[CLOSED] Wireless Authentication Error Occurred - Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I recently am battling this wireless issue. Here's the timeline of what I did:
Rooted Samsung S3 LTE (aka i9305) with old bootloader 4.1.2. Firmware was XXBMD5. Wifi was perfect.
Flashed Agni kernel. (At this point, I wasnt paying attention if wifi was good as I was using mostly data.)
Flashed AMCHA v9 KitKat ROM. Updated the firmware to XXUFOI1 but still with old bootloader. (At this point, I did notice that wifi was spotty and was dropping more frequently.)
So now I notice that when I am near the router ie full wifi range, I get connected. No problem whatsoever, but if I move further like 3 meters, it drops, and I get "Authentication Error Occurred". Once dropped, if I try to reconnect, it would not get connected or prompt incorrect password.
I searched online and found its common among Samsung users. I have tried the steps as outlined in a thread.
1) Flashed stock rom with root.
2) Full wipe and factory reset.
3) disable power saving mode via *#0011#.
Still no joy. So I have saved a log. Basically, I started the log capture when I turned on the wifi within 2 meter range to the router and then walk away from the router and it got disconnected and then I walked back again. So I hope wireless experts can tell me whats going on with the attached log.
What I have not done:
Flash stock JB ROM via Odin. (Users have reported that it doesnt help so I did not try. as yet.)
Take apart the phone to check for loose screw in wifi module.
Thanks in advance.


Wi-Fi & GPS unresponsive

I seem to be having a small(or large?) issue with my Wi-Fi connectivity - after rooting my phone it didn't surprise me that I lost GPS functionality, it didn't surprise me that I never got it back but hey I can live without it if it means I don't have to wait for HTC.
What's beginning to bother me is the fact that my phone can't manage a Wi-Fi connection it could 3 days ago.
Tried restoring my 1st nandroid backup that I made immediately after I flashed the custom recovery and I still had no Wi-Fi. And no GPS.
Also I have tried flashing as well as with no result on either front.
Please help me out if ya can.
What ROM you using pal?
1st thing to try is to put both your GPS and WiFi on, then turn your phone off and back on again.
I'm currently trying to use SenseHero 2.2
I have tried turning on both WiFi and GPS and rebooting, I have also tried similarly - leaving them on and flashing the radio too...
It doesn't seem to be helping all too much.
Furthermore(and the part that concerns me most) I have tried restoring my initial nandroid, the 1st one I made and saved after flashing the custom recovery and still nothing.
and there's no mention of issues in the Sensehero thread no?
If I was you,....
I'd backup my sd,... Format it. Then run a RUU so it unroots and goes back to stock state,... then see if it is working again or not.
I've been searching threads over as many forums I can find for DAYS. But still a no go..
I suppose I'll try to unroot it. I haven't finished researching the RUU's, does it matter which one I use?
Well apparently unrooting the phone doesn't reinstate the GPS or WiFi connectivity.... GPS still "unable to determine location" and the WiFi still SEES the WLAN networks in range but still cannot connect to any of them.
I can't seem to find anyone else who has had problems with WiFi connecting let alone wifi AND gps problems.

[Q] Can't connect to wifi

I can't connect to wifi ,it says authentication error occurred ,when I change back to stock rom, it show me saved and secured
sorry to bump such an old thread, but i can't seem to find a fix on this authentication error.. it just appeared all of a sudden, i have not done anything special with the router nor on my S3, my other devices can connect with wifi smoothly.
well, to start with, i was able to connect before.
any suggestions on how to fix this? i just might send this to the service center -.-
things i have tried:
-restart the router
-entered router details manually on my s3
-flashed another custom rom
-flashed another modem, kernel
-flashed a stock firmware
-reset the router
i have searched high and low in google and still no solution

[Q] Wifi Connection Issues, cm10.1 CWM

I have looked around for a couple of hours and cannot find any answer to this.
I have just got my S3 back from being repaired after Sudden Death, and have rooted using Odin and CWM Touch, and flashed the latest cm10.1 Nightly (Currently 17022013)
I am able to connect to the mobile network (3 UK) and get a good H+ connection.
I cleared all of my saved wifi networks, and try to connect to my home connection. It Accepts the WPA key, and gets to 'Obtaining IP Address...' and does not go any further.
I have tried now on several wireless networks including insecure ones, and it will not connect.
Please help if you've had anything similar, or if I need to provide more information, a log of some kind
I have installed the latest nightly from CM10.1 and the issue is still present. Which makes me think that it is not a CM issue.
I will be re-flashing the stock image of the phone to confirm this shortly. Will post results
this worked for me but i found it easiser to swap the folder before instaling rom

