[Q] wifi and bluetooth not turning on in my xperia ray - Sony Ericsson Xperia Mini, Mini Pro, Xperia Pro, A

after updating my ray to ics 4.0.4 wifi and bluetooth not working. when trying to turn on it shows turning on for 10 seconds but it doesn't. please help

hello there
i will try and help you but i have to ask you something
1.which android 4.0.4 were you trying to flash the unofficial one or the official one
2.this is a development section not q and a
for me wifi and Bluetooth is working fine.i will need more detail in order to help you.

i installed ice cream sony ka19.1 after that blutooth and wifi not turning on .

Please, make sure you do full wipe before flashing...
and reflash you rom.
i didn't find any problem with KA rom

i wiped every thing and tried to install several roms. but same problem all the roms...

well try two things
1.try changing kernels could be kernel issue than the rom.
2.flash official android 4.0.4 then root it with cwm(by flashing kernel) then install the rom.

i tried several roms and kernels . but the bluetooth and wifi is not turning on . what should i do?

Then just flash the official kernel with offical 4.0.4 rom as normal

Please update...i have the same problem. With me the phon turns itself off once the screen is locked. (

yeah, me too, i have same problem
not only in 4.0.4, but also 4.0.3, i flash my ray to 4.0.4 and 4.0.3 and do a full wipe, but wifi and bluetooth still not working
i don't know what happened with my phone, but suddenly at morning, my phone was already like this, i'm not installing something at my phone
please, help me, someone

there is a Help thread in this section, so please post your queries there
now, there's something wrong with what you did (your process)...
I've been flashing roms for the past 3 months without any issues (aside from the bugs on the roms themselves)
better clean up your phone first before doing mods...
sometimes people do not read instructions and do their own research

i have the same problem too...
please help..!!!
please update soon...

I think all the most popular custom kernels have the necessary modules embedded – so it’s unlikely to be a software problem.
For some rom/kernel/mod combinations I find that wifi doesn’t work on the first boot – I just reboot and it works.
These issues aside the only problems I have with custom kernels/roms/mods will be because I have conducted a lazy install (i.e. I’ve not followed instructions to the letter, or I haven’t flashed the stock ftf first).
The best way to trouble shoot is to start again and just re-flash the stock ftf – if your phone is not working properly after this it is 99% likely that your issue is hardware related - this might your phone, but the faulty hardware might also be your USB cable or the USB port – so swap the port/cable or even use a different computer and test again. The last thing to remember is that your file might be bad – so if what I’ve said already fails download the files again and try once more.
Similarly, if you constantly flash custom roms, without reverting to stock before hand – it is my perception that eventually your device will start to misbehave. You can get away with flashing JJ’s Hybrid and then Ice Cream Pureness, but this may not be the case with all kernel/rom combinations.
The best way to achieve clean installs of customs roms is to do it over a clean install of the stock ftf – if you’ve backed up this is a minor inconvenience that only adds 5 minutes to the installation time. If you’re lazy you may have bootloops or soft bricks or an unstable system (lots of fc’s or things not working e.g. wifi) – these will inconvenience you much more.
Finally I’ve had some hairy moments where I thought I’d permanently damaged my phone – but what every noob must remember is that you can always just re-flash stock and start again.


