Issue with calendar - Galaxy S II Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hi. I had an issue with my calendar entries on the phone not showing up online in google calendar towards the end of 2013. Prior to that, everything always showed up fine. The google account on the phone always syncs, but nothing has been showing up. To cut a long story short, today I found that changing 'My Calendar' to my google calendar gmail address (that box at the top when you're adding an event) makes it show online. So from now on, all my new entries will be assigned to my gmail address (the calendar has now defaulted to that address). and will show up online after auto syncing.
Thing is, I have tons of old entries on my phone that I'd like to get synced online, without having to edit each of them manually. Changing 'My Calendar' to my google gmail address on older entries doesn't seem to make them all default to that address like it does with new entries.
Checking my phone entries and online entries, I have all my entries online from 2011 to October 2013. But I've only got phone entries on the actual handset from June 2013 to today.
So what I'd like to try and do is get my phone entries to google calendar online just from November 2013 to today. I don't want anything from my phone from before june 2013 to go online in case it deletes what's online. Is there some relatively straight forward way to achieve this?
I'll also add, samsung calendar had also been syncing simultaneously, (which I've now unticked) so where do I go to see my calendar entries online for the samsung account?


[Q] Tab Calendar not syncing with online Google... help please!

I've not used Google Calendar up until now, and have synced my HTC phone with Outlook directly via USB on both my PC and laptop. However, now I've got a Galaxy Tab too, it'll be a bit unwieldly to manually sync all these devices so I think I need to sync via the cloud with Google (much as I may dislike the concept).
I've set my HTC Desize-Z to sync with Google Calendar, and created a test entry on the phone and on the online calendar, and they have both synced with each other fine. Great so far.
However even though I'm using the exact same settings and account name on my Galaxy Tab 10.1 (stock, rooted, wi-fi) it won't sync with the online calendar at all, and none of the test events that I created appear on the Tab.
Whenever I create a new event using Calendar on the Tab, I get a pop-up saying "Local calendar cannot sync with Google calendar. You need a Google account". There is an option inside the error popup to "Go to account and sync", which I select and it just takes me to my standard Accounts & Sync settings page, where my Google account is already listed correctly, with the little 'sync' icon shown in green. The details subpage has both "Sync Calendar" and "Sync Contacts" ticked, and they each show very recent sync times and will resync without errors when I click on the Refresh icon.
But still Calendar does not think I'm connected to a Google account (error popup appears as above when I add a new event) and nothing gets synced.
Anyone got any ideas? As I said, it all works fine on my phone, and Marketplace works fine on the Tab with the same account details so my Google account seems to be valid.
I've never tried to sync any kind of calendar so I can't be sure.
Some things to try are..
First of all, make sure you're connected to the internet on your tab...
Find any calendar app in the Settings>Applications>ManageApplications menu and clear Cache for them.
You could possibly try deleting your google account from the device (after stuff is backed up on it of course), then re-adding it to see if it syncs correctly.
When in doubt, reboot.
FWIW, I had a problem not seeing updates to my calendar till I realized that there were two calendars. A "local" and a "[email protected]".
In settings, you need to check off which calendar you want to see.
Thanks dannyboy, that was indeed my problem. I finally tracked it down over the weekend and was just about to post my wondrous discovery here, only to find you'd beaten me to it.
Same applies with Contacts by the way. My PC-synced ones had all gone into a section which does not sync with Google, so I exported them all to a file and then re-imported them into my google-synced contacts list and bingo, my phone and my tab synced themselves via the cloud. One word of caution though: to remove all the duplicates that I then had on my phone, I selected 'phone only' view and deleted just those entries visible in that mode - only to find that the phone deleted the Google ones too (which were not selected to be viewed) and immediately propagated the deletion of everything to my other devices!!! Thankfully I'd still got the export file, so I just imported them again and they all flowed back. I could always have grabbed a backup off the laptop, but even so it highlights the dangers of automatic cloud syncing!

[Q] Calendar past event sync

I have just tried to search for a past event in my google calendar and couldn't find it. I resorted to searching my calendar on my phone and found it straight away. I have checked online and all past events are visible. It seems that my transformer is not syncing events before the 17th December 2011. I have checked the calendars are set to sync and have even deleted data and re synced but to no avail.
Does anyone else have issues with the calendar or is it limited to only downloading a set length of history on the Prime?
Same issue here. I workaround I found is to modify an existing event, then it appears on the tablet calendar. It's the the ideal, but it helped me a lot. Most of my recurring events are now showing correctly on my tablet.
But I agree, there should be a "resync" option. I would like to resync everything.

