Hey all. Just wondering if anyone in same boat as myself and my partner. I have G925f and she has a new g920. Both have same issues since upgrading to marshmallow. We both got another update a few weeks ago with bug fixes but no joy. 1 main one is the signal not returning. If you go to an area with no signal the phone will not find network to you either set air0lain node or search for network. Hers is the same. Tried all the service menu tips but can find anything. I've reloaded software via odin still same. Another one is some apps say can't load right now. You have to close the app and restart. Any this greatly appreciated
I have a problem with with connectivity of my phone. I will have full 3g service but at times will not be able to load anything on the web. To correct this I have to continuously refresh till it connects or reboot my phone. On average this happens 2-3 times a day (usually will start to connect after I refresh the page a few times) and requires a reboot to correct about 2-3 times a week. I have had this problem while completely stock and while running various custom roms. I have called "tech" support at T-Mobile and so far they have been no help. They gave me a new sim, reset my service twice, master reset my phone, and told me to switch to Edge every time it happens to see if that helps. So far nothing. My local store said they are fixing the towers around my area because we are not seeing the speeds we should, but this happens on any location I am in around the city.
Is anyone else having this problem? Any help to fix this would be awesome!
Another, maybe associated problem, is I am not able to download any files to my phone. When trying to do so from any download site, when I select download nothing happens. I have Astro and have it selected to allow. When it does randomly decide it will download the file it will only download about 180kb and say its finished when the file is 180mb. Any ideas on why this is happening again would be awesome. Right now I am using Bionix 9 and have no problems with anything else. This happens no matter what rom I am using just like the connection problems.
If this has been answered already I am sorry but I could not find it just direct me that way and close this thread. I usually find what I need without posting as you can see from the lack of posts lol. Thanks again all!
I have the same problem. For example I will have full bars on 3g and market will say something about no network connection
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
I've had the same problem as well. Tmobile said to get a new SIM card, which i did. It helped a little bit, but every once in a while it will lose its connection. They are sending me a new phone, since I threatened to cancel service. I'm really hoping froyo will fix this problem.
Hi - I am brand new here and have spent a couple of days working out a couple of problems I have had with Thunderbolt ROM V2 Jelly Bean. The first problem I had was no sound coming from the Samsung S2 dock, I read around tried a few different solutions but nothing worked. I did happen to find an excellent Playstore App called 'Dock Sound Redirector' and this did the job for me.
However, after leaving for some shopping today I have found a major problem with the ROM which is that I cannot receive a data signal for most of my apps, except strangely - Facebook. I get connection errors on my news apps, flipboard fails, twitter fails etc. So this is a major problem and defeats the purpose of having a smart phone.
I have an international Galaxy S2.
So - so far I have flashed the radio with at least 3 different zips and nothing has worked. I downloaded a network switch tool that allowed me to better access the protocols such as CDMA, GSM and so on. No effect.
Has anyone had the same issue and has any ideas about solving this one?
On install I just took the default kernel (although I have no idea what that means) which was the dream kernel.
Really appreciate it.
This has been bugging me for a while and google doesn't give me anyone with a similar problem.
After the second or third call I make, after a reboot, the cell network just drops. It's as if I was inside a tunnel, no signal.
If I go in Settings -> more... , the last item "Mobile networks" is greyed out and I can't access it.
It's like the chip came out or something and the OS doesn't find it... I don't know.
All I know is that a reboot returns the connection to the GSM network.... but that's inconvenient.
Does anyone know of a reason why this might happen? And how to fix ?
How old is your SIM card?
A friend of mine has the same problem and his SIM card is over 10 years old. I'm telling him to exchange it for a new one at his operator. When he finds time he'll do it. I can report back if it helped.
Sent from my pool filled with printer ink
pocaracas said:
This has been bugging me for a while and google doesn't give me anyone with a similar problem.
After the second or third call I make, after a reboot, the cell network just drops. It's as if I was inside a tunnel, no signal.
If I go in Settings -> more... , the last item "Mobile networks" is greyed out and I can't access it.
It's like the chip came out or something and the OS doesn't find it... I don't know.
All I know is that a reboot returns the connection to the GSM network.... but that's inconvenient.
Does anyone know of a reason why this might happen? And how to fix ?
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I too experience exactly same problem my model is LG-E455
My friend exchanged his old SIM card for a new one. The problem is still there :/
Sent from my A0001
Have you tried to reinstall firmware with lg update windows app?
kentax said:
Have you tried to reinstall firmware with lg update windows app?
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Please explain how to do that
Almost a year later.... sorry about being away.
A few months ago, my phone ran into some weird trouble and it did a full system reset...
I took advantage of that to unroot it and let an update install (which was available for a while, but refused to due to having the phone rooted).
Since that update, I don't remember suffering this problem any longer.
So yeah, just perform the official update, if you have one available:
- Settings -> About phone -> Software Update
I'm now on build number JZO54K, Software version E46010p-EUR-XX, kernel 3.4.0 and it just works.
I,ve got that problem with my z1c for a long time. In fact, since i own this device.
It has a problem with connecting to the internet, lets say, every fifth attempt to connect. Then the icon changes constantly from h+ to 3g+ and back. You see its working, but it cant get the data from the net.
What i do then is, i switch off mobile-broadband and switch it on again and then it will work for some time.
But it can be very annoying and i still use my good ol z1c as my main phone, so it would be cool to fix this.
Its not the provider. No problem with that SIM-Card in other phones. Its stock-android 5.1.1
If you have an idea, please help
Some updates on the problem:
If i choose "WCDMA only" as my preferred Network-type the problem is solved. But then i cant get any connection if i'm in an area, where only EDGE network is available.
ruhrmolch said:
I,ve got that problem with my z1c for a long time. In fact, since i own this device.
It has a problem with connecting to the internet, lets say, every fifth attempt to connect. Then the icon changes constantly from h+ to 3g+ and back. You see its working, but it cant get the data from the net.
What i do then is, i switch off mobile-broadband and switch it on again and then it will work for some time.
But it can be very annoying and i still use my good ol z1c as my main phone, so it would be cool to fix this.
Its not the provider. No problem with that SIM-Card in other phones. Its stock-android 5.1.1
If you have an idea, please help
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Have u checked the Access Point?
Sent from my SM-G935F using Tapatalk
yes, the apn is correct
Back up your data and use Sony PC companion to reflash your firmware , probably you will fix that issue .
Already done my friend.
I once flashed a custom ROM on the phone. The internet was fine, but several other problems forced me back to stock-android. Flashed with the xperia companion.
Sadly this strange problem came back with stock-android.
Thats what is confusing me, too.
Some updates on the problem:
If i choose "WCDMA only" as my preferred Network-type the problem is solved. But then i cant get any connection if i'm in an area, where only EDGE network is available.
Hey guys! So first of all I'm a newbie in the most recent technology, so if I said something that does not make any sense, please bear with me
Basically, I've updated my Galaxy Tab S3 a week ago to Android version 8.0.0/Samsung Experience version 9.0, and something VERY STRANGE happened.
So my Wifi connection set up, it says that I'm connected to my network but it has no internet. And here is the chicky part, I can actually browse online, download and update my apps even use FB app, BUT when I try to link and sign in on my OneDrive Cloud it says that I need internet connection.
I have no idea what is going on, so if anyone can please help me with this particular issue
PS- before the update i had no issues with internet connection with my tablet. By the way all my other devices are connected to the network with no issues.
Thanks in advance!
I have the same problem. I tried resetting many times and still doesn't work. I was hoping another firmware update would fix the problem, and yesterday I was happy to see a new update with google patch Oct. 2018. I was excited and updated the firmware, but still have internet problem. So I tried factory reset the Tab S3- bad decision! Now I can't even get pass the "Agree to the Terms and Conditions" section since it says I have no internet!