[Q] How To Refresh ROM On A Droid RAZR HD? - Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hi, my name is Ashton. I apologize in advance if this topic has been talked about before. I made sure to search the forums for a thread similar to this, but I haven't found anything. I have owned a Droid RAZR HD for about a year now, and I have had it rooted before. However, I began to experience problems when using the root, and therefore un-rooted my device. However, about a month or two ago, I recieved a notification to update my phone. At the moment, the version I have right now is 4.1.2. The update I am trying to receive is the 4.4.2 KitKat update. Ever since I got my root on my phone, I have had problems with updating my device. I can download the update just fine, but when the download finishes and I go to install the update, my phone turns off and begins the update. However, about a quarter of the way installed, the Droid Triage Screen shows. I have already wiped the Cache Partition multiple times, and tried to install the download using WiFi. Within a week of no luck, I downloaded the Android Forums app. I made a thread about this problem, and someone told me that it probably had something to do with the ROM. I believe he said that a root can cause the files in the ROM to be edited or changed, if I recall correctly. I was told that he would look around to see if the files would still be edited once the device is unrooted. With another week of him not replying back, I made another thread asking if the files would remain edited, even after the phone was un-rooted. Most of the people that responded said yes, but they didn't know how to fix the problem. One of the responders, however, told me to come to these forums and ask if there were any apps for my phone, or PC Programs I could use to refresh, or update my ROM. Again, sorry if this was already talked about. I didn't see anything like this when I searched these Forums. Help?

Axellion said:
Hi, my name is Ashton. I apologize in advance if this topic has been talked about before. I made sure to search the forums for a thread similar to this, but I haven't found anything. I have owned a Droid RAZR HD for about a year now, and I have had it rooted before. However, I began to experience problems when using the root, and therefore un-rooted my device. However, about a month or two ago, I recieved a notification to update my phone. At the moment, the version I have right now is 4.1.2. The update I am trying to receive is the 4.4.2 KitKat update. Ever since I got my root on my phone, I have had problems with updating my device. I can download the update just fine, but when the download finishes and I go to install the update, my phone turns off and begins the update. However, about a quarter of the way installed, the Droid Triage Screen shows. I have already wiped the Cache Partition multiple times, and tried to install the download using WiFi. Within a week of no luck, I downloaded the Android Forums app. I made a thread about this problem, and someone told me that it probably had something to do with the ROM. I believe he said that a root can cause the files in the ROM to be edited or changed, if I recall correctly. I was told that he would look around to see if the files would still be edited once the device is unrooted. With another week of him not replying back, I made another thread asking if the files would remain edited, even after the phone was un-rooted. Most of the people that responded said yes, but they didn't know how to fix the problem. One of the responders, however, told me to come to these forums and ask if there were any apps for my phone, or PC Programs I could use to refresh, or update my ROM. Again, sorry if this was already talked about. I didn't see anything like this when I searched these Forums. Help?
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I would recommend using RSD Lite to flash the stock KitKat 4.4.2 ROM for your device. You can download RSD Lite from here and the stock ROM for your device from here. For a tutorial on how to use RSD Lite I would recommend checking out this video, while the video is meant for the original Droid RAZR procedurally the video applies. Let me know if you have any questions I'll be happy to help you out.


Accidently Downloaded OTA Update

Hey everyone, new Atrix owner here.
When I saw the OTA update I got excited and downloaded it via system updates.
It has not been installed yet. Still completely original stock/locked
From what I can tell from reading posts I do not want to install this now and it keeps alerting me to install it.
How can I disable/delete this?
Can anyone direct me to the post that explains how to unlock and load it myself from a custom rom (and a recommendation for custom rom to use)?
I just read for about an hour trying to figure it out to no avail so sorry for my newb skills.
Thanks in advance.
If you have root explorer or know adb go to /cache and delete the update files from there.
Completely stock at the moment. I have not done any modifications to this phone. Just bought it about a week ago.
So just trying to make sure I do this right the first time.
Tried to read the posts and made it through a 21 page forum and just got more confused haha. Way too many acronyms...
Anyways, if I just update myself from the leaked version i can go back and delete this later?
Which leak should I use is there one that is considered more stable?
There seems to be a million different ways to do 10 different things at the moment ugh..

Latest OTA won't install

I'm rooted and originally de-crapped my phone which kept the first update from installing. However, with some help from posters here I was able to find the missing file, get it properly replaced and the update then worked.
I assumed that would mean I would be good from then on and kept everything intact. Now the latest update is out and I once again cannot update but it's been long enough that I'm now not sure about the process for getting this working.
Any help would be appreciated.
Agrajag27 said:
I'm rooted and originally de-crapped my phone which kept the first update from installing. However, with some help from posters here I was able to find the missing file, get it properly replaced and the update then worked.
I assumed that would mean I would be good from then on and kept everything intact. Now the latest update is out and I once again cannot update but it's been long enough that I'm now not sure about the process for getting this working.
Any help would be appreciated.
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Come on guy, there is like 10 other threads over here talking about not being able to install the update. Anyway, there is a thread right here that has all of the apk files of the device. I cant find it now cause im on my cell. Ifyou cant find it by the time I finish work I'll post the link. that didnt work for me so I fastbooted my phone with the factory image, rooted, protected root, unrooted,install one update, installed the latest update, and restored root. good luck.
I actually looked but didn't notice others having an issue so I might have just missed it. I assumed, like last time, others would have the issue so I was actually surprised not to find 10 threads with people talking about it.
I couldnt find the thread i was talking about cause my stupid self was too lazy to click one button to add it to my favorites but it looks like this could work for you.

'new' update for 4.3 every few days, lose root permissions each time

Nexus 7, 2013, 16 gigs, wifi model.
Every few days(sometimes once a day) I get a 'new' android 4.3 update, which once it reboots into the teamwin bootloader, and finishes installing the update(which always seems to work for first 2 steps but says no contents in file, then 2 errors after) I lose root access and it asks if I want to reapply(which I do) and it loads as normal on a restart. I am with build number JWR66N now, but the info page on the TWRP window shows it updates JWR66N to (And I forgot the number here, but its different)
So I'd like to know, is it normal to have 'constant' android updates like this, and if not, what build number should I have?
I have had this issue since about a week after I got my nexus, its been rooted ever since, but in an attempt to fix this issue(Which is just annoying, I doubt its causing any real damage) I unrooted the nexus, updated it(Manually) and re-rooted it using the wugfresh rootkit.
What exactly is the issue here, and how can I fix it?
AtmaDarkwolf said:
Nexus 7, 2013, 16 gigs, wifi model.
Every few days(sometimes once a day) I get a 'new' android 4.3 update, which once it reboots into the teamwin bootloader, and finishes installing the update(which always seems to work for first 2 steps but says no contents in file, then 2 errors after) I lose root access and it asks if I want to reapply(which I do) and it loads as normal on a restart. I am with build number JWR66N now, but the info page on the TWRP window shows it updates JWR66N to (And I forgot the number here, but its different)
So I'd like to know, is it normal to have 'constant' android updates like this, and if not, what build number should I have?
I have had this issue since about a week after I got my nexus, its been rooted ever since, but in an attempt to fix this issue(Which is just annoying, I doubt its causing any real damage) I unrooted the nexus, updated it(Manually) and re-rooted it using the wugfresh rootkit.
What exactly is the issue here, and how can I fix it?
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really this is just an issue I have and nobody else has seen it? Nobody at all has had this problem and knows the fix? Well gee!
Another bump just incase, its happened again: Update yet nothings actually changed, had to 'swipe to fix' root permissions in bootlader menu.
Here we are again, and i REALLY want to get this fixed, and i just can't accept that 'I'm the only bloody nexus 7 user world frakin wide who has this issue.
So here I am again hoping for some help.
Build JWR66N currently, every few days it tries to update android OS, and it FAILS TO UPDATE, (IT wants to update to JSS15R i think)
New update is 53.8 mb,
