Hi all
I'm thinking of flashing my ROM back to bone stock to give it a good clean. However, my brother put DSP Manager on here for me in place of boom sound, but he can't remember how he did it.
I think it might have to do with .so files or library trickery, but I want to be sure.
Does anyone have a working, confirmed method for adding DSP Manager to the HTC Desire 610? I'd love to have a guide with steps or a zip file, and I'll be sure to keep backups.
Ruu98 said:
Hi all
I'm thinking of flashing my ROM back to bone stock to give it a good clean. However, my brother put DSP Manager on here for me in place of boom sound, but he can't remember how he did it.
I think it might have to do with .so files or library trickery, but I want to be sure.
Does anyone have a working, confirmed method for adding DSP Manager to the HTC Desire 610? I'd love to have a guide with steps or a zip file, and I'll be sure to keep backups.
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You could give this a try. I've never used it at all but just a quick look around and this seems to be a viable method for HTC Sense roms. Let me know how you make out.
So I'm trying my luck at ROM creation and am learning as much as I can. One thing I haven't been able to find through Googling etc is how to port a ROM from one device to another, or more specifically what folders/files need to be replaced in a ROM to make it work on another device?
Appreciate any guidance, thanks guys!
PS I'm using DsiXDa's Kitchen, but it "doesn't support any devices besides HTC devices" and I want to port a ROM to a Dell Streak from an HTC Nexus One. Is it even possible and what files can I manually replace to get it to run?
dcogen said:
So I'm trying my luck at ROM creation and am learning as much as I can. One thing I haven't been able to find through Googling etc is how to port a ROM from one device to another, or more specifically what folders/files need to be replaced in a ROM to make it work on another device?
Appreciate any guidance, thanks guys!
PS I'm using DsiXDa's Kitchen, but it "doesn't support any devices besides HTC devices" and I want to port a ROM to a Dell Streak from an HTC Nexus One. Is it even possible and what files can I manually replace to get it to run?
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I'm looking at a Streak ROM right now, and it looks fairly standard for Android. I would search for 'vendor tree' and/or 'extract-files.sh' to get an idea about what files and settings you might need. That will get you started. You have to swap kernels, that's a given. You'll probably need a few additional things from a stock Streak ROM, like:
files in:
some libs in /system/lib
Probably a few things from /system/bin and /system/xbin
Look at the *.rc files in both the N1 ROM and the stock Streak ROM. They will call binaries and make changes. It's all tied together and is quite complex for such a 'small' thing... Get ready to do some research and testing and don't expect it to just work right away. If it does, your lucky.
I use WinMerge to compare ROMs all of the time. It will give you clues as to what is needed for the ROM to work on your device. And logcat will also point you in the right direction on occasion
Thanks a bunch gnarlyc!
Least I have a starting point now, going to get to Googling and see what I can figure out. And WinMerge is an awesome tool, thanks for that. I'll post back here if anything. Thanks again!
Anyone else have some information to share as well that could help?
EDIT: How do I get WinMerge to work? I installed it and tried to compare the two .zip files and it just shows jibberish in each window?
dcogen said:
EDIT: How do I get WinMerge to work? I installed it and tried to compare the two .zip files and it just shows jibberish in each window?
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Well, it shouldn't show gibberish. I have it up right now with two init.desirec.rc files from two different ROMs. It's not going to be able to compare .zips though. Only text files and folders. You'll have to unzip those.
There are other programs that do the same thing, like 'N-way folder compare' and 'Beyond Compare' and plain old 'diff' in Linux or cygwin. Find what works best for you.
gnarlyc said:
It's not going to be able to compare .zips though. Only text files and folders. You'll have to unzip those.
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I actually found that they have a .zip plugin to allow you to compare .zips and I tried to install it but it just isn't working. When I try to unzip them and just select the unzipped folder it opens it in the selector window instead of just using the folder.
I'll keep messing with it, thanks again for the starting point at least
I originally posted this wondering if anyone had success installing the Stock Blur FM Radio on top of Liberty (or another ROM for that matter).
I finally got it working by pushing 6 files to various locations in the system folder and setting their permissions respectively. I originally had some trouble because several of the files already existed, and I left them as-is. I found that I had to overwrite all the files with newer ones (which I got from Eclipse 1.2).
If anyone else is interested in installing the FM Radio, I have made and attached two update.zip files that can be flashed from BSR. You only need one, so just choose the one you are most comfortable with.
1) FMRadio-update_system.zip
This will install the FM radio to your /system/app folder. (The app should show up in your app drawer automatically)
2) FMRadio-update_user.zip
This will install the FM radio to your /data/app folder. But the app may not show up in your app drawer automatically. You might have to use use a file browser to run/install the file "com.motorola.motofmradio.apk" in the /data/app folder.
