Looking for some help - Your Portfolio

Hi, I have a cool idea for a app. I am only 15 and need a little help making it, programming and graphics, badly graphics. The idea is you have this app which allows you to create your own business card within the app. If you want to add other peoples business cards you can transfer your business cards via NFC. You could then see all the business cards you have and can email, phone or add to your contacts via the app. If you are intrested email me at [email protected] and say what you can bring to the team (well me)


Android and MobileMe compatibility?

Guys, I'm on the verge of jumping ship from an iPhone 4 to a One X (when released). But my only problem may be the fact that I have a MobileMe account - Mail, Calendar, Contacts etc - which I really can not afford to lose.
I need the possible new HTC to be able to do all that the iPhone does with MobileMe on the iPhone - Push Mail, Cal and Contacts. Is this possible?
I know some people have setup GMail accounts instead, but due to business needs I really cannot afford to change accounts right now.
Sorry guys. Have I asked a mega stupid question that no one wants to answer? Or is it because no one knows?
It's not gonna sync with iCloud and going from iPhone to Android is like downgrading from a BMW to a broke down scooter.
MobileMe is completely proprietary in the sense that it will only work with apple products nothing else, email has a chance of working but it will be fairly stripped down as it's not gmail. Also ignore the troll above me, not allowing you to use something you pay for on anything you want is just another one of the many many reasons to leave apple products.
cordell507 said:
MobileMe is completely proprietary in the sense that it will only work with apple products nothing else, email has a chance of working but it will be fairly stripped down as it's not gmail. Also ignore the troll above me, not allowing you to use something you pay for on anything you want is just another one of the many many reasons to leave apple products.
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You don't pay for iCloud, it's free. There is no reason to leave Apple for Android seeing how the OS is a fragmented mess. You have a better chance of winning a pottery then getting a timely update from an OEM.
Thanks for the replies guys
I've been doing some research and have had some help from other places, and it seems that MobileMe can be sync'ed but with the assistance of other desktop apps.
If these work well, then I will take the leap.
Alex2792, I would have agreed with your "downgrade" comment a year ago. But having seen some of these new Android phones in full flow... well, no restrictions, far cheaper, far more modifiable - it makes sense to
how i got contacts from mobileme
this is my solution.
1. login to mobileme
2. go to address book
3. select all entries in your address book
4. under setting select export contact
5. connect your HTC phone to your mac in disk mode (found under setting within the connect to PC menu)
6. once connected, open finder and copy your vcards.vcf file from your mac to the mounted phone's downloads directory
7. after copy is completed, disconnect phone
8. restart phone (I had to do this for the storage device to find the file)
9. open contacts on HTC phone
10. open contacts settings (top right corner)
11. select to import contact from phone storage
12. import should begin and all contact will be found under under in contacts under "phone"
a status window popped up showing the percentage complete until all 350 contacts were added. I got pics, email addresses, and names without issue.
I really don't understand this fragmented crap.
I have a 2 yearold HTC EVO4G which I've been completely happy with. It runs android 2.3.5, without any noticable bugs. I have decent battery life (newer phones have better due to better displays, and not using a 60nm chip), can run any app on the market, and can do all sorts of things that I can't do on iphone (such as change a freaking default browser). I use the go launcher, which is freaking pretty, and has all kinds of new fanciful effects. I don't even have the original launcher installed anymore. My contacts, photos and videos are automagically uploaded and backed up on google plus, dropbox, my desktop, and my netbook.
I have a very good experience on my "fragmented" phone.
Ignoring the obvious troll, I too have switched from android to iphone back to android and then iphone and am back to android. Since google backs up all your app data (who needs call logs backed up?) and there is an app to backup your texts, well I don't see any reason to blast google.
Also, do some research, there are some desktop appear that can help you switch everything over. Although it sounds like you've already done that.
For instance:
Dropbox will automatically upload your pictures to yourself and every device that has your account installed.
Google backs up all apps just like iOs.
You can most certainly have push email with android that is not gmail based. There are a ton of email clients in the play store.
sent from my nook tablet or sgh-i777, using string

[Q] Ios user moving to Androind needs email client

I have question regarding your use of the Gmail app. I am a current ios user and have purchased a Note 2. I was about to reluctantly return it and get an iphone5 (sad choice, because I loved the Note 2), but since I use my smartphones for work and use emails constantly I need a slick and easy way to sync (IMAP idle/push) four email addresses to one app.
I tried k9 and hated it. No threading/conversation view. push not responsive and def not easy to use. No server search for email. On a good day, I'll get more than 100 emails to various addresses. I sometimes need to search for a specific one. and on K9 Im stuck with only the last 25. I could increase the number of saved emails, but that takes up lots of space. Sure its powerful, but I need the basic to work quickly and easily.
Its a big change for me, moving to Android that is. and I want to make it work. Can you tell me if you can use the Gmail app (which I like), and manage, read, write to and from all my account (one Gmail, 3 domain hosted addresses)?
Thanks for you help.
I use gMail & have my main gMail account grab my home & work eMail brought into their own label (which I set up on the desktop client). Once it's setup & verified I can send from any of my email addresses from my phone.
Same problem
michaelgmanoukian said:
I have question regarding your use of the Gmail app. I am a current ios user and have purchased a Note 2. I was about to reluctantly return it and get an iphone5 (sad choice, because I loved the Note 2), but since I use my smartphones for work and use emails constantly I need a slick and easy way to sync (IMAP idle/push) four email addresses to one app.
I tried k9 and hated it. No threading/conversation view. push not responsive and def not easy to use. No server search for email. On a good day, I'll get more than 100 emails to various addresses. I sometimes need to search for a specific one. and on K9 Im stuck with only the last 25. I could increase the number of saved emails, but that takes up lots of space. Sure its powerful, but I need the basic to work quickly and easily.
Its a big change for me, moving to Android that is. and I want to make it work. Can you tell me if you can use the Gmail app (which I like), and manage, read, write to and from all my account (one Gmail, 3 domain hosted addresses)?
Thanks for you help.
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My friend i am going through the same problem - I was *just* about to post my thread when I saw this.
I'm not going to thread jack - but below is what I was going to send - this is particularly the same problem you are facing and more over, I dont get all my sub folders and the emails dont zoom out to the max...
The Samsung Galaxy Note II is my first android device so I would require some help from you guys. I've owned iphone 2g and iphone 4 and now I thought that android had matured enough that I should jump this droid boat. Not to mention that the note 2's s-pen is a real innovation compared to other stuff android fanboys and iphone fanboys boast about.
I'm still getting used to a lot of functions about the androids and loving every moment of it. But im not particularly here to talk about that - I need some help on one thing I rely most upon...
iOS - email app has ALL my mailboxes (some pushing while others fetch) including their folders and sub-folders, all nicely laid out. Also whenever I open an email on the iOS device the email is zoomed out to the max and I can zoom in to my satisfaction.
Folders of my work email & Default (max) zoomed out email - kindly check attachment
Problem - I can not get this done on the android. The following pics are from the stock email app but I tried K9, the gmail app (doesnt support exchange) but none of them could provide me the maxed zoomed out layout of the email. Niether are folders easy to access.
Folders of my work email (missing all subfolders of the inbox) & Default (max) zoomed out email - cant zoom out any further at all!
kindly check attachment
SOLUTION? I need to know if there is an app that could work like the iOS email app?! I really want to switch to the note 2 but I still end up carrying my iphone with me and I hate it cuz one of the major reasons to switch to android and note 2 was the productivity, and yet I still end up relying on the iphone...
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[Q] Webmail app...?

My apologies if I am posting this in the wrong area, but I seem to be looking for something that is difficult to find. Either that or I REALLY don't know how to ask/search for that which I am looking.
I need an app on my phone [android - Samsung Galaxy S4] for my emails, however I don't want the messages stored on the phone. So I guess I am looking for an app-etized webmail interface. Important features:
The ability to have a formatted signature (bolding, etc). The ability to add a logo would be nice, but not required
The ability to send formatted messages (HTML?)
The ability to use Templates
The ability to send/manage multiple attachments
Those are the biggies that I can think of at the moment.
Every time I find something it seems to want to save/manage the messages locally, and I am just REALLY paranoid about having business emails on something as easily lost/stolen as a phone (regardless of the ability to remote wipe)
Would anyone happen to know of a good solution? Doesn't have to be free, but reasonably-priced is a plus.
Many thanks (and a few beers) in advance!

Help trying to find an app capable of this

Hi everyone. I have a problem trying to figure out a sort of cloud solution for my small business. I am not sure if there is a service like the one I am looking for. I am after a service that will allow my small business to:
- Allow employees to load pictures to a common cloud services and possibly some data.
- Have the supervisors as administrators and receive alerts any time a customer has a repair need.
- Create folders with date so files can be stored chronologically.
- Allow a feature like (write only) for employees so they can upload the data but can not modify it.
- It needs to be compatible with iOS and Android.
Hope there is something like this available. I will appreciate any input.
Thanks to everyone, best regards, Frank.

Help trying to find an app capable of this...

Hi everyone. I have a problem trying to figure out a sort of cloud solution for my small business. I am not sure if there is a service like the one I am looking for. I am after a service that will allow my small business to:
- Allow employees to load pictures to a common cloud services and possibly some data.
- Have the supervisors as administrators and receive alerts any time a customer has a repair need.
- Create folders with date so files can be stored chronologically.
- Allow a feature like (write only) for employees so they can upload the data but can not modify it.
- It needs to be compatible with iOS and Android.
Hope there is something like this available. I will appreciate any input.
Thanks to everyone, best regards, Frank

