[Q][RF] FUBAR Timer in the L3 RRC protocol? - Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Getting RF variables from your Android modem can be extremely useful for a whole range of reasons, but the Google API developer (mofo's) refuse to document and support all but the most fundamental ones, like CID/LAC etc. among hundred more.
However, if you manage to get access to your phones ServiceMenu (SM), which are getting increasingly disabled and hidden, you may be lucky enough to find a whole bunch of useful internal functions and settings. Such as detailed RF/Network info, audio/vidoeo settingsetc etc...
What's the damn question?
On many Samsung phones, the ServiceMenu contain something like the following (depending on modem version):
WCDMA 2100 Band 1
Reg PLMN 240-2, IsPCS? 0
FREQ DL:10737
FREQ UL:9787
LAC: 0xhhhh
RSCP:-94, ECIO:-5
MM state: IDLE
IMSI attatch status: 1
LU Rej: Norm=0, Period=13
[COLOR=Red][B]T1312=11, Count=9[/B][/COLOR]
Att Rej Cause=0
RAU Rej Cause=9
(The SM is normally accessed through *#0011# or *#197328640# from dial-pad.)
I have highlighted a the Mobility Management (MM) Timer, called: T1312.
However, there is no such timer in any of the documentation I have seen, so my suspicion is that the timer name is a typo. But then again I have only looked at ~4 documents out of several thousands from 3GPP.
What is this timer T1312 actually supposed to be representing?
Where can I find its documentation?
Yes, XDA is proably not the right place to post this question, but I'm just too lazy to sign up on another GSM just to ask this question. So among all the 5.6 Million XDA users, perhaps someone should be RF/GSM engineer enough to help me find an answer.
PS. It's good for people/developers to know that the real meat of the SM application is located inside your modem binary! The app you can see, is just a wrapper.
3GPP TS 24.008 V12.5.0 (2014-03): (678 pages)
"Mobile Radio Interface Layer 3 specification, Core Network Protocols".

It's possible this timer is Intel/Infineon XMM 6x60 specific, not present in Qualcomm modem based ServiceMode applications.

No, it's actually Samsungs fcuked up way to show the details of the T3212 timer.
T1312=11, Count=9
Means that it has started 9 times and is set to: 11 deci-hours.
Which is 11/10 * 60 = 66 minutes before timeout.



can anyone tell me in the tracelogview software where should i look to find the cell id and the location area code
Good question
We don't know either. Some promising stuff seems to be under GMM and RR layers.
Good luck!
Cell Id Found!
i think i found the cell id!
in the tracelogger software u should select the "RR+events".
You will get the output in the tracelogview something similar to:
00 00 75 00 00 00 00 41 00
00 00 52 00 00 00 00 41 00
ok first of all , the current cell which the mobile uses is the one with idx=6,then the next cell is idx=0 ,then idx=1....
after idx=6 then number '41' is probably the current cell number(idx=6) and 75 is the cell with idx=0
so 52 is the next cell idx=1 and 41 is still the current cell id (idx=6)
please check my information and correct me if i am wrong. i draw these conclusions only by carefull observations :lol:
Problem is that GSM mobiles don't normally use the cellid for anything. They report back on the six strongest cells by ARFCN and BSIC in hte measurement reports to the network. The network know what ARFNC/BSIC combination refers to as they should be unique within the Location Area and can make handover decisions.
This was done to simplify MS design. It looks like you are watching the measurement report composition and that won't include cellid.
Basically all the critical information you need to access a cell is broadcast on System Information 1 messages which are very frequent. Cell Id is not ins SI1 messages (from memory), but are broadcast on a less frequent SI message.
cell id
i am trying to find something in the tracelogviewin order to approximate my location. if the cell id can't be displayed what can i do to find my location. please Help!!!!
You just can't using this device. Sorry.
Even mobiles with a (propper) engineering display will only tell you Cell-Id. you have to then have information about the network topology (from the network) in order to guess your position. Wap 2 can also do this by reporting the cellid to the WAP server (which then must have the topology informaiton).
LoCation based Services (LCS) is a standardised way to provide mobile position informaiton, usually to the internet or a fixed line provider. Unusually for GSM this standard isn't widly adopteds and several custom solutions exist. Each operators' is different, using different API's and access mechanisms all slowly converging to the LCS standard.
I hate this to sound like a free plug, but O2 has some good informaiton on this actually. Look at www.source02.com for information on O2's existing location based service API's SDK's and informaiton.
cell id
i managed to grab the location area ocde from the tracelogview(GMM).
so the LAC together with the measurement report composition can serve in locating the place with the help of network topology information
and i was wondering if i can find the network id?
So you have the LAC, and the ARFCN/BSIC combination.
Say you have a large network, like Vodafone, or O2, or SFR. they have at least 65000 cells, possibly more. They have to re-use Cell Id's across different Location Areas. So for each cell you need to know the following:
Cellid (5 bytes)
LAC (5 bytes)
ARFNC (4 bytes)
BSIC (2 bytes)
Lat (8 or 9 bytes)
Long (8 or 9 bytes)
So 32 bytes over 65000 cells is 2Mb. Per network. And when the network performs a frequency retune it is all useless. And a Pocket PC running an ARM processor is going to be able to search through this in realtime?
this falls into the catagory of too difficult. If you want your location then network knows it and already has commercial services to give your Lat Long to you on a regular basis or on request.
I have been reading a lot about people wanting Cell ID info displayed on their XDA just like every other "normal" phones. I think it can be done but why it wasn't I don't know. The tracelogger already detects the 6 strongest signals and according to some people, returns an ID.
Tracelogger is a software running on the PDA and that little phone icon at the top is also an App. How is it that they can display the signal strength and we can't write a software to do what they do but a bit more?
Yet alone why does my old nokia 3210 have cell info and this $1600 AUD
XDA doesn't?
I think someone got lazy.
can any one of you please upload tracelogview or tracelogger over here as the links provided on http://wiki.xda-developers.com/index.php?pagename=TraceLogView are broken.....
copied the files to the wiki upload dir, and fixed the links.
thanks man....
How to get the cell id in G23?
Hi, I managed to retrieve the output data from L1 and G23 in the TraceLogView. But i don't understand what do those commands(RR,GMM+ALL,MMI...) stands for. Are they GSM query commands? I want to get the cell id from the G23 result. Can someone please tell me how to interpret the results(codes) coming back from G23? Pls HELP! Thanks!
Good morning!
I'm Portuguese studen´t and i have to do a gsm locator! In this project i need the power values, with your message i don't understand if with tracelogview i can save power values in a file and if is possible how can i monitoring this power values (i.e. have power values hour by hour for example).
If you can help me send a message for: [email protected]
Thank you!

Network Monitor on the XDA (Similar to Nokia Phone)

Does anyone know if there is a hidden menu on the XDA that is similar to the Network Monitor that can be enabled on Nokia Phones?
For exampl on Nokia phones when activated you can:
Carrier number
MS RX Level in DBM
Received signal quality
MS TX power level
C1 (Path loss criterion, used for cell selection and reselection). The range is -99 to 99.
RTL (Radio link timeout).
Indication of the transmitter status
Information on the Network parameters.
TMSI (Temporary Mobile Subscriber Identity).
Cell identification (Cell ID, Number of cells being used).
MCC (Mobile country code)
MCN (Mobile network code)
LAC (Location area code)
Ciphering (On/Off)
Hopping (On/Off)
DTX (On/Off)
Discard cell barred information.
We have been looking into this. All we know is that this is not low-hangiong fruit on the XDA. The information seems to be available inside the modem chipset only, and it seems like it's not communicated to the PDA part, or we haven't found the way to ask for it yet.
Either way: this frustrates us more than it could possibly frustrate any of you, so stay tuned. (But don't hold your breath...)
thanks for letting me know

New dial codes - Post-Portico update

I've found a few new dial codes in the Rogers ROM following the Portico update. Here they are:
Note: All of these codes launch a sub section of the "extras+info" application through its GUID (2377fe1b-c10f-47da-92f3-fc517345a3c0)
Field Test
Code: ##3282# (or ##3282 + call)
Description: This one's not new, offers some statistics on radio. The settings also allow you to change a few things (such as network type, SMS limits, ENS and CMAS RMT).
Component: FTDComponent.dll
Color Variant + Life Time Counter
Code: ##634#
Description: Also not new... Displays the multivariant color (my value is null but yours might be displayed) and life timer. It reads that info from the registry ("Software\OEM\Nokia\Multivariant\Color" and "Software\OEM\Nokia\lifetimecounter").
Component: ColorVariant.dll
Silent Installer Component (no actual title - found a reference to "TestUI" so this may simply be a test)
Code: ##4678255#
Description: Mine does nothing at this time but the code seems to indicate that it monitors for provxml files. The monitoring is actually done by the SilentInstallerServiceAgent (SilentInstallerServiceAgent.dll). It monitors for registry entries pointing to physical provxml files at "SOFTWARE\OEM\Nokia\SIAgent\Multivariant" and "SOFTWARE\OEM\Nokia\SIAgent\Tier3". It also monitors the physical folder "C:\Programs\CommonFiles\OEM\Public\PreloadedApps\tier3Apps". When new provxml files are detected, it executes them (I haven't seen any indication so far that it'll do anything besides file copy instructions).
Component: SilentInstallerComponent.dll
extras+info (nothing displayed)
Code: *#07# or ##07#
Description: It gives a completely blank screen. The code is purposely written to keep all elements on the main page to a "Collapse" visibility (meaning hidden). But all the information that would be normally displayed when launching the "extras+info" application is in fact populated.
Component: Regulatory.dll
There's one last dial code that is in theory coded into the phone but the ROM doesn't trigger the action (it's not part of the OS support dial strings):
Product Support Tool (no actual title)
Code: N/A (can possibly be launched through an NFC tag if specifying a "DialString" argument with a of value "778" - I ordered some NFC tags to try it out)
Description: Because I haven't been able to run this app yet, I'm only speculating based on a quick code review... Allows you to view and modify some core cellular settings. You'll be prompted to enter an SPC (security code) before proceeding into certain (if not all) screens.
Component: ProductSupportTool.dll
Core cellular settings... do you think this might include band selection?
elyl said:
Core cellular settings... do you think this might include band selection?
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I was thinking the same thing. If it requires a security code, it must be important!
Anyone test these on an AT&T variant?
cpuguy said:
There's one last dial code that is in theory coded into the phone but the ROM doesn't trigger the action (it's not part of the OS support dial strings):
Product Support Tool (no actual title)
Code: N/A (can possibly be launched through an NFC tag if specifying a "DialString" argument with a of value "778" - I ordered some NFC tags to try it out)
Description: Because I haven't been able to run this app yet, I'm only speculating based on a quick code review... Allows you to view and modify some core cellular settings. You'll be prompted to enter an SPC (security code) before proceeding into certain (if not all) screens.
Component: ProductSupportTool.dll
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I'm going to make my purchase decision based on your discoveries on the Product support tool
cpuguy said:
I've found a few new dial codes in the Rogers ROM following the Portico update. Here they are:
Note: All of these codes launch a sub section of the "extras+info" application through its GUID (2377fe1b-c10f-47da-92f3-fc517345a3c0)
Field Test
Code: ##3282# (or ##3282 + call)
Description: This one's not new, offers some statistics on radio. The settings also allow you to change a few things (such as network type, SMS limits, ENS and CMAS RMT).
Component: FTDComponent.dll
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On my AT&T 920 all that does is show my phone number.
elyl said:
Core cellular settings... do you think this might include band selection?
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I have no idea. I'll need to look at the code a little more closely. The issue is that I can't run it right now; unless I find a way to enable Interop capabilities for third party applications (or sign my app as a second party - OEM - application). Or, if I get it to work with NFC tags (which apparently, were shipped yesterday)... And even if I launch the application with the NFC tags, I still need the password.
For each component I listed, they all have a native code back-end; the front-end is in .NET (non-obfuscated so very easy to interpret) but the back-end (where in some cases - such as the Product Support Tool - most of the code resides) is in C++ (harder to interpret). The Product Support Tool reads "items" from the C++ dll and populates a key-value type list. I'll need to disassemble and analyse the back-end C++ component to better understand what kind of items it's reading. The SPC code check is also done in here so I may be able to figure out the algorithm used to check the code and/or what static values it relies on to validate it.
californiarailroader said:
On my AT&T 920 all that does is show my phone number.
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That's interesting... Anyone else only get their phone numbers while doing ##3283# ? I've read a lot of people are able to enable 4G on some of the RM821 (international variant of the Lumia 920) through the settings in the "field test" component which means they get more than just their phone number.
Product Support Tool (no actual title)
Code: N/A (can possibly be launched through an NFC tag if specifying a "DialString" argument with a of value "778" - I ordered some NFC tags to try it out)
Description: Because I haven't been able to run this app yet, I'm only speculating based on a quick code review... Allows you to view and modify some core cellular settings. You'll be prompted to enter an SPC (security code) before proceeding into certain (if not all) screens.
Component: ProductSupportTool.dll
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778 is the code for PST, which should, in theory, allow you to modify settings related to the radios. I entered ##778+call and got a "Service tools" menu to open, but there is nothing available to select.
dc/dc said:
778 is the code for PST, which should, in theory, allow you to modify settings related to the radios. I entered ##778+call and got a "Service tools" menu to open, but there is nothing available to select.
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If I dial ##778 and call, it actually places a call.
californiarailroader said:
If I dial ##778 and call, it actually places a call.
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Odd. Have you updated your device?
Code for MDN?
Can anyone help with a code to change MDN? I've got the wrong one from a temporary sim used when setting up the phone. And now I can't change it. It's annoying as this number is carried through to the main dialler.
californiarailroader said:
If I dial ##778 and call, it actually places a call.
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It works on my AT&T L920. Are you using the stock dialer?
n7slc said:
It works on my AT&T L920. Are you using the stock dialer?
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I must have pressed something wrong, or spaced, it works on mine too.
Following 1308 update, it appears ##3282 +call no longer works for field test.
Anyone confirm?
jickbahtech said:
Following 1308 update, it appears ##3282 +call no longer works for field test.
Anyone confirm?
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confirmed here too. I've seen posted a few other places. I've tried different variations and I can't get it to work. It come up with a screen that shows ussd and then my number or says something went wrong. Would like this back or find another way to toggle lte.
jickbahtech said:
Following 1308 update, it appears ##3282 +call no longer works for field test.
Anyone confirm?
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confirming this, I just updated and I cannot get it to work the way it was before the update
ellokomen said:
confirming this, I just updated and I cannot get it to work the way it was before the update
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Nokia tells me to ask AT&T and AT&T tells me to ask Nokia. I had both techs on the line, but neither one knew anything about the codes or why we couldn't disable LTE from Cellular settings. Thinking of flashing a different firmware if that lets you control the LTE. I looked into the the development section a little, but not sure yet if that is a solution.
Am I understanding it correctly that value in ##634# Color Variant + Life Counter depends on Registry file, so if you flash a firmware for Red unit, Color Variant will say Red and if yellow it will say yellow.
Is this right?
So basically the phone depends on Product Code as every firmware has different code.
I flashed back to the AT&T 1249 ROM so I could have the field test option back. Until there is a way to enable field test again, I guess I'll stick with this. I looked at the other threads here, but there doesn't seem to be a way to flash to another ROM and have it work on AT&T.
Duds another solution???? thats is a ****... i can't flash but the 4G LTE Works sooooo ban here.

