[Q] Unbloatware mod for Lollipop? - T-Mobile Samsung Galaxy S 5

is there any mod to remove all the bloatware from the Galaxy S5 on Lollipop?
i have been removing them manually bc some of the are not show on NO BLOAT apk
right now im using [ROM]ViSiON-X US TMO[Android L 5.0][G900TUVU1DOB1][02-18-15] ( THE BEST......)

It's rare for someone to make a Ota specific debloater zip for every single update or device.
Beat suggestion is freeze or uninstall with Titanium backup pro .Choose wisely what u want to remove as some system apps are needed . You'll get a ton force closes if not and even a reset of device won't fix it .Make a backup in twrp .
I always found it easier to trial and error and remove more then what most make available in a debloater zip.
You Can uaually Google and references to what's ok normally to remove .
Sent from my SM-G900T using XDA Free mobile app


Samsung App Remover

Attached a flashable zip which will remove below Samsung apps from the phone:
- Social Hub
- Music Hub
- Games Hub
- Samsung IM
- Samsung Apps
If you are not using any of them, it is better to remove instead of allowing them to run in background etc. Also these apps are system apps, so any bugs in them (if any) would allow malicious apps to gain additional permissions to the phone.
I used a sample flashable zip to refer the syntax and system calls.
nice work! thank you so much!
Samsung apps is a must needed app, it offers many games and apps for free.
Thx !!
Could use some info on install procedure
Is it CWM flashable ? Does it needs any clear cache/dalvik ?
smhtc said:
Attached a flashable zip which will remove below Samsung apps from the phone:
- Social Hub
- Music Hub
- Games Hub
- Samsung IM
- Samsung Apps
If you are not using any of them, it is better to remove instead of allowing them to run in background etc. Also these apps are system apps, so any bugs in them (if any) would allow malicious apps to gain additional permissions to the phone.
I used a sample flashable zip to refer the syntax and system calls.
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I need this one and one which is opposite of this 'Samsung App Installer' can you post me link or source about is
bala_gamer said:
Samsung apps is a must needed app, it offers many games and apps for free.
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Agree with what if offers. But still it depends on the user how he uses the phone!
Sent from my Samsung Galaxy SII using xda app.
onlinejobwork said:
I need this one and one which is opposite of this 'Samsung App Installer' can you post me link or source about is
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I will have to restore a backup first, to get the deleted files. Then I will make a flashable zip and attach/give link.
Sent from my Samsung Galaxy SII using xda app.
Seems I don't have the deleted files in a backup.
Can someone share the files with me? List of files can be found in the zip attached in first post. Open the zip and go to META-INF/com/google/android. The file updater-script can be opened in notepad. All the files in delete(...) from folder /system/app will be required.
Sent from my Samsung Galaxy SII using xda app.
smhtc said:
Attached a flashable zip which will remove below Samsung apps from the phone:
- Social Hub
- Music Hub
- Games Hub
- Samsung IM
- Samsung Apps
If you are not using any of them, it is better to remove instead of allowing them to run in background etc. Also these apps are system apps, so any bugs in them (if any) would allow malicious apps to gain additional permissions to the phone.
I used a sample flashable zip to refer the syntax and system calls.
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I love this app.
Sent from my P-52 Space Modulator, using XDA Premium.
I got a notification regarding system stability. But can't find the post.
Removing apps is much safer. If all linked files are removed it won't cause any instability. But removing lib or framework files, modifying them is more risky.
Sent from my Samsung Galaxy SII using xda app.
Thans man,its working fine.
spirouzbe said:
Thx !!
Could use some info on install procedure
Is it CWM flashable ? Does it needs any clear cache/dalvik ?
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Yes, CWM flashable. I mentioned flashable in OP.
No need to clear anything, although you may want to take a backup in case you want the apps back.
Again thans and its work for samsung I9003 .
Can you not get it to move the files to a backup folder, or even copy them to a backup folder before deleting them???
reader hub and samsung app? nothing?
Will it work on I9100G ?
There is no way for me to test. You can take a nandroid backup, flash and see if they get removed!
Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA App
theres actually an app on market really good for this. its called nitrality its free and alows you to safely uninstall selected samsung apps.
not that this isnt a nice clean way to remove apps. just wanted to share the info
Tapatalked from another galaxy
I just downloaded it, will be nice to get rid of some apps I do not use
samsung apps
Search Samsung Apps on Google..

