Please Help Me - Galaxy S III Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hello, I am new to the forum and I'm from Brazil, so excuse me if there is any error English or already exist that question somewhere, however not found anything related.
I have a Galaxy s3 i9300 4.3 ZTO, however I can not install any Custom Rom, all more than 10 roms I tried to install the message appeared on CWM "detected filesystem is ext4/dev/block/mmcblk0p9" the installation occurs normally but when you restart the phone, is locked bootloader on CM , Nameless, BlissPop, no works, could help me please? Thanks
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gabreu said:
Hello, I am new to the forum and I'm from Brazil, so excuse me if there is any error English or already exist that question somewhere, however not found anything related.
I have a Galaxy s3 i9300 4.3 ZTO, however I can not install any Custom Rom, all more than 10 roms I tried to install the message appeared on CWM "detected filesystem is ext4/dev/block/mmcblk0p9" the installation occurs normally but when you restart the phone, is locked bootloader on CM , Nameless, BlissPop, no works, could help me please? Thanks
Sent from my GT-I9300 using XDA Free mobile app
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You did make the mandatory wipes after installing the ROM, right?. You must wipe cache and dalvik, and preferably you should also wipe system and data (NOT memory or sdcard) before flashing a ROM. If you don't do this, you'll probably end up where you are, stuck on boot.

gabreu said:
Hello, I am new to the forum and I'm from Brazil, so excuse me if there is any error English or already exist that question somewhere, however not found anything related.
I have a Galaxy s3 i9300 4.3 ZTO, however I can not install any Custom Rom, all more than 10 roms I tried to install the message appeared on CWM "detected filesystem is ext4/dev/block/mmcblk0p9" the installation occurs normally but when you restart the phone, is locked bootloader on CM , Nameless, BlissPop, no works, could help me please? Thanks
Sent from my GT-I9300 using XDA Free mobile app
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Before flashing the ROM do a factory Reset, followed by Wipe Cache and Wipe Dalvik Cache. After flashing the file, When installation completes, make sure you again Wipe Cache and Dalvik Cache. I've tried this procedure and though a novice, i never ever got into bootloop.


[Q] Can't install Custom ROMs om galaxy Y

I've been using a galaxy Y S5360 for almost 18 months and I have been using custom ROMs for around 15 months. First I tried Creed 3.5 and loved it. A few months moved to Jellyblast 3 which was again fine. Two days ago I tried installing Hyperion and my phone got bricked I managed to flash stock ROM using odin . But now my phone gets bricked everytime I try installing a custom ROM ( tried Creed 3.5, Jellyblast 3 and Hyperion 8) :crying: and Im stuck with the stock ROM :crying: .Is there any way to fix this problem
Change your custom recovery, or did you do the following when flashing a rom?
1. Wipe Data
2. Wipe Cache
3. Wipe Dalvik Cache
4. Wipe Battery Stats
5. Fix permissions.
If you need further assisstance please post it as a reply below.
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Ronny927 said:
Change your custom recovery, or did you do the following when flashing a rom?
1. Wipe Data
2. Wipe Cache
3. Wipe Dalvik Cache
4. Wipe Battery Stats
5. Fix permissions.
If you need further assisstance please post it as a reply below.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda premium
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Tried using another version of cwm and I even wiped the data, cache, Dalvik cache and Battery Stats. But still the phone gets bricked everytime I try to flash a custom ROM
deebanfr said:
Tried using another version of cwm and I even wiped the data, cache, Dalvik cache and Battery Stats. But still the phone gets bricked everytime I try to flash a custom ROM
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This is strange...
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Ronny927 said:
This is strange...
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I've finally managed to install hyperion (after trying for several days). But now got another problem. The phone switches off automatically once in every few hours and wont reboot. When I go to recovery mode, the "system" is unmounted automatically under mounts and storage. If I remount the systems and reboot mu phone, it boots up without any problem... but again the phone switches off after a couple of hours. Is there any way to solve this problem without flashing it??
Same Problem
deebanfr said:
I've finally managed to install hyperion (after trying for several days). But now got another problem. The phone switches off automatically once in every few hours and wont reboot. When I go to recovery mode, the "system" is unmounted automatically under mounts and storage. If I remount the systems and reboot mu phone, it boots up without any problem... but again the phone switches off after a couple of hours. Is there any way to solve this problem without flashing it??
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I'm facing the Same Problem......!!
After odin flash....with stock rom......
I'm unable to install any rom into my SGY 5360 .....
Actually it do installs....n finishes successfully....
but after reboot....I find only....Stock firmware.
It's like.....The Stock ROM is locked on my phone.....!!!
having same problem all custom roms cause phone to brick have to just use phone as is
Try installing stock rom DXLL1 before installing custom rom
When i install stock rom DXLL1 i already can install a custom rom

