[Q] Problems creating/copying files - Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I'm using a Sero 7 Pro with dolorespark's ROM http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2709243 but I suspect the issues I'm having are nothing to do with the ROM, so I thought I'd ask if anyone has any ideas.
As I encrypt my devices I can't make Nandroid backups from recovery, so I use Online Nandroid Backup which lets me make CWM or TWRP backups. I've never had any problems before but now I'm unable to create the backup to my external SD. It seems to work normally but at the end of the log it shows "Error: Could not change to /mnt/sdcard2/clockworkmod/backup/2015-06- Exiting...exitcode [07]". If I make the backup to the internal SD instead it works fine but obviously that's unavailable from recovery, so it's not much use having the backup there.
So then I tried to copy it using ES File Explorer from the internal to external SD but whilst that appears to work, when I check the destination folder in ES it only shows recovery.log and if I check it from my PC it shows more files but only totalling 251MB, when the backup is actually 1.3GB.
I also found that accessing the tablet from my PC, the TWRP folder (after I made a TWRP backup) didn't appear in the folders listed, although it was fine in ES. That issue seems to be fixed after rebooting both my PC and tablet however.
Then I tried to copy the TWRP folder to my PC from Windows Explorer but that errored out and the only way I seem to be able to copy files from the internal SD to my PC is to use ES to transfer them over the Wifi with the LAN, which is obviously much slower than using USB.
So at the moment, to copy files from the internal to external SD, I have to copy them to the PC over the Wifi using ES and then copy them from the PC to external from Windows Explorer, which is rather long-winded and slow. Any ideas what could be causing these problems?

I update to DopA v2.7 which didn't fix the problems , other than that I was able to copy the clockworkmod backup from internal to external SD.
So I flashed back to stock ROM and that fixed the problem with Online Nandroid Backup, which now shows the Required Space when running the backup (before that line showed no value) and I can successfully make the backup to the external SD. However the problem with not being able to see certain files/folders in Windows Explorer persists though, so the backup I just made to sdcard1/clockworkmod/backup/date_time is not visible but the subfolders/files for the previous backups I made do appear and although I just made a backup to the internal SD, no clockworkmod folder shows at all for that in Explorer but does in ES.
So I might as well flash back to DoPA v2.7 but if anyone can help with the problems with not being able to see folders/files in Windows Explorer please let me know.



Hello all, could not find this problem in search, so.
I bought a 32gb to replace the 8gb I was using, and im having trouble moving the files from .android_secure to the new card.
i copied files in usb mode from the galaxy to my computer and then swapped the sd cards , then tried to copy stuff back. but it just aint working , windows shows everything copys over except the .android_secure dir that is. my device will not recieve the files. and some other stuff in just plain dir's are not found when using root explorer. WTF is going on here.
Can anybody please help.
Thank You
WarrantyVoided said:
Hello all, could not find this problem in search, so.
I bought a 32gb to replace the 8gb I was using, and im having trouble moving the files from .android_secure to the new card.
i copied files in usb mode from the galaxy to my computer and then swapped the sd cards , then tried to copy stuff back. but it just aint working , windows shows everything copys over except the .android_secure dir that is. my device will not recieve the files. and some other stuff in just plain dir's are not found when using root explorer. WTF is going on here.
Can anybody please help.
Thank You
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Have you tried doing all your copying on a PC? I mean, taking your 8GB to a PC... copying files to a temp folder. Putting the 32GB card into the PC and copying all your files to the new card. I have always done this and I had no issues with folders not copying properly.
WarrantyVoided said:
Hello all, could not find this problem in search, so.
I bought a 32gb to replace the 8gb I was using, and im having trouble moving the files from .android_secure to the new card.
i copied files in usb mode from the galaxy to my computer and then swapped the sd cards , then tried to copy stuff back. but it just aint working , windows shows everything copys over except the .android_secure dir that is. my device will not recieve the files. and some other stuff in just plain dir's are not found when using root explorer. WTF is going on here.
Can anybody please help.
Thank You
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Like the pserson above me said, have you tried on the PC? Also when you do copy it over on PC make sure that you have all administrative rights on your computer so it can go through.
I know this is a tad old, but A nandroid backup such as done by 4EXT Recovery or even ClockworkMod should backup the .android_secure folder/partition/etc (in 4EXT Recovery when you do a backup, it saves the boot, system, data, cache, sd-ext/sd-ext2 into a backup which can be then be copied over to a new card after you partition it how you want, then run the restore process).
Likewise you could probably tarball it via adb shell in order to transfer it across file systems that do not support linux permissions and ownership flags.

[Q] How to change from USB storage to SD?

I'm running ICS Passion and just got this phone.
I've tried Titanium Backup, but it just creates the backup within the "USB storage," which isn't useful as it'll get wiped out if I decide to flash another rom to my phone...right?
I also tried to copy/ paste files to the SD card when connecting it to my computer, but nothing seems to work.
You can set up the folder anywhere you want or let it set it up for you. Then move it to where you want and then go into menu>preferences>backupfolder location. it'll scan and then you fingd your folder, hit it and then hit the Use Current Folder button and viola!!!
Also you will not erase your internal SD (or external for that matter) when you flash a new ROM. That is kind of the point of Titanium.
Ahhh, okay, I get it now.
Is there any way to look at what files I have on my external SD card from my phone?
Use a file explorer from the market. Will show you internal, external and emmc if necessary.

[Q] Xperia Z completely wiped!