Tired of SONY's bloatware

I got sick and tired of SONY's bloatware. I uninstall them all(appXtra, UEFA.com, Mcaffee security, wisepilot), but after I reboot my phone, all of them gets installed.
Any solution to this?
I'm going to install custom ROM this weekend anyway. But would like to know the solution to that problem.
PS:I rooted my Neo V
varunit said:
I got sick and tired of SONY's bloatware. I uninstall them all(appXtra, UEFA.com, Mcaffee security, wisepilot), but after I reboot my phone, all of them gets installed.
Any solution to this?
I'm going to install custom ROM this weekend anyway. But would like to know the solution to that problem.
PS:I rooted my Neo V
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Install Root Explorer and delete the apk's from System and you wont't get them back at reboot
PS - save yourself the trouble because weekend is here and you'll be installing a custom ROM
:fingers-crossed: Happy Flashing :fingers-crossed:
LOL. Already installed root explorer. Too bad that I don't know how to use it. I better like to know the apks which are safe to remove
varunit said:
LOL. Already installed root explorer. Too bad that I don't know how to use it. I better like to know the apks which are safe to remove
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Its really simple man
1. open root explorer( obviously ur phone shud be rooted to use this)
2. then open system folder.
3. then open app folder.
4. then u will see all the apps u get with the phone.
5. delete appxtra(anything u want)
If the apps dont delete .
there will be an option on top "R/O'
make it 'R/W'
then start deleting.
Please hit'thanks' if i helped
The WisePilot and the others can be found at "system/etc/product/applications"
Also check this:
AW: Tired of SONY's bloatware
Take a look at link to SD. If you have root on your phone its a fine app.
It lists you all system apps on you phone and offers a uninstall option. Very easy and no browsing with root explorer.
Gesendet von meinem Galaxy Nexus mit Tapatalk 2
Have you tried Titanium Backup?
Sent from my HTC One X
try titanium backup delete unwanted apps ..... and also you can move some of system apps to sd ... awesome application
varunit said:
I got sick and tired of SONY's bloatware. I uninstall them all(appXtra, UEFA.com, Mcaffee security, wisepilot), but after I reboot my phone, all of them gets installed.
Any solution to this?
I'm going to install custom ROM this weekend anyway. But would like to know the solution to that problem.
PS:I rooted my Neo V
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Hey,are you still on stock?
And do you wanna remove bloatwares?
If yes,pm me... I've a tool made up! Maybe you could try! Btw it needs root and cwm
Sent from my MT11i using xda premium
i had your problem too on stock. You uninstall them and on reboot they install themselves. I couldnt find a solution for this until I tried system cleanup and sdmaid. I cleanedup everything and they never showed up again. But in my opinion stop using original stock and flash a rom. (you dont have to unlock your bootloader to do that for most roms .)
Hey use neoMaid 1 ...it can be found in themes and apps...it removes and optimizes phone in one flash.....totally trouble free...

Any option for fast installation of Apk's;!?

