Question about Rooted Android - Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hi. I'm a long time technical person and have some experience with rooting various kinds of devices. I've jail-broken iPhones, run custom firmwares on my routers (OpenWRT, Tomato and the likes) and have finally gotten an Android device for testing (an RCA 7 Voyager RCT6773W22 on 4.4.2 Kitkat) and was able to root it successfully with Kingo.
What I cannot quite figure out after doing quite a lot of searching is how to set things up a proper Linux/UNIX CLI environment. Things like OpenSSL/OpenSSH, coreutils, inetutils/, bash, perl, being able to set the root password (why is there no passwd command?), etc., etc.
I was able to do this on jail-broken iPhones just fine where I would end up with a normal looking unix/Linux like filesystem and utilities and could even manage packages via apt/dpkg which was real nice.
And so I thought this wouldn't be an issue on a system like Android once rooted. Most of what I was able to find seems to use busybox/dropbear, which I've used on routers before and was fine but seems a little light weight here.
I thought I had found the solution through a package manager called BotBrew that I came across, but couldn't get it or the Basil version of it to work (I just get Update Failed no matter what.) And I also noticed it seems to put everything in /data/botbrew and not just under /. Admittedly I'm not very familiar with the file-system of Android so maybe that's normal and I'm just missing something in that regard.
Thanks for any advise.


Extracting Android geolocation cache from NAND memory dump / vizualization

Hello all,
I am a newbie to Android just like I am a newbie to that forum. I'd just like to share something I did recently, it might be interesting to some of you.
To start with, I am not at all a mobile guy. My hobbies are related to big and noisy machines, password security and GPU cracking.
I have an old HTC Wildfire though and I recently had to analyze an Android application (LastPass) so that I can perform offline GPU password recovery against its local database. Which in turn made my life more interesting
Until that point I never bothered to play with my phone as I only used it for calls, messaging and occasional browsing. My job is related to embedded development (mostly infotainment systems) so that at least I have some knowledge about that stuff...not exactly Android though, more like linux-based systems.
So while playing with LastPass, I quickly get accustomed to adb then it turned out LastPass stores its database on /data/data which apparently I had no access too. Reading some stuff about rooting my phone lead me to the impression it is going to be a problematic thing to do (disabling S-ON, updating bootloader, flashing other images and I have no experience with this). Well, I quickly found out there is a local exploit for Android <2.3 which had a funny starcraft name, so I tried it. To my surprise it worked and I was able to acquire the needed data.
Then after some time I decided to look at that /data filesystem again and I was surprised to find out quite a lot of stuff (contacts, messages, browsing history, all in sqlite3 databases). But I was really like struck when I discovered cache.wifi and cache.cell. I couldn't believe my eyes, then I googled it and it turned out this is all old news. But basically it's quite nice way to know where the phone owner was located some time ago. Then of course, Android limits that to last 200 wifi access points and last 50 GSM BTS'es.
Then suddenly I remembered the fact that this data is kept on NAND memory with a filesystem (yaffs2) that does software wear-leveling. Which means, we are likely to have several versions of the logical block split over several physical blocks.
So out of curiousity, I quickly coded some quick'n'dirty scripts to nanddump the device, then some ugly C code to carve the dump, looking for geocache data. Using the data recovered that way, we create a simple HTML file with some javascript to display all the GPS poistions over google maps. The end result was fun, I was able to remember where I was say one year ago (and my memory is bad).
The PoC code is attached. It's rather ugly and coarse, but it works (for me ). It runs on linux only (sorry). Feel free to experiment with it.

