Has anyone tried this for the atrix? It seems like to good of a deal to pass up for the price. However I want to be able to see how much power I actually have left and have seen mixed reviews on other sites.
All I have to say is.. that thing is HUGE!!!
This is the right one, right?
Yup. That's the one.
Sent from my MB860 using XDA App
I've had one about 2 days now. Read reports saying to go full discharge/ full charge about 4-5 cycles to realize full potential. I've ran it down once fully and down to about 30% a few times but with my work schedule/activities I dont like to let it get too low for fear of having to be leashed to a wall plug or charger for awhile. BUT i can say that the life seems to be getting better and as for the actual size of it.. seems big at first and in pix but i'm fully used to it now and I'm comfortable with it. Havent checked the actual stats on how long since unplugged in comparison to the stock, but I'd say for the price it was worth it..
At $30 I'm thinking about it. How much thicker did this make your phone rickriego?
I am guessing that this doesn't work well if you use the fingerprint reader?
Might be able to get used to the added dimensions, but how about weight? Was that pretty noticeable?
Sent from my MB860 using XDA App
jhealy said:
Has anyone tried this for the atrix? It seems like to good of a deal to pass up for the price. However I want to be able to see how much power I actually have left and have seen mixed reviews on other sites.
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it fake real mA 2200 - 2400
discharge 1-1.5 days
I have had a 3200 mAh battery from Seidio for about 3 months. I have all my radios blazing throughout the day. I listen to music over the cell network while in my car for a 1 hour commute. I leave my GPS on all the time. I use Bluetooth in my car. In short I have all the features of my Atrix that I paid for. I get 16 hours on a charge on a hard day. I plug it into the charger at bed-time.
The battery shown above may well be phoney. My Seidio is the real deal. I have no financial interest in Seido.
I am on stock OTA GB from AT&T. My only complaint is that by early afternoon my Atrix begins to complain (falsely) that my battery is depleted. I've haven't researched the problem fully yet, but there is a battery daemon (battd) that I think I can kill and end that silliness.
I have tried all manner of battery calibration juju to no good end, I have posted about it in other threads with lots of advice and no resolution. Let's not hijack the OP's thread.
BALU Motofan said:
it fake real mA 2200 - 2400
discharge 1-1.5 days
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Seems same brand as this one ( I have an optimus) which is $2.95 .., someone is making a lot of money if it's selling for $30
BTW I have the above battery and it works fine, if I had to guess I'd say 1200mAH, seems worse than stock 1500 slightly. after 20 charge cycles I think it's starting to go bad, not sure yet, it died at 40% the other day.
I just recieved this one and WOW
Streamed a 2h 20m movie over wifi without taxing it at all. Plus when it fell to 1 percent it stayed on for about an hour. I'm on cyanogenmod right now so I know the larger size battery needs to be recalibrated. I am also assuming that when you switch from the lower MAH to the higher one the battery information stored on your phone would then be incorrect. Basically everytime you switch batteries you should clear your battery memory in your recovery or download a proper recalibrating app to do so. Hope this helps everybody!
tayshun12 said:
I just recieved this one and WOW
Streamed a 2h 20m movie over wifi without taxing it at all. Plus when it fell to 1 percent it stayed on for about an hour. I'm on cyanogenmod right now so I know the larger size battery needs to be recalibrated. I am also assuming that when you switch from the lower MAH to the higher one the battery information stored on your phone would then be incorrect. Basically everytime you switch batteries you should clear your battery memory in your recovery or download a proper recalibrating app to do so. Hope this helps everybody!
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I got this batteries from my friend. Please tell me how can i re-calibrate it with CM7.2 MROM.
definately not accurate mAV. maybe a little worse than stock. Best solution I've used (if you don't need a replacement) is the little chargers with built in usb plugs that look like mini phones
Sent from my MB860 using xda app-developers app
I'm using a 3500MHh but I keep getting a weird behaviour. I get to 1% in about 30 minutes of gaming and than it get stuck there but the phone is still working. When plugged get to 100% in 20mins... I've already wiped the battery stats
did a quick search and didnt find anyone post these yet... thinking about trying one out since its pretty cheap unless someone already has?
what u guys thnk?