Google Acct and Gmail in Accounts and Sync

Having hard time searching for answers to this due to the fact just about every thread has these keywords....
Here is my situation:
- Dinc2 running latest stock, rooted.
- have had for long time no issues. Received new phone due to warranty issues.
- setup google account and all is well, it is running just fine.
- within Settings>Accounts and Sync I see various accounts (Facebook, weather, etc) and 2 Google accounts (square icon with lower case g, not the gmail icon/account). 1 is for my account and 1 is for my corp email (which uses gmail). So all is well.
- I took picture on phone and tried to send it from the gallery via the share icon and selected the gmail option in the list (note sharing via messaging (txt) has worked without issues forever). This brought me to setup of gmail account (I recently turned on 2-step security within google/gmail) and it asked for the application specific password. I got that setup and finished it just thinking it was using the gallery app to send the email so that is why it asked again.
- Once I did that I received email from VZW stating my email account (gmail one) is now setup with VZW, etc, etc. Now I typcially don't use the VZW backup assistant and don't go through any setup of email for VZW (maybe it happened in the background don't know but I have never done that didn't see that notification from VZW before). I know what this is from VZW just not sure why it happened when it did.
- Now when I go into Accounts and Sync I see my 2 original Google accounts, but also see a new Gmail (gmail icon with red M) for my gmail account. So I essentially have 2 'gmail' accounts setup on my phone within the accounts and sync area.
- I only see 1 gmail account when looking at my mail, but have noticed some emails not making and getting notifications saying the gmail account is not setup properly. I click that notification and then click finish setup and it says all is well.
- I tried deleting the gmail account (with red M icon) but it says I can't as it is used by other services on phone.
- I have gone to the VZW site and removed my gmail account from their 'server' and turned off backup assistant on the website as well (was never turned on, on the phone). I don't believe this should be an issue as I shouldn't have to use the VZW 'web email' setup they provide to customers to consolidate emails and provide web access since gmail already does that for me.
Anyone know what may be best way to resolve this? Do I have to have VZW 'web mail' setup? Should I plan to restore phone and again just setup the initial google accounts and just plan not to try and email from gallery and just use the 'attach' feature within the gmail app instead if needed?
I have tested emails from my phone and it seems they work for the most part, but it seems everyone once in a while they fail with that notice the gmail app is not setup properly (and suspect this is VZW screwing things up).
Long post, sorry, just frustrating and confusing and figured I would post it in case others have seen this.

[Q] Calendar sync - older dates don't show

HTC One, gCal synced to iCal (OSX Lion) with no issues. All dates show on either calendar.
However, neither gCal nor aCalendar on the HTC show dates before August when I bought the phone.
I removed my google acct completely.
Restarted the phone and re-entered the google acct.
No change.
It seems out of the 5 calendars I use, only one shows all older dates prior to Aug '13.
3 Other calendars show all older dates Oct '11 to present.
And the primary calendar doesn't show prior to Aug '13.
after doing some guggling I found this.
It is fairly accurate.
I would add that if you have sub-calendars, those should be added from the list after the 1st sync but prior to re-setting everything to auto sync and date/time.
15A. Add Calendars to Calendar app for additional sync.
15B. Go back to Accts & Sync/Google and Sync just the Calendar.
better solution
In the settings screen of google calendar, click export calendars, this will give you a zip file containing one .ics file for each of your calendars. Unzip this file, then use import calendars to import each .ics into its corresponding calendar. This does not duplicate events, but just refreshes the modified date, thus causing Android to resync the entries.

[Q] Contacts keep syncing eventhough it is deactivated

First up: I do not want to sync my contacts with Google.
For an unknown reason my mobile keeps synchronizing my personal address book with Google. Even worse: Somehow I get a lot of crap contacts, even empty or just with an email. Most of my contacts are 2-3 times in my address book and I have no idea where to look for the problem.
I changed /Settings/Accounts/Google Account #1 & #2/ > untick "Contacts", when I first set up my system (SlimROM 9.0).
Usually I sync my address book manually using MyPhoneExplorer. I have Xposed/Xprivacy installed to block many apps from reading my contacts. Hangouts is installed but since its a Google app I presume, that it accepts my setting to not sync contacts plus I didn't find any settings in the app.
I checked Gmail-Accounts online and unticked the "Automatically add contacts to address book when answering an email", after I first saw that something went wrong. All my contacts where online but only in one account. I deleted all contacts from Gmail online and from my phone, checked all settings again and copied over my contacts with MyPhoneExplorer.
After a while all crap contacs where back and synced with Gmail online.
What should I do to prevend this from happening, ignoring the fact that now it wouldn't REALLY matter anymore since Google got what I didn't want them to get: Personal information about my friends and colleagues who didn't agree to that?

