rooting tmobile lollipop - T-Mobile Samsung Galaxy S 5

So I rooted the new lollipop stock firmware for tmobile using cf auto root from 4.4.2 my problem is that I get an irritating notification that say security notice any help on stopping this notification

Disable/Remove Lookout Security app.

security notification fix
Marckiscool said:
So I rooted the new lollipop stock firmware for tmobile using cf auto root from 4.4.2 my problem is that I get an irritating notification that say security notice any help on stopping this notification
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You may be referring to Knox
Usually after root you should disable Knox within superuser it will ask if you want to.
Other then that try what the other person said .
Good luck

solution found
Well I found out how to stop it from popping up and it's by using titanium backup to disable securitylogagent


[Q] How does MaaS360 detect root device?

My company has instituted use of MaaS360 as a MDM for BYOD android phones. The IT folks are preventing rooted and jailbroken phones from accessing corporate email from exchange.
On my Galaxy S4 I have tried several things to work around, including OTA Rootkeeper, Hide my root app, and SuperSU's temporary unroot. However MaaS360 manages to find out that the phone is still rooted. I tried the solution posted for Mobileiron on this site (freezing the MDM using TiBU immediately after rooting) but that does not work either.
My IT department is fine with "temporary" unroot but they do not think that it is possible to do so in MaaS360 while still ensuring that the device is not permanently rooted. I am wondering if someone knows how MaaS360 figures out that a device is rooted and whether there is a way for it to nor report when the device is temporarily unrooted using one of the methods discussed above.
Have you found a solution to this problem? I was wondering the same thing.
walletless said:
My company has instituted use of MaaS360 as a MDM for BYOD android phones. The IT folks are preventing rooted and jailbroken phones from accessing corporate email from exchange.
On my Galaxy S4 I have tried several things to work around, including OTA Rootkeeper, Hide my root app, and SuperSU's temporary unroot. However MaaS360 manages to find out that the phone is still rooted. I tried the solution posted for Mobileiron on this site (freezing the MDM using TiBU immediately after rooting) but that does not work either.
My IT department is fine with "temporary" unroot but they do not think that it is possible to do so in MaaS360 while still ensuring that the device is not permanently rooted. I am wondering if someone knows how MaaS360 figures out that a device is rooted and whether there is a way for it to nor report when the device is temporarily unrooted using one of the methods discussed above.
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cloudspy said:
Have you found a solution to this problem? I was wondering the same thing.
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Nope... the only solution is to do a permanent unroot after setting up the ROM/device to your liking and before adding the MaaS360-enabled account.
Sounds like a reasonable solution to me. Thank you.
walletless said:
Nope... the only solution is to do a permanent unroot after setting up the ROM/device to your liking and before adding the MaaS360-enabled account.
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walletless said:
Nope... the only solution is to do a permanent unroot after setting up the ROM/device to your liking and before adding the MaaS360-enabled account.
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Yes, I find it alright. Make sure you reboot twice after doing a perm unroot (and before adding your MaaS360 enabled account). Sometimes it takes a additional reboot before the phone actually removed all su-related binaries.
Sent from xda-developers mobile app on Galaxy S4 using GOLDENEYE ROM
walletless said:
Yes, I find it alright. Make sure you reboot twice after doing a perm unroot (and before adding your MaaS360 enabled account). Sometimes it takes a additional reboot before the phone actually removed all su-related binaries.
Sent from xda-developers mobile app on Galaxy S4 using GOLDENEYE ROM
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Could you please confirm that it's okay to have a custom ROM flashed while using MDM so long as the device is no longer rooted?
