is that screwing up a flash of a radio be pretty dangerous, so the rooted ROMs leave the radio alone.
Traditionally, once using a rooted ROM, the only way to get a new radio version is by manually flashing just the radio.
* Note that the purpose of this post has been for educational purposes only. Any use other than for that which it was intended will result in me complaining to my girlfriend, who is larger than I am, and will kick your a**. j/k

[Q] Odd Problem...Possibly Sim Related?

I recently switched radios and went to 2.0 and installed the BAMF sense 3.0 rom. All was okay, wifi wasn't working so I switched to a different BAMF gingerbread rom and noticed 3g wasn't working.
Then I switched back to my old configuration, factory rom and radio so I could diagnose what my issue was. I saw fixes online posted when eHPRD was down to dial ##778# enter the password and then disabling eHPRD and going to "enabled". This fixed my issue.
So here comes my question. If 3g only works when eHPRD is disabled is it my sim that is broken? ALSO I cant check if 4g works because I used phone info to change to "CDMA auto (PRL)" and I can't switch back to the LTE mode because my network types are really odd. Are these options different because of CM7 or because I have eHPRD disabled, or because my sim is likely dead?
Pic of network type options from the Phone Info screen is attached.
Don't take this offensively, but did you try scrolling the window down? I see in your pic there are lower options not visible in the window without scrolling.
Just checking all bases
Always safe to check! The last 3 options are "evdo only" "gsm/cdma auto (prl)" and "unknown"
I didn't bother to post them because before I had about 4 different options I think, I have no idea how I got all these random options. Is it kernel related, radio related, rom related, or dead sim related -_-
Hmm ok just checking.
Well that is very odd indeed. I am running MR2 + Das BAMF Gingerstripped with Imoseyon 3.4.0 GB Sense lean kernel and do have some odd connectivity issues, even with 3g. I'm going to go out on a limb here and say it might be advisable for you to reflash the radio, then reflash the ROM and do a full data wipe factory reset. I mean that sounds like a very bad problem and personally dealing with Verizon and SIM cards is a royal PITA which you should leave as a last resort. So try doing a completely fresh install imo. It's the only way to rule out any uncertainty.
DaRkL3AD3R said:
Hmm ok just checking.
Well that is very odd indeed. I am running MR2 + Das BAMF Gingerstripped with Imoseyon 3.4.0 GB Sense lean kernel and do have some odd connectivity issues, even with 3g. I'm going to go out on a limb here and say it might be advisable for you to reflash the radio, then reflash the ROM and do a full data wipe factory reset. I mean that sounds like a very bad problem and personally dealing with Verizon and SIM cards is a royal PITA which you should leave as a last resort. So try doing a completely fresh install imo. It's the only way to rule out any uncertainty.
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Yeah I forgot to mention that I have reflashed back to the older radios and to the news, I have tried seemingly every combination. The only way I can get 3g to work is to disable the eHPRD.
DaRkL3AD3R said:
I'm going to go out on a limb here and say it might be advisable for you to reflash the radio, then reflash the ROM and do a full data wipe factory reset. I mean that sounds like a very bad problem and personally dealing with Verizon and SIM cards is a royal PITA which you should leave as a last resort. So try doing a completely fresh install imo. It's the only way to rule out any uncertainty.
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I had a similar situation on a different rom. Everything was working fine until I updated to a newer rom build, and I lost 4G. I figured it was verizon messing with the towers, so I didn't worry about it. But two days later, I still had no 4G (I still had 3G). I went on a weekend trip to another 4G area, and no dice. I flashed every combo of rom & radio and couldn't get it to work. When I got back home, I went to verizon & swapped sim cards, and still no 4G. I finally went back to bone stock and got 4G again. I have no idea why this happened, but be prepared to go back to stock if reflashing & sim swapping doesn't help.
Sent from my ADR6400L using XDA App
It appears you both were right. Went back to complete stock and I have 3g working in eHPRD mode. Willing to bet 4g works again too. Thanks for the help...I guess I will update this thread if I find anything new out.
Just as an update...not sure what I might have done wrong before...
But I went back to stock with root, then went to the CM7 that worked with MR1, then I went to CM7 that worked with MR2, then I put MR2 in.
Everything is working perfectly now.
Glad its working fine. I personally wouldn't advise messing with any particular Radio settings aside from switching it from CDMA + LTE/EVDO to CDMA auto (PRL). Anything else and you're just opening up a can of worms that no one really knows anything on.

[Q] 4G

I don't know if its just me but I no longer have 4G on my TB. I've been using the 704 Radio for a long time and never had issues with 4G. All of a sudden today, no matter what rom I load, I have no 4G. I did call Verizon today for some personal info and there was a recording regarding issues with devices but I forgot to get more info on it. I know I have 4G coverage in my area so idk what's going on..Can anyone Chime in and lmk what they're experiencing..Thanks
i havent had any issues with mine today, have you tried to flash a different radio? or perhaps you should try the ##778# method to turn off 4g and switch the cdma only and then revert back
Moved to Q&A
^ +1
Aside from the typical cliche of reminding you to put your flame suit on, has one considered that it may be location related and had you checked a local Verizon store to determine if their 4G units are experiencing like problems?
The key to basic troubleshooting is to rediscover the basic fundamentals of the obvious solutions, available to you, prior to stepping to the in-depth possibilities that may exist otherwise. - shawnathan9
Sent from my ADR6400L using XDA Premium App
NyPlaya513 said:
i havent had any issues with mine today, have you tried to flash a different radio? or perhaps you should try the ##778# method to turn off 4g and switch the cdma only and then revert back
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First off, Thanks for the quick tip with the ## thing..Didn't know about that..Secondly, I will try another radio, I think the Liquid rom does use the official MR2 radio..I'll try that and see..Thanks
04CiviCon20s said:
First off, Thanks for the quick tip with the ## thing..Didn't know about that..Secondly, I will try another radio, I think the Liquid rom does use the official MR2 radio..I'll try that and see..Thanks
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Just a heads-up...radios are not included in roms. Rom threads simply state which radios they work with but it seems users think that means those roms are including the radio which is incorrect. You will need to flash a radio in bootloader (not recovery) if you want to try a different one.
Absolute_Zero said:
Just a heads-up...radios are not included in roms. Rom threads simply state which radios they work with but it seems users think that means those roms are including the radio which is incorrect. You will need to flash a radio in bootloader (not recovery) if you want to try a different one.
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I've loaded dozens of roms and understand that Radios do not come with any rom. I also know how to flash radios as well. Thanks for your input anyways.
04CiviCon20s said:
I've loaded dozens of roms and understand that Radios do not come with any rom. I also know how to flash radios as well. Thanks for your input anyways.
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I didn't mean to offend you or anything. Just a common mistake and something in the last comment made it sound like you thought they were in roms so I wanted to mention it. I suppose I read too much into it.
Try enabling Wifi for a while....then turning it off.
Every once in a while when I flash a new ROM (seems to happen more on AOSP based) it starts off in 1x, then LTE...then 3G.
Sometimes you just gotta let it settle... But I've found using WiFi, then turning it off and using the LTE on/off app (it's the same as the ##, just quicker) you can get LTE working.
Finicky....but it works...
04CiviCon20s said:
I don't know if its just me but I no longer have 4G on my TB. I've been using the 704 Radio for a long time and never had issues with 4G. All of a sudden today, no matter what rom I load, I have no 4G. I did call Verizon today for some personal info and there was a recording regarding issues with devices but I forgot to get more info on it. I know I have 4G coverage in my area so idk what's going on..Can anyone Chime in and lmk what they're experiencing..Thanks
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Go back to MR2.5 704 is great in the cities, but it tightens up tolerances too much for other areas. Another issue with MR3 aka 704 is that 3G data is wicked touchy when your dealing with 96dbm and higher. MR2.5 was a release and I have good reason to believe the next radio release be it official/final or leaked will be more loose like 2.5
Again everyone's experience will very, speaking of averages here. Also
Thanks for all the feedback guys..Tried all the tricks but no go..I got 4G away from my home near work but I get here at home, No 4G. I called VZW and they verified I should have 4G in my area. I didn't wanna troubleshoot the TB w/tech support cuz it's rooted and the info they may ask for, will not be what they're expecting since am running custom rooted rom..ready5, I just loaded the 2.5 radio and No 4G still..IDK what's really going on?
approx how long ago was the last time you had 4G at your home? Did you change anything since then can can perhaps revert back to a previous backup. and just to confirm, on a fresh reboot you see absolutely no 4G at all from home
NY, I believe I had 4G w/CM7 and kobes rom..Am going to attempt to restore one of y backups and see..I have no clue what went south here..When I get to work, I do have 4G but again, my home area, no 4G and Am told by Verizon, Am supposed to have 4G. I just loaded UBER bamf and no 4G either. I located this confusing Thread(http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1048128) and tried the GB d/lds and still no 4G
04CiviCon20s said:
NY, I believe I had 4G w/CM7 and kobes rom..Am going to attempt to restore one of y backups and see..I have no clue what went south here..When I get to work, I do have 4G but again, my home area, no 4G and Am told by Verizon, Am supposed to have 4G. I just loaded UBER bamf and no 4G either. I located this confusing Thread(http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1048128) and tried the GB d/lds and still no 4G
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just for testing purposes since I did have random radio issues in the past, try using the radio's from here http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1048128
then give synergy rom a shot http://androidfilehost.com/XxXViRuS...rgy-thunderbolt-r181-signed-081611_152812.zip
here is the md5 to check it too : http://androidfilehost.com/XxXViRuS...thunderbolt-r181-signed-081611_152812.zip.md5