[Q] Problem: Every ICS -> Crash in HS - Plz help

Hey guys,
here is what is going on with my German Vodafone I9100
After using Sensation Rom for a few months, I finally decided to make the transition to Android 4.
The first rom I tried, was the Simplistic ICS by LegendK95
Installing from CWM worked like a charm, booting worked like a charm, but whatever I tried to do, the phone freezed in homescreen randomly after 5-30 seconds. Only a restart bring it back to work, only to make it freeze again after the mentionend time span.
Whatever I did (waiting in home screen, pulling down the statusbar, scrolling in app drawer) the phone always freezes.
After dozen of restarts, I installed the rom again, the problem stayed.
Then I decided to go to stock 4.0.3 (LP6). Installation via Odin worked like a charm. Booting worked like a charm, but the homescreen-freeze-problem got even worse.
I also tried to reinstall the stock LP6, but the phone now even froze in CWM mode, while data reset AND WHILE INSTALLING THE FW.
Now I got a soft brick in my hands.
So, I installed stock 2.3.3. via Odin. The phone now worked flawless again. No freezes, no no nothing. Just a working phone.
My final try was to install the latest CM9 build.
Guess what happend?
The legendary homescreen freeze. That nobody else appear to have. YAY
So, somehow my phone seems to be allergic to Android 4.
Can somebody please help me?
PS: Yes, I followed the instructions every firmware provided.
Honestly you want an honest answer. Stay clear of ICS leaks and yes that means even cm9. Reason being. Because of what they are. Leaks and nothing official. Not saying that they are not good but if you look at the original android development can you see any actual ICS roms? No. Why you asking? Because no kernel sources have been released and nothing is far from stable yet. Even cm9 builds codeworkx has on the thread title experimental. So my advice. Flash a Gingerbread custom rom slap on it the ICS by vertumus and your good to go till the official stuff get released.
Maybe before flashing ICS you should fully wipe your device to get rid of all previous ROM data from Gingerbread as they,I imagine,wont be very compatable.
Boot to recovery and go to "mounts and storage" and format System/Data/cache and then factory reset.Then flash the Rom via recovery(install zip).If its an Odin flash then reboot and flash via Odin.
Hi suarez,
thanx for your opinion. I read a lot of threads before updating and came to the conclusion that the current releases, even CM9 seem to be pretty stable.
Also I found no one having issues like that.
Hi cooza,
I did that.
Klammeraffe said:
Hi suarez,
thanx for your opinion. I read a lot of threads before updating and came to the conclusion that the current releases, even CM9 seem to be pretty stable.
Also I found no one having issues like that.
Hi cooza,
I did that.
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No problem my friend. But I still stand by what I said though. For me to make the jump is a no go yet. Yes they might be stable but so far I still read problems regarding video forever, this is not working that does not work and that most issues will be solved once kernel source is available. Hence why still the experimental on cm9.thread.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda premium
Suarez7 said:
No problem my friend. But I still stand by what I said though. For me to make the jump is a no go yet. Yes they might be stable but so far I still read problems regarding video forever, this is not working that does not work and that most issues will be solved once kernel source is available. Hence why still the experimental on cm9.thread.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda premium
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Yes, but if you're not that big into watching/recording videos on your SGS2, it's pretty freaking stable.
Installing the latest experimental build of CM9 is probably the best thing I've done to my SGS2 as of late. It's just so... Nice.
I cannot get rid of that problem.
I really need help on this.
Some new information:
I also tried to flash the leaked stock LP2. Same result.
This FW crashed on first start, when the Samsung Apps are installed.
Still some little success:
When flashing from stock BUGKJ2 straight to LegendK95's Simplistic ICS rom, I was able to get it to run, until I have to restart the phone.
But this was the only rom capable of doing so. Every other fw failed.
So, I now can have ICS on my phone but only until I restart the phone.
After reboot, the phone crashes again after some seconds.
Additionally the CWM Recovery doesnt work as long as I have a ICS rom on it.
It also occasionally crashes. Preferrably when I try to flash a new rom, leaving me a shiny brick
Here are the steps to get Simplistic ICS run until reboot:
1. Put the file on internal memory.
2. Go to recovery: wipe data/factoy reset, wipe cache, wipe dalvik, wipe battery, format system, format data, format cache
3. Flash from internal sd
4. Reboot
Klammeraffe said:
Some new information:
I also tried to flash the leaked stock LP2. Same result.
This FW crashed on first start, when the Samsung Apps are installed.
Still some little success:
When flashing from stock BUGKJ2 straight to LegendK95's Simplistic ICS rom, I was able to get it to run, until I have to restart the phone.
But this was the only rom capable of doing so. Every other fw failed.
So, I now can have ICS on my phone but only until I restart the phone.
After reboot, the phone crashes again after some seconds.
Additionally the CWM Recovery doesnt work as long as I have a ICS rom on it.
It also occasionally crashes. Preferrably when I try to flash a new rom, leaving me a shiny brick
Here are the steps to get Simplistic ICS run until reboot:
1. Put the file on internal memory.
2. Go to recovery: wipe data/factoy reset, wipe cache, wipe dalvik, wipe battery, format system, format data, format cache
3. Flash from internal sd
4. Reboot
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Maybe the problem is the stock firmware you first flash.I searched for it but cant find it,is it carrier branded?..BUG sounds like it to me.Maybe you should fully wipe your phone (format System/Cache/Data) and first flash something like XWKL1 and then the ICS ROM.If the ICS ROM you are going to flash has a multi CSC package in it then it wont matter what F/W you flash first.
hello cooza,
i had to go back to stock 2.3.3 because my phone was a brick after flashing any ics rom.
i tried to flash simplistic ics and cm9 via cwm, i dont know if those contain multi_csc.
