Help needed to add Google Play,Android Home Phone, Binatone iDECT iHOME3 - Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I have posted in the XDA Assist forum, unfortunately, no-one there was able to help me, the Mod, closed the thread and redirected me to this forum.
Being lazy, this is a cut&paste of the message.
Basic Android stuff, need some help, any suggestions welcome!:fingers-crossed:
Android Home Phone, Binatone iDECT iHOME3
Hello everyone,
I need pointed to the right forum.
I recently purchased the above phone, my landphone died, this came second hand from eBay. It works perfectly, but I mainly wanted it because its Android, and I can use my Google contacts and not have to input them one by one. And because its Android!
The specs are on a photo attatched below. It is rooted with SU app installed and working.
I downloaded zipped Gapps for 2.3.5, extracted to folder, then put the folder on the ExtSD, then to IntSD.
My problem is this, it shipped with the SlideMe market, I'm trying, and failing to get Google Play sideloaded on it. There is no option to add a Google account of course, if I try to direct install, it gives the message "you need to add a google account", if I click yes, the app fc's. If I push the app to system/app, the same occurs.
I'm not the most technical Android guy, but I've been flashing etc, for a few years now, on various makes and models, but this has me stumped. I've had to flash Gapps before for ROM's, I've sideloaded apps too, but am I missing something here. What gives the extra option to add a Google account? I've done this before on a few tablets etc, never had a problem.
Where is it best to post/get some help? (and hopefully not be laughed at to hard!)
Someone posted a thread over this phone (years ago), 3 answers, nothing helpful.
Thanks in advance,

Help me Obi-Wan, your our last hope...
Nobody has any idea, or maybe knows someone who can help me out? :crying:


Google TV Remote

Posted this in the general Android forum but no one's helped so hopefully my fellow X10'ers can take 2 minutes and do this:
Can someone in the US download and post the free Google TV Remote (released 2010/12/16) APK?
Can't get it on the Market in Canada, tried searching, AppBrain and MarketAccess to no avail. :-(
ya..can any one post the ak file for google remote and mapp 5.0...cant find it in the market...
Wow, got on the market to help you out... looks like they changed it up finally! Anyways, here ya go I used titanium to back it up, if I needed to do it another way then let me know.
Heres Google Maps 5.0 as requested
redincali said:
Wow, got on the market to help you out... looks like they changed it up finally! Anyways, here ya go I used titanium to back it up, if I needed to do it another way then let me know.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I tried to install it from Astro, but it said cannot parse the file.
also getting the Unable to Parse File error on CM7.1 with Nexus S.
Can someone else try uploading it?
can we get a new source, seeings as MegaUpload has bit the dust?
This is an old thread, but I needed the APK and it took my like half an hour to track it down.
So here it is for anyone else looking for it on XDA, no parse errors or anything like some other ones floating around.
It looks like Google TV Remote was updated to version 1.1.0 today.
1. Voice search support for Google TV 3.0.
2. Replaced the swiping D-pad to the normal D-pad.
3. Added Accessibility.
4. Added D-Pad Navigation.
However it's not available outside the US. I'm in Canada and unable to download it on the Galaxy Nexus, even though Google TV boxes are being sold here. If anyone would be kind enough to pull the APK and post it, that'd be much appreciated!
Hi All,
I could really do with the latest also as the UK don't have access either and I've just gotten one of the MK808B's through this morning.

[Q] "there is no device associated with this account"...