[Q] l2cap, bluetooth controller issues

Ok, I purchased the Nyko Playpad assuming because of the packaging that it would simply sync and then i would key map and i would be playing Castlevania:COTM right now after years of not owning an actual GameBoy. I tried the suggested/"included free software" available from the play store, I got the controller synced in APP mode, which only works for initial boot and in the app its self. It does not work as a mouse or HID input. One of my emulators has iCade support; so I set the controller to iCade, synced and then went to key map. Failure. I've gotten as far as getting the controller to recognize 2-4 commands from the controller at a time; however, they inputs were, I: straight into the google seach app thinger II: the back key III: 5/* IV: 8. so no really anything useful for playing any sort of game or even browsing in mouse mode.
I began re-reading all of the instructions, reviews and watching Nyko's how-to stuff on YouTube. Over the course of 5 hard hours of me being neck deep in failure and coding I don't fuly understand, I found my problem. Sense lacks proper l2cap support, apparently...
I tried Bluez IME, and its respective hid enabling apk. That did not work for me either.
So, right now, I'm looking at unlocking and possibly rooting.. I guess, I'm not ready to admit defeat and return the controller right yet. Will Cyanogen/any other stable homebrew unlock this for me without msoftware, I goe losing camera, BT, etc... functions? Will a simple unlock and a flash of the BT fix the issue or is it too closely tied to the sense input system? I'm not too familiar with all the coding, but I have been an Ubuntu user for about a decade, I know it's like the baby step, but it's quick and has me at least a little familiar with the Android's linux based system.
model number: HTC6435LVW
hardware version: 003
Android version: 4.1.1 w/ Sense 4+
software number: 2.06.605.1 710RD
Any other stats needed can be gladly provided.
Help, guidance and ibuprofen are all greatly appreciated.
Unfortunately, unless someone has tried that specific controller with the software that you want to run, you'll just never know for sure.
Thanks to your post though, I just tried a Zagg Flexx keyboard which has never worked with Sense (4.1, I haven't tried newer Senses) and didn't work with CM 10.1. It is working just fine for me on CM 10.2.
Well snap, you think if i set up CM 10.2 it would be kosher and i could reinstall my emulators and game roms, proceed to link via BT and actually be able to use the thing as an input device?
I was going to just jump the gun and do it, but I'm having issues even compiling adb and the like... I'm on Ubuntu 12.10, afaik. The htc guide offers windows instructions, but only files for linux/mac use. I got stuck on a ".bin" step... the first one actually..
Could I get a step-by-step and a complete list of what I actually need? I've been all over and through 80+ page threads and watched an hours worth of youtube guides, many of which are thanks to this forum, and thank you, but I'm lost...
Guru guidance is much appreciated.
As I said, no way to know for sure unless someone has actually tried it. Every device potentially acts differently.
It should be easy to install (not compile) adb for linux. You need to install the Android SDK from Google and make sure you select the right component to get adb. Searching for
install adb linux
should give you easy instructions.

[Q] Sideloading Apks to multiple devices at once

Looking for a little advice from folks about sideloading apks to multiple android devices at once (like, 8 or 9 of em). Searched around the forums a bit and couldn't find anything directly relating to this issue, so I figured I'd ask. I dunno if this belongs more in App development, but its an Android specific issue so...
At present I'm using Test Flight App (I'd post the URL but I'm too much of a noob here) to manage builds and releases. Its really great for getting beta builds out to the studio team, and to various beta testers and potential partners.
However there are a few issues with it, which are particularly problematic for quick iterations etc.
1) Actually downloading the apks is a manual process per device. So if you've a small QA team (or are working solo) it takes alot of time to get the newest build onto everything.
2) Each build has to be uploaded via the Test Flight website, then distributed to users on a build by build basis. This is a difficult to automate process, so makes having any kind of continuous integration system for nightlies etc. difficult at best.
I've been looking into possibly doing something like installing a Dropbox on each device and automating CI builds to a dedicated folder, which is shared via Dropbox to everything, but its a bit of work up front to get it working and I may still have to actually manually install the things each time.
Any of you guys had any experience attempting to do something like this?
Figured I might as well come back and answer my own question incase anyone else was wondering.
Ended up using a USB hub to connect multiple devices then running a script that used ADB to get all attached devices, then passed that list one by one into the adb install function.
Still not ideal, as it requires a wired connection for each phone, but works for now.
Dansixminute said:
Figured I might as well come back and answer my own question incase anyone else was wondering.
Ended up using a USB hub to connect multiple devices then running a script that used ADB to get all attached devices, then passed that list one by one into the adb install function.
Still not ideal, as it requires a wired connection for each phone, but works for now.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
How about Wireless ADB?
Check ADB Wireless on Play Store. (Unfortunately all phones must be rooted, because it requires ADB port to be set to 5555)
I think you are using batch file to get ADB script for all devices.
Press Thanks if helped.

[Q] Factory-resetting Kaya tablet

I got a Kaya Android tablet which was lock after the user entered wrong pattern several times. The tablet presents the unlock with gmail screen but, guess what!, it does not connect to any even public unencrypted WiFi so that it is impossible to unlock with gmail account.
I tried to connect to it from adb via USB but it does not recognized as ADB device, only as USB mass-storage.
And, finally, magic key combinations like power-volume-up does not give me any recovery or boot loader.
Is it the stage where I go and throw it to garbage or there is something else left?
So, there is NOT much documentation for your device (surprise! lol) but I if you have the Ktab Classic 7" as I am assuming/hoping (info found here: , then it runs the old WM8650 chip. There is a forum for these types of things here: Though nothing says it is specifically for you, I know that I have worked on a few of these before and used the Uberdroid rom to make it run a bit better. If your tablet is what I am thinking, there is some hope as the method to update the rom involves just copying the files to the storage, selecting which version to try on the PC, and rebooting and it does the rest. The downside to this, is that it is hard to know which tablet it shares the most with as the Uberdroid rom supports dozens of different ones and typically the only differences are screen size, touchscreen functionality, and maybe wifi, if I remember right. Just have to keep playing around with it till you find the right combo. If that isn't the particular version of the tablet you have, then some more research would be in order, but these things obviously aren't very popular and the less popular or supported, the harder it is to find anything worthwhile. As it is, you have to scour mostly foreign websites and use Google Translate to come close to figuring out what's going on. lol Good luck!

[Q] Cross Platform Malware...

Hello people,
Ive been running around these forums for a little while and I need some help. I have discovered some pretty nasty malware on my phone's. I have a fair amount of experience dealing with viruses and removal. This infection in particular I have been playing wacka-mole for a month now. What I can say is that its basically undetectable with antivirus. I am running a genuine windows 8.1/ubuntu 14.04 configuration. Alright...What I have noticed thus far for capabilities are the following.
Crossplatform windows/ubuntu/Android 5.0/5.1. This thing is infecting my devices over and over via wifi/bluetooth/nfc/usb/remotely? I watched an IDS system on a computer in the room I was in flag at my doctors office for intrusion. Im pretty sure my phone attacked the network. I was not connected. I know some of the code I read, it appears that my router has been attempting to act as a rogue access point. The permissions are very extensive for multiple "system apps" with a lot of custom permissions. Here are a few Links to the Virustotal results. Add the HTTPS...
I have noticed in the root many things I do not believe should be present. I have what I believe is CPU models for all phones and everything to go along to run this thing. My /sbin probably has almost 200 commands. /proc has 269 for app ID and inside are multiple files and folders. These include exe files and mutlple commands for various network protocols and network/device discovery. This are present in every folder.
My phone has been screen pinning every file execution. I stumbled across a folder that was actively storing screen shots. My phone has been making the sound as if it takes a photo of me when I "power it on/off." This stops when I put tape over it...haha I could go on and on about what this thing has done. Using TOR/Wifi/Mobile data when it wants, encrypting my twrp recovery after I pushed the file to the phone with Wugfresh Nexus 6 toolkit. All my internet traffic was being proxied. I can install a factory image but I cannot make it past the google log in, it acts like a bootloop but back to the wifi screen. I have tried numerous antivirus, manually going through root system and deleting files. Installs of CM install to /dev/block/platform/msm_sdcc.1/byname/system x2. Any suggestions on how I should go about trying to remove this would be appreciated. Ive been back and forth fixing computers and back to phones....with no success because I can't get the stuff off my phone.
My router had a seperate domain and multiple subnets/15000 hosts entries. Every couple of days I have to reinstall windows because its completely hijacked. Safe-mode doesn't even exist. Terminal commands for traceroute/MTR being disabled after a few queries.
Devices are Nexus 6, Gs5-tmobile both on ATT.
How many partions should I have?
ls -al /dev/block/platform/msm_sdcc.1/by-name and cat /proc gives me a total of 45.