I always keep on flashing new ROMs for my redmi note 3. Use it for a week and then flash a new one.
Its easy and fast proccess to flash and install a ROM. Though the setting up process is longer.
But. I have to install apps then. I have more than 70 apps (apks) to install. It really takes a long time to install them individually and then set up all this apps.
I really need a technique to install the apk's directly.
Without asking :; in the background.
I have tried with es root explorer one key install feature but that also doesn't work.
It shows install/uninstall failed.
Help.!? Is there any way to install mass no of apks at once. To save time and set them up later.
Any technique or way. Does anyone know how to do this??????
I think Titanium Backup is what you are looking for ?
Drop me a msg if you don't know how to use it.
[email protected] said:
I always keep on flashing new ROMs for my redmi note 3. Use it for a week and then flash a new one.
Its easy and fast proccess to flash and install a ROM. Though the setting up process is longer.
But. I have to install apps then. I have more than 70 apps (apks) to install. It really takes a long time to install them individually and then set up all this apps.
I really need a technique to install the apk's directly.
Without asking :; in the background.
I have tried with es root explorer one key install feature but that also doesn't work.
It shows install/uninstall failed.
Help.!? Is there any way to install mass no of apks at once. To save time and set them up later.
Any technique or way. Does anyone know how to do this??????
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Try Titanium Backup Pro.
I also flash ROMs frequently. The very first thing before flashing I do is to create backup of all my user apps. Then I Clean flash new ROM and I only download one app from play store i.e. Titanium backup. It can restore all the user as well as system apps (not recommended).
You can use it batch actions to restore all the user apps in One Go and If you will purchase the Pro feature It will restore all the applications silently in background. Without pro feature it will prompt you to install individual apk
There is an xposed module for that, but i forget the name. Maybe it was installeropt
use titanuim and create update.zip in titanium battch actions with all u r apps and flash that zips .....boom done
everybody who recommeds using titanium backup is correct. go grab the app.
you can try cm13, or use update zip option add all apk's in zip flash via twrp,

Is it possible to replace the bundled/default apps?