[Q] Samsung Galaxy SIII (GT-I9300) International Crashing And Rebooting

Hi, I'm having a curious problem with my S3 and I've been unable to solve it. I watched the "noob" video and tried searching these forums as well as a google search with various combinations of the wording for my problem. Nothing matching my issue turned up, I hope I didn't miss anything.
I recently bought a S3 second hand (yes, i know, i should have known better). It was rooted and running some kind of custom ROM when I first turned it on, but I was willing to deal with it until I double checked the procedure for getting it back to stock and starting again myself (nothing against the original rooting and flashing, just like to know exactly what I'm running).
When I purchased the phone I obviously checked that all of the main things worked - calling, texts, mobile data, wi-fi etc. I get home and connect to my home wi-fi and start checking things out and setting stuff up. The phone randomly rebooted. I carry on after the reboot and about 10 mins later, another restart.
To cut a long story short, there is something wrong with the wi-fi. If I turn off wi-fi in the settings menu and reboot, everything works great. No crashes, no reboots. If however I enable the wi-fi about 50% of the time it will crash while wi-fi is activating. The other 50% of the time, it will crash as it goes into the screen lock (either via timeout or pressing the button).
I've re-flashed to it's stock version of Android (using the 'Samsung GS3 Toolkit and Odin), same problem. Anyone got any ideas?
Thanks in advance
You can try updating the modem and RIL to the right version for your country, search in general forum. If it still reboots then try with another wifi source - I've seen some routers cause problems on client machines.
If you do a factory reset when you flash the modem, plus you have the latest stock ROM on board, then any remaining problems are probably hardware.
Test it fully after the factory reset, before you add any apps etc.
boomboomer said:
You can try updating the modem and RIL to the right version for your country, search in general forum. If it still reboots then try with another wifi source - I've seen some routers cause problems on client machines.
If you do a factory reset when you flash the modem, plus you have the latest stock ROM on board, then any remaining problems are probably hardware.
Test it fully after the factory reset, before you add any apps etc.
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After much experimentation and flashing of various files to my phone I have further narrowed the problem. I've still not solved it, but getting closer I feel.
After a clean ROM flash it works like a charm regardless of how much i use the wifi etc. It's only after the first reboot that the trouble starts. It will begin randomly restarting. If I perform a factory reset from recovery mode, it works again, but starts resetting again after a reboot.
Any ideas?

[Q] Wifi not working (g)

Hello, i'm flashed a new rom
[ROM] Dirty Unicorns 4.4.4 [UNOFFICIAL][BUILT-1](16-8-2014)
And don't have any problems. Currently in home i connecting to linksys, wifi mode is N. I visiting my mom it has router d-link 610, i suppose it has G wireless mode, so the question is following, when i scan any wifi connection, i cannot see her router, however all other devices perfectly see, Note 3, notebook with N mode. And i cannot understand why it's happening, may i should reflash "some" module, so it started to work.
It's currently blank, even if i put manualy SSID and password.
Maxim-SS- said:
Hello, i'm flashed a new rom
[ROM] Dirty Unicorns 4.4.4 [UNOFFICIAL][BUILT-1](16-8-2014)
And don't have any problems. Currently in home i connecting to linksys, wifi mode is N. I visiting my mom it has router d-link 610, i suppose it has G wireless mode, so the question is following, when i scan any wifi connection, i cannot see her router, however all other devices perfectly see, Note 3, notebook with N mode. And i cannot understand why it's happening, may i should reflash "some" module, so it started to work.
It's currently blank, even if i put manualy SSID and password.
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Wipe data & cache. Reflash Kernel & ROM.
If still doesn't work please provide dmesg and logcat
zhy0919 said:
Wipe data & cache. Reflash Kernel & ROM.
If still doesn't work please provide dmesg and logcat
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Thank you for answer, after some experiments i flashed bad rom (don't ask my how about 2 years of experience), hopefully fastboot still worked, i reflashed nemesis kernel, and after it , throught adb iterface i pulled to phone corrected rom. However, i decided to return to stock rom with flashtool, after all long time of manipulation of my xperia (about 1 year),
And now it's working almost great, however i'm still finding a good rom.
Also i did as you adviced me, still no results. By the way thank you