Hopefully someone can help - mods, if this is wrong place please correct, thanks.
I have just been given a streak, but cannot access the app Market . There was no app shortcut on the handset out of the box.
I have been through everything that google suggest, and there seem to be hundreds of us having the same problem right now going by the google/android help forums; but no decent ideas as to why this is.
Does anyone know what the bug is? Could you tell from any info I could supply from the handset. The streak was shipped with froyo. Other than that I am rather new to the whole android thing. Thanks in advance
Hi welcome to the streak
can you list what you have tried otherwise we would be suggesting wast less things, like i take it you have done a factory reset, delete cache from the market and the data found in the apps under settings, try that for now then report back and I'm sure others will have suggestions
Q go in the Q&A so i will move this their
Thanks, and yes, I've tried those things. Also ( from google support) tried various combinations of deleting google account, logging in/out on pc etc... All with no joy.
As you can see from the google support pages- [edit - I'm too new to post links]
I'm not alone but it seems such a fundamental error that I'm surprised that google aren't replying with anything more concrete.
I tried installing SAM and installed apps from SlideMe no problem so there are no connectivity issues.
sounds to me like you need to "reflash" if you will.
head over to and read the directions.
if you still need help there are many threads that could guide you
as a follow-up to this, I got nowhere with all the forum advice so eventually called Dell. They said that as the streak was running 2.2.2 it needed to roll back to 2.2 which they did, and now all seems fine.

Media Hub on ICS?

Upgraded to task's ICS a few weeks ago. Could have sworn Media Hub was on there when I first installed it. Then it seems about a week ago that I was missing an app because the others were not in the same place they used to be, as if I hadn't deleted an app and everything moved over one spot. Problem is, I don't remember deleting anything. Granted, I'm not always SOBER when I'm using my Tab so I guess it's possible. All I can find through search is that you needed to be updated to ICS in order to use Media Hub after that. I was already on ICS so I don't understand what happened? Could Samsung or Google have had it removed from my Tab somehow? Any help would be appreciated, Samsung live chat is of NO help. Shocker.
And according to Samsung, the "Samsung Media Hub" app is not a "Samsung" app, I need to contact the developer! lol Their only solution is to reset my tab. Yeah right.
Gotta love customer service these days. Thought I'd share this clip from Samsung live chat.
Tony: I just find it weird to have an app that is preloaded, yet you can't delete it, and you can't download it either.
Parkin: I understand your concern. I have documented your issue and we will get back to you with proper resolution. Please make a note of the ticket number ************
Parkin: Just to inform you, a preloaded app need not be downloaded as it is already available in the tab..
Tony: So why have the app in the Google Play Store, if nobody can download it?
Parkin: That is meant for people who don't have it preloaded.
Tony: why would someone not have it preloaded, if it comes preloaded?
Tony: because you certainly can't delete it
Parkin: I understand your confusion. But one of our supervisors would be able to clarify any further questions you have. Please mention the ticket ID given above when we contact you.
Tony: You seem to be the confused one because you have no answer.
Parkin: I'm truly sorry I couldn't help you with this issue. Is there anything else I can help you with?
Tony: nope
Ahhhhhh.... I really hope someone can be able to help me with this. Fingers crossed!

[Q] Instagram Disabled

Looked around and don't see anything about this and I am desperate to get my Instagram back. I seen questions posted in here so I figured it was ok. My apologizes if this is the wrong section. Basically my Instagram account has been disabled. I try to make a new account but it's a no go. Has to be something in the phone that is causing this since I can log in perfectly with a friends phone. I seen on iOS there is a UDID Faker but didn't find one for Android. I tried everything and I am just looking for a little guidance. Please help me.

[App Request] Switch To Windows Phone

Can anyone upload Switch To Windows Phone *.apk here? I want to switch, but this app isn't available in my country and I don't know why.
There it is: here
You should try Google it yourselft first. There is no link to APK in Google yet, all pages links only to Google Play.
cities516 said:
There it is: here
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
The irony of this ^ jerk's response is that googling it, brings you to this very forum thread.
I have very little respect for people who tell others to "Google it", on forums that are popular enough to become part of the Google results themselves. Sure, you perhaps cause that one single OP to do a bit more independent research the next time around, but you waste the time of hundreds of subsequent readers that land on your valueless comment AS THE RESULT OF DOING THEIR OWN RESEARCH.
Anyone have the APK?
I know you guys can download it from google play, but when I try it says 'This item cannot be installed in your device's country.' I get that a lot.
Usually I search APP apk and get it, but for this app everyone seems to be pointing to google play and that doesn't help me.
So If anyone knows a direct download for the APK please post it here thankyou.
Here you go

