I couldn't find any good information on how to safely test SystemUI.apk and framework-res.apk to minimize chances brick the phone?
For instance I've soft bricked my phone by misspelling a word in layouts/status_bar.xml
Is there a safe way test it before push it to the phone?
Thank you.
U can't possibly brick your phone because of wrongly modded framework_Res.apk or systemui.apk.
Ok, maybe not exactly brick, but boot loop with lost of root - yes I can. I've done it twice already, first time when copied recourses.arcs from freshly compiled resources-res.apk to original file (because apktools doesn't support .apk from LG Nitro HD, or ICS, it creates new folder and removes others making different file tree structure from original) and second time messing up systemui file, with the later boot loop the re-root that worked the first time didn't work I had to manually root the phone to brink it back.
Just backup working one, copy modded to it's directory and if not work change it with working one via adb during boot.
Ok, that's what I've been doing, but this phone is wierd, when boot loop happens it looses root access (I still can adb shell, but su would return segment fault error), so I have to re-root. Then when all fixed and done, after first boot it forgets my google account...
It's rather time consuming to go through all this on each failure, so I hoped there is a way do it more safely...
If that's the only way, so be it, if I brick my phone I'll blame it on BHuvan goyal
CWM full backup, flash new systemui and framework-res, bootloop? then CWM advanced restore /system only, should still have root. This is what usually works for me when flashing these .apks
Good idea. Unfortunately we still waiting for CWM on LG Nitro, we got root in no time, but can't get CWM to work just yet. There are quiet a few weird issues with this phone...
I'm getting weird results. Right now I'm using modified SystemUI.apk and framework-res.apk on stock rom. When I flash this same stock rom and replace these two files thrle phone gets into boot loop. How can I trace what causing it?
[email protected] said:
I'm getting weird results. Right now I'm using modified SystemUI.apk and framework-res.apk on stock rom. When I flash this same stock rom and replace these two files thrle phone gets into boot loop. How can I trace what causing it?
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Rom deodexed?
Sent from my SCH-I400 using xda premium
No, it's a stock rom, not deodexed.
It's just the same method I used to push these files that do work now, don't work anymore when I try it on a "fresh" same rom...I don't recall doing anything else or different...
[email protected] said:
No, it's a stock rom, not deodexed.
It's just the same method I used to push these files that do work now, don't work anymore when I try it on a "fresh" same rom...I don't recall doing anything else or different...
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To my knowledge rom needs to be deodexed to mod
Sent from my SCH-I400 using xda premium
Yes, but somehow I managed make it work on this rom several times, now for some reason it doesn't work anymore..can't wrap my head around it, very strange.
just place your current untouched systemui and framework apks in a themers if all goes wrong just boot into recovery and flash the zip to return to working APKS
Hey guys,
I've seen some people asking for numbered battery mods for stock or StreakDroid4 2.5.0 ROMs so I put together a simple theme (thanks to UOT Kitchen) and wanted to share it with anyone who is interested.
The theme simply changes the look of status bar and the icons, battery, system menus, adds new Roboto font ( from ICS), ICS window animations and Blue Android boot animation. Also, due to Raven 2 kindly allowing us use some files from his theme, you will now get ICS-like Phone, Contacts, Gallery and Calendar apk. I'm attaching some screenshots so you can get a visual idea.
I'm running on StreakDroid4 2.5.0 but it may also work on the deodexed or stock 408 ROM.
As usual, I do not take any responsibility for any issues that the process may cause - proceed with caution
To install:
1.Download the zip file below
2. Flash via CWM
Big thanks to TheManii for his ROM and Raven 2 for letting us use his files in this theme.
Just in case you were wondering, the screen lock on the first image is Widgetlocker which isn't free, but you can download MagicLocker or MiLocker that have similar look for free. The launchers I used in the shots (just to show different looks) are Go Launcher EX (with ICS theme) and Espier Launcher both are free too. Also shown and used is another free app - Widgetsoid.
(Updated) Link:
streak4m3 said:
Also, if Raven ever comes back to the site I would like to ask him if we can use his themed Phone and Contacts apks that have an ICS look and I will include it in this theme.
