Screen Stays on when Charging - Sony Xperia Z Ultra

ok ive been dealing with this problem for awhile.
Whenever im plugged in and charging(possibly when im at full battery) either the screen stays on or randomly pulses back on. Tends to be the first which is a big problem
because either with the screen on high it drains the battery to dead slowly or overheats crashes the phone but still continues to drain the battery. Which is a big pain in the ass with
the recharge time when you drain the battery to dead(wall charger)
Its lasted through several different roms and reset tp original rom.
Yes ive turned off the dev setting

bak3donh1gh said:
ok ive been dealing with this problem for awhile.
Whenever im plugged in and charging(possibly when im at full battery) either the screen stays on or randomly pulses back on. Tends to be the first which is a big problem
because either with the screen on high it drains the battery to dead slowly or overheats crashes the phone but still continues to drain the battery. Which is a big pain in the ass with
the recharge time when you drain the battery to dead(wall charger)
Its lasted through several different roms and reset tp original rom.
Yes ive turned off the dev setting
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I'm just guessing but it can be cable fault. Try it with another cable or even different charger to see if the problem is still present. If yes and you are still under warranty i would recommend to take it to the service center.

There is a "developer" option about this on the settings, so you can toggle it on or off while you're charging. Please verify! : )


bak3donh1gh said:
Yes ive turned off the dev setting
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Andre Verissimo said:
There is a "developer" option about this on the settings, so you can toggle it on or off while you're charging. Please verify! : )
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see above

i guess no one reads the entire post.
Well the problem has morphed even worse, if i shutdown the phone and leave it plugged in it wont charge but the battery charging screen will drain the battery.

bak3donh1gh said:
i guess no one reads the entire post.
Well the problem has morphed even worse, if i shutdown the phone and leave it plugged in it wont charge but the battery charging screen will drain the battery.
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Check dev settings or DL factory reset

sorry guys but i really have to say holy **** twice ive said i've checked the DEV SETTINGS.
but i realize im not going to get any actual help with this odd problem here.

As @Jecmenn said earlier, it seems like a broken cable or the connection between the micro USB cable and the phone isn't perfect, like it is connecting and disconnecting over and over. Try another cable, if it doesn't help, the phone's USB is damaged. And easy pal, being rude won't help you.


Strange Issue: Vibrant battery status is *discharging* while plugged into usb.