Someone please help me out here, how do I get it to either accept the update, or stop freaking out about it?
AtmaDarkwolf said:
Here we are again, and i REALLY want to get this fixed, and i just can't accept that 'I'm the only bloody nexus 7 user world frakin wide who has this issue.
So here I am again hoping for some help.
Build JWR66N currently, every few days it tries to update android OS, and it FAILS TO UPDATE, (IT wants to update to JSS15R i think)
New update is 53.8 mb,
Someone please help me out here, how do I get it to either accept the update, or stop freaking out about it?
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So from all this time, you weren't able to find your answer using the power of internet?
Stock OTA updates cannot be applied with custom recoveries. That's why it's failing.
JSS15R is 8MB though, not 53.8MB. Either way, you can go back to full stock, recovery included after backing up your stuff. Then update, and reroot + re-install a custom recovery.
Aside from that, you're not really in the good section so don't be surprised you don't get any answer. This is strictly a N7 question, and XDA has a N7 sub section...
polobunny said:
So from all this time, you weren't able to find your answer using the power of internet?
Stock OTA updates cannot be applied with custom recoveries. That's why it's failing.
JSS15R is 8MB though, not 53.8MB. Either way, you can go back to full stock, recovery included after backing up your stuff. Then update, and reroot + re-install a custom recovery.
Aside from that, you're not really in the good section so don't be surprised you don't get any answer. This is strictly a N7 question, and XDA has a N7 sub section...
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Yes, Must that I foolishly thought this was a ANDROID device and this may have been a similar issue(searched n7 forums and saw nothing) - and even with all the googling, I got nothing. BUT Now that I have 'followed your advice' (God I hope I can get my stuff back, backup didn't go as smooth as I had hoped, and 2 of my fav games I had to copy/paste myself to save them) All I've managed to do now was reset my device back to complete stock settings.... and this morning, Low and behold: SYSTEM UPDATE, ONCE AGAIN, same bloody one, same bloody problem, WILL NOT INSTALL.
So thanks. Next please? (Sorry if I sound a little angry, but I am, this forum, at least I THOUGHT, was full of people who liked to help others and KNEW what they were talking about, not trolls who tell people to 'use the search button' or go elsewhere for help. Honestly, after 2-3 hours a night googling this issue, for 3 weeks give or take now, trust me, I know its not like I have anywhere but here to go, the only reason I'm HERE, in THIS subforum, was because similar issues were posted about right here... more similar than anywhere else.)
Anyways, now I got a wiped device which I hope I can at least get back to where I was. Knowing NOW it had nothing to do with being stock or not, its simply unable to install update.
AtmaDarkwolf said:
Yes, Must that I foolishly thought this was a ANDROID device and this may have been a similar issue(searched n7 forums and saw nothing) - and even with all the googling, I got nothing. BUT Now that I have 'followed your advice' (God I hope I can get my stuff back, backup didn't go as smooth as I had hoped, and 2 of my fav games I had to copy/paste myself to save them) All I've managed to do now was reset my device back to complete stock settings.... and this morning, Low and behold: SYSTEM UPDATE, ONCE AGAIN, same bloody one, same bloody problem, WILL NOT INSTALL.
So thanks. Next please? (Sorry if I sound a little angry, but I am, this forum, at least I THOUGHT, was full of people who liked to help others and KNEW what they were talking about, not trolls who tell people to 'use the search button' or go elsewhere for help. Honestly, after 2-3 hours a night googling this issue, for 3 weeks give or take now, trust me, I know its not like I have anywhere but here to go, the only reason I'm HERE, in THIS subforum, was because similar issues were posted about right here... more similar than anywhere else.)
Anyways, now I got a wiped device which I hope I can at least get back to where I was. Knowing NOW it had nothing to do with being stock or not, its simply unable to install update.
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you cant update your phone if it is rooted you have to unroot for that or just temporary unroot the option is available in supersu /superuser
and some apps like root keeper and you have to be on stock recovery
AtmaDarkwolf said:
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Not trolling, the sub categories are there for a reason.
Good luck!