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you can use my ICS LOOK Phone.apk and Contants.apk
ICS LOOK Phone.apk and Contants.apk files in SB Theme
I fix some apps icon looks like ICS
this file has Calendar.apk Contacts.apk Gallery3D.apk Mms.apk Phone.apk Settings.apk
install way is same.
Sorry language, It is my limit.
RAVEN 2 said:
you can use my ICS LOOK Phone.apk and Contants.apk
ICS LOOK Phone.apk and Contants.apk files in SB Theme
I fix some apps icon looks like ICS
this file has Calendar.apk Contacts.apk Gallery3D.apk Mms.apk Phone.apk Settings.apk
install way is same.
Sorry language, It is my limit.
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Your language is fine, no worries. Thanks for letting us use your files. I'm going to update the OP and attach the new theme file.
I'll try it out on my deoxed 408 and see how it goes. I just put TeamDRH ICS on my Viewsonic GTab (no thanks to Viewsonic - you suck) and would like a consistent interface across devices
Cool, let me know how it works/looks. It isn't the actual ICS UI but the color scheme and other mods at least remind you of one
It works great! I flashed with CWM, cleared cache & delvik, and fixed permissions for good measure. I especially like the battery icon. Now to find a way to port ICS over to this and we will be set. Maybe our new Korean friends are working on that?
michaeljwestii said:
It works great! I flashed with CWM, cleared cache & delvik, and fixed permissions for good measure. I especially like the battery icon. Now to find a way to port ICS over to this and we will be set. Maybe our new Korean friends are working on that?
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Nice, glad to hear that. Yes, I agree about ICS port or a new ROM from our Korean friends would be great. I think one of their main contributors Kukjin11 is going to upload his ROM in a couple of days, so we will see from there
Cool stuff.
Thank you.
thanks, awesome
hey guys iam having the 408 olleh gb running on my phone with ravens theam on top of it..
can i upgrade it to ics them here.. if yes do i have to rename the file that has been given here....
if possible can some one please write the steps since iam very new to this stuff...
thanks alot guys..
hey crainz,
Do you have CWM installed? Are you on deodexed stock 408 ROM created by TheManii? The theme was based on deodexed ROM files from StreakDroid4 2.5.0 (which I use) and I believe it works on the deodexed 408 stock - both of which put together by TheManii. I don't know for sure if it works with a normal odexed ROM - so let's hear from TheManii or anyone else who can verify.
If you have CWM installed, you can easily flash files, like the StreakDroid4 2.5.0 which is basically stock with tweaks and debranded (so no Olleh stuff) and then flash my theme. I recommend you install Titanium backup and back up your apps and data so when you install a new ROM you can restore (or import) you saved data like passwords, shortcuts, game levels, and so on.
Edit: Here's the XDA Wiki page that TheManii created which has the links to SD4 2.5.0 and CWM Recovery downloads:
hi crainz
Thanks a lot for the information...
Rightn now i have the Olleh rom which was given to me by raven
originally i had the stock rom
Android 2.2
Baseband Version GTOUB1A130400-AWS
kernal version :
Build number : 13040
Now it shows
Android 2.3.3
Baseband Version GTOUB1A140814-AWS
kernal version
build number 20707
i have installed the rom from this link that was given to me by RAVEN
I took all the instructions from RAVEN and did the upgrade
the details of which are listed in this post
Can u please check and help me to install StreakDroid4 2.5.0 so that i can install the ICS after that.. if possible....
I have CWM installed on my phone...
just want to check if i install the StreakDroid4 2.5.0 on top of the image that i have will it cause any issues....
crainz said:
hi crainz
Thanks a lot for the information...
Rightn now i have the Olleh rom which was given to me by raven
originally i had the stock rom
Android 2.2
Baseband Version GTOUB1A130400-AWS
kernal version :
Build number : 13040
Now it shows
Android 2.3.3
Baseband Version GTOUB1A140814-AWS
kernal version
build number 20707
i have installed the rom from this link that was given to me by RAVEN
I took all the instructions from RAVEN and did the upgrade
the details of which are listed in this post
Can u please check and help me to install StreakDroid4 2.5.0 so that i can install the ICS after that.. if possible....
