Green charging screen of death? - Elephone P9000 Questions & Answers

Hi all,
My phone cut out at about 10% battery charge earlier and wouldn't turn back on. I thought it was probably just bad battery stats. But now I'm home, even after an hour on charge (and 30 mins on another charger) the phone won't turn on. It also shows up as an unrecognised device in device manager.
Whats weird is that when I first plug the charger in, rather than seeing the blue battery logo, I see an unfamiliar green battery logo as attached.
Has anyone got any ideas on how to fix this? (Tried booting with the volume up and volume down buttons held)
It's also come at quite a frustrating time, I may not be able to reply until Sunday night as I'm off camping in the sticks for the weekend.

Plug your charger and Try to keep holding the power button for 1 min.....maybe start

fatalhh said:
Plug your charger and Try to keep holding the power button for 1 min.....maybe start
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Sadly that didn't work.
The battery appears to now be taking a charge (300mA/h according to a USB multimeter), but I haven't been able to even get SP flash tools to recognise the handset sadly.

loadedscissors said:
Sadly that didn't work.
The battery appears to now be taking a charge (300mA/h according to a USB multimeter), but I haven't been able to even get SP flash tools to recognise the handset sadly.
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Looks like battery dead....

fatalhh said:
Looks like battery dead....
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That is the conclusion I'm coming to, sadly there doesn't seem to be a UK stockist of the battery yet, but I guess in the mean time I can see if the seller will honour any form of warranty on the product. For now, I'm back on my old G3 and it doesn't even begin to compare. I loved my Elephone.

Bad luck my friend.....I have a samsung galaxy 2 and one day run out of battery and never awake again....weird things
I think it should be cover with warranty.....Is one year in China
Type a email to Elephone support and they must be assist you because the phone is less than one year in the marketing.
I hope you will have a possitive news from Elephone

Thanks, I'll let you know how I get on.

I have the same problem a while ago with the green thing logo while charging , I even try it on wireless charger but it has the same thing with the green logo of battery ...but luckily it charge normally with blue logo

I have seen this on my screen a few times when I ****ed my bootloader during flashing. Device ended up being semi-bricked. I could not flash via SPtools because my device didn't get recognized. I was able to fix it luckily!

Hi all, sorry for the delay in responding.
So, the first problem was the battery. You need to charge it beyond 3.8v I think to get the phone to turn on, probably better to get it to 4v so you have enough charge stored to use the phone. The phone can't charge the battery below a certain threshold (around 3.7v) so you have to remove the battery and use a lithium-ion battery charger (any phone battery charger), these are available for about £2 on ebay.
In my phone the USB port had also stopped working for data transfer. I tried changing the board with the USB port on to no avail.
I replaced everything but the screen in the end to get it working.

Are/were you on stock OS or had you replaced it with another rom? Just for a bit more clarity of the problem.


SGS2 dead, can't unroot/wipe to return...problem?

I put my phone on the charger last night just like every other night, and awoke this morning to the screen frozen, displaying the time of 12:35am. No buttons were responding, so I pulled the battery and put it back in. It won't boot up, no lights, no nothing. Tried my spare batteries, still nothing. Tried all my chargers and nothing happens when plugged in. Dead.
Rooted, with UnNamed rom, but haven't flashed anything in months.
Is this thing dead, or can it be brought back with a jig?
EDIT: Thanks for the troubleshooting tips, but this baby is I have to return it and hope that warranty stays intact...
This may sound stupid but, did you have the phone under your pillow while charging?
LiLChris06 said:
This may sound stupid but, did you have the phone under your pillow while charging?
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No it was docked in the Samsung charging stand...
Pull your battery and leave it out for at least 10 minutes... go for 30. Then put your battery back in and try it. The purpose is to completely deplete all of your electronic resistors and capacitors of any power.
Red5 said:
Pull your battery and leave it out for at least 10 minutes... go for 30. Then put your battery back in and try it. The purpose is to completely deplete all of your electronic resistors and capacitors of any power.
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I'll give this a try...had it out for awhile this morning, but maybe not a full 10 min...
dgold21 said:
No it was docked in the Samsung charging stand...
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Reason I asked is it can make the phone overheat, it happened to me and many others on here.
I woke up to the same situation as you did and had to pull the battery and wait a bit then charge it back cause it was dead.
Ok battery out for 30+ minutes, and popped it back in - still nothing, dead as a doornail...
Should I try a jig before taking it to warranty, just to make sure that they aren't going to be able to boot it and see I rooted?
If there's anything I can do to avoid having to go buy a phone at full price to get me through the weekend, that would be awesome...going out of town in the morning and can't be without a phone...
I had that happen to a Captivate. Go to an AT&T warranty place and they can swap it.
Sent from my SGH-I897
Yeah unfortunately it sounds pretty dead :-(
I had this happen a few months ago. I think it has to do with how it deals with a completely dead battery. The symptom is that the phone is either completely unresponsive or will show the battery logo with a circle and then quickly power off. This is how I got around it:
-First pull out the battery, and leave the back cover open.
-Get a microUSB cable plugged into your PC at the ready, but not plugged into the phone yet. This will not work with the wall charger.
-Hold down vol down, vol up, and power, and then plug in the USB cable. In a few seconds you'll see the download mode "Custom OS" dialog with a yellow triangle.
-Do not press any buttons after this point.
-Plug in the battery, and let it sit for 10-30 minutes.
-After the battery's had enough time to get a base charge, hold the power button until the screen turns black.
-If the battery has enough charge to begin charging, you should see the full-screen battery logo with a "progress wheel" circle in the middle change to the battery with the five dots below. This means the charger is now active.
-You can now let it charge off of USB, or move it to the wall charger for a faster charge.
Again, this is what's worked for me. Post here if you are having any luck with this method.
I have a Captivate that died on me in the exact same fashion two days ago. I'm deciding whether to wait a few months for new releases or just getting a SGSII. ATT is offering it for $10 with a contract renewal.
Since my phone is out of warranty, is there any other way to get it replaced?
pokey9000 said:
I had this happen a few months ago. I think it has to do with how it deals with a completely dead battery. The symptom is that the phone is either completely unresponsive or will show the battery logo with a circle and then quickly power off. This is how I got around it:
-First pull out the battery, and leave the back cover open.
-Get a microUSB cable plugged into your PC at the ready, but not plugged into the phone yet. This will not work with the wall charger.
-Hold down vol down, vol up, and power, and then plug in the USB cable. In a few seconds you'll see the download mode "Custom OS" dialog with a yellow triangle.
-Do not press any buttons after this point.
-Plug in the battery, and let it sit for 10-30 minutes.
-After the battery's had enough time to get a base charge, hold the power button until the screen turns black.
-If the battery has enough charge to begin charging, you should see the full-screen battery logo with a "progress wheel" circle in the middle change to the battery with the five dots below. This means the charger is now active.
-You can now let it charge off of USB, or move it to the wall charger for a faster charge.
Again, this is what's worked for me. Post here if you are having any luck with this method.
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Surprisingly I had the same EXACT situation occur as the OP. I set my phone down charged via USB last night and next morning I woke up to an extrememly luke warm phone with nothing turning on, it was a blank screen and I for sure thought the battery was dead...
Ended up at Radioshack in search for a spare battery to use, but the employee's were assholes and wouldn't let me borrow one from out of their SGS2 displays, so I decided at this point to just find a battery online and be phone-less for a few days.
Thanks to pokey for this little gameplan he had written out, , it appears there still is life in my lil' R2D2... at least it appears to be.
Edit: Yep it worked, just have to wait for it to charge now--those who have this problem follow pokey's steps and this should direct you on the right path. Good luck!!
pokey9000 said:
Again, this is what's worked for me. Post here if you are having any luck with this method.
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Unfortunately this didn't work for me, thanks though, had high hopes and tried it several times. I picked up a jig and no life with that either. Dead.
Oh well...warranty phone is supposed to arrive today, can't wait to take back this WP7 abomination (had to try it).
So since this phone is verified as dead now, is there anything to worry about in sending it back through warranty since I'm unable to wipe/unroot it?
This scares the crap out of me since I just got my phone. Good tips to try if it does happen.
Can it be concluded that it has something to do with leaving the charger on it after it is fully charged? Maybe something with the voltage regulator(?) that tells the charger to stop charging when the battery is full.
I have dewalt drills that I swear lose life if you leave them on the charger for long periods of time consistently (even though they are to stop charging when the battery is full). Whats weird about these problems is that it killed the phone too, not just the battery.
MikeyMike01 said:
I had that happen to a Captivate. Go to an AT&T warranty place and they can swap it.
Sent from my SGH-I897
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BAM problem solved....the end
dgold21 said:
So since this phone is verified as dead now, is there anything to worry about in sending it back through warranty since I'm unable to wipe/unroot it?
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Yes you should worry, at&t might not be able to get it up and running but Samsung will, and when they get the device up and running they will see the root & rom so expect a very large phone bill in 1-2 months.
haines001 said:
Yes you should worry, at&t might not be able to get it up and running but Samsung will, and when they get the device up and running they will see the root & rom so expect a very large phone bill in 1-2 months.
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Well that's just friggin' great
My sgsii died on me while rooted and I swapped it out for warranty and did not incure a bill from AT&T or Samsung. It's been about 6 months now so I'm pretty sure they just used it for spare parts.
The funny part of the story is my current sgsii died the other day won't turn on at all. Got my jig today and that doesn't work either. I will try pokeys method and hopefully it works for me.
haines001 said:
Yes you should worry, at&t might not be able to get it up and running but Samsung will, and when they get the device up and running they will see the root & rom so expect a very large phone bill in 1-2 months.
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While you could be correct, I don't see Samsung sinking the labor time into looking that closely. I'm guessing they just hook it up to something that'll push the firmware, test functionality, and send it out as a refurb.
I could very well be wrong, but when you get hundreds/thousands of dead devices like they do, its more cost effective to just keep it simple and move onto the next.
I've never returned a device, stock or customized, so this is just my guess based on experience working with a large corporation.