[Q] need to flash 4.4.2 on Razr Maxx HD - HOW??

Please no one blast me for asking this question. I have spent HOURS searching for definitive answers, and I can't find what I need to know. I want to be very sure before I make any changes - I do not want to guess. I haven't bricked a phone yet, and don't want to start now. And I very much do not want to lose root.
I have a Droid Razr Maxx HD from VZW. It's currently running Android version 4.1.2 (System version 9.18.94.XT926.Verizon.en.US). It is rooted, but the bootloader is not unlocked, and I prefer not to unlock it. I *MUST* have root access. The phone is running painfully slow and I've already cleared the cache partition, but it's not enough. I want to do a hard reset after upgrading the firmware, then re-root.
My understanding, after about 6 hours of research, is that TowelRoot can root any version of Android released before June 3, 2014. I think that means 4.4.2. I found a place to download the stock version of 4.4.2 for XT926 (at least it's called that - it's not on the VZW site), but I can't verify the release date. I think it was before June 3 because I found discussions of 4.4.2 on the VZW site from last May.
1) Can someone verify that 4.4.2 is rootable with TowelRoot (which I've already downloaded).
2) Is there a place on the VZW site to download previous firmware versions so I can be certain I've got stock? Google publishes theirs (I also have a Nexus 10), but I don't see a page like this on the VZW site.
Next is how to flash... I have flashed my phone before using no additional software, but I can't recall the exact procedure and I don't want to screw it up. As I recall, I just had to put the zip file in the root of an external SD Card, then run native fastboot. But everything I've found googling says I have to edit an xml file, and run a Windows program called RSD Lite. Why?? I've found that the more 3rd party software in the mix, the greater the chance for disaster. Why can't I just use the native facility? I can't find the instructions I used previously.
I truly have tried to find the answers to these questions on my own, and I cannot. Could one of the very knowledgable people on this forum give me some definitive answers? I would be very grateful.
I figured out how to select a firmware update on my SD card via Recovery mode. I selected the zip file, and I see the message "Install /sdcard ...", but it doesn't look like anything is happening.
Not one response? No help from anyone?
This is a pretty useless forum. I would like to delete my original message since not one sole here can deign to even respond, but I can't do it.
Thanks for nothing.
permutations said:
This is a pretty useless forum. I would like to delete my original message since not one sole here can deign to even respond, but I can't do it.
Thanks for nothing.
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No one can help you here because your Razr Maxx HD is a different from Razr Maxx,this isn't the forum for it.
Sent from my Razr XT910
welder73 said:
No one can help you here because your Razr Maxx HD is a different from Razr Maxx,this isn't the forum for it.
Sent from my Razr XT910
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I tried very hard to find the right place to post my question. I couldn't find a forum for my exact model, and this seemed the closest. I thought I saw other posts about the Razr Maxx HD here. Do you have a link for the correct forum? I also spent a lot of time looking for the answer on my own before posting so no one could say I hadn't tried. But though I tried to be a good forum citizen, no one helped.
In any case, it doesn't matter. I took a chance, and luckily I guessed right. I'm now running KitKat and I am rooted. My phone had gotten very slow, so I also emptied the cache partition, then did a hard reset of my phone. I'm now reinstalling apps (not all of them).
I would move your attention to this area: http://forum.xda-developers.com/droid-razr-hd. Don't criticize forum members and call the site useless. Sometimes you have to wait for help, especially when it's free.
permutations said:
I tried very hard to find the right place to post my question. I couldn't find a forum for my exact model, and this seemed the closest. I thought I saw other posts about the Razr Maxx HD here. Do you have a link for the correct forum? I also spent a lot of time looking for the answer on my own before posting so no one could say I hadn't tried. But though I tried to be a good forum citizen, no one helped.
In any case, it doesn't matter. I took a chance, and luckily I guessed right. I'm now running KitKat and I am rooted. My phone had gotten very slow, so I also emptied the cache partition, then did a hard reset of my phone. I'm now reinstalling apps (not all of them).
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I was hoping you would get an answer as well, since I am in the exact same boat with my Razr Maxx HD. It's on 4.1.2, system version 9.18.94, it's rooted and bootloader is still locked. I have deleted some stock Verizon apps like Slacker and a few others. At the time I wasn't aware there was ramifications for doing so. I would like to try KK, but have the option to go back to JB if I like, or even run a custom Rom. I found this guide by bweN diorD to do just that, trouble is I am not that saavy and am a little in the dark when it comes to this stuff. I need step by step instructions explaining everything along the way. I have never flashed anything. All I've ever done is jailbroken IOS devices and rooted droids. So if you have a step by step for me I'm all ears. I don't even need to be rooted at the moment on KK.
Yeah never mind I got it. Booted into fastboot, connected to laptop and ran WindowsutilityNoDataWipe.bat from bweN diorD's 1.41 file.

Anybody root a stream machine smartab?

