Galaxy Alpha slte.pit file - Samsung Galaxy Alpha

For some reasons, I need your phone's slte.pit file & a mount output (list of mounts).
I like to make block map of all devices even those I don't have.
I don't have this handset so I ask you all if you can give me the slte.pit file
Also I've found during searches a strange ftp server which requires user&password.
This ftp server seems to stock lot of PIT & firmwares files!
If I could access all those PIT files then I could map any device.
Thanks :good:


Broadcomm BT stack can't send a file...

I've just tried this Bluetooth stack on my Himalaya,everything's working fine except 1 thing. When I want to send any file via BT,normally I turn on the BT module and in a basic FileExplorer I click on the BeamFile... item in context menu. With default stack it will find a destination device and tapping on that will create a connection. This is the problem with Broadcomm..It can't find another devices,that I can send the file to. Anyone know why? Or is it another way to send any file via BT with Broadcomm? Thanks for your suggestion.
Where do have download the Broadcom-Bluetooth-Stack??? I'm not very lucky with the original Bluetooth-Stack on my MDAII...
I've downloaded this file: from FTP.
Especially these 2 files need to be installed: and
That's inside of this archive. You need to switch the active stack after installation in order to use it(MS/Broadcom).
Yes and I had a 2nd problem with this stack...No SSA service was available(for connect via BT modem). Therefore I am still on the default stack(which is very poor,but all is working,that I need).
Thanks, but sorry, i can't find "FTP", the links are'nt working...
I test but i cannot access them, permission denied...
Try to use any FTP client such as TotalCommander,Mozilla etc. Server is name and password is:xda.
Sorry, sorry, searching a lot of time i had find the files on ftp, but i miss a little instruction manual for the installation, can you give me any help for this? Thanks!!
Okay. I will post these files here,but later,coz I am on-the-go at this moment. I have it in my notebook at home...
Thank you very match!
Here is it:
Scuse, before logging in, i haven't found the files...
Instructions?? Nothing?? Try and error?
can this patch work at MDAII?

Simple file downloader with resume?

I'm looking for a simple file downloader that supports resume...I need to be able to specify my own download location as I'm wanting to run it on my Logitech Revue which has usb mounted storage under /mnt/media as opposed to /mnt/sdcard.
Any suggestions?
aDownloader crashes. I'm willing to deal with ads but if there is a downloader without them that would be ideal.
Thanks for your time. I did do some googling and see some choices but none of the descriptions indicate whether you can specify the download folder so I'm hoping someone can save me alot of installing/uninstalling.

Programmatic bluetooth file transfer - security issue?

I need to programmatically transfer some files from one Android device to another via a Bluetooth connection. The devices will have been paired already and in close range. This isn't for something that will be for public consumption. It's for use between two devices under the permanent control of a company for use only within the company. One device (the sending device) will have an app that we'll write that calls for user input. Once the user choices are made and submitted, the sending device will send a file or files (probably text files that we'll create dynamically) to a specific path on the receiving device via that Bluetooth connection.
Both devices will probably be rooted, certainly the receiving device will be. But we'll write to a directory on /sdcard, not at the root level. It's likely that the OS will be 4.1.2 or later on both. It'll be 4.2.2 on the receiving device for sure.
I can execute this file transfer easily with something like ES File Explorer. But that won't work in the application that I'm developing because the users can't handle that sort of interactivity and wouldn't have the knowledge to create or choose the files to transfer if they could. They'll need the aforementioned app with the form to make this appropriately simple.
My question is: can I write an app that lets me transfer files via Bluetooth from one device to a specific path on another, without security issues on the receiving device stopping the transfer from successfully taking place? I'm figuring that if ES File Explorer and the like can do it, that I should be able to do it using the Android API. But I'm not clear on that, so better to ask than to have to tell my client after doing a bunch of work.
Any help would be appreciated.

[4.1.2 XT912] Need help with changing MAC Address

I'd like to change MAC addresses for this purpose and this purpose only: gaming.
[Android] StreetPass Riilay: The HomePass method on your phone[/url] (The forums are down for maintenance and I still have the 10 post limit)
According to that thread, Android phones have their Wi-Fi configurations in these directories.
However, none of these paths contain those MAC configuration files.
These three paths exist on my phone: /system/etc/wifi/ and /data/misc/wifi/ and /pds/wifi/ but do not have any MAC address configurations.
Is there another directory where the MAC configurations are located? Is it even possible to change the MAC address on the Razr?
I've tried apps from the play store, and those don't work. I'm not using any ROMs, but I installed BusyBox files.
So basically my questions are:
1) Where are the MAC configurations stored?
2) Do certain ROMs have different Wi-Fi configurations in different paths in the system's files?
3) I am not doing this so I can connect to networks, I am doing this so that other devices can connect to my phone's Wi-Fi network. Most MAC address apps don't do that
Well thanks for the help anyway. I just copied the system files onto my desktop then looked into every nook and cranny. The answer was in my face all this time.
For anyone else who needs this in the future:
That's where the MAC configurations are stored. The values are stored little-endian, so just read along the first line and you'll know what I'm talking about. Change the values to your desired MAC address, then presto, your MAC address is changed. Do this for both .bin files.
This is only temporary, so you should make a copy of your desired MAC available in your file manager so you can just paste them into the directories with ease.
lazy9090 said:
Well thanks for the help anyway. I just copied the system files onto my desktop then looked into every nook and cranny. The answer was in my face all this time.
For anyone else who needs this in the future:
That's where the MAC configurations are stored. The values are stored little-endian, so just read along the first line and you'll know what I'm talking about. Change the values to your desired MAC address, then presto, your MAC address is changed. Do this for both .bin files.
This is only temporary, so you should make a copy of your desired MAC available in your file manager so you can just paste them into the directories with ease.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I can't make any sense of what's in those files...
Wat do?

How to download complete mp3 files from a music website

Hi I am Rupesh from India. I have android mobile phone.
I have seen a music website which contains 9000 mp3 files and from that I need 3000 mp3 files and these files are contained in a separate category and again these files are arranged into sub categories.
I know about offline browsers and I have used some of them on windows os but at present I don't have Windows PC or laptop. some of which I used was neo downloader which is used to download complete image files from a website and it worked very nicely and it was easy to understand.
I am new to httrack and have no idea about scanrules, mime associations etc., I have tried to download complete mp3 files using httrack but I am unable to understand the options I mean filters,flow control etc.,
I want to download only mp3 files and discard all other file types including HTML,CSS,js,jpeg etc.,. The site structure must be present.
If you suggest httrack please try to suggest the options I mean scanrules, type/mime associations.
Is there any tool based on httrack which provides simpler GUI interface for android mobile phone.

