Wi-Fi on Dirty Unicorns - Sprint HTC EVO 4G LTE

I've been having some issues with WiFi connecting using Dirty Unicorns, as well as random reboots. And i know several other people have too, from looking through that thread. I even posted a bug report on their Jira bug tracking system.
The jewel maintainer for DU spoke with another maintainer of the ROM for a different device (who also runs it on a Jewel) and neither one of them is having the same problems, so it seems like it's probably something on my end. The one thing that we noticed was different was the radios.
I ran the RUU to get my new partitions, which updated me to the latest radios. Apparently Mazda (as he's known here) used a different method, And still had older radios. His radio is and he has not experienced any issues.
I'm on and get random reboots and occasional inability to attach to my home WiFi until I reboot, after which it immediately connects.
I guess I'm wondering, is it advisable to change radios back to an older version, if it had the possibility of correcting my issues? And if so, how do I do it? And if I do it and it doesn't help, can I easily go back to the most recent radio, or do I have to go through the RUU again?
I don't have any experience flashing radios, so if it's different than just flashing a zip, perhaps a tip on how to do it would also be appropriate.
Thanks for any and all advice, I really would appreciate some feedback.

I have ran into a similar wifi problem on the new build posted today. The wifi wont turn at all on this build v7.8

Anyone have better luck with dirty flashing the ROM over top of DU 7.7? Sometimes that helps.

fizbanrapper said:
Anyone have better luck with dirty flashing the ROM over top of DU 7.7? Sometimes that helps.
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I'm willing to be a guinea pig. I'll do a nandroid of my current setup and do a dirty Flash. I'll let you know how it goes.

Well, I did it. I dirty flashed and I have Wi-Fi. Now, since I have my backup, I think I'm going to do a clean flash and see what happens.

rck77 said:
I have ran into a similar wifi problem on the new build posted today. The wifi wont turn at all on this build v7.8
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I just did a clean install of 7.8 and still have Wi-Fi. What did you wipe before installing?

bpaulien said:
I just did a clean install of 7.8 and still have Wi-Fi. What did you wipe before installing?
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Yup did wiped data and cache. Flashed back to 7/7 build and wifi turns on. Tried to again and got the same result. weird...

rck77 said:
Yup did wiped data and cache. Flashed back to 7/7 build and wifi turns on. Tried to again and got the same result. weird...
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Try wiping system and data too (like it says in the Dirty Unicorn ROM's OP.) That's what I did. It might make a difference.
Sent from my Nook HD+ with official CM11 on emmc using Tapatalk pro

My WiFi died kind of randomly, so I dirty flashed a custom kernel. WiFi is back now.

no wifi
WiFi stopped working in version 7.8. I wouldn't care so much if Sprint had decent LTE coverage and speeds.
[ROM] Dirty Unicorns 4.4.4 {Jewel} v7.8 & v7.9 [Both New/Old Partition] no wifi

fizbanrapper said:
My WiFi died kind of randomly, so I dirty flashed a custom kernel. WiFi is back now.
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What kernel are you using? I had been using Bubba, but recently I was reading that WiFi doesn't work at all on it, and since it's no longer being supported, i don't think there's much hope of getting it working again.