[Q] Losing all bars of service?

Hi! My service bars will sometimes completely drop (I am in full coverage area), and I can't call/send text messages, then it will come back randomly.
I am not sure what caused this, i have tried different radios (EC01,EC09,ED01,ED05) and they all seem to do the same thing.
Any ideas on a fix for this?
(currently on MIUI)
Update: It happens when I am trying to send a text message normally, at the exact same time my service will switch from 3G to 1X.. this is really starting to annoy me. Any ideas guys?
^^occurs now without sending messages
Update #2: Flashed DL09 Stock Eclair Rom, everything booted up fine, did *228 opt 1 & 2, for some reason option 2 wouldn't work, i had to retry it about 4 times before it worked.
I am in a full coverage area and only receiving 0-1 bar of service, and I should be getting 3G but keep locking on to the 1x more often than not
& THIS IS ON THE STOCK ROM which i originated from. I just don't get it
I may just try going in to verizon and getting a replacement? I just don't understand what caused this.
Since your on miui, I would think ec09 radio should be your best bet..have you done a*228 option 2 on ec09? In my experience the ec09 radio has been the best one hands down.
Also the 3g symbol disappearing the moment you send a text is normal and you haven't necessarily lost 3g..it will switch to 1x to send and receive texts/mms.
Sent from my SCH-I500 using XDA App
efan450 said:
Since your on miui, I would think ec09 radio should be your best bet..have you done a*228 option 2 on ec09? In my experience the ec09 radio has been the best one hands down.
Also the 3g symbol disappearing the moment you send a text is normal and you haven't necessarily lost 3g..it will switch to 1x to send and receive texts/mms.
Sent from my SCH-I500 using XDA App
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I have tried EC09 on MIUI and it didn't change anything. When I do *228 it says it completed through the voice on the phone, but the text on the phone says that it failed, so then I just reboot.
This issue has persisted now on ALL Roms, Eclair, Froyo, GB, MIUI MTD or CM7, it hasn't mattered. Or it doesn't matter what radio.
I went into Verizon today and am having a replacement sent to me, so hopefully I will never have this issue again but am scared to try again since this problem has occurred previously...
Now no matter what radio/rom combo whether froyo, eclair, or gb I am on,
my DATA will either not even download ANYTHING from the market or even connect, and if it does it is slow as nails and doesn't ever finish the download. It is the oddest thing. I have always done clean flashes, but it seems like I have ****ED UP my fascinate, it doesn't make sense though because it is all software and not hardware...
^I have tested this on 3 rome already, stock ED01, EF voodoo, and MIUI, ALL of them do the same thing, and this is with clean flashes, clean modem and cam stuff
i just don't understand. I have only made software changes, always used a pit file, only bricked my phone once, and it was a soft brick..

[Q] Still stuck with 1X Data after 5 hours of work...