however, the leaked stock roms, lp2 and lp6 both contain multi_csc that i flashed via odin.
here are all the steps i tried:
fail 1: flashing from sensation rom 3 (2.3.6) to simplistic ics
fail 2: flashing from 2.3.3 to cm9/simplistic ics
fail 3: flashing from bricked ics to stock lp6
fail 4: flashing from 2.3.3. to 2.3.5. (latest official release via kies) to cm9/simplistic ics/stock lp6
fail 5: flashing from 2.3.3 to leaked stock lp6 inluding the pit-file provided
nevertheless, flashing from 2.3.5 to simplistic ics worked until restarting the phone. however, cwm was not working correctly then. so, surely i could have tried to let the phone on for forever, but as soon as i would want to flash a new firmware, i would have got a brick left, because cwm would crash during installation of the new one.
there must be some help out there
thanx for trying cooza. much appreciated.
You might have a damaged bootloader.Although its not needed you could try a JTag.A JTag is used to bring a hard bricked phone back to life.You dont have a hard bricked phone but what it also does is repairs any damage that the bootloader may have.Costs about 25 to 30 euros.As a last resort you could give it a go if your phone is going to give you constant reboot problems and not let you flash firmwares.It should also repair any repartition faults because it completely wipes the bootloader before repairing it.The phone will come back like the first day you got it.check the link below out and use it to find one close to you if you choose to do one.I had an i9000 done last September here in Spain and it came back perfect from a hard brick soo I know it works.I used the link below.
Seems like the very last option to me
Would a broken bootloader allow me to run 2.3.X flawless?
Question does Samsung stock firmware work .
As it seems all your problems are from using a buggy unreleased test rom not from using Samsung released firmware .
I would if it was my problem .
Clean Slate for those that balls up the firmware .Or need to return to service or decide if its hardware/firmware problem .
Backup data first if phone is working .
Boot CWM recovery
Mounts and Storage
Format cache data system sd card wiping everything on the phone .
Remove battery
Boot to download mode
Open Odin
Install correct Samsung stock firmware for your phone model .
Test phone works .
hi JJ,
thanks for your post.
as i said, the phone is working fine on stock android 2.3.X as well as custom firmwares using 2.3.X.
However, all 4.0.X firmwares I tested, showed the same behaviour: crashing my phone in homescreen (or anywhere else after booting) AND in cwm after 10 to 30 seconds.
only simplistic ics custom rom worked fine until first reboot. then it crashed as well. everytime.
I tested 2 stock firmwares of samsung and 2 custom roms.
I also tested flashing 4.0.3 (CM9) on a friends SGS2 using the same procedure I used on my phone. It worked on first try and he`s now a happy android 4 user.
right now i`m running on CM7 but i wanna uprage to android 4.
up to this date there is no official released 4.0.3 rom for the sgs2 but how can it be that I have the only phone showing such a behaviour while everyone else has a 99% stable fw for the same phone using the same rom?
Mate,at least it works,thats the important thing.I can understand that its frustrating when the only Firmware/customROM you want doesnt work in your phone and only your phone but we are talking about BETA version ROMs.If there is something for some reason blocking the ICS ROM then it is possible that the JTag will clear it up as it wipes and repears the bootloader as I mentioned so any corrupt data will dissappear.Ive had a bricked phone done and it still works perfectly today but never a phone in your situation.Its possible but never having done so I cant guarantee it.If you want give it a go.You got nothing to loose except 20 or 30 bucks for your efforts.
I have exactly the same issue with a "german" Galaxy S2. I tried to install the {CWM}İCS REMİX ROM v8.4 ULTİMATE ONLİNE XXLP6 4.0.3 resurrection NO-WİPE
Followed ofcourse the installation instructions letter for letter. It doesn't go over the logo screen. ( And yes I am aware it takes several minutes for such an installation to finish)
I read in that thread of at least another 3-4 people with the same issue.
Going back to any 2.3.x works as usual.
If you take the time and read the various ICS posts one inescapable fact will arise .
ICS suffers from many varied problems with no two users reporting identical problems .
That is compounded by two factors one the boot loader and two as a beta test rom for some strange reason those with very little knowledge rush to install it .
But hey save money on the Samsung testing department just leak your Alphas and Betas .
For me i will play with a test rom for an hour or two but thats it i require a stable rom for daily use . It will need vast improvement for me to consider the final release of ICS for daily use .
spytrek said:
I have exactly the same issue with a "german" Galaxy S2. I tried to install the {CWM}İCS REMİX ROM v8.4 ULTİMATE ONLİNE XXLP6 4.0.3 resurrection NO-WİPE
Followed ofcourse the installation instructions letter for letter. It doesn't go over the logo screen. ( And yes I am aware it takes several minutes for such an installation to finish)
I read in that thread of at least another 3-4 people with the same issue.
Going back to any 2.3.x works as usual.
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GSMArena say that Samsung are launching ICS for the S2 in march
with this I imagine that stable ICS custom ROMs are just around the corner so if you can wait a few months more you will be able to flash a stable safe ROM without any problems.Until then the BETA versions that are out at the moment are going to cause these types of things.
I had these same isues with KP8 on my s2. I fixed them by flashing LP6 directly over kp8 without wiping anything. I think it may have something to do with the phone drivers you have installed on your pc. They may be damaged and be producing some kind of error on the flashing proccess. I recomend that you hard reset to 2.3.x and reinstall kies on your pc. That should reinstall phone drivers too. And make sure kies is NoT running while using odin. Kies doesent like odin
Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk
I have patience As long as I fallback to a functional rom everyting is cool. As for the alpha-beta testing, I have nothing against it and I didn't complain about it. Till March I hope the S3 is out so I can pass my S2 to my better half ...