I know I can download new apps and make them the default but what I am wondering is if I could completely delete some of the stock/bundled apps that come with the phone with different versions.
For example, instead of Huawei's Contacts or Dialer or SMS applications, I want to use the Google provided ones (assuming they are compatible)
[Google Play URL]/store/apps/details?id=com.google.android.dialer
[Google Play URL]/store/apps/details?id=com.google.android.contacts
[Google Play URL]/store/apps/details?id=com.google.android.apps.messaging
Is this do-able? If so, how?
I am using the US version of Honor 8 that has been unlocked and rooted and running Android 6.0, if that matters.
YaddaSwamy said:
I know I can download new apps and make them the default but what I am wondering is if I could completely delete some of the stock/bundled apps that come with the phone with different versions.
For example, instead of Huawei's Contacts or Dialer or SMS applications, I want to use the Google provided ones (assuming they are compatible)
[Google Play URL]/store/apps/details?id=com.google.android.dialer
[Google Play URL]/store/apps/details?id=com.google.android.contacts
[Google Play URL]/store/apps/details?id=com.google.android.apps.messaging
Is this do-able? If so, how?
I am using the US version of Honor 8 that has been unlocked and rooted and running Android 6.0, if that matters.
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U can for some apps. This is there in EMUI 5.0. I'm not really sure about EMUI 4 becoz I updated to EMUI 5.0 the day I got my phone.
Good luck!
Sent from my Honor 8 using XDA Labs
You need to be rooted to delete system apps and replace them with ones you download.
SolarisSixth said:
You need to be rooted to delete system apps and replace them with ones you download.
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Do you have any instructions on how to do so? Or can you point me to where I can find them?
My phone is rooted, so if I can do it, I would love to.
ayush rao said:
U can for some apps. This is there in EMUI 5.0. I'm not really sure about EMUI 4 becoz I updated to EMUI 5.0 the day I got my phone.
Good luck!
Sent from my Honor 8 using XDA Labs
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There is something similar in EMUI 4 as well but all that does is make a new app the default. It doesn't get rid of the bundled apps from the system.
What I want to do is get rid of them completely from the system, so that there are no traces of them.
YaddaSwamy said:
I know I can download new apps and make them the default but what I am wondering is if I could completely delete some of the stock/bundled apps that come with the phone with different versions. Is this do-able? If so, how?
I am using the US version of Honor 8 that has been unlocked and rooted and running Android 6.0, if that matters
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Install Magisk 11.1 from your custom recovery (11.1 is the only one that works right now).
Flash the linked zip from your custom recovery
This is a Magisk module I created to replace the Dialer, Messages, Calendar, and Contacts with the Google versions. It also replaces the stock Gallery with QuickPic. Like any other Magisk module, if you want to go back to stock, just disable the module and reboot.
Telperion said:
Install Magisk 11.1 from your custom recovery (11.1 is the only one that works right now).
Flash the linked zip from your custom recovery
This is a Magisk module I created to replace the Dialer, Messages, Calendar, and Contacts with the Google versions. It also replaces the stock Gallery with QuickPic. Like any other Magisk module, if you want to go back to stock, just disable the module and reboot.
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Awesome! This is exactly what I was looking for. :good:
I don't know much about Magisk but is this compatible with any version of Honor 8? Or is limited to specific models? I have the US version (FRD-L04 running Android 6.0).
Also how easy is to modify this? For example, instead of using QuickPic, I would like to use Google Photos. I would also like to replace the Calculator, Clock, Email apps with the Google versions. Is that (easily) do-able?
YaddaSwamy said:
Awesome! This is exactly what I was looking for. :good:
I don't know much about Magisk but is this compatible with any version of Honor 8? Or is limited to specific models? I have the US version (FRD-L04 running Android 6.0).
Also how easy is to modify this? For example, instead of using QuickPic, I would like to use Google Photos. I would also like to replace the Calculator, Clock, Email apps with the Google versions. Is that (easily) do-able?
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To answer your question, I'll give a brief answer on what Magisk does. Magisk stores all the mods to /system/ in a disk image on the /data/ partition. It injects itself early in the boot process to mount the Magisk image and mount/symlink the mods over top of your /system/ partition. This allows the end user to effectively modify /system/, without actually modifying /system/ -- the actual underlying stock files are untouched.
Conceptually this mod is compatible with all Honor 8 models -- at worst, it will add the Google versions in addition to the stock versions. In my zip I mount the new versions over top of the Huawei stock apps which is what "replaces" them.
It's pretty easily do-able to mod the zip. Just follow the instructions in config.sh and you should be good to go. Install App Inspector from the Play Store to find the install directory of the system apps you want to replace -- either in /system/app/ or /system/priv-app/ and note what they're named. From there, just drop the APK's you want into the proper folder in the zip, update the REPLACE directories as needed in the config, and then load it into Magisk. If a stock app you're replacing has library folders inside the app directory, you have to explicitly name that folder in config.sh so that it mounts over the entire folder instead of a merge-mount.
You may not be able to replace the stock Email client though since I think that will break the email intent service. But worst case scenario, just toggle your module off and keep editing it until it works the way you want. In the case of system apps that aren't tightly integrated, like the Calculator, I'd recommend just mounting a blank folder over top of the system app (essentially disabling it) and then installing your preferred calculator from the Play Store (RealCalc is what I use).
YaddaSwamy said:
There is something similar in EMUI 4 as well but all that does is make a new app the default. It doesn't get rid of the bundled apps from the system.
What I want to do is get rid of them completely from the system, so that there are no traces of them.
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Aren't u rooted? Then just install titanium backup and uninstall the system apps.
Sent from my Honor 8 using XDA Labs
ayush rao said:
Aren't u rooted? Then just install titanium backup and uninstall the system apps.
Sent from my Honor 8 using XDA Labs
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Kind of new to the rooting/tweaking scene, so I wasn't aware I had other options. I went through most of the threads in the Honor 8 forum and there weren't a lot of mentions of how to uninstall the system apps. That's what led me to ask the question in the first place.
Titanium Backup looks cool. What would the benefit be between using Titanium Backup vs. Magisk?
