[Q] STUCK IN CWM! Galaxy S2 - Decent REWARD if you solve! - Galaxy S II Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Firstly, I know nothing about computer science. I don't really know what a ROM is never mind a kernal. I don't really know what clockworkmod is or what mount, flash mean or what a software developer kit is.
--- please explain any help in an exact step by step process without jargon (or explain jargon if using)
--- as I know nothing about phone tech!
The situation
Galaxy s2 i9100
I think its rooted - I had "insufficient storage space problem" nothing worked, so I booted into recovery mode
(I have clock work mod v6.0.3.2)
I then cleared the data and cache, and rebooted, solving the problem
Everything was working fine until I went to settings and downloaded a cyanogenmod update, I think it was 10.1 or 10.1.3 or 10.3?
I then clicked the install icon after it had downloaded, in the settings, and it started to reboot but then it got stuck on the loading screen
the loading screen says "samsung galaxy i9100" with a yellow triangle with an exclamation mark in below
when I turn the phone on, if I don't go to recovery mode, it just displays that - it doesn't make it to the spiralling cyanogenmod animation
I have been playing around with recovery mode - I don't really know what any of it does
If I go to install zip to SD card then "choose zip from sdcard" I get E: can't mount sdcard
or if I choose apply /sdcard/update.zip I get E: can't mount [file] Installation aborted
Or "choose zip from internal sd card" - I go to /emmc/cmupdater/ cm-10.1.3-RC2~i9100.zip
- when I try to install this it says "set_perm: some changes failed ; E:error in [file].zip (Status 7) ; Installation aborted
I tried "install zip from sideload"
I downloaded the latest android SDK, then downoaded the CM11 Zip (thought I'd try a newer CM), put it in the platform tools, did ctrl right click to run command window and typed "adb sideload cm11.zip"
but I always end up at *failed to write data 'protocol fault' no status *
I tried this while running "SDK Manager.exe" but didn't make any difference
I tried adb push to push CM11.zip to sdcard, I think it worked but I can't find it on clockworkmod?
Lifetime access to all of my public health company's resources - (I can't post a link as I'm new but it is jellymed followed by .com for our website)

1) I don't want 'lifetime access to your company's resources'.
2) You can't ADB sideload a rom/kernel/recovery/whatever on the I9100.
3)If I were in your situation, for the sake of simplicity (and because I could do the whole thing in 10 mins tops), I'd be getting a stock rom from Samfirmware, flashing it with Odin to get a 'clean slate', re-rooting your phone by flashing a custom kernel and then restoring a nandroid backup in CWRecovery, or reinstalling my custom rom in same.
I strongly suggest you take the time to learn 'the basics' once you get this fixed which you are obviously sorely lacking in. Failure on your part to read the guides/tutorials in the stickied thread near the top of General could quite easily lead to a busted phone & data loss at some stage if you continue to fumble around without knowing stuff like 'I don't really know what a ROM is never mind a kernel'. Don't believe me ? I've seen thousands of people like you on here over the past 2.5 yrs end up in exactly that situation (busted phone, didn't back stuff up, lost important stuff).
You proceed in your current state at your own risk.

MistahBungle said:
1) I don't want 'lifetime access to your company's resources'.
2) You can't ADB sideload a rom/kernel/recovery/whatever on the I9100.
3)If I were in your situation, for the sake of simplicity (and because I could do the whole thing in 10 mins tops), I'd be getting a stock rom from Samfirmware, flashing it with Odin to get a 'clean slate', re-rooting your phone by flashing a custom kernel and then restoring a nandroid backup in CWRecovery, or reinstalling my custom rom in same.
I strongly suggest you take the time to learn 'the basics' once you get this fixed which you are obviously sorely lacking in. Failure on your part to read the guides/tutorials in the stickied thread near the top of General could quite easily lead to a busted phone & data loss at some stage if you continue to fumble around without knowing stuff like 'I don't really know what a ROM is never mind a kernel'. Don't believe me ? I've seen thousands of people like you on here over the past 2.5 yrs end up in exactly that situation (busted phone, didn't back stuff up, lost important stuff).
You proceed in your current state at your own risk.
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Hi I downloaded a stock rom from samware (Irish 02 - as my phone was on O2 so I wont have to root it right?)
How do I use Odin to flash stuff?
I just downloaded it and extracted everything to desktop

Stickied thread near the top of Q&A titled' Flash stock firmware' has simple instructions.

