[Q] Please Make Wp8 systemUi.apk for xperia u - Sony Xperia P, U, Sola, Go

ANy 1 please make a system ui.apk whics shows wp8.i searched every where and i cant find the file


[Q]H/M/L-DPI... theme help

Ok simple and short im asking if theres some xml i have to use to tell the hdpi-ness of the X10 to properly use mdpi pngs in a framework apk, or if it simply recognizes it by itself in with the 'drawable-mdpi' or 'drawable-hdpi' folder names.
Come on guys... I cant find any answers thats why im asking.

[Q] Help, Creating a theme

i was reading about creating a theme for a ROM
and this is what i could do :
Decompile / compile system UI and Framework-res
that wasn't hard but my problem was :
i openend the Apk after decomp. and i opened my mouth throw off my keyboard and deleted every thing
all tutorials shows you someone who decompile edit a picture and that's all :/
i want to :
Theme status bar / notification center / settings / and many things like My files / downloads
Please help ! i just want to know what PNGS are for these ^ and if i need any thing else
by the way, if you can sugest me any good edditing application i will be realy thankfull
thanks in advance

[Q] SystemUI i9152

Anyone have i9152 SystemUI.apk?
I really need it (
Anyone help me please
Which country are you from and can you find out which rom is installed on your phone as i am not 100% sure if the systemUI.apk are all the same amongst the rom version, you should be able to check in settings>more>about phone and look under build number and it should show it there..unless you cannot view this on youir phone due to the systemUI.apk missing, then the country should do were you are from..and i will try to get a systemUI.apk file for you.
Did you need odex or deodex file?

[Q] how to edit smali n what should i insert to make my own cusrom

How could i make my own cusrom? Im confused on editing at notepad++ only, idk what ive to change or add...
Master tell me please, i use xperia m2 dual

[Q] Modify my SecSettings.apk

good day guys ..
can you teach me how can i modify any system apps of my s3 neo i9300i, i got flashed project s5 rom v2.0 ..
then i want to mod the background of my SecSettings.apk into semi transparent ..
when i done to recompile/decompile and sign the Apps, then move to /system/priv-app/ and set the permission to r-w-rr and then restart my phone ..
he didnt installed, i dont know why,
theres nothing wrong with my compiling ..
please help me guys ..
(sorry for my bad english)