I got this 13 inch tablet for displaying music PDF files.
It's got KitKat 4.4, and there's apparently no intention to update this from the manufacturer.
I'd like to run igigbook, but that app requires 5.0+. So I figure I can root this, then do the cm12 ...?
I've looked on compatible devices lists and can't find this device.
Anybody got a link or maybe just some advice?
jazaddict said:
I got this 13 inch tablet for displaying music PDF files.
It's got KitKat 4.4, and there's apparently no intention to update this from the manufacturer.
I'd like to run igigbook, but that app requires 5.0+. So I figure I can root this, then do the cm12 ...?
I've looked on compatible devices lists and can't find this device.
Anybody got a link or maybe just some advice?
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I own one of these.
I found Kingo Root successfully roots it.
Unfortunately, no CM has been built for it.... yet. I plan to fix this.
Fair warning, though: do NOT remove anything child-mode-related yet, unless you have a backup of the system partition. It's basically an AOSP ROM, but they've tweakedwith the SYSTEMUI enough that straight-up removing it causes crach loops.
It's got an RK3188 chip, for the curious. Opened it to verify.
AmEv said:
I own one of these.
I found Kingo Root successfully roots it.
Unfortunately, no CM has been built for it.... yet. I plan to fix this.
Fair warning, though: do NOT remove anything child-mode-related yet, unless you have a backup of the system partition. It's basically an AOSP ROM, but they've tweakedwith the SYSTEMUI enough that straight-up removing it causes crach loops.
It's got an RK3188 chip, for the curious. Opened it to verify.
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Ive learned the hard way! lol
Bit too late for me now, but i had a similar tab from smart telecom and i cant find any firmware for it, i rooted with kingroot and after removing all the child mode and disney crap, im having the same thing.
Ive started a thread, but im hoping i can find a patched firmware without all the bloatware and a newer android build if possible.
HI - Just came across this thread, pity I hadn't seen it earlier - I had/have rooted with King Root, which worked fine. Then set about deleting all the child-mode-related apps. Now I'm stuck with receiving "Unfortunately, the process com.android.systemui has stopped" nothing seems to fix it. Do you know where I might find the original ROM that I can restore, can't find anything on the manfactures website..
Any help, really appreciated.
waynez2016 said:
HI - Just came across this thread, pity I hadn't seen it earlier - I had/have rooted with King Root, which worked fine. Then set about deleting all the child-mode-related apps. Now I'm stuck with receiving "Unfortunately, the process com.android.systemui has stopped" nothing seems to fix it. Do you know where I might find the original ROM that I can restore, can't find anything on the manfactures website..
Any help, really appreciated.
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Hi Wayne,
I contacted the supplier who was going to contact the manufacturer, still have not found anything.
Someone else started a thread some time back and did the same thing as us.
I think someone was going to create a ROM for me, i will direct them to this thread.
Thanks for the update.
I had some success last night in resolving my issues with "com.android.systemui" - I managed to get into play store and reinstalled "Net Nanny for Android" as soon as the install had completed the error message went away and hasn't returned. The other "Kids" apps that I had deleted have not reinstalled, appears Net Nanny must have removed/broken something when I deleted it.
Would be still good to get a copy of the original rom for next time, better still to get an upgrade from 4.4.4 to something a little newer at least.
Anyway hoe that help to get you going again.
I am ordering one of these now. Let me know if there's anything I can do to try to help in terms of getting a copy of the ROM. (I haven't done android development before, but I am a software engineer so I am willing to give anything a shot)
claylong said:
I am ordering one of these now. Let me know if there's anything I can do to try to help in terms of getting a copy of the ROM. (I haven't done android development before, but I am a software engineer so I am willing to give anything a shot)
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Let me know how you get on, as I am still after a ROM image if i can find one.
Going to start researching all the possible ways to get a ROM image (in addition to just asking the manufacturer). I will first do a search, and then maybe post in the forums somewhere, but I am starting here:
Did some research, and actually found that the androidhow article I linked in my last post was the most relevant. I followed the romdump script process and believe I have the rom image files.
The question becomes, are the image files most usable in their current form, or as flashable images?
Has there been any developments in this, or anything close to a ROM or even an update?
Roach419 said:
Has there been any developments in this, or anything close to a ROM or even an update?
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Not that im aware of, i just did what someone else suggested here and reinstalled netnanny off the app store.
At least its working again, but not terrific.
Oh, well I didn't have that problem. The guy I bought this streamachine off of already had it rooted and everything, i was just wondering if anything had been developed...4.4.4 is quite a bit outdated, and limited.
Can you upload that ROM image that you made? I bought another ST13 and while I can get it into recovery mode, it still won't boot even after a factory data reset. My plan is to try recovering from the sdcard before I assume that what I have is a collection of spare parts.
My two others aren't rooted, and since we need them tonight, I don't dare mess with them right now.
can I get a copy?
I rooted my ST13 and now I'm having bluetooth problems. I'd like to restore back to the stock ROM. Can I have a copy of yours? Does it work?
claylong said:
Did some research, and actually found that the androidhow article I linked in my last post was the most relevant. I followed the romdump script process and believe I have the rom image files.
The question becomes, are the image files most usable in their current form, or as flashable images?
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I am also interested in this thread, anyone know about the bootloader?
So still no DISK IMAGE or ROM? I successfully rooted St1316 but can't connect to wifi. I left natnanny alone, but it now doesn't connect to ANY wifi networks. Tries then switches to either "saved" or "disabled". I can push some apps to the device via bluetooth file transfer app but don't know what's missing. Could this be a permission issue? I'm lost and stressed. Tried factory wipe. No luck. Open to suggestions. Help guys. This thing kinda sucked before I lost wifi. Now it's just a glorified digital photo frame that plays sound WAY too softly.

