[Q] Answering calls, lockscreen problem - Sony Xperia Z Ultra

When I get an incoming call I have to slide a very long unlock slider, then the answer call slider, the trouble I'm having is the unlock slider is very tetchy sometimes I have to try 2 or 3 times, before it unlocks, is there a way that the screen can just display the answer call slider as other android devices I have owned, or is there an app that can help?

Ok found a solution it was caused by an app called "tiny call confirm" which I use to stop accidently dialling people when scrolling through the contacts or log list, there was an option for an incoming call confirm that was ticked,


How to not dismiss calendar reminders

When the screen is locked, and a calendar remidner pops up, is the an option other than dismiss or snooze? For some reminders, I don't want to keep snoozing, and I don't want to dismiss cause it'll disappear. On the htc magic I would unlock the screen, check the reminder and then leave it or press home and it would stay in the notification pane until dismissed. But with the hero to even access it it seems I need to dismiss it. Any way around that?
On a completely unrelated matter, when you're talking on the phone and someone rings you, is it not possible to check the number afterwards? Seems that it doesn't register in missed calls.
I can answer the second question, when you go into your contacts (People shortcut), you can scroll to stuff in the bottom. When you slide all the way to the right, there is your call history. You can check incoming, outgoing and missed calls there.
RaptorRVL said:
I can answer the second question, when you go into your contacts (People shortcut), you can scroll to stuff in the bottom. When you slide all the way to the right, there is your call history. You can check incoming, outgoing and missed calls there.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Checked there, it doesn't seem to list missed calls that occurred while you were talking on the phone. So I hear the call waiting beeps, they stop, I end my call, and there's no record of the number that rang during my call.
the calendar thing is indeed a bummer, there should be the possibility to deactivate the alarm AND leaving the reminder unread, so it stays in the notification bar. i am wondering that i didn't notice this by myself yet, since i used to use the calendar this way all the time...
as for second question: just tried it, i see the missed call in the status bar, when i click on it i see it in the call history as missed call. i also see it when going by contacts -> most left icon in the bottom slidebar.
so far: 1. issue is a real annoying issue, 2. issue isn't a problem at all
hmm, thanks, maybe the beeping was in my head and not a call that was waiting!
On the calendar issue, seems to be an htc sense thing, as it worked fine on the htc magic that was plain android.
To not dismiss a reminder dont slide down but press the menu button on the lock screen, it removes the lock screen and takes you into the main screens.
fergie_uk said:
To not dismiss a reminder dont slide down but press the menu button on the lock screen, it removes the lock screen and takes you into the main screens.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Tried that, it still dismisses (or snoozes) the reminder. Which reminds me, in the calendar options, you can change the reminder display from 'show in notification bar' to ' show as alert' but both seem to do the same, at least when the screen is locked?!
kkhalil76 said:
Tried that, it still dismisses (or snoozes) the reminder. Which reminds me, in the calendar options, you can change the reminder display from 'show in notification bar' to ' show as alert' but both seem to do the same, at least when the screen is locked?!
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
What happens if you just hit the power/end button to turn teh screen off and then turn it in again?
same effect as snooze, pops up again a bit later

[Q] Incoming call lockscreen...

So i know this has been asked a bunch but I havent seen an answer yet....I rooted the phone and changed the lockscreen to the slide lock instead of pull down lock however the incoming call lockscreen is still the pull down and i was wondering how to get it to the slide lock....

[Q] Problems with Sense 3 and 3.5 incoming call lockscreen

The problem is the following: My "phone number lookup" app is not able to unlock the sense lockscreen, so that I am not able to view a phonebook search of the incoming calls before I answer. If the screen is unlocked then it is not a problem, and I can see the popup field with the information
When using sense versions prior to 3 it was not a problem, as the popup field was placed on top of the lockscreen.
But after update I need to answer the phone(and thus unlocking the screen) before I am presented the information.
I have tried WidgetLocker to override the Sense incoming call lockscreen, but it can only override the regular lockscreen, not the incoming call one.
Anyone that knows how to solve this annoying issue?

[Q] Modifying call screen?

i always find what i look for in xda, so i didnt even had to ask yet, but not this time. i searched xda as well as the web and didnt find anything similar.
prelude: i have a very good data plan so i always call back my friends, but now it makes me crazy. i had to:
1) hang up (decline) their call
2) unlock the screen
3) pull down notification and go to missed call -OR- go to call logs
4) then hit call for my friend.
i taught it would be a lot more convenient if there would be a 3rd (or 4th) option when u get an incoming call:
u can reject it,
answer it,
answer by sms AND
u can decline & call back. (in one motion)
well i found an app called redhot callback which is a shortcut u can put on your home screen. when u open it, it checks the call log and dials the last incoming call automatically. but it still takes 3 steps to call back: decline the incoming call, unlock screen, open the "app". basically thats what i want to do but from the incoming call screen, and combine it with a decline, so it declines the call and calls it back in one click.
i searched xda as well as the web and didnt find anything similar. my question: does a mod exists for that , (expanding the incoming call screens functionality with a decline&callback), or is it even possible to make a mod like this?
there are apps (for ex Full Screen Caller ID) that can modify the incoming call screen so i taught it cant be that difficult.
(i attached a pic of what am i talking about, its pretty bad but u get the idea
Ya there is an app called full screen caler on play store
i know, i tried "full screen caller id pro" and "full screen caller x pro" but they only change the theme of the caller screen. they also have some useful stuff like sync photos with fb, but u cant add or edit the caller screen's functionality. when i have an incoming call i can reject/answer/answer with sms. i want to add another option to the caller screen, which rejects the call and call it back immediately.
i found a solution for fast reject & callback. its an app called "Reject & Callback" (who would have taught) its a very basic app, it just checks your call log and makes a call for last incoming by shaking the phone. whats nice is that u can set the shake threshold. so when u have an incoming call u only have to decline it then shake the phone. i guess it was lot easier than modifying the call screen.
Anyway, my original question was is there any mod to modify the original call screen, or is it even possible? im still curious would be pretty cool if u could add more function on the call screen (call screen replacement apps are not perfect, the original call screen still shows up and its not pretty)
MICa.fighter said:
i know, i tried "full screen caller id pro" and "full screen caller x pro" but they only change the theme of the caller screen. they also have some useful stuff like sync photos with fb, but u cant add or edit the caller screen's functionality. when i have an incoming call i can reject/answer/answer with sms. i want to add another option to the caller screen, which rejects the call and call it back immediately.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
a good idea

[Q] Change call incoming screen?

Is there any way to change the call incoming screen? I keep accidentally answering the call (since if I click anywhere except Decline it answers)... Seriously why isn't there a slider on this? I downloaded an app, but it made me slide AND THEN it showed the HTC call screen too. Any answers? Thanks.
This somehow fixed itself... Maybe switching to Nova Launcher? Now it says drag up to answer the call... interesting.

