Why do I get bootloop from B140 to B170? - Honor 7 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I was on B140 and then I tried B170 via local update.zip method. I was not rooted. Then I got bootloop. Why?
Then I unlocked the bootloader and flash B130 and now when I apply B140 with the local update.zip method, nothing changes and I am still on B130.
How can I go to this stupid B170 update without suffering?

you have to flash B100 then OTA to B121, B130 and then B140.

I did it but again I cannot use local update.zip to upgrade my phone. I think after someone unlock the bootloader, it is not possible to use this method anymore.
But what else can I do? Can you upgrade to B170 from B100 using fastboot method?

try to flash the B313 Rollback file first!
Maybe it will stop with "not successful!" but a reboot should bring you to interim B300. Then you should be able to flash the B121 Full update out of your dload folder from your internal SD. If this work, you should be able to OTA update to B170. This will work for me after i was in a bootloop (tried to root B170)
Aus besonderem Anlaß:
Hatte mich im Bootloop festgefahren nach dem Versuch zu rooten. Mit dem B313Rollback.zip bin ich in die B300 gerutscht. Wenns geklapt hat, siehst Du beim Booten die "android" Wortanim! Dann per dload ordner die B121 voll mittels "Einschaltknopf+Lautstärke +/- Tasten gleichzeitig" flashen. Sollte klappen so noch alles einigermassen auf der Reihe ist. Viel Glück!:fingers-crossed:

non-toxic said:
try to flash the B313 Rollback file first!
Maybe it will stop with "not successful!" but a reboot should bring you to interim B300. Then you should be able to flash the B121 Full update out of your dload folder from your internal SD. If this work, you should be able to OTA update to B170. This will work for me after i was in a bootloop (tried to root B170)
Aus besonderem Anlaß:
Hatte mich im Bootloop festgefahren nach dem Versuch zu rooten. Mit dem B313Rollback.zip bin ich in die B300 gerutscht. Wenns geklapt hat, siehst Du beim Booten die "android" Wortanim! Dann per dload ordner die B121 voll mittels "Einschaltknopf+Lautstärke +/- Tasten gleichzeitig" flashen. Sollte klappen so noch alles einigermassen auf der Reihe ist. Viel Glück!:fingers-crossed:
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Vielen Dank! Ich gemacht habe, was du mir gesagt hat, und es hat funktioniert !!!
The key to my success is to use volume + / volume - / power bottom at the same time to force it. I first flash B121 and then I got an OTA for B170 !!!
So B170 is not BETA anymore.

ashkan_mc said:
Vielen Dank! Ich gemacht habe, was du mir gesagt hat, und es hat funktioniert !!!
The key to my success is to use volume + / volume - / power bottom at the same time to force it. I first flash B121 and then I got an OTA for B170 !!!
So B170 is not BETA anymore.
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i have same problem here..how to flash? cat show step by step please?

How to flash B313 rollback file?via fastboot?

Nozamska said:
How to flash B313 rollback file?via fastboot?
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You have to flash it via stock recovery.