Alternatively, if you want to place all the files manually, you can download either zip and put the included files in the following locations (required permissions are in bold)
/data/app/com.motorola.motofmradio.apk rw-r-r
/system/app/FMRadioService.apk rw-r-r
/system/bin/fmradioserver rwx-rx-rx
/system/lib/libFMRadio.so rw-r-r
/system/lib/libfmradioplayer.so rw-r-r
/system/lib/libfmradio_jni.so rw-r-r
Special thanks to nitroglycerine33 for the files. They all came from Eclipse 1.2
What's FM radio?
The Droid X2 has built-in hardware for an FM Radio. The stock ROM came with an app that let's you access the radio. This is really useful when you want to listen to live music (or NPR etc) and you don't have good 3G or wifi service.
There are no apps on the Market that work with the specific chipset in our phones, so the functionality of the stock moto software cannot be replaced by another app.
ignore this
I was also trying to get FM radio to work with liberty.
I downloaded spirit FM radio from market and.it works.
U have to go into settings and choose one.of the.Motorola hardware for it to work right but it does work after u change the settings...
---------- Post added at 01:33 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:25 PM ----------
Only thing is I haven't been able.to figure out.how to adjust volume...
But it does work...open spirit FM...press menu..settings...audio settings...method...choose.one.of the.Motorola ones...best.I can do...seems to turn on.Bluetooth for some reason...
Thanks ash. I did try Spirit radio, but didn't get it to work. I didn't realize there were hardware settings. Maybe I'll try it again now that you told me how.
Anyway, if you want the Stock FM Radio, you can probably follow the solution I posted above. Let me know which radio you think is better, and if you try my fix, let me know if it worked.
ricovox said:
Thanks ash. I did try Spirit radio, but didn't get it to work. I didn't realize there were hardware settings. Maybe I'll try it again now that you told me how.
Anyway, if you want the Stock FM Radio, you can probably follow the solution I posted above. Let me know which radio you think is better, and if you try my fix, let me know if it worked.
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Oh no....I definitely like stock app better....didn't realize u got it working...no volume control and needs root access for spirit...stock is better....
If anyone else is interested in installing the FM Radio, I added a few update.zip files in the OP.
ricovox said:
If anyone else is interested in installing the FM Radio, I added a few update.zip files in the OP.
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Sweet! Thank you.
EDIT: zip works like a charm.
Sent from my DROID X2 using XDA App
Works with Molten 2.1 too.
Your zip works with Motlen 2.1 too. Thanks again!
You rock. Thanks for bringing back my radio
Has anyone had any luck getting these files to work in Molten v2? I get a parse error when trying to install. If I open them as a zip file and extract the APK's and install the FM radio icon is installed but when opening the app it either hangs or force closes constantly.
Mrfixitx said:
Has anyone had any luck getting these files to work in Molten v2? I get a parse error when trying to install. If I open them as a zip file and extract the APK's and install the FM radio icon is installed but when opening the app it either hangs or force closes constantly.
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The zip worked for me with Molten 2.2.
How are you trying to install the zip?
You say tried to extract the apk from the zip. If you do that you need to put the apk in /system/app and you will also need to extract the library files from the zip and put them in /system/lib. Then make sure you set the permissions that same as the other files in those directories.
Mrfixitx said:
I get a parse error when trying to install.
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You need to use the Boot-Strap-Recovery (BSR) by Koush to install the zip. (i.e. Not the default moto recovery). If you are already using BSR, then perhaps you can re-download the zip file and try again.
BTW, These zips should work (in theory) with any current ROM on the X2, because the only custom recovery we have so far is BSR, and the updater script in the zip IS compatible with installation via BSR. Also, I doubt there are any ROMs that use different system, lib, and app folders than the ones these files are installed into. So there should be no reason I can think of that this fix wouldn't work on any of the current ROMs.
I've personally tested it on Liberty, hedwig has had success on molton (thanks for testing and reporting, hedwig), and it obviously isn't necessary at this point on Eclipse. Anyone should feel free to post their results with other ROMs.
hedwig34 said:
...you need to put the apk in /system/app and you will also need to extract the library files from the zip and put them in /system/lib...
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And don't forget about the one that goes in /system/bin
It really is easier to just use the update.zip if you can get it to work
Hi all, I may be talking out of my hat but in my case I have (3, maybe 4 times so far) successfully installed the stock FM app using TB.
Before wiping and installing a new ROM I make a TB backup of both:
FM Radio 2.3.4
FMRadioService 2.3.4
And I simply restore both of these after my new ROM is up and running. Currently I have this working on Molten 2.1
derelictarchive said:
...I simply restore both of these after my new ROM is up and running. Currently I have this working on Molten 2.1
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Thanks for the info. It's nice to know that works on Molten.
Originally I tried to install just those two files (taken from Eclipse) on top of a Liberty install, and it didn't work. I assume it was because the lib and bin files from Liberty were not compatible with the apks from Eclipse for some reason (digital signature etc?). But perhaps that incompatibility is not an issue in Molten. Whatever the case, I certainly advocate using the simplest and easiest method possible to install the radio. If you can get away with using TB, that's great. The update.zip file is just a good, sure method that should work on any ROM.
I hope this isn't too late of a reply but I wanted to report on the above.
I have just installed liberty 3 and I used titanium backup to install the radio just as I did with molten 2.1.
It is working perfectly.
I will say that my backups are from the 2.3.4 SBF. I cannot say if backing the files from eclipse or anywhere else would work.
The latest ELEGANCIA 3.2 release has corrected the distorted audio on my ATT HOX+. The new drivers international drivers did the trick!! Thank you Steve for saving my phone from being returned!
Man, aint that the truth. Bluetooth audio on the stock rom is awful. Sounds like cheet compared to my tf700/motoactv.
Sent from my ASUS Transformer Pad TF700T using Tapatalk HD
Here's a link to the thread Steve created posting the file that fixes the BT Audio:
joey-pagan said:
Here's a link to the thread Steve created posting the file that fixes the BT Audio:
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thank you!
does this fix work for all custom roms or just att?
and does it fix just the talk/headset quality or also the bluetooth audio (music).
AW: Bluetooth phone audio distortion fixed!!
maxween built a fix for the aokp rom, the quality of music streaming (ad2p) over bluetooth is crystal clear now, now more distortion and stuff...
he and llior will integrate the fix in the next cm 10.1 and aokp roms...
just to let you know...
Sent from my HTC One X+ using xda app-developers app
mr_breaks said:
thank you!
does this fix work for all custom roms or just att?
and does it fix just the talk/headset quality or also the bluetooth audio (music).
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This fixes Bluetooth call quality (should work on most AT&T Roms). Music Streaming is another story.
I'm really looking forward to Lloir's CM 10.1 build to see if there is any noticeable audio quality difference/improvements.
joey-pagan said:
This fixes Bluetooth call quality (should work on most AT&T Roms). Music Streaming is another story.
I'm really looking forward to Lloir's CM 10.1 build to see if there is any noticeable audio quality difference/improvements.
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the differences are there, thrust me. big improvement
how do i update the file
mr_breaks said:
the differences are there, thrust me. big improvement
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Does my phone need to be rooted for me to be able to do this? I was not able to find the file when i looked in my phone ( connected to a PC ). ANnyone know where i should look inside internal storage
As a new user, where can I read about the exact procedure for installing this new file? My One X+ is stock and not rooted. Thanks for your time.... Neil
nleipziger said:
As a new user, where can I read about the exact procedure for installing this new file? My One X+ is stock and not rooted. Thanks for your time.... Neil
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First, go here for steps to root your device:
Read the Original Post very carefully. All the information you need is there and withing the Toolkit.
Then, install ES File Explorer, grant it root access and through that app copy the file (BCM4334B0_002.001.013.0767.0777.hcd) Steve provided here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2102995 to the \etc-firmware folder and rename or remove the original file called BCM4334B0_002.001.013.0488.0607.hcd. Reboot your phone and that's it.
Hope that helped.
bootloader unlocked hot to root it now
joey-pagan said:
First, go here for steps to root your device:
Read the Original Post very carefully. All the information you need is there and withing the Toolkit.
Then, install ES File Explorer, grant it root access and through that app copy the file (BCM4334B0_002.001.013.0767.0777.hcd) Steve provided here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2102995 to the \etc-firmware folder and rename or remove the original file called BCM4334B0_002.001.013.0488.0607.hcd. Reboot your phone and that's it.
Hope that helped.
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I used the utility and unlcked the bootloader ( when i reboot to boot loader it says unlocked ) and i flashed a recovery as well. My understanding was rooting was yet another step.. i dont see instructions for that on that page can you clarify
when i used the es file explorer it did not let me enable the root explorer option saying my phone is not rooted
Later i realized none of this is relevant to my phone which is AT&T HTC 1x + with LTE in the US ( what a waste of time )
manivannanrajah said:
I used the utility and unlcked the bootloader ( when i reboot to boot loader it says unlocked ) and i flashed a recovery as well. My understanding was rooting was yet another step.. i dont see instructions for that on that page can you clarify
when i used the es file explorer it did not let me enable the root explorer option saying my phone is not rooted
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In the toolkit, there is a Perm Root option. Run that first,
joey-pagan said:
In the toolkit, there is a Perm Root option. Run that first,
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since i dont have perimission to reply to the thread on rooting the phone i would like to know if the rooting procedure works for the US AT&T HTC1x + LTE model at all. I want to avoid bricking my phone for nothing!
manivannanrajah said:
since i dont have perimission to reply to the thread on rooting the phone i would like to know if the rooting procedure works for the US AT&T HTC1x + LTE model at all. I want to avoid bricking my phone for nothing!
