Hey everyone,
i'm new here.. i want to create an application
which is a listview, when i click an item from the list it opens a new tab with the content i want
and thanks
Hi friends,
I want to create my own android dictionary application.But I don't know how can i start.Can anyone help me?Are there any software or something.Guide me please.THANKS!
Dr.defender said:
Hi friends,
I want to create my own android dictionary application.But I don't know how can i start.Can anyone help me?Are there any software or something.Guide me please.THANKS!
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you'' have to learn how to create an android app... search on google..
then u can add ur wordlist to form an dictionary...it will come to u as soon as u learn how to make an app!
here is one great thread consisting everything about android.
You should be knowing java to build apps. You could search around for guides.
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android ditionary app
Dr.defender said:
Hi friends,
I want to create my own android dictionary application.But I don't know how can i start.Can anyone help me?Are there any software or something.Guide me please.THANKS!
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Click to collapse
have you figured out how to make dictionary yet?
im about to start making one for fun. I started watching videos on youtube (newboston) and i know a bit.
Im searching all over the net but cant find useful instruction how to make one.
Please let me know if you do know how to make one. Thanks!
Hello all,
I and my friends are young programmers. We have created some android apps. Please I need your professional help
1. How can I add an SDK to my apps that will show an appwall?
2. What codes should be in the SDK to show an appwall in the app?
3. How can I add the content(apps) that will display on the appwall?
Thank you all for your answers.
Hey guys
my name is nikhil. I m a B.E final year student. In Final Semester, we are doing a project on AAKASH UBISLATE 7C+. In this Project,we have made an application and install on it.Here i want that, only that application icon should be on the screen and rest all the things including setting icon to be invisible from my screen. I want nouthing on my screen except that application icon. so,can anyone plz help me with this.
My email id is: [email protected]
Hi developers,i just wanted to know how to add pull to refresh feature to my webview application,i am using android studio,i just need the codes and where to insert them and thanks please help me out guys
Hi there dear members,
I recently have moved from lewa os 2.3.7 to android marshmallow dear members this os have everything but one which is lewaos search apk
Dear Members the thing is i successfuly ported the apk to work on every android OS.
But there is a little issue and that is i am a complete noob in ""smali coding"" the problem is every thing works fine but when one selects to view a given search results of contacts messages and system settings app crashes because to view the desired results of Contacts and msgs the app calls lewa PIM.apk to launch the search results of contacts and msgs and in system settings lewa search apk views various options of lewa setting.apk which don't exist on any other rom then lewaos.
So dear respective members the bottom line is that i need your help to resolve this issue if someone can replace the dependencies of lewa pim.apk and setting.apk or if one can add a option to select a custom app to perform such tasks.
Believe me dear members there is no other app like this on play store that can perform search so universally on android that is why i am asking for you for your help
Please find attached apk file by link given below
Seeking a response from your end
Best Regards
Muhammad Zohaib
LewaOS_Search.apk -----
https: // drive. google. com/file/d/0B111GjUIwzb2SUY5ZXJndlZXcGc/view?usp=sharing