Google TV Remote - XPERIA X10 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Posted this in the general Android forum but no one's helped so hopefully my fellow X10'ers can take 2 minutes and do this:
Can someone in the US download and post the free Google TV Remote (released 2010/12/16) APK?
Can't get it on the Market in Canada, tried searching, AppBrain and MarketAccess to no avail. :-(

ya..can any one post the ak file for google remote and mapp 5.0...cant find it in the market...

Wow, got on the market to help you out... looks like they changed it up finally! Anyways, here ya go I used titanium to back it up, if I needed to do it another way then let me know.

Heres Google Maps 5.0 as requested

redincali said:
Wow, got on the market to help you out... looks like they changed it up finally! Anyways, here ya go I used titanium to back it up, if I needed to do it another way then let me know.
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I tried to install it from Astro, but it said cannot parse the file.

also getting the Unable to Parse File error on CM7.1 with Nexus S.
Can someone else try uploading it?

can we get a new source, seeings as MegaUpload has bit the dust?

This is an old thread, but I needed the APK and it took my like half an hour to track it down.
So here it is for anyone else looking for it on XDA, no parse errors or anything like some other ones floating around.

It looks like Google TV Remote was updated to version 1.1.0 today.
1. Voice search support for Google TV 3.0.
2. Replaced the swiping D-pad to the normal D-pad.
3. Added Accessibility.
4. Added D-Pad Navigation.
However it's not available outside the US. I'm in Canada and unable to download it on the Galaxy Nexus, even though Google TV boxes are being sold here. If anyone would be kind enough to pull the APK and post it, that'd be much appreciated!

Hi All,
I could really do with the latest also as the UK don't have access either and I've just gotten one of the MK808B's through this morning.


Link to 75MB Galaxy S .apk's

I did a search for apk's to try out on my newly rooted Nook and came across this post so I thought I share it here, I'm planning to try out a few of these and see if I can get any of them to work and thought I'd post the link here in case anyone else wants to give it a shot.
Here is the link:
Also here is a link to the droid X multitouch keyboard apk.
When I get a chance to try some of these out (hopefully later today), I report back with my findings.
Please let us know. It would be great to use some of these...
jm20 said:
I did a search for apk's to try out on my newly rooted Nook and came across this post so I thought I share it here, I'm planning to try out a few of these and see if I can get any of them to work and thought I'd post the link here in case anyone else wants to give it a shot.
Here is the link:
Also here is a link to the droid X multitouch keyboard apk.
When I get a chance to try some of these out (hopefully later today), I report back with my findings.
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I tried gmail, it installs but it doesn't run. Guess I'll need to install a few other items along with it. Tried live wallpaper too, that doesn't install.
k-9 email works much better for emails.. i got it off of applanet.
Site with direct .apk downloads that work
There is a bunch of freeware .apk's that you can download directly from this site: (I can't post links yet two v's = one w)
Including gesture search from google which I installed and it works great on the NC.
Here is the link:
Gesture Search 1.2.1 seem to be the latest available version. Below you can find file(s) assigned to this version:
Gesture_Search_1.2.1.apk (807 KB, ↓ 445)
As far as the files from the Galaxy S: I haven't had much luck but I only tried a few. My main concern is trying to find a working calendar app that will sync with my google calendars and a working gmail app. I got the calendar app installed and have the same icon I have on my phone but when I tap the icon nothing happens. For now I'm using K-9 email and it seems to get the job done but I'm still searching for a fix for the google apps.
hey jm20,
how does this gesture app works? is it using strokes or something like that?
gesture app
It basically indexes your files then you use your finger to write a letter on the screen corresponding to the file name you are looking for and the program starts to filter the results, it works rather well and is pretty quick. If you have a bunch of unorganized files on your nook it could really save you time. If you are very organized and know exactly which file is in which folder the app won't really be of any great use to you. Hope that helps.
I have been using dolphin HD 4.0 browser which also uses gestures for navigation and it works great. Seems to be more accurate than the stock browser, as far as screen tapping on links go (probably just my imagination though) and it has built in pinch to zoom.
jm20, thanks for explaining , it is quite clear now