I'd give it a try. Looks likes it is the same size as original so it would fit without a new back cover
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I717 using xda app-developers app
May u do a review on the battery?
Is that another fake 3450mah? Theoretically, it should give extra 38% battery life, however, even if it gives extra ~15% i will give it a try
I'm curious too.. Seems too good to be true
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I717 using xda premium
If and when someone buys the battery, can we get a report whether it fits under the OEM battery cover and does it last 38% longer than the OEM battery?
For the price, I'm taking the plunge. I ordered it yesterday. It should arrive sometime next week. Once I get it I'll let you guys know if it's good or not.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I717 using xda app-developers app
Ordered it on the day I saw the OP, got it delivered yesterday.
1. Yes, it fits in the stock I717 cover, without having to force anything. You can tell it's not a stock OEM battery, but it fits just fine.
2. Charged it to full capacity using a Samsung external charger (took an hour or so) and then started using it.
3. Off the bat, it appeared to keep a charge significantly better than my stock batteries, but I'm not sure how much of that was because it was just a newer battery vs the higher mAh.
4. Using the phone HEAVILY (flashed a ROM, a couple kernels, mods, etc, did a couple Nandroid backup/restores, ran the v6 SuperCharger script), I'd say I got about 20% better battery life. I'll have to go through a couple cycles on it and do some comparisons with Better Battery Stats, etc (under more "daily use" scenarios), in order to truly evaluate the difference.
My way-too-early conclusion:
A noticeable improvement in battery life, while not mind-blowing, was IMO absolutely worth the price (which isn't too bad)... especially since the boost in power doesn't come at the expense of a ridiculous extended back cover. I'd say don't claw over someone to get a hold of one, but if you were already thinking about adding a battery to the mix - I say go for it.
You need to be systematic with testing. It's not very useful to "use the phone like normal" when that varies a lot. For example, simply putting my phone on a different side of my desk will yield a different battery life because the cell signal changes by a bar or two.
To avoid this, I test by setting airplane mode, a specific brightness (usually brightest) and then playing a video on loop using the software decoder on the same version of video software. No standard sized battery will go past 4 hours in my experience.
ChronoReverse said:
You need to be systematic with testing. It's not very useful to "use the phone like normal" when that varies a lot. For example, simply putting my phone on a different side of my desk will yield a different battery life because the cell signal changes by a bar or two.
To avoid this, I test by setting airplane mode, a specific brightness (usually brightest) and then playing a video on loop using the software decoder on the same version of video software. No standard sized battery will go past 4 hours in my experience.
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But that 4 hours is for CONTINUOUS use. The "test" he did reflects more of real life use, although it is not scientific.
lanwarrior said:
But that 4 hours is for CONTINUOUS use. The "test" he did reflects more of real life use, although it is not scientific.
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What you said doesn't actually say anything?
If the stock battery lasts 3.5 hours and the test battery lasts 4 hours under the same conditions then we know it's actually better. This will translate into real-life.
"Real Life Conditions" just means "didn't use it the same way" and cannot translate back into "worse case scenario". Placing my phone on the other side of my desk means I lose 15-20% more battery life over a workday.
You simply _must_ use the same conditions to actually be able to tell if it's better.
lanwarrior said:
But that 4 hours is for CONTINUOUS use. The "test" he did reflects more of real life use, although it is not scientific.
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Getting 15-20% more life from a NEW li-ion battery vs a used li-ion is not exactly shocking. The fact is, thinking that any third parties are going to achieve a greater power to mass ratio than OEM is pretty naive. Any battery the sane size as the Sammy battery being 2.5Ah or less is highly probable unless there's a change in battery technology.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I717 using Tapatalk 2
Just wanted to touch base again with an update...didn't mean to start a flame, just trying to report my results for anyone interested.
That said, my "continuous use" described above is (as much as I hate to admit) generally the norm, not the exception, with my usage habits. I used it just as I used the stock battery immediately prior, and I did notice the improvement. I didn't go to great lengths to make sure I eliminated every single variable for testing purposes, but it was one of those "I could just tell" type of things.