I've recently installed 4.2.2 on my Xperia Z (build number 10.3.A.0.423) stock with full root and dual recovery using NUT's instructions here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2337433. Everything went fine and I'd been using it a few days until today when I noticed all the files/folders on my internal sd had been moved from 'emulated/0' to 'emulated/0/0', and a whole new set of folders had been created in 'emulated/0'. I decided to move all files and folders from /0/0 to /0 as this was where all new files were being stored since I installed the new firmware. Everything was still ok at this point. I then connected my phone to my Windows laptop and noticed that the folder 'sdcard/storage' was showing as literally empty in the file explorer. All my other files were visible in the /0 folder so I deleted the /storage folder (it was showing as empty). I then noticed that the location of the files on my phone did not correspond with where they were showing in Windows explorer (When I added a test file on my phone to 'emulated' it appeared in 'sdcard/0/legacy' (or something similar) in Windows - basically a right mess!). I then noticed I'd cleared my internal SD card completely, so rebooted to CWM to restore my backup from a few days ago. The backup should have been on the EXTERNAL SD but CWM was saying no backup found. So I then rebooted and noticed that both INTERNAL and EXTERNAL SD's were completely wiped, other than a few essential files that Android had added to the Internal. I talking GB's of photos, music, videos etc.
I know I'm not going to them all back but I just want to know what happened so I never do it again. Why did the file locations not correspond with Windows? Why did an 'empty' folder turn out to be the one with everything in? And why was my external SD (which held all my personal files!)wiped when at no point did I ever edit anything in this??
Very confused, I'd be grateful if anyone could shed some light on this....

How to do a safe Backup?

hey guys
when i trying to backup my interna external storage via usb the transfer window in windows 7 completes but half of the data are missing. how do i do a full backup? i want to install cm 13 and copy things like pictures etc back to the phone afterwards.
i have a [email protected]
Why not make a backup via recovery to include your internal storage, then put the backup on your computer?
Can i then just restore the internal backup of cm12.1 on cm13? if yes, is it realy wise to do so?
Backing up internal storage in recovery is not an option. Recovery backs up system, data, boot, cache, and efs (on some devices).
What is not transferring over when using USB?
The other option is using ADB to pull everything from the internal to your computer.
not sure what exactly is missing. but its just breakr up at about 80 mb via airdroid. via usb i didnt checkt it. just remember that last time i made a backup i encountered afterwards that fules pics etc were missing
Airdroid doesn't work real well with large transfers like that. I believe there is a limit to it on the free version. I use to have an S4. I don't remember having any issues copying the whole internal storage to my PC via USB. You also have options like using ADB (adb pull /sdcard/) or putting in an SD card in and using My Files or your favorite file manager to copy the internal to the external SD card.
You could also check out WiFi File Transfer Pro. It's a paid app but better interface for transfers and I don't think there are any limits.

TWRP Backups with extended storage?

I've just tried to do a backup on my NT running AOSP 7.0. I have TWRP 3.0.2-0 in emmc.
The first attempt I tried to go to the "external SD" card since there is lots of room there. Everything seemed to go just fine although I thought the backup size was a bit small, just over 2 gb. On reboot I could not find the backup anywhere. I tried ES File Explorer and the native File Explorer. No sign of anything like "/external_sd/TWRP/Backups/" etc., and no sign in ES File Explorer that another 2 gb chunk was occupied by something.
So I went back into TWRP and looked at the File Manager there. Not only could I not find evidence of the backup but every folder listed showed as empty! Well, I think TWRP is often very squirrely, so I was not too worried about that. I went to try another backup and saw that by the mysterious accounting of TWRP, I had about 2 gb less storage space on the "micro SD card" than before I tried the first backup. Hmm..... When I tried a second backup, it failed, stating there was no space (despite there being over 13 gb). Finally, I decided to try a backup to internal. This went just fine, but the folder for storage of the backup was supposed to be something like "/emmc_unused/TWRP/Backup/" etc., and--you guessed it, was not visible in any file manager of any sort.
After a reboot I went back into TWRP and to my horror now the internal storage shows about 2 gb less!!!!!! ARGH! Where are these files that are taking up space but nowhere to be found?!
Edit: AHA! Is there a manual somewhere for TWRP? This time I tried "Mount" for internal. Very strange. There is a screen to select what to "mount", but not a button or something to say "now do it!". Anyway, once I did that, I was able to see both of the mysterious locations mentioned above and delete both backups, freeing up the 2 gb in each "location". But I still have no idea how to make a backup and put it somewhere I can actually get at it. I generally off-load backups and store them on my PC.
nmyshkin said:
I've just tried to do a backup on my NT running AOSP 7.0. I have TWRP 3.0.2-0 in emmc.
But I still have no idea how to make a backup and put it somewhere I can actually get at it. I generally off-load backups and store them on my PC.
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Have you tried using a PC sdcard reader to read the sdcard?
I have had problems finding/accessing from my PC some of the files on my HD+ that I had created while I was using terminal emulator (which I suspect having to do with file ownership and access permission setting but which I have not found a solution for), but I have always been able to read and copy CWM/TWRP backup files on sdcard by using a card reader.
digixmax said:
Have you tried using a PC sdcard reader to read the sdcard?
I have had problems finding/accessing from my PC some of the files on my HD+ that I had created while I was using terminal emulator (which I suspect having to do with file ownership and access permission setting but which I have not found a solution for), but I have always been able to read and copy CWM/TWRP backup files on sdcard by using a card reader.
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The OS warns that the SD card will become encrypted and unreadable by external means if you choose to extend the memory rather than using the card in the traditional format. So, no, you can't just pop it out and read it on a PC.
The really confounding part is that even a backup saved to internal cannot be copied off. The directory seems to be invisible to everything but TWRP.
Really feeling buyers remorse on that decision but I'm afraid of the damage if I revert the card. I can backup content I've stored there but there's no way to know how much the OS has placed there. All that would be lost and some apps might be messed up. Ugh.