Hey guys,
I'm having an interesting issue here, basically I've noticed my vibrant isn't charging the phone battery,
instead it says "discharging" when plugging it in. When i go to the 'about phone - status area'.
When I unplug the charger it says "not charging" and when I plug it in it says Discharging.
Has anyone seen this behavior on their phones? I'm not sure if there is something wrong with my phone
or if Samsung tries to regulate the battery reconditioning it?.
I would like to avoid having to return my phone if this is some sort of strange issue with the vibrant.
I have had the vibrant for over a week now, have not done any changes to it other then simply rooting it,
no flashing done otherwise. I just happened to notice this tonight before going to bed.
Also note that I do not have wifi turned on, and I wasn't running anything at the time either that should be
draining it more then a charger should put out. I have also tried charging it using the charger that came with
the vibrant and a second charger I bought.
I have only seen one post related to this on Google.
Update: I can tell you that my % has gone down, from 30% to now 20%, still discharging..
Also Screen Brightness is set to lowest, WiFi Off, and not running any applications in the background,
on original vibrant rom.
Video Or it Didn't Happen, Posted.
Here I took a video of it too if for some reason you can't see what i'm saying, or think i'm crazy.
Weird Camera is angle is cause the phone number just happens to be right under the battery status.
what charger are you using? and do you have another that you can test? Also if you're charging VIA usb port on your laptop have you installed the samsung drivers, if not install the samsung USB drivers, if you have then try a different USB port.
its doubtful its the phone, far more likely the USB port, charger or cable
I have charged it with 3 different chargers, and cables from different computers and usb ports, as well as in wall charger,
the samsung usb drivers are installed and i'm able to access adb.
My computer also has 3 powered usb hubs.
The battery kept draining, till the phone shut off and restarted on its own
after receiving a charge from the charger, so i'm wondering if maybe some
other people might be able to notice this behavior at all.
When it restarted on its own it said it had 60% battery from 0% right before charging,
so I am wondering if perhaps some people's phones are doing this in the middle of the night.
After restarting the phone charges normally starting at a really high %.
Could this be caused by software problems on the phone.
that is crazy... you certainly have ruled out a charger problem.
Was this just a one time thing and after the restart it's charging normally?
if it's still acting up you could try flashing the original rom via odin or to be safe take it back and exchange it.
People might not be realizing theres a discharging problem
Yeah has only happened once that I've caught so far, so thats why i'm trying to raise a little bit of awareness,
seeing that other post on androidcentral it seems like some people got to be having this problem.
Maybe they just don't realize it. Its not something you'd notice plugging the phone in before bed.
For now it seems fine after a restart, its possible that its a problem that occurs after the phone has been on for so many hours,
and perhaps a memory leak occurs of some sort. It could even be Samsung's poor attempt trying to recondition the battery somehow.
I have had some odd occurrences where I have grabbed my phone off the charger first thing in the morning and found it around 30%. Rebooted it and it charged normally. I think this has happened twice now. I didnt notice anything while I had it plugged in so I can't say if it said discharging or not.
Maybe what you could do is go to the phone settings, scroll to the about section and check out the battery status next time that happens.
On the larger scale of things, this could be a fairly common issue that noone
is taking a look at.
It could be related to why some people are having very poor battery life
and why the battery meter can be really inaccurate.
If your phone discharges itself completely, reboots thinking its at 60% battery life,
I can see that causing many problems that you just wouldn't see since people
just plug their phone in and go to bed.
Bump cause I'm having the same issues. Was a solution ever found for this?
I had this problem before but it happened to me with an after market battery, once I changed batterys the problem went away. so basically your battery is bad..
Yes! I have this problem all the time. A restart will fix it but often I will plug it into a wall charger or car charger and my Battery Indicator Pro will say "failure". Battery life is also horrible.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
This is caused by running 2.2.1 roms I think. Only got it once and was on such a rom. A restart will fix it. Its possible you didn't flash good as I have never gotten it since. Its a rom issue though.
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA App
}{Alienz}{ said:
This is caused by running 2.2.1 roms I think. Only got it once and was on such a rom. A restart will fix it. Its possible you didn't flash good as I have never gotten it since. Its a rom issue though.
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA App
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Op was running stock rom.
You need to delete your battery stats, but to do this you need to be rooted.Looks like your phone is not charging at all .... plug the charger in and take out the battery and see if it starts charging.... hope this helps ....
this is happening to me, right now. i've had it happen once before, i shut down, pulled the battery, replaced it and booted. it charged fine afterwards. but i don't want that as an answer.
mine is at 84 hours uptime, i don't remember what it was last time i had this issue. whats weird is i was just charging at work not 30 minutes before i got home and plugged it in to charge. worked fine half an hour ago. but not now.
i've got a stock vibrant on 2.2. wonder what's causing this.
This happened to me and i could only get it to charge by rebooting it. I eventually had to replace my phone because it also was doing soft reboots too but discharging also.
I think I found a solution. Is anyone still having this issue tho? If so ill post it.
elsolo00 said:
I think I found a solution. Is anyone still having this issue tho? If so ill post it.
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I have this problem and have been for a while. Will you post the solution please?
Thanks in advance.
here too... but with a htc wildfire (aka buzz)
it discharges while in charge
very strange!
I tried almost everything, also replaced battery with another one original of course... nothing changes, also replaced AC charger... nothing!! my mobile become a fix line
unluckily I don't have a rooted phone so it's not possible for me to recalibrate trough SW
ive had a battery issue similar to this. my battery never discharged while plugged in, but after flashing a 2.2.1 rom(bi-winning) and then installing "battery left" and reconditioning my battery, the "battery left" app had a roughly 18% difference in battery charged then the the syatem read the battery as being lower then the app showed i had. it would shut off with "low battery" when the app said i had about18% left. after flashing again and reconditioning my battery again the problem went away...could be some software setting somewhere!