HOWEVER, at this point the new battery has been 4 or 5 cycles, and unfortunately is pretty much interchangeable with my other two stock batteries in terms of battery life. As I pondered in my first post, as well as being mentioned by someone above, it seems my improvement was probably just chalked up to the battery being significantly newer than the others. In fact, considering the older batteries have a good 8 months of age on this new battery, you could almost say that they're improving BETTER than the i9220 battery - considering the circumstances. Also I've noticed the battery can be prone to overheating at times of heavy use (more so than the stock battery). So take that FWIW I guess.
Charge Regularly
To get the most out of your smartphone's battery, you'll need to charge it properly. Most smartphones have a lithium-ion battery that lives longer when charged regularly. Unlike the nickel batteries used in older phones, lithium-ion batteries do best when kept above a 50 percent charge. Repeatedly allowing the battery to drain fully may shorten its life and decrease its overall capacity. If this happens, you'll need to charge the battery more frequently and it may last only a few hours before needing a charge, for example.
Your battery will also perform better if you don't let it charge to 100 percent, so take it off the charger at about 80 to 90 percent capacity. Leaving the phone connected to the charger when the phone is completely charged may lower battery life if you do it repeatedly.
Thanks [emoji120]
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
This is the ultimate battery charging explanation and guide:
I always follow this. Installing AccuBattery app will help you with this.
Sent from my SM-N950U using Tapatalk
Wow I did not know any of this. I will be following this thanks for sharing.
how long is the battery lasting if you are only going down to 50 and up to 90?
Gees! Below 50% really. I would tend to agree somewhat. I never let my phone fall below 20% and usually charge until 97% more or less. But 90-50. I don't want to be walking around with a battery back. I need my phone to last all day and 40% of the battery just won't cut it.
Xuck that !! I have a 3000mah battery for a reason if it goes then it goes ill most likely have another phone by then.Not gonna sit here to nickel and dime my usage that's not why I got this phone .
GM makes the Li batteries last in the volt and bolt 10 years by not letting the car drain the batteries more than 2/3rds down, leaving the batteries at 1/3rd charge. Tesla does it too.
Sent from my SM-N950U using Tapatalk
Nah, I don't own my phones for more than a year so this doesn't apply to me. I'd rather keep using it from 100-1 just like I've been doing for years. I wouldn't be able to stand only getting an hour of use and charging it 3 times a day.
This battery information applies to all devices that use this type of battery be they Samsung or other brands. Its not just the Note 8. It applies equally to your Oral-B tooth brush! :laugh:
this is a good habit to charge often at 50%. i usually let the battery run down to like 20% or less then charge. then when i have to go somewhere and i cant play with my phone anymore cus i worry i going to run down the battery.
Question are the "300-2500" charge cycles just as it says? I mean if I put it on the charger in the car for a 10 minute drive is that a cycle along with an overnight charge? If it is we should really only be putting it on the charger from the 50-90% with a guaranteed fast charge time of at least 30+mins to get the maximum charge cycles for the lifespan?
markwebb said:
This is the ultimate battery charging explanation and guide:
I always follow this. Installing AccuBattery app will help you with this.
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This was a really well written down to earth article about battery care. Thank you. I still have friends, family, and coworkers that insist on running their batteries to 0%. I can't convince them otherwise. Although my batteries degrade, it's never been anything easy shattering. Just notice an hour or two shaved of over a couple years life. As the article states, there is no way around this and I won't be a slave to my battery. In that note, I top off when I can.
My battery on my old phone tended to get to around the 40% at the end fo the work day, then I'd plug it in usually around the 20-30% and it still lasted 2+ years 'til I got a new battery. Now it's about 50% at the end of the day. But with Fast Charge, what do they expect people to do, plug it in for an hour, then unplug it, then go to sleep, wake up with 60% battery, go to work and then charge it for an hour when you get there?
