Accidently Downloaded OTA Update - Atrix 4G Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hey everyone, new Atrix owner here.
When I saw the OTA update I got excited and downloaded it via system updates.
It has not been installed yet. Still completely original stock/locked
From what I can tell from reading posts I do not want to install this now and it keeps alerting me to install it.
How can I disable/delete this?
Can anyone direct me to the post that explains how to unlock and load it myself from a custom rom (and a recommendation for custom rom to use)?
I just read for about an hour trying to figure it out to no avail so sorry for my newb skills.
Thanks in advance.

If you have root explorer or know adb go to /cache and delete the update files from there.

Completely stock at the moment. I have not done any modifications to this phone. Just bought it about a week ago.
So just trying to make sure I do this right the first time.
Tried to read the posts and made it through a 21 page forum and just got more confused haha. Way too many acronyms...
Anyways, if I just update myself from the leaked version i can go back and delete this later?
Which leak should I use is there one that is considered more stable?
There seems to be a million different ways to do 10 different things at the moment ugh..


[Q] did lagfix and ota update

On day 2 of getting this phone over a month ago I did the lagfix from the file named and I also rooted so I could get rid of Bing and use wireless tether. I got the OTA update from Verizon and wasn't going to apply it but I did by accident (while taking it out of my pocket). So now my phone is sluggish and sometimes apps take longer than they should to start up.
I've searched and I may have found what I need to do but I'm not sure because I'm a noob (obviously). There are a few threads in this forum that I've found might be my solution but I can't post links in my thread to show you guys because this is my first post and it won't let me.
I want to return my phone to day 1 conditions, I only renamed apps I didn't want originally so I guess I can re-root and rename them back to .apk files (if needed?).
If there is a thread on this then please just point me to it, I have been looking but I'm just not sure which process is the right one to take.
Thanks, sorry that I'm a noob.
Did you happen to install CWM when you rooted the phone? If you did look here.
If you haven't yet, do so now then follow the first links instructions
Here is the link for CWM
replace xx with tt
Don't you have to flash a kernel? Or will doing this work? Or how about this ?
Thanks guys, I think (after more searching and from what was suggested here) that I should re-root, flash clockwork, then take a clean rom and flash it on there. Any thing I should know that wouldn't come obvious? Do I need to rename my bing app back to .apk?
Also, since root was taken away when I updated, to re-root is it the same process as in
or does the process change since it got rooted/un-rooted?
edit: nevermind, rooted it no problem.

[Q] HTC Eris Rom Flash NOOBIE

First off, thanks for taking the time to read my post. I have been trying to root/flash rom since yesterday at 11am now 2:19pm a day later. So before whinning here, I did do my research. Flash is now done, *sigh*
I would like the froyo tazzv26 or 28 rom flashed on my Eris
I've watched yourtube how to videos, unlockr videos, several adroidforums how to posts. they all revert me back here.
My issue is this #1:most of those are old posts(which I've read and been reverted to), and obvious upgrades have been made therefore what thier videos/posts show are not what I'm seeing or reading . Being that this is new to me I feel lost and confused.
Issue#2 I found the rom I wanted, here when I searched Roms for Eris however a link that is next to it sends me to another and another page. Very frustrating.
Favor needed: I've never done this before so can someone please help walk me through the process of being on the ACTUAL page with the download link, and what happens from then. Then let me know what i'm supposed to be seeing on my computer screen once the process starts .** WOW this part is massively missing from all noobie post/videos= FYI for admins and moderators
FYI Eris is already rooted wth 4zroot (instead of HTC1 click since the power up and power button thing didn't work 4 times) I have superuser, quickboot, rom manager, and astro file manager all installed and ready to go.
I'm ready to take your lead
Saw your post over on AF and replied over there, but did really get the gist of your needs until I saw this thread over here on XDA.
Rooting with Z4 root does indeed root you, but this will not allow you to flash or install a custom ROM without having replaced your stock recovery with a custom one, the "one" being Amon_RA (stay away from ClockworkMod at this time for the Eris...the details are probably more than you want or need to know at this time).
The 1-click method that you mentioned previously is what you want and it will install Amon_RA's custom recovery for you.
I would highly advised you to read and understand this thread over on AndroidForums:
You will learn what you need to know from that thread and it will also show you how to install the very same custom recovery as the 1-click method/app. It is clearly more verbose, but the trade-off / benefit is that you will have the best instruction possible regarding rooting your Eris.
Check it out and good luck!

[Q] unroot for OTA???

I've rooted my GT 10.1 but I have two questions that I can't find the answer.
1. Has anyone discovered how to unroot back to stock?
2. If rooted, will I be able to get the OTA of touchwiz by checking for updates under settings?
PS I flashed the TouchWiz UX found in this forum. Got to say it is really nice and I can't wait to get the version from Sammy. I then restored a backup using Rom Manager and restored fine except when checking for software updates. It used to say no update available, but today it says failed to connect to servers. Anyone else getting this error?
I guess that is actually 3 questions.
1. Unrooting is pretty simple. Just flash the 3.1 OTA in the dev forum, after doing a full wipe. If you feel the need to go back to full stock, you'll also want to nvflash back to the original retail recovery, which you undoubtedly saved when you first rooted.
2. No one knows yet, but rest assured, within a day (less probably) of the update being released, it'll be available here as a rooted flashable ROM. If you learn one thing from your time on XDA, it should be "never accept an OTA update." Let the devs pull it apart and repackage it in a nice root-safe download.
Undoubtedly! (I wish) I wasn't planning to root but while playing with Odin, I thought I was locked at the downloading screen while testing odin. (Didn't hold down the power button long enough to shut off tab) I thought my only solution was to continue and root. No problems rooting, it was easy. I just wanted to make sure I get the TouchWiz update. Now I learned my lesson I will never do an OTA update.
Glad you told me that, otherwise I probably would have screwed up my GT. I don't know how I missed the post about backing up the stock image first. I try to read a lot of posts (heck I even use the search box) before trying something new. Anyway, I'm sure it is posted in the forums somewhere if I need to find it.
pmsrefugee said:
Glad you told me that, otherwise I probably would have screwed up my GT.
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It's not so much that you'll screw up your device by accepting an OTA, but rather that you might lose root and/or your custom recovery (perhaps permanently). Nevertheless, there are some cases of OTAs screwing up devices when accepted over non-stock installs, so IMHO its always best to wait for a flashable ROM.
pmsrefugee said:
I don't know how I missed the post about backing up the stock image first. I try to read a lot of posts (heck I even use the search box) before trying something new. Anyway, I'm sure it is posted in the forums somewhere if I need to find it.
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Yes, I believe the stock retail recovery is posted in the CWM recovery download package here: You'll note that Step 3 is where you were advised to backup your original stock recovery, although the step is (correctly) noted as optional. No big deal, in any event. Glad I could help.

