NT 8GB, Boot Loop - Barnes & Noble Nook Tablet

So, I have a Nook Tablet 8gb that's stuck in a boot loop. I was using it last night to read, decided to go to bed and plugged it into the charger. Upon plugging the tablet in, it powered off, tried to boot up again, and then powered off again. It's now stuck in a boot loop (only shows the 'n' screen for 1 second), and it only does this when plugged into the charger or my laptop. When I remove it from the usb cable, it doesn't even power on at all.
I tried calling the Barnes and Noble customer support, but being that my NT is 1.5 years old, it's now out of warranty and they apparently can't do anything for me. The guy tried walking me through some troubleshooting steps and ended up telling me that it's a hardware problem. Before I toss it out, I decided to check here.
I have looked at other posts and seen similar issues that have been posted about, but seeing as how my NT won't even turn on without being plugged into the cable, none of the fixes on here seem to have worked. I did try downloading the repart.img onto a sd card but I was still unable to get my NT to reset to factory settings.
I'm at a loss at what to do with this paperweight, and I can assure anyone reading this, that I will never own a Nook again because of the horrible customer support, and the fact that the one I had only lasted me 1.5 years. Please help if you can, thanks!

Ok, update to my NT situation... (FYI, this appears to be a h/w issue with my battery vice an Android OS issue)
Just to clarify, I'll give a little more information. I've been doing research all day on my problem, and I feel like I need to specify some things in case anyone else has a similar situation going on. After reading some other posts online, this is what the problem initially appeared to be...
My nook tablet's battery drained all the way to 0% before I plugged it in. After plugging it into the cable (via pc or wall outlet), the tablet would power on, show the 'n' screen for approx 1 second, and then power off. After about 5 seconds, it would power on again, show the 'n' screen, and power off again. Basically it was just stuck in a boot loop and did not seem to be charging up at all even though the indication on the cable showed it should have been charging. When I would unplug the nook from the cable, it would not turn on at all.
Possible solution #1... I read somewhere in a couple different posts that it could be just a battery issue caused by me letting it drain all the way down. Some people resolved their issues by removing the back from their tablets, unplugging the battery for 10 seconds, plugging it back in and then letting the tablet charge. (Removing the back and messing with your tablet's hardware will void the warranty!!!) After watching a couple videos about how to access the battery and remove it, I decided to unplug mine and give it a shot.
Results so far.... After plugging my battery back in, my NT has stopped going into the boot loop. I'm now getting the message to let it charge for 15 minutes and then try to power it on again. This is at least a different screen than the boot loop I was seeing, so some success... hoping in about half an hour I'll have even more success. I will update again when I see something different... crossing my fingers!!!

Yep, unplugging my battery did stop the boot loop, and my NT is now charging. I was able to turn it back on and it's now at the stock setup screen.
Even though no-one replied to the post, I'd still like to thank the Android gurus that do post here and help individuals resolve their problems. It seems like I'm always learning something new when I check out the forums. Please keep up the great work!
Now time to root and have some more fun!!!


[Q] Dead battery = boot to recovery with no video

This is something odd I haven't experienced with any Android device until now.
Whenever my Rezound battery is depleted to the point where the phone shuts down, I cannot get the device to boot back up again without ADB.
While it's powered off in this state and plugged into charger, it exhibits no charge LED or any other type of activity.
After pressing the power button, it appears to do nothing whatsoever.
If plugged into my laptop USB, the OS detects the device and loads the Debug mode drivers. ADB DEVICES shows the device as being in Recovery, and the device is still completely dark, no video, no backlight, no button lights.
At this point I can ADB SHELL and issue commands, but it can take up to a dozen REBOOT commands (although sometimes on the first or second try) to get the device to do anything other than reboot directly back to dark-screen recovery. I just keep running REBOOT until finally the white/green HTC image appears and the phone boots normally as if nothing was wrong.
Once booted, it behaves perfectly for as long as the battery doesn't die. I can reboot, HBOOT, power off and on, do a Clockwork backup... But, if i let the battery die, I have to ADB REBOOT until it decides to come back to life.
What do you think. Hardware or software issue? Try RUU?
there's definietley a huge problem wtih this phone. i had a guy bring in a phone that died overnight and the same thing happend...he'd plug it into the wall, for 5 seconds it would show orange charging LED, then just shut off..phone wouldn't power on, either. he had it plugged in charging for 3 hours though, and the phone was still dead.
when i switched batteries, teh phone would not go past the white HTC screen. it was just dead. we had to get him a replacement. i'm seriously afraid to shut off my phone now or even let it die. sigh.
Oh yea, mine does the not booting past white HTC screen occasionally between REBOOTs as well. I am disappointed with HTC now, my original AMOLED Incredible was totally rock solid for the 2 years I carried it along 40+ airplane rides to 11 different states. This Rezound craps the bed if you give it a dirty look
Everyone should take a look at this thread in the Vivid forum. People were havin problems with their phone booting into CWM when the battery was dead, me included. Our CWM was updated to support charging and now all is fine. Might be worth looking into.
Weird, just let my battery die before reading this thread, didn't experience this..
but def not going to let it die again!