MistahBungle said:
Stickied thread near the top of Q&A titled' Flash stock firmware' has simple instructions.
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Nice! Its working!
Will definitely take you up on all your advice, after exams.
Thanks for guiding me to the good resources
Do you know any good books or courses that would take me from my current hardcore noob state up to a developer - what did you use?
Kind regards,
p.s. if you are still interested in some cool health resources our medical team is developing, any premium stuff will be all yours (site under development is jellymed dot com)

The guides/tutorials here, won't turn you into a 'developer', but they'll give you a thorough grounding in what makes this phone tick as well as stuff that applies to Android generally.
Thanks for the offer, but I'm good.


[Q] Help with Eris and Evil Eris

I'm having a little trouble and I'm sincerely hoping you'll help. I've tried flashing my Eris using the file, "Evil_Tazz_3.zip" and my Eris is now bricked and stuck in a bootloop. All it will do is show an animation of the sketchy letters ANDROID falling down the screen and then a smoky light following close behind it reveling the Droid itself. And it'll repeat this animation rapidly about 100 times before freezing and then restarting the whole process all over. To be frank it pisses me off because it always seems that I'm the only one who has trouble with this stuff.
My Eris is rooted and it does allow me to access the recovery screen. What am I supposed to do?
Anyways, thanks for your time.
Best Regards -Joseph Bergen
jbergen said:
I'm having a little trouble and I'm sincerely hoping you'll help. I've tried flashing my Eris using the file, "Evil_Tazz_3.zip" and my Eris is now bricked and stuck in a bootloop. All it will do is show an animation of the sketchy letters ANDROID falling down the screen and then a smoky light following close behind it reveling the Droid itself. And it'll repeat this animation rapidly about 100 times before freezing and then restarting the whole process all over. To be frank it pisses me off because it always seems that I'm the only one who has trouble with this stuff.
My Eris is rooted and it does allow me to access the recovery screen. What am I supposed to do?
Anyways, thanks for your time.
Best Regards -Joseph Bergen
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Whatever you do, DO NOT DO ANYTHING ELSE UNTIL BTFB0 responds to your plea for help.
Do not just start trying different solutions, DO NOT FLASH ANY RUU, if you know what that is. BTFB0 is the guy who can get your phone unbricked if anyone can. He is the expert, I won't pretend to be able to duplicate his knowledge in this area.
Be patient until he has a chance to see this. You don't have to PM him, I'm sure he'll respond when he has a chance here in public. He will ask specific questions about what version of bootloader you have, 1.47 or 1.49, and you might as well find out if it's S=OFF or S=ON.
Also, do you have Amon RA recovery on your phone and can you get to it?
Have you tried flashing anything else since your phone has gotten stuck in this boot loop? If not and you can get into recovery still, then simply wipe data, wipe dalvik, and try flashing again. Don't worry you're phone doesn't sound bricked, just like you got a bad download or an error when flashing the rom. I would probably try a different rom or at least re-download the one you want to use.
It may still be wise to wait for BTFB0 to get here and offer some more advice as I am sure he has more knowledge in this area than me. But I do feel confident that he will say the same thing as I have.
Well, the OP merely said that he is having trouble with a specific ROM; he didn't mention failures during flashing; so, his problem could be as simple as having failed to "wipe" before flashing his ROM.
If you can boot into a custom recovery, your phone is not "bricked". It's not even soft-bricked; it's just not booting into the main OS correctly.
Providing as much detail as you can is helpful to people that are offering help to you; in particular, the following pieces of information:
- What recovery is on your phone? (Amon_RA, Clockwork? What version #?)
- When you are flashing the ROM file with your recovery, do you notice any "E:" messages?
An "E:" at the beginning of a line on the screen means that an error occurred!
- Are you having this same trouble on more than one ROM, or is this the only ROM you have tried since you rooted?
- What method did you use to root the phone?
- Did you use the "Wipe data/factory reset" menu item before you flashed the ROM file?
- Did you make any Nandroid backups that you still have on your SD card? If yes, did you attempt to restore one? What was the result? (BTW, every rooted phone user should be making Nandroid backups before they flash ROMs - no exceptions.)
- Do you have a media card slot or USB card reader device that will allow you to copy a different ROM file onto your SD card? -OR-
- Do you know how to "mount" the SD card onto the PC when your recovery is booted? (On Amon_RA, it is called "Toggle MS-USB" or something like that; it's also in the Clockwork menu somewhere too)
Given the information you have provided, there are any number of things that could be going on. I would suggest downloading a different ROM to your PC (let's say the stock HTC Eris March 2011 ROM), and then transferring it to your SD card. Then,
- Verify the exact size of the file and/or MD5 signatures of the file (if the developer provided it).
- make sure your phone is well charged
- perform a "Wipe data/factory reset" from the recovery menu
- Flash the ROM file from the recovery menu - and pay attention to the screen to see if there are any `E:' errors
- If there are errors, there is no point in attempting to boot the phone
- If there are no errors, boot the phone.
- Report your results here - and answer the questions that I asked.