My Galaxy wont charge via PC or Charger

My battery started to drain fast few days ago, i thought it was a software issue(some apps). Yesterday i put it on the charger, as i didnt put it, nothing happend, i thought my charger broke, i put it on PC, same, wont charge, now im thinking the connector broke, u put USB OTG memory stick and it reads it normally, so the port is working, tryed factory reset and reflashing offical stock rom, problem isnt solved, also when the phone is in download mode on charger or pc, and i take out the battery the phone stays on, it takes power directly from the charger(this is normal), witch i think confirms its a battery problem, not a phone. Now, anyone faced this problem also? Have expirience whit this, any advice what should i do (im gona try with new battery but its a weekend, no stores working). Any help, any chance its really a battery problem, not a phone?
EDIT: Also when the battery is in, phone off, put it on charger, the empty battery shows, the grey curcle arrow rolls (battery stats are read), then it shows the battery level for a second, and the circles bellow it instead of zooming in and out in movement, it stays at the first for a seccond and then the display turns off, nothing, no red light also.
Contact issue
tomashaker4e said:
My battery started to drain fast few days ago, i thought it was a software issue(some apps). Yesterday i put it on the charger, as i didnt put it, nothing happend, i thought my charger broke, i put it on PC, same, wont charge, now im thinking the connector broke, u put USB OTG memory stick and it reads it normally, so the port is working, tryed factory reset and reflashing offical stock rom, problem isnt solved, also when the phone is in download mode on charger or pc, and i take out the battery the phone stays on, it takes power directly from the charger(this is normal), witch i think confirms its a battery problem, not a phone. Now, anyone faced this problem also? Have expirience whit this, any advice what should i do (im gona try with new battery but its a weekend, no stores working). Any help, any chance its really a battery problem, not a phone?
EDIT: Also when the battery is in, phone off, put it on charger, the empty battery shows, the grey curcle arrow rolls (battery stats are read), then it shows the battery level for a second, and the circles bellow it instead of zooming in and out in movement, it stays at the first for a seccond and then the display turns off, nothing, no red light also.
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In my opinion the usb connector dirty. Clean it.
gtcat said:
In my opinion the usb connector dirty. Clean it.
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Cleaned it right now, its not that.
tomashaker4e said:
My battery started to drain fast few days ago, i thought it was a software issue(some apps). Yesterday i put it on the charger, as i didnt put it, nothing happend, i thought my charger broke, i put it on PC, same, wont charge, now im thinking the connector broke, u put USB OTG memory stick and it reads it normally, so the port is working, tryed factory reset and reflashing offical stock rom, problem isnt solved, also when the phone is in download mode on charger or pc, and i take out the battery the phone stays on, it takes power directly from the charger(this is normal), witch i think confirms its a battery problem, not a phone. Now, anyone faced this problem also? Have expirience whit this, any advice what should i do (im gona try with new battery but its a weekend, no stores working). Any help, any chance its really a battery problem, not a phone?
EDIT: Also when the battery is in, phone off, put it on charger, the empty battery shows, the grey curcle arrow rolls (battery stats are read), then it shows the battery level for a second, and the circles bellow it instead of zooming in and out in movement, it stays at the first for a seccond and then the display turns off, nothing, no red light also.
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Many Galaxy S3 have problems with the charging port and need repair maybe for 20 to 30 bucks.
santij07 said:
Many Galaxy S3 have problems with the charging port and need repair maybe for 20 to 30 bucks.
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I hope you are right, i had that problem before, and replaced it, after then im extremely careful and gentle, so i think there are very low chances that thats the problem, i will take it to service later today, its still under warranty
Its probably a faulty battery
I had a faulty cable and man it was horrible
I was on vacations so no shops around, the phone would constantly show charger connected/disconnected and would take ages to charge