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That is all detailed in the Tookit's Original thread, but short answer is yes, it works.
I managed to root my phone and apply the new file but i still hear the noise when i call ( as if treble was set high ).. I did restart the phone after copying over the file. THis is the file name i have in my \etc\firmware folder BCM4334B0_002.001.013.0767.0777.hcd any other files i need to replace?
manivannanrajah said:
I managed to root my phone and apply the new file but i still hear the noise when i call ( as if treble was set high ).. I did restart the phone after copying over the file. THis is the file name i have in my \etc\firmware folder BCM4334B0_002.001.013.0767.0777.hcd any other files i need to replace?
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Remember to rename or remove the original file called BCM4334B0_002.001.013.0488.0607.hcd.
I have CM10.2 M1 by artit, I was wondering if we could add boot audio to the device like on stock? Even if its just the stock bootup sound, that would be nice. I miss it .
Any suggestions would be great
Thanks, donk165
donk165 said:
I have CM10.2 M1 by artit, I was wondering if we could add boot audio to the device like on stock? Even if its just the stock bootup sound, that would be nice. I miss it .
Any suggestions would be great
Thanks, donk165
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There are several things you can do:
1. You can make your own if you know how.
2. download ROM Toolbox lite from Google playstore
3. Find and replace the file in your system files by downloading a files manager. I use Root Explorer but some people use ES Explorer.
You can use anything you wish to do this. In fact, I use audacity to make my own sound files. Just sit back and enjoy your creativity and fiddle around with it. ROM Toolbox Lite is the easiest way to do this. Good Luck!
Would it be possible to install an i9000 Rom and make an installable zip that has all necessary vibrant files instead of having to port the Rom on a pc?
epicboy said:
Would it be possible to install an i9000 Rom and make an installable zip that has all necessary vibrant files instead of having to port the Rom on a pc?
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Sadly we have very little developers on board. Also, it is better to flash the proper ported ROM from the start because if not, file permission failure may happen among other issues such as Force Closes. I gave you the link on how to do it in another thread. It may seem complicated at first but it is not complicated if you, for example, by using 7Zip (or similar) on your PC take the required files from, say, sada's CyanogenMod ROM by opening its zip file with 7Zip and drag it to the .zip i9000 ROM you want to port. Just giving you a hint to make it easier for you. I managed to do it some weeks ago and I didn't know the how-to before.
nirogu325 said:
Sadly we have very little developers on board. Also, it is better to flash the proper ported ROM from the start because if not, file permission failure may happen among other issues such as Force Closes. I gave you the link on how to do it in another thread. It may seem complicated at first but it is not complicated if you, for example, by using 7Zip (or similar) on your PC take the required files from, say, sada's CyanogenMod ROM by opening its zip file with 7Zip and drag it to the .zip i9000 ROM you want to port. Just giving you a hint to make it easier for you. I managed to do it some weeks ago and I didn't know the how-to before.
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The thing is I want to eliminate the PC from the equation. I like to download roms from my browser and would like to download a i9000 zip, install it with another zip. And boom. I9000 Rom on the vibrant. I will see if I can work on it and make it a reality.
epicboy said:
The thing is I want to eliminate the PC from the equation. I like to download roms from my browser and would like to download a i9000 zip, install it with another zip. And boom. I9000 Rom on the vibrant. I will see if I can work on it and make it a reality.
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that approach is time consuming to do on the phone takes at least a few minutes just to extract it and same goes for zipping everything back up. trust me I've done this before and never done it again. it would be best to do on a comp less likely to make a mistake
but if you're determined to do it on your phone go for it and good luck. what rom are you wanting to port over from the i9000?
dzee206 said:
that approach is time consuming to do on the phone takes at least a few minutes just to extract it and same goes for zipping everything back up. trust me I've done this before and never done it again. it would be best to do on a comp less likely to make a mistake
but if you're determined to do it on your phone go for it and good luck. what rom are you wanting to port over from the i9000?
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I'm determined to do it and have some knowledge of the android file system.
I wanted to try out nameless Rom.
epicboy said:
I'm determined to do it and have some knowledge of the android file system.
I wanted to try out nameless Rom.
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ah nameless I haven't ran that in months but if I remember correctly you need to delete or swap the bootanimation. I forgot exactly why its needed but it seems to cause issues, not really sure but I think it causes the rom to end up in a bootloop...
Sent from my Half Baked Vibrant