[Q] [REQ] Best Voice Call Accept/Reject App for LG G Stylo LP 5.1.1 - Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I'm just looking for a simple app that will enable this feature, I was trying Smart Call Accept it worked but it annoyingly stopped the phone from ringing 3 seconds into the call...
I just want a simple app like that that will allow me to accept calls by saying "Hello" or whatever, tried Utter it had the option but didn't work and was toooo feature rich, I rarely and barely ever used S Voice so why would I need another like that that I'd hardly fully use.
Anybody got any suggestions, I'm doing this to get rid of the swipe to accept incoming calls on this phone, if it had the tap accept/reject button feature I wouldn't even be looking for a app to do what I'm asking now.


[Q] Keep phone locked on incoming call but allow to answer?

I am using the latest CyanogenMod ROM on my Optimus T P509. I use the gesture feature on the CyanogenMod lockscreen to unlock my phone. However, when there is an incoming call and I use the unlock button, the entire phone becomes unlocked so if I ever lost my phone, and an incoming call was answered by the person who found it, they would have access to everything on my phone. Is there a way to answer an incoming call and not allow access to anything else on the phone without first entering a password or gesture? Maybe something like allowing a call to be answered "on top of" the lockscreen like you can do when answering text messages with an app like Handscent? I'm sure there is such a feature in the settings on my phone - but I just can't seem to find it.
Thanks in advance for your help on this.

Can't make SIP Calling work in Business Rom Sense 3.6 version

I'd like to use the stock SIP calling feature to save voice minutes when I'm on my WiFi. After setting up my account everything works except the keytones. When I need to press 1 for yes press 2 for no etc. the tones does not stop, it continues to sound throughout the call and even after hang up. The tones don't stop until I open the dialer again dial another number let the call connect then the tones will stop and I can hang up. I really need to use the voip for dialing 800 numbers and such, because I know I will be on hold for long periods and don't want to waste mobile minutes.
I had the same problem with AOSP roms. What could be missing that this does not work with custom roms? I really would prefer not using another app but I will if this can't be fixed.

[Q] Galaxy S3 call waiting dialog box problem ~ any workaround?

I've got gs3 and i love it to every bit. although, there is just one problem that i'm not able to solve.
Call waiting is activate don my phone and i receive all my calls while I'm on another active call. But when i get a new call, I swipe the green button and I get a new dialog box named "accept call after" which shows the option to 'end' the previous call or to to keep it on 'hold'. Now, at times I forget about it and it takes time that every now and then I miss that call.
I have tried numerous third-party dialer but they do not override the default dialer screen, so i was wondering if there is a trick/workaround so that I would be able to simply take the new call and my previous call goes to 'hold' by default?
i have had this feature on almost every phone that I have owned till now. using an aosp/aokp rom seems to be another solution, but it would be the last thing i would want to do..

[Q] Replace google voice search for bluetooth?

It frustrates me quite a great deal that my android is such a great phone (M8), but it turns so dumb when it comes to BT connectivity. The way I have it now, hands free is all but pointless. I like to use it for my phone so I can actually be safe and hands-free, without neglecting my calls and texts during my commute. As it is, when I hit my phone button on my car, I'm presented with 'Say call, followed by a name or a number' and then, 'Would you like to call XX, say okay, or cancel'. It is the most annoying and drawn out method of calling someone in history. Not to mention, if it doesn't hear you right away, it says 'Sorry, didn't catch that', and then just closes down. I cringe every time I have to voice dial. To top it off, there's nothing I can do with texting. How much smarter would it be to have a 'Read unread messages' prompt? Or a prompt to send a text?
So my question is, is there a way to replace this 1990's error voice control app with something actually usable, or am I stuck with this?

[Help] Incoming Call interface in Stock Android Oreo Problem

I am having a problem with incoming call interface of stock android oreo. I'm new to XDA, i heard, here are great Android developers who can solve almost anything with android. I've Nokia 5.1 Plus device which is based on android one.
I usually keep phone in my front pocket of shirt. As the incoming call interface of Stock Oreo, if you swipe down anywhere on screen, it'll reject the call. So when i pick up the phone from front pocket, sometimes it got swiped down and reject the call! (Idk why this happen only to me ).
So i wanted to know is there any solution to change the incoming call interface? I do not want to install custom rom, because it will destroy warranty. I tried some apps from playstore (like i call slide etc) which change interface to swipe right to answer. But idk Android kill this app sometime and it shows old Oreo incoming call screen! Can anyone help me with this problem with permanent solution. I heard about substratum which let us allow to use themes without root, does these themes also change the incoming call interface?
Thanks in advance,