Atrix, Wifi and Random Reboots

I have a major issue with my WiFi and reboots.
Background: I am using an ATT phone within the UK on T-Mobile network.
Randomely, the other day, the WiFi turned off and when I turned it back on, it says Error....
I have tried everything I can think of; wiping and reinstalling rom, erasing everything in fastboot, updating the radio (further question on that) and also kernels! Finally I tried FruitCake to get back to stock, still no luck!!
Radio: Are radio's carrier specific, i.e. could I flash a radio meant for Europe to replace the ATT one? (I am on .36)
What can I do now, please. Thanks
benny6812 said:
I have a major issue with my WiFi and reboots.
Background: I am using an ATT phone within the UK on T-Mobile network.
Randomely, the other day, the WiFi turned off and when I turned it back on, it says Error....
I have tried everything I can think of; wiping and reinstalling rom, erasing everything in fastboot, updating the radio (further question on that) and also kernels! Finally I tried FruitCake to get back to stock, still no luck!!
Radio: Are radio's carrier specific, i.e. could I flash a radio meant for Europe to replace the ATT one? (I am on .36)
What can I do now, please. Thanks
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If it helps, i accidentally formatted the PDS partition a while back and the reason for reboot is AP KERNEL PANIC
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I am having similar problems. Just last night my phone started rebooting frequently after having turl's v8 build of cm9 for probably a week and it was working great. However, now I have tried wiping everything, putting on different cm7 or cm9 builds and what I have come to the conclusion is anytime I turn the WiFi on, it reboots.
It is not even connecting to anything, just turning it on makes it reboot. I was on the .36 radio with this issue, I tried using the .37P radio and it did not fix it.
Does anyone have any other ideas to try and fix?
Do you get the option to turn it on? I'm on cm9 and it'll show up like the attached after it reboots.
No. I dont have that screen. It just says wifi error and Bluetooth crashes as well....
Sent from my MB860 using XDA App
From the other threads I have read, I think we are boned. It seems like the Broadcom WiFi/Bluetooth chipset is borked and the only fix other people have gotten is through an actual repair. I hope you are under warranty - I'm going to revert to stock and hope they accept it.
bassmarkie said:
From the other threads I have read, I think we are boned. It seems like the Broadcom WiFi/Bluetooth chipset is borked and the only fix other people have gotten is through an actual repair. I hope you are under warranty - I'm going to revert to stock and hope they accept it.
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But, how come whenever I flash a new rom, the WiFi will work temporarily, i.e. it would connect, obtain IP etc for a few minutes then just not work until I reflash?
Surely that is not hardware?
Sent from my MB860 using XDA App
Did you use Titanium Backup, and restore apps like Maps, Music, and YouTube? People are saying this can cause issues.
Also did you restore call logs after flashing? I experienced my wifi and mobile networking dying after doing that on only some of the new roms out there lately. It's a bug with one of the base roms, that a lot of custom roms are based off of. It was fixed with a new base rom version, but some of the custom roms have yet to officially update. Updates are under way though. Try out Morrison's 0.7 and see if you get the same result. It's been updated.
Although, you could be having a completely different issue. If you mean you can just leave it running after flashing and the wifi dies, I don't know what to say.
Drakonas said:
Did you use Titanium Backup, and restore apps like Maps, Music, and YouTube? People are saying this can cause issues.
Also did you restore call logs after flashing? I experienced my wifi and mobile networking dying after doing that on only some of the new roms out there lately. It's a bug with one of the base roms, that a lot of custom roms are based off of. It was fixed with a new base rom version, but some of the custom roms have yet to officially update. Updates are under way though. Try out Morrison's 0.7 and see if you get the same result. It's been updated.
Although, you could be having a completely different issue. If you mean you can just leave it running after flashing and the wifi dies, I don't know what to say.
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Tried all of the above and still nothing unfortunately. Just want to update on symptoms of the phone if that helps:
Everything eventually gets more and more buggy, even recovery is really laggy and slow
Data will stop after a few days use, and only fix that i know of is to reflash
WiFi does not work, it connects for about 30 seconds after a reflash, but then nothing.
Logcat says - Failed to Load WiFi Driver (after reporting WiFi HUNG)
The phone can crash when I plug in the MicroUSB to charge, when it restarts it says AP KERNEL PANIC.
I have tried everything except for flashing via RSD lite, do you think that could work?
Any help at all with this unique situation would be very helpful.