IMEI lost and stuck in Bootloop with stock

Recently, I was having problems with my cache partition being corrupt as I could not install apps from the play store. To fix this, I flashed stock rom S5830i_XXLI1_ODDLI1_DDLI1. After flashing via odin, I got stuck in a bootloop and had to flash cyanogenmod RC 3 with the CM kernel after which the phone started working. Since then I have lost my IMEI number. I tried flashing S5830i_XXMC1_ODDLK1_DDMC1 but my phone is again stuck in bootloop? I think the kernel is the reason why I lost my IMEI, so I dont want to flash it again. Is there anyway I can get my phone to working conditions?
I have tried the Hex workshop method which hasn't yet worked for me.
In CM 7 Rom,IMEI bug is not solve. Search in xda you will get the information about how to restore IMEI or see CM7.2 Rom's thread and comments.
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vibhavp said:
Recently, I was having problems with my cache partition being corrupt as I could not install apps from the play store. To fix this, I flashed stock rom S5830i_XXLI1_ODDLI1_DDLI1. After flashing via odin, I got stuck in a bootloop and had to flash cyanogenmod RC 3 with the CM kernel after which the phone started working. Since then I have lost my IMEI number. I tried flashing S5830i_XXMC1_ODDLK1_DDMC1 but my phone is again stuck in bootloop? I think the kernel is the reason why I lost my IMEI, so I dont want to flash it again. Is there anyway I can get my phone to working conditions?
I have tried the Hex workshop method which hasn't yet worked for me.
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Flash a stock Rom again and boot into stock recovery(power+home+volume up).Now wipe data/factory reset, wipe cache and Reboot.
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andy.acei said:
Flash a stock Rom again and boot into stock recovery(power+home+volume up).Now wipe data/factory reset, wipe cache and Reboot.
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Had to do this twice to get back to stock with my IMEI. Thanks!