YaddaSwamy said:
Kind of new to the rooting/tweaking scene, so I wasn't aware I had other options. I went through most of the threads in the Honor 8 forum and there weren't a lot of mentions of how to uninstall the system apps. That's what led me to ask the question in the first place.
Titanium Backup looks cool. What would the benefit be between using Titanium Backup vs. Magisk?
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See titanium backup and Magisk r 2 completely different things.
So using Magisk u can use a module which can help u but if u want to edit it it gets complex. Magisk is like SuperSU on steroids. So it's main function is to provide root without modifying system so that Safetynet is bypassed. It also provides system-less modules to get more functionality.
Titanium backup is an app which can perform various functions with root access. Like backing up apps and their data or uninstalling system ones or moving apps to the SD card etc.
But if all u want is to uninstall system apps and if u already have SuperSU then just install this app: https://goo.gl/hK4n5H
It will simply uninstall the applications u select. Also once u uninstall the apps reboot ur phone.
Sent from my Honor 8 using XDA Labs
ayush rao said:
See titanium backup and Magisk r 2 completely different things.
So using Magisk u can use a module which can help u but if u want to edit it it gets complex. Magisk is like SuperSU on steroids. So it's main function is to provide root without modifying system so that Safetynet is bypassed. It also provides system-less modules to get more functionality.
Titanium backup is an app which can perform various functions with root access. Like backing up apps and their data or uninstalling system ones or moving apps to the SD card etc.
But if all u want is to uninstall system apps and if u already have SuperSU then just install this app: https://goo.gl/hK4n5H
It will simply uninstall the applications u select. Also once u uninstall the apps reboot ur phone.
Sent from my Honor 8 using XDA Labs
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Awesome. Thanks for the info! This is the first time I've looked at rooting/tweaking my phone, so I am learning a lot in a short time. :good:
Anyways, my intent is to have as close to a stock ROM as possible and until the custom ROMs stabilize, I thought I could get rid of the stock apps (such as Clock, Contacts, Dialer, etc.) and replace them with the Google version from the Play Store. Secondly, I also wanted to get rid of the unnecessary Google stuff and flash OpenGApps just to have the bare minimum.
For the first, @Telperion gave a Magisk module that he had written for himself to do exactly that but based on what you described, it sounds like I could just install Titanium Backup and uninstall those apps myself. That might be easier to do.
For the second part, there was a script @ganeshbiyer wrote to uninstall all the Google apps (https://forum.xda-developers.com/ho...-apps-list-t3521225/post71093292#post71093292) but I couldn't get it to work. But if I understand you correctly, I should be able to do that with Titanium Backup as well.
YaddaSwamy said:
Awesome. Thanks for the info! This is the first time I've looked at rooting/tweaking my phone, so I am learning a lot in a short time. :good:
Anyways, my intent is to have as close to a stock ROM as possible and until the custom ROMs stabilize, I thought I could get rid of the stock apps (such as Clock, Contacts, Dialer, etc.) and replace them with the Google version from the Play Store. Secondly, I also wanted to get rid of the unnecessary Google stuff and flash OpenGApps just to have the bare minimum.
For the first, @Telperion gave a Magisk module that he had written for himself to do exactly that but based on what you described, it sounds like I could just install Titanium Backup and uninstall those apps myself. That might be easier to do.
For the second part, there was a script @ganeshbiyer wrote to uninstall all the Google apps (https://forum.xda-developers.com/ho...apps-list-t3521225/post71093292#post71093292) but I couldn't get it to work. But if I understand you correctly, I should be able to do that with Titanium Backup as well.
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Yup all can be done with Titanium​ Backup.
Sent from my Honor 8 using XDA Labs
TB fully removes/replaces the apps -- this might be desirable, but might not be. It's hard to go back and forth between the two once you uninstall.
Magisk mounts over top of the old ones so you get all the benefit without any actual changes to /system/ -- this is more flexible and more desirable for some users.
Personally, I think Magisk and other systemless mods are the future of custom tweaks so I'd suggest that if you think you'll be a tinkerer, learn Magisk modules and do it that way. Ultimately though it's preference.
Telperion said:
Install Magisk 11.1 from your custom recovery (11.1 is the only one that works right now).
Flash the linked zip from your custom recovery
This is a Magisk module I created to replace the Dialer, Messages, Calendar, and Contacts with the Google versions. It also replaces the stock Gallery with QuickPic. Like any other Magisk module, if you want to go back to stock, just disable the module and reboot.
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Hey @Telperion,
I ran this module and it seemed to work OK for the most part. The Dialer, Messages, Calendar and Contacts all updated properly. But QuickPic doesn't seem to work though. I see that it's installed but when I try to open the app, it just closes and takes me back to the home screen. Any ideas on what might have happened?
YaddaSwamy said:
Hey @Telperion,
I ran this module and it seemed to work OK for the most part. The Dialer, Messages, Calendar and Contacts all updated properly. But QuickPic doesn't seem to work though. I see that it's installed but when I try to open the app, it just closes and takes me back to the home screen. Any ideas on what might have happened?
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Strange, that happened to me in the first version of my zip, I set it as a merge-mod and for some reason the existing libraries in the /Gallery2/ folder cause QuickPic to crash. When I set it to 'overwrite' /system/priv-app/Gallery2 which made the libraries disappear, then QuickPic launched normally.
Do you have QuickPic currently installed from the Play Store? If so, uninstall first.
Update: Looked over the zip, it looks good. Try downloading and flashing the mod again, perhaps from Recovery this time (if you added from UI the first go-round). Let me know how that goes.
Telperion said:
Strange, that happened to me in the first version of my zip, I set it as a merge-mod and for some reason the existing libraries in the /Gallery2/ folder cause QuickPic to crash. When I set it to 'overwrite' /system/priv-app/Gallery2 which made the libraries disappear, then QuickPic launched normally.
Do you have QuickPic currently installed from the Play Store? If so, uninstall first.
Update: Looked over the zip, it looks good. Try downloading and flashing the mod again, perhaps from Recovery this time (if you added from UI the first go-round). Let me know how that goes.
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No, I don't have QuickPic installed from the store. I ran the update on the stock device, before I even set up by Google account on it. And I did flash it from TWRP recovery, so I don't believe that is the issue either. But I'll try again and let you know if it works.