I have CWM installed on my phone...
just want to check if i install the StreakDroid4 2.5.0 on top of the image that i have will it cause any issues....
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If you have CWM installed then you can go ahead and install StreakDroid4 2.5.0. However, you would need to do a factory reset first so back your data up using Titanium Backup (this is a free version) and then you can restore all your apps and data once you flashed SD4. After that just flash ICStock theme and you're good to go.
Thank a lot for the information streak4m3
Just 2 more question before i start the process of upgrade.
1. when i installed the CWM using this link
Ans started the phone i was able to get the CWM to work. But once i shut down the phone again and try
You switch mute to OFF hold both volume buttons down and power on. You will see a menu with 3 options, choose the one to upgrage SW package and choose with the camera button.
iam getting the Blue colour screen. iam not getting the CWM options.
Is this how it is suppose to work or am i doing something wrong.
2.Once i have flashed StreakDroid4 2.5.0 after renaming the file to do i flash the ICS theam?? IF you could kindly give me the steps that would be great..
crainz said:
Thank a lot for the information streak4m3
Just 2 more question before i start the process of upgrade.
1. when i installed the CWM using this link
Ans started the phone i was able to get the CWM to work. But once i shut down the phone again and try
You switch mute to OFF hold both volume buttons down and power on. You will see a menu with 3 options, choose the one to upgrage SW package and choose with the camera button.
iam getting the Blue colour screen. iam not getting the CWM options.
Is this how it is suppose to work or am i doing something wrong.
2.Once i have flashed StreakDroid4 2.5.0 after renaming the file to do i flash the ICS theam?? IF you could kindly give me the steps that would be great..
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OK, first of all you're not supposed to rename SD4 2.5.0 to update.pkg
Let's make sure I understand you correctly. You're saying that you have (or had) CWM installed and you verified that it works (worked), right? That means that you can (could) get to CWM recovery and see all the options, like: reboot system, install zip, wipe cache partition, advanced and so on, correct?
Are you now saying you can't get to CWM recovery? That it somehow goes to Dell stock recovery option which is blue (I think)? CWM mode has blue color text too so that's why it is a little bit confusing.
If you somehow lost CWM recovery just install it again and then simply flash SD4 2.5.0
i have seen the option that come with CWM reboot system, install zip, wipe cache partition, advanced and so on...
This comes once i have installed it using the instruction listed in the post...
i even was able to create a back up the rom on my system using CWM.. which got listed in the sdcard as well.
but once i shutdown the phone and start it again i dont get that CWM again it comes up with the blue dell flash tool.(which is in blue colour again) just like CWM
Just wanted to know if this is the same that happens in you case as well or are you able to get CWM evertime.
(if i install it again Iam able to get it to work once and them again back to the dell flash screen)
Just wanted to know if there is a way by which we can get it permenantly to work without having to flast it again and again..
crainz said:
i have seen the option that come with CWM reboot system, install zip, wipe cache partition, advanced and so on...
This comes once i have installed it using the instruction listed in the post...
i even was able to create a back up the rom on my system using CWM.. which got listed in the sdcard as well.
but once i shutdown the phone and start it again i dont get that CWM again it comes up with the blue dell flash tool.(which is in blue colour again) just like CWM
Just wanted to know if this is the same that happens in you case as well or are you able to get CWM evertime.
(if i install it again Iam able to get it to work once and them again back to the dell flash screen)
Just wanted to know if there is a way by which we can get it permenantly to work without having to flast it again and again..
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CWM should be there every time - it's a permanent thing. You can install it again and flash SD4 2.5.0 during that one time that you can get into CWM recovery.
Here is what i did. I flashed SD4 2.5.0 on my phone using CWM.. all went well
Then i flashed your ICS theme.. and restarted the phone.. that went well as well.
But what i did after that was i reset the phone to default using the option in settings.
The phone just stoped working completly.
It got stuck at the Blue Andriod startup... I tryed to do the process all over again...
No luck.... I think i have messed up my phone completly.
