[Q] Can't connect to camera (deep sw problem) - LG Optimus L9 P760, P765, P768, P769

I have been googling and reading all threads about this issue for over a month now, so it's problably something quite special. Every time I try to use an app using a camera or flashlight, it reports with "Can't connect to camera" message. This first happened while trying to flash a Kitkat rom (Artas's CM11) with wrong recovery. So it was not working, I got back to system, flashed the correct recovery via flashify, got back to it and finally flashed the rom. Ever since that the camera has not been working, with one exception - now this is the interesting thing that makes me think it's not a hw problem - while trying to do all kinds of unbricks and resets I know of (flashing all kinds of different roms, CM based, AOSP, of course all kinds of original roms) I decided to go for KDZ - so I got the original bin I found on this forum and got back to v10i and the camera worked! So I was happy that it's solved and decided to stick with stock rom. It updated to JB (the official way) and ever since, it has not been working. I have tried to flash persist images, to mess with permisions and I can't really think of any other way. (Of course I have tried to flash KDZ again the same way, but it did not work, not even on ICS).
Thanks for every idea!


[Q] wifi and bluetooth not turning on in my xperia ray

after updating my ray to ics 4.0.4 wifi and bluetooth not working. when trying to turn on it shows turning on for 10 seconds but it doesn't. please help
hello there
i will try and help you but i have to ask you something
1.which android 4.0.4 were you trying to flash the unofficial one or the official one
2.this is a development section not q and a
for me wifi and Bluetooth is working fine.i will need more detail in order to help you.
i installed ice cream sony ka19.1 after that blutooth and wifi not turning on .
Please, make sure you do full wipe before flashing...
and reflash you rom.
i didn't find any problem with KA rom
i wiped every thing and tried to install several roms. but same problem all the roms...
well try two things
1.try changing kernels could be kernel issue than the rom.
2.flash official android 4.0.4 then root it with cwm(by flashing kernel) then install the rom.
i tried several roms and kernels . but the bluetooth and wifi is not turning on . what should i do?
Then just flash the official kernel with offical 4.0.4 rom as normal
Please update...i have the same problem. With me the phon turns itself off once the screen is locked. (
yeah, me too, i have same problem
not only in 4.0.4, but also 4.0.3, i flash my ray to 4.0.4 and 4.0.3 and do a full wipe, but wifi and bluetooth still not working
i don't know what happened with my phone, but suddenly at morning, my phone was already like this, i'm not installing something at my phone
please, help me, someone
there is a Help thread in this section, so please post your queries there
now, there's something wrong with what you did (your process)...
I've been flashing roms for the past 3 months without any issues (aside from the bugs on the roms themselves)
better clean up your phone first before doing mods...
sometimes people do not read instructions and do their own research
i have the same problem too...
please help..!!!
please update soon...
I think all the most popular custom kernels have the necessary modules embedded – so it’s unlikely to be a software problem.
For some rom/kernel/mod combinations I find that wifi doesn’t work on the first boot – I just reboot and it works.
These issues aside the only problems I have with custom kernels/roms/mods will be because I have conducted a lazy install (i.e. I’ve not followed instructions to the letter, or I haven’t flashed the stock ftf first).
The best way to trouble shoot is to start again and just re-flash the stock ftf – if your phone is not working properly after this it is 99% likely that your issue is hardware related - this might your phone, but the faulty hardware might also be your USB cable or the USB port – so swap the port/cable or even use a different computer and test again. The last thing to remember is that your file might be bad – so if what I’ve said already fails download the files again and try once more.
Similarly, if you constantly flash custom roms, without reverting to stock before hand – it is my perception that eventually your device will start to misbehave. You can get away with flashing JJ’s Hybrid and then Ice Cream Pureness, but this may not be the case with all kernel/rom combinations.
The best way to achieve clean installs of customs roms is to do it over a clean install of the stock ftf – if you’ve backed up this is a minor inconvenience that only adds 5 minutes to the installation time. If you’re lazy you may have bootloops or soft bricks or an unstable system (lots of fc’s or things not working e.g. wifi) – these will inconvenience you much more.
Finally I’ve had some hairy moments where I thought I’d permanently damaged my phone – but what every noob must remember is that you can always just re-flash stock and start again.

[Q] Back Camera Hangs

Back camera hangs most of the time; it works sometimes but most of the time it freezes and FC itself saying "Unfortunately, Camera has stopped." Front camera always works fine.
The back camera wont FC itself all the time, sometimes it just stays black (with all the buttons and interface working), and sometimes it stays with a freezed image of what the camera sees (also with the interface ok).
I've tried full wipes, I've flashed different roms, with different kernels; cleaned the camera's cache and data; tried the "Restart Camera" solution/workaround; I've even tried to "tap the camera hard" as some people has suggested.
What I haven't done is flashing stock rom, since I consider it won't be of any help (But if you advise me to, I'll do it). And I haven't tried Roms that are not 4.4.4
I'm currently using AICP Rom (4.4.4)
Sorry for any typo.
JCNouel said:
Back camera hangs most of the time; it works sometimes but most of the time it freezes and FC itself saying "Unfortunately, Camera has stopped." Front camera always works fine.
The back camera wont FC itself all the time, sometimes it just stays black (with all the buttons and interface working), and sometimes it stays with a freezed image of what the camera sees (also with the interface ok).
I've tried full wipes, I've flashed different roms, with different kernels; cleaned the camera's cache and data; tried the "Restart Camera" solution/workaround; I've even tried to "tap the camera hard" as some people has suggested.
What I haven't done is flashing stock rom, since I consider it won't be of any help (But if you advise me to, I'll do it). And I haven't tried Roms that are not 4.4.4
I'm currently using AICP Rom (4.4.4)
Sorry for any typo.
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What roms have you tried? Maybe flashing stock rom will solve your problem. When this this problem start occurring?
gsstudios said:
What roms have you tried? Maybe flashing stock rom will solve your problem. When this this problem start occurring?
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Hi, thanks for replying. I've lost count of how many, but as I remember, they all were KK Custom Roms, the ones I remember I've tried are AOKP, CM11, and AICP.
It started since... I don't even remember, it has been so long, I just hadn't been able to try to fix it, untill now.
I flashed the stock JB ROM and it fixed it. So I thought that there were corrupted files and since I have them now, I was going to work again if I flashed the AICP ROM back... but nope, it has the same issue.
I'll flash a JB Custom Rom (Probably CM10.2) to see what happens.
Update: I flashed a JB Custom Rom (Fusion Rom) and the camera is working good so far.
But still not working in KK.

[Xperia P] Phone crashes shortly after successful boot - independent from ROM!?

I have quite a serious problem with my phone.
I used stable CM11 as my ROM lately, worked nice, seemed to be ok. Now, if I want to boot my phone, it suddenly crashes as soon as I want to enter unlock code. "Funny" thing is, performing a full backup via TWRP didn't help.
So I decided to wipe everything (even sdcard) and do everything from scratch, including flashing boot.img. After flashing the ROM zip, it's still the same.
After that, I flashed boot.img from AOSP 5.1 Unstable, installed this new, different ROM (which I had successfully tested on my device before) and STILL THE SAME?!
What's going on here? It sounds a bit like defective hardware, but I never experienced a crash when I was in Recovery mode, so that's quite unplausible.
My last idea is to flash stock ftf. Perhaps this will help...