The lie of requiring a non replaceable battery for water proofing is also an issue. Forced obsolescence sucks....
slaapliedje said:
The lie of requiring a non replaceable battery for water proofing is also an issue. Forced obsolescence sucks....
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Too black and white.
It is possible to offer some water resistance to a mobile that has a removable battery, S5 for eg.
In general such water resistance is small and is often abused by the owner causing problems. Hardly any owner reads the instruction manual that outlines what ones device can and cannot do, what the IP rating means in REAL terms etc
"Forced obsolescence" mmmmm, a battery can be changed in the Note 8. I understand your point though.
this has been around for years. Doesn't make it very convenient to use nothing below 50%! I'd need at least an 8000 mh battery!! Therefore Samsung IS using too small a batteries in its top of the range device!
bonerp said:
this guff has been around for years. Doesn't make it very convenient to use nothing below 50%! I'd need at least an 8000 mh battery!! Therefore Samsung IS using too smaller batteries in its top of the range device!
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Totaly agree......
We then have to ask 'ourselves' WHY! Who forced Mobile brands to make anorexic devices? WE DID. We wanted thin small large wide slim ...........we got it and now pay the price.
I personally don't care if the device is thicker with a larger battery, for me its not a problem. For so many size was a major issue so the manufacture's listened and came up with these ultra thin mobiles that are vulnerable to dropping and breaking etc. off topic.
I find it totally bizarre that we spend mega bucks on such devices only to find we are educated to use them on software that reduces said mobile to the performance of a phone costing 100€! I may add many posters where disappointed when the Note 8 didn't have a 4k screen! Can you imagine the battery issues then?
Now we read this Samsung article and find we would need to charge our mobile several times a day as well as run it on a vastly reduced software programme. In reality that article is saying the battery is only operating efficiently at 40% of its total capacity before we start to degrade its life! Its all so absurd. What are we doing here folks?
Only one answer to this, either drop the performance OR vastly improve battery technology and fast.
I'm not sure how usefull this is for the new samsung phones though, as the release of the S8 Samsung improved the battery.
Samsung Mobile R&D VP Bookeun Oh told me, "I focused on maintaining the durability of the battery over the long term, over hundreds of charging cycles. For example, after approximately six months of normal usage, the battery in the S8 will outperform previous batteries. While most batteries hold about 80 percent of their charge after two years in usual cases, this battery should be capable of 95 percent of its original capacity."
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PC mag S8 review
I am sorry but i will use my phone all day and charge overnight. If you can't use past 50% what is the point???? My pixel xl i have had since day 1 and use all day everyday and charge overnight and noticed no real decrease in battery life except a little change with oreo!
Outdated info and not necessary.
0% on your device is still considerably above what is considered the bottom line cell voltage before excessive discharge detrimental affects capacity.
A lot of engineering has gone into these devices to squeeze every possible mAh out of the packs, have a decent life expectancy AND operate safely. There is no need to strive for certain numbers and forcibly change your usage habits. There may or may not be a demonstrably better result long term but honestly is it worth worrying about?
And for removable packs...
Forget it. That's a thing of the past.
If devices had battery life like the Skyrocket, sure I see the NEED for a swappable pack.
But not now.
Having a sealed device makes it feel solid and keeps intrusion protection intact.
Holding an older device in hand, it seems almost laughable today. It creaks and groans and feels super cheap in comparison like some dollar store toy!
I love the speed this charges … up 12% in the time it took me to make a coffee but that got me thinking...
Is it safe for the longevity of the battery to use whenever its time to charge or your phone or should you really only be using it in them times you really need a fast charge and keep a puny 2a 5/9v for them longer periods, such as overnight
EDIT: and now that's about 40% and the charger is pretty toasty, battery warm to touch also
Let be any Lithium batteries, slow is generally safe and will guarantee longevity of battery. 40W is a Huawei's throw in the face answer to OnePlus, that's it. So I would suggest 5V-2A to be good. 500mA laptop output is safest in my opinion, slow yet tension free.
rakesh2002 said:
Let be any Lithium batteries, slow is generally safe and will guarantee longevity of battery. 40W is a Huawei's throw in the face answer to OnePlus, that's it. So I would suggest 5V-2A to be good. 500mA laptop output is safest in my opinion, slow yet tension free.