But before i started doing all this what i did was i took a back up of my phone using CMW..
So when restored the system back all came back using CWM the phone was back and working again...
What did i do wrong..... and is there any better way of doing this???
crainz said:
Here is what i did. I flashed SD4 2.5.0 on my phone using CWM.. all went well
Then i flashed your ICS theme.. and restarted the phone.. that went well as well.
But what i did after that was i reset the phone to default using the option in settings.
The phone just stoped working completly.
It got stuck at the Blue Andriod startup... I tryed to do the process all over again...
No luck.... I think i have messed up my phone completly.
But before i started doing all this what i did was i took a back up of my phone using CMW..
So when restored the system back all came back using CWM the phone was back and working again...
What did i do wrong..... and is there any better way of doing this???
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Not really sure what exactly may have happened in your situation. So are you up and running again? And why did you want to do a factory reset after flashing SD4 2.5.0?
If you're phone is not up and runing right now then you need to get to CWM if you can and just reflash SD4 and the theme. If you can't get to CWM, then you need to restore your phone using TheManii's steps in his thread for unbricking your phone (basically you would need to flash via fastboot options).
I tried to install a status bar mod, but forgot to make a nandroid backup. Is there any way that I can revert to the stock systemUI without having to ODIN to stock?? Is there something I could flash to revert to the stock status bar without restoring the whole phone? Thanks!!
Could someone maybe create a CWM zip with the original SystemUI? the stock one? i have the DaG kernel... i don't know if that will affect anything. But i CANNOT go back to stock... i have downloaded too much and spent too much time for a stupid status bar to screw me up. Thank you so much, guys. Hopefully i can just get that systemUI back to normal
The 14 toggle quickpanel revert flash uses the stock AT&T systemui.apk.
Guys i need help with my lockscreen, i rooted my phone and next with titanium backup i removed some apps from default ics 4.0.4 and i think i removed my lockscreen because i cant see it when i press the mid key, just gone, i need know what files make the lockscreen back becouse i need it tried to flash some lockscreens with cwm here and dont do anything, please how i solve it or files i need to bring the lockscreen back? thanks
hdsmgas said:
Guys i need help with my lockscreen, i rooted my phone and next with titanium backup i removed some apps from default ics 4.0.4 and i think i removed my lockscreen because i cant see it when i press the mid key, just gone, i need know what files make the lockscreen back becouse i need it tried to flash some lockscreens with cwm here and dont do anything, please how i solve it or files i need to bring the lockscreen back? thanks
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you can probably solve this by installing the official rom all over again or install a custom rom from the development section..
as per my knowledge you cant get back your lockscreen
If you have actually rooted your phone, I think it is the best to find the same version of android you were using, either custom roms or stock android and just flash it. If you can find the same version, there is no need to wipe data, but backup it anyway, in case something goes wrong.
mmmmm i think ICS Lockscreen depends on framework !
any way flash any custom rom . or your stock one again
hi, i have alcatel onetouch pixi 7 tab, which have 4.4 on it.
its not very customizable even with root, it doesnt have custom ROM, neither a custom recovery.
and i just want to theme it to look like a cyanogenmod 11 (i want to feel natural kitkat theme, not some weird OEM skin which this tab already have).
i tried xposed, everything, but it doesnt work, i mean, there are some themes which work, but i just want classic kitkat style (black, like cyanogenmod default theme)
so i found some mention to theme it via settings.apk, and framework.apk found in system, but i dont know how i am going to flash it if i dont have custom recovery.
can i just replace themed .apk in system, reboot and will it work, or will crash hard.
also, i cant make any nandroid backup (you guessed it, no custom recovery), so if something go wrong i rely only for some alcatel official tool for flashing stock rom, but i dont know will it even work, because this tab is old (2013), and maybe they abandoned it, and deleted all support and stock ROM for it, so i dont wanna take chanches of bricking it.
and also, if i am going to theme via settings.apk and framwork.apk, can someone show me guide to it, and maybe also how to get cyanogenmod 11 theme, or similar classic kitkat default style, because cyanogenmod is also abandoned.