LeEco stock apps that can be removed

hello friends ,
recently XDA posted a way to remove stock apps without root using cmd adb shell command , its actually not a complete removal process instead it hides he app from system and doesn't work at all , but comes back if the device is restored .
I removed some of the LETV apps like LeStore , LeMall , Music , Browser , etc
I would like to know which all apps can be removed from Eui 5.9.026S ,but ensures normal functioning:good::good:
hello friends ,
recently XDA posted a way to remove stock apps without root using cmd adb shell command , its actually not a complete removal process instead it hides he app from system and doesn't work at all , but comes back if the device is restored .
I removed some of the LETV apps like LeStore , LeMall , Music , Browser , etc
I would like to know which all apps can be removed from Eui 5.9.026S ,but ensures normal functioning:good::good:
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You can't remove any of the the system apps using a app. No matter how many times you try. It will restore again. I tried it and finally decided just to disable those things which i don't want.
I successfully removed the SYSTEM UPDATE app of EUI. I tell the method. But i don't know it will work for all. If you removed something you don't know, it will flood error messages. Take a backup before doing it and I'm not responsible if you got phone bricked or flooded with error messages Just install root uninstaller.
It will show the importance of any system app. Except these updater, file manager and the apps you know which can be replaced, don't do anything to the apps marked as key module.
You need a root browser for this. I use solid Explorer.
Give root permission and go to ROOT -> SYSTEM - >APPS
all the system apps are here. Just find the one you don't want and delete it or keep it somewere else if you want it again. Reboot the phone. Some apps have services installed as separate app. Most of the google apps will have that. You have to remove both. Or else the service module will show tones of error messages. Be careful in doing this.

