[Q] Samsung galaxy s 2 wont turn on/wont charge - Galaxy S II Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hi there. I promised my girlfriend to make her Samsung Galaxy S2 work again. The thing is, suddenly it won't charge. After trying several different chargers did I bought a new battery. But it didn't work either. Then I bought a new USB charging port and replaced it yesterday. After I plugged in the Charger, the screen shows the charging batteri screen for a couple of seconds and the went black. Then there was no power at all. I tried the other battery, I tried to make sure everything was as it should be inside on the motherboard.
Please help me..
I tried to make a hard reset but it didn't start op of course because the battery has no juice. I tried to unplug the battery for 10 seconds, then I plugged the charger in and afterwards the battery, but still no sign of power.

matthieusimon said:
Hi there. I promised my girlfriend to make her Samsung Galaxy S2 work again. The thing is, suddenly it won't charge. After trying several different chargers did I bought a new battery. But it didn't work either. Then I bought a new USB charging port and replaced it yesterday. After I plugged in the Charger, the screen shows the charging batteri screen for a couple of seconds and the went black. Then there was no power at all. I tried the other battery, I tried to make sure everything was as it should be inside on the motherboard.
Please help me..
I tried to make a hard reset but it didn't start op of course because the battery has no juice. I tried to unplug the battery for 10 seconds, then I plugged the charger in and afterwards the battery, but still no sign of power.
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Hm... you should always be able to start the phone via charger, otherwise something is severly broken.
My advice: Get your girlfriend a new phone or rather take her out for a nice dinner!
It's cheaper and you'll have a great time, hopefully.
PS Get the money back for USB charging port and battery. Women are a really terrible influence on men.......

Conny84 said:
Hm... you should always be able to start the phone via charger, otherwise something is severly broken.
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Hi, i am having similar situation, but i would like to be sure, its definitelly dead. What's different in my case, i was using CM 11 M8 and updated to M9 the day it was released, no problem with booting, just to the moment, when battery dropped to 0% and phone turned off. When i plugged it in, i was there - nothing, black screen, no access do download or CMW mode, tried other battery but no luck.
I just dont understand what has happened, that simple update can kill the phone or what?


[Q] Stuck on Bootscreen from nowhere

So, my phone's got the standard stock rom, I rooted it, but never flashed it, it has always worked great and hasn't given me any trouble until last night.
I got back from a trip inside my country where it worked great. Then it started running low on battery and shut down.
I went to a friend's house and he had this black berry charger. I pluged it to my phone to charge it and when I tried to turn it on it went on to the "Samsung Galaxy S 2" black and white screen, and started looping on it.
The only "new" "rare" or out of the ordinary thing to it was I had plugged the phone to a blutooth ear piece I bought the day before.
Any ideas?
Has anyone had this same situation?
I looked in the forum, but it seems every loop problem comes out of flashing new roms.
Thanks in advance.
It's possible it could be a battery problem. There have been several threads of boot problems with a fully discharged battery. Sometimes the phone itself can not recharge the battery, and the fix is to use a fully charged other battery, or maybe to buy an external charger for the battery. Not sure if the blackberry charger would have caused a problem. As long as it's a micro usb charger I would think it would be ok.
I have never had a problem like this myself, just reporting some things I have read other people say.
It's likely the voltage is different enough to make the phone unhappy. Can you plug into a PC instead if you don't have access to a "real" charger? It will take forever to charge, but I'll bet it takes care of the boot issue...

[Q] Battery stuck at 0%, need battery replacement?

Suddenly my phone won't charge. Do I need a new battery?
Here's the details ...
Samsung Galaxy S2 (i9100)
CyanogenMod 10.1 Nightly (10.1-20121229-NIGHTLY-i9100).
I've had it for almost 2 years.
If I leave it plugged in, everything works fine. I can boot it up and use it normally. The lockscreen display and status bar indicate that it's charging, but it stays at 0%. If I unplug the charger, it shuts down right away.
It also seems warmer than it should be while plugged in, but I'm not certain that's part of the problem.
The results are the same whether I use the charger or a USB cable connected to the computer.
There's an immediate reaction when I plug it in or unplug it, so I don't think there's anything wrong with the charger or the port.
I've tried removing and re-inserting the battery with no change. I've also rebooted it several times... it shuts down when I unplug it anyway.
It just happened today, and I haven't installed or updated any software in the last several days. I have auto-updates in the Play store turned off. So it's not a software issue. The ROM was the last thing I updated and that was on the 30th.
I think the battery is really empty because I can't power it on at all if it's not plugged in. So, it's not just that the battery level indicator is wrong.
Hopefully, all I need is to replace the battery, but I was hoping someone here could confirm that or suggest what else might be wrong.
Thank you.
Check contact pins see if they are bent away or have crap on them. If not it sounds like the battery is dead, but I assume you already knew this.
I had already checked all connections and didn't find any damage or other problems. I bought a new battery today and that seems to have solved the problem.
Thank you.
Ghodmode said:
I had already checked all connections and didn't find any damage or other problems. I bought a new battery today and that seems to have solved the problem.
Thank you.
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I needed to write because this topic is on top on google results. I've lived the same today. A while ago i had a sudden battery decrease issue. There i was suggested to remove the battery and wait for a while. I tried this today. Removed the battery (simcard and memory card also... i just felt desperate). Waited for a while (i gues it was about half an hour). Plugged to charge. And my battery contiued charging from %61. I just showed wrong level.
This issue is happening to me too=/ but it happened to both my batteries in the space of two weeks
hi i have the same problem. i bought a new battery as mine was kaput. then a few days after that i needed a new charger port. now my phone wont turn on manually but when it is on charge it will randomly turn on for 10 seconds with 0% battery and then turn off. i tried doing the reboot with the power, home and vol up button but nothing happens. do i need another new battery?
I don't think it's the battery. I think it has something to do with these custom kernels and ROMs. I've been battling this problem for months with no results.
- I have a new battery, new cable, cleaned pins.
- Tried Lollipop, CM12 with kernel, one or two other kernels.
- Tried various KK ... CM11, Dominanx Kernel, some others too.
None work properly. I love all the updates but it's I just can't pin the problem down on my S2. I'd love to know what else I can do because I think I've exhausted all possibilities. Maybe JB is the only option? I dunno.
Help would be great on this.
metro_electro said:
I don't think it's the battery. I think it has something to do with these custom kernels and ROMs. I've been battling this problem for months with no results.
- I have a new battery, new cable, cleaned pins.
- Tried Lollipop, CM12 with kernel, one or two other kernels.
- Tried various KK ... CM11, Dominanx Kernel, some others too.
None work properly. I love all the updates but it's I just can't pin the problem down on my S2. I'd love to know what else I can do because I think I've exhausted all possibilities. Maybe JB is the only option? I dunno.
Help would be great on this.
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if you think the problem is custom ROMs then why don't you just go back to stock ROM and try?
daniu said:
if you think the problem is custom ROMs then why don't you just go back to stock ROM and try?
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I thought it might have been the pcb. I replaced that too but even that didn't completely revive the battery life. Went back and forth between JB and various customs mods to no avail. I ended up selling it for parts locally
Loved that S2 but it was time to walk away from it
deadmike07 said:
hi i have the same problem. i bought a new battery as mine was kaput. then a few days after that i needed a new charger port. now my phone wont turn on manually but when it is on charge it will randomly turn on for 10 seconds with 0% battery and then turn off. i tried doing the reboot with the power, home and vol up button but nothing happens. do i need another new battery?
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I also had the same problem once. What I did was, went to recovery mode and charged for 1 hour and voila,it was charged till 21% only sadly. But by then,it has never rebooted like that!:angel:
hey ive also had a similar problem in which my j1 (Samsung Galaxy J1 (2016)) started to randomly shut down or restart around 2 months ago. Then, the battery would start jumping percentages like 100%, to 54%, then 33, back up to 84 in around 10 minutes. Then when I tried to charge it, it would stay at 0% and when Id unplug it, it would say 100% and shut down. Around late last month i ordered a replacement battery, it came in yesterday and worked fine up until a few hours ago. Now when i try to charge it it would stay at 0%.
1.Turn OFF Phone
2. Pull battery out
wait few sec
3. Connect charger
4. Put battery in
5. Turn Phone ON
Working for me. If not prob replace battery :fingers-crossed:

My Galaxy wont charge via PC or Charger

My battery started to drain fast few days ago, i thought it was a software issue(some apps). Yesterday i put it on the charger, as i didnt put it, nothing happend, i thought my charger broke, i put it on PC, same, wont charge, now im thinking the connector broke, u put USB OTG memory stick and it reads it normally, so the port is working, tryed factory reset and reflashing offical stock rom, problem isnt solved, also when the phone is in download mode on charger or pc, and i take out the battery the phone stays on, it takes power directly from the charger(this is normal), witch i think confirms its a battery problem, not a phone. Now, anyone faced this problem also? Have expirience whit this, any advice what should i do (im gona try with new battery but its a weekend, no stores working). Any help, any chance its really a battery problem, not a phone?
EDIT: Also when the battery is in, phone off, put it on charger, the empty battery shows, the grey curcle arrow rolls (battery stats are read), then it shows the battery level for a second, and the circles bellow it instead of zooming in and out in movement, it stays at the first for a seccond and then the display turns off, nothing, no red light also.
Contact issue
tomashaker4e said:
My battery started to drain fast few days ago, i thought it was a software issue(some apps). Yesterday i put it on the charger, as i didnt put it, nothing happend, i thought my charger broke, i put it on PC, same, wont charge, now im thinking the connector broke, u put USB OTG memory stick and it reads it normally, so the port is working, tryed factory reset and reflashing offical stock rom, problem isnt solved, also when the phone is in download mode on charger or pc, and i take out the battery the phone stays on, it takes power directly from the charger(this is normal), witch i think confirms its a battery problem, not a phone. Now, anyone faced this problem also? Have expirience whit this, any advice what should i do (im gona try with new battery but its a weekend, no stores working). Any help, any chance its really a battery problem, not a phone?
EDIT: Also when the battery is in, phone off, put it on charger, the empty battery shows, the grey curcle arrow rolls (battery stats are read), then it shows the battery level for a second, and the circles bellow it instead of zooming in and out in movement, it stays at the first for a seccond and then the display turns off, nothing, no red light also.
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In my opinion the usb connector dirty. Clean it.
gtcat said:
In my opinion the usb connector dirty. Clean it.
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Cleaned it right now, its not that.
tomashaker4e said:
My battery started to drain fast few days ago, i thought it was a software issue(some apps). Yesterday i put it on the charger, as i didnt put it, nothing happend, i thought my charger broke, i put it on PC, same, wont charge, now im thinking the connector broke, u put USB OTG memory stick and it reads it normally, so the port is working, tryed factory reset and reflashing offical stock rom, problem isnt solved, also when the phone is in download mode on charger or pc, and i take out the battery the phone stays on, it takes power directly from the charger(this is normal), witch i think confirms its a battery problem, not a phone. Now, anyone faced this problem also? Have expirience whit this, any advice what should i do (im gona try with new battery but its a weekend, no stores working). Any help, any chance its really a battery problem, not a phone?
EDIT: Also when the battery is in, phone off, put it on charger, the empty battery shows, the grey curcle arrow rolls (battery stats are read), then it shows the battery level for a second, and the circles bellow it instead of zooming in and out in movement, it stays at the first for a seccond and then the display turns off, nothing, no red light also.
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Many Galaxy S3 have problems with the charging port and need repair maybe for 20 to 30 bucks.
santij07 said:
Many Galaxy S3 have problems with the charging port and need repair maybe for 20 to 30 bucks.
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I hope you are right, i had that problem before, and replaced it, after then im extremely careful and gentle, so i think there are very low chances that thats the problem, i will take it to service later today, its still under warranty
Its probably a faulty battery
I had a faulty cable and man it was horrible
I was on vacations so no shops around, the phone would constantly show charger connected/disconnected and would take ages to charge