I'd like to do this without ever getting flagged in the first place. My plan is to uninstall maas360, root the device, flash my custom rom, perm unroot the device, reboot twice and reinstall maas360. Will this be okay?
illmatik said:
Could you please confirm that it's okay to have a custom ROM flashed while using MDM so long as the device is no longer rooted?
I'd like to do this without ever getting flagged in the first place. My plan is to uninstall maas360, root the device, flash my custom rom, perm unroot the device, reboot twice and reinstall maas360. Will this be okay?
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I believe that answer depends on how your organization has set security policies on the MDM. For me, I have been using custom ROM (GoldenEYE) for several months now, and not been flagged so long as I add the exchange account after doing a full unroot and rebooting twice. You may want to check with your IT if they are OK with custom ROMs.. Most IT would be OK if you unroot I guess.
The steps you outlines are fine - I pretty much use the same sequence everytime I update to a newer version of the ROM. So far, no problems since 6+ months!
you may want to try rootcloak plus
I'd be very interested in hearing if it works for Maas.
abandon42 said:
you may want to try rootcloak plus
I'd be very interested in hearing if it works for Maas.
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Long-time lurker, first time poster just to confirm that yes the Rootcloak Xposed module worked for Maas360 on my HTC One! -Thanks
Rootcloak settings?
miguelsaps said:
Long-time lurker, first time poster just to confirm that yes the Rootcloak Xposed module worked for Maas360 on my HTC One! -Thanks
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Excellent. Thanks, Miguelsaps.
What settings did you use in Rootcloak?
SkyHawk4 said:
Excellent. Thanks, Miguelsaps.
What settings did you use in Rootcloak?
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No problem! All I did was download the RootCloak 1.4 framework in Xposed, then soft-rebooted my phone and and sent myself the Maas360 registration once again and it allowed me to complete it!
Edit: sorry I added the com.fiberlink... in Rootcloak firstly.
miguelsaps said:
No problem! All I did was download the RootCloak 1.4 framework in Xposed, then soft-rebooted my phone and and sent myself the Maas360 registration once again and it allowed me to complete it!
Edit: sorry I added the com.fiberlink... in Rootcloak firstly.
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hi, could you please share with us your complete settings?
I have n5, currently Cataclysm rom (which comes prerooted), and both xposed with rootcloak and cydia with rootcloak+.
Maas 4.41 still detects root.
if you have an older version, could you please backup it and send me the link to it?
I've succeeded at this.
I speak very little English, excuse me for my English
I'm not new to the Root,I have a Samsung S4 Root with a lot of application for whom I need a root
My problem is that my company asked me to set the phone control app MaaS360
I installed MaaS360, the app tells me that I do not respect the safety and policy MaaS360 tells me to reset the phone to the original without Root.
I seek a way to make him believe that the phone is not root
Do you have any idea?
It's very urgent
Best regards
Maas360 Validating Samsung enterprse license
hi guys,
im having a problem with my maas360. after activating the maas as a device administrator im stuck with the loading page saying validating samsung enterprise license what does it means ? btw my phone is samsung note 3 and rooted with a custom rom installed.
i dont think i have the same problem with guys years ago . can you please help me with this ?
I have same problem... But ONLY with MIUI - with Flyme, EUI, Lineage, CM... all UNROOTED : MAAS360 WORKING
... And I not understand WHY! (all other app, control my machine... And the result is ALWAYS : UNROOTED)
Inviato dal mio Le X527 utilizzando Tapatalk
Does MAAS360 app is able to check remotly what you install or not? I mean I have I want to install teamviewer on my work tablet and Im afraid that they will notice I installed it. I just want to be in trouble. Does maas360 send any signal to administrator what is installed what not?
Thank you for your help