Galaxy s2 won't shut off

Just rooted, overclocked, now when i power off it simply turns on 2 sec after.
How come? Anyone know?
Reflash your kernel, see if it continues.
seshmaru said:
Reflash your kernel, see if it continues.
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Just did with odin and tried to power off again, it turns on.
Any other ideas?
Pulled my battery to shut it off.
Started the phone, shut it off, and it stayed off. Weird!
Thanks for your help.
its not off, it's underclocked so low it can't even wake up the screen, higher your min clock speed to 600 and see if it still happens, of try removing setcpu or that other one that starts with a T.. whichever you use
Sent from my GT-I9003 using XDA App
stephaneseguin00 said:
Just rooted, overclocked, now when i power off it simply turns on 2 sec after.
How come? Anyone know?
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I have the same problem, instead of switching off it just reboots, even if I power off from recovery.
What kernel are you using. I'm using Ninphetamine 2.0.5, with VillainROM 2.4.2, with Black Android Theme.
I'd rather not pull the battery, after seeing how flimsy the battery cover when I put it on first, I decided I'd try to avoid fiddling with it if at all possible
ZagatoDB7 said:
I'd rather not pull the battery, after seeing how flimsy the battery cover when I put it on first, I decided I'd try to avoid fiddling with it if at all possible
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I was a bit shocked by the battery cover when I first got it, but look how wrong we were...
ZagatoDB7 said:
I have the same problem, instead of switching off it just reboots, even if I power off from recovery.
What kernel are you using. I'm using Ninphetamine 2.0.5, with VillainROM 2.4.2, with Black Android Theme.
I'd rather not pull the battery, after seeing how flimsy the battery cover when I put it on first, I decided I'd try to avoid fiddling with it if at all possible
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Well let me tell you about a little secret: if you hold the power button for 10 seconds the phone will shutdown instantly no matter what.
I have the same problem too, it's very frustrating...
seshmaru said:
Well let me tell you about a little secret: if you hold the power button for 10 seconds the phone will shutdown instantly no matter what.
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Doesn't work: it turns off, stays off for 2 seconds en boots up again.
I got same problem. Never flashed, never rooted. Got original 2.3.3.
I think I#ll try to flash it to fix it.
got a similar problem. probably not related. after unplugging it from a full charge, the phone kept making the "USB connected" sound. when turned off, it would do one of two things: display the big battery charging indicator while flashing the overheat indicator or turn itself back on.
while powered on, the battery icon will change from charging to not charging. I checked the USB socket and doesn't seem to be malfunctioning and there isn't anything shorting out the contacts. so far now, the battery level is at 87 percent after 48 minutes not in use. and now it's not making the sound anymore. I suppose the battery is malfunctioning.
lotacus said:
got a similar problem. probably not related. after unplugging it from a full charge, the phone kept making the "USB connected" sound. when turned off, it would do one of two things: display the big battery charging indicator while flashing the overheat indicator or turn itself back on.
while powered on, the battery icon will change from charging to not charging. I checked the USB socket and doesn't seem to be malfunctioning and there isn't anything shorting out the contacts. so far now, the battery level is at 87 percent after 48 minutes not in use. and now it's not making the sound anymore. I suppose the battery is malfunctioning.
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I got a mixed-up thing of the issues on this topic..
When I take off the power socket, the symbol that shows "charging" remains there, and also, it is completely impossible to turn off the phone..
Whenever I turn it off, hard, or standard mode, it turns on again after 2 seconds..
And even if I remove the battery, I put it on again, and then it's back on in 3 sec....
Uh, and when I plug the charger in, when the battery is completely discharged, I have to take it out and back in , several times, before anything appears on screen, and even when it does, there is a temperature warning sign , and a yellow one which usually appear...
I'm getting very frustrated since I just paid 5000 nok (920 USD) for this phone..
And while I really begun to like Android, I guess I'll have to switch back to iPhone with a 4S, or to some better android device, since yes, the gs2 is cool , but I can't stand such issues, since I do run business things, and the phone is of vital importance for me, and not just a console/browsing crap.
Has anyone got any solution on this issue?
It would be crap if I had to send it to service, since it would take a lot of time, and I would have then to buy another temporary phone in the meanwhile...
I had this problem, i cleaned the USB port out but that didn't stop it, but i think it helped. I then drained the battery to nothing and it has now stoppped. It's a battery problem, as it didn't switch off like it does when it hits low battery it just died. The battery readings were also inacurrate and every now and then it would do a weird thing like flashing it was charging, but it wasn't. I tried software etc.. and clean wipe before i tried the hardware, so it wasn't the rom i was running. I think the battery is on it's way out, so I've bought a new one.
parker7 said:
I had this problem, i cleaned the USB port out but that didn't stop it, but i think it helped. I then drained the battery to nothing and it has now stoppped. It's a battery problem, as it didn't switch off like it does when it hits low battery it just died. The battery readings were also inacurrate and every now and then it would do a weird thing like flashing it was charging, but it wasn't. I tried software etc.. and clean wipe before i tried the hardware, so it wasn't the rom i was running. I think the battery is on it's way out, so I've bought a new one.
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Did this actually help? I had all the symptoms everyone has been describing and sent it to Samsung for repair. Their response was that the phone was stuck trying to download a PRL update, but as soon as I got the phone back from them and charged my battery to 100%, removing the phone from the charger caused everything to start again. I'm not entirely sure it is the battery, but have no other ideas.
USB charging port is dead.
Buy a new one on ebay and replace it.
erredsha the
Hi all.
Had similar problems about one month after getting my s2. I have unlocked sim card, rooted it and flashed some kernel, shyah i think. And left it with stock rom (Android 4.0). As it was under warranty i reverted completely to stock and took it to the carrier. After one day got it back but they said it had no problem. The fact is that i could in fact turn it off again. After a few days it was back so i flashed a custom rom (resurrection remix at that time) and never had it again.
Now I'm with alliancerom and apolo kernel for a few months and never had it again.

Bad Batter?

Has anyone ever ran the battery so low it wont even charge? my battery was dying on me so i plugged it in the charger at 5% life left. i forgot i had my settings at "never sleep while charging" so the screen was on the whole time. last i saw, it was at 1% and then it shut off. its been plugged in for about 20 minutes and i still cant power it on, it does nothing. funny thing is i can get it into DL mode but not recovery or anything. i put my wifes battery in and it powers up though. so what gives?
Have you tried your charger in your wife's phone to make sure that the charger hasn't stopped working?
However, I would imagine there is the chance that your battery is dead.
yea i just did that. turns out my phone's port is bad again! for the 4th time
It might be easier and cheaper to just get a second battery and an external charger if it keeps going out on you. They're fairly cheap on ebay.
A healthy battery should not allow you to get to the state it won't charge. Even if you run your phone down to 0%, it would just turn itself off and let you charge it. I think you battery is defective.
kxlling said:
It might be easier and cheaper to just get a second battery and an external charger if it keeps going out on you. They're fairly cheap on ebay.
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at this point it is true. but i just dont feel like walking with another battery. it is working for now, as i took it apart and stuck something behind the board by the port. it was very coroded at the connection and atleast 1 broken away. i am going to get it fixed 1 more time ,$35 at Dr phone fix.
mryounghc said:
at this point it is true. but i just dont feel like walking with another battery. it is working for now, as i took it apart and stuck something behind the board by the port. it was very coroded at the connection and atleast 1 broken away. i am going to get it fixed 1 more time ,$35 at Dr phone fix.
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I suggest you try a different place if this is the 4th time it happens.
mryounghc said:
Has anyone ever ran the battery so low it wont even charge? my battery was dying on me so i plugged it in the charger at 5% life left. i forgot i had my settings at "never sleep while charging" so the screen was on the whole time. last i saw, it was at 1% and then it shut off. its been plugged in for about 20 minutes and i still cant power it on, it does nothing. funny thing is i can get it into DL mode but not recovery or anything. i put my wifes battery in and it powers up though. so what gives?
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yes, I have studied android battery, have to find some reason.

[Q] Battery Issue, have anyone seen this before?