[Q] Galaxy S2 wont charge, wont turn on but gets warm

My Galaxy S2 appeared to be working fine with no issues but during a charge one day, I noticed it had gone black and wouldn't turn on. I swapped out the battery and changed the charger (both taken from a different S2 that had no issues) and it didnt fix the issue.
The rundown:
Taking a different battery/charger that works with another S2 doesn't make any difference
Phone doesn't show the battery charger icon when plugged in
My PC doesn't recognise the phone when I plug it in via USB
The USB jig doesn't seem to help do anything
Tried removing the battery and keeping it out of the phone overnight, put it back in and still nothing
Tried removing the battery, plugging in the charger, waiting awhile, putting the battery back and straight away pressing power button - nothing
The only sign of life is that the phone gets warm around the camera area when left on charge.
Any ideas?
kmmc said:
My Galaxy S2 appeared to be working fine with no issues but during a charge one day, I noticed it had gone black and wouldn't turn on. I swapped out the battery and changed the charger (both taken from a different S2 that had no issues) and it didnt fix the issue.
The rundown:
Taking a different battery/charger that works with another S2 doesn't make any difference
Phone doesn't show the battery charger icon when plugged in
My PC doesn't recognise the phone when I plug it in via USB
The USB jig doesn't seem to help do anything
Tried removing the battery and keeping it out of the phone overnight, put it back in and still nothing
Tried removing the battery, plugging in the charger, waiting awhile, putting the battery back and straight away pressing power button - nothing
The only sign of life is that the phone gets warm around the camera area when left on charge.
Any ideas?
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my phone doing the same Since like 6 hrs ago
did you tried to turn it on when you didn't has battery (low battary) ? or you got the recovery mode before your phone stopped turning on ? because mine did and i dont know what to do too
I think you have burned the logic board
kmmc said:
My Galaxy S2 appeared to be working fine with no issues but during a charge one day, I noticed it had gone black and wouldn't turn on. I swapped out the battery and changed the charger (both taken from a different S2 that had no issues) and it didnt fix the issue.
The rundown:
Taking a different battery/charger that works with another S2 doesn't make any difference
Phone doesn't show the battery charger icon when plugged in
My PC doesn't recognise the phone when I plug it in via USB
The USB jig doesn't seem to help do anything
Tried removing the battery and keeping it out of the phone overnight, put it back in and still nothing
Tried removing the battery, plugging in the charger, waiting awhile, putting the battery back and straight away pressing power button - nothing
The only sign of life is that the phone gets warm around the camera area when left on charge.
Any ideas?
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What was your Android version?
kmmc said:
My Galaxy S2 appeared to be working fine with no issues but during a charge one day, I noticed it had gone black and wouldn't turn on. I swapped out the battery and changed the charger (both taken from a different S2 that had no issues) and it didnt fix the issue.
The rundown:
Taking a different battery/charger that works with another S2 doesn't make any difference
Phone doesn't show the battery charger icon when plugged in
My PC doesn't recognise the phone when I plug it in via USB
The USB jig doesn't seem to help do anything
Tried removing the battery and keeping it out of the phone overnight, put it back in and still nothing
Tried removing the battery, plugging in the charger, waiting awhile, putting the battery back and straight away pressing power button - nothing
The only sign of life is that the phone gets warm around the camera area when left on charge.
Any ideas?
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If this is still relevant (the OP posted 2 months ago)......
Phone won't power on, no charging icon when charger plugged in, recovery and download modes inaccessible, usb jig doesn't help, phone getting warm by the camera......I remember my time on the S2 forum, and these are all (when combined) a classic sign of a HARD BRICK.......
HARD brick = HARDware brick
SOFT brick = SOFTware brick
SOFT brick......usually recoverable
HARD brick......start using your phone as a paperweight......
Sorry mate, but unless you're prepared to spend out on a new motherboard, you ain't fixing it.....
Sent from my rooted, debloated stocKK kn0x0 SM-G900F
Thanks Keith & all.. it was indeed a goner. An expert took a look at it and found that the cause of the issue was the EMMC chip where the data is stored. Unfortunately it is too tedious/complicated to replace due to how it is soldered to the board (requires specialised equipment etc) so it was a choice of replacing the entire board or bust. Just wasn't worth it for an older phone. I ended up buying a Xiaomi Mi4i to replace the S2 and have been pretty happy with it (save for a few software bugs now and then).
keithross39 said:
If this is still relevant (the OP posted 2 months ago)......
Phone won't power on, no charging icon when charger plugged in, recovery and download modes inaccessible, usb jig doesn't help, phone getting warm by the camera......I remember my time on the S2 forum, and these are all (when combined) a classic sign of a HARD BRICK.......
HARD brick = HARDware brick
SOFT brick = SOFTware brick
SOFT brick......usually recoverable
HARD brick......start using your phone as a paperweight......
Sorry mate, but unless you're prepared to spend out on a new motherboard, you ain't fixing it.....
Sent from my rooted, debloated stocKK kn0x0 SM-G900F
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Green charging screen of death?

Hi all,
My phone cut out at about 10% battery charge earlier and wouldn't turn back on. I thought it was probably just bad battery stats. But now I'm home, even after an hour on charge (and 30 mins on another charger) the phone won't turn on. It also shows up as an unrecognised device in device manager.
Whats weird is that when I first plug the charger in, rather than seeing the blue battery logo, I see an unfamiliar green battery logo as attached.
Has anyone got any ideas on how to fix this? (Tried booting with the volume up and volume down buttons held)
It's also come at quite a frustrating time, I may not be able to reply until Sunday night as I'm off camping in the sticks for the weekend.
Plug your charger and Try to keep holding the power button for 1 min.....maybe start
fatalhh said:
Plug your charger and Try to keep holding the power button for 1 min.....maybe start
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Sadly that didn't work.
The battery appears to now be taking a charge (300mA/h according to a USB multimeter), but I haven't been able to even get SP flash tools to recognise the handset sadly.
loadedscissors said:
Sadly that didn't work.
The battery appears to now be taking a charge (300mA/h according to a USB multimeter), but I haven't been able to even get SP flash tools to recognise the handset sadly.
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Looks like battery dead....
fatalhh said:
Looks like battery dead....
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That is the conclusion I'm coming to, sadly there doesn't seem to be a UK stockist of the battery yet, but I guess in the mean time I can see if the seller will honour any form of warranty on the product. For now, I'm back on my old G3 and it doesn't even begin to compare. I loved my Elephone.
Bad luck my friend.....I have a samsung galaxy 2 and one day run out of battery and never awake again....weird things
I think it should be cover with warranty.....Is one year in China
Type a email to Elephone support and they must be assist you because the phone is less than one year in the marketing.
I hope you will have a possitive news from Elephone
Thanks, I'll let you know how I get on.
I have the same problem a while ago with the green thing logo while charging , I even try it on wireless charger but it has the same thing with the green logo of battery ...but luckily it charge normally with blue logo
I have seen this on my screen a few times when I ****ed my bootloader during flashing. Device ended up being semi-bricked. I could not flash via SPtools because my device didn't get recognized. I was able to fix it luckily!
Hi all, sorry for the delay in responding.
So, the first problem was the battery. You need to charge it beyond 3.8v I think to get the phone to turn on, probably better to get it to 4v so you have enough charge stored to use the phone. The phone can't charge the battery below a certain threshold (around 3.7v) so you have to remove the battery and use a lithium-ion battery charger (any phone battery charger), these are available for about £2 on ebay.
In my phone the USB port had also stopped working for data transfer. I tried changing the board with the USB port on to no avail.
I replaced everything but the screen in the end to get it working.
Are/were you on stock OS or had you replaced it with another rom? Just for a bit more clarity of the problem.

