Very bad signal - Xperia Z2 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hey everyone, I live in the US and bought a Z2 on eBay from never-msrp on eBay, his service was great and the phone has no outside physical defects.
However, I have very very bad signal. I live in a place that only gets 1 or 2 signal bars on occasion (just 2G, sometimes 3G) and if I don't get signal in the house I can put the phone next to a window and get a pretty solid signal. This is not the case with the Z2. I get no signal at the house and when I put the phone up to the window I will only get 1 bar of 2G every so often, perhaps like 5 minutes of signal out of 40 minutes sitting near the window. Does this phone just have naturally weak signal? I noticed that when I go up the road to try and obtain better signal, it is very slow to pick up signal and once in a supposedly stable zone where I can get 3G, it will not be very stable. For the most part, I get 3G but I noticed that the signal went out completely a couple of times.
Does this sound like a defective device? I've already contacted the seller and he accepts returns though I have to pay a ridiculous restocking fee probably.


[Q] Signal strength :(

Question for people who switched from Evo 4G to Evo 3D.
Is anyone else noticing markedly weaker phone/3G signal strength as compared to their old 4G?
Mine is showing next to no signal in placed that my 4G showed full bars, and it pops in and out of roaming in places where I previously had decent Sprint signal.
I am having horrible reception problems. I have to sit on a window sill to get reception at my apartment where my Evo 4g got atleast one bar. Driving on a major highway here in Rochester NY, l watched my phone have one or no bars all the way into downtown. Roaming has been turning on and off.
Went to Sprint Store and the Rf tested my phone and said everything was fine, but my phone still seems to bounce around signal strength wise and usually ends up with one bar or less in areas where I have never had reception problems before.
As for 3G, it was running really, really slow until I called sprint and did a factory reset which has seemed to fix the problem. I'll know later if it fixed the signal strenth problem as well.
Sprint store and RF test just dont sound like they go togehter.
Definately sounds like your device is having some issues with CDMA.

Poor signal

My i9205 have generally poor signal compared to my note1. It doesn't seem to make any difference to turn of LTD. I have not experienced any call dropping, only referring to the displayed signal. My note shows full signal while i9205 shows minimum signal. And in battery usage the "Cell Standby" is quite high and normally with 10-20% "Time without signal" even if I have not noticed any time without signal.
Anyone have similar issue ?
I have the Mega GT-I9200 and experience spotty signal as I drive around. I am on T-mobile in New York. Within a 15 mile radius in New York City my signal will fluctuate between HSPA+, Edge, G (1st generstion GPRS), and sometimes complete loss of both data and cellphone signal. I think the issue is I might need a modem to be ported from a t-mobile device to give me a consistent signal. Not sure if anyone could do that or if there's even a t-mobile device whose modem would be compatible at this point.
Sent from my GT-I9200 using xda app-developers app
Yep! I'm definitely getting this too. The phone very rarely shows the full 4 bars of reception, and in low signal areas (1 bar or less) the phone starts flipping between GSM/WCDMA (UMTS) constantly, giving very poor reception. Also, signal strength in general isn't as good as my nexus 4 was. I sometimes am unable to reliably maintain a signal at all in areas that I know my N4 could reliably hold 1 bar of strength, with the phone disconnecting from the network completely and then reconnecting all the time.
As I'm in the UK and without LTE anyway, I've switched the phone to WCDMA mode only, which has helped though the phone now just flips between HSPA and HSPA+ when in poor signal. Its certainly much more usable this way at least.
On the upside, yesterday night with 3 bars reception I was consistently able to get over 15Mbps download, with my best result of nearly 19Mbps! So it doesn't look to be a hardware issue.
I'm speculating wildly here but to me this looks like a SW issue in one of two areas: signal strength isn't being reported correctly (too low), causing the phone to take action to try and obtain a better signal (by flipping to a lower bandwidth protocol or disconnecting and trying to detect a better macro, for instance) when it isn't really necessary OR maybe the phone is just too aggressive in switching from HSPA+ down to GSM to save battery.
Is there some way to take control of the mechanism, and try to force the phone to stay in hspa+, or to spoof a higher signal strength?
EDIT: This phone is packaged with very thin plastic wrapping over the metal band that runs around the circumference of the device. I accidentally left a lot of this wrapping on for the first few days. It may be complete crap, but I think my signal might have improved since I removed it all! I certainly seem to be able to maintain a connection in places that I wasn't able to last week, and maintain a constant (4-5Mbps) HSPA+ link in areas that I couldn't before...
Time will tell...
I have the same encounter, I have two sim cards belong to the same number one for phone and one for tablet. The one in Mega 6.3 give me three bar signal but the one in Galaxy tab plus 7" give me four bar signal :crying:
I am also having reception issues with my mega 6.3 I get worst reception than any of my other phones sitting in the exact same spot. I am on ATT in the US. I removed all the plastic around the phone. I am wondering if it is my APN settings. Hopefully someone can shed some light on this or there is something eles going on.
The Mega has an issue with the radio. I bought two of these an i9200 and i9250. Both Mega's would lose signal completely. I don't have the greatest signal here at my home, but it has never been an issue with any other phone such as Note 1 and Note 2 and many others. If you are in a weak signal area more than not, you may wamt to hold off until the radio issue is resolved with software or whatever. They were unusable for me and I re-sold them.
Sent from my GT-N5100 using xda premium
I have an i9205 and it's fine with the signal. I'm in the UK though
The big problem about this is that the phone uses much more battery when signal is low and using 3G. I can get 6-7 hours screen on time on one charge while wifi is on. But when using 3G with low signal I get 3-4 hours.
I hope this is a radio firmware thing, and not a hardware thing, so that it could be improved with updates.
so any updates?
Same problem here with my new Mega 6.3! My phone have only 1 or 2 bars signals while my brother's Samsung Grand has full antenna easily. It's very annoying. What should we do?!
Same ****ty reception going on with mine. I returned it.
I changed it too. New one is working fine.
hi. ah really? changnig phone u noticed a consistent improvement in reception?
but... i can say that i and my girlfriend, using a DIFFERENT SELLER...... we have the same problem of cell standby
I found that all phone models are inconsistent in radio reception, not sure why...
Sometimes the updates can do a little better, but I believe the hardware is the most limiting factor.
Maybe Mega isn't for you where you live, just return it then get another phone
i have poor signal Too
Any news or solution ?

UK H850 poor phone signal, but same SIM fine in old Nokia feature phone

My H850 always struggles to get any sort of signal in my house (1 bar if I'm lucky), but I've just tried putting the SIM into a 15-year old Nokia feature phone and the signal is great - 4 bars. My provider is Plusnet Mobile (who use the EE network). Is it likely that the radio on the G5 is alot less capable than the one on the Nokia, or could something else be causing this?
itm said:
My H850 always struggles to get any sort of signal in my house (1 bar if I'm lucky), but I've just tried putting the SIM into a 15-year old Nokia feature phone and the signal is great - 4 bars. My provider is Plusnet Mobile (who use the EE network). Is it likely that the radio on the G5 is alot less capable than the one on the Nokia, or could something else be causing this?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I had a sprint G5 that was very similar just naturally had bad signal Same sim in Sprint G4 and the G5 signal sucked now I did notice if I pinch on the module and dangle the phone off of the weight of itself my signal would jump and as soon as I let the pressure off the module it would drop down again
Which led me to believe the connections on the module house at least ls992s lte antenna Its like all the other stories here I disassembled Cleaned contacts was good for a few weeks and went back to crap
My verizon G5 on AT&T works great Good gps good signal A lot of screen retention but I have learned to deal with it... over other issues users have.....
I noticed it too on my device. It has poor signal reception.
Strangely enough I managed to improve my signal strength with a Cam Plus module. I'm not sure about the other benefits of the module, but it contains an antenna and I now get 3-5 bars of signal from the same spot in my study that used to struggle for any signal at all. Unfortunately my connection continues to drop and re-connect every few minutes - e.g. dropping from 5 bars to no signal for a few minutes, then reconnecting with 5 bars. But at least I can now make and receive calls while I have a signal..

Signal reception problem

I just got this phone a few days ago and performance wise I am very impressed. However, the signal reception isn't really satisfactory.
I live in the Philippines and my carrier is SMART. When I'm outside the signal is fine, 4-5 bars. But when I go inside buildings it becomes 1 bar and sometimes becomes no service (especially when I put it in my pocket) Also even though my sim is LTE capable, I never seen it connect to LTE networks. Only 3G and H+.
Have you guys experienced this problem? Is it a hardware/software bug? Or is it a defect?

Faulty Antenna or IC? Constant dropping of calls, missed calls, bad siginal outside!

Hi Guys,
I've had the Sony Z5 Compact for many years now and well I'm still not willing to depart from it just yet as it was a gift from my Granddad who sadly passed awhile back.
I've had awful signal problems for the past 24 months or so, at first, I thought it was the network THREE but since then I've tried O2, and Vodafone. It didn't so much bother me at the time as THREE had WIFI-CALLING app which they recently retired, so I went Vodafone thinking that would resolve my issue, it didn't. Now I know the Sony Z5C generally use lower bars than Samsung but this issue is not to be confused with this. I've had weak signals on 3 different networks, in good strength areas as I've tested the Sims on a Samsung A50 with no problems. I can live with a weak signal but the constant drop outs, unable to make calls on the 'first attempt and missed calls is frustrating me to say the least.
I've followed Sony's advice: Factory Reset and a Software Repair using the Sony Companion software with no success. I'm starting to think I have a hardware fault, I've heard some people saying it could be the antenna wire, but do these even go faulty? I know the Sony Z5C runs hot, but to break the cable? and I know the iPhone 6 had IC issues that caused signal problems, so thinking could it be that?
Here is the signal strengths of each of the modes:
GSM_ONLY [ -75 dBm 19 asu | 200 Kbps]
WCDMA_ONLY [ - 79 dBm 17 asu | 9Mbps]
LTE_ONLY [-97 46 asu | 20Mbps - but can't make a call...]
Now I've been told the default mode, and the mode I should be using is LTE_GSM_WCDMA but when I select this, this happens:
Mobile reports 4G 3/4 signal bars, I go to make a call and then the 4G bars drop to 0/4, then I get 4/4 Bars with a H (not sure what mode this is), If I'm lucky, it connects, but most often it just fails, sometimes it will even go to 4/4 bars without the H (again not sure what this means).
The worst thing is receiving calls, my phone will ring, and when I answer, I have to wait, like 5-10 seconds for the call to connect, but most of the time, it fails!! I'm not sure why I can download at 20Mbps over LTE over the calls just don't work! its bad outside too, other phones do not have an issue in this area, we have good LTE here.
What else can I do behinds factory reset, and use the Sony Companion software? is the phone faulty? would that be the IC, or Antenna?

