Se permissive? - T-Mobile Samsung Galaxy S 5

Is there a way to change the android SE to permissive? I using a lollipop rom


KCAL MOD Support for CM 12.1?

Hi everyone.
Im using Cm12.1 and before I was in stock 5.1.1 with "color control" Kcal mod, and that was awesome. but now in CM I cant get it work. I seems like the kernel doesnt support it.
Even i try with Kernel Auditor and it doesnt have the "KCAL module section". Btw in sotck rom K.Auditor have that option.
For that reason I think its a kernel compatibility issue.
I like this mod, somebody have a way to get it work in CM?
(sry, English isnt my native lang)
Have you tried a different kernel? Just a suggestion.. ?
Sent from my Xperia Z2 using Tapatalk
Smedslund said:
Have you tried a different kernel? Just a suggestion..
Sent from my Xperia Z2 using Tapatalk
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What kernel can i use?
i try with M5, but i get a lot of FCs and errors, i really dont like the performance that give me.
IS any other kernel?
I have no problems whit M5 but I'm om RR now and a lot of bugs and fc are gone.
Sent from my Xperia Z2 using Tapatalk
is any other kernel for cm12.1?
Smedslund said:
I have no problems whit M5 but I'm om RR now and a lot of bugs and fc are gone.
Sent from my Xperia Z2 using Tapatalk
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Hey, I try again, installing latests CM 12.1 build for my Z2 and M5 Kernel V10 Permissive.
I flash it from recovery and stuck in Sony logo, led turn on in Red and a few secs later the phone restarts.
What I am doing wrong?

Double tap to wake up kernel

Please suggest me a kernel with this feature.
Device: Moto E XT1022 First Gen
OS: Lollipop 5.1.1
me too
KhanStan said:
Please suggest me a kernel with this feature.
Device: Moto E XT1022 First Gen
OS: Lollipop 5.1.1
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Look here there are some kernel with DT2W you choose. If you are on stock rom there isn't kernel that you can use
Simomaster1 said:
Look here there are some kernel with DT2W you choose. If you are on stock rom there isn't kernel that you can use
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Sent from my Moto E using Tapatalk
Thanks ?

viper4android not working

Guys i have installed viper4android today
But i AM getting any kind of sound improvement in my moto e. There's no change in music. Does moto e seriously support or not.
I'm using sehenniser cx 180
Please help.Any mod ??
If your android is 5.x (I think KIT KAT also), need to change SElinux to Permissive how to change.. Please.. Suggest.. Me...I'm on 5.0.2 Lp
dipanjannet said: how to change.. Please.. Suggest.. Me...I'm on 5.0.2 Lp
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Here is the howto:
Viper and dolby or any sound mods not work on Stock rom
Adarsh1998 said:
Viper ... not work on Stock rom
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Yes it works. Tested on Moto E 2014 KK 4.4.4, Moto G 2014 LP 5.0.2 and Moto G 2015 LP 5.1 all stock.

viper4android for Android N??

Is viper4android working for N cm14?? If yes.. Please tell me how to make it work??
Rehan Sheikh said:
Is viper4android working for N cm14?? If yes.. Please tell me how to make it work??
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already tested on crDroid & AICP N, work after instal custom kernel (agni) which supposed set selinux to permissive. assume will work too at cm14 due to both rom using source from cm14

Oreo with Selinux Enforcing

Is there any oreo rom with selinux enforcing available for kenzo?
NO, At the moment
geekychandu said:
NO, At the moment
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:crying: but why? why developers prefer selinux permissive?
Unofficial LineageOS 15.1 18-03-2018 use Enforcing
kiodo1981 said:
Unofficial LineageOS 15.1 18-03-2018 use Enforcing
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could you give me that link?
arnabbandopadhyay said:
could you give me that link?
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arnabbandopadhyay said:
Is there any oreo rom with selinux enforcing available for kenzo?
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Selinux is almost fixed. Goodix and fpc are working with enforcing on Lokmansius LOS 15.1. Hope soon it go official.
naik2902 said:
Selinux is almost fixed. Goodix and fpc are working with enforcing on Lokmansius LOS 15.1. Hope soon it go official.
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hmm..found 2days ago...thanks :good:

