I just updated to Lollipop today. Whenever the screen is on, if anything is put close to the heart rate sensor on the back, the red light for it comes on.
I used to be rooted and had xposed. I uninstalled S health when I was rooted if that is a possible cause. I unrooted and uninstalled xposed to update to Lollipop. At first I thought maybe it's a new "feature" so that you can take your pulse anytime while using your phone, but nothing happens if I hold my finger on there, lol. Any ideas on how to turn this off?
Same here. Not rooted. If I use S health heart rate, it then shuts off for a while, but eventually comes back on.
Hopefully it gets fixed in an Update soon.
Sent from my SM-G900T using Tapatalk
I noticed 2 things that might help in the 2.3.4 build.
1. When I have "in pocket detection" enabled. It would turn a little red light on (sensor) near the top right.
2. I think this sensor driver is too young still... it will randomly turn my screen off, especially at night time.. I think the was a "bug" earlier about the screen "randomly" turning itself off... if you put your finger on this red sensor, it will shut your screen off.
I decided to just not use this feature, and not had any random screen turning off problems...
Sent from my MB860 using XDA App
I use the in pocket detection and it has turned off twice when I didn't want it to. I got to close to the proximity sensor. I am guessing yours is more frequent? Maybe try turning it off and rebooting then turning it on?
Motorola Atrix 2.3.4 bl unlocked full debian weptop and themed
TOTALLY FORGOT. had it checked just cause i thought it was a neat lil feature but quickly forgot about it..same thing i would find the screen to turn off randomly when in dark places..and the red led but a lil scare into me but yeah. just disabled it, dont really think its that necessary.
I have an LG G Watch with 5.0.1 since a few days and I tried and sent back an identical LG G watch on 4.4W.1 a while ago and didn't experience it. Basically, I am noticing that after leaving the watch alone lying somewhere (I don't wear it at home) for some time (can't really say how long but at least an hour, I think) the display turns OFF. A single tap and it wakes up and then works "normally" until the next time...
The other G Watch with the older Wear version didn't have this behaviour so is this a feature of the latest Wear version (or possibly an LG-exclusive mod to squeeze even more battery life) or is it maybe an "issue"..?
I am saying this especially because I installed the Slumber app to automatically turn the display OFF while charging but realized that it's easier and more elegantly done by simply choosing the new "Theater mode" in Android Wear 5.0.1 and uninstalled the app. I don't know if what I am seeing is due to having installed Slumber but I really don't think so.
Does anybody know for sure what it is and how it exactly works..?
I was just about to post about this I think it's a bug though... I don't use a Slumber app or anything, I want my screen truly to be always on. But it will turn off occasionally and I don't like that!! I definitely did not have this issue on 4.4W.2
Anyone know what the problem is or how to fix it?
philessthanthree said:
I think it's a bug though... I don't use a Slumber app or anything,
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Just to be clear, I don't use it anymore and uninstalled it just after getting the 5.0.1 update with its Theater mode. My worry was that having had it installed triggered this behaviour but since you get it without ever installing it I can put that to rest.
I want my screen truly to be always on. But it will turn off occasionally and I don't like that!! I definitely did not have this issue on 4.4W.2
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Have you ever got it while it is on your wrist..?
Reading this I just removed my g-watch and after a few minutes I see that my screen was OFF. Never happen when I have watch on my wrist the last 2 days. Screen alaways ON and turn on with movement OFF. So yes it is a new feature of the last update 5.01.
Same here, it happened twice on the table, and once on my wrist this morning.
Must be something like the ambient mode in Moto 360 that does this. For one moment I thought I accidentally triggered the cinema mode.
I always take my watch off at work and the screen keeps turning off after 30 minutes. I did a full reset in case it was an overhang from the old version but it's still turning off.
So based on all of the above replies it seems it's a feature of the latest Android Wear. I am not calling it a bug because, except for a single reported case from our friend with the Moto 360, it seems to never happen while wearing it, so the logic appears to be "save the battery when not in use".
Just to "investigate" it some more, I am trying to time it and confirm it's 30 minutes for me too like StuBFrost says, and may you all please confirm you have Ambient turned ON (i.e. the display is always ON) and state whether you have the new Tilt to wake up setting ON (i.e. the Display lights up from its dimmed state when you tilt your wrist).
My settings are Display always ON and Tilt to wake up OFF.
It would be good to have some more reports from owners of different Wear smartwatches, to this end I posted also in the general Android Wear forum but no replies so far. I am going to update that post with our findings and see if we can understand what exactly is this behaviour we are seeing...
Actually, I think it might be a good feature to keep ON in many cases but it absolutely should be an *option*!
I have both options switched on and both work fine except for this new stupid sleep mode that quite clearly hasn't been thought out properly. Surely the theatre mode allows people to turn the display off should they need to and for everythimg else it should do what it did before and stay on.. If it doesn't get "corrected" soon, I will be rooting my watch and putting a custom ROM on it.
StuBFrost said:
I have both options switched on and both work fine except for this new stupid sleep mode that quite clearly hasn't been thought out properly. Surely the theatre mode allows people to turn the display off should they need to and for everythimg else it should do what it did before and stay on.. If it doesn't get "corrected" soon, I will be rooting my watch and putting a custom ROM on it.
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Trying to time it, I think I can say (I am still trying to cover all of the different scenarios) that any event which normally wakes the display up to normal brightness (i.e. an incoming call) resets the countdown. BTW, I think you are right and it's 30 minutes off the wirst with no movement, no tapping on it and no event like the ones just mentioned. "Normal" incoming notifications don't seem to reset the countdown.
Like I said, I don't think it's a bad idea in and of itself (I would use it in most cases) but they should have made it an option! And, ideally, they would let us set the time after which the display turns itself off.
I use and *strongly* prefer Android instead of limited and dumbed down Windows Phone and even worse Apple's useless crap exactly because of its customizability and powerfulness...
"Funny" thing is that from further testing, this feature doesn't kick in while on the charger (which could actually be pretty useful for most people...) LOL
ADDENDUM: the kind of events which resets the countdown to this "deep sleep" state (i.e. an incoming call) also wakes the display up from "deep sleep".
I am running the LG G Watch, version 5.0.1 with accompanying Android Wear app on my phone version 1.0.5
Screen is set to ALWAYS ON.
Tilt to wake is OFF.
It happens BOTH on my wrist and off my wrist. The timing is variable from my limited observation, but I haven't tried to directly time it.
on my lg g watch too
may I ask something related? on mine, it happened to be able to stop display (full black) with a swype from bottom to the top, never been able to do it again. Anybody faced that?
My phone's always-on display will turn off. I can't bring it out of it's 'slumber' anyway other than plugging it in. It instantly pops out of sleep and works fine. I'll lock it and while I can see the always-on display the fingerprint reader will unlock it with no problems. This just started in the past hour for me. I've tried resetting the phone and the issue still pops up, and quickly at that.
Are you using a case or screen protector? Could be something interfering with the ambient light or proximity sensor causing the phone to think it's in your pocket at all times?
Actually just tested this. Covered the top sensors and the always on display turned off and fingerprint sensor no longer worked just like you described
Sent from my LG-H850 using XDA-Developers mobile app
duckysempai said:
Are you using a case or screen protector? Could be something interfering with the ambient light or proximity sensor causing the phone to think it's in your pocket at all times?
Actually just tested this. Covered the top sensors and the always on display turned off and fingerprint sensor no longer worked just like you described
Sent from my LG-H850 using XDA-Developers mobile app
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You may be right about that. I'm using a lifeproof case and I had just opened it up to clean off the inside (I had shown someone the phone earlier and dog hair found its way to the inside of the case). Funny thing is I turned it completely off and let it sit for a time, as opposed to the restart I did earlier, and it's working alright now. Maybe I just needed to reset it's calibration by resetting it?
Anyone know how to disable this weird dependence on the light sensor? I just don't understand why it would ever disable itself because it's dark.
somethinlike said:
My phone's always-on display will turn off. I can't bring it out of it's 'slumber' anyway other than plugging it in. It instantly pops out of sleep and works fine. I'll lock it and while I can see the always-on display the fingerprint reader will unlock it with no problems. This just started in the past hour for me. I've tried resetting the phone and the issue still pops up, and quickly at that.
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I read this is a feature of the phone. The always on will turn off in your pocket or in a darkened room. Nice idea since you do not need to be using the juice then. You can test this in a dimmly lit room by cupping your hands over the display to block the light.
marcmarshall said:
I read this is a feature of the phone. The always on will turn off in your pocket or in a darkened room. Nice idea since you do not need to be using the juice then. You can test this in a dimmly lit room by cupping your hands over the display to block the light.
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Sure, but it won't turn on even when I press the back button. Pretty obnoxious when I'm sitting in a blacked out room and I have to hold it up to the computer screen to activate it.
Yeah, I'm sorry I didn't read the thread carefully. That sucks. I'm in a dark room now watching video. The display turned off, I heard a notification, when I picked up the phone it came on. I do not like that that the led notifications stop. I'm not sure what happens to sound notifications when the always on goes off. I prefer to set the phone silent until a certain time in the AM and then use a sound profile to get notifications and a low volume.
somethinlike said:
Sure, but it won't turn on even when I press the back button. Pretty obnoxious when I'm sitting in a blacked out room and I have to hold it up to the computer screen to activate it.
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I would return it for another or send it in on warranty.
marcmarshall said:
I would return it for another or send it in on warranty.