adaway on 4.3?

i cant get adaway or any ad blocker to work on 4.3 also is there any way to run flash player on the stock INTERNET browser, thanks for any help
Adaway requires root privileges in order to modify the hosts file. Rooting 4.3 is another matter altogether. I suggest you do some searching and reading before you even consider attempting to root 4.3. It can be done but it is considered risky.
foopy said:
Adaway requires root privileges in order to modify the hosts file. Rooting 4.3 is another matter altogether. I suggest you do some searching and reading before you even consider attempting to root 4.3. It can be done but it is considered risky.
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sorry i didnt have more information . my phone is rooted im running a 4.3 rom i had ad away working on 4.2.2 but i cant get it to work on 4.3 roms
I've been using AdFree
yousifmessi said:
i cant get adaway or any ad blocker to work on 4.3 also is there any way to run flash player on the stock INTERNET browser, thanks for any help
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It's probably the specific rom your on. I've had no problems with it. I'm currently running a 4.4, cm11 rom with adaway.

[Q] Unable to install OTA ZV6 on Sprint G3

I read that some are unable to root ZV6. I can't even install it...
My Device: Sprint LG G3 LS990
Root: One click stump root.
ROM: Stock everything else (ROM, Kernel).
Tweaks: Very slight modifications to the phone (increased volume, changed boot animation and added some dual screen apps).
I am having a problem INSTALLING the OTA update. My phone keeps downloading it but after I select install and it reboots (after looking like it installed) I am still at the ZV4 version ( KVT49L . LS990ZV4 ) , not the new ZV6...
Any tips? Is the rooting of the phone the problem?
NOTE: I only rooted to be able to make a few tweaks...
If you want ZV6, then you need to look...
Thanks for taking the time to reply. Interesting response...
Why would I need ZV6?
I already said that I am receiving the OTA. My problem is NOT needing the update but INSTEAD HOW DO I GET IT INSTALLED.
Please elaborate... Did you misunderstand my problem? TL;DR? Or did you mean to say that I will need to flash?
Sent from my Sprint LG G3 - not responsible for random incorrect words due to crappy auto correct...
OldDogEyes said:
Thanks for taking the time to reply. Interesting response...
Why would I need ZV6?
I already said that I am receiving the OTA. My problem is NOT needing the update but INSTEAD HOW DO I GET IT INSTALLED.
Please elaborate... Did you misunderstand my problem? TL;DR? Or did you mean to say that I will need to flash?
Sent from my Sprint LG G3 - not responsible for random incorrect words due to crappy auto correct...
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In all those threads I linked above answers all of your questions.
There is no root for ZV6.
If you have root on ZV4 you can't take the update.
If you want to update to ZV6 and still have root, then you'll need to unlock your phone so you can flash a Rom linked above.
You're actually lucky the OTA didn't install. Quite a few people have soft-bricked their phones trying to install the OTA on a rooted, modified device. Either flash the stock ZV4 using LG's flashtool and take the OTA (which can't be rooted), or install TWRP and then the pre-rooted ZV6 linked to above.
In the future, never, ever, take an OTA when rooted.
meyerweb said:
In the future, never, ever, take an OTA when rooted.
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Thanks.. How do I get rid of the persistent notification that can't be dismissed that wants me to reboot to install?
Is there any way to block the update from being downloaded? Are the ZV6 security fixes critical?
Thanks again...
Sent from my Sprint LG G3 - not responsible for random incorrect words due to crappy auto correct...
In the 3rd link I posted. Read that post and the one below it.
It'll tell you how to remove it and how to disable the notifications.
ZV6 runs a lot better than ZV4 out of the box.
OldDogEyes said:
Thanks.. How do I get rid of the persistent notification that can't be dismissed that wants me to reboot to install?
Is there any way to block the update from being downloaded? Are the ZV6 security fixes critical?
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I wouldn't call ZV6 critical, but it does contain quite a few bug fixes and other minor improvements. The best way, IMHO, would be to install either the stock ZV6 ROM through TWRP:
Or flash BarRin, a debloated, slightly tweaked stock ZV6 ROM:
Since these are both ZV6, the updater will see you on ZV6 and not prompt you to update.
Because you may have made built.promp mods

[Q] newbie question

So i just got the edge, and it came with 5.0.2 and i've been reading that it's better not to upgrade right now to 5.1.1 cuz of root and stuff. How can i block the tmobile reminder to upgrade?
Thanks in advance
ballu84 said:
So i just got the edge, and it came with 5.0.2 and i've been reading that it's better not to upgrade right now to 5.1.1 cuz of root and stuff. How can i block the tmobile reminder to upgrade?
Thanks in advance
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In order to remove the notification for updating the OS,
I first acquired root, then, using Titanium Backup, I froze the SDM.
I don't know how to do it without root though

Block OTA

So I just got the update last night, but want to hang on to my root a bit longer as I think the benefits outweigh marshmallow right now. However, everywhere I look says to block apps that I don't see in titanium backup. Anyone have a list for the Tmo V10 to block?
I wrote instructions to disable the OTA update mechanism here:
siraltus said:
I wrote instructions to disable the OTA update mechanism here:
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Not as easy as freezing a few apps anymore, I suppose?
GiSS88 said:
Not as easy as freezing a few apps anymore, I suppose?
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No. OTA is integrated very deeply into the core of the system.
Is there a way to just delete the update? 6.0 downloaded for me hasnt installed yet so cant i delete the update file
Sent from my LG-H901 using XDA-Developers mobile app