A problem with all JB 4.3 ROM I've tried

Hi, all!
I have that annoying problem with all the 4.3 ROM I've tried with no exception. Everything is fine until the first reboot. Then it's stuck on the first Galaxy SIII boot logo. I'm using TWRP - the latest version if it matters.
I always wipe everything first.
Please give more details on how you flash it.
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nikolav75 said:
Hi, all!
I have that annoying problem with all the 4.3 ROM I've tried with no exception. Everything is fine until the first reboot. Then it's stuck on the first Galaxy SIII boot logo. I'm using TWRP - the latest version if it matters.
I always wipe everything first.
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nikolav75 said:
Hi, all!
I have that annoying problem with all the 4.3 ROM I've tried with no exception. Everything is fine until the first reboot. Then it's stuck on the first Galaxy SIII boot logo. I'm using TWRP - the latest version if it matters.
I always wipe everything first.
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If you did all required wipes and followed the instructions did you try a different recovery? I read in the SB thread for example of people having issues with TWRP
Sent from my Nexus 7 (2013)
I am sorry for the wrong section. May I ask some to move it to Q&A?
I always wipe data, cash, dalvik cash, system. Then install the ROM and gapps...
After the restart I set up the google account and etc. And after the first restart the phone freezes. That's all.
I'll try with different recovery.
PS. I've just tried CWM recovery and Omega AOSP v9. Still the same.
Try cwm and after you install the rom and after its set up go to recovery and factory reset
nikolav75 said:
I am sorry for the wrong section. May I ask some to move it to Q&A?
I always wipe data, cash, dalvik cash, system. Then install the ROM and gapps...
After the restart I set up the google account and etc. And after the first restart the phone freezes. That's all.
I'll try with different recovery.
PS. I've just tried CWM recovery and Omega AOSP v9. Still the same.
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That's strange, I run Philz recovery and every 4.3 flash till now went through without issue.
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I tried all the recoveries I could find. Including Philz. Still the same.
And something else strange. I installed CWM, CWM, touch and Philz and with them I made backups. After restoration of the backup the phone freezes. I also tried to install Omega 49 and the installation goes OK, but freezes before the first start-up.
The only solution was to install manually TWRP (Odin) to restore some of my old backups. I'm beginning to think that there is something wrong with my phone. It's black if it is important.
Suggest total wipe of phone install your stock rom and test
I just want to say I'm also having the same problem.
Started using TWRP with full wipe, same issue on 4.3 and no issues on 4.2.
On latest CWM same problem and 4.2 wont even pass the first boot on Samsung logo.
Also had to use Odin to get back on TWRP and flash a 4.2 rom again.
Anyway there is one more thing I would like to try but haven't had the chance to do so, is installing the latest modem and ril. But I'm kind skeptic about that currently because there is also some risks and my S3 is my daily driver.
Don't change the ril on any custom as you stand a big chance of breaking the calls and Tex's. Modem yes but not ril. Do change to cwm and retry.
andrewwright said:
Don't change the ril on any custom as you stand a big chance of breaking the calls and Tex's. Modem yes but not ril. Do change to cwm and retry.
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Thanks for the info, I was planning to read more about it before I would make an attempt. BTW already tried CWM that only made things worse, couldn't flash any rom without getting stuck on samsung screen.
bla166 said:
Thanks for the info, I was planning to read more about it before I would make an attempt. BTW already tried CWM that only made things worse, couldn't flash any rom without getting stuck on samsung screen.
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You are doing a full wipe?. System and data is the main thing to wipe not just factory reset. So go into mounts and storage and format data,system and cache there then flash the rom /gapps.
andrewwright said:
You are doing a full wipe?. System and data is the main thing to wipe not just factory reset. So go into mounts and storage and format data,system and cache there then flash the rom /gapps.
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yes tried that, also used the mega wipe zip thing
Start fresh and flash stock with Odin then try again after you root and install cwm.
andrewwright said:
Start fresh and flash stock with Odin then try again after you root and install cwm.
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Tried to go stock and flashed a 4.3 rom again that fixed my problem. =)
Thanks! :good:
I'll try it too. And one stupid question. Where do I find a stock ROM? I never did it before
nikolav75 said:
I'll try it too. And one stupid question. Where do I find a stock ROM? I never did it before
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Thank you!
But nothing helped. I flashed a stock ROM, with Odin. First I tried with TWRP, and the second time (again after flashing stock) with CWM recovery. I tried two 4.3 ROMs. They both can't boot after the first reboot.
nikolav75 said:
Thank you!
But nothing helped. I flashed a stock ROM, with Odin. First I tried with TWRP, and the second time (again after flashing stock) with CWM recovery. I tried two 4.3 ROMs. They both can't boot after the first reboot.
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Hi, I think I did the following steps to get it working on my device.
1. Flash stock with odin
2. Hard reset
3. Boot up and finish first run menus
4. Flash twrp with odin
5. Format data with twrp
6. Flash 4.3 rom

Phone has stopped working - need really fast help!

Hi. I tried to flash newest version of GApps (full modulare which I have never use before, allways the stock) and newest version of CyanogenMod 11 Nightly. I'm also using CWM Recovery in my GT-I9300. Someone in CyanogenMod forums told me to wipe all data/factory, cache and dalvic cache to make CM's trebuchet, before flashing a new ROM and GApps.
I tried that and result was that I'm getting the ****ing "PHONE HAS STOPPED WORKING" - problem.. Huger problem is that I need this phone tommorow in work, and it ruins my day totally if I don't get it work by tommorow.
Because of Wipe ALL data / factory reset, I do not have even any backup file in my device. What to do to fix it!?
Hi. I tried to flash newest version of GApps (full modulare which I have never use before, allways the stock) and newest version of CyanogenMod 11 Nightly. I'm also using CWM Recovery in my GT-I9300. Someone in CyanogenMod forums told me to wipe all data/factory, cache and dalvic cache to make CM's trebuchet, before flashing a new ROM and GApps.
I tried that and result was that I'm getting the ****ing "PHONE HAS STOPPED WORKING" - problem.. Huger problem is that I need this phone tommorow in work, and it ruins my day totally if I don't get it work by tommorow.
Because of Wipe ALL data / factory reset, I do not have even any backup file in my device. What to do to fix it!?
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Did u format system or just normal factory reset?
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JellyYogurt said:
Did u format system or just normal factory reset?
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I did format system and wiped all caches. I did everything and ****ed everything up. Now I dont have backup or anything. Flashing and wiping caches doesn't work, allways same prblem when I start my phone again.
What to do to fix the problem?
Can you boot into recovery? Have you got a external sd card?
If yes put another Rom on ext SD (if you have a SD card adapter for computer) boot into recovery and flash again!
If not can you get into download mode? If yes flash a stock Rom with Odin..
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tallman43 said:
Can you boot into recovery? Have you got a external sd card?
If yes put another Rom on ext SD (if you have a SD card adapter for computer) boot into recovery and flash again!
If not can you get into download mode? If yes flash a stock Rom with Odin..
Sent from my GT-I9300 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
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Thank you for helping. I flashed stock 4.3 Jelly Bean with Odin by using XDA's tutorial. Now I need to root my phone again to get CyanogenMod 11 and KitKat, but It's okay. Still don't know how to get CM11's Trebuchet work correctly. Problem is that if I flash PAGapps stock package, I get the phone work correctly, but Trebuchet disappears. If I flash full package of PAGapps, Trebuchet should work, but then this error happends and I need to flash stock rom with Odin.
What to try next?
Thank you for helping. I flashed stock 4.3 Jelly Bean with Odin by using XDA's tutorial. Now I need to root my phone again to get CyanogenMod 11 and KitKat, but It's okay. Still don't know how to get CM11's Trebuchet work correctly. Problem is that if I flash PAGapps stock package, I get the phone work correctly, but Trebuchet disappears. If I flash full package of PAGapps, Trebuchet should work, but then this error happends and I need to flash stock rom with Odin.
What to try next?
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If you are flashing custom roms you do not need to root, custom roms come already rooted...I'm not sure which gapps are compatible with cm11 but have you tried Banks gapps I use them on Fusion kitkat rom (if they are compatible)..
Obviously there is some app in the full gapps that is causing your problem.As for CM11 launcher can't you use another launcher?