[Q] Samsung galaxy s 2 wont turn on/wont charge

Hi there. I promised my girlfriend to make her Samsung Galaxy S2 work again. The thing is, suddenly it won't charge. After trying several different chargers did I bought a new battery. But it didn't work either. Then I bought a new USB charging port and replaced it yesterday. After I plugged in the Charger, the screen shows the charging batteri screen for a couple of seconds and the went black. Then there was no power at all. I tried the other battery, I tried to make sure everything was as it should be inside on the motherboard.
Please help me..
I tried to make a hard reset but it didn't start op of course because the battery has no juice. I tried to unplug the battery for 10 seconds, then I plugged the charger in and afterwards the battery, but still no sign of power.
matthieusimon said:
Hi there. I promised my girlfriend to make her Samsung Galaxy S2 work again. The thing is, suddenly it won't charge. After trying several different chargers did I bought a new battery. But it didn't work either. Then I bought a new USB charging port and replaced it yesterday. After I plugged in the Charger, the screen shows the charging batteri screen for a couple of seconds and the went black. Then there was no power at all. I tried the other battery, I tried to make sure everything was as it should be inside on the motherboard.
Please help me..
I tried to make a hard reset but it didn't start op of course because the battery has no juice. I tried to unplug the battery for 10 seconds, then I plugged the charger in and afterwards the battery, but still no sign of power.
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Hm... you should always be able to start the phone via charger, otherwise something is severly broken.
My advice: Get your girlfriend a new phone or rather take her out for a nice dinner!
It's cheaper and you'll have a great time, hopefully.
PS Get the money back for USB charging port and battery. Women are a really terrible influence on men.......
Conny84 said:
Hm... you should always be able to start the phone via charger, otherwise something is severly broken.
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Hi, i am having similar situation, but i would like to be sure, its definitelly dead. What's different in my case, i was using CM 11 M8 and updated to M9 the day it was released, no problem with booting, just to the moment, when battery dropped to 0% and phone turned off. When i plugged it in, i was there - nothing, black screen, no access do download or CMW mode, tried other battery but no luck.
I just dont understand what has happened, that simple update can kill the phone or what?

Not charging, cannot power on. Battery issue?

Dug out my trusty Z3TC 16GB WiFi to browse the web and its dead and refuses to charge on 4+ different chargers. Won't respond to power+vol up or show any activity.
Software was fine when I last checked, running CM12.1 and no issues.
Anyone see a similar issue and know if the battery is likely to have failed or something more fundamental?
I'm ordering a pogo pin charger to see if that works, had a couple in the past but the connecting wires in the stand broke.
belrik said:
Dug out my trusty Z3TC 16GB WiFi to browse the web and its dead and refuses to charge on 4+ different chargers. Won't respond to power+vol up or show any activity.
Software was fine when I last checked, running CM12.1 and no issues.
Anyone see a similar issue and know if the battery is likely to have failed or something more fundamental?
I'm ordering a pogo pin charger to see if that works, had a couple in the past but the connecting wires in the stand broke.
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Happened to me. Try this: NEVER LET IT GO FULLY DEAD
Yup, saw that thread. Looks like I'm out of luck as I certainly can't resolder any of the components.
did u try with a quick charger?
Peace to all
I've tried most chargers and I have a lot of them, including original chargers for Z3 and Z4. Even trickling on a slow charger should recharge after 24 hours but nothing.
Wish I'd remembered to keep it charged, can't even get a bootloader up.
Try this??
Press the volume up button and power button together for 10 seconds. This should cause your device to vibrate 3 times and then show the battery charging screen.
Nope, I've tried all of these already. Probably need to open it.
weird far I know,li-on batteries need to fully discharged once in 30 charges.I made it once (it closed from battery) but nothing weird happened to me.I am always on KK 4.4.4
or u can try press the tiny reset button near to usb says that nothing is being erased.
Peace to all
Good news! Thanks to everyone here who convinced me to persevere and not sell this tablet as broken!
For 4 days I have been charging the tablet and trying power+vol button combinations a couple of times each day and finally, on day 4, I was able to first get a red led. After the led went out about 10 mins later I tried vol+power again and got the emergency battery graphic plus red led. Led went out after ten mins again and had to use vol+power. Seemed to go a bit strange at that point and charging halted. Swapped chargers and waited.
Next time was the trick, got red led, it went out and I was able to get the normal, smaller charging graphic. Let it get a couple of % for safety and hit power, resulting in a full boot. Tablet is booted at 4% and charging OK.
Thanks to everyone that helped out.
glad to hear!so can u tell us the working process so just us to know just in case?....
Peace to all
kos25k said:
glad to hear!so can u tell us the working process so just us to know just in case?....
Peace to all
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Exactly as per above, keep repeating the power & vol- sequence and putting on charger for a few hours. Exact brand of charger doesn't seems to matter, the one it worked on was a no-name two-socket UK plug charger from Amazon. Obviously a 2A+ charger will help. The cable used was a generic Samsung 1m (3ft) lead.
Just repeat the process and leave it on the charger in between. I'd recommend not charging a unit like this unattended in case the battery is damaged and there's a battery failure, I've seen a lipo fire and they're ugly.
Thanks dude!enjoy the best tablet! ?
Peace to all
Dude glad you got it working. I love mine but i have it rooted. hoping that the latest stamina battery return update is rootable

Won't turn on

I recently picked up this galaxy s6 edge from a friend that upgraded to a new phone. It won't turn on, neither to android recovery, nor to download mode nor the android. I charged it via wireless charging overnight and i tried for around an hour with a usb cable. What do i do?
same issue i am facing, i tried original charger, wireless charger and fast chargers from many different brands. but all failed. The device only gets warm/hot while charging and nothing happens. neither download mode nor recovery mode works. I am kind pf stuck without any solution, my device was used very rarely and its like an brand new device. Doesn't know what to do, if you find any solution then please let me know too. thanks in advance
Same problem. If I press power button very long, blue light comes on. Then it's stuck and stays like this until battery is flat. Battery charging is not possible: device heats up (tried USB and Qi), but battery doesn't take any charge.
So I opened the S6 and checked the battery directly. I can charge it directly with a lab power supply and when I plug it in and press power button, the blue notification light comes on again until battery is empty again. I can also see that only ICs get hot, but not the battery when plugging in USB.
So, it's definitely some hardware fault. I suspect power IC that is not able to power up the screen. But I don't know. I will investigate further but it looks difficult. However, I have seen many YouTube videos with same symptoms, but problem was always different than mine :/
Hi guys,
This thread is 2 months old, any of you managed to fix the problem?
I am having very similar problem. My phone was on a shelf for about a year and a half. Before now it was working perfectly. Now I can't charge it via USB or power adapter. When trying to power it up or get into download or recovery mode, nothing happens. Computer does not see it. Tried different cables, USB ports, power adapters..nothing.
The only thing that is happening to the phone is the battery logo appears when trying to charge it, though the green bar does not go over battery, only the empty grey battery with lightning icon in the middle. Also the screen does not go dark after a few seconds as it should and the red/blue LED does not turn on.
Is this the signal from the phone, that the battery is to deeply dischareged and cannot be charged again? I am googling all over the web and can't find anybody talking about what phone does in case of to low voltage on battery.
PS back does not seem to be bloated, USB port was working perfectly last time used
Please try to help, you are my last stop before opening the phone and start probing the poop out of motherboard to see what gave.
EDIT: something interesting happened just about an hour after my post. The battery suddenly started showing % of charge and the green bar started running, computer recognized the phone.. as everything should be.
My FIX: leave the phone pluged in and charging for about 3days and it will start working again.
My semi professional explenation of fix and problem: the phone has a ''backup or reserve'' battery. It is actually main battery but the last I think I read somewhere it is 20% of capacity, is reserved for phone exclusively for the clock and all other electronics that need power when switched off. Now these 20% probably were discharged due to laying around for almost 2 years.
It took me 3 days of charging to fill up these ''20%'' I guess. Probably because Lithium batteries are charged VERY slow at very start and end. This is safty procedure for ALL Li batteries.
If any expert can confirm my conclusion please do so, to help other people.
To answer partialy to my question: The phone tells you battery is ''deep'' discharged when you only see the charge icon without the green bar.
In the mean time I was writing this edit I came up to 4% battery and turned it on!
BR Friend