[Q] Android on HD2

Habe ein HD 2 mit Tmobile Branding und möchte jetzt Android drauf machen.
Dazu habe ich gelesen sollte ich MAGLDR installieren.
Damit ich MAGLDR installieren kann muss ich mein SPL auf 1.42 bekommen ist immoment auf 1.6 iwas.
Wer kann mir mit dem scheiß weiterhelfen ich blick einfach nich mehr durch.
Und ist es ratsam eine Goldcart zu erstellen und wenn ja wie geht das?
Danke allen die mir weiterhelfen bin auch gerne bereit eine Gebühr zu bezahlen und mein Handy weiterzugeben damit mir jemand Android drauf macht.
Translation by Mod:
Have a HD 2 with Tmobile branding and would now make Android on it.
In addition I have read I should install MAGLDR.
So I can install MAGLDR do I get my SPL is at 1:42 iwas IMMOMENT to 1.6.
Who can help me with the **** I look just nothing around by.
And it is advisable to Goldcart create and if so how?
Thanks to all the help I am also willing to pay a fee and pass on my phone it gives me someone Android on it.
Go here and do a lot of reading....
I'm using Android on my HD2 with no problems at all...
Gehen Sie hier und wollen eine Menge zu lesen ....
Ich bin mit meiner HD2 mit überhaupt keine Probleme ... Android
my hd2 stuck after flash rom used MAGLDR
hi all, i have a problem after install MAGLDR to my HD2 rom, after reboot screen show HTC and no respon...i can't do anything cause usb not detect at pc..
before i flash my rom version is 3.14.707.3(04666) WWE, radio Version my spl is 1.42 before install MAGLDR...i need help to resolve this problem....plzzzzz
already pushed reset while holding volume down to enter into bootloader screen but can't flash cause my pc not detect usb, and fail to flash.....
the tricolor screen just show about 1 second...after that i connect usb...
no usb word show just serial only....
apat_hsb said:
no usb word show just serial only....
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ok i already flash the rom...until loading the screen pop up show Error "Install \WINDOWS\PT_PhoneCompanion.CAB failed, code =0x80070005....
apat_hsb said:
ok i already flash the rom...until loading the screen pop up show Error "Install \WINDOWS\PT_PhoneCompanion.CAB failed, code =0x80070005....
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You can always flash back to stock via SD Card then start over. Go to the HD2 Rom section for direction. Unlike Older HTC Devices, if you install a Rom via SD Card it will reset the phone back to stock. You will need to reapply SPL.
I NAND flashed my HD2 yesterday. I did have issues with it stickign to Waiting for USB after added MAGLDR. However, it finally took. I had to do as the thread in the HD2 section suggested and hook up the phone then open Activesync and uncheck ALLOW USB.
M_T_M said:
Go here and do a lot of reading....
I'm using Android on my HD2 with no problems at all...
Gehen Sie hier und wollen eine Menge zu lesen ....
Ich bin mit meiner HD2 mit überhaupt keine Probleme ... Android
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Ja danke.
Aber leider weiß ich net nach was ich da suchen soll.
Kann mir denn nicht ijemand helfen??
SVNetus said:
Ja danke.
Aber leider weiß ich net nach was ich da suchen soll.
Kann mir denn nicht ijemand helfen??
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oh! Sie meinen den NAND Android? Gehen Sie hier und dieses Video ansehen. Es erklärt alles, was Sie zum NAND installieren.
oh! you mean the NAND Android? Go here and watch this video. It explains everything you need to install the NAND.
htc hd2
hey guys.
i've got a problem.
i want to run Android on my hd2.
the problemen is that i have spl-3.03.000
i have tried to put hspl 2and3 but i get an error with the number00000005
and then wrong or bad spl.
i have tried to download another htc original ROM, but i still have the
spl 3.03.000.
can someone help me.
thx marc

[Q] [HELP] Android AiPhone SK168

i bought that phone and install an app but after rebooting Android can't load and endless reboot therefore what can i do to resolve it
note the fact i didn't make any kind of backup?
thanks you for answering my question
help me please
way te recover your SK168
Hi, in the fastboot-mode you can select 'recovery'
The way you can do:
1. Turn off your phone
2. Press 'volume -' and the power button
your phone start in the FASTBOOT mode.
3. Press 'volume -' again, to select 'recovery', and press powerbutton to start.
I hope this will solve your problem.
Other Questions
Do you happen to know if there are firmware updates for this phone, or a clockwork mod ?
THX anyway for the recovery !!!
SD card PB
Hello again !
As a matter of facts, I also have a problem: The SD card often seems to unmount, and I have to reboot the phone to see it again. Is there an other way to mount it ?
A script, maybe or an App ?
Hello i have the same problem as with the sd card. But in my case it seems is permanently. Doesn't matter how many times i reboot the phone.
Has someone find a solution to this?
Thanks and sorry to up an "old" thread.
Edit: My solution to the SD problem:
fastboot oem enableqxdm 0
fastboot oem eraseconfig
Solution after reading here: hxxp://android.modaco.com/topic/299174-no-adb-no-sd/
bootet nur noch im recovery menu!
bräuchte mal eure hilfe! Bin neu hier und habe leider bis jetzt nichts gefunden was mir weiter helfen kann.
zu meinem broblemm!
ich habe ich efox Aipohne mhk 168 soll gleich sein wie das sk 168.
es ist android 2.3.3 drauf. erts lief es perfeckt doch dann hatte ich kein gps signal mehr bekommen das handy fuhr immerwieder neu hoch solange das gps an wahr. ich hatte ein backup gemacht.jetzt komme ich nur noch ins recovery menu direkt bei anmachen. habe mir auch bereits neu android softwar für dieses handy besorgt doch leider nicht als rom. wenn ich das backup starten will kommt immer ein fehler das es kein md5 gibt. wie bekomme ich die neu software installiert?
hier ein paar daten zum handy!
AIBOOT-2000.12.01 (AIPHONE_0000)
15. april 2011, 17.29.02
<VOL UP> zum vorherigen Element
<VOL DOWN> to next item
<POWER> Den Eintrag wählen
Hallo toertchen,
ich bin auch stolzer Besitzer eines solchen China-Böllers
Ich habe (leider) auch schon Android 2.3 drauf, ein absolut nacktes System, ohne Market, Navigator usw.
Ich habe mich auch schon bei Efox beschwert das die ganzen Apps, die im Efox-Shop beworben sind, fehlen. Das einzige, was die mir bisher geschickt haben ist ein .jar file für GoogleMaps.
GPS-Empfang hab ich bisher noch gar keinen gehabt.
Z. Zt kämpfe ich mit der Installation des Markets, es hakt noch am GoogleApps.apk das noch nicht richtig rund läuft.
Wo hast Du denn neue Android-Software für das Handy herbekommen?
Hat Efox Dir die geschickt?
Ich würde versuchen, Efox zu fragen, wie man die neue SW installiert.
Ich habe die Erfahrung gemacht. dass die sich auch bemühen, wenn man denen nur oft genug auf den Keks geht...nach der ersten Anfrage kommt meist nur ne blöde Ausrede, aber wenn man weiter nervt gehts dann doch.
roverts said:
Hi, in the fastboot-mode you can select 'recovery'
The way you can do:
1. Turn off your phone
2. Press 'volume -' and the power button
your phone start in the FASTBOOT mode.
3. Press 'volume -' again, to select 'recovery', and press powerbutton to start.
I hope this will solve your problem.
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i am new at this
I have a W801 which is the same Aiphone SK168
first, who has the original roms and as is the way instalr?
I have problems with the wifi, is looking for the ip and never connect not get the signal meter wiifi?
follow the steps to recovery and is in the startup screen Avans has some timeout or how late the recovery?
z4root not working the program to leave some in root mode to sk168?
I have another with imei 000000000000000 sk168, how to solve this?
would be helpful thanks
Android 2.3.4 for Aiphone SK168
Maybe this is interesting for you guys.
The latest ROM for the SK168 is Android 2.3.4. and is rooted.
Running smoothly on my SK168 with hardware revision P7.
The ROM is also available for the P1 and P4 versions.
I also have USB and ADB drivers for this phone so you will have full access with Android SDK.
PM me if you want the software.
Please use the Q&A Forum for questions Thanks
Moving to Q&A
hi, ihave the sk168 phone and i want to "root" it, can you give me the drivers of this phone ?
Do you know if i can root it with SuperOneClick ??
Thank you,
markvlie said:
Maybe this is interesting for you guys.
The latest ROM for the SK168 is Android 2.3.4. and is rooted.
Running smoothly on my SK168 with hardware revision P7.
The ROM is also available for the P1 and P4 versions.
I also have USB and ADB drivers for this phone so you will have full access with Android SDK.
PM me if you want the software.
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Hi there,
Thank you for assist!
My W801 runs the 2.2.1 Android ver.
I'll be happy to get the fresh one from you.
Thank you in advance.
markvlie said:
Maybe this is interesting for you guys.
The latest ROM for the SK168 is Android 2.3.4. and is rooted.
Running smoothly on my SK168 with hardware revision P7.
The ROM is also available for the P1 and P4 versions.
I also have USB and ADB drivers for this phone so you will have full access with Android SDK.
PM me if you want the software.
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Dear Mark,
I've tried to send you the PM few times, but as I see, the PM service doesn't work at this forum.
Please, contact me by e-mail (richard.t.lh-at-gmail-dot-com) if it's possible about the fresh firmware for my sick W801.
Thank you in advance.
Dear Mark,
I have just sent a PM to you, please reply it. The same wish to have the new firmware.
The hardware rev. P7 is no "recovery" is offered.
How can I update what was recommended that to undo? After this update does not touch is working. Please help me. Thx for advanced.
Tinemaya said:
The hardware rev. P7 is no "recovery" is offered.
How can I update what was recommended that to undo? After this update does not touch is working. Please help me. Thx for advanced.
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I kept the old chinese tool that the vendor send to me to flash and install the old ROM (2.3.3).
If you want i can upload those tool, the ROM and the drivers (which are HTC ones, but works). There is a small tutorial too in chinese about how to use the tool.
Thanks for answer. I have try it with other versions, e.g. RUU-P7-Android-2.3- and RUU-P7-Android-2.3- and RUU-P7-Android-2.2- But nothing has help.
The Touchscreen does'nt work.
Please upload this ROM with drivers from HTC, i will try it with this. Thanks for advanced.
Tinemaya said:
Thanks for answer. I have try it with other versions, e.g. RUU-P7-Android-2.3- and RUU-P7-Android-2.3- and RUU-P7-Android-2.2- But nothing has help.
The Touchscreen does'nt work.
Please upload this ROM with drivers from HTC, i will try it with this. Thanks for advanced.
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Here you go:
hxxp://www . mediafire . com/?s9d8uacb816s1a8
Change the xx to tt, and clear the white spaces... i cant post links yet.
Broken link W801
Doesn anyone can upload the ROM again? link is broken.
Also, do we know if someone with knowledges about tweaking ROMs would fix this one to OC it?

[Q] I updated my Phone Galaxy s3 from 4.04 to 4.3 and now i cant make a phone call.

Hallo! Wie oben beschrieben hab ich folgendes Problem.
Ich hab mit Odin ein Update der Firmware von 4.04 auf 4.3 gemacht. Nach dem Update hat das Gerät noch ein paar updates OTA gemacht und abschliesend einen neustart gemacht.
Nun zu meinem Problem: Ich kann mich nicht im netz Registrieren.,
Ich hab es mit mehreren simkarten versucht jedoch erfolglos.
Hab das Gerät komplett gewiped (cache und Factory reset) brachte aber leider keine besserung.
Was nun!? Kann mir im Raum Wien evt jemand Helfen mein G3 wieder gangbar zu machen?
Wäre schade wenns ein Briefbeschwerer wäre.
Grüße Peter
Hello! I have the following Problem. I updatet my Phone from android 4.04 to android 4.3-
Imei is Correct but i canz make Phone calls.
I tried to wipe the cache and make a factory reset but nothing helps.
Had someone a clue?
Greetings from Vienna
gramurspel said:
Hallo! Wie oben beschrieben hab ich folgendes Problem.
Ich hab mit Odin ein Update der Firmware von 4.04 auf 4.3 gemacht. Nach dem Update hat das Gerät noch ein paar updates OTA gemacht und abschliesend einen neustart gemacht.
Nun zu meinem Problem: Ich kann mich nicht im netz Registrieren.,
Ich hab es mit mehreren simkarten versucht jedoch erfolglos.
Hab das Gerät komplett gewiped (cache und Factory reset) brachte aber leider keine besserung.
Was nun!? Kann mir im Raum Wien evt jemand Helfen mein G3 wieder gangbar zu machen?
Wäre schade wenns ein Briefbeschwerer wäre.
Grüße Peter
Hello! I have the following Problem. I updatet my Phone from android 4.04 to android 4.3-
Imei is Correct but i canz make Phone calls.
I tried to wipe the cache and make a factory reset but nothing helps.
Had someone a clue?
Greetings from Vienna
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100s of identical post'syou need a patched modem and kernel look and you shall find.
THAT was helpfull!
tallman43 said:
100s of identical post'syou need a patched modem and kernel look and you shall find.
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Your message was VERRy helpfull. Everyone can compile operating systems and so ones.
you must be a genius.
You dont find it necessery to help other people who dont understand that peace of ****.
gramurspel said:
Your message was VERRy helpfull. Everyone can compile operating systems and so ones.
you must be a genius.
You dont find it necessery to help other people who dont understand that peace of ****.
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It was helpful can't you read "patched modem and kernel" sorry if it appeared not being helpful but it was obvious from your post you had not done any research.One of Xda rules is before opening a thread is to at least do some research on the subject if you had you would have seen many many post's on the subject and how to solve unfortunately people are too lazy to look maybe these links will help sorry for not being helpful
>> http://forum.xda-developers.com/galaxy-s3/general/samsung-galaxy-s3-sticky-roll-thread-t2344125 <<
>> http://forum.xda-developers.com/galaxy-s3/general/ref-imei-efs-stuff-i9300-including-t2393289 <<
>> http://forum.xda-developers.com/galaxy-s3/help/guide-emergency-calls-problem-siii-i9300-t2752541 <<
>> https://drive.google.com/folderview...=sharing&tid=0B6MIUd7HJudAbU5YaGkzOUowMG8#lis <<
Hehe he's so angry.
Hi all,
1) I full wiped my phone
2) I flashed through odin a I9300XXUGNG3_I9300DBTGNG2_DBT 4.3 official samsung ROM downloaded from http://www.sammobile.com/firmwares/1/?model=GT-I9300&pcode=DBT#firmware
3) I flash through odin TWRP 2.8
4) I flashed the kernel and modem from this thread http://forum.xda-developers.com/galaxy-s3/help/guide-emergency-calls-problem-siii-i9300-t2752541
5) I wiped cache, dalvik cache and data and I reboot my GT-I9300
6) Try to make a call without any positive result
I don't know what do anymore...
Pheraps the problem could be some wrong reboot between the points?