Can AWS frequency be enabled on S3 i9300?

I saw that some Samsung phones (Note, Note 2, S2 LTE, S2 HD LTE) can enable AWS frequency.
Can the same be done for S3 i9300?
thanks in advance,
*#197328640# or *#*#197328640#*#*
[1] Debug Screen -> [8] Phone Control -> [7] Network Control -> [2] Band Selection -> [4] Combi Bands = Tick option [7] WCDMA 1700 (FDD IV)
if u see the asterisc beside that option the frecuency it's enabled..
There was no asterisk on that band, I enabled it so the asterisk showed up.
I rebooted the phone and the asterisk was still there.
However, it doesnt seem to help, the sim card still doesnt register on the network
maybe post in the correct section?
Glebun said:
maybe post in the correct section?
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What would the correct section be for this kind of question, of not Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting ?

Question How to enable 5G band 40

(base on GSMARENA)
This phone support the following 5G bands:
5G bands 1, 3, 28, 41, 77, 78 SA/NSA
however, my current phone sim need to utilize the Band 40, n257/n258 for 5G,
anyone know how to enable or activate these bands? Is there any MTK engineering software for this purpose?
kirinin said:
(base on GSMARENA)
This phone support the following 5G bands:
5G bands 1, 3, 28, 41, 77, 78 SA/NSA
however, my current phone sim need to utilize the Band 40, n257/n258 for 5G,
anyone know how to enable or activate these bands? Is there any MTK engineering software for this purpose?
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I'd like to help but I'm not sure if the solution I would use would fit your needs and capabilities.
The (apparently secretly hidden) Android Activity it calls is apparently
com.samsung.android.app.telephonyui.hiddennetworksetting.MainActivity​Based on what a free google free ad free gsf free shortcut inspector says
Activity Inspector
Having said that, I can bring up the HIDDEN Activity that allows you to select the bands available on the phone by calling the activity directly.
C:\> adb shell am start -n com.samsung.android.app.telephonyui.hiddennetworksetting.MainActivity​
They even make apps that do that for you such as this one.
Network Mode Universal​
See my screenshots below for my phone.
Hope this helps.
GalaxyA325G said:
I'd like to help but I'm not sure if the solution I would use would fit your needs and capabilities.
The (apparently secretly hidden) Android Activity it calls is apparently
<com.samsung.android.app.telephonyui.hiddennetworksetting.MainActivity>​Based on what a free google free ad free gsf free shortcut inspector says
that, I can bring up the HIDDEN Activity that allows you to select the bands available on the phone by calling the activity directly.
They even make apps that do that for you such as this one.
Network Mode Universal​
See my screenshots below for my phone.
Hope this helps.
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Thank you very much for your suggestion. I have tried all these and found:
Network mode universal - this is similar to *#*#4636#*#* for phone information.
Shortcut Widgets (+ Inspector), nothing shown in POCO X3Gt for band. it "maybe" work on your Samsung phone. Could not find any band information.
However, when get into *#*#3646633#*#* Developer option, it shows bands as attached photos, the Band 40 is greyed, no possible to enable it.
kirinin said:
Thank you very much for your suggestion. I have tried all these and found:
Network mode universal - this is similar to *#*#4636#*#* for phone information.
Shortcut Widgets (+ Inspector), nothing shown in POCO X3Gt for band. it "maybe" work on your Samsung phone. Could not find any band information.
However, when get into *#*#3646633#*#* Developer option, it shows bands as attached photos, the Band 40 is greyed, no possible to enable it.
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My response will be in two posts because I don't want to confuse you with the response about "Shortcut Widgets" so I'll take that separately as it's really useful only as a final step.
As for the band B40 being grayed, out, that is a problem.
My only experience with this band selection is on my phone, where nothing that is listed is grayed out. That is, for example, I don't have Band B28 on the phone (AFAIK) but that band is not listed either.