Latest OTA won't install

I'm rooted and originally de-crapped my phone which kept the first update from installing. However, with some help from posters here I was able to find the missing file, get it properly replaced and the update then worked.
I assumed that would mean I would be good from then on and kept everything intact. Now the latest update is out and I once again cannot update but it's been long enough that I'm now not sure about the process for getting this working.
Any help would be appreciated.
Agrajag27 said:
I'm rooted and originally de-crapped my phone which kept the first update from installing. However, with some help from posters here I was able to find the missing file, get it properly replaced and the update then worked.
I assumed that would mean I would be good from then on and kept everything intact. Now the latest update is out and I once again cannot update but it's been long enough that I'm now not sure about the process for getting this working.
Any help would be appreciated.
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Come on guy, there is like 10 other threads over here talking about not being able to install the update. Anyway, there is a thread right here that has all of the apk files of the device. I cant find it now cause im on my cell. Ifyou cant find it by the time I finish work I'll post the link. that didnt work for me so I fastbooted my phone with the factory image, rooted, protected root, unrooted,install one update, installed the latest update, and restored root. good luck.
I actually looked but didn't notice others having an issue so I might have just missed it. I assumed, like last time, others would have the issue so I was actually surprised not to find 10 threads with people talking about it.
I couldnt find the thread i was talking about cause my stupid self was too lazy to click one button to add it to my favorites but it looks like this could work for you.

[Q] How To Refresh ROM On A Droid RAZR HD?

Hi, my name is Ashton. I apologize in advance if this topic has been talked about before. I made sure to search the forums for a thread similar to this, but I haven't found anything. I have owned a Droid RAZR HD for about a year now, and I have had it rooted before. However, I began to experience problems when using the root, and therefore un-rooted my device. However, about a month or two ago, I recieved a notification to update my phone. At the moment, the version I have right now is 4.1.2. The update I am trying to receive is the 4.4.2 KitKat update. Ever since I got my root on my phone, I have had problems with updating my device. I can download the update just fine, but when the download finishes and I go to install the update, my phone turns off and begins the update. However, about a quarter of the way installed, the Droid Triage Screen shows. I have already wiped the Cache Partition multiple times, and tried to install the download using WiFi. Within a week of no luck, I downloaded the Android Forums app. I made a thread about this problem, and someone told me that it probably had something to do with the ROM. I believe he said that a root can cause the files in the ROM to be edited or changed, if I recall correctly. I was told that he would look around to see if the files would still be edited once the device is unrooted. With another week of him not replying back, I made another thread asking if the files would remain edited, even after the phone was un-rooted. Most of the people that responded said yes, but they didn't know how to fix the problem. One of the responders, however, told me to come to these forums and ask if there were any apps for my phone, or PC Programs I could use to refresh, or update my ROM. Again, sorry if this was already talked about. I didn't see anything like this when I searched these Forums. Help?
Axellion said:
Hi, my name is Ashton. I apologize in advance if this topic has been talked about before. I made sure to search the forums for a thread similar to this, but I haven't found anything. I have owned a Droid RAZR HD for about a year now, and I have had it rooted before. However, I began to experience problems when using the root, and therefore un-rooted my device. However, about a month or two ago, I recieved a notification to update my phone. At the moment, the version I have right now is 4.1.2. The update I am trying to receive is the 4.4.2 KitKat update. Ever since I got my root on my phone, I have had problems with updating my device. I can download the update just fine, but when the download finishes and I go to install the update, my phone turns off and begins the update. However, about a quarter of the way installed, the Droid Triage Screen shows. I have already wiped the Cache Partition multiple times, and tried to install the download using WiFi. Within a week of no luck, I downloaded the Android Forums app. I made a thread about this problem, and someone told me that it probably had something to do with the ROM. I believe he said that a root can cause the files in the ROM to be edited or changed, if I recall correctly. I was told that he would look around to see if the files would still be edited once the device is unrooted. With another week of him not replying back, I made another thread asking if the files would remain edited, even after the phone was un-rooted. Most of the people that responded said yes, but they didn't know how to fix the problem. One of the responders, however, told me to come to these forums and ask if there were any apps for my phone, or PC Programs I could use to refresh, or update my ROM. Again, sorry if this was already talked about. I didn't see anything like this when I searched these Forums. Help?
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I would recommend using RSD Lite to flash the stock KitKat 4.4.2 ROM for your device. You can download RSD Lite from here and the stock ROM for your device from here. For a tutorial on how to use RSD Lite I would recommend checking out this video, while the video is meant for the original Droid RAZR procedurally the video applies. Let me know if you have any questions I'll be happy to help you out.