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I'm thinking it was the Lifeproof case I have on it. It all worked fine for a week then when I tested the case for waterproof it failed (the phone wasn't in it). I sent for another one and it seems to be working alright now. Maybe it had something to do with the inside of my case getting wet? I don't know.
Great! Enjoy your phone g why are we still calling these things phone?). I like the G5. Now that we have torur I am hoping their for some nice tweaks.
I've had this happen too and it made my life proof case useless because I couldn't use my phone with it on it I still have the issue once in a while but not nearly as often anymore
Sent from my LGLS992 using XDA-Developers mobile app
Has anyone had this occur?
It's happened twice now and a factory reset fixes it but only temporarily. If the phone is left alone, the second screen will normally dim to roughly half it's brightness on its own. This is normal, however mine stays continually at full brightness and has stopped dimming, again. Also if the proximity sensor is covered by either placing the phone in your pocket or turning it screen down in the table. The screen will completely turn off. Once removed from the pocket or turning it face up, it will normally turn back on. Easily seen by testing this. However, mine has stopped turning off on either example. It stays on constantly no matter what. I have done a factory reset twice before and it fixes the issue but that is getting old. Does anyone have this issue or advice on how to fix this? I would be very grateful. I'm tired of resetting my phone.
Thank you
Sent from my LG-H901 using Tapatalk
No one knows eh? It's a mystery to me as well. Wondering if it's a proximity sensor problem. ?
Sent from my LG-H901 using Tapatalk
Hmm.. I installed a few applications to test the proximity sensor. Turns out it's not working. This in turn prompted me to search of the issue with regards to the proximity sensor malfunctioning. I discovered a couple threads declaring similar problems with the second screen after folks disabled system applications.
My phone is not rooted but I've disabled Instagram and Facebook through the applications settings on the phone. This was dinner sometime shortly before the recent malfunction. These of course on the v10 are system applicants, at least on T-Mobile.
Long story short, the only way to fix it sounds like what I've been doing, factory reset.
Sent from my LG-H901 using Tapatalk
The proximity sensor is definitely not working. It's pretty obvious during a phone call as well. I'm going to utilize LG bridge to back up tomorrow. Then I'll do a factory reset.
There's definitely a connection when disabling system apps through the normal application settings route. Not sure how many are affected by this. But if it ever effects someone else, remember this thread.
I'll post results tomorrow. At this point I'm convinced it's not hardware related and if things return to normal afterwards. That'll confirm my suspicions that there's a bad bug floating around to what degree I'm not sure.
Sent from my LG-H901 using Tapatalk
I am new to the site so hello to all.
I have a sprint LG V30 with android 8.0. I recently had the screen replaced as my fone fell out of my pocket, in the rain, then got ran over by a car. Yes it DID survive but had to replace the screen. Anyway, the proximity sensor no longer works so I turned it off. So the light sensor seems to control my always on display. When it's slightly dark, the A.O.D. turns off and wont come back on until i put it near a light or press the power button 3 times. My question: how do I make it so the A.O.D. always stays on?
Thankyou for any help (^-^)
BanZI29 said:
I am new to the site so hello to all.
I have a sprint LG V30 with android 8.0. I recently had the screen replaced as my fone fell out of my pocket, in the rain, then got ran over by a car. Yes it DID survive but had to replace the screen. Anyway, the proximity sensor no longer works so I turned it off. So the light sensor seems to control my always on display. When it's slightly dark, the A.O.D. turns off and wont come back on until i put it near a light or press the power button 3 times. My question: how do I make it so the A.O.D. always stays on?
Thankyou for any help (^-^)
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Get the repair done right? LG will do it right.
Proximity sensor lets the phone know if it's just a dark room or if you've flipped the phone over on the desk, or you have a flip case and it's closed. If the latter two, then no need for the AOD to even be on.
[QqUOTE=ChazzMatt;79586615]Get the repair done right? LG will do it right.
Proximity sensor lets the phone know if it's just a dark room or if you've flipped the phone over on the desk, or you have a flip case and it's closed. If the latter two, then no need for the AOD to even be on.[/QUOTE]
I get that but, I want the AOD to stay on. So how do I disable the light sensor so the AOD will stay on?
BanZI29 said:
[QqUOTE=ChazzMatt;79586615]Get the repair done right? LG will do it right.
Proximity sensor lets the phone know if it's just a dark room or if you've flipped the phone over on the desk, or you have a flip case and it's closed. If the latter two, then no need for the AOD to even be on.
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I get that but, I want the AOD to stay on. So how do I disable the light sensor so the AOD will stay on?[/QUOTE]
I don't think you can, which is why my suggestion was to get it repaired correctly ("get the repair done right"). Whoever repaired it botched the job.