[Q] Navigation Issues on CM10

I have been running the latest CM10 nightlies for a couple days and love it on my EVO. However, I am having consistent issues with the navigation. I am S-OFF running the latest firmware. I have been flashing the latest CM10 nightly, although I have also tried deck's latest version as well. When flashing, I wipe everything in sight, trying both the superwipe zip and manual wiping, but everytime I install CM10 the Google navigation crashes on me and has weird screen artifacts. I have also tried using the GPS Status app to clear my GPS data to no avail. Does anyone have any other tricks to get nav to work on CM10?
Well, all I can say is to make sure you have a half decent kernel, and make sure you're using the right gapps. No reason it should crash on you.
actually im in the same boat. had to use waze (not bad at all), just wish it works.
Misterblc said:
I have been running the latest CM10 nightlies for a couple days and love it on my EVO. However, I am having consistent issues with the navigation. I am S-OFF running the latest firmware. I have been flashing the latest CM10 nightly, although I have also tried deck's latest version as well. When flashing, I wipe everything in sight, trying both the superwipe zip and manual wiping, but everytime I install CM10 the Google navigation crashes on me and has weird screen artifacts. I have also tried using the GPS Status app to clear my GPS data to no avail. Does anyone have any other tricks to get nav to work on CM10?
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I have the same issue. Eventually I was going to get around to trying a different kernel.
I am running the Kernel from the CM10 build:
[email protected] #1
Mon Dec 3 21:32:25 PST 2012
As for the GAPPS I just installed the latest I could find with the ROM and then downloaded the latest Maps from the market.
Any recommendations on a good kernel to try?
This is a widespread issue for unrooted, stock users. It is documented in several forums, so it does not only affect you or other rooted users.
I am running CM10 12/05 build from IRC and used my Navigation with G maps for 2 straight hours today with no problems.
I am on the kernel it comes with. Before flashing CM10 I update prl, profile and make sure I have a GPS lock on a Sense rom. Then go into TWRP and wipe cache, dalvick, factory reset, and system a couple times each, flash CM10, I'm using the Captain's Gapps from IRC and it works fine for me.
I've never wiped the GPS data stuff or anything like that either.
YMMV though I guess
I haven't tried using the IRC build...do you have a link / instructions on how to get that (and the GAPPS). I will try loading up MeanROM, getting a sense lock, and then switching to that build.
NaterTots said:
I am running CM10 12/05 build from IRC and used my Navigation with G maps for 2 straight hours today with no problems.
I am on the kernel it comes with. Before flashing CM10 I update prl, profile and make sure I have a GPS lock on a Sense rom. Then go into TWRP and wipe cache, dalvick, factory reset, and system a couple times each, flash CM10, I'm using the Captain's Gapps from IRC and it works fine for me.
I've never wiped the GPS data stuff or anything like that either.
YMMV though I guess
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This is the link to get into the IRC channels.
Once you are in the DL link for the rom and Gapps will be at the top of the page.
Let me know how it works for you.
Tried it, some problem unfortunately...I guess this is a YMMV type thing.
BTW, is that IRC channel a good place to get support for CM10? I was hoping to talk with the developers and try to help out with kernel logs or whatever may be useful.
NaterTots said:
This is the link to get into the IRC channels.
Once you are in the DL link for the rom and Gapps will be at the top of the page.
Let me know how it works for you.
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Sorry it didn't work.
No clue why it works for some and not others.
Sent from my PC36100 using xda app-developers app
Working now
I was having a lot of problems with the navigation until looked in the location access menu and selected the GPS source as "Use Internal GPS." It has been running smooth since then. :fingers-crossed: Hopes this helps.

[Q] Unusual? Can't get wi-fi or cell data on 4.1 ROM install

We have 2 Vibrant phones. 1 is on Paranoid Android 2.54 (via stock eclair, ICS Passion, Slim Bean 2.9 & 3.0) and works perfectly.
The second one was on ICS Passion for a long time and I have finally got around to (trying LOL) to update it.
Here is where the weirdness begins - Flashed PA 2.54 no problems, flashed and booted up, but no wi-fi, well no wi-fi icon, and it can find a couple of wi-fi networks belonging to my neighbours, but won't find my network, 2 rooms away. The network is obviously all good, I am sending this from my laptop through said network.
Obviously I need an internet connection to get through the phone setup, so I power down, throw the SIM back in and boot up only to find no cell data either.
Skip the google account setup and get to the home screen to check things further and I find:
Calls in/out work, and most things are running, but wi-fi won't co-operate, and nothing in the APN list? Baseband and IMEI all look normal, too.
Try to flash Slim Bean 2.9 as I put the zip on the phone at the same time as a fallback and I get EXACTLY the same thing...
Anyone able to shed any light on what would cause this? Anything else worth trying? I'd like to avoid Odin as it honestly scares me reading all the problems people on here have with it...
At this point I've tried flashing both ROMs a few times with exactly the same results, I also can't go back to the ICS nandroid as the partition setup has changed and the restore doesn't work...
Thanks in advance for any help anyone can give.
I ended up flashing a 4.2 ROM (slim 4.2 beta 1) and it made the problem go away, I'm guessing something in the 4.1 base was broken and not getting overwritten on new installs?
ROM seems pretty sorted for a beta, few minor things not working, but hopefully it gives us a clean upgrade path...
I had the same issue with Slim 4.2 Beta 2. If anyone has a solution other than flashing the modem, please post.
Weird. The phone I was having this problem with now has that ROM on it and is working 100%.
I have a suspicion that flashing a ROM that uses a different kernel is what fixed it for us. I guess it just overwrites/replaces more stuff?
Maybe try hellybean 4.2 and see if it makes a difference, and if it does flash back to slim 4.2 and see if the problem comes back?
I have installed slim and other ROMs but not had this issue. Currently on jellybam
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda premium
wendleburger said:
Weird. The phone I was having this problem with now has that ROM on it and is working 100%.
I have a suspicion that flashing a ROM that uses a different kernel is what fixed it for us. I guess it just overwrites/replaces more stuff?
Maybe try hellybean 4.2 and see if it makes a difference, and if it does flash back to slim 4.2 and see if the problem comes back?
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The weird part is that every other Slim Bean has worked great. I'll keep my fingers crossed for beta 3.

Can't get any ROMs to run without issues

Okay, I was running infection 2.5 for about 2-3 months. I tried to upgrade to 2.8.1 infection last week, but kept getting random wifi/date drops constantly. I tried Tron for a few day, but that kept hanging up. I tried Xenion??, but that also had the wifi/date drops. Now I have tried Vanilla. It was running fine all day yesterday and today, but now it stuck in bootloop.
What gives. Any advice? Should I reflash an RUU and update?
I am S-off; H-boot 2.28 and radios 2.23....
I never had this many issues with different ROM before. FYI, I have tried different kernals, different governors, etc... It also seems my phone is running hot with battery temps over 110* constantly.
Please help.
(Edit: Before someone asks, I have wiped, and wiped, and wiped even more, total clean install of apps, etc...).
Nappyloxs said:
Okay, I was running infection 2.5 for about 2-3 months. I tried to upgrade to 2.8.1 infection last week, but kept getting random wifi/date drops constantly. I tried Tron for a few day, but that kept hanging up. I tried Xenion??, but that also had the wifi/date drops. Now I have tried Vanilla. It was running fine all day yesterday and today, but now it stuck in bootloop.
What gives. Any advice? Should I reflash an RUU and update?
I am S-off; H-boot 2.28 and radios 2.23....
I never had this many issues with different ROM before. FYI, I have tried different kernals, different governors, etc... It also seems my phone is running hot with battery temps over 110* constantly.
Please help.
(Edit: Before someone asks, I have wiped, and wiped, and wiped even more, total clean install of apps, etc...).
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Did your issues start after flashing the latest firmware?
kc6wke said:
Did your issues start after flashing the latest firmware?
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No, my wifi/data was going in and out before, so I update to the latest firmware.
Nappyloxs said:
No, my wifi/data was going in and out before, so I update to the latest firmware.
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I was having similar issue on New firmware with older roms
That's why I decided to make my own from the latest ota.
I havent had an issue since.
kc6wke said:
I was having similar issue on New firmware with older roms
That's why I decided to make my own from the latest ota.
I havent had an issue since.
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I wish I knew how to. One day I may learn. I just switched to a Sense rom (Nils 4.0), just because I could not get out of bootloop earlier. I am going to let that run until it a) either acts up or b) until I have time to toss on a new rom, RUU, etc...
Go for a cm9 ROM maybe. There super stable, I used them before cm 10.1
I use the unofficial cm 10.1 rom now
Sent from my ADR6425LVW using xda app-developers app

