Android Location Issue - Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

This applies to both my phone (Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge Rooted) and my wife's phone (Samsung Galaxy S5). We are both on Verizon.
We recently moved about 20 miles down the road and ever since, both of our phones still think we live in the other city. For example, Weather Bug constantly shows the other city. If I start Google Maps or another GPS application, the initial location is the other city (my actual old house location) and then it quickly "finds" us where we actually live when the real GPS kicks in. This happens on both Wifi and on mobile network.
If I go to any site that does IP location, it always shows my ip as the city I live in. I thought maybe that since I still use Comcast that my IP was registering the old address or something similar. I went to the extent of doing a mac clone on my router to pull a new Comcast IP with the same results. IPV6 is turned off.
I have also tried clearing data on all google services, deleting location history, etc. I also updated my address in Google, my home location, and every other spot that references the old address. Something that does work is to turn off all other location types except just GPS, but then it has to use my GPS more and results in more battery usage.
Since this is on both of our phones and not limited to one, what other options do I have? How do I get Google to update my location based on cell towers, IP, or whatever else it uses for non-GPS location?
Any help is appreciated. One of those minor issues that really just bugs me more than anything.


wifi data

Vegan gb 7.0. I can connect to the web just fine, but I can't download anything and anything needed for a data connection wont work. It's an intermittent problem, my wifi status bar will be white when it doesn't work and green when it does. Pershoots latest kernel.
I've noticed the same thing with the white icon vs. green icon when using wifi that is filtered/proxied. Like using wifi at a local coffee shop where you have to agree to the terms of use. You are connected to the access point but not to the outside WAN.
I think your connection issue may be more network related than device related.
What type of wifi connection are you using? Is this a personal one or a public one? Do you have access to the router's configuration? (Linksys web interface is by default, for example.)
Personal wifi...psa2. I put my tab to sleep last night not working it is. I've restarted before and it didn't fix it. Belkin router.
Yes this is happeningto when thewifi is green I can download but when its not I cannot download..... I did nothing itjust goes back and forth from time to time ....anyone know how to fix???
Network troubleshooting.
To the best of my understanding, this occurs when you have connectivity to the wireless access point, not to the internet itself. I think it turns green when it is able to contact Google services. Generally, this would mean that your wireless router is either not reaching your internet service provider (ISP), or there is a proxy not allowing your device to use the access point as a gateway to the ISP.
If you're on a public network, like Starbucks, McDonalds, etc., you may need to agree to an acceptable use agreement. I've found I need to use the default browser for this.
If you're on your home network, the next time the icon is white, check the following things.
Are any other devices on your network having a similar problem?
Does your modem have power? and are the lights indicating trafic?
Can you access your modem's web interface, and run any diagnostic tests to be sure it's reaching your ISP? (You may need to contact your ISP for further instructions.)
Is your router able to contact the modem?
To determine if this is the case you'll need to trouble shoot your router and its connection to your modem.
(The following are some defaults.)
Model IP address user password
Linksys admin admin
Belkin admin "blank"
Netgear administrator password
I could have mixed up one or more of these, but it's one variation or the other.
The info may even be on the bottom of your router.
Once you've accessed your router, make sure it's getting an external IP address from your modem.
Let me know if any of this helps. I'll try to get back on later this evening. Leaving work now.

Please explain. How does Google find my location?

Now lets say I am in Paris but I use VPN with a US IP which places me in Scranton NY. When I am on my PC I am shown in the US. It looks to my IP address. Speedtest also proves this. But on my GT 10.1 using wifi from the same router with US based IP I am seen at Paris. Since GPS turned off and since no sim, no cell towers... Speedtest mobile looks for the nearest server and it is where I am actually at. Maps too. How does it do that?
they are just smarter than what you think they are
You probably enabled WiFi based location... Every WiFi router has a unique MAC address.
To keep it simple: Google keeps a database of MAC addresses and their location on the world. So when your Galaxy Tab asks Google where it is it sends your WiFi routers MAC address to their location service and gets the location associated to it.
See here:
Thanx Wubdidu,
Very informative. Now I know.
Wubdidu said:
You probably enabled WiFi based location... Every WiFi router has a unique MAC address.
To keep it simple: Google keeps a database of MAC addresses and their location on the world. So when your Galaxy Tab asks Google where it is it sends your WiFi routers MAC address to their location service and gets the location associated to it.
See here:
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Click to collapse
hi, can you tell me how I exchange router location,because every time I connect via Wi-Fi my phone changes location where i used router before which is 60km away from me now.

GMail sync only with home wi-fi

I'm not sure if it's Android or Transformer prime thing.
My google data (gmail, gcal) syncs properly and immediate when i'm @home with my wifi network, but refuses to automatically sync at the office wi-fi network.
The office network is freely available to the device, i can browse the net without any problems.
Can figure it out why the sync doesn't work.
I have noticed the same issue on mine except my home network sometimes has the issue too. I have resolve it by disabling the sync and then enabling it again. This method works for a little while then it seems to go into the no new notification mode. I have to manually refresh in gmail to get my new mail to show up. It is annoying. I even send test emails to both my phone and tablet, but it will not ccome through until it feels like it or unless I manually update. My xoom does not do that.
I have a sort of similar thing. All I know is that I'll be delivering pizzas while tethered. As soon as I get home, and turn off the tethering, my tablet connects to the home WiFi and gets one or more notification noises as it if wasn't syncing the same way when tethered. The oddity is that it doesn't know I'm on a mobile connection so it isn't trying to save bandwidth. I suspect there is something in the security or ports that makes it's connections to the home network different than when tethering, or when you are at work.
I can't speak to the issue regarding tethering, but for those of you having issues at the office, this is most likely due to firewall rules. I work for a cybersecurity software company, and have been fighting for them to address this as both my phone and prime suffer from the same thing.
If you have a good relationship with your IT/Corporate security people, try bringing it up with them.
tdrussell said:
this is most likely due to firewall rules
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do you know if google sync services uses other than 80/443 port numbers?
Not only did I notice this same thing happening I also noticed emails I had are disappearing when not on home network and Wi-Fi tethering with my phone this is weird...... they disappear from my gmail application......

[Q] Wifi networks incorrectly determining my location

Howdy folks, I've experienced an interesting issue with geo location on my Android phones.
I noticed that after I moved to a different part of town that my Latitude kept showing me at my old apartment. I thought maybe Latitude was remembering my home location and going by the time of day that I'd be there. Then, an out of town friend came over and his Latitude was showing him at my old place as well.
It dawned on me what it might be. I use two wifi routers to extend my wifi network via WDS. My understanding is that Google's positioning is based on/assisted by locations of known wifi SSIDs. My supposition is that the phones' locations in my new apartment are being based of the former location of my routers.
Has anyone else experienced this? How do you force a location update to the wifi database?

Question on wifi calling country authentication

I travel a lot for work from the US to China. In the past, I've utilized wi-fi calling on my LG G4 on Sprint for texts / voice capabilities. Sprint doesn't allow wifi calling in China, but there was an easy work around: I would VPN to a US based location (needed to access anything google), connect to a wifi network, turn on global roaming and then use a fake GPS locator app set to somewhere in the US. When used in tandem, I was able to to connect to wifi calling just as if I was in the states. I've done this successfully for the past six trips to China over the past year, but my most recent trip to China this method no longer worked.
When trying to authenticate wifi calling, it times out and gives an notification error in the status bar "wifi calling is not allowed in this country". I believe Sprint does its locating via Google (one of the main reasons wifi calling doesn't work here) but that shouldn't be an issue if I have VPN access and can utilize the suite of my other Gapps. During the timeout, sometimes I get a redirect to the following site: Does anyone know what may have changed in the past two months in regards to this verification?
Once I left China, I was able to successfully connect to wifi calling in both Hong Kong and back in the US without any issue. I believe the root of the issue is somehow the location verification has changed and I can't figure out how to properly spoof my location while in China. I've tried different fake GPS apps (need to turn on mock locations), so that's not the issue, but something to do with the network verification. I know the VPN is working because I can access all my other google apps.
Thanks for all your input!
I'm connecting to wifi to my GL. Inet mobile router which is connected to a US private VPN (own server). I don't use VPN on the phone, nor do I use a location spoofer.
Always worked for me. Phone thinks its in the USA.
Apologies for necroposting, but how do you get around your home carrier trying to connect to a tower in the other country while roaming?
Also, what app do you spoof GPS? I'm a bit reluctant to download a random GPS app off the playstore.