My S2 recently started acting up, charging super fast and dying quickly as well. It's like the overvolt regulation doesnt work properly, it gets very very hot and then it just says fully charged, remove cord (even when it's unplugged), or it just hangs and suddenly I'm at 0% battery again.
I've tried several different batteries and chargers, I'm pretty sure there's nothing wrong with them. Anyone experienced something similar?
lordrogue said:
My S2 recently started acting up, charging super fast and dying quickly as well. It's like the overvolt regulation doesnt work properly, it gets very very hot and then it just says fully charged, remove cord (even when it's unplugged), or it just hangs and suddenly I'm at 0% battery again.
I've tried several different batteries and chargers, I'm pretty sure there's nothing wrong with them. Anyone experienced something similar?
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I have not but i can tell you that your phone is staying awake while on charge which will explain why its getting hot... have you tried installing Better Battery Stats to see whats staying awake all the time... Also what rom/kernel are you using all this information will go long way to helpping explain whats going on?? good luck
gaosphappy said:
I have not but i can tell you that your phone is staying awake while on charge which will explain why its getting hot... have you tried installing Better Battery Stats to see whats staying awake all the time... Also what rom/kernel are you using all this information will go long way to helpping explain whats going on?? good luck
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I'm just using normal 4.1.2 ICS. The warmth is not part of the problem, it's just a strange symptom, like for example if I turn it completely off, sometimes it gets very hot while off and the battery dies completely, even if it was full when I turned it off.
lordrogue said:
I'm just using normal 4.1.2 ICS. The warmth is not part of the problem, it's just a strange symptom, like for example if I turn it completely off, sometimes it gets very hot while off and the battery dies completely, even if it was full when I turned it off.
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normal 4.1.2 ics trust me the warmth is being caused by the problem... either your usb charger board has gone/all the batteries you've tried are beyond wonky or you have WAKELOCKS giving your phone a proper beating. tap that graph shown in your screen shot see whats running. have you tried taking battery out of phone for few minutes (5) popping back in charging to full (while off) and then turning on? good luck
gaosphappy said:
normal 4.1.2 ics trust me the warmth is being caused by the problem... either your usb charger board has gone/all the batteries you've tried are beyond wonky or you have WAKELOCKS giving your phone a proper beating. tap that graph shown in your screen shot see whats running. have you tried taking battery out of phone for few minutes (5) popping back in charging to full (while off) and then turning on? good luck
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I think it must be a problem with the internal USB port or the board. I've tried cleaning it out a little, but it doesn't seem to help.
Should I order that part? USB Flex cable+circuit board? Are they easy to replace or do i need to solder?
Easy to replace, lots of threads on here about it recently (This seems to be happening to a lot of people). You just need to make sure you order the right part (It's cheap & easy to find; search for those recent threads).
gaosphappy said:
I have not but i can tell you that your phone is staying awake while on charge which will explain why its getting hot...
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They all do that. I forget the name if the wakelock now, but that is the reason certain 3rd party mains or car chargers don't work properly. Anyway, just the fact the phone is awake whilst charging is nothing to worry about, until you get a BBS log and see if anything other than charging is keeping it awake.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda app-developers app
MistahBungle said:
Easy to replace, lots of threads on here about it recently (This seems to be happening to a lot of people). You just need to make sure you order the right part (It's cheap & easy to find; search for those recent threads).
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So I replaced the board, and it was like you guys said pretty easy. It works just like normal now. However my speaker stopped working after replacing it, no idea why though as it's in the top of the mobile (?).

Galaxy Tab S3 won't turn on after battery is drained

Hello. Today my Tab S3's battery went to 0%, it shut itself off but it stays in a state where charging it won't show anything on the screen and my Back and Recent soft buttons remain lit. I have read of this issue on the internet.
I have some quite important data on this tablet and if it needs a mobo swap I'm screwed.
What should I do?
lorecast162 said:
I have read of this issue on the internet.
What should I do?
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What other people with this issue do according to what you have read?
jsalatas said:
What other people with this issue do according to what you have read?
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They either send it to Samsung for repair, which replaces the whole mobo-screen assembly, or do it DIY, "jumpstarting" the battery with a spliced cable.
Fortunately, leaving it unplugged overnight resolved the issue, giving me the ability to just plug it and charge it a bit to see if it still boots.
Thanks for replying anyway dude
I had the same problem after using otg, but ma battery wasn't drained, it was just below 20% and it didn't want to start charging. Plugging and unplugging otg dongle solved the problem.