[Q] Bricked Nook Tablet 16bg.

Hello all I was hoping I could receive some assistance regarding my Nook Tablet. Yesterday I tried to upload CM7 onto it and in my haste I may have bricked it. I first put CWM on my sd card and booted into that and then in turn tried to put CM7 onto my Nook. I hit install CM7 in CWM and after it installed the screen when black yet still had a glow indicating it was on. I proceeded to let it just sit all night and in the morning it was dead. Now the problem has come that it doesn't seem to want to turn on. I've charged it all day and it still says that it doesn't have enough battery to turn on. I've searched the fourms on how to do a factory reset and they all seem to be good options. The problem I'm having though is that I can't even get my Nook to turn on to even try these options. I've even done hold the power button and N button method but again it just tells me it needs to charge more. Any help would be appreciated. Apologize if forgoing any fourm rules this is my first post and kinda worried about my Nook. Thanks again.
Make sure it's being charged by the official Nook AC adapter.
It is in fact being charged by the Nook charger. The thing is I'd love to try these factory resets I just can't seem to get past nook isn't charged.
with the usb cable plugged into the pc, it will ( should ) get a trickle charge.
sorry if you know this ( gotcha ) already. power is a 'software/logic' button. sometimes it'll look like its off when ( in fact ) it is "not" off. . i think you can see the display back light glowing if you look at it with a sharp angle. if you see a glow its hung in a false off...
I have gotten it to in fact turn on now, but it still hangs at the black glow screen after seeing read forever.
Well nevermind it ended up turning off again and I've come full circle with it.
Well I have ended up fixing it by doing the factory reset until it worked! Sorry for making a some what pointless thread was just a very worried nook owner. And again thanks for the insight on everything.
Glad you fix it,please add SOLVED tag to the OP title
~ Veronica

[Q] Nook Tablet shuts off when plugged in

I have a Nook Tablet (NT) that is rooted and running CM 10.2. All was well until recently when I noticed that once the battery is drained it'll take almost a day for it to turn back on, most of the time being stuck in a loop where the "battery is too low to power on" screen will appear and reappear. Two days my daughter was using it to watch Netflix and the low battery toast appeared, she plugged it in and the NT shut off. Pressing the power button produced nothing until we unplugged it again. I tried using three different cords including a fastboot cord I made for our KFHD, each time it shut right off and won't start back up. I've tried plugging a cord in without any power and it doesn't have any effect, yet the minute any kind of power is introduced....it shuts off and stays off while plugged in.
I searched Google, read almost every sorta relevant post and have searched other forums as well with no luck. Has anyone had this problem? Has anyone solved it? What could be the problem? Any help is appreciated. :crying:
KFlannigan5 said:
I have a Nook Tablet (NT) that is rooted and running CM 10.2. All was well until recently when I noticed that once the battery is drained it'll take almost a day for it to turn back on, most of the time being stuck in a loop where the "battery is too low to power on" screen will appear and reappear. Two days my daughter was using it to watch Netflix and the low battery toast appeared, she plugged it in and the NT shut off. Pressing the power button produced nothing until we unplugged it again. I tried using three different cords including a fastboot cord I made for our KFHD, each time it shut right off and won't start back up. I've tried plugging a cord in without any power and it doesn't have any effect, yet the minute any kind of power is introduced....it shuts off and stays off while plugged in.
I searched Google, read almost every sorta relevant post and have searched other forums as well with no luck. Has anyone had this problem? Has anyone solved it? What could be the problem? Any help is appreciated. :crying:
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This is an old post but I'm wondering if you ever found a solution? My kids nook tablet is doing the same thing. Thanks!
mpry1 said:
This is an old post but I'm wondering if you ever found a solution? My kids nook tablet is doing the same thing. Thanks!
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I have a hunch the battery is starting to fail. It is not a good idea to let the battery get too low, the reason being if it does then the circuity inside tells the nook that the battery is too low to function. When that happens the nook won't power on OR charge quickly. It can only trickle charge, which is why it can take a long long long time to get enough power to turn on.
If this is happening without warning, then it is because the battery indicator calibration is off. If it does flash up a battery warning turn it off right THEN (put it to sleep by pressing the power button once) and plug it in. This should keep it from powering off totally and should charge quickly.
If it keeps happening, it could be the battery needs to be replaced. There are two places to get one that I know of batteryship.com and newpower99.com both seem to come with tools to do the job.
My tablet started doing the odd phantom touches when the battery gets below 23%. I am trying to find a (real) way to calibrate it, but so far no go. But if need be I can just plug it in at 25% or so, as long as it doesn't get any worse. However from what I hear they often do.
Darth Newton said:
I have a hunch the battery is starting to fail. It is not a good idea to let the battery get too low, the reason being if it does then the circuity inside tells the nook that the battery is too low to function. When that happens the nook won't power on OR charge quickly. It can only trickle charge, which is why it can take a long long long time to get enough power to turn on.
If this is happening without warning, then it is because the battery indicator calibration is off. If it does flash up a battery warning turn it off right THEN (put it to sleep by pressing the power button once) and plug it in. This should keep it from powering off totally and should charge quickly.
If it keeps happening, it could be the battery needs to be replaced. There are two places to get one that I know of batteryship.com and newpower99.com both seem to come with tools to do the job.
My tablet started doing the odd phantom touches when the battery gets below 23%. I am trying to find a (real) way to calibrate it, but so far no go. But if need be I can just plug it in at 25% or so, as long as it doesn't get any worse. However from what I hear they often do.
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The problem you experienced with NT CM flaky battery reading and with NT going beserk at low battery reading was discussed at http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2551512.
FWIW there are some battery-calibration apps but I have not tried them.
I'm starting to think it's a hardware issue. I have replaced the battery twice and did a clean install of liquid smooth and it still shuts off completely when it gets plugged in. It will fully charge while plugged in but it will not turn on at all while power is going to the battery through USB. Once unplugged it will boot normally. Really strange.
digixmax said:
The problem you experienced with NT CM flaky battery reading and with NT going beserk at low battery reading was discussed at http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2551512.
FWIW there are some battery-calibration apps but I have not tried them.
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I will check out the thread, but I am running the B&N stock 4.3 currently (and rooted).

Nexus 9 won't turn on or charge. Am I SOL?

So just yesterday I was on here asking how to load/install apps from/to a USB device. I'm unsure if it's something I did to cause this or if it was just my tablet acting up.
I installed 2 new apps, "StickMount" and "FolderMount". StickMount is supposed to be for mounting/unmounting the USB I plug in, and FolderMount is supposed to connect installed apps to the usb in a "pair" so that they can load off of the USB instead of the device.
I had moved a few apps, one being LuckyPatcher, over to usb. However it really didn't seem to do anything. In fact, I'm pretty sure doing that added onto the existing used space (so it took more not less). The other two were just some games I was playing at the time (for testing).
Everything was running normal, I plugged the tablet in as it was close to death (like 14% if I remember correctly). Few hours go by, I decide to use it. Double tap the screen, no response. Click power, no response. HOLD power, nothing. I decide that maybe it was just dead and needed a charge, so I left it in as I went to sleep.
Wake up, and repeat. Nothing happens. I plug it into the computer, computer doesn't show anything is connected. Leave it for like hour to see if it'd charge, nothing. Tried using the steps on the google product forums, and nothing helped.
All the topics on here are people mentioning their tablets are in a similar state and they don't have a solution posted.. Or they say to send it in for repairs. I can't do that as I won this in a contest and there's no warranty or insurance on it.
Is there ANY way I can get this out of this brick state?
P.S: I forgot to mention, When I was taking my case off it, after it was already in the brick state, the nexus tablet itself started to come apart.. That's not normal is it?
P.P.S: I can't link to the page as I have not made enough posts. Googling "Nexus 9 won't boot" should get a product forums link, the user in there posts the link to the troubleshooter. Was just things like holding power and volume down, plugging it in and waiting 15 mins. so on.

tf201 keeps shutting down

Hi guys,
My tf201 keeps shutting down.
I was using it when suddenly if just shut down and went black dead.
I started it, in several seconds it goes off again. This happens if it is connected to keyboard dock, through USB to computer or not connected at all.
When started to recovery or to system, or even in APX mode as soon as I get into nvflash recovery mode it just shut down in several seconds.
The same for adb or fastboot, I cannot do anything, it just shut off in a second as soon as I get into any mode.
I have got all all my backups and files ready, but my problem is that tf201 keeps shutting down on me and I cannot push any files to it because as soon as I start it shuts down while connected to computer on USB in the middle of transfer.
I wonder if any of the experts here have seen something like this I would really appreciate any suggestions.
I got it back to life!
It was the battery issue!
Just to recapitulate:
It started by shutting down the tablet one day while showing 100% battery.
Would not boot into anything (system, recovery, adb, fastbook even nvflash mode) because it would shut off after several seconds.
I tried to reinstall everything, but I could not finish any process, tablet would shut down in the middle.
I left it connected on the dock hoping it will recharge.
After 2-3 days I tried to start it, it would show red battery screen and shut down immediately. That was something new I have not seen before.
I looked around and have find out that battery is or completely fried or need to get reset.
There is two methods to try.
1. open the tablet and unplug the battery cable, then after a while plug it back and charge.
2. reset by applying paper clip in the little hole on the left side of the tablet below the Micro SD card slot and charge at the same time.
I decided to start with the second method first, since I didn't want to open the tablet.
I plugged the paper clip into the hole and taped it on the body of the tablet with the tape in a way that would apply constant pressure on the clip. I plugged it through the USB into the computer and let charging for about 5-7 hours.
Then I tried to start it into recovery.
Miraculously it worked and battery was showing 35%.
After that point everything wen smooth, I formatted and reinstalled new N 7.1.2] [ KatKiss - Nougatella #036 ] by timduru and it works like new again.
Battery is charging normally and instead of constant 100% is now showing real number that goes down when I use the tablet and up when I charge it.
Looks like the battery needed to be reset by complete discharging and then starting it up by disabling all the controls using the paper clip trick while charging on computer. That started the battery again into a new life.
Hopefully this post will help someone in similar troubles.
Thanks for support guys!