What I have that is listed, as far as I know, can each be checked.
So the fact you can't check a band that is listed, is really, I think, the problem all of the users here have to put our heads together to figure out why that is the case.
I don't know why you can't select Band B40 even though it's listed.
I can only suggest tests you can run to perhaps figure out why.
a. Anyone else with the same phone could run that test for you.
(Let's hope someone with that same phone will see this request.)
b. Maybe you can try one or two other "band selection" apps?
(This would eliminate it being a bug in that specific program.)
c. But the real problem may simply be the phone hardware doesn't support that band.
(I don't know any way around that.)
GalaxyA325G said:
I don't know why you can't select Band B40 even though it's listed.
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Ah. I think I figured out what I'm doing differently from you since *#*#4636#*#* doesn't work on my T-Mobile Samsung (we really need someone to test this using the same phone you have!).
My Samsung has its own app from that same outfit I referred you to
Network Mode Samsung​
I'm guessing that your "network mode universal" is (maybe) giving you a list of all possible bands but (maybe) not just the bands on your phone alone like my "network mode samsung" is apparently doing for me.
If you can find a network mode app for your specific phone, that may show just the bands you need... but... you already ran the *#*#4636#*#* dial-code to bring up the hidden activity I think... so you may already have seen that the dial-code you gave probably brought up only the bands which are available to you.
Hope this helps. I'm NOT an expert in this. I would hope others with the SAME phone as you have can confirm our suspicions or prove them wrong (better yet).
kirinin said:
Shortcut Widgets (+ Inspector), nothing shown in POCO X3Gt for band. it "maybe" work on your Samsung phone. Could not find any band information.
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At this point you don't need Shortcut Widgets + Inspector, as it's only useful to find out what the hidden activity name is, and even then, you only need to know the name if you're going to create your own shortcut to bring it up.
It's useful mainly for HIDDEN activities, because once you know the name of a hidden activity, you can bring it up in a single click if you know what you're doing (you have to create a shortcut to it).
As far as I know, it's the ONLY APP in all of Android that does what it does (although others may exist) so it's a keeper, for sure; but it only tells you what you want to know AFTER you've already brought up the "activity".
An "activity", if you aren't aware of what that is, is kind of sort of like a "pseudo public page" inside any Android app, which can be brought up if you know the unique name of that activity.
There are something like three or four hundred public activities in the Android "Settings" app alone, while most apps have a few dozen or so public activities you can call up directly, which means there are about a thousand or so, which is why you might need an app that tells you what activities are brought up when you do stuff on the phone.
However, if you can ALREADY easily bring up the band-selection activity on your own, you won't need this app to tell you that so I'd ignore it for now. Sorry if I wasted your time.
Appreciate very much for your reply with detail explaination.
I believe this Dimensity 1100 is prebuilt with all bands when sold to each different phone company, however, MTK will price differently base on the the number of bands given (enabled), some companies may sell its phone with lesser bands so to lower its price to make it more competitive.
This problem is hardware problem, so it could only be done with MTK special engineering software or some special code to enable/disable them.
This is just my suspicion, I may be wrong....
kirinin said:
This problem is hardware problem, so it could only be done with MTK special engineering software
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I agree.
I hope you find someone with the same phone who can try it to help. Or someone who knows the MTK software. Good luck!