[Q] Update from JB to Kitkat?

So, I was using 4.1.2 (Jelly Bean) for a very long time but now I want to update to 4.4.2 (Kitkat).
But I am not sure, how to do it correctly.
I've tried it by my own but all I got now, is that the phone gets stuck at the "Samsung Galaxy S3"-Bootscreen.
What I did :
-Update CWM
-Reset (factory/system, cache and dalvik)
-Flash 4.4.2 CM11 rom (tried crSimple, Archidroid and the original CM11)
Is there something else I have to do, to get 4.4.2? Like unroot and install stock rom?
By the way; My phone is already rooted and I had the null_ (v26) Rom on it.
Sorry if a post like this already exists. I used the searchfunction but I found nothing and even google didn't help me
I appreciate every kind of help, ty
furiify said:
So, I was using 4.1.2 (Jelly Bean) for a very long time but now I want to update to 4.4.2 (Kitkat).
But I am not sure, how to do it correctly.
I've tried it by my own but all I got now, is that the phone gets stuck at the "Samsung Galaxy S3"-Bootscreen.
What I did :
-Update CWM
-Reset (factory/system, cache and dalvik)
-Flash 4.4.2 CM11 rom (tried crSimple, Archidroid and the original CM11)
Is there something else I have to do, to get 4.4.2? Like unroot and install stock rom?
By the way; My phone is already rooted and I had the null_ (v26) Rom on it.
Sorry if a post like this already exists. I used the searchfunction but I found nothing and even google didn't help me
I appreciate every kind of help, ty
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Download and flash latest philz recovery (6.15.4), and try again:
Btw- you should also flash Gapps package (if you want to use Google Play) after flashing the rom
Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk
amirTor said:
Download and flash latest philz recovery (6.15.4), and try again:
Btw- you should also flash Gapps package (if you want to use Google Play) after flashing the rom
Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk
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Tried it, but it doesn't work :crying: :crying: :crying:
I am out of ideas
furiify said:
Tried it, but it doesn't work :crying: :crying: :crying:
I am out of ideas
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Try to do a full wipe (including formatting your internal SD, system and preload, and try again. If it doesn't help, flash stock ROM using Odin, flash recovery and repeat
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amirTor said:
Try to do a full wipe (including formatting your internal SD, system and preload, and try again. If it doesn't help, flash stock ROM using Odin, flash recovery and repeat
Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk
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I made a full wipe, but it didn't help. (Error formatting /preload)
I've got a new problem now. Since I've tried to install different roms, my phone doesn't seem to factory reset anymore.
As soon as I want to reset (or flash anything), the phone just shuts down..
Trying a stock rom now, if my pc will connect with my phone (Always had problems with this..)
E: Okay, now it made a REAL full wipe and I can flash again. ^^ Going to try it one more time, if it doesn't work I will go from a stock rom.
E²: IT WORKED! Wuhu *o* Thanks so much! formatting seems to fix the problem ^^

