[Q] PPTP VPN Routing Issue - Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I am having some problems with connecting my devices to my server through PPTP VPN. My setup is a DD-WRT router running PPTPd. I can connect to it with my Android over LTE just fine, can surf the internet and can ping devices within my LAN. My subnet is 192.168.0.x, with being the router, reserved for static internal IPs, reserved for dynamic internal IPs (the DHCP range), and reserved for PPTP VPN. My PPTP VPN server is set up as, which is the same physical device as
The problem is that devices physically connected my router cannot ping Android nodes connected over VPN. This seems to be an Android issue. When I took my windows 7 laptop to a cafe, connected it to the cafe's network and connected to my home network over VPN, the ping worked both ways. Devices that were physically in my house could ping my windows laptop and my windows laptop could ping them.
I tried the same thing with my Nexus 5 and Nexus 10, both could not be pinged from inside the house (although my Nexus devices could ping devices inside the house).
I am using 4.4.2 KitKat on both my nexus devices and connecting using the built-in PPTP settings menus. Can anyone throw a suggestion my way?


[Q] wifi = weirdfi

My wifi can connected to router with dhcp or static, i can use SGA to connect to
my Windows 7 pc and Windows 7 laptop and view add files on both computers
It is connecting via wifi I CANT browse access internet why.
Not a gateway or dns problem. I can see phone in router settings it snds & receives packets Helpppppppp please.

PPTP VPN connection issue over 3G

I am having problem connecting VPN over AT&T's 3G network. It will log-in and get IP address from VPN server. VPN server shows it is logged in. Connection stays connected.
However, I cannot access any resources over VPN connection. Cannot even get into router. (I'm running VPN server in my router running DD-WRT).
Tried pinging router from terminal, no response.
It works perfectly when I'm connected using Wi-Fi.
Any idea what is the problem and how to fix?
No one using VPN??

Cannot ping tethered SGT

I'm using MyWi on my iPhone 4 to create a WiFi hotspot and tether both my laptop and my Galaxy Tab. The purpose is just to run a VNC server then on the iPhone and the tablet and a VNC client on the laptop in order to be able to display the screens of the mobile devices to the laptop and make mobile applications demos.
All the three devices look to share the same network via WiFi (their IP address is the same range, the one set in MyWi). But even if I can run the VNC server on the tablet and see the IP address and port on which I should connect the VNC client to, I cannot connect to the VNC server on the tablet from the laptop. I cannot even ping the tablet whereas I can ping the iPhone and connect via VNC.
Everything works fine if I make the iPhone, tablet and laptop join my home WiFi network. The issue would be therefore related to the tethering...
Anything I should do on the tablet in the context of tethering? In MyWi or on the iPhone that shares the WiFi connection maybe?
Thank you for your help.

[Q] Can't ping to my android JB device from PCs in the same network.

In my small home network, I have an annoying network issue with my JellyBean (4,1+) Android devices and I couldn't find find a real solution despite my tons of searches in web and forums.
I show you my structure and my current situation:
Netgear DG834GT Modem/Router Wireless
Router IP address:
It is configured Gateway, DNS, DHCP (DHCP IP leases over .50) and Upnp.
Wireless is WPA-TKIP secured and only Trusted MacAddress reserved. MacAddress's list is updated with all devices can connect to the router wirelessly.
All managed IPs (both Wired and Wireless) are listed in LAN IP Settings, so they are known by router.
Desktop PC - IP (Static IP)
Laptop PC - IP (Wired)
IP (Wireless)
Laptop and Desktop PC are connected via a Netgear 10/100 4-ports hub, that is lastly connected to one of the 4 ports of the Modem Router.
Galaxy Nexus - IP (Android 4.2.2)
Galaxy Note II - IP (Android 4.1.2)
(Galaxy S II - IP - I don't own it any more, right now)
When I enter in the range of my wireless network with one device, it connects correctly to my wifi and it is able to surf both the web and my local network services with no issues.
PROBLEM: If I enable a server service on one of my JB Android devices (like SSHDroid, FTPDroid, Airdroid, etc) and than I try to connect from my desktop PC (w/ IP 192.168.20) to my Android device, it fails.
If I try to ping android device from my desktop PC (eg. ping to ping Galaxy Note 2), I get this output:
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
From icmp_seq=7 Destination Host Unreachable
From icmp_seq=8 Destination Host Unreachable
From icmp_seq=9 Destination Host Unreachable
Here, I keep the ping command running from PC that reports the error continuosly.
In this while, if I use a terminal emulation app from phone to ping my desktop PC, ping from android device succeeds, and from this moment desktop PC suddenly starts to detect correctly my android device, and command output reports:
64 bytes from galaxynote2 ( icmp_req=4 ttl=64 time=1748 ms
64 bytes from galaxynote2 ( icmp_req=5 ttl=64 time=740 ms
I ALSO WISH TO PREFACE THAT: until version Android ICS (4.0.4) until I owned Galaxy S2 (or I'm not so sure of that, but certainly until Gingerbread 2.3.6... ), I didn't have this problem. Furtherly, with wireless Router I have in office (Digital Michelangelo wave 54), I don't have this problem too.
Ideas, suggestions, tips?
Tnx in advance for any answers.

[Q] Android unable to connect to my Wi-Fi network - Windows can

I am in university halls of residence. I have setup a Wi-Fi hotspot in my room using a generic router by connecting from the ethernet out port in the wall to a ethernet LAN port and disabling DHCP on the router.
This works perfectly for my Windows 7 laptop. It connects to the router and then to the uni internet without issues. However, although my Samsung Galaxy S3 (International i9300) can detect the network, if I just try to connect to the network as I would any other it gets stuck when obtaining an IP address. After messing around with it for a bit i found that I could get the phone to connect by going into the advanced settings and choosing "static" instead of "DCHP". I don't know what I was really meant to enter for IP Address, gateway, subnet, DNS 1 and DNS 2.
The router has the IP of when i connect it directly to my laptop via ethernet so I tried that as the gateway, I set the IP address to something like (So that it was similar but different), I set the subnet to and the DNS servers I used google's ( and This got me connected to the router but there doesn't appear to be any internet connection.
I therefore thought that I had entered wrong information for the network (I was only guessing after all). Therefore I went into ipconfig in Windows and copied the default gateway and DNS servers and used a similar IP address (Last number different). I had the same issue.
Does anyone have any suggestions?
I only want Wi-Fi in my room for mobile.