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But 500mAh from laptop is not stable and clean enough. It should be high quality charger
No, of course it's not safe to use it often. I'd limit it to once a year, personally.
If it was risky, Huawei wouldn't offer it, particularly after the Note 8 disaster.
David Horn said:
No, of course it's not safe to use it often. I'd limit it to once a year, personally.
If it was risky, Huawei wouldn't offer it, particularly after the Note 8 disaster.
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Well Dave, I said for its longevity... not is is at risk of catching fire like the Note 7.... and that was do to with their faulty batteries and not their chargers
yeah it would degrade the battery faster than a slow charger if you use it daily and keep the phone for 2 years you might notice it. I'd suggest a slow wireless charger for overnight charging (it also causes more heat that plugging it to a cable doing 5V and 0.5-1A but it is pretty convenient to just put it in the pad right before going to sleep and in the morning just pick it up with one hand) and 40W for fast boost when you need them
I think they've done their homeworks and it's safe to use for longevity. Looking at numbers in AccuBattrry, it charges as fast as 7000mah at first but once it gets around 90%, it slows down to like 500-1000mah (note I didn't check this over and over thoughrouly) to help battery longetivity.
That said, I don't think anybody here can often anything more than a personal opinion. Unless we can find a technical document from Huawei regarding this, I'd say nobody knows and we'll see in a year or two...
That said, the phone battery is supposed to be 4200mah but so far AccuBattery always reports 4000mah after each charge (it used to be accurate on my old s8).
Wonder if I'm the only one? Or is Huawei 100% charge actually stopping at 4000mah and saving the last 200mah for better longevity so it takes more months or years before it feels like the battery lasts less time?
I'm sure they know what they are doing. If you look into how batteries work (any batteries, the same rules apply to your car battery) they can be fast charged without harming them up to a certain percentage. After that, trying to cram the juice in reduces longevity. This is all well understood at this point, and they wouldn't ship the phones with the 40W charger if it meant a chance of evidence coming out that this harmed the capacity or longevity (number of charge cycles) anytime soon. At max charging speed the phone barely gets warm, which was always a tell-tale sign of overcharging.
On a side note, the 2013 Nexus 7 (which had a terribly underpowered SOC/battery for the screen) was so terrible at drinking the battery that custom firmwares gave you the option to only charge the battery to 95%. Note that this has nothing to do with charging rate, or any of that - simply a cap on that last 5%. The result of this was an estimated SEVEN TIMES bigger amount of charge cycles for the battery. In other words, even when you trickle charge a battery for that last few precious percent, you are doing damage - that is inherent in the design of all batteries.
The efficiency of this Kirin 980 is *ridiculous*. They said that the battery would last 2 full days. They didn't mean it *could* last 2 full days, they meant it *will* last 2 full days - even under fairly heavy usage. It is almost impossible to believe how advanced power consumption efficiency has become, especially given that this is an 8 core (on the main 'CPU') fab capable of performing 5 TRILLION floating point operations per second. I don't think people realize the scope of that number - it makes an S9 looks like an 8 bit Nintendo by comparison. Like the A12 Bionic, it is nearly 10 times the raw processing power of the iPhone X, which was already handily kicking in the ribs of any other phone by orders of magnitude.
With credit to VR-25 from Github:
If you edit these files and put you own values in then your phone will start charging when it drops below 75% and stop when it gets to 80%. (put your own values in, etc.)
I have only tested it briefly but it seems to work for AC and USB charging for me so far. No other apps or tweaks needed.
EDIT: You need to be rooted to do this, and you need to reapply the settings after reboot.
I have a Tasker action that does this automatically 5 minutes after rebooting.
If only there was a way to use that without root :-S
What would be the purpose for this.
I always charged to a 100% and never had issues on my devices.
I use the adaptive charging overnight and think that will help with battery life.
vandyman said:
What would be the purpose for this.
I always charged to a 100% and never had issues on my devices.
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If you do some reading you will see that charging over 80% and draining under 20% will significantly shorten the lifespan of your battery. This is important for those of us that have devices not sold in our country so getting replacement batteries would be very difficult and expensive. I have phones that are more than 9 years old and still going fine if charged like this.
Galaxea said:
If you do some reading you will see that charging over 80% and draining under 20% will significantly shorten the lifespan of your battery. This is important for those of us that have devices not sold in our country so getting replacement batteries would be very difficult and expensive. I have phones that are more than 9 years old and still going fine if charged like this.
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If you would have read the correct information on this subject. You would know that this not true for today's battery technology.
This is nothing but a myth.
You will have a better chance looking for Bigfoot.
Why waste 40% of your battery use....
vandyman said:
If you would have read the correct information on this subject. You would know that this not true for today's battery technology.
This is nothing but a myth.
You will have a better chance looking for Bigfoot.
Why waste 40% of your battery use....
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On the contrary. The most recent phones attempt to limit the time that they spend at 100% exactly because it's so bad for battery longevity. Having options like the OP's approach just gives users more flexibility, should they want more control than, in this case, Google's adaptive/AI approach.
And it's not 'wasting' 40% of the battery. Keeping between 80% and 20% just optimizes battery service life during those days you only actually only need 60% of it's possible capacity. When working from home that's often the case for me. I actually tend to use ~30% of the battery in a day. Better to charge it up daily to about 70% than all the way to 100% and let it go down to 10% over 3 days. If it's easy to do, why not?
Not quite the same, but EV design also has their batteries normally operating in the middle range so as not to compromise their service life...
Definitely not myth. The only myth is that lithium cells exhibit a memory effect and need to be deep discharged and fully recharged periodically to maintain their capacity. It's actually bad for them to do this! The only reason to do this would be in an attempt to recalibrate the software for the battery level gauge (at the cost of a little damage to the battery each time you do that).
vandyman said:
What would be the purpose for this.
I always charged to a 100% and never had issues on my devices.
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Most folk don't notice reduction in battery capacity until it becomes severe. For example, a friend claimed it wasn't a problem charging his iPhone to 100% ritually. When he checked the OS, it said his battery capacity was 80% of what it was when new. He said he hadn't noticed it affect how long the phone lasted.
If your usage is such that you can predict how much capacity you need, you can choose to charge to 100% only those times you will actually need that capacity. Other times you can look after the battery so it's able to actually give near on 100% for longer, those times it's important to you.
Others who keep their phones a short time or are comfortable with the cost & inconvenience of a battery replacement, or simply don't care, don't have to worry....
WibblyW said:
On the contrary. The most recent phones attempt to limit the time that they spend at 100% exactly because it's so bad for battery longevity. Having options like the OP's approach just gives users more flexibility, should they want more control than, in this case, Google's adaptive/AI approach.
And it's not 'wasting' 40% of the battery. Keeping between 80% and 20% just optimizes battery service life during those days you only actually only need 60% of it's possible capacity. When working from home that's often the case for me. I actually tend to use ~30% of the battery in a day. Better to charge it up daily to about 70% than all the way to 100% and let it go down to 10% over 3 days. If it's easy to do, why not?
Not quite the same, but EV design also has their batteries normally operating in the middle range so as not to compromise their service life...
Definitely not myth. The only myth is that lithium cells exhibit a memory effect and need to be deep discharged and fully recharged periodically to maintain their capacity. It's actually bad for them to do this! The only reason to do this would be in an attempt to recalibrate the software for the battery level gauge (at the cost of a little damage to the battery each time you do that).
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This all maybe good if you are planning on keeping your device for a few years.
Most people buy a new device every other year. If not once a year.
... and if you really want to knacker the battery, heat it up too!
Worst case scenario - using a sat nav app on your phone in the car on a hot day with the phone plugged into a car adaptor. It's going to be sitting there at elevated temperatures, possibly with the sun shining on it, whilst being kept at 100% battery....
I'm only a customer (and have no other affiliation) and like to tinker, so I got one of these for use in the car to limit temperature when charging and limit max charge. Not cheap, but ok compared with the cost of the phone
I'm sorry, but at the snails pace this phone charges I'd be very surprised if charging it to 100% every night will make any noticeable difference in the long run. I had a Xiaomi Mi10 Ultra with 120W fast charger. That phone used to charge from 0% to full in like 20 minutes. Now that's one way to quickly kill your battery.
The Pixel uses your alarm to adaptively charge the battery so it should never overcharge it anyway. I'd much rather us all of my battery than use it only between 20 and 80% just for it to last a little longer.
The files are overwritten on reboot so I created a Tasker task to write the values on reboot each time.
Biggenz said:
I'm sorry, but at the snails pace this phone charges I'd be very surprised if charging it to 100% every night will make any noticeable difference in the long run.
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On what basis? All the research and tests are based on charge level not charge rate. Fast charging potentially just makes it worse...
But at the end of the day it's your phone. You'll charge it in whatever way works for you.
I feel like this post sort of misses the point. It clearly is aimed at those intending to keep their phones >1yr, it is stated explicitly.
I'm not rooted right now, so I've been using the AccuBattery app. One of the things it does it gives a notification every few minutes when the battery is at 80% or above so that you can physically unplug the phone from the charger. Obviously having this done automatically would be better, but I've been surprised at how well the notifications have worked in my case. Plus, I can always leave the phone plugged in if I know I need a full battery for some reason (ie a long day away from any charging source).
Galaxea said:
With credit to VR-25 from Github:
If you edit these files and put you own values in then your phone will start charging when it drops below 75% and stop when it gets to 80%. (put your own values in, etc.)
I have only tested it briefly but it seems to work for AC and USB charging for me so far. No other apps or tweaks needed.
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Dumb question but what did you use to write values into those files? Did you use a text editor (with root access) or just termux or something? I tried with the built in MiX text editor but it seems to choke once I open up the file.
Gibsonflyingv said:
Dumb question but what did you use to write values into those files? Did you use a text editor (with root access) or just termux or something? I tried with the built in MiX text editor but it seems to choke once I open up the file.
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I used FX File Explorer (root option). Look for the #. SYSTEM (Root).
I was wondering if changing the file permissions after writing to them to read-only would make the changes stick, but I am sure the OS could still overwrite them...??
I wonder if there's a similar variable to tweak at what temperature the phone considers the battery is too hot and stops charging?
Galaxea said:
With credit to VR-25 from Github:
If you edit these files and put you own values in then your phone will start charging when it drops below 75% and stop when it gets to 80%. (put your own values in, etc.)
I have only tested it briefly but it seems to work for AC and USB charging for me so far. No other apps or tweaks needed.
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Did a bit of testing and it works fine. A few things I noticed:
1. Doesn't survive reboot. Now that I've set up MiX with pinned folders, I can make the change in seconds. Need to sit down and read through the acc documentation because AccA doesn't work. Would love to have an automatic solution. Miss my old Battery Charge Limit.
2. charge_start doesn't seem to matter. After all, if charge_start is set to 75 and the phone is at 70%, it shouldn't charge. But it does. I've kept mine at 0.
3. Point #2 is kinda beside the point, though, because charge_stop will stop at the set value and stay there. No noticeable increase in temperature from what I can see. Definitely less than when charging.
4. Still shows as charging rapidly when it hits the level. Is it rapidly cycling charging on and off? Or in a kind of micro-current state? Or this may be a true battery idle situation where all power is drawn from the adapter. Ampere and AccA just show "not charging".
Edit: With a bit of use today, it does seem to act like a normal min/max charge deal, so I set it at 75 start/76 stop. Not sure what was happening at first...maybe something to do with the adaptive charging since I still have that on. Either, way, no complaints. With my use case working from home, I have it plugged in most of the day and it'll only take me about a minute to change charge_stop to 100 when I'm planning to go out all day somewhere away from chargers. Not ideal, but still a big improvement. Changes my rating of the thing from maybe 3.5 stars to 4.5.