[SOLVED][Q][CM11] Mobile network state disconnected & phone wakelock

Due to instability issues in the latest nightlies, I clean flashed and reverted back to CM11 milestone 5. After doing this, I haven't been able to get mobile data. Voice and sms work fine, just "mobile network state disconnected" and no data connectivity. Also after flashing back to M5, "Phone" seems to prevent the device from sleeping. In battery stats, the device is always awake, with "Phone" using the majority of the batter.
I've tried re-flashing CM11 M5 multiple times, I've also flashed different modems, and I've also called AT&T to reset my internet connectivity. Nothing has worked thus far. Any suggestions? :good:
I got mobile data back by going back to stock, clean flashing AOKP (which works with mobile data), then dirty flash to CM11. Quite unorthodox, probably not the best solution, but it's the only 'fix' that has worked!!
I've tried many other suggestions, such as the "patched" modems & kernels, to no avail. Finally this works, dreams do come true
UPDATE: I tried ODINing back to stop 4.3 ROM, on which data was working again. However, upon flashing back to CM11, data stopped working once again. I tried flashing AOKP, which *did* get data back, so I'm assuming this is a CM11-exclusive problem.
I really don't know how the CM11 data problem persisted even after flashing back to stock and then re-flashing CM11. What could've gone wrong? Anyways, I guess I'm sticking to AOKP for the time being.
n0stalgia said:
UPDATE: I tried ODINing back to stop 4.3 ROM, on which data was working again. However, upon flashing back to CM11, data stopped working once again. I tried flashing AOKP, which *did* get data back, so I'm assuming this is a CM11-exclusive problem.
I really don't know how the CM11 data problem persisted even after flashing back to stock and then re-flashing CM11. What could've gone wrong? Anyways, I guess I'm sticking to AOKP for the time being.
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Which AOKP rom you using? Is it for Kit Kat 4.4.2?
LAD2012 said:
Which AOKP rom you using? Is it for Kit Kat 4.4.2?
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yep, latest AOKP nightly
check out this thread
and this one too
n0stalgia said:
yep, latest AOKP nightly
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Have you got a link to the rom - any issues with Wi-Fi or 3G/Mobile Data? This CM 11 rom I have is awesome but it's a pain that the 3G/Mobile data just doesn't work at all.
LAD2012 said:
Have you got a link to the rom - any issues with Wi-Fi or 3G/Mobile Data? This CM 11 rom I have is awesome but it's a pain that the 3G/Mobile data just doesn't work at all.
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I had a problem connecting to the network with all ROMs
If you look on that thread, try installing the specified modem and kernel. Hope this helps.
lukeg26 said:
I had a problem connecting to the network with all ROMs
If you look on that thread, try installing the specified modem and kernel. Hope this helps.
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Did you install the patched kernel/modem while on stock ROM or on a custom ROM?
n0stalgia said:
Did you install the patched kernel/modem while on stock ROM or on a custom ROM?
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Got the 4.3 stock ROM from sammobile then installed the kernel and modem from TWRP recovery - haven't tried a custom ROM yet but I presume it'd work in the same way
I got mobile data back by going back to stock, clean flashing AOKP (which works with mobile data), then dirty flash to CM11. Quite unorthodox, probably not the best solution, but it works!
I've tried many other suggestions, such as the "patched" modems & kernels, to no avail. Finally this works, dreams do come true