Hey guys,
I've been working all night to try and fix an issue I had with Cyanogen Mod. I couldn't get the GPS to work with the radio I had. So I tried flashing MR3 and I still had no GPS but had 3G / 4G / WiFi connectivity. Going back to MR2 restored GPS but I couldn't maintain data and only had 1X / WiFi.
I've messed with countless radio updates and ROMs trying to get this running again. Going to post my phone's stats:
ROM Current: BAMF Forever 1.0.5
Android Version: 2.3.4
HTC Sense Version: 3.0
Software Number: 2.11.605.0
Kernel: [email protected]
Baseband version:,
I need you guys to link me to a ROM, the more light weight the better, that has 3G / 4G, GPS, and WiFi (with tethering). That's all I require =)
If I need a specific radio, a link to that would be great. Thanks a lot.
It's not the ROM...
VZW's LTE is spotty in and out in some areas. I noticed mine first thing this morning...
There are other threads on other forums about it.
I laugh at how they state that 3G is working fine, while LTE isnt.
I can hardly even get 1x again.
Word is if you make a phone call you can get 3g back afterwards. Worked on the wife's bolt. Worth a shot at least
Sent from my DROID X2 using XDA App
I have 3G just fine here. I don't get 4G service at this location so I force it to "CDMA Auto (PRL)" anyway.
dajogejr said:
It's not the ROM...
VZW's LTE is spotty in and out in some areas. I noticed mine first thing this morning...
There are other threads on other forums about it.
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I think you're right unfortunately. I wait 3 months to try and fix my GPS and the one night I try it, Verizon's entire data network is taking a crap.
I just assumed that the 1X was a radio issue. I now have 4G connectivity but it's definitely slower than it should be. About 1.4Mbps. My buddy right next to me clocked 10.4Mbps on his brand new Nexus...
I'd still love to get a recommendation on a ROM and Radio version to run. I hate this BAMF ROM.
Different ROMs and different radios will have minimal impact on 4g speeds, if that's your reason for wanting something different.
Sent from my ADR6400L using XDA App
LTE came back up in SE Michigan about 2 hours or so ago.
Upon reading the OP's next post, I tested my speed via the SpeakEasy Website's speed test, as I always do.
I don't know whether to **** or go blind, but inside my office just now I hit 22MB down and 4.5 up with 2 bars (out of 4)...I've never gotten more than 12 inside the office down...
Could be that no one is on it...could be a fluke, etc.
BAMF makes quality ROMs. I would bet it's not the ROM or the radio.
I've been using the latest radio leak found here in the developer thread.
I'm sure you already know this...but it's flashed in Bootloader, not recovery.
I'm almost 100% certain it's not the ROM...unless you got a bad download or something.
That being said...you are a few releases behind on their ROM. They are up to 1.10 Final now.
Good thing is there are a ton out there, it's what's best for you...not necessarily what we think.
dajogejr said:
I've been using the latest radio leak found here in the developer thread.
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Thanks I'll try to locate this.
dajogejr said:
I'm almost 100% certain it's not the ROM...unless you got a bad download or something.
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I agree. I always assumed it was the radio version I was running. I want a new ROM because I hate Sense and the stock look / feel.
dajogejr said:
That being said...you are a few releases behind on their ROM. They are up to 1.10 Final now.
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Interesting. I'll check it out.
dajogejr said:
Good thing is there are a ton out there, it's what's best for you...not necessarily what we think.
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You're right. My problem is there's too many and I'm tired of looking haha. I just wanted to flash a known good ROM and radio and get this over with. Tired of tampering with my phone.
New update:
I just flashed MIUI from:
and the MR3 radio from:
It's clear from the screenshot provided on the MIUI thread that the dev is using the MR3 radio which is why I chose to flash that.
But now my GPS doesn't work? Holy crap this is getting so annoying. Either my GPS works or my 4G works, I can't have both -_-
I'm trying to get my post count up without spamming the boards so I can post in the development section ;x
EDIT: Just found this link:
Anyone know if it's true?
Are you sure your data/gps is not a phone issue?
Believe it or not I know a few people that replaced their battery door and data/gps was fixed. Antennas are on the door...
In regards to your question about that link, it may work but remember some solutions work for some and not for others. Only real way to know is to try it...
Jrocker23 said:
Are you sure your data/gps is not a phone issue?
Believe it or not I know a few people that replaced their battery door and data/gps was fixed. Antennas are on the door...
In regards to your question about that link, it may work but remember some solutions work for some and not for others. Only real way to know is to try it...
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Holy crap this might be the problem. I just installed a longer life battery that has a new back cover for the phone. I'm going to go back to stock and see what happens.
Thanks for this recommendation!