[Q] Badly clipped voice audio running MIUI based roms

I've started getting a situation when I install a MIUI based ROM in my I9300T, and any call to or from a mobile has extremely distorted audio (sounds like an amplifier trying to run at 150%) in both directions.
The audio is fine to landlines, so it sounds like it might be CODEC based.
I've done factory resets, Dalvik, Cache, reflash, new modem, reduced volume, and everything else I can think of. Flashing back to a non-MIUI resolves the problem, and re-flashing MIUI brings it back every time.
I've found a couple of threads asking about this problem, but nobody has every given a suggested solution (other than reset, reflash, modem).
Has anyone here experienced this or found a solutions?
AW: [Q] Badly clipped voice audio running MIUI based roms
Had exactlythe same problem, tried different MIUI versions, different modems etc. Call audio on ALL Samsung based MIUI was terrible, it worked only well on MIUI polimorph (which is AOSP/CM based). But on this MIUI I had issues with Bluetooth...
I read somewhere that this problem may occur when you come from stock Samsung Jellybean ROM and then flash a Jeallybean MIUI. So I tried following:
1. Download a ICS Stock Samsung ROM (for example 4.0.4) - important: complete ROM with PDA, Modem & CSC)
2. Flash ICS ROM with ODIN -- warning: all your data on internal SD will be erased!
3. Boot into your ICS Stock Samsung ROM (just to check call audio, should be fine...)
4. Flash CWM
5. Restart phone into CWM and flash your MIUI
6. Wipe data/factory reset
7. Restart & boot your MIUI. In case you got stuck while booting into MIUI do another full wipe data/cache in CWM. Then booting into MIUI should work fine.
!!! Attention: ALL YOUR DATA ON INTERNAL SD ARE ERASED WITH THIS METHOD !!! Be sure to copy your data, backups etc. to external SD or to your PC/laptop !!!
This was the solution I found after 1,5 weeks trying and reading and trying etc... Hope this works for you also!
Btw: be very careful doing this - there is always a risk of bricking your phone! Read carefully all about flashing with ODIN! Good luck...
Brilliant, thanks for the lengthy response!
The main thing I was wanting was an acknowledgement that someone had experienced and been able to overcome the problem, and you've included a description of exactly how you did it too.
Thank you very much for the help, and I'll post back in here if this works for me too in case others have the same problem.
I'd love to know which part of this process actually resolves the issue. I wonder what aspect of the JB ROM is not erased or overwritten by the MIUI installer.
AW: [Q] Badly clipped voice audio running MIUI based roms
You're welcome mate!
I'm also wondering WHY this helped, but it did... I only read somewhere in the forums that all the Bluetooth and WiFi issues on CM 10.1 only happen when flashing from a JB Samsung ROM, and everything is ok when coming from an ICS ROM. So I thought it is worth the try...
And I'm really happy now that I can use my beloved MIUI (Sammy-based MIUI-India) on my SGS3
Wow, what a grind this was to implement.
OK, so I...
1. Odin installed 4.0.4 and reset
2. Flashed MIUI m0, same problem
3. Odin installed 4.0.4 again, reset
4. Made a call, no audio at all
5. Factory reset again
6. Made a call, receive audio only, no send
7. Factory reset again
8. Reflashed MIUI m0
9. Made a call, no audio
10. Flashed modem DUELL2
11. Audio works!
12. FlashedMIUI India
Finally, MIUI and working audio!
You'd think from this list that flashing the new modem would have fixed the original issue, but I'd already tried this several times with no luck.
I'm guessing there is something in the 4.0.4 roms that is set in the flash related to a hardware codec. It may be that in JB the values are modified, and once it's been changed MIUI doesn't have any means of resetting it, during installation or subsequent booting.
Now I've wasted many hours on this, but at least I can go home happy
AW: [Q] Badly clipped voice audio running MIUI based roms
Really much work, but finally you got it working! Congrats!
Yes, I know, only flashing different modems without flashing ICS before won't help with this weird MIUI audio issue... Can't remember all the modems I tried, but tried many...

Internet not working after flashing RR Rom

i have flashed the latest version of RR 5.0.8 rom but for some reason my internet is not working though wifi is connecting properly ..i have tried factory reset and re installing the rom but the problem still persists ..can someone please help me out ?
try full wipe
A longer friendly answer
tr!ckst3r said:
i have flashed the latest version of RR 5.0.8 rom but for some reason my internet is not working though wifi is connecting properly ..i have tried factory reset and re installing the rom but the problem still persists ..can someone please help me out ?
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ROMs are tricky things in my experience.
I've tried most of them and most of the ones I tried have really bad flaws - for my phone.
When one doesn't go so well for you - like the RR ROM, it's time to move on and try another.
After following the instructions of course, like full wipe, cache, blah blah blah. Try it twice, the second time following instructions really closely.
I found the PA and offspring to work really well - for my phone.
In the end, play and learn. It's fun and really difficult to completely wreck your phone.
Might be a longer friendlier answer but the answer is essentially nonsense. The OP has a specific problem. Posting waffle like you just did smacks of wanting to get your post count up because it doesn't help the OP one bit.
OP - You haven't given us anywhere near enough info to help you. Connectivity normally just doesn't go away all of a sudden unless you've made changes to your setup, or there's a carrier-side issue causing the problem.
What have you done with the phone recently setup-wise, have you been messing around with RIL's or modems ? If it's the latter, then you need to try more modems. If it's neither, I'd be going back to stock (a rom for your carrier, so you get a modem that should work), then reinstall the rom you're using. If that doesn't work, flash the 3 part firmware in Hopper8's 'Odin troubleshooting' thread stickied in General (this will wipe your phone, backup first), then flash stock for your carrier, then reinstall custom rom.
If the problem persists after all that, then you're looking at carrier-side issues or perhaps even a hardware issue. WiFi working & data not have no bearing on each other as WiFi drivers are in the kernel & separate to data connectivity.
We would need more information as to how did you flash the new ROM? Are you using a separate Kernel? Which GAPPS version did you flash?
I am also on the RR 5.0.8 with Dorimanx kernel. Also, I used the light version of GAPPS for flashing. Try using the light version if you have not used it.

[Q] Can't connect to camera (deep sw problem)

I have been googling and reading all threads about this issue for over a month now, so it's problably something quite special. Every time I try to use an app using a camera or flashlight, it reports with "Can't connect to camera" message. This first happened while trying to flash a Kitkat rom (Artas's CM11) with wrong recovery. So it was not working, I got back to system, flashed the correct recovery via flashify, got back to it and finally flashed the rom. Ever since that the camera has not been working, with one exception - now this is the interesting thing that makes me think it's not a hw problem - while trying to do all kinds of unbricks and resets I know of (flashing all kinds of different roms, CM based, AOSP, of course all kinds of original roms) I decided to go for KDZ - so I got the original bin I found on this forum and got back to v10i and the camera worked! So I was happy that it's solved and decided to stick with stock rom. It updated to JB (the official way) and ever since, it has not been working. I have tried to flash persist images, to mess with permisions and I can't really think of any other way. (Of course I have tried to flash KDZ again the same way, but it did not work, not even on ICS).
Thanks for every idea!