nothing working :(

well after somehow breaking the miui stock cam when enabling the camera2apk, and being unable to fix it by replacing build.prop, i decided to restore the backup i made in twrp earlier.
restored backup: sticks at MI logo.
tried several times, cleared caches, wiped etc etc.. will not boot after restore.
so i downloaded the stock global rom, and flashed it in twrp: sticks at MI logo. will not boot
downloaded Ressurection Remix rom, flashed that.. works fine. but i want stock or as near as possible for now.
downloaded developer miui rom, flashed that in twrp: stuck at MI logo. will not boot.
tried stock stable rom again... same story, will not boot.
downloaded Miflash, and recommended TGZ archive of ROM. followed instructions and extracted to a folder and browsed to folder with Miflash. hit "refresh"
get error "length cannot be less than zero"
tried using the "mi recovery" method (renaming rom to "update.zip" and power/vol_up)
but for whatever reason, there is no "install update" option even present.
as you can see im having a very frustrating evening. i only wanted to enable the damn google camera.
flash it by edl mode
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is there a decent guide for that anywhere? from what ive seen it still requires miflash to be working? which it, frankly, just isnt. but then, nothing is! dont think ive ever had an evening where so many things which are supposed to work all give problems together.
i mean, i could understand if the custom rom was problematic, but its the only thing that *did* work.
404 Not found
well i managed to get a stock rom installed by downloading an older version of miflash... that didnt give any errors and installed the global rom fine.
i would love to know what could be causing all my problems though. seems everthing ive tried should work.
the one that is bugging me more than anything now is that whenever i enable the camera2api, the miui stock camera stops working ( crash on hdr, panorarama mode) and stays broken even if i remove mod.
this should not happen it seems, since there are guides for enabling this and adding the pro features to the camera from higher models.
nobody seems to have an opinion on it, which is very strange considering the number of people who must have done the camera2 mod...
robinlawrie said:
...nobody seems to have an opinion on it, which is very strange considering the number of people who must have done the camera2 mod...
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I dropped miui long ago, so it is difficult to comment. However, the problem would probably be found in the settings (and/or the drivers in the system). Reinstalling a stock system image and wiping /data (and formatting it, if necessary) should solve the problem. This is, of course, a drastic step - but I would be very surprised if the problem persisted after such a step.
you have to flash lazy flasher after every MIUI stock rom flashing to be able to boot the rom...
google it "lazy flasher'

WiFi not working - TouchWiz 4.4.4 G357FZ

I have an issue with making a tweaked, modified, etc TouchWiz ROM (aka BaconOS).
When I debloated, deodexed, deknoxed it with Assayed kitchen (and by flashing a debloat/deknox zip before that), the WiFi stopped working for some reason.
So I tried deodexing and only removing some apps (file manager, camera, samsung store, email, gapps), but that didn't fix the issue.
After that, I tried flashing stock ROM (Nothing changed, extracted using ext4unpacker) with assayed kitchen's updater-script, but still nothing.
Please let me know how to fix this issue.
maybe replace wifi folder from very stock rom..?
Naksuhd said:
maybe replace wifi folder from very stock rom..?
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It has to do something with deodexing, because when I deodexed the stock rom, wifi stopped working. So the ROM will be odexed (a bit slower)
tried with odex system, problem is with debloating..
Hi, are you seriously making a ROM for this old device? Wow, finally something at last!
Had this device since christmas of 2014 and actively used it as my main device until january 2017.
During this time, I rooted it about 6 times. A couple of times I did it with Kingroot (or was it Kingoroot?) and all was well. But every time I tried to root using a SuperSU root that I found here, there was this glitch that would seemingly trigger out of nowhere, causing infinite "App has closed unexpectedly" messages to appear, along with a black screen behind those warnings, nothing worked until I did a factory reset. Yea, frustrating times...
I have always wondered why nobody bothered to port literally anything to this phone. Not even a (working) custom recovery was ever available for it. There was one that I tried, but was very unsuccessful in trying to boot it.
All that being said, my phone's battery has unfortunately "gone up in size", or "spicy pillow", so I can't really test anything right now.
My phone is the SM-G357FZ running TMZ firmware (Czech republic T-Mobile), and I always wanted to get rid of that and put an unbranded European CSC/firmware onto it.
I support you in your efforts OP and can't wait to test out your work!
Edit: I just discovered that there was an official update released by Samsung in 2021! Have you considered basing your ROM on that instead of the now ancient 2017 ROM?