[Q] Galaxy S2 Stuck At Boot Screen

Hello, sorry if this has already been answered but I did look around at similar scenarios and it seems to me that using odin to flash the stock kernel should fix it but on my device, however, it doesn't fix my problem. I beleive what I did was select update firmware from .zip in clockwork on accident. Idk if this is what you consider a "boot loop" because it doesnt restart it just sits there at the black galaxy s2 screen. Any insight would be great. I hate to have to buy a new one as it is quite alot of money. Like I said, sorry if this is already answered but after looking around for hours I still hve had no luck. Thanks in advance, Alex
Can you get into recovery (volume up+home+power) or download mode (volume down+home+power)?
I can get in to download and recovery mode both
The outlook is promising then. Without knowing what you've flashed, it's impossible to say what damage you've done, but if you don't mind losing your data, you can certainly get back to a working state by following [READ THIS] Got a Boot Loop? Don't post a New Thread!.
Before going down that route though, if you do want to keep your data, let us know what you flashed as it might be recoverable (maybe you just flashed the wrong kernel).
I can't say for sure what i flashed but I can say that i either flashed with an update or updated with a kernel??? sound right??? idk. the data isnt near as important to me as the 680 dollars my carrier will charge me for a new s2. Right now im using a junk alcatel tribe and im going through galaxy withdrawls.
Well before flashing anything else, make sure you definitely have an I9100, not some other variant (I notice you mentioned dollars). If you have a different model, you're in the wrong forums and might make things worse by following advice for the I9100.
I was pretty sure that it is the I9100 but i took the battery out and double checked. it IS the I9100
also for what it's worth when going into recovery(stock version) right after the text reading updating application it gives me an error in red. (E:install_application_for_customer:Can't unmount /preload copy application failed) and after the (Appling [yes it really spells it appling] Multi-CSC) it says Can't access to '/system/csc/TTT/system/'. However, the line after it says that it says Successfully applied multi-CSC
My first attempt to get back to a working phone without losing data would be to flash a stock kernel then, have you tried that?
Ok.. done.. but it still sits at the galaxy screen except now it has the triange due to the custom firmware
If that hasn't got you up and running then it's probably time to bite the bullet and follow the instructions from the boot loop thread linked above (which will also remove the triangle).
Maybe you can answer another question for me. When in recovery mode it says apply update from sdcard... why does it say that when it doesnt actually read from the sdcard? i have checked with the sdcard both in and out and the file directory in the recovery mode doesnt change. is it calling the usb storage an sd card?
ok when flashing a stock rom do i use the phone option in odin or the pda still
If you're flashing a stock rom from [ROM+Guide]Official i9100 Firmwares KG, KH1/2/3/4, KI1/2/3/4/8, KJ1/2 Download, then just follow the instructions from there (but usually PDA).
:'( Still wont boot.
What does happen, did any steps fail, any error messages?
Everything went smooth with no errors. No steps failed. Sitting at the boot screen is all it does though
Did you definitely wipe user data? (step 3). The final step of that thread is to try flashing a ROM which wipes, such as (non-stock) VillainROM 1.1.
well... yes i definitely wiped the user data and it was successfull when doing so. I didnt try the villian rom just because I thought that it was an optional thing but i will def. try it now that you bring it up. and hey, i really appreciate the help no matter what the outcome
(VillainROM 1.1 - XWKE7 base) I'm a UHKG7..... is this going to be a problem? just something i noticed and thought I would ask before going ahead

[Q] just fu** up my tab trying to get ICS!

Tried getting a cyagen 9 ICS rom on my 3g wifi 10.1 tab, forgot to install the clockwork stuff, and now it wont work no more. Think i managed to delete everything on it!? Did manage to install clockwork after via odin but now it find no files on sd and nothing else will work. The sd card will not appear via usb on my pc so i cant put new files in!?
Is there any hope for it or is the garbage can next stop?
Magnar, Norway
Apparently you can see the device with odin - I'd recommend doing a full restock, you can follow the guide at the overcome experience: http://www.teamovercome.net/p7500/?page_id=5
Scroll down on that page until you see the "Re-“Stocking” Yer System…" part and follow the instructions there.
Once you do that your tab should be back in working condition and you'll be able to install CWM and a custom ROM with it. And another piece of advice - always (seriously, ALWAYS) do a nandroid backup of your system before flashing ROMs, especially if you aren't 100% sure what you need to do. This way, if something goes wrong, you can always just restore the backup and you're good to go.
Best of luck!
Why don't you just mount your tablet to you PC through - mounts and storage in CWM recovery? It should work. If not, do what the guy above me said.
Tried mounting usb but it did not work just got error. Tried the full restock and that did the trick. THANKS
That's why reading helps, It clearly says "Flash the zip using CWM" because modified files cannot be flashed by the stock recovery due to Googles restriction's to avoid breaking their EULA, so the work around would be using a personal made CWM. Problem is stock one is only meant to flash update.zip, to specific folder's, when you install a ROM via stock, it just dumps and replaces everything in one place, It's like getting all your 3 Science subject notes mixed in 1 notebook, you have no idea what is what.

[Q] Accidentally deleted Touchwiz using NoBloat

Hello good folks.
2 Questions in one:
#I have a Galaxy SII stock Samsung firmware, rooted using framaroot. It worked well and I installed superuser. Then I wanted to delete some preinstalled apps that I didnt need (bloatware) so I installed NoBloat, and among other less important ones I deleted (like an idiot) the Touchwiz app, and now my phone wont make it past the initialization procedure. I can go through the whole factory reset, setup and registration sequence but then when I press the Finish button I get an all black screen with the status bar at the top of the screen. As soon as I pull downwards the status and notification bar, the screen freezes and the phone reboots, after reboot it wont make it past the Samsung logo (the softkeys are on but not working). I tried to perform an emergency firmware recovery in Kies but it doesnt work. I have a Mac so I cannot use Odin, and I have no idea how to use Heimdall.
Can anyone drop a piece of advice please?
#I am following with interest this forum, and I am amazed at how many tweaks and fun solutions you guys are finding and developing. For a newbie like me, many of them are written using some cryptic language that I can hardly follow. For people like me, a complete idiot`s guide to rooting and rom flashing would be very useful. Many thanks and blessings to whoever wants to make such a guide.
Best bit of advice I can give you is to find a PC, get a stock rom from Samfirmware & flash it with Odin. Will take you less than 10 minutes to fix Vs potentially hours (days ??) of stuffing around with Heimdall, which I'm not going to give you advice on because I've never used it. How to flash with Odin ? Thread stickied near top of Q&A.
You can find one touchwiz flashable zip somehere on apps and themes thread and flash it with recovery .... this takes about 1-3 minutes
Sent from my GT-I9100
krazy1101 said:
You can find one touchwiz flashable zip somehere on apps and themes thread and flash it with recovery .... this takes about 1-3 minutes
Sent from my GT-I9100
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I keep getting an error E:signature verification failed
I am stuck in the CWM recovery mode, and I was trying to install the ATT-SGH-I727-UCMC-STOCK-odexed(and the deodexed)-cwm.zip from external storage.
For some reason I cant get to use the adb sideload command in the terminal
Why are you trying to flash an I727 package on an I9100 ?

[Q] Stuck in boot - can't fix

Hey guys,
First off, although I hope that it turns out to be very easy to fix and that I've been an ass for being unable to find it myself, I've been trying to figure this out for several hours and I can really use your advice.
The S2 is upgraded to the latest version (I think, it's been several months since last update) of ICS, via KIES. Never did any modding on it.
Problem: (Not sure if this is really the cause of the problem, but) I have never been able to check the way my internal and external RAM and SD-card has been filled up, by which I mean the standard overview in the S2's settings. The information would not simply not load. A few days ago though, I had a lot of time on my hands, so I just kept it running on that screen for a very long time. When I came to check again: it was stuck in the bootscreen ('flashing Samsung logo').
It is still stuck at this screen, despite removing battery several times and removing SD-card. I am able to get into System recovery as well as Download mode. I have wiped the cache partition via System recovery. Also I have tried to reset it via KIES, but despite the computer's System messages saying that it is recognized, it does not get past the connection screen in KIES ("machine not responding''). So there's seems to be nothing I can do via KIES.
My true question: Is my only option left to 'wipe data/factory reset' in the phone's Recovery system, or am I missing another solution?
I hope that you can help me out with this.
You can try flashing a stock rom with Odin, that may fix it without a factory reset. Get one for your country/carrier from Samfirmware (not 4.0.4) & flash it following the instructions in thread stickied near top of Q&A titled 'Flash stock firmware'. If you have problems with the flash, find Hopper8's 'Odin troubleshooting' thread stickied in the General section & go through the troubleshooting steps in a methodical manner until you get a successful flash.
It's 50/50 whether this will fix it on its own, you may end up having to do a factory reset after the flash anyway, so try it & see.
I presume we're talking about an I9100 ? (S2 is a generic term, there's a number of variants).
Thanks for your swift reply!
Yes it's the GT-I9100. For which there actually seems to be no firmware for, for Holland/Netherlands on Sammobile.com. Any advice where I could then get it?
Plenty of firmwares available for the Netherlands on Samfirmware (yes I just checked), use a different browser and/or turn off any script blockers/similar - their site is heavily script dependent & won't work properly if you're blocking them.
And any firmware will do really, I just assume many people in this situation will stay on stock firmware, so you may as well stick with your country/carrier as this rom will have a modem bundled that will work well with your carrier, if you start flashing stock roms for other countries/carriers, that might not be the case.
It took me a while to figure it all out, but I eventually managed to do it! But something went wrong after flashing, I think.
These were ODIN's last messages:
<ID:0/003> Remain Port .... 0
<OSM> All threads completed. (succeed 1 / failed 0)
Then my phone restarted. After having been stuck at the Samsung logo for a few minutes, it changed! It started upgrading the Android-system by 'Optimising applications' and then by 'Opening applications'. But.. It's now stuck at opening the applications.
Is it possible that this is due to me having removed the SD-card at start? I do have most of my apps on the SD-card.
Thanks so far! I have appreciated it very much
So far no succes I'm afraid.
As I told in the post above, after the first flash my mobile got to the 'Opening applications' screen during rebooting. Because it got stuck there, I thought it might have to do with my external sd-card (which holds most of my apps) not being in the phone during flash. So I flashed it again, this time with the sd-card inside the phone.
Still no luck! Once again stuck the Samsung logo.
Any idea what else I could try?
Hey guys, just to give an update! It finally worked!
After flashing a few times, I performed a wipe data/factory reset after all. After having done so (and giving it another 10 minutes) it worked!
I have lost all my contacts and my stories in my Notes, but I guess that couldn't be avoided. No chance of getting (especially) the Notes back I presume?
Either way, thanks for kicking me in the right direction MistahBungle! Not sure if it'll actually give you any rewards, but I referred you on Sammobile
Good man. Glad you fixed it (sorry I wasn't around to see your other posts yesterday). Yep, I did say there was a chance you'd need to do a factory reset after flash, and half of these we see are fixed by just flashing & the other half need a reset.
If you're staying on stock, make sure you backup your stuff with Kies or Google, and most apps have the ability to create backups which you should keep copies of on your external sd card if you have one, and on your PC.
You're welcome (thanks for the referral on Samfirmware)