[SOLVED]Touchscreen died after flasing the wrong rom on sk17i

I flashed Iced Bean 4.0 on my xperia sk17i and i think my touch screen died because of it, That rom has aroma installer and there was no my device on that list so i chose xperia pro. Installation was successful but touch screen didnt work. I reverted to stock using flashtools and it still doesnt work. Is there any way to fix this problem? i really need to try something so pleas suggest.
Just to be clear i'm not blaming on anybody, it is total my fault. I'm fully aware of risk installing custom roms so pleas help in any way you can
Thanks in advance
Have you tried to flashing a new kernel which was made for the phone? As far as I know drivers areusually stored within it in Linux / Unix systems so it might apply here for the touch screen as well.
i tried using command fastboot flash boot boot.img and generally did not work. I have unlocked bootloader. I had hard time finding guide to do that for my phone. I did revert to stock using flashtools and ftf file.
When you say fastboot didn't work, do you mean it could not connect to the phone? Where you in fastboot mode when you tried it?
I recently put the 4.4.4 AOPK rom (Link) on my phone and had trouble getting into fastboot to flash the required kernel, I think I solved that by using the flashtool.
If flashing the stock kernel doesn't fix the issue, perhaps using a custom one, which works with ICS, will help?
You can find some here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=47407355&postcount=3
does this thread help you? [TUT] Fix broken touchscreen problem of xperia mini pro (SK17i,SK17a)
Fastboot worked fine, but any custom kernel after successful flashing didn’t work. I have installed managed to install xperialegacy cm11 it has custom kernel and it didnt fix touch screen. I will try the link you posted. On the side note i bought another sk17 today, yes i love this phone LOL xD
Yess, million times thank you . I made it using this tutorial
here is what you have to do for fix your Bricked touchscreen.
What you need for that is any custom rom with an aroma installer.
1. Flash suitable firmware with Flashtool ( i flashed .587 Because i used Zellycream rom V4 )
2. Then Install any ics Kernel that you like (I installed messa hybrid kernel v4.3 )
3: Then install Any rom that has Aroma installer in it and does support your device, via Cwm recovery (I installed Zellycream V4)
3. While installing the rom choose ST17i in Aroma instead of SK17i
4. Reboot after installation is completed.
5. Wait until phone is On homescree.Nopw touchscreen should work but h/w keyboard not
5. Reboot again into CWM install "keymap_for_pro_XXXX.zip
Link here For Keymap Mini pro
6. Reboot phone again.. Now keyboard and touchscreen should be working. Also options for h/w keyboard should appear now.
Good luck,
It did worked for me hopefully its also going to work for you.
Notice : At first your Touch might not responce how it was before, but give it a time it will work fine after some hours or day or it might never work like before.Mine touch screen worked normally after 8 hours of installing the rom with this method.
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Now i have questions. Can for some reason touchscreen die again? and also which rom do you recommend for good battery and camera? i like stock but i find it tedious to root and remove all the unwanted apps only to free up a couple of MB and potential screw something
Update: I see that i need to flash a zip which fixes tochscreen. when installing new rom. Is this hardware or software problem?
It would surprise me if the screen died again from the same issue, as the harmful code should have been overwritten by the fix.
I am not a developer though, just a normal user with some basic linux knowledge.
I'd suggest trying out Real ICS. I think I ran it before I got my new phone (I just recently started using the Mini Pro again) and can't remember having any complaints back then.
Other than that you could just go through the rom list. There are some which claim to be focusing on performance, I haven't tried them myself though.
I currently use AOKP kitkat (with some modifications, see this post) but I cannot yet if I'll stick with it. Maybe gonna try out this one http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2277199 next.
I think im going to stick to the stock for the now. Camera is the best there
I tried swapping motherboard from working sk17i to mine. MB is on stock 2.3 and bt is locked. To my surprises it did not work. Phone boot fine but touch screen does not work. I though this is a software problem, but i guess touch screen device has some controllers or something that were affected too.
Bucov said:
I tried swapping motherboard from working sk17i to mine. MB is on stock 2.3 and bt is locked. To my surprises it did not work. Phone boot fine but touch screen does not work. I though this is a software problem, but i guess touch screen device has some controllers or something that were affected too.
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I'm confused. Didn't you solve the issue already?
If the damage is permanent, then maybe the touchscreen got damaged by using the wrong rom?
If you really want to have two working phones, you could get a replacent display from ebay. They start at around 30€ these days.