Needing Some Help

I have looked all over and, as of yet, haven't been able to find the answer. I got a free android tablet (I know, problem #1) for becoming a member of Direct Buy and Simply want to install Netflix and Google Music on this tablet. I would give the model number and all that lovely useful stuff, but the box is blank, save for the word "MID" on the side of the box. I'm assuming it's similar to the Sylvania MID Tablet imported from China. I know it's running Android 2.3.3, it says Model m7206, and Build # GRI40. Kernel Version is: [email protected] #27.
If any one can provide a "how to" or simple a link to downloads and walk throughs to get the device set to install Netflix and Google Music I will do almost anything for the MEGA assist!
So I'm guessing these are not accessible to your tablet on the Play Store? If that's the case it's as simple as searching for the apk online and installing it on your device.. eg 'netflix apk'
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk
I'll try that. Thank you. The interesting thing is; I don't even have the google play store on the tablet. I've also logged into my gmail account and gone to the online google play store, still without luck. Thanks again!
If you don't even have the play store or Google Market on your device. I would recommend downloading that first then seeing if you can install your apps from the Store. Get it here! and search Netflix.apk
Sent from my R800x using XDA App
So, I've downloaded the google play store and it keeps crashing... I'm really getting frustrated. Haha. I haven't rooted the tablet, maybe that step will help?
Dai6205 said:
So, I've downloaded the google play store and it keeps crashing... I'm really getting frustrated. Haha. I haven't rooted the tablet, maybe that step will help?
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That may help. Most china based devices don't have the google play store due to China not allowing it. You may have to root it and make it think it is another device.
This makes sense. I've tried rooting the tablet using universal androot and ginger break with no success thus far. If any one could help me out with a link than will help i'd be very thankful. I can't use USB to my knoweldge because it has an "ipad" style port that allows the attachment of a dongle with 2 USB and an ethernet port. It's really unusual...
Dai6205 said:
This makes sense. I've tried rooting the tablet using universal androot and ginger break with no success thus far. If any one could help me out with a link than will help i'd be very thankful. I can't use USB to my knoweldge because it has an "ipad" style port that allows the attachment of a dongle with 2 USB and an ethernet port. It's really unusual...
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haha. I just (literally JUST) landed one of these tablets. My brother-in-law got it from someone who bla bla bla. Regardless, Is there a way to root the thing? The charger that it comes with barely charges it. That weird funky thing for the port is also a confirmed weirdness.
I looked up the kernel compile info hoping to find the compiler. I tried the ubuntuforums for "guodi" since it was compiled from an ubuntu box.
So far, no avail. If anyone has info on this, let me know.

[HELP!] Can't download PayPal Here from Play Store

Looks like the geniuses at PayPal decided that my Galaxy S2 isn't grand enough to run their simple new app and decided to block the download.
Can somebody please get the APK for me? I'd really appreciate it too if you could paste your prop file so I can get it to download properly on my phone.
Thanks in advance, hate to be a nuisance but I'm not very good with Market tweaks.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA
Might be a good reason it you can't use it yet, but here ya go:
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
Thanks for the effort Jesse, but this is PayPal, I need PayPal Here. It's a new app. Supposedly it's a manufacturer campaign, and it'll be released globally when they launch their plugin card reader (like Square). If you're having trouble finding it in the store, try the link in my post, if you still can't get it I guess we're in the same boat.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA
This was installed on my Inspire4G through PlayStore, then I used TitaniumBackup to copy it over to my Vivid. If the .apk above doesn't work, just use the TitaniumBackup files enclosed in the RAR file below.
Yeah I dont understand this blocking either. Paypal sent us the swipe device (hardware for the phone) and asked us to download an iPhone app ??? Even though we stated we only use real phones - Android. When I went to the market to download for the Samsung Galaxy S2 I9100 it was blocked.
Thanks for the files before - will try them out on the Samsung to see if i can get it working.
deathtrip said:
This was installed on my Inspire4G through PlayStore, then I used TitaniumBackup to copy it over to my Vivid. If the .apk above doesn't work, just use the TitaniumBackup files enclosed in the RAR file below.
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htcflash said:
Yeah I dont understand this blocking either. Paypal sent us the swipe device (hardware for the phone) and asked us to download an iPhone app ??? Even though we stated we only use real phones - Android. When I went to the market to download for the Samsung Galaxy S2 I9100 it was blocked.
Thanks for the files before - will try them out on the Samsung to see if i can get it working.
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I should point out that I tried the uploaded APK on my phone (Sorry, shoulda replied!) - it does function, lets me login, but my account isn't "part of the beta program" or some crap like that. I noticed when I had my earbuds plugged in, when opening the app, I heard a loud squelching sound - I'm guessing that's how the app confirms connection the the swipe attachment. If I'm right, it should work fine.
It did work for me, however couldn't get a decent GPS signal which Paypal needs. I also noticed it's version 1.0.0 and i think the current version is 2.7.2.
Anyway paypal called us today to inform us they are working on a release for Australia for Samsung galaxy s2 android. We'll wait and see.....
I had the same problem ..
Download it from 4shared or any black markets .. i did it and its working
Just if anyone was still looking for this file:
Latest version for download can be found here.
can anyone throw up the PayPal Local apk?
that one.
HMJ-q8 said:
I had the same problem ..
Download it from 4shared or any black markets .. i did it and its working
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No way I'm going to download a app from 4shared, or any "black markets" that has access to my money...
That's never a good Idea.
Could someone with a high rep on XDA, please upload the PayPal Here app to Dropbox?
New update, and I can't use the app unless I update. But they decided to block my DroidX2. PLEASE could someone upload the latest to dropbox, I use this for my business.
Is there anyone that can post the latest apk? it's version 1.5.1
Does anyone have the 1.6.2 APK? It's the one previous to the current version
most updated paypal here .apk
this is on my forum page just register and download.
i just uploaded the most recent apk for the paypal here app to my forums i would post a link but i can't because i need 10 post
anyway its at double u x3 dot pcrepairforums dot com then go to off topic at the bottom and it has its own forum name. you may have to register to download
Hi i am unable to download the PayPal here app as I reside in Jersey, tried Google app store and also PayPal,but to no avail