G5 H85010L Firmware Update with LGUP got wrong - Error 0x2bc

Hi there,
yesterday i tried to unbrand my G5 via LGUP 1.10 and H85010C_00_OPEN_EU_OP_0415 to download the Android7 update with the Lg bridge. After LGUP showed 10% in progress it stopped with error 0x2bc. Since then my phone stocks in the firmware update screen and i dont know what to do except of sending it to Lg.
Bridge tells my that the newest software is installed, the recovery tells my the update cant loaded and the mobile support tool wont help either.
When i try to update another kdz like H85010i_00_OPEN_EU_OP_0923 LGUP fails and need to be closed by windows.
Anyone an idea?
Best regards from germany
Edit: Ok i got it fixed by using the LGH850_DLL-V2.
Ja wie geil is das denn ^^
Wollte gerade zu XDA um ein bissel auf�n Putz zu hauen warum�s bei mir nedd geht aber bei allen anderen schon und dann kam dein Hinweis mit dem DDL-V2.
Aaalder, ich danke dir *lach* Mit der 415er gehts immer noch nedd, aber die 923er ging jetzt flott drauf. Sehr sehr nice, herzlichen Dank und Gru� aus RLP.
--> sorry for the english-guys... that was a "Thank you man" in german
[EDIT] Ich krieg hier gerade ne Passwort-Abfrage rein, ich h�tte 30 Versuch um nen Passwort einzugeben... wtf? ^^ Hattest du das auch?
[EDIT 2] Ok, Thema erledigt. Hab den Bootloader nach der Installation einfach wieder zu gemacht und das Thema war ok
Hello I've same trouble as yu and I 'm looking for this file: LGH850_DLL-V2 for hours but impossible to find it...
Do yu have any idea ?
Ok I got it.
same problem here with the same firmware ( H85010C but mine is branded Vodafone). 10 % and then error 0x2BC. Good to know that it happens also with 10i. I'm trying to go back to Marshmallow on my LG G5 H850 but I can't be able to do that.
At the end I return to Nougat (20a)
Everyone experienced battery drain with Nougat?

[EN/GER] Flash Fail TWRP please help | Fehlflash bitte um hilfe

I have a mobile phone with Android 5.1 stock ROM lying around since 2017.
Now the problem:
The phone does reboot infinite because I've used TWRP and accidentally flashed my own made Android ROM onto the bootloader and recovery (I'm a little jerky sometimes ... I thought TWRP is such a tool to bring the new ROM into the bootloader... basically: i thought that my ROM will automatically be installed by the bootloader the next time I boot it.) Well, how is it so my bootloader and recovery has been overwritten by my ROM.
It is a Cubot Z100 Pro
The phone's boot image is visible, it lasts about 5 seconds and then it's off again. And then the whole thing repeats itself ...
Well, today I have found it again and well s.The problem has changed nothing (as well as: D)
I hope you can help me. Thank you!
Ich habe ein seit 2017 fehlgeflashed rumliegendes Handy mit Android 5.1 Stock.
Nun zum Problem:
Das Handy startet nicht "durch" da ich TWRP genutzt habe und versehentlich meine Selbst erstelle Android ROM auf den Bootloader und den Recovery geflashed habe (Ich bin manchmal etwas schusselig... Ich dachte TWRP ist so ein Tool womit man die neue ROM in den Bootloader verschieben kann sprich: Ich dachte, dass meine ROM beim nächsten Start durch den Bootloader automatisch installiert wird.) Nun ja wie es denn so ist ist mein Bootloader und Recovery durch meine ROM überschrieben worden.
Es handelt sich um ein Cubot Z100 Pro
Des Handy's Boot-image ist zu sehen, es hält ca. 5 Sekunden und dann ist es wieder aus. Und dann Wiederholt sich das Ganze...
Tja heute habe ich es wiedergefunden und naja am Problem hat sich nix geändert (wie denn auch )
Ich hoffe ihr könnt mir helfen. Danke!