Netflix not available

Hi folks. Just bought my wife the 2014 edition Samsung 10.1..ALL GOOD.
I did a factory reset on the old first gen 10.1 so I could have a toy to play with. Well all was well..until I tried to re install netflix app and it is not worked and was fine until I wanted to re do this tablet. I have gone around the forums and all info seems to be a couple years old. I just want netflix back on this 10.1 first gen tablet. Do I have to pop the hood and root it or what?
I would like to keep it simple so it is just something for the grandkids to use when they come by. Please give me some direction..I would appreciate the help. I'm not scared to get into let it fly. : )
Thanx !
Anticipating the replies.
Could try downloading shared it's a file app the download netlix apk file and opening file and install it maybe one of older Netflix app files work you can download 4shared app from playstore
Sent from my GT-N8010 using XDA Free mobile app
This should work on your first gen Galaxy Tab 10.1
Thanks, but looks like the above link is no longer working. Spent forever back and forth with Netflix support and they finally gave me a new link to try. Hope this helps someone else:
... sorry, can't post links, but use the above except with node 24776
fatjayspam said:
Thanks, but looks like the above link is no longer working. Spent forever back and forth with Netflix support and they finally gave me a new link to try. Hope this helps someone else:
... sorry, can't post links, but use the above except with node 24776
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Finally! Thanks been trying to figure it out forever. ^^^^^^ this works

Help needed to add Google Play,Android Home Phone, Binatone iDECT iHOME3

I have posted in the XDA Assist forum, unfortunately, no-one there was able to help me, the Mod, closed the thread and redirected me to this forum.
Being lazy, this is a cut&paste of the message.
Basic Android stuff, need some help, any suggestions welcome!:fingers-crossed:
Android Home Phone, Binatone iDECT iHOME3
Hello everyone,
I need pointed to the right forum.
I recently purchased the above phone, my landphone died, this came second hand from eBay. It works perfectly, but I mainly wanted it because its Android, and I can use my Google contacts and not have to input them one by one. And because its Android!
The specs are on a photo attatched below. It is rooted with SU app installed and working.
I downloaded zipped Gapps for 2.3.5, extracted to folder, then put the folder on the ExtSD, then to IntSD.
My problem is this, it shipped with the SlideMe market, I'm trying, and failing to get Google Play sideloaded on it. There is no option to add a Google account of course, if I try to direct install, it gives the message "you need to add a google account", if I click yes, the app fc's. If I push the app to system/app, the same occurs.
I'm not the most technical Android guy, but I've been flashing etc, for a few years now, on various makes and models, but this has me stumped. I've had to flash Gapps before for ROM's, I've sideloaded apps too, but am I missing something here. What gives the extra option to add a Google account? I've done this before on a few tablets etc, never had a problem.
Where is it best to post/get some help? (and hopefully not be laughed at to hard!)
Someone posted a thread over this phone (years ago), 3 answers, nothing helpful.
Thanks in advance,
Help me Obi-Wan, your our last hope...
Nobody has any idea, or maybe knows someone who can help me out? :crying:

